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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Let me De-influence you” : En kvalitativ studie av fenomenet De-influencing på TikTok

Björnbom, Linnéa, Appelberg, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
I dagens samhälle bidrar influencers till den köphets och konsumtionskultur som råder på sociala medier. Som en protest mot detta uppkom fenomenet de-influencing på sociala plattformar i början av 2023. De-influencing fördömer konsumtionskulturen och sägs vara en motreaktion på traditionell influencer marketing. Samtidigt diskuterar media huruvida de-influencing kan konkurrera ut den traditionella influencer marketing-branschen. Syftet med den här studien var att studera de-influencing som fenomen på TikTok, både ur ett mottagar- och avsändarperspektiv. Detta genom att undersöka hur de-influencing skiljer sig från traditionell marknadskommunikation, hur responsen på de-influencing innehåll kan se ut samt hur micro-influencers ser på fenomenet. TikTok-videos med tillhörande respons analyserades multimodalt och micro-influencers intervjuades sedan som ett komplement till den multimodala analysen. Huvudresultatet visade att både skillnader och likheter kan dras mellan de-influencing och traditionell marknadskommunikation. Strategier inom såväl Influencer Marketing som Corporate Social Responsibility identifierades i materialet som analyserades. Responsen på de-influencing innehåll visade sig vara övervägande positiv, något som talar för att det finns ett visst samband mellan de-influencing och förtroende. Resultatet visade även att micro-influencers ser såväl fördelar som nackdelar med att använda sig av de-influencing iframtiden.

Påverkande faktorer vid investeringsbeslut gällande nyproduktion av hyresrätter : En kvalitativ studie med aktörer från fastighetsbolag i Sverige / Influential Factors in Investment decisions regarding New production of Rental properties : A Qualitative study with Actors from Real Estate companies in Sweden

Govén, Tove, Zidén, Theo January 2023 (has links)
Det råder idag bostadsbrist i Sverige men trots detta så är antalet nybyggnationer avbostadslägenheter fortfarande mycket lägre än vad som krävs för att behandla bostadsbristen. Närfastighetsmarknaden befinner sig i en uppgångsfas så ökar bostadsproduktionen av hyresrätter ochinvesteringar på den svenska fastighetsmarknaden. Idag står vi inför en nedgång påfastighetsmarknaden vilket gör att färre investeringar i produktion av bostäder görs trots attefterfrågan samt bostadsbehovet består. Det ligger en osäkerhet i dels vilja och dels förmåga attproducera fler hyresrätter idag. Frågan är vilka faktorer som påverkar fastighetsbolagensinvesteringsbeslut gällande nyproduktion av hyresrätter idag? Detta är en kvalitativ studie som grundas av en empirisk insamling och byggs upp av dels enlitteraturstudie och dels en kvalitativ intervjustudie med en avsikt av att kunna ge stöd för varandra.Insamlingsdatan av litteraturstudien är grundad på tidigare forskning och rapporter som berörämnet. Insamlingsdatan av intervjustudien grundas på 7 intervjuer med aktörer som representerarprivata fastighetsbolag och besitter mycket kunskap om dagens marknad och investeringsbeslut. Resultatet av denna studie visar att den största faktorn som påverkar fastighetsbolagensinvesteringsbeslut gällande nyproduktion är att projektet behöver vara lönsamt och genereraavkastning. Konjunkturen är också en faktor på så sätt att det är svårt att tajma projekt eftersom detär svårt att förutse vad som kommer hända på marknaden i framtiden. Samtliga respondenter anseratt Sveriges bostadsbrist inte är en faktor som påverkar bolagens investeringsbeslut utan att detsnarare är fastighetens geografiska läge som påverkar. Sveriges regelverk och lagar tas också uppsom faktorer där Svea hovrätts nya dom om presumtionshyra påverkar många fastighetsbolagsinvesteringar av hyresrätter. Den stigande räntan, inflationen, avkastningskraven ochproduktionskostnaden är också faktorer som har lett till att fastighetsbolagen är mer defensiva iinvesteringar idag. Det förekommer också vissa skiljaktiga åsikter angående vilken investering som ärmest lönsam: hyresrätter eller bostadsrätter. Detta påverkar också många fastighetsbolag i vilkenupplåtelseform de väljer att investera i. Slutsatsen är att faktorerna som påverkar fastighetsbolagens investeringsbeslut i nyproduktion tillstor del är påverkade av konjunkturläget i samhället. I nuläget kostar det helt enkelt för mycket förfastighetsbolagen att starta nyproduktion. Det går inte att anta ett projekt som genererar en lönsaminvestering, vilket är det viktigaste för alla fastighetsbolag vid ett investeringsbeslut. Ett förslag påvidare forskning är att utvidga arbetet och intervjua ytterligare fastighetsbolag vilket skulle leda tillökad validitet i studien. Det hade varit intressant att göra en likartad studie men att också få in deallmännyttiga fastighetsbolagens perspektiv. Ett ytterligare förslag på vidare forskning är attundersöka forskningsfrågan i andra områden i Sverige eller utifrån ett internationellt perspektiv sområder av andra marknader och förutsättningar. / Today, there is a housing shortage in Sweden, but despite this, the number of new constructions ofresidential apartments is still much lower than what is required to address the housing shortage.When the real estate market is in an upswing, the production of rental properties and investments inthe Swedish real estate market increases. Today we are facing a downturn in the real estate market,which means that fewer investments in the production of housing are made, even though thedemand and the need for housing remain. There is an uncertainty in both the will and the ability toproduce more rental properties today. The question is which factors influence the real estatecompanies' investment decisions regarding new production of rental properties today? This is a qualitative study that is based on an empirical collection and is built up partly by a literaturestudy and partly by a qualitative interview-study with the intention of being able to provide support for each other. The collection data of the literature-study is based on previous research and reports concerning the subject. The interview-study is based on seven interviews with people who representprivate real estate companies and possess a lot of knowledge about today's market and investmentdecisions. The results of this study indicate that the biggest factor that influences real estate companiesinvestment decisions regarding new production is that the project needs to be profitable andgenerate yield. The economy is also a factor in that it is difficult to account for happenings in themarket when planning a project. All respondents believe that Sweden's housing shortage is not afactor that affects companies investment decisions, but rather that it is the property's geographicallocation that affects it. Sweden's regulations and laws are also brought up as a factor. Svea Court ofAppeal's new ruling on presumptive rent has affected many property companies desire to invest inrental properties. The rising interest rate, inflation, yield requirements and production costs are alsofactors that have led to real estate companies being more defensive in investments today. There arealso some differing opinions regarding which investment is more profitable: rental properties orcondominiums. This also affects many property companies in which form of lease they choose toinvest in. The conclusion is that the factors that influence the real estate companies investment decisions innew production are largely influenced by the economic situation in society. Today, it costs too muchfor property companies to start new production. It is not possible to adopt a project that generates aprofitable investment, which is the most important thing for all real estate companies when makingan investment decision. A suggestion for further research is to expand the work and interviewadditional real estate companies, which would lead to increased validity in the study. It would havebeen interesting to do a similar study but to also get the perspective of the public propertycompanies. Another suggestion for further research is to investigate the research question in otherareas in Sweden or from an international perspective that is governed by other markets andconditions.

Vliv influencerů na své publikum se zaměřením na generaci 30+ / The impact of influencers on their audience with focus on generation 30+

Machová, Kateřina January 2022 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the impact of influencers on their users among the age group of 30-89 years old, describes the field of influencing and its associated areas. It explains the engagement of these influential people in influencer marketing, describes advertising, collaboration, persuasion and influencing within social media platforms. The most used social networks used by influencers (Instagram, Facebook, TikTok, YouTube) are presented as well, including the news that these networks have introduced over the last few years. The most powerful influencers in the Czech Republic are mentioned too, including their online and offline activities. Furthermore, the research types, which were used for this thesis, are theoretically defined and the used methodology is also described. The main parts of the diploma thesis are the summary results of the questionnaire survey of 120 respondents and in- depth interviews with 30 of them. The aim of the research was to find out the extent and character of the impact of influencers on the age group of 30-89 years old and to learn more information and opinions that will help for a better understanding of this phenomenon across the older age groups. In both surveys, the research sample is evenly and proportionally distributed among the age groups in order to...

"Men vilka bryr sig om ditt barn?" : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares upplevelser av arbetet med skyddsfaktorer / “But who cares about your child?” : A qualitative study about social workers’ experience about their work with protective factors

Hultman, Moa, Johansson, Linnea January 2023 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur socialarbetare inom socialtjänsten, Individ- och familjeomsorgen, IFO, arbetar med olika skyddsfaktorer hos barn i åldrarna 0 - 20 år som växer upp i en svår hemmiljö, exempelvis föräldrar med missbruksproblematik eller familjevåld. I studien användes en kvalitativ metod i form av individuella intervjuer med sju socialarbetare som idag arbetar som utredare med barn och unga inom socialtjänsten eller som nyligen har arbetat som det. Studien genomsyras av de teoretiska utgångspunkterna gräsrotsbyråkrat, handlingsutrymme samt barnperspektivet. Resultatet visade att det finns flera faktorer som påverkar arbetet med skyddsfaktorer, till exempel föräldrar och arbetsplatsen. Socialarbetarna arbetar med barnet, föräldrarna samt nätverket. Nätverket var en stor del av arbetet med skyddsfaktorer. I resultatet framkom det även att samverkan med andra aktörer är viktig i arbetet men att det inte alltid genomförs. Slutsatsen som kunde dras var att klienter kan ha förutfattade meningar om socialtjänsten vilket gör att de ställer sig negativa till insatser vilket skapar en problematik när det gäller arbetet med skyddsfaktorer. Arbetet med skyddsfaktorer är viktigt för att barn ska må bra. / The purpose of the study was to investigate how social workers within the social services, Individual and family care, IFC, works with various protective factors with children at the age of 0 - 20 that grow up in a difficult home environment, for example parents with substance abuse problems or family violence. The method that was used in the study was a qualitative method in the form of individual interviews with seven social workers that work as investigators of children at the social services or social workers that previously have worked as investigators. The study is permeated by the theoretical points of grassroots bureaucracy, room for maneuver and the child perspective. The result showed that there are various factors that affect the work with protective factors, for example the parents and the workplace. The social workers work with children, parents and the network. The network was a big part of the work with protective factors. Cooperation with other actors is important in the work according to the social workers, but this doesn't always happen. The conclusion that could be drawn was that clients have preconceptions about the social services, which leads to negative clients toward contribution which creates problems with the work with protective factors. The work with protective factors is important so that children feel good and therefore should the positive side of the social services show.

Faktorer som påverkar patienters egenvård vid fotsår orskade av diabetesneuropati : En litteraturstudie / Factors influencing patients' self-care in the case of foot ulcers caused by diabetic neuropathy : A literature review

Karlsson, Emma, Meviken, Emma, Lidén, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Forskning idag visar på bristande egenvårdsförmåga vid fotsår orsakade av diabetesneuropati. Diabetesrelaterade fotsår ökar risken för infektioner och resulterar ofta i ökad sjukhusvård och dödlighet. Sjuksköterskor spelar en central roll i att säkerställa att patienter har förmåga att utföra god egenvård och på så sätt minska risken för utveckling av fotsår och dess komplikationer. Syfte: Syftet var att identifiera faktorer som påverkar patienters egenvård vid fotsår orsakade av diabetesneuropati. Metod: Studien genomfördes som en allmän litteraturstudie med en induktiv ansats vilken baseras på tio artiklar med kvalitativ metod, två artiklar med kvantitativ metod och en med mixad metod. Artiklarnas resultat granskades och bearbetades till kategorierna: kunskapsbrist hos sjuksköterskor, kunskapsbrist hos patienter, psykiska, fysiska och sociala hinder för patienters egenvård, motivation och patientutbildning och kommunikation. Resultat: Resultatet i litteraturstudien identifierade faktorer som påverkade egenvården vid fotsår orsakade av diabetesneuropati. Bland dessa faktorer framkom en tydlig kunskapsbrist hos både sjuksköterskor och patienter när det gällde sårvård och diabetesrelaterade fotsår. Även vikten av motivation och god kommunikation mellan hälso- och sjukvården och patienter framkom. Konklusion: Genom att identifiera faktorer som påverkade patienters egenvårdsförmåga framkom det bland annat brister i patientutbildning. Praktisk vårdverksamhet behöver därför fokusera på att åtgärda utbildningsbrister för att främja god egenvård och hälsa. / Background: Research today shows a lack of self-care ability in foot ulcers caused by diabetic neuropathy. Diabetes-related foot ulcers increase the risk of infections and often lead to increased hospital care and mortality. Nurses, therefore, play a central role in ensuring that patients have ability to carry out proper self-care and reduce the risk of develop foot ulcers and their complications. Aim: The aim was to identify factors influencing patients' self-care in cases of foot ulcers caused by diabetic neuropathy. Method: The study was conducted as a general literature review with an inductive approach and is based on ten articles using qualitative methods, two articles using quantitative methods, and one using mixed methods. The results of the articles were reviewed and categorized into: lack of knowledge among nurses, lack of knowledge among patients, psychological, physical and social barriers to patient self-care, motivation and patient education and communication. Results: The results of the literature review identified factors influencing self-care in cases of foot ulcers caused by diabetic neuropathy. Among these factors, a clear lack of knowledge was evident among both nurses and patients concerning wound care and diabetes-related foot ulcers. The importance of motivation and effective communication between healthcare and patients also emerged. Conclusion: By identifying factors affecting patients' self-care ability, deficiencies in patient education, among other things, were identified. Practical healthcare practice should, therefore, focus on addressing educational gaps to promote proper self-care and health.

Effekterna av kundrelationer inom banksektorn : En kvalitativ studie  om faktorer som påverkar kundlojalitet och affärsframgång

Rahman Bhuiyan, Camellia, Abdo, Malika January 2023 (has links)
Background: in order to have an established long-term relationship between customer and bank, a lot is  required, including trust, satisfaction and other things. This study will therefore aim to provide factors that can affect the relationship between bank and customer Purpose:​  This study aims to study factors that can affect the relationship between banks and customers. which should further increase understanding of how this can have an impact on customers. The study will focus on factors that can prevent and worsen the relationship Method:​ To address the purpose of this study, qualitative methods were applied, specifically focusing on interviews that were conducted in two individual groups. Conclusion: Growth in banking has had a significant impact on operations and risk management. Compliance with Nurturing relationships with customers is important to increase satisfaction and trust. Banks must adapt to the digital environment while preserving customer integrity. the factors examined in the study have a significant role in how the relationship may develop

Differences in Eating Patterns and Body Mass Index of Home School Children and Public School Children

Sanderson, James Turner 03 May 2019 (has links)
Healthy eating in childhood and adolescence is important for proper growth and development and to help prevent chronic diseases. Many factors contribute to healthy eating patterns, and one of the most influential factors is the home and school environment. Both settings have role models who may affect a child’s eating behaviors. This study consisted of 54 home school and 21 public school participants who lived in northeast Mississippi and were between 6-12 years old. Public school children consumed significantly more total calories, net carbohydrates, vitamin C, and calcium compared to the home school children. Also, the public school children consumed more calories in the form of carbohydrates after 3pm compared to home school children. Nevertheless, there was no difference in BMI percentiles in public school and home school children 8-12 years of age. For 6 and 7-year-old children, the home school children had significantly lower BMI percentiles compared to the public school children.

Connecting the usability and software engineering life cycles through a communication-fostering software development framework and cross-pollinated computer science courses

Pyla, Pardha S. 17 September 2007 (has links)
Interactive software systems have both functional and user interface components. User interface design and development requires specialized usability engineering (UE) knowledge, training, and experience in topics such as psychology, cognition, specialized design guidelines, and task analysis. The design and development of a functional core requires specialized software engineering (SE) knowledge, training, and experience in topics such as algorithms, data structures, software architectures, calling structures, and database management. Given that the user interface and the functional core are two closely coupled components of an interactive software system, with each constraining the design of the other, there is a need for the SE and UE life cycles to be connected to support communication among roles between the two development life cycles. Additionally, there is a corresponding need for appropriate computer science curricula to train the SE and UE roles about the connections between the two processes. In this dissertation, we connected the SE and UE life cycles by creating the Ripple project development environment which fosters communication between the SE and UE roles and by creating a graduate-level cross-pollinated SE-UE joint course offering, with student teams spanning the two classes, to educate students about the intricacies of interactive-software development. Using this joint course we simulated different conditions of interactive-software development (i.e. with different types of project constraints and role playing) and assigned different teams to these conditions. As part of semester-long class projects these teams developed prototype systems for a real client using their assigned development condition. Two of the total of eight teams in this study used the Ripple framework. As part of this experimental course offering, various instruments were employed throughout the semester to assess the effectiveness of a framework like Ripple and to investigate candidate factors that impact the quality of product and process of interactive-software systems. The study highlighted the importance of communication among the SE and UE roles and exemplified the need for the two roles to respect each other and to have the willingness to work with one another. Also, there appears to exist an inherent conflict of interest when the same people play both UE and SE roles as they seem to choose user interface features that are easy to implement and not necessarily easy to use by system's target users. Regarding pedagogy, students in this study indicated that this joint SE-UE course was more useful in learning about interactive-software development and that it provided a better learning experience than traditional SE-only or UE-only courses. / Ph. D.

Classroom Assessment in Malawi: Teachers' Perceptions and Practices in Mathematics

Susuwele-Banda, William John 07 March 2005 (has links)
This study investigated teachers' perceptions of classroom assessment in mathematics and their current classroom assessments practices. Specifically, the study sought to gain an understanding of the extent to which teachers use different classroom assessment methods and tools to understand and to support both the learning and teaching processes. The following three questions guided the study: 1) How do primary school teachers perceive classroom assessment in mathematics? 2) What kinds of assessment methods and tools do teachers use to assess their students in mathematics? 3) What is the influence of teachers' perceptions of classroom assessment on their classroom assessment practices? The study used a questionnaire to establish the teachers' perceptions of classroom assessment in mathematics, a lesson observation protocol, and pre-lesson and post-lesson observation interview protocols as main sources of data collection. The data collected through observations and interviews helped to map out patterns between perceptions of classroom assessment and the teachers' classroom assessment practices. Document analysis was used to triangulate the information collected through observations and interviews. In addition, document analysis provided first hand information on the kind of written feedback students get and the nature of activities they do. A total of six teachers (three male and three female) were drawn from two primary schools in Malawi. The data suggest that teachers perceive classroom assessment as tests that teachers give to their students at specified time intervals. What teachers said about their teaching was not reflected during their teaching. Since teachers perceived classroom assessment as tests, they showed limited ability to use different methods and tools to assess their students while teaching. The teachers' perceptions of classroom assessment have influence on their classroom assessment practices. Five of the six teachers perceived assessment as testing, and classroom assessment practices were not clearly embedded in their teaching. Teacher experience and teacher education program did not seem to contribute much to teachers' perceptions of classroom assessment; however, teacher's academic qualification seemed to influence teachers' flexibility to accept new ideas. / Ph. D.

Hur påverkar egenskapsbestämmelser i detaljplan värdet på småhusfastigheter?

Norlin, Mathias, Klockar, Emil January 2024 (has links)
The detailed development plan is one of the municipality's tools for developing or conserving land use within an area. Regulations in the detailed development plan specify and make the land and settlement suitable for the intended use. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze how regulations in the detailed development plan affect the value of single-family properties. The study also aims to investigate the expertise of professionals in the field and their considerations made during valuation. The results presented are a consequence of three methods where the research questions were answered through a questionnaire survey, a comparative study, and interviews. These methods were chosen to generate both qualitative and quantitative data. The findings show a certain correlation between regulations in the detailed development plan and property prices, but in many cases, it is difficult to determine a definitive value because it often relies on the valuer's and buyer's knowledge or preferences. However, certain types of regulations have a clearer impact on property prices. The study also reveals similarities and differences in how professionals assess properties with regulations. One main similarity is that many prefer clarity, regardless of whether it's a general or more restrictive detailed development plan. The study has led to the following conclusions: there is a strong subjectivity in how the impact of property regulations is assessed. Among professionals, there is a difference between the private and public sector. Some argue that more general plans may better meet market needs, while others argue that the purpose of detailed development planning should be to promote sustainable land use rather than just influencing value. No key metrics in the valuation have been identified. / Detaljplanen är ett av kommunernas främsta verktyg för att utveckla eller bevara markanvändningen för ett visst område i kommunen. Egenskapsbestämmelser i detaljplan preciserar och gör marken lämplig för den användning och bebyggelse som planeras för platsen. Syftet med detta arbete är att studera och analysera hur egenskapsbestämmelser i detaljplan påverkarvärdet på småhusfastigheter. Arbetet syftar även till att undersöka vilka kunskaper yrkesverksamma inom området besitter, samt vilken hänsyn tillegenskapsbestämmelser som tas vid värdering. Det resultat som presenteras är en följd av tre metoder där frågeställningarna har besvarats med hjälp av en enkätstudie, en jämförande studie och en intervjustudie. Dessa metoder valdes för att generera både kvalitativa och kvantitativa data. Studiens resultat visar vissa samband mellanegenskapsbestämmelser och fastighetspriser trots att det i många fall är svårt att sätta ett definitivt värde på begränsningen. Studien visar även på att värdeförändringen i många fall baseras på värderarens och köparensförkunskaper eller personliga preferenser. Vissa typer av egenskapsbestämmelser har dock påvisats innebära en tydligare påverkan på fastighetspriset. Studien visar även att det finns likheter, såväl som skillnader, i vilken syn yrkesverksamma har på fastigheter som, i olika grad, belastas av egenskapsbestämmelser. En likhet är att många yrkesverksamma föredrar tydlighet, oavsett om det är en generell- eller mer restriktiv detaljplan. Arbetet har lätt fram till följande slutsatser: det råder en stark subjektivitet i hur påverkan av egenskapsbestämmelser värderas. Bland de yrkesverksamma som intervjuats återfinns det en viss skillnad mellan privat och offentlig sektor. Vissa av respondenterna argumenterar för att mer generella planer kan möta marknadens behov på ett bättre sätt. Medan andra argumenterar för att syftet med detaljplanering ska vara att främja en hållbar markanvändning snarare än att påverka värdet. Inga nyckeltal för prispåverkan i värderingen har kunnat påvisas.

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