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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Livskvalitet hos patienter med cancersjukdom i palliativ vård

Bengtsson, Linda, Eriksson, Sofia January 2008 (has links)
<p>Statistik från år 2002 visade att 24,6 miljoner människor i världen lever med cancersjukdom. Sjuksköterskor möter många av dessa patienter i det dagliga omvårdnadsarbetet. En stor del av vårdarbetet är medicinskt inriktat men betydelsen av upplevd livskvalitet hos patienter med cancersjukdom har visat sig ha stor betydelse för både behandling och sjukdomsförlopp. Livskvalitet omfattar upplevelser och känslor inom individen. Att mäta upplevd livskvalitet kan vara svårt då det är en individuell upplevelse. Det är svårt att hitta ett generellt mätinstrument för livskvalitet därför kan det underlätta att mäta de omkringliggande faktorerna till livskvalitet. När det inte längre är möjligt att bota en cancersjukdom finns möjlighet till olika behandlingsalternativ för att lindra cancersjukdomens symtom, palliativ vård. Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att belysa livskvaliteten hos patienter med cancersjukdom i palliativ vård. Litteraturstudien omfattar 13 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultatet delades in i 5 olika kategorier med faktorer som påverkade livskvaliteten; fysiska faktorer, psykologiska faktorer, sociala faktorer, andliga faktorer samt omvårdnadsfaktorer. Resultatet speglade vikten av symtomkontroll såväl för patientens livskvalitet som för sjuksköterskans omvårdnad. Det är viktigt att sjuksköterskan uppfattar negativt upplevda symtom hos patienten tidigt för att kunna göra patienten delaktig i omvårdnaden och därigenom främja livskvaliteten. Det borde ägnas mer forskning åt patienter med cancersjukdom och deras upplevelse av livskvaliteten.</p>

Värdesättning av småhustomter : En jämförelse mellan exploatörer och kunders värdesättning av småhustomter vid upprättandet av nya bostadsområden

Johansson, Frida, Höglund, Elin January 2013 (has links)
When single-family lots are valued for development of new residential areas,the valuation is influenced by several factors. The valuation is a matter ofdefinition that varies according to its interpreter. Previous research conductedin other countries, has identified a number of value-influencing factors. Thesefactors are the basis for this study.The study's purpose is to highlight the value-influencing factors thatcustomers value and are looking for in the choice of single-family lots. Thestudy also seeks to determine if there is an unknown difference between howprofessionals and clients value single-family lots.The study showed that the value factors considered important for customersand also professionals are consistent and applicable with the factors reportedfrom previous research. These value factors are the location, adjacentneighboring areas, public transportation service, house plot size and proximityto the community, bodies of water and schools. For the Swedish market fourvalue-influencing factors not mentioned in the previous research wereidentified. The additional factors are; the selling price of the single-family lot, acorner placement lot, connecting bicycle path and walkway and lot withorientation south and west. The previous research mentioned also three valueinfluencingfactors that were not identified in the Swedish study. These factorswere; distance to the highway, municipal tax rate and access to the singlefamilylot.The study showed that the parties generally have good knowledge of oneanother´s valuation of single-family lots. This study focused mainly on theprofessional’s knowledge of the customer’s value-influencing factors. Theprofessionals base their valuation on incurred development costs, local priceassessments and a consideration of customer’s value-influencing factors. Thisknowledge is important for real estate appraisers and developers when settinga value on single-family lots, to be able to determine the most accurate value.The study is limited to Swedish medium-sized cities and was performed inKarlstad and Hammaro, which together have a population of approximately100,000 inhabitants. The data was collected through both a qualitative and aquantitative method approach, intended to reflect both professionals andcustomers perspectives. The qualitative method approach consisted of openand individual interviews with experienced professionals. The quantitative7method approach consisted of an online questionnaire, which was answeredby existing and potential customers. The empirical data for the qualitativemethod approach is presented in text and the quantitative method approachby the empirical data presented in tabular form.

Brave New World: The Correlation of Social Order and the Process of Literary Translation

Reinhard, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This comparative analysis of four different German-language versions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) shows the correlation between political and socio-cultural circumstances, as well as ideological differences, and translations of the novel. The first German translation was created by Herberth E. Herlitschka in 1932, entitled Welt – Wohin? Two further versions of it were released in 1950 and 1981. In 1978, the East German publisher Das Neue Berlin published a new translation created by Eva Walch, entitled Schöne neue Welt. My thesis focuses on the first translations by both Herlitschka and Walch, but takes into account the others as well. The methodological basis is Heidemarie Salevsky’s tripartite model. With its focus on author and work, commissioning institution and translator, it was developed as a tool to determine the factors influencing the process of literary translation. Within this framework, the translations are contextualized within the cultural and political circumstances of the Weimar and German Democratic Republics, including an historical overview of the two main publishers, Insel and Das Neue Berlin. With reference to letters between Herlitschka and his publisher Anton Kippenberg at the Insel Verlag, secured from the Goethe und Schiller Archiv (Stiftung Weimarer Klassik), titles and subtitles as paratextual elements of the Herlitschka versions are examined. An overview of Lawrence Venuti’s and Hans Vermeer’s approaches to the notions of domesticating and foreignizing provides further theoretical tools to assess the translations. Venuti rejects the technique of domesticating translation as, in his opinion, it constitutes an act of violence against the source language, which is contrast with Vermeer’s perspective, according to which the alternatives are equivalent. In Vermeer’s opinion, both the domesticating as well as the foreignizing translation do not destroy the source culture. Another fundamental theoretical principle is Otto Kade’s claim that the affiliation of a translator to a certain social system and identification with a certain ideology are evident in his or her work. The thesis includes a study of the afterwords in the East German versions, which display an intent to create distance between the society of the novel and that of the translator. These paratexts function as a tool for censorship and at the same time as a means to circumvent it. Chapters 1-4 and 16 is selected for intensive analysis. It becomes obvious that the different socio-political situations influence the outcome of the translations. One of the most striking differences between them, Herlitschka’s translocation of the original setting, is identified as a parodistic device. An analysis of the themes of gender, race and sexuality further answers what kinds of factors influenced the process of literary translation, what kinds of modifications appear and what causes them. Herlitschka’s work displays a tendency to intensify traces of misogyny and racism, and to tone down descriptions of sexuality, phenomena which could not be found in Walch’s text. The conclusion links to Margaret Atwood’s introduction to the most recent Canadian edition of Brave New World and identifies the examination of the two key German translations of the novel as an extension of her argument, pointing to the novel’s relevance for contemporary times, transcending geographical and linguistic borders to include readers in all modern societies and cultures.

Pensioneras vid 30 – vad händer sen? : Brytpunkter och karriärval för elitidrottare / Retired at 30 – what happens next? : Breakpoints and career choices for athletics

Eriksson, Hanna, Hermansson, Therese January 2011 (has links)
Studien syftar till att undersöka vilka faktorer som haft betydelse för sex elitidrottares nya karriärval efter avslutad idrottskarriär. Den metod som användes var kvalitativ med inslag av både hermeneutiken och det narrativa synsättet för att få fram respondenternas egna beskrivningar av brytpunkten. Resultatet visar att upplevelsen av karriäravslutet skiljer sig mellan elitidrottare som slutat frivilligt och elitidrottare som slutat ofrivilligt, på grund av mättnad respektive skada. Processen mot att välja en ny karriär beskrevs av samtliga respondenter som svår samtidigt som alla kände sig motiverade inför det nya valet och i efterhand upplevde sin nya roll samt det nya karriärvalet som tillfredsställande. Respondenterna fattade ett praktiskt rationellt beslut utifrån tidigare erfarenheter av yrket, värderingar och känslor vid valet av ny karriär. Före detta elitidrottares karriärval är ett outforskat område inom vägledningsområdet vilket gör studien intressant för vidare forskning inom studie- och yrkesvägledningen. / This study will aim to explore the major important factors that influenced six elite athletes in their new career choices after retirement. The method used was predominantly qualitative, with hermeneutics and narratives added in order to encapsulate the respondents own descriptions of point break. The result shows that the experience of retirement differs between those whom retired wilfully, and those who were forced to; because of injury or lack of motivation. The process to choose a new career was described by all respondents as difficult. However, they all felt motivated in their new choices, and were, ultimately, satisfied. The respondents made a practical rational choice based on earlier experiences of the particular line of work, values and emotional content. The post-retirement careers of elite athletes is a field relatively unexplored within vocational guidance counselling, which makes this study interesting for further development of this field.

Brave New World: The Correlation of Social Order and the Process of Literary Translation

Reinhard, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This comparative analysis of four different German-language versions of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World (1932) shows the correlation between political and socio-cultural circumstances, as well as ideological differences, and translations of the novel. The first German translation was created by Herberth E. Herlitschka in 1932, entitled Welt – Wohin? Two further versions of it were released in 1950 and 1981. In 1978, the East German publisher Das Neue Berlin published a new translation created by Eva Walch, entitled Schöne neue Welt. My thesis focuses on the first translations by both Herlitschka and Walch, but takes into account the others as well. The methodological basis is Heidemarie Salevsky’s tripartite model. With its focus on author and work, commissioning institution and translator, it was developed as a tool to determine the factors influencing the process of literary translation. Within this framework, the translations are contextualized within the cultural and political circumstances of the Weimar and German Democratic Republics, including an historical overview of the two main publishers, Insel and Das Neue Berlin. With reference to letters between Herlitschka and his publisher Anton Kippenberg at the Insel Verlag, secured from the Goethe und Schiller Archiv (Stiftung Weimarer Klassik), titles and subtitles as paratextual elements of the Herlitschka versions are examined. An overview of Lawrence Venuti’s and Hans Vermeer’s approaches to the notions of domesticating and foreignizing provides further theoretical tools to assess the translations. Venuti rejects the technique of domesticating translation as, in his opinion, it constitutes an act of violence against the source language, which is contrast with Vermeer’s perspective, according to which the alternatives are equivalent. In Vermeer’s opinion, both the domesticating as well as the foreignizing translation do not destroy the source culture. Another fundamental theoretical principle is Otto Kade’s claim that the affiliation of a translator to a certain social system and identification with a certain ideology are evident in his or her work. The thesis includes a study of the afterwords in the East German versions, which display an intent to create distance between the society of the novel and that of the translator. These paratexts function as a tool for censorship and at the same time as a means to circumvent it. Chapters 1-4 and 16 is selected for intensive analysis. It becomes obvious that the different socio-political situations influence the outcome of the translations. One of the most striking differences between them, Herlitschka’s translocation of the original setting, is identified as a parodistic device. An analysis of the themes of gender, race and sexuality further answers what kinds of factors influenced the process of literary translation, what kinds of modifications appear and what causes them. Herlitschka’s work displays a tendency to intensify traces of misogyny and racism, and to tone down descriptions of sexuality, phenomena which could not be found in Walch’s text. The conclusion links to Margaret Atwood’s introduction to the most recent Canadian edition of Brave New World and identifies the examination of the two key German translations of the novel as an extension of her argument, pointing to the novel’s relevance for contemporary times, transcending geographical and linguistic borders to include readers in all modern societies and cultures.

Möjligheter och hinder för samverkan inom offentlig sektor

Vest, Henrik January 2012 (has links)
Vest, H. (2012).Möjligheter och hinder för samverkan inom offentlig sektor. Uppsats i pedagogik på kandidatnivå. Högskolan i Gävle, Akademin för utbildning och ekonomi. Denna undersökning syftar till att belysa upplevda möjligheter och hinder för samverkan, i arbetet med ungdomar rörande alkohol, narkotika, doping och tobak (ANDT). Studiesubjekten utgörs av 14 anställda på en kommun i södra Norrland. Metoden som använts i undersökningen är semi-strukturerad enkät med ett fåtal öppna frågor som ger utrymme för respondenterna att uttrycka sina upplevelser. Respondenternas svar har kategoriserats utifrån en analysmodell som belyser inre och yttre möjligheter och hinder för samverkan. Tidigare forskning rörande studieobjektet visar att samverkan har blivit en nödvändighet inom offentlig sektor idag i takt med att verksamheter renodlats och organisatoriskt gått från en centraliserad styrmodell till en decentraliserad. Samtidigt saknas en helhetssyn inom offentlig sektor som gör att individer i behov av hjälp ofta slussas mellan olika myndigheter i takt med att de utfört sitt eget specifika uppdrag. En fungerande samverkan är beroende av en mängd möjligheter och hinder kopplade dels till individer och dels till organisationen och dess struktur. Undersökningen visar att en majoritet av respondenterna besitter inre möjligheter för samverkan, i form av en vilja att samverka och en upplevelse av att samverkan är något positivt som främjar arbetet och gynnar resultatet. En majoritet av respondenterna upplever att de begränsas av yttre hinder kopplade till organisationen, främst faktorer som tid, ledarskap, förankring och strukturer för samverkan.

Factors influencing users' attitude towards display advertising on Facebook

Halalau, Ruxandra, Kornias, Gustaf January 2012 (has links)
Background: Researchers have investigated display advertising in the past several years from different perspectives but only in connection to traditional Web sites and not specifically for social networking sites. Facebook is the most prominent social networking site in terms of number of users and its main source of revenue is its online advertising business. Having display advertising in their virtual space is the reason why social networks are able to offer free service and as such the need to understand how users perceive it arises The most important way of understanding users’ perceptions about the advertis- ing messages is by studying attitudes. In order to understand the attitudes toward Facebook display advertising, it is necessary to examine the factors that affect the attitude-toward-the-ad. Ad perceptions, ad credibility, attitude toward advertisers, attitude toward advertising and mood have been identified by previous researchers as clearly influencing the attitude toward specific ads. Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate user’s attitude toward display advertising on Facebook by identifying the main factors that influence the formation of attitudes. Method: In order to fulfill the purpose and uncover the main factors that influence the attitude towards display advertising on Facebook, a qualitative research has been conducted. Both a primary and a secondary data search was per- formed. The primary data was collected by carrying out semistructured interviews with students at Jönköping University which resulted in a number of 20 respondents. The secondary data was gathered through the use of the resources available at the university library, both digital and paper based. Internet Web sites have also been reviewed when needed. Conclusions: The authors found that users display an accepting, positive attitude toward display advertising on Facebook. There have been identified five main fac- tors influencing Facebook users’ attitude and these are ad credibility, ad perceptions, attitude toward the advertiser, informativeness and lack of irritation. Moreover, the informativeness factor was found to have the greatest influence in terms of the behavior Facebook users have toward display advertising.

A Study on Taipei College Students¡¦ Consumer Behavior for Arts and Branding Commodities

Chen, Pei-Hsuan 06 February 2007 (has links)
With rapid change in social and economic surroundings in Taiwan, consumption behavior of Taiwanese changes gradually. College students maybe are the group that changes their behaviors significantly in this environment. They start to emphasize their ¡§personal style.¡¨ For most young people, purchasing is not only related to their needs, but also related to brands, design, and package. Therefore, how to combine ¡§arts¡¨ and ¡§brand¡¨ in order to attract young people¡¦s attention and satisfy their tastes is a key factor for enterprises in the future. After all, what interesting results will be generated if a product is included both ¡§art work¡¨ and ¡§a terrific brand¡¨? Will young people become the major consumers for those commodities? Are their consumer behaviors different from other groups? And what factors motive them to buy those products? These questions are discussed in this study. The purposes of this research are as follows: to understand young people¡¦s consumer behavior on commodities which are combination of art work and a brand; to understand what factors encourage young people to buy the product; and to make sure the acceptance of these communities in the market. Survey research was chosen as methodology in this research. The target population was college and graduate students in Taipei. Drop-off survey was major method for collecting data. Three hundred ninety-seven samples were sent out, 302 samples were returned, and 291 were valid. The valid response rate was 96.36%. According to the result, the acceptable degree in the market for these commodities was high. Clothing/Accessory, 3C, and sport products were the primary choices of young people. When college students purchased these commodities, they thought uniqueness and artistry were most important, and prices as well as quality were second important. Regarding to sales promotion, young people preferred discount and limit edition. Reasons for buying these commodities were to please themselves and enjoy the design. Most young people would buy these commodities because of their brands; however they also cared about the impression and style of artists.Generally speaking, young people showed positive attitudes and sound impressions for the corporation between artists and brands.

Saco-SR-konflikten 1971 – en analys av opinionsbildning i tidningsledare / The Saco-SR Conflict of 1971 – An Analysis of Influencing Opinion in Newspaper Leaders

Hellström, Gunilla January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study what means are used in newspaper leaders (editorials) to influence public opinion. In order to obtain a wide range of such means, I have chosen material that has a clear timeframe and illustrates strong political antagonism, concerning the 1971 conflict between the Saco and SR unions and the Swedish state. Leaders from eight different newspapers with different party affiliations are analysed – six morning and two evening newspapers. What type of message leaders convey is examined mainly at the sentence level. Writers report what happened, assess the situation and analyse the causes and explanations for there being a labour conflict. They express criticism of those involved in various ways and exhort them to take recommended courses of action to resolve the conflict. Paragraphs can also be categorised in this way. How criticism is expressed is studied in detail because the material is rich in critical utterances of different types.  Various theories about text types and speech act theory provide a theoretical background that is applied to the material. A number of different theories about what defines a genre are presented and tested on the leaders. The results of the investigation indicate that a large number of leaders from the morning newspapers are structured in a similar way, with the paragraph as the unit. They reveal a pattern, the normal pattern, where information is presented in a given order in the majority of morning leaders and the greatest number of message types is used. There is also a pattern of analysis/criticism, with critical and analytical paragraphs alternating and the analysis substantiating the criticism, as a rule. The few leaders in the morning newspapers that do not form a pattern may be strongly critical or almost solely analytical. One of the morning newspapers has many critical leaders that argue or incite. No analysis is made of evening newspaper leaders at the paragraph level since the paragraphs are short; instead, they are analysed as a whole, as are the argumentative leaders. The analysis shows that many leaders are structured in a similar way while at the same time there is considerable variation in the material, which is attributable to there being different types of editorials.

Modell för analys och effektivisering av e-handel med tillhörande distribution : En fallstudie på EM-Möbler

Vikström Axelsson, Hanna, Lindgren, Ida January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund och problem: Användningen av e-handel har växt de senaste åren och detta har medfört större möjligheter för kunder. E-handeln har möjlighet att nå ut till en större målgrupp utan geografiska hinder. Detta medför ett behov av förändring i distributionen av fysiska produkter. Kunder som använder sig av e- handel har höga krav på företag och det är viktigt att e-handeln är så effektiv som möjligt för att kunna konkurrera med andra företag. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att utforma en modell för analys och effektivisering av e-handel med tillhörande distribution. Modellen utvärderades vid EM-möbler. Metod: En litteraturstudie utformades från vetenskapliga artiklar, böcker och internetsidor. Den teori som samlades in ligger till grund för modellen för analys och effektivisering av e-handel med tillhörande distribution som fortsättningsvis även kommer benämnas som effektiviseringsmodellen. Empirisk data samlades in genom intervjuer med butikschefer och annan personal på EM-möbler samt en enkät besvarades av EM:s kunder. Effektiviseringsmodellen: En modell utformades genom en sammanställning av viktiga faktorer från teorin. Vid tillämpning av modellen framkom en del problem och utvecklingsområden som EM står inför. Efter tillämpningen av modellen framkom även vilka styrkor och svagheter modellen har. Slutsats: Det är många faktorer som påverkar arbetet med e-handel och kunder ställer höga krav när det gäller hemleveranser. För att skapa en modell för analys och effektivisering av e-handel med tillhörande distribution har faktorer från teorin sammanställts. För att tydliggöra länkarna mellan de olika faktorerna utformades en ”karta” och en steg-för-steg guide utformades för att förtydliga hur modellen ska tillämpas. När modellen tillämpades på fallföretaget framkom en del problem- och utvecklingsområden. På grund av det är så många faktorer som påverkar e-handel med tillhörande distribution och effektiviseringsmodellen endast tar upp en del faktorer finns i vidare studier möjligheter för utveckling av modellen. / Background and problem: The use of e-commerce has grown during the last years and this has resulted in more opportunities for the customers. With e-commerce it is easier to reach out to a bigger targeted group without geographical obstacles. This causes a need for changes in the distribution of physical products. Because of the high demands customers have on e-commerce it is important that companies work step by step to improve the e-commerce or they will not be able to compete with other companies. Purpose: The purpose with this study was to design a model for analysis and streamlining in e-commerce and appurtenant distribution. The model is evaluated at the company EM-möbler. Method: A literature study was conducted from scientific articles, books and internet. The collected theory is the base for the model. The empirical data was gathered by interviews with store managers and other personnel at EM-möbler and the customers replied to a survey. Model: A model was conducted through a compilation of important factors from the theory. When the model was applied on the case company a few problem areas and areas of development emerged. After applying the model the strengths and weaknesses of the model appeared. Conclusion: there are many factors influencing the process of e-commerce and the customers have high demands on the home delivery. To design a model for analysis and streamlining in e-commerce and appurtenant distribution have all the factors from the theory been compiled. To clarify the links between the different factors a “map” was designed and to clarify how the model should be applied a step-for-step guide was created. When the model was applied on the case company some problem areas and areas of development emerged. Because of the many factors influencing e-commerce and the appurtenant distribution there are good possibilities for development of the model since the model only treat a few factors.

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