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The structure of argumentation in Arabic : editorials as a case studyEl-Shiyab, Said January 1990 (has links)
This thesis attempts to investigate the structure of Arabic argumentative discourse in general and 'editorials' as an argumentative text-form in particular and the problems this discourse raises for translators. This investigation includes the identification of editorials' main constituents, the types of clause relations typical of this form of argumentation and their contribution to meaning continuity of such discourse, and certain textual phenomena, i.e repetition, parallelism, thematization, paragraphing, etc., and their unequivocal significance in translation. To this effect, random samples were taken from three different Arabic newspapers, i.e Al-Ahräm, Al-Ra'y, Al-Iqatan, to show how the structure of these texts gives rise to ambiguity when translated (literally) into English. To achieve these objectives, this study uses a semantic, structural, and pragma-semio-textual approach to analyze and then translate the texts chosen, as language in this study is considered to be a form of behaviour (Halliday 1973) that cannot be studied in isolation from its social, cultural, and contextual contexts in which it is used. Our textual analyses have shown some interesting results. First, editorials have their own generic structure, and such structure is presented in specific stages. Second, editorials as well as other argumentative texts are dominated by semantic causal relations; these relations tend to have a psychological impact on text-readers and should be accounted for in translation. Third, editorials favour the cohesive type of lexical repetition not only for cohesion purposes but also for persuasive functions as well. Fourth, editorials use many parallel constructions for conviction and persuasive functions. Fifth, editorials have semantic structures and stylistic features that cause problems for the English reader. These features require attention during the process of translation. All these issues tend to reflect the nature of editorials within argumentation and their unequivocal significance within the study of discourse.
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Examining Argumentative Coherence in Essays by Undergraduate Students of English as a Foreign Language in Mainland China and Their English Speaking Peers in the United StatesGao, Lianhong 16 February 2012 (has links)
I conducted this study to provide insights toward deepening understanding of association between culture and writing by building, assessing, and refining a conceptual model of second language writing. To do this, I examined culture and coherence as well as the relationship between them through a mixed methods research design. Coherence has been an important and complex concept in ESL/EFL writing. I intended to study the concept of coherence in the research context of contrastive rhetoric, comparing the coherence quality in argumentative essays written by undergraduates in Mainland China and their U.S. peers. In order to analyze the complex concept of coherence, I synthesized five linguistic theories of coherence: Halliday and Hasan’s cohesion theory, Carroll’s theory of coherence, Enkvist’s theory of coherence, Topical Structure Analysis, and Toulmin’s Model. Based upon the synthesis, 16 variables were generated. Across these 16 variables, Hotelling t-test statistical analysis was conducted to predict differences in argumentative coherence between essays written by two groups of participants. In order to complement the statistical analysis, I conducted 30 interviews of the writers in the studies. Participants’ responses were analyzed with open and axial coding. By analyzing the empirical data, I refined the conceptual model by adding more categories and establishing associations among them.
The study found that U.S. students made use of more pronominal reference. Chinese students adopted more lexical devices of reiteration and extended paralleling progression. The interview data implied that the difference may be associated with the difference in linguistic features and rhetorical conventions in Chinese and English. As far as Toulmin’s Model is concerned, Chinese students scored higher on data than their U.S. peers. According to the interview data, this may be due to the fact that Toulmin’s Model, modified as three elements of arguments, have been widely and long taught in Chinese writing instruction while U.S. interview participants said that they were not taught to write essays according to Toulmin’s Model. Implications were generated from the process of textual data analysis and the formulation of structural model defining coherence. These implications were aimed at informing writing instruction, assessment, peer-review, and self-revision.
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Parsing dialogue and argumentative structures / Analyse des structures du dialogue et de l'argumentationPerret, Jérémy 22 December 2016 (has links)
Le présent manuscrit présente de nouvelles techniques d'extraction des structures : du dialogue de groupe, d'une part; de textes argumentatifs, d'autre part. Déceler la structure de longs textes et de conversations est une étape cruciale afin de reconstruire leur signification sous-jacente. La difficulté de cette tâche est largement reconnue, sachant que le discours est une description de haut niveau du langage, et que le dialogue de groupe inclut de nombreux phénomènes linguistiques complexes. Historiquement, la représentation du discours a fortement évolué, partant de relations locales, formant des collections non-structurées, vers des arbres, puis des graphes contraints. Nos travaux utilisent ce dernier paradigme, via la Théorie de Représentation du Discours Segmenté. Notre recherche se base sur un corpus annoté de discussions en ligne en anglais, issues du jeu de société Les Colons de Catane. De par la nature stratégique des conversations, et la liberté que permet le format électronique des discussions, ces dialogues contiennent des Unités Discursives Complexes, des fils de discussion intriqués, parmi d'autres propriétés que la littérature actuelle sur l'analyse du discours ignore en général. Nous discutons de deux investigations liées à notre corpus. La première étend la définition de la contrainte de la frontière droite, une formalisation de certains principes de cohérence de la structure du discours, pour l'adapter au dialogue de groupe. La seconde fait la démonstration d'un processus d'extraction de données permettant à un joueur artificiel des Colons d'obtenir un avantage stratégique en déduisant les possessions de ses adversaires à partir de leurs négociations. Nous proposons de nouvelles méthodes d'analyse du dialogue, utilisant conjointement apprentissage automatisé, algorithmes de graphes et optimisation linéaire afin de produire des structures riches et expressives, avec une précision supérieure comparée aux efforts existants. Nous décrivons notre méthode d'analyse du discours par contraintes, d'abord sur des arbres en employant la construction d'un arbre couvrant maximal, puis sur des graphes orientés acycliques en utilisant la programmation linéaire par entiers avec une collection de contraintes originales. Nous appliquons enfin ces méthodes sur les structures de l'argumentation, avec un corpus de textes en anglais et en allemand, parallèlement annotés avec deux structures du discours et une argumentative. Nous comparons les trois couches d'annotation et expérimentons sur l'analyse de l'argumentation, obtenant de meilleurs résultats, relativement à des travaux similaires. / This work presents novel techniques for parsing the structures of multi-party dialogue and argumentative texts. Finding the structure of extended texts and conversations is a critical step towards the extraction of their underlying meaning. The task is notoriously hard, as discourse is a high-level description of language, and multi-party dialogue involves many complex linguistic phenomena. Historically, representation of discourse moved from local relationships, forming unstructured collections, towards trees, then constrained graphs. Our work uses the latter framework, through Segmented Discourse Representation Theory. We base our research on a annotated corpus of English chats from the board game The Settlers of Catan. Per the strategic nature of the conversation and the freedom of online chat, these dialogues exhibit complex discourse units, interwoven threads, among other features which are mostly overlooked by the current parsing literature. We discuss two corpus-related experiments. The first expands the definition of the Right Frontier Constraint, a formalization of discourse coherence principles, to adapt it to multi-party dialogue. The second demonstrates a data extraction process giving a strategic advantage to an artificial player of Settlers by inferring its opponents' assets from chat negotiations. We propose new methods to parse dialogue, using jointly machine learning, graph algorithms and linear optimization, to produce rich and expressive structures with greater accuracy than previous attempts. We describe our method of constrained discourse parsing, first on trees using the Maximum Spanning Tree algorithm, then on directed acyclic graphs using Integer Linear Programming with a number of original constraints. We finally apply these methods to argumentative structures, on a corpus of English and German texts, jointly annotated in two discourse representation frameworks and one argumentative. We compare the three annotation layers, and experiment on argumentative parsing, achieving better performance than similar works.
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Le prix de la douleur : Gestion des désaccords entre magistrats, dans un tribunal brésilien de seconde instance / The price of suffering : managing disagreements beween judges in a tribunal of second instance in BrazilDamasceno Morais, Rubens 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’enjeu de la présente recherche est d’examiner la gestion du désaccord entre magistrats dans une Cour d’Appel brésilienne, tout en procédant à l’identification de la stase (du conflit) entre eux, dans les moments de définition du juste montant (le « suum cuique tribuere »), souvent désigné par l’expression pretium doloris ou « prix de la douleur ». On s’intéresse moins au côté technique et strictement juridique des affaires de dommages et intérêts et plutôt à l’analyse argumentative/rhétorique des interactions enregistrées en audio. Après des réflexions à propos de quelques théories de l’argumentation (Aristote, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin et autres), de l’argumentation juridique (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu et autres), des interactions verbales (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso et autres) et des émotions en contexte d’interaction argumentative (Plantin), ce travail offre quatre chapitres analytiques où, parmi des analyses descriptives, on examine de près la façon que les magistrats/interactants allient la raison (la lettre de la loi) au côté émotionnel, au moment de qualifier une affaire en tant que « dommage », concept flou, ouvert à maintes possibilités d’interprétation juridique, selon les juristes brésiliens (Reis, Cahali et autres). On procède à un inventaire des critères, parfois très originaux, qui font toute la richesse du moment des délibérés connu sous le terme de quantum debeatur (ou, si l’on préfère, l’ad quantum). De cette façon, on constate que les magistrats peuvent même utiliser des « nonlegalist factors », ajoutant aux arguments techniques juridiques quelques valeurs, qui supposent une appréciation subjective des affaires en cours de jugement. Dans ces analyses, on montre encore comment l’hétéro-attribution d’une émotion acquiert une valeur argumentative, sans que cela disqualifie les jugements en appel pour autant. On examine aussi les procédés d’atténuation du désaccord exprimés par les magistrats, tout en mettant en relief la dimension stratégique de l’adoucissement conversationnel, car, comme on peut le constater, les attitudes des magistrats lors des délibérés manifestent une dimension rhétorique, dans les moments de définition du pretium doloris. De cette façon, en considérant la richesse et diversité des formules de politesse (par exemple, l’expression data venia), des réparateurs (excuses et justifications), des modalisateurs, entre autres procédés identifiés par la pragmatique des interactions, on découvre plusieurs façons très efficaces de gérer le conflit, employées par les magistrats lorsqu'ils prennent en charge le rôle actanciel d’opposant lors des délibérés. On repère aussi quelques stratégies argumentatives utilisées exclusivement en contexte d’interaction, comme l’accord dissonant, ce qui nous permet de pointer la “colonisation argumentative” du discours d’un magistrat par l’autre. L’identification de ce que nous avons nommé renverseur (dispositif qui permet aux magistrats de retourner à 180° une décision) nous aide aussi à comprendre comment les avis des magistrats peuvent s’affronter irrévocablement, donnant place à des stases irréversibles.On montre aussi, à partir de quelques études de cas, comment fonctionne l’assimilation argumentative en tant que phénomène interactif-argumentatif qui émerge dans les moments de stase réversible entre les magistrats, faisant s'écrouler les barrières argumentatives entre les interactants, avant que l’un d’entre eux ne manifeste un changement de disposition vis-à-vis de la décision à prendre. On présente enfin un type d’argument très caractéristique du corpus TRIBUNAL (le corpus dont on dispose pour cette recherche) : l’argument de l’expérience vécue, lequel apparaît dans les séquences examinées et qui donnent une valeur argumentative et rhétorique non négligeable aux votes des magistrats. / This thesis aims to describe the mechanisms of disagreement management among judges in a court of Brazil. The source of the analyzes will be some discussions between judges, audio recorded, always in Second Instance. The focus of the research is the moment of (re)definition of the value of compensation (or the so-called « price of pain » / pretium doloris) to be paid in cases of moral damage. Thus, after plunging in texts related to theories of argumentation (Aristotle, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin among others), to strictly legal argumentation (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu among others), to the theories of verbal interaction (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso among others) and also the theories related to the study of emotions in the context of argumentative interaction (Plantin), this research presents four analytical parts in which, through meticulously descriptive work, we propose to examine the way that judges, when to judge controversial cases, combine reason and emotion to their justifications. Thus, we proceed to an inventory of the criteria used by judges, some very original, and that make particularly interesting the moment of defining the quantum debeatur (or, if you prefer, the ad quantum). As we will see, the magistrates will also use non-legal criteria (« nonlegalist factors »), in this endeavor, at the time of integrating to the strictly legal arguments some arguments related to their own personal experiences, without, thereby, disqualifying the handed down verdicts. In fact, and as we will note, the time of definition of pretium doloris is still quite controversial, according to Brazilian jurists (Reis, Cahali among others).We also examine the mechanisms of attenuating disagreements, used by magistrates in times of conflict (stase), always trying to unveil the strategic and rhetoric sides of such attitudes. Thus, taking into account the richness and diversity of the so called « formulas of politeness », in in the use of expressions such as data venia or in the use of modalizers, among others, we discover the unique and effective ways that magistrates find to deal with conflict of opinions among them, during deliberations. Thus, we will highlight the strategy of « dissonant agreement » observed in some sessions and that, as we show, indicates a kind of « argumentative colonization » of speeches given by the judges. We also highlight an important mechanism used in times of conflict, to which we gave the name of argumentative inverter. Such a device allows a magistrate invert in 180º the decision of the Magistrate of First Instance, for example, in addition to helping us understand how the irreversible disagreement (stase irréversible) ranks among the expert judges.The analyzes also show, from case studies, how the argumentative assimilation works, an argumentative-interactional phenomenon that emerges in times of reversible conflict (stase réversible) among judges. Such manifestation will allow us to check how a judge can convince / persuade another in moments of controversy and disagreement between them. Finally, we show how the argument from personal experience works, a typical agument of the COURT corpus (the name of the corpus we adopted), widely used by judges and which gives a rhetorical touch to the more technical arguments, in moments of deliberations; particularly in the moment of qualification of an action as illegal.
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As tetralogias de Antifonte: tradução e comentários / The Tetralogies of AntiphonNardi, Roberto Fernandes De 09 October 2015 (has links)
Esta dissertação traduz e comenta as Tetralogias de Antifonte. Trata-se dos três discursos que lidam com casos hipotéticos de homicídio compostos na segunda metade do século V a.C. e que são caracterizados como exercícios argumentativos. Para isso, tal pesquisa foi dividida em três partes: (i) um capítulo com a exposição de algumas informações acerca do autor e da obra; (ii) a apresentação de uma edição atualizada seguida de uma tradução completa dos três discursos; e (iii) os comentários referentes a cada um deles. / This study aimed to translate and comment the Tetralogies of Antiphon, which consists of three speeches of hypothetical homicide cases. The speeches were written in second half of the fifth century BC. They consist of exercices in argumentation. The study was divided into three parts: (i) the chapter presenting the author and his work; (ii) an up-to-date edition and a complete translation of the three speeches; and (iii) the commentaries concerning each one of them.
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The use of interpersonal resources in argumentative/persuasive essays by East-Asian ESL and Australian tertiary studentsLee, Sook Hee January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Abstract This thesis explores the use of the interpersonal resources of English in argumentative/persuasive essays (APEs) constructed by undergraduate international students from East-Asian regions (EAS), in particular, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and also by Australian-born English speakers (ABS). High-graded essays (HGEs) were compared with the low-graded essays (LGEs) in order to identify the relationship between their deployment of interpersonal features and the academic grades given by markers. In addition, the essays constructed by the EAS writers were compared with those written by ABS writers. A major complaint of academic staff about ESL Asian students concerns their lack of analytical, critical voice and formality in their arguments. The linguistic evidence for this explored in this thesis is based mainly on interpersonal systems of interaction and evaluation recently developed within Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Iedema et al., 1994; Iedema, 1995, 2003, 2004; Martin, 2000a, 2003c; White, 1998, 2004; Martin and Rose, 2003; Macken-Horarik and Martin, 2003; Martin and White, 2005). Within interaction, the thesis draws on work dealing with the metaphorical realisations of commands in a bureaucratic administration context. Evaluation is based on appraisal theory, which is concerned with the linguistic inflection of the subjective attitudes of writers, and also their evaluative expressions and intersubjective positioning. In order to explore the use of interpersonal resources from a perspective of writer and reader interaction, this study incorporates a social interactive model derived from ‘Interaction in writing’ alongside Bakhtin’s (1981, 1986) dialogic literacy. Under this broad interdisciplinary approach, the interpersonal aspects in APEs are examined from three main perspectives: Interactive (schematic structures), Interactional (the metaphorical realisation of commands), and InterPERSONAL meanings (the three main appraisal systems: ATTITUDE, ENGAGEMENT, and GRADUATION). The sample comprised six overseas students and six Australian-born native English speakers. They were all participants in the English for Academic Purposes class in the Modern Language Program offered by a regional university in southern New South Wales. These students were required to write APEs as a part of their course. Discourse analysis was applied to the essays at the genre, discourse semantic and the lexico-grammatical levels. Interviews were undertaken with markers to identify the relationship between text analysis results and markers’ comments on the essays and the grades. The results indicated that students’ use of interpersonal resources is a good indicator for judging quality of APEs. The analysis reveals significant differences in the extent to which HGEs are interactive by showing awareness of audience in argument structure, and making interactional choices focusing on command and interPERSONAL choices of appraisal systems. These differences are reflected in the use both of strategies of involvement by being interactional, and strategies displaying distance by being formal. The differences are also reflected in the presentation of personal opinions by being evaluative and of intersubjective claims supported by evidence. While there were no significant differences between the EAS and ABS writers in terms of the argument structure, ABS texts are more interactional, having a high degree of authority and conviction characterised by a formal tone. ABS writers also display a stronger voice through frequent exploitation of GRADUATION resources of appraisal. Overall, it can be said that while EAS students display problems with raising their own voices in argument, ABS students display problems in supporting persuasion. Educational implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing curriculum design include the desirability of enhancing a context-sensitive approach in writing, raising audience awareness of language teachers in relation to the interpersonal use of English, and promoting the dialogic nature of argument by reconciling individual creativity with social voices and community conventions.
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The use of interpersonal resources in argumentative/persuasive essays by East-Asian ESL and Australian tertiary studentsLee, Sook Hee January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Abstract This thesis explores the use of the interpersonal resources of English in argumentative/persuasive essays (APEs) constructed by undergraduate international students from East-Asian regions (EAS), in particular, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan, and also by Australian-born English speakers (ABS). High-graded essays (HGEs) were compared with the low-graded essays (LGEs) in order to identify the relationship between their deployment of interpersonal features and the academic grades given by markers. In addition, the essays constructed by the EAS writers were compared with those written by ABS writers. A major complaint of academic staff about ESL Asian students concerns their lack of analytical, critical voice and formality in their arguments. The linguistic evidence for this explored in this thesis is based mainly on interpersonal systems of interaction and evaluation recently developed within Systemic Functional Linguistics (SFL) (Iedema et al., 1994; Iedema, 1995, 2003, 2004; Martin, 2000a, 2003c; White, 1998, 2004; Martin and Rose, 2003; Macken-Horarik and Martin, 2003; Martin and White, 2005). Within interaction, the thesis draws on work dealing with the metaphorical realisations of commands in a bureaucratic administration context. Evaluation is based on appraisal theory, which is concerned with the linguistic inflection of the subjective attitudes of writers, and also their evaluative expressions and intersubjective positioning. In order to explore the use of interpersonal resources from a perspective of writer and reader interaction, this study incorporates a social interactive model derived from ‘Interaction in writing’ alongside Bakhtin’s (1981, 1986) dialogic literacy. Under this broad interdisciplinary approach, the interpersonal aspects in APEs are examined from three main perspectives: Interactive (schematic structures), Interactional (the metaphorical realisation of commands), and InterPERSONAL meanings (the three main appraisal systems: ATTITUDE, ENGAGEMENT, and GRADUATION). The sample comprised six overseas students and six Australian-born native English speakers. They were all participants in the English for Academic Purposes class in the Modern Language Program offered by a regional university in southern New South Wales. These students were required to write APEs as a part of their course. Discourse analysis was applied to the essays at the genre, discourse semantic and the lexico-grammatical levels. Interviews were undertaken with markers to identify the relationship between text analysis results and markers’ comments on the essays and the grades. The results indicated that students’ use of interpersonal resources is a good indicator for judging quality of APEs. The analysis reveals significant differences in the extent to which HGEs are interactive by showing awareness of audience in argument structure, and making interactional choices focusing on command and interPERSONAL choices of appraisal systems. These differences are reflected in the use both of strategies of involvement by being interactional, and strategies displaying distance by being formal. The differences are also reflected in the presentation of personal opinions by being evaluative and of intersubjective claims supported by evidence. While there were no significant differences between the EAS and ABS writers in terms of the argument structure, ABS texts are more interactional, having a high degree of authority and conviction characterised by a formal tone. ABS writers also display a stronger voice through frequent exploitation of GRADUATION resources of appraisal. Overall, it can be said that while EAS students display problems with raising their own voices in argument, ABS students display problems in supporting persuasion. Educational implications for English for Academic Purposes (EAP) writing curriculum design include the desirability of enhancing a context-sensitive approach in writing, raising audience awareness of language teachers in relation to the interpersonal use of English, and promoting the dialogic nature of argument by reconciling individual creativity with social voices and community conventions.
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Funções discursivas dos marcadores metadiscursivos no gênero carta ao leitor / Fonctions discoursives des les marqueurs métadiscoursifs le genre lettre au lecteurRocha, Silmara Ferreira da January 2011 (has links)
ROCHA, Silmara Ferreira da. Funções discursivas dos marcadores metadiscursivos no gênero carta ao leitor. 2011. 105f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2011. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-18T14:00:32Z
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2011_dis_sfrocha.pdf: 762960 bytes, checksum: 521afca42f5dbba8e9aa8169aa058938 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-18T16:46:14Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2011 / Nesta dissertação, propomos um estudo sobre as possíveis funções discursivas que os marcadores metadiscursivos de posicionamento (stance) e de engajamento (engagement) categorizados por Hyland (2005), e alguns de seus subtipos, particularmente os intensificadores (hegdes) e atenuadores (boosters) sugeridos por Cabrera (2004), desempenham na sequência argumentativa dominante proposta por Bronckart (2007), considerando o entorno enunciativo do gênero carta ao leitor das revistas Época, Istoé e Veja. Temos como objetivo principal relacionar o uso dos marcadores metadiscursivos com as funções discursivas que podem desempenhar no gênero carta ao leitor. Além disso, objetivamos, também, relacionar os marcadores identificados com as fases da seguência argumentativa de Bronckart (2007). As correntes pesquisas apóiam-se no estudo da metadiscursividade para contribuir com o ensino, entretanto, nossa ideia é articular essa tendência da Linguística Aplicada com interface na Linguística Textual ao abordarmos as sequências argumentativas e as funções discursivas propostas. A análise seguiu o método indutivo em que recorremos às manifestações particulares para descrevermos o fenômeno. Nossos dados foram tratados de forma qualitativa, concretizando-se por meio de uma análise crítica das escolhas metadiscursivas que desempenham funções discursivas na carta ao leitor. Identificamos como resultado, o fato de ocorrer uma sobreposição das funções discursivas desempenhadas, bem como uma função comum a todos os marcadores, que é a de invocar o leitor a concordar com o ponto de vista do autor.
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Operadores argumentativos como construtores de sentido em editoriais de O Globo / Argumentative operators as constructors of meaning in editorials from "O Globo" newsparerTatiane Silva Ribeiro 01 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe um estudo do gênero editorial, entendido como um artigo que expressa o posicionamento da empresa jornalística frente aos assuntos que circulam na sociedade. Observaremos que o pensamento da empresa é reforçado por meio do uso de mecanismos argumentativos que podem passar despercebidos, mas que são essenciais para fundamentar a posição do jornal, nos fazendo acreditar que apesar de sua roupagem informativa, ou seja, a simples emissão de um fato, tem a intenção de levar o leitor a compartilhar o mesmo ponto de vista. Abordaremos as principais características do jornalismo, privilegiando o conceito de ideologia e a função que ele teve no passado para compreender o presente. Enfatizaremos que a argumentação está entrelaçada ao ser humano, visto que toda língua possui, em sua gramática, mecanismos que permitem indicar a orientação argumentativa dos enunciados, o que pode direcionar o seu sentido. A análise foi constituída com base no estudo dos operadores argumentativos, levando em consideração, obviamente, que o processo de construção de sentido de um texto envolve também compreender o momento sócio-histórico para se chegar ao propósito comunicativo do autor. Todo texto possui uma finalidade e compreender esse fenômeno é extremamente benéfico, pois significa desenvolver uma consciência cidadã. Os gêneros que fazem parte do dia a dia como editoriais, crônicas, carta comercial, resenha entre outros, são imprescindíveis para que o público leitor tenha um olhar crítico, ressaltando-se sempre que o conhecimento de mundo e, principalmente, da língua materna contribuirá para que esse propósito seja alcançado / This research proposes a study of the editorial genre seen as an article that expresses the company's position facing journalistic issues that circulate in society. We will observe that the company's thinking is reinforced through the use of argumentative mechanisms, which may go "unnoticed", but are essential to establish the position of the newspaper, making us believe that, despite the "informative guise", that is, the simple emission of a fact, it intends to lead the reader to sharing the same point of view. We will discuss the main characteristics of journalism, emphasizing the concept of ideology and the function of it in the past to understand the present. We will also emphasize that the argument is intertwined to humans, since every language pursues, in its grammar, mechanisms to indicate the orientation of argumentative statements, which can target their meaning. The analysis was made based on the study of argumentative operators, taking into account, of course, that the process of constructing meaning from a text also involves understanding the socio-historical moment to understand the authors communicative purpose. Every text has a purpose and understanding this phenomenon is extremely beneficial because it means developing a social consciousness. The genres that are part of everyday life, such as editorials, chronicles, commercial letters and digests are indispensable in order to have critical readers, always emphasizing that knowledge of the world and, especially, of the native language, contribute to the achievement of this purpose
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Operadores argumentativos como construtores de sentido em editoriais de O Globo / Argumentative operators as constructors of meaning in editorials from "O Globo" newsparerTatiane Silva Ribeiro 01 April 2013 (has links)
Esta pesquisa propõe um estudo do gênero editorial, entendido como um artigo que expressa o posicionamento da empresa jornalística frente aos assuntos que circulam na sociedade. Observaremos que o pensamento da empresa é reforçado por meio do uso de mecanismos argumentativos que podem passar despercebidos, mas que são essenciais para fundamentar a posição do jornal, nos fazendo acreditar que apesar de sua roupagem informativa, ou seja, a simples emissão de um fato, tem a intenção de levar o leitor a compartilhar o mesmo ponto de vista. Abordaremos as principais características do jornalismo, privilegiando o conceito de ideologia e a função que ele teve no passado para compreender o presente. Enfatizaremos que a argumentação está entrelaçada ao ser humano, visto que toda língua possui, em sua gramática, mecanismos que permitem indicar a orientação argumentativa dos enunciados, o que pode direcionar o seu sentido. A análise foi constituída com base no estudo dos operadores argumentativos, levando em consideração, obviamente, que o processo de construção de sentido de um texto envolve também compreender o momento sócio-histórico para se chegar ao propósito comunicativo do autor. Todo texto possui uma finalidade e compreender esse fenômeno é extremamente benéfico, pois significa desenvolver uma consciência cidadã. Os gêneros que fazem parte do dia a dia como editoriais, crônicas, carta comercial, resenha entre outros, são imprescindíveis para que o público leitor tenha um olhar crítico, ressaltando-se sempre que o conhecimento de mundo e, principalmente, da língua materna contribuirá para que esse propósito seja alcançado / This research proposes a study of the editorial genre seen as an article that expresses the company's position facing journalistic issues that circulate in society. We will observe that the company's thinking is reinforced through the use of argumentative mechanisms, which may go "unnoticed", but are essential to establish the position of the newspaper, making us believe that, despite the "informative guise", that is, the simple emission of a fact, it intends to lead the reader to sharing the same point of view. We will discuss the main characteristics of journalism, emphasizing the concept of ideology and the function of it in the past to understand the present. We will also emphasize that the argument is intertwined to humans, since every language pursues, in its grammar, mechanisms to indicate the orientation of argumentative statements, which can target their meaning. The analysis was made based on the study of argumentative operators, taking into account, of course, that the process of constructing meaning from a text also involves understanding the socio-historical moment to understand the authors communicative purpose. Every text has a purpose and understanding this phenomenon is extremely beneficial because it means developing a social consciousness. The genres that are part of everyday life, such as editorials, chronicles, commercial letters and digests are indispensable in order to have critical readers, always emphasizing that knowledge of the world and, especially, of the native language, contribute to the achievement of this purpose
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