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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le prix de la douleur : Gestion des désaccords entre magistrats, dans un tribunal brésilien de seconde instance / The price of suffering : managing disagreements beween judges in a tribunal of second instance in Brazil

Damasceno Morais, Rubens 05 July 2013 (has links)
L’enjeu de la présente recherche est d’examiner la gestion du désaccord entre magistrats dans une Cour d’Appel brésilienne, tout en procédant à l’identification de la stase (du conflit) entre eux, dans les moments de définition du juste montant (le « suum cuique tribuere »), souvent désigné par l’expression pretium doloris ou « prix de la douleur ». On s’intéresse moins au côté technique et strictement juridique des affaires de dommages et intérêts et plutôt à l’analyse argumentative/rhétorique des interactions enregistrées en audio. Après des réflexions à propos de quelques théories de l’argumentation (Aristote, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin et autres), de l’argumentation juridique (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu et autres), des interactions verbales (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso et autres) et des émotions en contexte d’interaction argumentative (Plantin), ce travail offre quatre chapitres analytiques où, parmi des analyses descriptives, on examine de près la façon que les magistrats/interactants allient la raison (la lettre de la loi) au côté émotionnel, au moment de qualifier une affaire en tant que « dommage », concept flou, ouvert à maintes possibilités d’interprétation juridique, selon les juristes brésiliens (Reis, Cahali et autres). On procède à un inventaire des critères, parfois très originaux, qui font toute la richesse du moment des délibérés connu sous le terme de quantum debeatur (ou, si l’on préfère, l’ad quantum). De cette façon, on constate que les magistrats peuvent même utiliser des « nonlegalist factors », ajoutant aux arguments techniques juridiques quelques valeurs, qui supposent une appréciation subjective des affaires en cours de jugement. Dans ces analyses, on montre encore comment l’hétéro-attribution d’une émotion acquiert une valeur argumentative, sans que cela disqualifie les jugements en appel pour autant. On examine aussi les procédés d’atténuation du désaccord exprimés par les magistrats, tout en mettant en relief la dimension stratégique de l’adoucissement conversationnel, car, comme on peut le constater, les attitudes des magistrats lors des délibérés manifestent une dimension rhétorique, dans les moments de définition du pretium doloris. De cette façon, en considérant la richesse et diversité des formules de politesse (par exemple, l’expression data venia), des réparateurs (excuses et justifications), des modalisateurs, entre autres procédés identifiés par la pragmatique des interactions, on découvre plusieurs façons très efficaces de gérer le conflit, employées par les magistrats lorsqu'ils prennent en charge le rôle actanciel d’opposant lors des délibérés. On repère aussi quelques stratégies argumentatives utilisées exclusivement en contexte d’interaction, comme l’accord dissonant, ce qui nous permet de pointer la “colonisation argumentative” du discours d’un magistrat par l’autre. L’identification de ce que nous avons nommé renverseur (dispositif qui permet aux magistrats de retourner à 180° une décision) nous aide aussi à comprendre comment les avis des magistrats peuvent s’affronter irrévocablement, donnant place à des stases irréversibles.On montre aussi, à partir de quelques études de cas, comment fonctionne l’assimilation argumentative en tant que phénomène interactif-argumentatif qui émerge dans les moments de stase réversible entre les magistrats, faisant s'écrouler les barrières argumentatives entre les interactants, avant que l’un d’entre eux ne manifeste un changement de disposition vis-à-vis de la décision à prendre. On présente enfin un type d’argument très caractéristique du corpus TRIBUNAL (le corpus dont on dispose pour cette recherche) : l’argument de l’expérience vécue, lequel apparaît dans les séquences examinées et qui donnent une valeur argumentative et rhétorique non négligeable aux votes des magistrats. / This thesis aims to describe the mechanisms of disagreement management among judges in a court of Brazil. The source of the analyzes will be some discussions between judges, audio recorded, always in Second Instance. The focus of the research is the moment of (re)definition of the value of compensation (or the so-called « price of pain » / pretium doloris) to be paid in cases of moral damage. Thus, after plunging in texts related to theories of argumentation (Aristotle, Ducrot, Grize, Toulmin among others), to strictly legal argumentation (Atienza, Perelman, Cornu among others), to the theories of verbal interaction (Goffman, Kerbrat-Orecchioni, Traverso among others) and also the theories related to the study of emotions in the context of argumentative interaction (Plantin), this research presents four analytical parts in which, through meticulously descriptive work, we propose to examine the way that judges, when to judge controversial cases, combine reason and emotion to their justifications. Thus, we proceed to an inventory of the criteria used by judges, some very original, and that make particularly interesting the moment of defining the quantum debeatur (or, if you prefer, the ad quantum). As we will see, the magistrates will also use non-legal criteria (« nonlegalist factors »), in this endeavor, at the time of integrating to the strictly legal arguments some arguments related to their own personal experiences, without, thereby, disqualifying the handed down verdicts. In fact, and as we will note, the time of definition of pretium doloris is still quite controversial, according to Brazilian jurists (Reis, Cahali among others).We also examine the mechanisms of attenuating disagreements, used by magistrates in times of conflict (stase), always trying to unveil the strategic and rhetoric sides of such attitudes. Thus, taking into account the richness and diversity of the so called « formulas of politeness », in in the use of expressions such as data venia or in the use of modalizers, among others, we discover the unique and effective ways that magistrates find to deal with conflict of opinions among them, during deliberations. Thus, we will highlight the strategy of « dissonant agreement » observed in some sessions and that, as we show, indicates a kind of « argumentative colonization » of speeches given by the judges. We also highlight an important mechanism used in times of conflict, to which we gave the name of argumentative inverter. Such a device allows a magistrate invert in 180º the decision of the Magistrate of First Instance, for example, in addition to helping us understand how the irreversible disagreement (stase irréversible) ranks among the expert judges.The analyzes also show, from case studies, how the argumentative assimilation works, an argumentative-interactional phenomenon that emerges in times of reversible conflict (stase réversible) among judges. Such manifestation will allow us to check how a judge can convince / persuade another in moments of controversy and disagreement between them. Finally, we show how the argument from personal experience works, a typical agument of the COURT corpus (the name of the corpus we adopted), widely used by judges and which gives a rhetorical touch to the more technical arguments, in moments of deliberations; particularly in the moment of qualification of an action as illegal.

Processos referenciais por nome prÃprio como estratÃgias argumentativas

Maiara Sousa Soares 00 April 2018 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / Esta dissertaÃÃo objetiva analisar como os processos referenciais por nome prÃprio compÃem estratÃgias argumentativas para a conduÃÃo persuasiva de textos. Conforme Cavalcante (2017), a escolha de determinados processos referenciais orienta a argumentaÃÃo do texto. Por essa razÃo, propusemos analisar, sob uma perspectiva sociocognitiva e discursiva da referenciaÃÃo, os processos de introduÃÃo e retomada anafÃrica dos referentes que sÃo, respectivamente, apresentados e recategorizados com a colaboraÃÃo do uso de nomes prÃprios. Defendemos que, sob a Ãtica da LinguÃstica Textual, o nome prÃprio pode ser analisado como um objeto de discurso negociado entre os interlocutores na dinÃmica da enunciaÃÃo (MONDADA; DUBOIS, 2003; CAVALCANTE, 2011). A metodologia à de base qualitativa e mÃtodo hipotÃtico-dedutivo; as ocorrÃncias que compÃem os dados analisados compreenderam 20 textos de gÃneros discursivos diversos, como artigo de opiniÃo, crÃnica jornalÃstica, post do Facebook e post do Twitter, charges, sobre a temÃtica do cenÃrio polÃtico brasileiro do ano de 2016, sendo apresentados na dissertaÃÃo 10 exemplos. Na pesquisa, foram testadas as seguintes hipÃteses: a) a introduÃÃo referencial com nome prÃprio â com a presenÃa de amÃlgama - expressa um ponto de vista que pode ser confirmado ao longo do texto (SILVA, 2013) e, nas retomadas recategorizadoras com antropÃnimo, conforme CustÃdio Filho (2011) e Cavalcante e Brito (2016), pode acrescentar e confirmar informaÃÃes (CUSTÃDIO FILHO, 2011 e CAVALCANTE; BRITO, 2016), construindo efeitos de humor e sÃtira nos gÃneros em anÃlise; b) uma modificaÃÃo de natureza formal na expressÃo referencial por nome prÃprio, como amÃlgama (MONTEIRO, 2002), gera efeitos persuasivos, os quais estÃo a serviÃo da construÃÃo de um ponto de vista e da orientaÃÃo argumentativa do texto. Nesses casos, os processos referenciais por nome prÃprio sÃo evidÃncias de estereÃtipos culturais. ApÃs as anÃlises, constatamos a relevÃncia da consideraÃÃo dos processos referenciais com nome prÃprio em virtude de sua importÃncia para a apresentaÃÃo do referente e para as retomadas recategorizadoras, pelo uso estratÃgico de modificaÃÃes morfolÃgicas nessas expressÃes, com a finalidade de persuadir o interlocutor com acrÃscimos e confirmaÃÃes dos objetos de discurso. Dessa forma, o apelo a nomes prÃprios, tanto em introduÃÃes referenciais quanto em anÃforas diretas e indiretas, contribui para a dimensÃo argumentativa do texto, pois, por meio de associaÃÃes a estereÃtipos, influencia os modos de ver e sentir do interlocutor. / This dissertation aims to analyze how the referential processes by proper names compose argumentative strategies to the persuasive conduction of texts. According to Cavalcante (2017), the choice of certain referential processes orients the text argumentation. For this reason, we intended to analyze, under a sociocognitive and discursive perspective of referentiality, the introduction and anaphoric retakes processes of the referent that are, respectively, presented and recategorized with the collaboration of proper names. We support that, under the Textual Linguistics optics, the proper name can be analyzed as an object of discourse negotiated between interlocutors during the dynamic of enunciation (MONDADA; DUBOIS, 2003; CAVALCANTE, 2011). The methodology consists in a qualitative basis and hypothetical-deductive method; the occurrences that compose the analyzed data embrace 20 texts from several discursive genres, such as opinion articles, journalistic chronicles, Facebook and Twitter posts, charges, about the Brazilian political scenario in 2016. In the research, were tested the following hypothesis: a) the referential introduction with proper names â under the presence of amalgam â expresses a point of view that can be confirmed along the text (SILVA, 2013) and, in the recategorized retakes with anthroponymy, according to CustÃdio Filho (2011) and Cavalcante and Brito 92016), can add and reassure information (CUSTÃDIO FILHO, 2011 and CAVALCANTE; BRITO, 2016), building humor and satire effects on the analyzed genres; b) a formal modification in the referential expression by proper name, as amalgam (MONTEIRO, 2002), generates persuasive effects, which are at the service of a point of view and argumentative orientation in the text. In these cases, the referential processes by proper names can be evidences of cultural stereotypes. Upon the analyzes, we established the relevance of referential processes with proper names due to their importance to the referent presentation and to the recategorized retakes, by the strategic usage of morphologic modifications on these expressions, towards persuading the interlocutor with additions and confirmations of the object of discourse. Therefore, the appeal to proper names, in referential introductions as much as in direct and indirect anaphors, contributes to the text argumentative dimension, since, through the association to stereotypes, influences the ways of seeing and feeling of the interlocutor.

Argumentos e metáforas conceituais para a taxa de variação

Dall'Anese, Claudio 27 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:57:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 EDM - Claudio dallanese.pdf: 1511562 bytes, checksum: e7b4467bf7d57ecbf0c536f800f0c19b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-27 / The aim of this investigation was to identify and to analyze arguments and metaphors used by a group of students of a master s degree course in Mathematical Education for the rate of change, to understand how they learn this topic. The option of working with those subjects relapsed in the fact that they are all teachers of Mathematics and they have already seen Calculus in their graduation. To those subjects, tasks were offered in a learning scenery where the dialogue was privileged among teacher, students and technology. The vision adopted regarding the technology was of a prothesis, in the sense that it makes it possible for the student to do things different from the way that he would do without it. With the intention of working with different texts, sometimes we offered tasks that the students interacted with the computer, sometimes we offered a task which the prosthesis was a small canal made from a PVC tube, tennis ball, ping-pong ball, chronometer and tape measure. The classes that the students worked in those tasks were filmed using a VHS camera. Notes of some speeches and interventions of the students and the teacher written on a notebook helped to enrich the collection of data. The analysis was based on Embodied Cognition Theory and on the Model of the Argumentative Strategy. We conclude that the process of understanding medium rate of change and instantaneous rate of change is not only the case of just a passage from one to another analytical formula or from a graph to a formula. There is a difference among the cognitive mechanisms to understand the graph and the analytic formula, which contributes to the students' difficulty with that topic. It is not just the formal definition that is responsible for that difficulty. We observed that with the aid of the computer science technology, it was possible to create an environment where the fictive motion, intrinsic of the language, became a factive movement. That is, when secants straight lines coincided with a tangent straight line for successive approaches, and when the tangent straight line to the curve in a point could move, at the same time the values of the slope of those straight lines could be seen in the screen / Esta investigação teve por objetivo identificar e analisar argumentos e metáforas utilizadas por um grupo de alunos de um curso de pós-graduação em Educação Matemática para taxa de variação, para entender como é que eles aprendem esse tópico. A opção de trabalhar com esses sujeitos recaiu no fato de serem todos professores de Matemática do ensino fundamental e/ou médio e já terem visto Cálculo em sua graduação. A esses sujeitos foram oferecidas tarefas num cenário de aprendizagem onde se privilegiou o diálogo entre professor, alunos e tecnologia. A visão adotada com relação à tecnologia foi a de prótese, no sentido de que ela possibilita ao aluno fazer coisas diferentes do modo que faria sem ela. Com o intuito de trabalhar com textos distintos, ora oferecemos tarefas em que os alunos interagiram com o computador, ora oferecemos uma tarefa em que a prótese era uma canaleta feita de cano de PVC, bola de tênis, bola de pingue-pongue, cronômetro e trena. As aulas em que os alunos trabalharam nessas tarefas foram filmadas utilizando uma filmadora VHS. Apontamentos por escrito em um diário de classe de algumas falas e intervenções dos alunos e da professora ajudaram a enriquecer a coleta de dados. A análise baseou-se na Teoria da Cognição Corporificada e no Modelo da Estratégia Argumentativa. Concluímos que o processo de compreender taxa média e taxa instantânea de variação não é o caso apenas de uma passagem de uma fórmula analítica a outra ou de um gráfico para uma fórmula. Existe uma diferença entre os mecanismos cognitivos para compreender o gráfico e a fórmula analítica, diferença esta que contribui com a dificuldade dos alunos com esse tópico. Não é apenas a definição formal que é responsável por essa dificuldade. Observamos que com o auxílio da tecnologia informática foi possível criar um ambiente onde o movimento fictivo, intrínseco da linguagem, se transformou em um movimento factivo. Isto é, quando retas secantes coincidiam com uma reta tangente por sucessivas aproximações e quando a reta tangente à curva num ponto podia se mover, ao mesmo tempo os valores do coeficiente angular dessas retas podiam ser vistos na tela

Um ambiente virtual para o ensino semipresencial de funções de uma variável real: design e análise

Signorelli, Shirley Ferreira 31 October 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T16:58:33Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Shirley Ferreira Signorelli.pdf: 4346228 bytes, checksum: a37d23996da101385ce1df722242946c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-10-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The purpose of this investigation was the elaboration and implementation of a virtual environment for a part time distance course for students of the Computer Science and Systems of Information. The students failed in a former discipline that approaches topics of elementary Mathematics. It happened in a particular university in the city of São Paulo. Our focus was on analyzing this environment, the tools and interactions that happened on distance mode, about the content of real function of one variable. The methodology used, design-based research, favored proposing and analyzing the activities about this topic, as well as their reorganization and, the re design of the environment. The Blackboard platform and the used tools were analyzed based on Chaves (2000) criteria, and it seemed efficient as a virtual environment for the learning in our course. However, we leaved some critical and suggestions for future works, mainly about the role of the tools for communication within part time distance courses. The analysis of the students and teacher speeches' was based on the Model of Argumentative Strategy (CASTRO et al, 2004) and allowed to raise some aspects on the understanding of Real Functions of one variable, as they were privileged in the different interactive spaces such as forum, chat, email and daily log. Aspects like the meaning production in Mathematics can be produced due to the authority of a teacher or of another student who is considered good by the classroom peers, or based on everyday language usage or on cultural characteristics. Moreover, we found that besides the students lack of prerequisite elementary mathematics, there is a lack of a culture for on-line courses / Nesta pesquisa objetivamos a elaboração e implementação de um ambiente virtual para um curso semipresencial, para estudantes dos cursos de Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação e Sistemas de Informação de uma instituição particular na cidade de São Paulo, dependentes na disciplina que aborda tópicos de pré-calculo. Nosso foco recaiu na análise do ambiente, da viabilidade das ferramentas e das interações que ocorreram a distância, no que tange o conteúdo de Funções de uma Variável Real. A metodologia utilizada, design research, permitiu propor e analisar as atividades sobre este tópico, incluindo a reestruturação e complementação deste ambiente. A plataforma Blackboard e as ferramentas foram analisadas segundo critérios definidos por Chaves (2000) e se mostraram eficazes como ambiente virtual de aprendizagem atendendo, para nosso curso, os critérios necessários. Entretanto, deixamos algumas críticas e sugestões para trabalhos futuros, principalmente quanto o papel do uso de ferramentas de comunicação em cursos semipresenciais. A análise dos discursos dos alunos e docente baseados no Modelo de Estratégia Argumentativa (CASTRO et al, 2004) permitiu levantar alguns aspectos sobre a compreensão de Funções de uma Variável Real que foram privilegiados nos diferentes espaços interativos como fórum, chat, e-mail e diário de rotina, tais como o fato de que a produção de significados em Matemática pode estar apoiada na autoridade do professor ou alunos bem vistos pela classe, na linguagem cotidiana e no aspecto cultural. Observamos ainda que além da falta de pré-requisitos de matemática básica, ainda há falta de cultura de trabalhos on-line

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