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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Resemotiv hos kinesiska turister i Sverige : En undersökning av kinesiska turisters resemotiv till Sverige

Lin, Jing-Jing, Liu, Rebecka, Mehic, Sajma January 2010 (has links)
Platser utvecklas, nya destinationer upptäcks ständigt. Människor finner varje år nya resmål att besöka av olika orsaker. Turismen är en viktig inkomstkälla för många länder och under 2008 fanns det 922 miljoner internationella turister. Turismen är den största och snabbast växande ekonomiska sektorn i världen. China Outbound Tourism Development påstår att världen kan räkna med upp till 54 miljoner kineser under detta år, 2010. Det uppskattas att cirka 6,68 miljarder dollar kommer spenderas under resorna.  Författarna av denna uppsats har utfört en studie av kinesiska turisters motiv och resebeslut till att resa till Sverige.  Syftet med uppsatsen var att ta reda på varför kineser väljer att resa till just Sverige, och vad det är som lockar de till att välja ett land, långt ifrån Kina. Uppsatsen utgick från kvalitativa intervjuer och intervjuerna utfördes genom semistrukturerade frågor. Intervjuerna utfördes på kinesiska, som sedan översattes till svenska av författarna. För att få svar på intervjufrågorna valde uppsatsförfattarna att utföra intervjuer med kinesiska turister på olika attraktiva platser i Stockholm. Dessa var bland annat Stadshuset, Gamla Stan och Vasamuseet.  I empirin kommer läsarna att kunna läsa om bland annat vad respondenterna ansåg om Sverige och vad deras reseanledningar var, samt ifall de har planer på att återbesöka Sverige. Utifrån analyserna som har gjorts kan författarna konstatera att det är viktigt att ständigt vara uppdaterad om vad som eftertraktas på marknaden. Det är även viktigt att erbjuda det som önskas för att kunna bli en önskad destination att besöka. Resultatet av studien ledde till flera slutsatser. Utifrån intervjuerna och dess svar kunde författarna skapa ett mönster, vilket skapar en förståelse för varför besökare väljer att komma till Sverige. Dessutom fick författarna en inblick i om hur de kinesiska turisternas uppfattningar skiljer sig innan resans start och under resans gång. Nyckeln ligger i att veta vad besökaren är ute efter, vad som får denne att vilja besöka just en specifik plats och förhoppningsvis sedan göra ett återbesök till destinationen. / Places are developing, new destinations are constantly discovered. People find each year, new destinations to visit for different reasons. Tourism is an important source of income for many countries and during 2008 there were 922 million tourists. Tourism is the biggest and fastest growing economic sector in the world. China Outbound Tourism Development claims that the world can count on up to 54 million Chinese tourists who travel during this year, 2010. It is estimated that approximately 6, 68 billion dollars will be spent during the travels.  The authors of this thesis have conducted a study of Chinese tourists' travel motives and decisions to travel to Sweden. The mission was to find out why Chinese choose to travel to Sweden, and what it is that attracts those to choose a country far away from China. The thesis was based on qualitative interviews, and the interviews were carried out by semi-structured questions. The interviews were conducted in Chinese, which then was translated into Swedish by the authors. In order to receive a response the authors of the essay chose to conduct interviews with Chinese tourists at various attractive places in Stockholm, including the City Hall, Old Town, and the Vasa Museum.  The readers will in the empirical part be able to read about what respondents felt about Sweden and what their reason was for travel, and if they have plans to visit Sweden again. Based on the analysis that is done, the authors’ note that it is important to be constantly updated about what is in demand at the market.  It is also very important to offer what is desired in order to become a preferred destination to visit. The results of the study led to several conclusions. From the interviews and the responses the authors could create a pattern, creating an understanding of why visitors choose to come to Sweden, how their perceptions differ before starting the journey and after the voyage. The key is to know what visitors are looking for, and what they may want to visit at a specific location, and then hopefully do a return visit to the destination.

Hur fattas specifika utrikespolitiska beslut? : Externa hot och idéer i Clintons och Bushs Irakpolitik / How Are Specific Foreign Policy Decisions Made? : External Threats and Ideas in Clinton´s and Bush´s Iraq Policy

Delang, Elisabet January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this paper is to try to explain how specific, foreign policy decisions are made, and why one state decides to use violence against another state. A qualitative method is used, and text and documents are analysed. The two theoretical points of departure are central within foreign policy analysis: realism´s theories on external threats and constructivism´s theories on ideas´ policy influence. The empirical case chosen is the US decision to use military violence against Iraq. The paper investigates whether the real threat from Saddam Hussein´s Iraq was the cause of the American military attacks, or whether the ideas of leading politicians in the USA were decisive for the decision to invade the country. The main theoretical assumption is that politicians´ ideas – rather than real, external threats – influence their actions.  The differences between President Clinton´s benevolent Iraq policy and President Bush´s aggressive Iraq policy can be summarized as a result of a combination of a changed external environment and differences in ideas on the use of military violence. The general conclusion is that politicians´ ideas – rather than real, external threats – influence their decision-making on specific foreign policy decisions.

Venture Capital : What factors lie at the basis for Venture Capital investment decisions?

Hellqvist, Ulf, Kraljevic, Maija January 2006 (has links)
Introduction: Venture capital investment process is complex and different firms vary greatly in their investment practices. This has resulted in authors given several different factors that could be imperative for venture firms investment decisions. There is thus no consensus in the field of venture investing. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to list which factors are important for venture capital firms investment decisions in start-up firms. Method: The authors conducted structured phone interviews with seven venture capital firms in Sweden. Conclusion: The authors found the following factors to be important for venture firms investment decisions in start-up firms; Busienss plans that demonstrated the thinkings of the entrepreneur, communicate ideas, visions, product, market, competition, growth potential as well as the planned intentions with the recived funds. They also desired realistic, concreate, simple plans that explained the implementation process of the start-up firm. The second factor that was important was markets where large markets, market growth, market share, market entry and global markets were mentioned. The third factor of importance was product, in which uniqueness, simplicity, patents and time-to-market were listed. Management was the fourth factor of importance, in which sensibility, competence, technical skills, entrepreurial spirit, attitude, humbelness, determination, openness, drive, chemistry and confidence were included. The fifth factor of importamce financial embraced ROI, economioes of scale, valuation and the size of the investment. The last two important factors that the authors found to be important for the venture firms in the study were location and industry.

Nederländska sjuksköterskors personliga åsikter om dödshjälp / Dutch nurses’ personal opinions about assisted death

Cardelli, Christofer, Sjöstrand, Alexander January 2007 (has links)
Aim. The aim of the study is to highlight Dutch nurses’ opinions about assisted death. Background. Since 2002 it has been legally justified for physicians to assist a patients’ death in the Netherlands. Public and ethical debate, scientific research, guidelines for prudent practice and legislatures focus predominantly on the role of physicians, seemingly assuming that the tasks of other health care professionals are less important. Though, the nurse cares for the patient on a daily basis, and has a close relationship with the terminally ill and their next of kin. Method. A qualitative method was used. Twelve nurses were used in the study, and they received a questionnaire with open questions where they were supposed to motivate their personal opinions related to assisted death. Results. Three main categories (and seven sub categories) highlights the nurses’ opinions; the meeting (discussion, next of kin), inner conflicts (religion, participation) and influences (pain relief, living will, laws and criteria). Conclusions. The Swedish taboo concerning assisted death need to be removed. The quality of the palliative care is decisive of when the patients’ request of assisted death is putted. Continuous discussion elicits underlying factors of why a request of assisted death is putted. / Syfte. Syftet med studien är att belysa nederländska sjuksköterskors personliga åsikter om dödshjälp. Bakgrund. I Nederländerna har det varit lagligt för läkare att assistera en patients död sedan 2002. I den allmänna och etiska diskussionen kring beslut som rör läkarassisterad död, i forskningen, i riktlinjer och i lagstiftning fokuseras på läkarens roll, övriga vårdgivares arbetsuppgifter antas vara mindre viktiga. Detta antagande kan ifrågasättas då sjuksköterskan vårdar patienten dagligen, ofta i en nära relation till den sjuke och hans eller hennes närstående i livets slutskede. Metod. För att uppnå studiens syfte användes en kvalitativ metod. I studien ingick tolv nederländska sjuksköterskor som fick ett frågeformulär med öppna frågor där de skulle motivera sina personliga åsikter till dödshjälp. Resultat. Resultatet visar tre huvudkategorier (och sju underkategorier) som belyser sjuksköterskans åsikt; mötet (diskussion, anhöriga), inre konflikter (religion, deltagande) samt influenser (smärtlindring, testamente, lagar och kriterier). Konklusion. Den svenska tabun kring läkarassisterad död bör tas bort för att utveckla debatten. Kvaliteten på den palliativa vården avgör ofta om och när patientens förfrågan om dödshjälp kommer. Kontinuerlig diskussion tydliggör underliggande faktorer till varför en förfrågan om dödshjälp ställs.

Konsumenters medvetenhet om företags arbete med CSR / Consumer awareness of companies work with CSR

Lindblom, Adrean, Gustafsson, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
Borglund et al. (2012) argues that today it is becoming increasingly important for companies to work with CSR because stakeholders are more engaged in issues related to social responsibility and the environment. However, much research shows that it does not play a major role how companies work with CSR issues if the information does not reach the final consumer. The focus of this paper is therefore to examine how some of the major clothing companies communicate about their work with CSR issues and if consumers believe that they have the information needed to make an informed purchasing decision that support sustainable development in the garment industry. Our study has among other things found evidence that companies doesn’t reach out with information about their work with CSR. If they would like to reach out to costumers, they need to find better channels. Having the information on the website is not enough to reach out to consumers who are not currently looking for information on CSR. It is found in our study that the knowledge of store managers and other employees in the selected stores are deficient. It is therefore difficult for the consumer to get the information needed to make an informed buying decision.

Upper and lower visual field differences : an investigation of the gaze cascade effect

Burkitt Hiebert, Jennifer Ann 08 April 2010
The purpose of the current thesis was to investigate the role of gaze direction, when making preference decisions. Previous research has reported a progressive gaze bias towards the preferred stimuli as participants near a decision, termed the gaze cascade effect (Shimojo, Simion, Shimojo & Scheir, 2003). The gaze cascade effect is strongest during the final 1500 msec prior to decision (Shimojo et al.). Previous eye-tracking research has displayed natural viewing biases towards the upper visual field. However, previous investigations have not investigated the impact of image placement on the gaze cascade effect. Study 1 investigated the impact of presenting stimuli vertically on the gaze cascade effect. Results indicated that natural scanning biases towards the upper visual field impacted the gaze cascade effect. The gaze cascade effect was reliably seen only when the preferred image was presented in the upper visual field. Using vertically paired stimuli study 2 investigated the impact of choice difficulty on the gaze cascade effect. Similar to study 1 the gaze cascade effect was only reliably seen when the preferred image was presented in the upper visual field. Additionally choice difficulty impacted the gaze cascade effect where easy decisions displayed a larger gaze cascade effect than hard decisions. Study 3 investigated if the gaze cascade effect is unique to preference decisions or present during all visual decisions. Judgments of concavity using perceptually ambiguous spheres were used and no gaze cascade effect was observed. Study 3 indicated that the gaze cascade effect is unique to preference decisions. Results of the current experiments indicate the gaze cascade effect is qualified by the spatial layout of the stimuli and choice difficulty. Results of the current experiments are consistent with previous eye-tracking research demonstrating biases towards the upper visual field and offering support for Prevics theory on how we interact in visual space.

The Search for a Model System which Balances Freedom and Respect for End of Life Decisions and Strict Regulation to Protect the Vulnerable from Abuse

O'Brien, Sinéad Erin 13 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes a model for legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide [PAS] for adoption into Canadian legislation. The basis of this model is one which respects the individual freedom to make end-of-life decisions free from state interference. The research herein supports the provisions contained in Oregon legislation where PAS has been legalized on the basis that the Oregon model is consistent with the guarantees afforded under s.7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Oregon maintains strict regulatory barriers which protect against the threat of abuse which the Supreme Court reasoned in Rodriguez outweighed her s.7 rights to autonomy. This thesis will engage in the theories of Ronald Dworkin who supports the preservation of the sanctity of human life which Sopinka J. held prevailed over s. 7 violations in Rodriguez and seeks a model which respects individual freedom without compromising that sanctity or value of life.

The Search for a Model System which Balances Freedom and Respect for End of Life Decisions and Strict Regulation to Protect the Vulnerable from Abuse

O'Brien, Sinéad Erin 13 January 2011 (has links)
This thesis proposes a model for legalized Physician-Assisted Suicide [PAS] for adoption into Canadian legislation. The basis of this model is one which respects the individual freedom to make end-of-life decisions free from state interference. The research herein supports the provisions contained in Oregon legislation where PAS has been legalized on the basis that the Oregon model is consistent with the guarantees afforded under s.7 of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Oregon maintains strict regulatory barriers which protect against the threat of abuse which the Supreme Court reasoned in Rodriguez outweighed her s.7 rights to autonomy. This thesis will engage in the theories of Ronald Dworkin who supports the preservation of the sanctity of human life which Sopinka J. held prevailed over s. 7 violations in Rodriguez and seeks a model which respects individual freedom without compromising that sanctity or value of life.

Essays in Experimental and Environmental Economics

Jacobson, Sarah 15 May 2010 (has links)
The chapters of this dissertation explore complementary areas of applied microeconomics, within the fields of experimental and environmental economics. In each case, preferences and institutions interact in ways that enhance or subvert efficiency. The first chapter, "The Girl Scout Cookie Phenomenon," uses a laboratory experiment to study favor trading in a public goods setting. The ability to practice targeted reciprocity increases contributions by 14%, which corresponds directly to increased efficiency. Subjects discriminate by rewarding group members who have been generous and withholding rewards from ungenerous group members. At least some reciprocal behavior is rooted in other-regarding preferences. When someone is outside the "circle of reciprocity," he gives less to the public good than in other settings. We find no evidence of indirect reciprocity. We find two behavioral types in each treatment, differing in baseline giving but not in tendency to reciprocate. The second chapter, "The Effects of Conservation Reserve Program Participation on Later Land Use," studies another public goods issue: conservation. The Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) pays farmers to retire farmland. We use a treatment effect framework to find that ex-CRP land is 21-28% more likely to be farmed than comparable non-CRP land. This implies that the CRP improves low-quality land, making it more attractive to farm. This could demonstrate inefficiency, since farmers gain private benefit from a program meant to provide a public good. On the other hand, farmed ex-CRP land is more likely to adopt conservation practices, although this may not be caused by CRP participation. The third chapter, "Learning from Mistakes," examines financial decisions by adult Rwandans in institutions inside and outside the lab. Over 50% of subjects make irrational choices over risk—choices that likely do not reflect their preferences, and are therefore likely inefficient—and these subjects share tendencies in their take-up of financial instruments. Risk-averse individuals are more likely to belong to a savings group and less likely to take out an informal loan. For those who make mistakes, however, as they become more risk averse, they are less likely to belong to a savings group and more likely to take up informal credit.

Evolution of Urban Built Space: Markets and Decisions

Farooq, Bilal 30 August 2011 (has links)
To understand the factors that influence the spatio-temporal distribution of built space, and thus population in an urban area, play an extremely important role in our greater understanding of urban travel behaviour. Existing location of activity centres, especially home and work, strongly influences the short-term individual-level decisions such as mode of transportation, and long-term household-level decisions such as change in job and residential location. Conditions in the built space market also affect households’ and firms’ location and relocation decisions, and hence influence the general travel patterns in an urban area. This research addresses two very important, but at the same time, not very widely investigated dimensions that play a key role in the evolution of built space and population distribution: Markets and Decisions. A disequilibrium based microsimulation modelling framework is developed for the built space markets. This framework is then used to operationalize the Greater Toronto and Hamilton Area’s owner-occupied housing market within Integrated Land Use Transportation and Environment (ILUTE) modelling system. Simulation results captured heterogeneity in the transaction prices, due to type of dwellings and different market conditions, in a very disaggregate fashion. On the decisions side, this research first developed a generic multidimensional modelling framework that captures the behaviour of builders in terms of the supply of new built space. The where, when, how much, and what type of supply decisions were incorporated within a single framework. This modelling framework was then applied to estimate a model for the supply of new office space in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Estimation results indicated a risk taker behaviour on the builders’ part, while market conditions and supply of resources (labour, construction cost etc.) were also found to be important factors in decision making. In addition to that, this research also developed a comprehensive hedonic analysis for the asking rent of office space in the Greater Toronto Area. The effects of accessibility, quality, location, and market conditions on rent were explored. Data indicated a high degree of spatial heterogeneity and clustering effects. Spatial analysis techniques were incorporated within the hedonic framework to capture these effects. Estimation results indicated that access to transport infrastructure, distance from CBD, and vacancy rate were significant in explaining the variation in the rent.

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