Spelling suggestions: "subject:"denke"" "subject:"senke""
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Die toepassing van die kultuurstrategiemodel van C.A. van Peursen in die historiese opvoedkunde (Afrikaans)Louw, William 09 December 2005 (has links)
AFRIKAANS: In hierdie studie word daar 'n diepgaande studie van die kultuurstrategie-model van C.A. van Peursen gemaak vanuit 'n histories-opvoedkundige navorsingsmetode. Die doel van die studie is om te bepaal of opvoeding soos dit in die verlede gemanifesteer het met behulp van die model georden, geklassifiseer en gesistematiseer kan word. Indien moontlik, in hoe 'n mate kan die model toepassingswaarde hê vir die Historiese Opvoedkunde. Ten aanvang is daar in hoofstuk 1 'n breë raamwerk en agtergrond verskaf waarteen die studie gelees kan word. In hoofstuk 2 is relevante begrippe wat uit die studie voortvloei, gedefinieer en verklaar om die studie meer toeganklik te maak. Ten einde 'n breër perspektief te verskaf, is hoofstukke 3, 4 en 5 in drie onderskeie wordings- of ontwikkelingsfases van die mens verdeel onder andere die mitiese, ontologiese en funksionele fase. In elk van die fases is die verhouding en ingesteldheid van die mens met die werklikheid, medemens en die bonatuurlike bespreek. In elke fase word daar telkens verwys na eksemplare uit die verlede. Ten laaste is daar bevind dat die model uiters geskik en toepasbaar is vir die ordenning, klassifikasie en sistematisering van die opvoedingsverlede. Enkele aanbevelings word in hierdie verband gemaak. ENGLISH: This study involves a comprehensive and thorough examination of the Culture Strategy Model of C.A. Van Peursen from a historical-educational research perspective. The aim of the examination is to determine whether education, as was manifested in the past with the help of the model, can be classified and systematized. If at all possible, to which extent can the model contain application value for the History of Education. To commence with, Chapter 1 contains a broad framework and background for the reading of the study. In Chapter 2 we find relevant ideas which emanate from the study and which are defined and explained to facilitate the accessibility of the study. In order to provide a broader perspective, chapters 3, 4 and 5 are divided into three separate genetic or development phases of man that is the mythical, ontological and functional phases. In each of the phases we examine the relationship and involvement of man with reality, his fellow beings and the supernatural. In each phase reference will be made to specimens from the past. Finally, it was established that the model is extremely suitable and applicable for the arrangement and systemizing of the educational past. A few recommendations are made in this regard. / Dissertation (MEd)--University of Pretoria, 2005. / Humanities Education / Unrestricted
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Urban open space : user perceptions of the Avis dam environmentHarper, Sally Anne 16 January 2012 (has links)
From its infancy, environmental psychology [which concerns itself with the coinfluencing interface between people and places] has required attention to actual context, and attention to social relevance. There has always been an emphasis on research into real problems within a context of meaningful theory, and on results which have potential not only for individuals, but also for policy-makers and those who execute that policy. This environmental psychology study is about the potential role of green open space in contributing towards quality of life in the city generally. It is also about a specific, wellloved urban open space in Namibia's capital city, Windhoek, the Avis dam environment, which is often the contentious target of proposed commercial development. At the moment, the Windhoek Municipality has no well-structured urban open space policy, and possibly also no full understanding of the meanings of the Avis dam for its users. This study hopes to make contributions to both these areas of policy-making. As the applicability of research findings to the development of public policies and community interventions depends very much on the suitability of the methodology and theories chosen (Stokols, 19911), this study begins with a discussion of systemic and ecosystemic thinking [Chapter Two]. They were chosen as the guiding metatheory for this study, not only because of their recognition of the inescapable connectedness between person and environment, but because of their personal appeal too. Chapter Three examines theories and models which are compatible with systems thinking, and which help understand the potentially positive psycho-social and socio-economic roles of urban open space generally, and how the extent of that potential in a specific open space may be appreciated and described. The implications of systemic/ecosystemic metatheory for the study's methodology and research design are discussed in Chapter Four, and the data collection methods, which comprised observation and interviewing, in Chapter Five. Ecosystemic thinkers do not believe that facts can be "found" [they are not there objectively, but co-emerge subjectively from people's individual and collective experience in a place], so Chapter Six deals with a co-emergent interpretation of the data gathered. Based on that interpretation, recommendations for urban open space policy generally, and the Avis dam environment specifically, are made in Chapter Seven. AFRIKAANS : Omgewingssielkunde (wat gemoeid is met die mede-beinvloedings tussen mense en plekke) het van sy vroegste jeug aandag benodig ten opsigte van werklike verband asook maatskaplike toepaslikheid. Daar was nog altyd klem op navorsing ten opsigte van daadwerklike probleme binne die verband van ‘n betekenisvolle teorie asook op die uitslae wat potensiaal het vir die individualis sowel as die beleidsbepalers en beleidsuitvoerders. Hierdie omgewingssielkundestudie gaan oor hoe groen oop spasies moontlik kan bydra tot kwaliteit van lewensgehalte in die stad oor die algemeen. Dit gaan ook oor ‘n besondere, geliefde stedelike oop ruimte in Namibia se hoofstad, Windhoek, nl. die Avisdamomgewing, wat voortdurend ‘n teiken is vir bedryfsontwikkeling. Tans beskik die Munisipaliteit van Windhoek nie oor ‘n welsaamgestelde beleid oor oop ruimtes nie en moontlik ontbreek ook by hulle die nodige begrip van die betekenis van die dam vir sy verbruikers. Hierdie studie be-oog om ‘n bydrae in die beleidsbepalings van altwee leemtes te lewer. Die toepaslikheid van navorsingsbevindings in die ontwikkeling van openbare beleid en gemeenskapsbemiddeling hang baie van die gepastheid van die metodologie en teorië (Stokols, 1991)2 af. Hierdie studie begin met ‘n bespreking oor sistemiese en ekosistemiese denke (Hoofstuk Twee). Hulle is as die leidende metateorieë gekies, nie alleen vir hul erkenning van die onontkombare verband tussen persone en hul omgewing nie, maar ook vir hulle persoonlike aantrekkingskrag. In Hoofstuk Drie word teorië en voorbeelde bestudeer wat verenigbaar is met sistemiese denke en wat help om die potensiële positiewe psigo-sosiale en sosio-ekonomiese rolle van stedelike oop ruimtes oor die algemeen te verstaan, asook hoe om die omvang van die potensiaal van ‘n spesifieke oop ruimte te kan waardeer en te kan beskryf. In Hoofstuk Vier word die implikasies van die sistemiese/eko-sistemiese metateorie vir hierdie studie se metodologie en navorsingsplan bespreek. Die dataversamelingsmetodes wat uit waarneming en onderhoude bestaan, word in Hoofstuk Vyf hanteer. Ekosistemiese denkers glo nie dat feite “gevind” word nie (dit is nie objektiewelik daar nie maar ontstaan subjektiewelik deur persone se individuele en gesamentlike ondervindinge van ‘n plek), dus word die vertolking van die saamgestelde data in Hoofstuk Ses bespreek. In die lig van dié vertolking word aanbevelings 2 Stokols, D. (1991). Conceptual strategies of environmental psychology. In D. Stokols& I. Altman (Eds), Handbook of environmental psychology, Vol. 1 (pp. 41-70). New York: John Wiley. vir stedelike oopruimtebeleid in die algemeen asook spesifiek vir die Avisdam omgewing in Hoofstuk Sewe hanteer. / Dissertation (MA)--University of Pretoria, 1998. / Psychology / unrestricted
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Developing critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions : a conceptual frameworkTerblanche, Ester Aletta Jacomina 04 November 2019 (has links)
Although the development of critical thinking in students is not an easy task, it is becoming
increasingly more vital. Students need to be able to think critically to thrive in the 21st
century workplace. The auditor of the future must adapt to a fast-changing, technologydriven
world where critical thinking capabilities provide the ability to solve unstructured
problems, analyse and interpret information, make informed decisions and interrogate
With claims that the auditing profession is not delivering entry-level chartered accountants
with the necessary skills and competencies to truly add value to auditing clients, the onus
is on educators to develop critical thinking in their students. As critical thinking is a
complex concept with multiple dimensions, imparting this skill to students is an intricate
process. Technology-based educational interventions which include simulations, virtual
reality and games can provide effective platforms for developing critical thinking.
However, educators are often hesitant to use these technologies and uncertain how to
instill critical thinking in students.
It is therefore clear that educators need guidance and require a robust, holistic framework
for critical thinking development through technology-based educational interventions. The
primary objective of this study was to propose such a conceptual framework that would
provide guidance to educators in addressing the growing need for auditors with welldeveloped
critical thinking capabilities. To arrive at this conceptual framework, more
insights into the conceptualisation and development of critical thinking were required.
These insights set the foundation for a preliminary, literature-based, conceptual
framework. To validate the concepts and relationships proposed in this preliminary
framework and to provide insights into additional concepts and relationships, the
perspectives of three groups of participants were obtained using an Interactive Qualitative
Analysis (IQA) design. Concepts in the final conceptual framework included studentrelated
factors, educator-related factors, design and development considerations,
technology-based enabling tools, collaboration among stakeholders and disciplines, the
learning process, ethics, globalisation, auditing content, critical thinking and other learning
outcomes associated with critical thinking, constructivism and characteristics of critical thinking instruction. The end product is a novel, integrated and robust conceptual
framework aimed at the development of critical thinking in auditing students through
technology-based educational interventions. This framework provides a structure to the
complex nature of critical thinking development. The acquisition of critical thinking
capabilities is, however, not a once-off, linear event. The framework and its individual
concepts and relationships should thus be seen as part of a continuous process of critical
thinking growth. / Hoe moeilik dit ook al mag wees om studente te leer om krities te dink, dit word
toenemend noodsaaklik. In die 21e eeu vereis die werkplek immers kritiese denke van
studente. Die aspirantouditeur moet by ʼn snel veranderende, tegnologies gedrewe wêreld
kan aanpas deur krities te dink om ongestruktureerde probleme op te los, inligting te
ontleed, te vertolk en te betwyfel, en om ingeligte besluite te neem.
Aangesien ouditeursfirmas kla dat jong geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters nie oor die nodige
vaardighede beskik nie, het opvoeders die verantwoordelikheid om studente krities te leer
dink. Omrede kritiese denke ʼn komplekse konsep met veelvuldige fasette is, is dit ʼn heel
ingewikkelde proses om studente daarmee toe te rus. Tegnologiese onderrigintervensies
deur onder meer nabootsings, virtuele werklikhede en speletjies kan hierin van groot nut
wees. Opvoeders aarsel egter om hierdie tegnologieë aan te wend, en daarby is hulle
onseker hoe om kritiese denke by studente in te skerp.
Opvoeders het ongetwyfeld leiding hierin nodig, en ʼn stewige, holististiese raamwerk vir
die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke deur middel van tegnologiese onderrigintervensies is
duidelik nodig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om met so ʼn konseptuele raamwerk te
kom wat leiding kan gee aan opvoeders wat aspirantouditeurs moet oplei om krities te
dink. Hiervoor moes groter insig in die konseptualisering en ontwikkeling van kritiese
denke verkry word. Hierdie insigte het die grondslag gelê vir ʼn voorlopige konseptuele
raamwerk wat op die literatuur berus. Drie groepe deelnemers is gebruik om die
geldigheid van die addisionele konsepte en verbande in die voorlopige raamwerk te toets
en insigte in addisionele konsepte en verbande te verkry. ʼn Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe
analise (IKA) is gedoen. Die konsepte in die finale konseptuele raamwerk is onder meer
studentfaktore, opvoederfaktore, oorwegings soos ontwerp en ontwikkeling, tegnologiese
instrumente, samewerking tussen belanghebbers en dissiplines, die leerproses, etiek,
globalisering, die ouditkunde-inhoud, kritiese denke en ander leeruitkomste wat met
kritiese denke gepaard gaan, konstruktivisme en die kenmerke van onderrig in kritiese
denke. Die eindproduk is ʼn nuwe, geïntegreerde en stewige konseptuele raamwerk
waarmee ouditkundestudente met tegnologiese onderrigintervensies opgelei kan word
om krities te dink. Hierdie raamwerk verleen struktuur aan die komplekse aard van opleiding in kritiese denke. Die verwerwing van die vermoë om krities te dink is egter nie
eenmalig en lineêr nie. Hierdie raamwerk met sy afsonderlike konsepte en verbande moet
beskou word as ʼn onderdeel van ʼn deurlopende proses om kritiese denke te ontwikkel. / Nakuba ukuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi kungesiwo umsebenzi
olula, kuya ngokuya kubaluleka kakhulu. Abafundi kumele bakwazi ukucabanga
sakuhlaziya ukuze baphumelele emsebenzini kwikhuluminyaka lama21.
Umcwaningimabhuku wesikhathi esizayo kufanele ajwayele isimo sezwe elishintsha
masinya, esiholwa ubuchwepheshe nokuyilapho ukukwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya
kuhlinzeka ikhono lokusombulula izinkinga ezingahlelekile, ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha
imininingwane, ukuthatha izinqumo ezikahle nokuphenyisisa imininingwane.
Njengoba kuthiwa umkhakha wezocwaningomabhuku awukhiqizi abagcinimabhuku
bezinga lomhlaba abasaqala abanamakhono nokuqonda okufanele ukwenza umehluko
kumakhasimende ocwaningomabhuku, kungumsebenzi wabafundisayo ukusungula
ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi babo. Njengoba ukucabanga sakuhlaziya
kungumqondo olukhuni ozigabaningi, ukudlulisela leli khono kubafundi kungumsebenzi
oxakayo. Ukusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe, ezifaka kuzo
ukulinganisa, okwenzeka ngempela nemidlalo, kunganikeza izinkundla ezisebenza
ngempumelelo ukuthuthukisa ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Nakuba kunjalo, othisha bavame
ukuba manqikanqika ukusebenzisa lobu buchwepheshe futhi abanasiqiniseko sokuthi
bangakufaka kanjani ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi.
Ngakho-ke kusobala ukuthi othisha badinga ukwelulekwa kanye nohlaka olunamandla
olufaka konke maqondana nokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa
izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Injongo enkulu yalolu cwaningo
ngukuhlongoza uhlaka lomqondo oluzohlinzeka umhlahlandlela kothisha ukubhekana
nesidingo esikhulayo sabacwaningimabhuku abanamakhono athuthukile okucabanga
sakuhlaziya. Ukuze kufinyelelwe kulolu hlaka, kwadingeka ulwazi olwengeziwe
ekucabangeni nasekusungulweni kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Lolu lwazi lwaba yisisekelo
sohlaka lomqondo lokuqala olugxile emibhalweni. Ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiqondo
nobudlelwano obuhlongozwayo kulolu hlaka lokuqala futhi kuhlinzekwe ulwazi
emicabangweni nasebudlelwaneni obengeziwe, imibono yamaqoqo amathathu
ababambiqhaza yatholakala ngokusetshenziswa komklamo ongukuHlaziya Izingahle
Ngokusebenzisana owaziwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (i-IQA).
Imiqondo esohlakeni lomqondo lokugcina yayibandakanya okuphathelene nabafundi,
okuphathelene nothisha, okumayelana nomklamo nentuthuko, amathuluzi okusiza ancike
kubuchwepheshe, ukuhlanganyela phakathi kwabathintekayo nemikhakha, indlela
yokufunda, okuphathelene nokulunga, ukusabalalisa umhlaba wonke, ukucwaninga
imininingwane yokuqukethwe, ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kanye neminye imiphumela
yokufunda ehambisana nokucabanga sakuhlaziya, nobunjalo bendlela yokufunda
ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Umkhiqizo ovela ekugcineni kuba yinoveli nohlaka lomqondo
olunamandla okuhloswe ngalo ukuba kuthuthukiswe ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi
bezocwaningomabhuku ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe.
Lolu hlaka luhlinzeka umumo esimweni esingaqondakali sokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga
sakuhlaziya. Kodwa-ke, ukutholakala kwamakhono okucabanga sakuhlaziya, akusiyo
into eyenzeka kanye, ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke, uhlaka kanye nemiqondo yalo
ngaminye nobudlelwano bayo kumele kubonakale njengengxenye yomsebenzi
oqhubekayo wokukhula kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. / Taxation / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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'n Ondersoek na die gebruik van wiskundewoordeskat en metakognitiewe strategieë tydens probleemoplossing by graad 7-leerders / Natasha Jansen van VuurenVan Vuuren, Natasha Jansen January 2014 (has links)
Some learners in South Africa perform poorly in school, especially in Mathematics. In 2010 the Department of Basic Education announced their concern regarding the pass rate. The National Education Department circulated a report in 2008 on some Grade 3 and Grade 6 learners who took part in a research project and only achieved level one and two in literacy (vocabulary), as well as numeracy (Mathematics).
Several factors contribute to this shocking situation, such as the absence of the use of meta-cognitive strategies, number strategies, as well as language strategies.
The prime goal of this study was to investigate the use of meta-cognitive strategies and Mathematical vocabulary during problem solving by Grade 7 learners.
Three primary schools were invited to participate in the qualitative investigation. From these schools three top achievers (one per school) and three under-achievers (one per school) were invited to participate in the quantitative investigation.
The study includes the results of the quantitative aspects of the investigation. Learners had to answer questions about predictions, achievements, control, as well as evaluation during the quantitative investigation. During this process, most of the learners predicted that they would do well and evaluated that they did well, but their marks for the questions about their achievements and control were in fact different.
It is important to inform Mathematics teachers and learners about meta-cognitive strategies and Mathematical vocabulary, and the influence it can have on the learners’ achievements, as well as the positive effect during the learning of Mathematics. / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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'n Analise van die reflektiewe vermoëns van effektiewe en oneffektiewe leerders in rekenaarprogrammering / Elizabeth Alice BreedBreed, Elizabeth Alice January 2006 (has links)
As a result of the interactive nature of modern programming languages the perception has
developed that proper planning of a solution, reasoned action during the process of problem
solving and evaluation of the solution have become less important during computer
programming. Learn often rely on the programming language to help them solve a problem,
without themselves planning the solution beforehand and then using a computer language to
implement the solution. This approach usually leads to using bad programming techniques,
resulting in unstructured programmes or rendering the learner unable to solve the problem.
The importance of continuous reflection by learners while doing a programming activity has
been advocated for quite some time... / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources.
The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources.
Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group.
Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities.
Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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'n Ondersoek na die gebruik van wiskundewoordeskat en metakognitiewe strategieë tydens probleemoplossing by graad 7-leerders / Natasha Jansen van VuurenVan Vuuren, Natasha Jansen January 2014 (has links)
Some learners in South Africa perform poorly in school, especially in Mathematics. In 2010 the Department of Basic Education announced their concern regarding the pass rate. The National Education Department circulated a report in 2008 on some Grade 3 and Grade 6 learners who took part in a research project and only achieved level one and two in literacy (vocabulary), as well as numeracy (Mathematics).
Several factors contribute to this shocking situation, such as the absence of the use of meta-cognitive strategies, number strategies, as well as language strategies.
The prime goal of this study was to investigate the use of meta-cognitive strategies and Mathematical vocabulary during problem solving by Grade 7 learners.
Three primary schools were invited to participate in the qualitative investigation. From these schools three top achievers (one per school) and three under-achievers (one per school) were invited to participate in the quantitative investigation.
The study includes the results of the quantitative aspects of the investigation. Learners had to answer questions about predictions, achievements, control, as well as evaluation during the quantitative investigation. During this process, most of the learners predicted that they would do well and evaluated that they did well, but their marks for the questions about their achievements and control were in fact different.
It is important to inform Mathematics teachers and learners about meta-cognitive strategies and Mathematical vocabulary, and the influence it can have on the learners’ achievements, as well as the positive effect during the learning of Mathematics. / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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Die bevordering van omgewingsgeletterdheid by graad ses-leerders deur middel van wateraktiwiteite / M.E. Welman.Welman, Magdalena January 2013 (has links)
The study focuses on the role of water activities in the advancement of environmental literacy in grade six learners. The study is important as South Africa is experiencing a water crisis due to below average rainfall, overpopulation and poor management of water sources.
The implementation of water activities in primary and secondary school education is needed for the development of environmentally literate citizens who understand the connection between the environment, available water and poverty and who possess the skills to sustain water sources.
Environmental problems can be solved through environmental literacy (UNESCO, 1994:11). The purpose of the study is to determine how environmental literacy can be advanced by means of water activities carried out by grade six learners. The study is quantitative and a before- and after test questionnaire was used to compile data from an experimental and control group.
Five schools that are located near water sources took part in the research. The biotic water testing methods and light intensity measurements were used as water activities.
Active participation of learners in water activities contributed to the expansion of knowledge, skills and values regarding water in the environment. / Thesis (MEd (Curriculum Development))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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'n Analise van die reflektiewe vermoëns van effektiewe en oneffektiewe leerders in rekenaarprogrammering / Elizabeth Alice BreedBreed, Elizabeth Alice January 2006 (has links)
As a result of the interactive nature of modern programming languages the perception has
developed that proper planning of a solution, reasoned action during the process of problem
solving and evaluation of the solution have become less important during computer
programming. Learn often rely on the programming language to help them solve a problem,
without themselves planning the solution beforehand and then using a computer language to
implement the solution. This approach usually leads to using bad programming techniques,
resulting in unstructured programmes or rendering the learner unable to solve the problem.
The importance of continuous reflection by learners while doing a programming activity has
been advocated for quite some time... / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.
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Learners' understanding of proportion : a case study from Grade 8 mathematics / Sharifa SulimanSuliman, Sharifa January 2014 (has links)
Underachievement in Mathematics hangs over South African Mathematics learners like a dark cloud. TIMSS studies over the past decade have confirmed that South African learners‟ results (Grades 8 and 9 in 2011) remained at a low ebb, denying them the opportunity to compete and excel globally in the field of Mathematics.
It is against this backdrop that the researcher investigated the meaningful understanding of the important yet challenging algebraic concept of Proportion. The theoretical as well as the empirical underpinnings of the fundamental idea of Proportion are highlighted. The meaningful learning of Algebra was explored and physical, effective and cognitive factors affecting meaningful learning of Algebra, views on Mathematics and learning theories were examined. The research narrowed down to the meaningful understanding of Proportion, misconceptions, and facilitation in developing Proportional reasoning.
This study was embedded in an interpretive paradigm and the research design was qualitative in nature. The qualitative data was collected via task sheets and interviews. The sample informing the central phenomenon in the study consisted of a heterogeneous group of learners and comprised a kaleidoscope of nationalities, both genders, a variety of home languages, differing socio-economic statuses and varying cognitive abilities. The findings cannot be generalised.
Triangulation of the literature review, the analysis of task sheets and interviews revealed that overall the participants have a meaningful understanding of the Proportion concept. However, a variety of misconceptions were observed in certain cases. Finally, recommendations are made to address the meaningful learning of Proportion and its associated misconceptions. It is hoped that teachers read and act on the recommendations as it is the powerful mind and purposeful teaching of the teacher that can make a difference in uplifting the standard of Mathematics in South African classrooms! / MEd (Mathematics Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014
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