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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Tandvårdsrädsla och tandvårdsbesök. Litteraturstudie

Hosseini, Nik, Vesterling, Marie January 2015 (has links)
Syfte: Litteraturstudien hade två syften. Det första syftet var att undersöka hur vanligt det är att tandvårdsrädsla är en orsak till att vuxna inte går till tandvården och det andra om oregelbundna tandvårdsbesökare är mer tandvårdsrädda. Material och metod: En systematisk litteratursökning utfördes i databasen PubMed. Inklusionskriterierna var att studierna ska ha utförts på personer > 15 år och artiklar vara skrivna på engelska. Exklusionskriteriet var reviewartiklar. Efter att ha läst titel och sammanfattning på de funna artiklarna hämtades fulltext på de artiklar som stämde med inklusions- och exklusionskriterierna. Dessa artiklar relevansgraderades sedan och artiklar med hög relevans inkluderades i resultattabellerna och kvalitetsbedömdes. Artiklar med låg relevans exkluderades. Resultat: Tjugofem artiklar hade hög relevans och användes i resultattabellerna. Av dessa artiklar användes 10 stycken i syfte 1 och 15 artiklar i syfte 2. Av dessa artiklar fick två bedömningen medelhög kvalitet och 23 artiklar fick hög kvalitet. Konklusion: Resultatet visar att tandvårdsrädsla är en av de stora anledningarna till att vuxna inte går till tandvården. Andra faktorer påverkar också som tidsbrist, kostnad och att patienterna inte känner behov av att gå så länge de inte har några problem med tänderna. Resultatet visar även att oregelbundna tandvårdsbesökare är mer tandvårdsrädda. / Objective: The literature study had two aims. The first was to investigate how common it is that dental anxiety is a reason why adults do not go to the dentistry and the second if irregular dental attenders have a higher level of dental anxiety. Material and methods: A systematic literature search of the database PubMed was carried out. The inclusion criteria were that studies should have been conducted in individuals > 15 years old and articles should be written in English. The exclusion criterion was reviews. After reading the title and abstract of the found articles, articles that matched the inclusion and exclusion criteria were retrieved in full text. These were graded on relevance and articles of high relevance were included in the result tables and quality were then assessed. Articles with low relevance were excluded. Results: Twenty-five articles had high relevance and were used in the result tables. Of these, 10 articles were used for the first aim, 15 articles for the second aim. Of these, two articles were assessed as showing medium-high quality, 23 articles were of high quality. Conclusion: The results show that dental anxiety is one of the major reasons that adults do not go to the dentist. Other factors also influence like the lack of time, cost and that the patients do not feel the need to go as long as they do not have any problems with their teeth. The result also show that irregular dental attenders have a higher level of dental anxiety.

Children’s dental general anaesthesia:reasons and associated factors

Rajavaara, P. (Päivi) 05 March 2019 (has links)
Abstract General anaesthesia (GA) is a widely used sedation method in dentistry. It is usually used for patients with an extensive dental treatment need, most often related to dental caries, and limited coping skills to consider conventional dental care. These patients are often small children or persons with dental fear. Using dental general anaesthesia (DGA) is expensive, special equipment and trained staff are needed, and it is not without risks for patients. The aim of this study was to investigate factors associated with children’s DGA. In addition to dental caries and dental fear, general health status, oral health behaviours, family-related factors, as well as dental attendance after DGA were in focus. The thesis is composed of five independent studies. There were three different study populations ‒ one in specialised and two in primary health care. There was also an age- and gender-matched comparison group for one of the study populations. Questionnaires were used in three of the studies, and two of the studies were based on patient files. According to the results, DGA is more common among medically compromised children than among healthy children. Medically compromised children have more often a history of DGA treatments compared with their healthy peers. Dental caries and dental fear were the main reasons for DGA in all of the studies. Dietary and drinking habits, as well as oral hygiene behaviours were distinctly poorer among children undergoing DGA than among those treated in a normal dental setting. A history of DGA in the family, a large number of siblings and male gender were important background factors associated with DGA. Patients treated under DGA were prone to miss or cancel their upcoming appointments. In conclusion, DGA is necessary in some cases, but it could be avoided if factors associated with DGA were taken into account in treatment plans. DGA in itself does not have an enhancing effect on oral health over the long term. / Tiivistelmä Yleisanestesia on hammashoidossa yleisesti käytetty sedaatiomenetelmä vaikeahoitoisille potilaille. He ovat usein pieniä lapsia, hammashoitopelkoisia tai sellaisia potilaita, joiden hoidontarve on liian laaja ja haastava tavanomaiseen hammashoitoon. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää lasten nukutushammashoitoon liittyviä tekijöitä. Karieksen ja hammashoitopelon lisäksi tutkimuksen kohteena oli yleisterveydellisiä seikkoja, suunterveystottumuksia, perheeseen liittyviä tekijöitä sekä hammashoitopalvelujen käyttö nukutushammashoidon jälkeen. Tämä väitöskirja koostuu viidestä erillisestä osajulkaisusta. Tutkimusjoukkoja oli kolme: yksi erikoissairaanhoidosta ja kaksi perusterveydenhuollosta. Yhdelle tutkimusjoukolle oli ikä- ja sukupuolivakioitu vertailuryhmä. Kyselylomakkeita käytettiin kolmessa osajulkaisussa ja kaksi osajulkaisua perustui potilaspapereihin. Nukutushammashoito oli yleisempää yleissairailla kuin terveillä lapsilla. Yleissairailla lapsilla oli myös useammin nukutushammashoitohistoriaa kuin terveillä lapsilla. Karies ja hammashoitopelko olivat pääsyyt nukutushammashoitoon kaikissa tutkimuksissa. Juoma- ja ruokatottumukset, kuten myös suuterveystottumukset, olivat selkeästi huonommat nukutushammashoidossa hoidetuilla lapsilla kuin niillä lapsilla, jotka hoidettiin normaalisti hereillä. Perheen nukutushammashoitohistoria, suuri määrä sisaruksia ja miessukupuoli olivat merkittäviä nukutushammashoitoon yhteydessä olevia tekijöitä. Nukutushammashoidossa hoidetut potilaat jättivät usein tulematta nukutushammashoidon jälkeisille hammashoitokäynneilleen tai peruivat aikansa. Nukutushammashoito on välttämätön tietyissä tilanteissa, mutta se voitaisiin välttää, jos siihen liittyviä tekijöitä huomioitaisiin paremmin hoitosuunnitelmissa. Nukutushammashoidolla sinänsä ei ole suunterveyttä parantavaa pitkäaikaisvaikutusta.

Dental fear among adults in Finland

Pohjola, V. (Vesa) 06 October 2009 (has links)
Abstract The aim of this study was to evaluate the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition. A further aim was to study the association between subjective oral impacts and dental fear. The nationwide two-stage stratified cluster sample (n=8028) represented Finnish adults aged 30 years and older. The data were collected in interviews, with questionnaires and at clinical dental examinations. Dental fear was measured with the question: “How afraid are you of visiting a dentist?” and subjective oral impacts with the OHIP-14 questionnaire. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to determine the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits, dental condition and subjective oral impacts, taking into consideration the possible confounding and/or modifying factors (e.g. age, gender and education). Of Finnish adults aged 30 years and older, 10% were very afraid and 30% somewhat afraid of visiting a dentist. Those with high dental fear were more likely to report subjective oral impacts than were those with lower fear. Age modified the effect of the association between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition. Among all age groups, except the 30- to 34-year-olds, irregular attenders were more likely to be very afraid of visiting a dentist than regular attenders were. Dental condition was also poorer among those with high dental fear than among those with lower fear. The association between dental fear and number of decayed teeth was positive in all age groups. Among the age group 65+ years, the numbers of missing and sound teeth were positively, and among the age group 30-34 years negatively, associated with dental fear. Among the age group 65+years, those who brushed their teeth less than twice a day were more likely to have high dental fear than were those who brushed at least twice a day. Regular smokers were more likely to have high dental fear than were those who smoked occasionally or not at all. Dental fear is very common among adults in Finland. Because those with dental fear use dental services irregularly, they are likely to need emergency care. However, those for whom oral health services have been provided regularly since childhood seem to continue to use these services regularly in spite of high dental fear. Dental teams should be aware of the increased oral health risks that smoking, irregular attendance and poor tooth-cleaning habits cause among those with dental fear. Treating dental fear could have positive effects on subjective oral impacts by reducing psychological and social stress as well as improving regular dental attendance and oral health. Birth cohort or age should be taken into account when associations between dental fear and dental attendance, oral health habits and dental condition are studied. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää hammashoitopelon ja hammashoitopalveluiden käytön, suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen sekä hammasterveyden välisiä yhteyksiä. Tavoitteena oli myös tutkia suunterveyteen liittyvien ongelmien yhteyttä hammashoitopelkoon. Kaksivaiheinen ryvästetty otos (n=8028) edusti suomalaista 30 vuotta täyttänyttä väestöä. Tutkimuksessa käytetty tieto koottiin haastattelujen, kyselyjen ja suun kliinisen tutkimuksen avulla. Hammashoitopelkoa selvitettiin kysymyksellä ”Onko hammaslääkärissä käynti mielestänne: ei lainkaan pelottavaa, jonkin verran pelottavaa, erittäin pelottavaa?” ja suun terveyteen liittyviä ongelmia OHIP-14-kyselyllä. Logististen regressioanalyysien avulla tutkittiin hammashoitopelon ja palveluiden käytön, suunterveyteen liittyvien tapojen ja ongelmien sekä hampaiden terveyden välistä yhteyttä huomioiden mahdollisia sekoittavia ja/tai vaikutusta muovaavia tekijöitä (mm. ikä, sukupuoli, koulutus). Suomalaisista aikuisista 10 % pelkäsi hammashoitoa kovasti ja 30 % jonkin verran. Kovasti hammashoitoa pelkäävät raportoivat suunterveyteen liittyviä ongelmia useammin kuin vähän tai ei lainkaan pelkäävät. Ikä vaikutti siihen, millainen yhteys oli hammashoitopelon ja hammashoitopalvelujen käytön, suun terveyteen liittyvien tapojen ja hammasterveyden välillä. Kaikissa muissa ikäryhmissä paitsi ikäryhmässä 30–34 epäsäännöllisesti hoidossa käyvät pelkäsivät hammashoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin säännöllisesti hoidossa käyvät. Kovasti pelkäävillä oli myös huonompi hammasterveys kuin vähemmän pelkäävillä. Kaikissa ikäryhmissä kovasti hammashoitoa pelkäävillä oli useampia reikiintyneitä hampaita kuin jonkin verran tai ei lainkaan pelkäävillä. Poistettujen hampaiden lukumäärän lisääntyessä kovan hammashoitopelon todennäköisyys pieneni ikäryhmässä 30–34 ja kasvoi ikäryhmässä 65+. Näissä ikäryhmissä sama ilmiö oli havaittavissa myös terveiden hampaiden lukumäärän muuttuessa. Ikäryhmässä 65+ hampaansa harvemmin kuin kahdesti päivässä harjanneet pelkäsivät hoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin vähintään kahdesti päivässä harjanneet. Säännöllisesti tupakoivat pelkäsivät hammashoitoa todennäköisemmin kuin epäsäännöllisesti tai ei lainkaan tupakoivat. Hammashoitopelko on yleistä Suomessa. Koska pelkäävät käyvät hoidossa epäsäännöllisesti, hammaslääkärit kohtaavat pelkääviä potilaita usein akuuttivastaanotolla. Ne, jotka ovat tottuneet hammashoitopalveluiden säännölliseen käyttöön lapsuudesta alkaen, näyttävät jatkavan palveluiden säännöllistä käyttöä pelosta huolimatta. Hammashoitotiimien tulee huomioida hammashoitoa pelkäävien epäsäännöllisen hoidossa käymisen, puutteellisten kotihoitotottumusten ja tupakoinnin suunterveydelle aiheuttama kohonnut riski. Hammashoitopelon hoitamisella olisi positiivisia vaikutuksia suunterveyteen liittyvään elämänlaatuun, koska pelon hoito vähentää psykologista ja sosiaalista stressiä, lisää säännöllistä hoidossa käyntiä ja parantaa suun terveyttä. Syntymäkohortti tai ikä pitää huomioida tutkittaessa hammashoitopelon yhteyttä hammashoitopalveluiden käyttöön, suunterveyteen liittyviin tapoihin ja hammasterveyteen.

O atendimento odontológico no transplante de medula óssea: impacto clínico e econômico / Dental attendance in bone marrow transplants: clinical and economic impact

Bezinelli, Letícia Mello 22 June 2010 (has links)
A Mucosite Oral é uma das principais e mais debilitantes complicações do Transplante de Medula Óssea. (Schubert et al., 1986; Borowski et al., 1994; Sonis, 1998; Peterson, 2004; Sonis, 2004; Scully, 2006; Sonis, 2009). Nessa terapia sua incidência varia entre 75-100%. (Wardley et al., 2000; Barasch; Peterson, 2003; Schubert et al., 2007; Blijlevens, 2008; Vokurka et al., 2009 ). A extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral estão significativamente correlacionadas com dias de narcótico injetável, alimentação parenteral, febre, risco de infecção importante, dias de hospitalização, custos hospitalares e mortalidade. (Sonis et al., 2001; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007). Nosso trabalho trata-se de um estudo de avaliação clínica e econômica, retrospectivo, de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, entre os anos de 2000 e 2008. Foram avaliados 167 pacientes, que foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, composto por 91 pacientes que receberam atendimento odontológico e Laserterapia durante o TMO e Grupo II, composto por 76 pacientes que não receberam atendimento odontológico nem Laserterapia. Dados como idade, sexo, diagnóstico da doença de base, protocolo quimioterápico, tipo de transplante, uso de medicação para dor, dias de febre, utilização de alimentação parenteral, dias de internação, presença de infecção e grau de mucosite oral, com e sem atendimento odontológico, foram coletados e analisados. Uma análise descritiva, com base em tabelas de frequências e testes Qui-quadrado (ou exato de Fisher, quando este se mostrou mais apropriado), foi feita com o objetivo de verificar a associação estatística entre as variáveis de interesse. Estimativas dos riscos relativos, com intervalos de confiança de 95%, foram calculadas para avaliar a associação entre o desfecho (grau máximo) e as variáveis explicativas de interesse e o tempo médio de internação (em dias) nos diferentes grupos e tipos de transplantes foi comparado por meio de um modelo de análise de variância. Valores de p menores que 0,05 foram considerados como estatisticamente significantes. Pudemos concluir com esse trabalho que a extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral foram maiores no grupo sem atendimento Odontológico, sendo que o risco do paciente desse grupo apresentar grau III ou IV foi de 13 vezes maior que o grupo com Cirurgião-Dentista. Além disso, observamos que atendimento odontológico durante o TMO, quando praticado da forma descrita nesse estudo, é custo-efetivo, sendo capaz de reduzir as morbidades clínicas do TMO e que os benefícios do atendimento odontológico excederam os custos e, portanto, devem ser adotados. Foi constatado também que os pacientes que tiveram o acompanhamento do Cirurgião-Dentista apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida durante TMO e que o atendimento odontológico durante o TMO gerou economia para o hospital. / Oral mucositis is one of the main and most debilitating complications of Bone Marrow Transplants. In this therapy its incidence ranges between 75-100%. The extent and severity of Oral Mucositis are significantly correlated with the days of receiving injectable narcotics, parenteral feeding, fever, and risk of important infection, number of days of hospitalization, hospital costs and mortality. This study is a retrospective clinical and economic evaluation of patients submitted to bone marrow transplant at the \"Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein\", between the years 2000 and 2008. A total of 167 patients were evaluated, and were divided into two groups: Group I, composed of 91 patients who received dental treatment and Laser therapy during the BMT and Group II, composed of 76 patients who did not receive dental attendance or laser therapy. Data such as age, sex, diagnosis of the underlying disease, chemotherapy protocol, type of transplant, use of pain relief medication, days of fever, use of parenteral feeding, days of hospitalization, presence of infection and degree of oral mucositis, with and without dental attendance were collected and analyzed. A descriptive analysis, based on Frequency tables and Chi-square tests (or Fishers exact test, when this was shown to be more appropriate), was performed with the aim of verifying the statistical association among the variables of interest. Estimates of relative risks, with confidence intervals of 95% were calculated to evaluate the association between the outcome (maximum degree) and the explicative variables of interest and the mean time of hospitalization (in days) in the different groups and types of transplants was compared by means of an analysis of variance model. p- Values lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. By means of this study, it could be concluded that the extent and severity of Oral Mucositis were greater in the group without Dental attendance, as the risk of the patient in this group presenting Grade III or IV was 13 times higher than it was in the group attended by a Dentist. Moreover, it was observed that dental attendance during BMT, when performed in the manner described in this study, is cost-effective, as it is capable of reducing the clinical morbidities of BMT. Furthermore the benefits of dental attendance outweighed the costs, and therefore, must be adopted. It was also found that patients that were followed-up by the Dentist presented a better quality of life during BMT and that dental attendance during BMT resulted in savings for the hospital.

O atendimento odontológico no transplante de medula óssea: impacto clínico e econômico / Dental attendance in bone marrow transplants: clinical and economic impact

Letícia Mello Bezinelli 22 June 2010 (has links)
A Mucosite Oral é uma das principais e mais debilitantes complicações do Transplante de Medula Óssea. (Schubert et al., 1986; Borowski et al., 1994; Sonis, 1998; Peterson, 2004; Sonis, 2004; Scully, 2006; Sonis, 2009). Nessa terapia sua incidência varia entre 75-100%. (Wardley et al., 2000; Barasch; Peterson, 2003; Schubert et al., 2007; Blijlevens, 2008; Vokurka et al., 2009 ). A extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral estão significativamente correlacionadas com dias de narcótico injetável, alimentação parenteral, febre, risco de infecção importante, dias de hospitalização, custos hospitalares e mortalidade. (Sonis et al., 2001; Vera-Llonch et al., 2007). Nosso trabalho trata-se de um estudo de avaliação clínica e econômica, retrospectivo, de pacientes submetidos ao transplante de medula óssea no Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, entre os anos de 2000 e 2008. Foram avaliados 167 pacientes, que foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo I, composto por 91 pacientes que receberam atendimento odontológico e Laserterapia durante o TMO e Grupo II, composto por 76 pacientes que não receberam atendimento odontológico nem Laserterapia. Dados como idade, sexo, diagnóstico da doença de base, protocolo quimioterápico, tipo de transplante, uso de medicação para dor, dias de febre, utilização de alimentação parenteral, dias de internação, presença de infecção e grau de mucosite oral, com e sem atendimento odontológico, foram coletados e analisados. Uma análise descritiva, com base em tabelas de frequências e testes Qui-quadrado (ou exato de Fisher, quando este se mostrou mais apropriado), foi feita com o objetivo de verificar a associação estatística entre as variáveis de interesse. Estimativas dos riscos relativos, com intervalos de confiança de 95%, foram calculadas para avaliar a associação entre o desfecho (grau máximo) e as variáveis explicativas de interesse e o tempo médio de internação (em dias) nos diferentes grupos e tipos de transplantes foi comparado por meio de um modelo de análise de variância. Valores de p menores que 0,05 foram considerados como estatisticamente significantes. Pudemos concluir com esse trabalho que a extensão e a severidade da Mucosite Oral foram maiores no grupo sem atendimento Odontológico, sendo que o risco do paciente desse grupo apresentar grau III ou IV foi de 13 vezes maior que o grupo com Cirurgião-Dentista. Além disso, observamos que atendimento odontológico durante o TMO, quando praticado da forma descrita nesse estudo, é custo-efetivo, sendo capaz de reduzir as morbidades clínicas do TMO e que os benefícios do atendimento odontológico excederam os custos e, portanto, devem ser adotados. Foi constatado também que os pacientes que tiveram o acompanhamento do Cirurgião-Dentista apresentaram melhor qualidade de vida durante TMO e que o atendimento odontológico durante o TMO gerou economia para o hospital. / Oral mucositis is one of the main and most debilitating complications of Bone Marrow Transplants. In this therapy its incidence ranges between 75-100%. The extent and severity of Oral Mucositis are significantly correlated with the days of receiving injectable narcotics, parenteral feeding, fever, and risk of important infection, number of days of hospitalization, hospital costs and mortality. This study is a retrospective clinical and economic evaluation of patients submitted to bone marrow transplant at the \"Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein\", between the years 2000 and 2008. A total of 167 patients were evaluated, and were divided into two groups: Group I, composed of 91 patients who received dental treatment and Laser therapy during the BMT and Group II, composed of 76 patients who did not receive dental attendance or laser therapy. Data such as age, sex, diagnosis of the underlying disease, chemotherapy protocol, type of transplant, use of pain relief medication, days of fever, use of parenteral feeding, days of hospitalization, presence of infection and degree of oral mucositis, with and without dental attendance were collected and analyzed. A descriptive analysis, based on Frequency tables and Chi-square tests (or Fishers exact test, when this was shown to be more appropriate), was performed with the aim of verifying the statistical association among the variables of interest. Estimates of relative risks, with confidence intervals of 95% were calculated to evaluate the association between the outcome (maximum degree) and the explicative variables of interest and the mean time of hospitalization (in days) in the different groups and types of transplants was compared by means of an analysis of variance model. p- Values lower than 0.05 were considered statistically significant. By means of this study, it could be concluded that the extent and severity of Oral Mucositis were greater in the group without Dental attendance, as the risk of the patient in this group presenting Grade III or IV was 13 times higher than it was in the group attended by a Dentist. Moreover, it was observed that dental attendance during BMT, when performed in the manner described in this study, is cost-effective, as it is capable of reducing the clinical morbidities of BMT. Furthermore the benefits of dental attendance outweighed the costs, and therefore, must be adopted. It was also found that patients that were followed-up by the Dentist presented a better quality of life during BMT and that dental attendance during BMT resulted in savings for the hospital.

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