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Prontuário eletrônico do centro de atendimento a pacientes especiais: desenvolvimento e implementação / Electronic patient record in the Special Care Dentistry Center: development and implementationFraige, Alexandre 05 June 2007 (has links)
O Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) é atualmente um dos principais temas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento no âmbito da Informática em Saúde. No entanto, no Brasil e em odontologia, poucos são os estudos publicados. Frente às deficiências apresentadas no fluxo das informações clínicas nos prontuários baseados em papel e visando o aperfeiçoamento deste fluxo para benefício do paciente e da própria instituição, nos propusemos a desenvolver um prontuário eletrônico direcionado ao atendimento odontológico de pacientes portadores de necessidades especiais do Centro de Atendimento a Pacientes Especiais da Faculdade de Odontologia da USP. Para tanto foi utilizada a metodologia de desenvolvimento denominada ?modelagem orientada ao objeto?. O software foi desenvolvido em conjunto com o Centro de Tecnologia XML do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo. Uma vez terminado, o software foi submetido ao processo de obtenção de registro na Agência USP de Inovações. / The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is currently one of the main subjects of research and development in the scope of Health Informatics. In Dentistry, however, few are the published studies in Brazil. Facing deficiencies presented in the clinical information flow in paper based patient record and aiming to improve this flow for both patient and institution benefit, we proposed to develop a electronic patient record system suited to Dentistry attendance of patients with special needs of the Special Care Dentistry Center of University of São Paulo. For such task, it was utilized the ?Object-oriented modeling? software development methodology. The software was developed with the Center of Technology XML of the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo. Once finished, it was submitted to patent attainment at the University of São Paulo Innovations Agency.
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Prontuário eletrônico do centro de atendimento a pacientes especiais: desenvolvimento e implementação / Electronic patient record in the Special Care Dentistry Center: development and implementationAlexandre Fraige 05 June 2007 (has links)
O Prontuário Eletrônico do Paciente (PEP) é atualmente um dos principais temas de pesquisa e desenvolvimento no âmbito da Informática em Saúde. No entanto, no Brasil e em odontologia, poucos são os estudos publicados. Frente às deficiências apresentadas no fluxo das informações clínicas nos prontuários baseados em papel e visando o aperfeiçoamento deste fluxo para benefício do paciente e da própria instituição, nos propusemos a desenvolver um prontuário eletrônico direcionado ao atendimento odontológico de pacientes portadores de necessidades especiais do Centro de Atendimento a Pacientes Especiais da Faculdade de Odontologia da USP. Para tanto foi utilizada a metodologia de desenvolvimento denominada ?modelagem orientada ao objeto?. O software foi desenvolvido em conjunto com o Centro de Tecnologia XML do Instituto de Pesquisas Tecnológicas de São Paulo. Uma vez terminado, o software foi submetido ao processo de obtenção de registro na Agência USP de Inovações. / The Electronic Patient Record (EPR) is currently one of the main subjects of research and development in the scope of Health Informatics. In Dentistry, however, few are the published studies in Brazil. Facing deficiencies presented in the clinical information flow in paper based patient record and aiming to improve this flow for both patient and institution benefit, we proposed to develop a electronic patient record system suited to Dentistry attendance of patients with special needs of the Special Care Dentistry Center of University of São Paulo. For such task, it was utilized the ?Object-oriented modeling? software development methodology. The software was developed with the Center of Technology XML of the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo. Once finished, it was submitted to patent attainment at the University of São Paulo Innovations Agency.
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Usability evaluation of electronic dental record systems in Sweden : A survey among dentists and dental hygienistsShelh, Malaz January 2021 (has links)
Electronic Dental Records (EDR) are an important part of dental care in Sweden. The usability of these records can affect the workflow in dental care organizations. This study aims to measure the System usability scale (SUS) score of EDRs that are used in dental clinics in Sweden. The study will also investigate the relationship between the SUS score of EDRs and participants’ age, gender, interest in technology, number of patients per workday, professional experience, possible special training to use the EDR, and the period of the training. The study will also rank the most common usability problem in EDRs among the seven possible usability problems included in the questionnaire. The study will present how the participants describe experienced usability problems in the EDRs. The quantitative method constitutes the largest part of this study, while the open-ended questions were used to get a deeper knowledge about some of the usability problems. A digital questionnaire was used in this study to gather data from 115 dentists and 77 dental hygienists who work at various dental clinics around Sweden to get a statistical anchored description about the usability of various EDRs. SUS indicates a low usability level in the EDRs included in the study and a significant negative correlation between the frequency of using EDRs and usability. The males showed better experience with the usability of the EDRs compared to females. The highest-ranked usability problem was the need for users to spend a long time to document patient cases. The usability problems were summarized into three categories which are: an inefficient user interface, lack of semantic interoperability, and users relying on paper. / Elektroniska journalsystem är en viktig del av tandvården i Sverige, då användbarheten av dessa system kan påverka arbetsflödet i tandvårdsorganisationer. Denna studie syftar till att mäta System usability scale (SUS) poäng för olika elektroniska journalsystem som används i olika tandkliniker i Sverige. Studien kommer också att undersöka sambandet mellan SUS-poäng för elektroniska journalsystem och deltagarnas ålder, kön, intresse av teknologi, antal patienter per arbetsdag, yrkeserfarenhet, möjlig specialutbildning för att använda elektroniska journalsystem och perioden för denna utbildning. Studien kommer också att rangordna det vanligaste användbarhetsproblemet i journalsystem bland de sju möjliga användbarhetsproblemen som ingår i frågeformuläret. Studien kommer att presentera hur deltagarna beskriver upplevda användbarhetsproblem i journalsystem. Den kvantitativa metoden utgör den största delen av denna studie, medan de öppna frågorna användes för att få en djupare kunskap om några av användbarhetsproblemen. Ett digitalt frågeformulär användes i denna studie för att samla in data från 115 tandläkare och 77 tandhygienister som arbetar vid olika tandkliniker runt om i Sverige för att få en statistisk förankrad beskrivning om användbarheten av olika elektroniska journalsystem. SUS indikerar en låg användbarhetsnivå i de systemen som ingår i studien. Vi upptäckte också en signifikant negativ korrelation mellan frekvensen av att använda systemen och användbarhetsnivån. Män visade en bättre upplevelse för användbarhet av systemen jämfört med kvinnor. Det högst rankade användbarhetsproblemet var användarnas behov av lång tid för att dokumentera patientfall. Vi sammanfattade hur deltagarna beskriver upplevda användbarhetsproblem i journalsystem under tre kategorier som är: ett ineffektivt användargränssnitt, brist på semantisk interoperabilitet och användare som skriver på en lapp.
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