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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Einfluss von Cortical Spreading Depolarization auf eine verzögerte Infarktprogression bei Patienten mit malignem Schlaganfall

Pinczolits, Alexandra 24 April 2015 (has links)
Der Schlaganfall steht hinter den Herz- und Tumor-Erkrankungen an dritter Stelle aller Todesursachen. Der wichtigste Faktor für die Vermeidung dauerhafter Invalidität und die Wiederherstellung maximaler Lebensqualität ist die Verhinderung von sekundären Komplikationen. Dabei stellt die Infarktprogression eine der schwerwiegendsten Komplikationen dar. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit konnte bei insgesamt 45 Patienten mit einem malignen Schlaganfall mittels serieller MRT-Aufnahmen bestimmt werden, ob eine Infarktprogression vorlag. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit war es, die hämodynamische Antwort und die zeitliche und räumliche Ausbreitung von Spreading Depolarizationen (CSD) im Periinfarktgewebe von Patienten mit malignem Schlaganfall zu untersuchen. In dieser Studie konnte zum ersten Mal die zeitliche und räumliche Ausbreitung von CSDs und deren hämodynamische Kopplung am humanen Kortex gezeigt werden. In einer zweiten Substudie wurden mit Hilfe der zerebralen Mikrodialyse die Konzentrationen von Glutamat, Glukose, Laktat und Pyruvat im Periinfarktgewebe bestimmt. Damit sollte im Besonderen geklärt werden, ob es Unterschiede in den Konzentrationen bei Patienten mit Infarktprogression zu Patienten ohne Infarktprogression gibt. Zusammenfassend war ein bemerkenswerter Anteil von verzögerter Infarktprogression nach Dekompression bei Patienten mit malignem Schlaganfall assoziiert mit veränderten biochemischen Markern innerhalb der Periinfarktregion. Des Weiteren wurde untersucht, inwiefern CSDs mit einer veränderten Konzentration von Glutamat, Glukose, Laktat und Pyruvat einhergeht. Hierzu wurde eine Korrelation zwischen CSDs und den Mikrodialysekonzentrationen von Glutamat, Glukose, Laktat und Pyruvat erstellt. / Stroke is the third leading cause of death. The most important factor in preventing permanent disability and recovering quality of life is the prevention of secondary complications. Infarct progression is one of the most serious complications after stroke. In the present study we determined by volumetric analysis from serial magnetic resonance imaging in 45 patients with malignant hemispheric stroke whether an infarct progression was present or not. The next aim was to investigate the hemodynamic response pattern and spatiotemporal propagation of cortical spreading depolarization (CSD) in the peri-infarct region of malignant hemispheric stroke. For the first time, intraoperatively the spatiotemporal propagation of CSDs and their hemodynamic coupling in the human cerebral cortex was visualized. In a second study, the levels of glutamate, glucose, lactate and pyruvate in the peri-infarct region using cerebral microdialysis in patients with malignant stroke were investigated. In particular, it was necessary to clarify whether there are differences in the metabolic changes are associated with delayed infarct progression. In summary, we observed a notable proportion of delayed infarct progression after decompressive surgery in patients with malignant hemispheric stroke associated with a disarrangement of biochemical markers within the peri-infarct region. Furthermore I investigated how CSDs are associated with metabolic changes. For this, a correlation between CSD and the concentrations of glutamate, glucose, lactate and pyruvate was prepared.

Contributions of TRPM4 and Rho Kinase to Myogenic Tone Development in Cerebral Parenchymal Arterioles

Li, Yao 01 January 2016 (has links)
Cerebral parenchymal arterioles (PAs) play a critical role in assuring appropriate blood flow and perfusion pressure within the brain. PAs are unique in contrast to upstream pial arteries, as defined by their critical roles in neurovascular coupling, distinct sensitivities to vasoconstrictors, and enhanced myogenic responsiveness. Dysfunction of these blood vessels is implicated in numerous cardiovascular diseases. However, treatments are limited due to incomplete understanding of the fundamental control mechanisms at this level of the circulation. One of the key elements within most vascular networks, including the cerebral circulation, is the presence of myogenic tone, an intrinsic process whereby resistance arteries constrict and reduce their diameter in response to elevated arterial pressure. This process is centrally involved in the ability of the brain to maintain nearly constant blood flow over a broad range of systemic blood pressures. The overall goal of this dissertation was to investigate the unique mechanisms of myogenic tone regulation in the cerebral microcirculation. To reveal the contributions of various signaling factors in this process, measurements of diameter, intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i), membrane potential and ion channel activity were performed. Initial work determined that two purinergic G protein-coupled receptors, P2Y4 and P2Y6 receptors, play a unique role in mediating pressure-induced vasoconstriction of PAs in a ligand-independent manner. Moreover, a particular transient receptor potential (TRP) channel in the melastatin subfamily, i.e. TRPM4, was also identified as a mediator of PA myogenic responses. Notably, the observations that inhibiting TRPM4 channels substantially reduces P2Y receptor-mediated depolarization and vasoconstriction, and that P2Y receptor ligands markedly activate TRPM4 currents provide definitive evidence that this ion channel functions as an important link between mechano-sensitive P2Y receptor activation and the myogenic response in PAs. Next, the signaling cascades that mediate stretch-induced TRPM4 activation in PA myocytes were explored. Interestingly, these experiments determined that the RhoA/Rho kinase signaling pathway is involved in this mechanism by facilitating pressure-induced, P2Y receptor-mediated stimulation of TRPM4 channels, leading to subsequent smooth muscle depolarization, [Ca2+]i increase and contraction. Since Rho kinase is generally accepted as a 'Ca2+-sensitization' mediator, the present, contrasting observations point to an underappreciated role of RhoA/Rho kinase signaling in the excitation-contraction mechanisms within the cerebral microcirculation. Overall, this dissertation provides evidence that myogenic regulation of cerebral PAs is mediated by mechano-sensitive P2Y receptors, which initiate the RhoA/Rho kinase signaling pathway, subsequent TRPM4 channel opening, and concomitant depolarization and contraction of arteriolar smooth muscle cells. Revealing the unique mechanochemical coupling mechanisms in the cerebral microcirculation may lead to development of innovative therapeutic strategies for prevention and treatment of microvascular pathologies in the brain.

Mort développementale des cellules de Purkinje / Developmental death of Purkinje cells and neuroprotective effect of mifepristone

Rakotomamonjy, Jennifer 23 June 2011 (has links)
La mort cellulaire programmée est un processus essentiel dans le développement du système nerveux central. Les cellules de Purkinje, en culture organotypique de cervelet, meurent si le tissu est prélevé durant la première semaine postnatale. En dehors de cette période critique, elles survivent. Cette mort massive en culture est supposée refléter un processus naturel dans le cervelet immature. Il a été préalablement démontré que le stéroïde de synthèse mifépristone permet de sauver ces neurones de la mort par un mécanisme qui induit leur dépolarisation. Nous montrons que la libération spontanée du neurotransmetteur GABA induit l’activation des récepteurs GABAA, laquelle entraine une décharge à haute fréquence et la mort des cellules de Purkinje. Cette toxicité du GABA est aussi accompagnée d’une libération de calcium intracellulaire. La mifépristone dépolarise le potentiel de membrane des cellules de Purkinje à une valeur supérieure au potentiel d’inversion du chlore, abolissant ainsi toute décharge et les conductances GABAergiques. De plus, le stéroïde exerce son effet neuroprotecteur par l’intermédiaire du BDNF et de l’inhibition de la voie de la MAP-kinase p38. Ces données représentent une piste nouvelle dans la recherche de traitements prévenant la toxicité du GABA dans le cerveau immature. / Programmed cell death is an essential feature of the central nervous system during development. Purkinje cells, in cerebellar organotypic slice cultures, die when tissue is taken from one-week-old animals. Beyond this critical period, they survive. This massive death is supposed to reflect a naturel process occurring in the developing cerebellum. The synthetic steroid mifepristone allows neuron to survive by a mechanism involving depolarization. We show that the spontaneous release of the neurotransmitter GABA induces the activation of GABAA receptors which leads to Purkinje cell firing and death. This GABA toxicity is also accompanied by an intracellular calcium release. Mifepristone depolarizes Purkinje cell membrane potential to a value above chloride reversal potential, thus shunting spiking activity and GABAergic conductance. Moreover, the steroid neuroprotective effect is mediated by the neurotrophic factor BDNF and involves the inhibition of p38 MAP-kinase pathway. Our data provide new insights in the search for treatments preventing GABA toxicity in the developing brain.

Correntes de despolarização termicamente estimuladas, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica e  absorção óptica aplicadas no estudo de defeitos dipolares em MgAl2O4 / Depolarization currents

Carvalhaes, Roberto Paiva Magalhães 03 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram utilizadas as técnicas de Ressonância Para-magnética Eletrônica (RPE), Absorção Óptica (AO) e Correntes de despolarização Termicamente Estimuladas (CDTE) no estudo de defeitos de origem dipolar no óxido de alumínio e magnésio MgAl2O4. O espectro de CDTE das amostras denominadas R apresentaram 3 picos, dois deles centrados em 160 K e 130 K, atribuídos a defeitos dipolares e um em 320 K que não apresenta características dipolares. irradiação gama cria um pico muito intenso centrado na posição de 245 K. Essa banda mostrou-se instável à temperatura ambiente tendo o seu máximo deslocado para 290 K quando armazenada por 20 dias a esta temperatura. Tratamentos térmicos acima de 460 K destroem esta banda. modelos teóricos de primeira ordem foram ineficazes para descrever o comportamento de todo o espectro de CDTE. Esse resultado, associado à alteração observada na posição e na simetria da banda de CDTE indicaram que a banda de CDTE em 245 K é formada pela soma de mais de uma banda. Irradiação gama criou uma banda larga de AO na região de 3 eV associada a centros do tipo V e bandas na região de 5 eV associadas a centros do tipo F. A banda centrada na região de 3 eV é instável a temperatura ambiente tendo o seu máximo reduzido quando armazenada por 12 dias a essa temperatura. Tratamentos térmicos a 570 K por cinco minutos destruíram completamente as bandas na região de 3 eV. As amostras estudadas não apresentavam bandas de RPE como recebidas, sendo que a irradiação gama criou duas bandas centradas em g = 2,011 nas amostras, uma delas larga e sem estrutura associada ao centro Vo2- presente somente na estrutura inversa, e a outra com uma estrutura fina representada por 16 linhas estreitas, associada ao centro Vt-. A amostra R apresentou uma predominância da banda sem estrutura enquanto que a amostra I apresentou apenas a banda com estrutura. Essas bandas são instáveis à temperatura ambiente e são completamente destruídas para tratamentos térmicos de 570 K. Através da análise da correlação dos resultados obtidos pelas técnicas de AO e RPE foi possível concluir que os sinais observados podem ser atribuídos ao mesmo defeito ou ao mesmo conjunto de defeitos. O estudo da relação entre os espectros de CDTE e as bandas de RPE e de AO possibilitou concluir que apenas nas amostras que apresentam o centro Vo2- foram observados picos nos espectros de CDTE. A banda de CDTE foi atribuída à agregação de defeitos sendo que apenas alguns deles são observados através das técnicas de AO e de RPE. Estes defeitos respondem de forma distinta a tratamentos térmicos, ou seja, a banda de CDTE resulta de um aglomerado de defeitos que sofrem desagregação para temperaturas baixas. / This work presents the study of dipole defects in aluminum and magnesium oxide MgAl2O4 using electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and thermally stimulated depolarization currents techniques (TSDC). The R samples TSDC spectrum presented 3 peaks, two of them centered at 160 K and 130 K related to dipolar defects and another peak at 320 K with no dipolar characteristics. Gamma irradiation creates an in-tense peak at 245 K that is unstable at room temperature and has its maximum dislocated to 290 K when held at this temperature 20 days long. This band is destroyed for thermal treatments above 460 K. First order theoretical models were unable to describe the whole TSDC spectrum behaviour. This result, associated to the TSDC band symmetry and to the modification in the peak position, indicates that the TSDC band at 245 K is formed by the sum of more than one band. Gamma irradiation created a wide OA band at 3 eV associated to V type centers and other bands in the 5 eV region associated to F type centers. The band centered in the 3 eV region is unstable at room temperature, having its maximum reduced when held at this temperature for 12 days long. The 3 eV band is completely destroyed after thermal treat-ments at 570 K for 5 minutes. The studied as received samples did not present EPR bands. Gamma irradiation created two bands centered at g=2,011 in the samples: a wide one with no structure associated to the Vo- center only present in the inverse structure and another band with fine structure represented by 16 lines associated to the Vt- center. Bands with no structure were predominant in the R sample, while theI sample only presented structured bands. These bands are unstable at room temperature and completely destroyed for thermal treatments at 570 K. Data correlation analysis of OA and EPR results showed that the observed signals can be attributed to the same defect or to the same set of defects. From the relation between the TSDC spectra and the EPR and OA bands is possible to conclude that only the samples having the Vo2- center presented TSCD peaks. The TSDC band has been attributed to defect clustering and only few of them are observed though OA and EPR techniques. These defects re-spond in different ways to distinct thermal treatments, i.e., the TSDC peak result from a cluster of defects that disaggregates at low temperatures.

Composants interférentiels pour une dépolarisation spectrale contrôlée / Interferential components for a controlled spectral depolarization

Ailloud, Quentin 30 October 2018 (has links)
La lumière polarisée est généralement considérée comme une valeur ajoutée et est souvent utilisée pour améliorer l'observation de scènes et d’échantillons, grâce à différents processus d'optimisation. Cependant, il existe un certain nombre de situations où la polarisation de la lumière est pénalisante, et pour lesquelles il est majeur que la lumière polarisée soit transformée en lumière non polarisée. Pour illustration, de nombreuses applications spatiales nécessitent des détecteurs embarqués pour analyser les flux optiques provenant de la Terre ou de l’environnement. Ces flux sont collectés après avoir été diffusés et réfléchis par les différents éléments rencontrés, qui peuvent partiellement polariser la lumière étudiée. Cette dépolarisation n’est pas prédictible car elle dépend fortement des milieux traversés alors qu’elle influe fortement sur l’étalonnage des instruments. Bien que l'on puisse facilement transformer l'état de polarisation de la lumière en un autre état arbitraire, ou passer d’une lumière non polarisée à une lumière polarisée, la situation inverse qui consiste à dépolariser une lumière est moins fréquente et s'accompagne souvent de pertes optiques et d'une réduction de la cohérence spatiale ou temporelle. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons une technique alternative originale s’appuyant sur le principe de dépolarisation spatiale. Elle requiert un composant de type multicouche optique présentant un gradient transverse de propriétés optiques. Nous montrons dans quelles conditions ce gradient vient satisfaire à une condition de dépolarisation spatiale, sans créer de perte d’énergie / Polarized light is generally considered as an added value and is often used to improve the viewing of scenes and samples through various optimization processes. However, there are a number of situations where the polarization of the light is penalizing, and for which it is important that the polarized light is transformed into unpolarized light. For example, many space applications require embedded sensors to analyze optical flux from the Earth or the environment. These fluxes are collected after being scattered and reflected by the different elements encountered, which can partially polarize the light studied. This depolarization is not predictable because it strongly depends on the environments encountered whereas it strongly influences the calibration of the instruments. Although the polarization state of light can be easily transformed into another arbitrary state, or from unpolarized light to polarized light, the reverse situation of depolarizing light is less common and is often accompanied by optical losses and a reduction in spatial or temporal coherence. In this thesis, we propose an original alternative technique based on the principle of spatial depolarization. It requires an optical multilayer type component having a transverse gradient of optical properties. We show under which conditions this gradient satisfies a spatial depolarization condition, without creating energy losses. This synthesis step simultaneously takes into account the spatial and spectral variations of the optical properties of the filter


Alaei, Sahar 01 January 2019 (has links)
Sudden Cardiac Death (SCD) is the largest cause of natural deaths in the USA, accounting for over 300,000 deaths annually. The major reason for SCD is Ventricular Arrhythmia (VA). Therefore, there is need for exploration of approaches to predict increased risk for VA. Alternans of the T wave in the ECG (TWA) is widely investigated as a potential predictor of VA, however, clinical trials show that TWA has high negative predictive value but poor positive predictive value. A possible reason that TWA has a large number of false positives is that a pattern of alternans known as concordant alternans, may not be as arrhythmogenic as another pattern which is discordant alternans. Currently, it is not possible to discern the pattern of alternans using clinical ECGs. Prior studies from our group have showed that alternans of the maximum rate of depolarization of an action potential also can occur when Action Potential Duration (APD) alternans occurs and the relationship between these two has the potential to create spatial discord. These results suggest that exploration of the co-occurrence of depolarization and repolarization alternans has the potential to stratify the outcome of TWA tests. In order to investigate the link between depolarization alternans and changes in ECGs, we used a mathematical model created previously in our research group which simulated ECGs from the cellular level changes observed in our experimental studies. These results suggest that the changes in ECGs should appear as alternating pattern of the amplitude of the R wave. Because there are a variety of factors which may also cause the R wave amplitude to change, we used signal analysis and statistical modeling to determine the link between the observed changes in R wave amplitude and depolarization alternans. Results from ECGs recorded from patients show that amplitude of the R wave can change as predicted by our experimental results and mathematical model. Using TWA as the marker of repolarization alternans and R Wave Amplitude Alternans (RWAA) as the marker of depolarization alternans, we investigated the phase relation between depolarization and repolarization alternans in clinical grade ECG and observed that this relationship does change spontaneously, consistent with our prior results from animal studies. Results of the present study support further investigation of the use of RWAA as a complementary method to TWA to improve its positive predictive value.

Geometrical theory, modeling and applications of channel polarization

Kwon, Seok Chul 12 January 2015 (has links)
Long-term evolution (LTE) standard has been successfully stabilized, and launched in several areas. However, the required channel capacity is expected to increase significantly as the explosively increasing number of smart-phone users implies. Hence, this is already the time for leading researchers to concentrate on a new multiple access scheme in wireless communications to satisfy the channel capacity that those smart users will want in the not-too-distant future. The diversity and multiplexing in a new domain - polarization domain - can be a strong candidate for the solution to that problem in future wireless communication systems. This research contributes largely to the comprehensive understanding of polarized wireless channels and a new multiple access scheme in the polarization domain - polarization division multiple access (PDMA). The thesis consists of three streams: 1) a novel geometrical theory and models for fixed-to-mobile (F2M) and mobile-to-mobile (M2M) polarized wireless channels; 2) a new wireless body area network (BAN) polarized channel modeling; and 3) a novel PDMA scheme. The proposed geometrical theory and models reveal the origin and mechanism of channel depolarization with excellent agreement with empirical data in terms of cross-polarization discrimination (XPD), which is the principal measure of channel depolarization. Further, a novel PDMA scheme utilizing polarization-filtering detection and collaborative transmitter-receiver-polarization (Tx-Rx-polarization) adjustment, is designed considering cellular orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems. The novel PDMA scheme has large potential to be utilized with the conventional time, frequency, and code division multiple access (TDMA, FDMA, and CDMA); and spatial multiplexing for next-generation wireless communication systems.

À la recherche de nouvelles forces avec l’hélium 3 polarisé / Probing short-range forces with polarized Helium 3

Guigue, Mathieu 11 June 2015 (has links)
L’exploration des interactions fondamentales entre les particules subatomiquesa abouti à la construction du Modèle Standard de la physique des particules qui n’a été misen défaut par aucune expérience en laboratoire. Cependant, de sérieuses indications théoriqueset cosmologiques révèlent des insuffisances au Modèle Standard et des déviationssont attendues. Cette nouvelle physique est recherchée auprès des grands collisionneursmettant en jeu des énergies de l’ordre de l’échelle électrofaible et au-delà. A contre-courant,la nouvelle physique pourrait aussi se manifester à très basse énergie, nécessitant des techniquesexpérimentales atypiques. Cette thèse traite des nouvelles forces de courte portéedépendantes du spin, sujet au coeur de la physique de précision à basse énergie. Un gazd’hélium 3 hyperpolarisé a été utilisé comme sonde de cette nouvelle interaction de portéesubmillimétrique. Ce manuscrit présente la meilleure exclusion sur l’intensité du couplagescalaire-pseudoscalaire gsgp pour des portées entre 1 μm et 100 μm correspondant à desmasses inférieures à 1 eV. / The exploration of fundamental interactions between subatomic particles ledto the particle physics Standard Model which remains unchallenged by any lab experiment.However, some serious theoretical and cosmological clues reveal shortcomings inthe Standard Model and deviations are expected. This new physics is searched for at largecolliders with energies of the order of the electroweak scale and beyond. With a differentphilosophy, one can expect the new physics to show up at very low energy using atypicalexperimental techniques. This thesis deals with short-range spin-dependent new forceswhich are at the heart of the low energy precision physics. A hyperpolarized helium 3 gaswas used as a probe of this new sub-mm interaction. This manuscript present the bestexclusion limit on the strength of a scalar-pseudoscalar coupling gsgp for ranges between1 μm and 100 μm, which correspond to sub-eV masses.

Correntes de despolarização termicamente estimuladas, ressonância paramagnética eletrônica e  absorção óptica aplicadas no estudo de defeitos dipolares em MgAl2O4 / Depolarization currents

Roberto Paiva Magalhães Carvalhaes 03 September 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho foram utilizadas as técnicas de Ressonância Para-magnética Eletrônica (RPE), Absorção Óptica (AO) e Correntes de despolarização Termicamente Estimuladas (CDTE) no estudo de defeitos de origem dipolar no óxido de alumínio e magnésio MgAl2O4. O espectro de CDTE das amostras denominadas R apresentaram 3 picos, dois deles centrados em 160 K e 130 K, atribuídos a defeitos dipolares e um em 320 K que não apresenta características dipolares. irradiação gama cria um pico muito intenso centrado na posição de 245 K. Essa banda mostrou-se instável à temperatura ambiente tendo o seu máximo deslocado para 290 K quando armazenada por 20 dias a esta temperatura. Tratamentos térmicos acima de 460 K destroem esta banda. modelos teóricos de primeira ordem foram ineficazes para descrever o comportamento de todo o espectro de CDTE. Esse resultado, associado à alteração observada na posição e na simetria da banda de CDTE indicaram que a banda de CDTE em 245 K é formada pela soma de mais de uma banda. Irradiação gama criou uma banda larga de AO na região de 3 eV associada a centros do tipo V e bandas na região de 5 eV associadas a centros do tipo F. A banda centrada na região de 3 eV é instável a temperatura ambiente tendo o seu máximo reduzido quando armazenada por 12 dias a essa temperatura. Tratamentos térmicos a 570 K por cinco minutos destruíram completamente as bandas na região de 3 eV. As amostras estudadas não apresentavam bandas de RPE como recebidas, sendo que a irradiação gama criou duas bandas centradas em g = 2,011 nas amostras, uma delas larga e sem estrutura associada ao centro Vo2- presente somente na estrutura inversa, e a outra com uma estrutura fina representada por 16 linhas estreitas, associada ao centro Vt-. A amostra R apresentou uma predominância da banda sem estrutura enquanto que a amostra I apresentou apenas a banda com estrutura. Essas bandas são instáveis à temperatura ambiente e são completamente destruídas para tratamentos térmicos de 570 K. Através da análise da correlação dos resultados obtidos pelas técnicas de AO e RPE foi possível concluir que os sinais observados podem ser atribuídos ao mesmo defeito ou ao mesmo conjunto de defeitos. O estudo da relação entre os espectros de CDTE e as bandas de RPE e de AO possibilitou concluir que apenas nas amostras que apresentam o centro Vo2- foram observados picos nos espectros de CDTE. A banda de CDTE foi atribuída à agregação de defeitos sendo que apenas alguns deles são observados através das técnicas de AO e de RPE. Estes defeitos respondem de forma distinta a tratamentos térmicos, ou seja, a banda de CDTE resulta de um aglomerado de defeitos que sofrem desagregação para temperaturas baixas. / This work presents the study of dipole defects in aluminum and magnesium oxide MgAl2O4 using electronic paramagnetic resonance (EPR), optical absorption (OA) and thermally stimulated depolarization currents techniques (TSDC). The R samples TSDC spectrum presented 3 peaks, two of them centered at 160 K and 130 K related to dipolar defects and another peak at 320 K with no dipolar characteristics. Gamma irradiation creates an in-tense peak at 245 K that is unstable at room temperature and has its maximum dislocated to 290 K when held at this temperature 20 days long. This band is destroyed for thermal treatments above 460 K. First order theoretical models were unable to describe the whole TSDC spectrum behaviour. This result, associated to the TSDC band symmetry and to the modification in the peak position, indicates that the TSDC band at 245 K is formed by the sum of more than one band. Gamma irradiation created a wide OA band at 3 eV associated to V type centers and other bands in the 5 eV region associated to F type centers. The band centered in the 3 eV region is unstable at room temperature, having its maximum reduced when held at this temperature for 12 days long. The 3 eV band is completely destroyed after thermal treat-ments at 570 K for 5 minutes. The studied as received samples did not present EPR bands. Gamma irradiation created two bands centered at g=2,011 in the samples: a wide one with no structure associated to the Vo- center only present in the inverse structure and another band with fine structure represented by 16 lines associated to the Vt- center. Bands with no structure were predominant in the R sample, while theI sample only presented structured bands. These bands are unstable at room temperature and completely destroyed for thermal treatments at 570 K. Data correlation analysis of OA and EPR results showed that the observed signals can be attributed to the same defect or to the same set of defects. From the relation between the TSDC spectra and the EPR and OA bands is possible to conclude that only the samples having the Vo2- center presented TSCD peaks. The TSDC band has been attributed to defect clustering and only few of them are observed though OA and EPR techniques. These defects re-spond in different ways to distinct thermal treatments, i.e., the TSDC peak result from a cluster of defects that disaggregates at low temperatures.

Scattering ice clouds

Smith, Helen January 2015 (has links)
The 2013 meeting of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change concluded that the coupling of clouds to the Earth's climate is one of the biggest uncertainties faced in predicting climate change today. Cirrus clouds are of particular interest because the extensive variability in particle size, shape and complexity poses a number of challenges in the accurate modelling of optical properties. The dependence of the single-scattering properties on particle shape demand accurate representation of the crystal geometries in scattering models, geometries which can vary from simple hexagonal prisms to complex multi-branched aggregates. This work, presented as a series of papers, uses laboratory studies to investigate the single scattering properties of ice crystals. Of particular focus here are columns with internal cavities. The first paper investigates the phase function, P11 and asymmetry parameter, g of varying crystal habits, whilst the second paper focuses on polarised scattering. One of the main findings is the difference in internal structure between hollow columns grown at warmer temperatures (-7 degrees C) and those grown at colder temperatures (-30 degrees C). Measurements were used to create new particle geometries for use in scattering models. The third paper makes use of findings from papers 1 & 2 to create an optical parametrization for cirrus, utilizing the new particle geometry.

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