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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How Does a Depreciation in the Exchange Rate Affect Trade Over Time?

Andersson, Anette, Styf, Sofia January 2010 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a depreciation in the exchange rate affects the trade balance in an economy over time. The outcomes of a depreciation are possible to analyze through the J-curve phenomenon that shows the relation between the exchange rate and the trade balance both in the short-run and the long-run. The data used in this thesis cover 39 countries and their quarterly changes in exchange rate between 1982 and 2005. The largest depreciation for each country during these years was detected and is the base for this research. In this thesis, focus is on the trade ratio rather than the trade balance for empirical purposes. The relation between the largest depreciations and its effect on the trade ratio are examined in two sets of regressions. The results show no evidence of a J-curve in neither one of the sets of regressions, even though the trade ratio is positively affected by the depreciation. When testing only for significantly large depreciations in the exchange rate the affect on the trade ratio is stronger, all else equal. According to the findings in this thesis, a depreciation in the real effective exchange rate causes the trade ratio to increase immediately and then decrease over time. The conclusion is that the findings are not in line with the J-curve phenomenon tested for; however, they support standard trade theory with the Marshall-Lerner condition being met i.e. a depreciation in the exchange rate will affect the trade balance positively.</p>

Some implications of Canadian tax law on growth : effects of the capital cost allowance provisions of the Canadian Income Tax Act. -- 1960.

Mendels, Roger Pierre. January 1960 (has links)
The provisions of the Income Tax Act relating to capital cost allowances have had and are having a profound impact on the operations of the individual corporation and the national economy as a whole. [...]

Ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaita ir analizė / Accounting and analysis of tangible fixed assets

Sodytė, Sandra 03 July 2012 (has links)
Ekonomikos nuosmukio sąlygomis kiekvienai įmonei labai svarbu teisingas investavimo sprendimas, efektyviai valdyti ilgalaikį materialųjį turtą, disponuoti teisingai ir laiku pateikiama apskaitos informacija, leidžiančia atspindėti organizacijos finansinius rezultatus. Ilgalaikį materialųjį turtą turi ir naudoja visos įmonės. Daugelyje įmonių šis turtas sudaro didžiąją dalį disponuojamo turto. Todėl ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaita ir analizė yra labai aktuali tema magistro baigiamajam darbui. Siekiant pateikti tikslią ir teisingą informaciją apie įmonės būklę ir jos veiklos rezultatus įmonės finansininkams ir vadovams svarbu pasirinkti tinkamiausius ilgalaikio materialiojo turto įtraukimo į apskaitą ir nusidėvėjimo būdus. Pagrindinė ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos problema nagrinėjama darbe yra ta, kad neteisingai suprasti įstatymai ar jų prieštaravimas iškreipia finansinius rezultatus, kas leidžia apgauti finansinių ataskaitų vartotojus. Tyrimo objektas: Ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaita ir analizė UAB „Skuodo šiluma“. Darbo tikslas. Ištirti teorinius ir praktinius ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos principus, analizės klausimus ir pateikti pasiūlymus kaip efektyviau, atskleisti ilgalaikio materialiojo turto panaudojimo rezervus. Darbe iškeltos hipotezės: tinkamai pasirinkta ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodika turi didelį poveikį įmonės veiklos rezultatams; UAB „Skuodo šiluma“ racionaliai valdo ilgalaikį materialųjį turtą, o tai turi... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the conditions of economic depression it is very important for each organization to make correct decisions regarding financing and investments, to effectively manage the assets, and to command the timely and correct accounting information that allows reflecting financial results of the organization. Tangible assets are used and the total businesses. In many companies, this property makes up most of the available assets. Therefore, fixed assets accounting and analysis is a very hot topic master thesis. In order to provide accurate and truthful information about the company's status and performance of the company accountants and managers is important to choose the most appropriate long-term tangible assets in the accounting and depreciation methods. The main tangible fixed assets accounting issue discussed in the paper is that it misunderstood the law or conflict distorts financial results, which makes it possible to deceive financial statement users. The object of research: tangible asset accounting and analysis of JSC "Skuodas siluma“ Objective. To investigate the theoretical and practical aspects of fixed asset accounting principles, analysis of issues and make proposals on how better to reveal the use of property, plant and reserves. Hypothesis: the proper choice of fixed asset accounting methodology has a significant impact on the performance of companies JSC "Skuodas siluma" rationally manage fixed assets, which has a positive impact on overall company performance. The... [to full text]

The effect of tax depreciation on the stochastic replacement policy

Adkins, Roger., Paxson, Dean January 2013 (has links)
The optimal replacement policy for an asset subject to a stochastic deteriorating operating cost is determined for three different tax depreciation schedules and a known re-investment cost, as the solution to a two-factor model using a quasi-analytical method. We find that tax depreciation exerts a critical influence over the replacement policy by lowering the operating cost thresholds. Although typically a decline in the corporate tax rate, increase in any initial capital allowance, or decrease in the depreciation lifetime (increase in depreciation rate) results in a lower operating cost threshold which justifies replacing older equipment, these results are not universal, and indeed for younger age assets the result may be the opposite. An accelerating depreciation schedule may incentivize early replacement in a deterministic context, but not necessarily for an environment of uncertainty.

Ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodika ir jos įtaka UAB „RBN LT“ tikrajai vertei / Accounting Methodology of Non-Current Tangible Assets and its Impact on the Real Value of “RBN LT” Ltd

Dargužienė, Džesika 31 December 2014 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – UAB „RBN LT“ ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodika. Tyrimo tikslas – Išanalizavus UAB „RBN LT“ ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodiką ir identifikavus šio turto finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitos neatitikimus, įvertinti skirtingų metodikų įtaką UAB „RBN LT“ tikrajai vertei. Uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodiką UAB „RBN LT“. 2. Išanalizavus ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitą reglamentuojančius teisės aktus, apskaitos standartus ir mokslinę bei ekonominę literatūrą, nustatyti neatitikimus tarp finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitos. 3. Identifikavus ilgalaikio materialiojo turto finansinės ir mokestinės apskaitos neatitikimus, įvertinti skirtingų metodikų įtaką UAB „RBN LT“ tikrajai vertei. Tyrimo metodai – Įmonės dokumentų analizė, loginė analizė, apskaitos standartų ir norminių aktų analizė, straipsnių periodinėje spaudoje analizė, mokslinės ir ekonominės literatūros analizė, sintezė bei apibendrinimas, anketinės apklausos duomenų sisteminimas, grafinis vaizdavimas, modeliavimas bei statistiniai tyrimo metodai. Tyrimo rezultatai: Pirmojoje darbo dalyje išnagrinėta ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitos metodika UAB „RBN LT“ ir išanalizuoti ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitą reglamentuojantys apskaitos standartai, teisės aktai, mokslinė bei ekonominė literatūra, nustatyti esminiai neatitikimai bei iškylančios problemos UAB „RBN LT“ ilgalaikio materialiojo turto apskaitoje. Atliktas empirinis... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Object of the research – accounting methodology of non-current tangible assets of “RBN LT” Ltd. Objective of the research – having analyzed the accounting methodology of non-current tangible assets of “RBN LT” Ltd. and identified the discrepancies in the financial and taxing accounting of these assets, to assess the influence of different methodologies on the real estate of “RBN LT” Ltd. Tasks: 1. To analyze the accounting methodology of non-current tangible assets of “RBN LT” Ltd. 2. Having analyzed the legal acts regulating the accounting of non-current tangible assets, accounting standards, scientific and economic literature, to determine the discrepancies in the financial and taxing accounting. 3. Having identified the discrepancies in the financial and taxing accounting of non-current tangible assets, to assess the influence of different methodologies on the real estate of “RBN LT” Ltd. Research methods – analysis of company’s documents, logical analysis, analysis of accounting standards and normative acts, analysis of articles in the periodical press, analysis, synthesis and generalization of scientific and economic literature, systemization of survey data received with the help of questionnaires, graphical illustration, modeling and statistical research methods. Research results: The first part of the work was used to examine the accounting methodology of non-current tangible assets of “RBN LT” Ltd. and to analyze the accounting standards regulating the accounting... [to full text]

Avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis. / Valuation and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro: challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures

Stephanie Guimarães da Silva 26 February 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, o início do processo de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade no setor público ocorre desde 2007 na União, nos Estados e nos Municípios, o que acaba gerando muitas mudanças e também muitos desafios na adoção dos novos procedimentos. Um dos novos procedimentos envolve a avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado. Nota técnica divulgada recentemente pela STN descreve que os Entes estão encontrando dificuldades em adotar as novas regras. Nesse contexto, este estudo se propõe a responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como superar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro? Tem como objetivo geral identificar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e como objetivo específico investigar e analisar a estrutura contábil e patrimonial, assim como propor soluções básicas e essenciais para a aplicação dos procedimentos contábeis. Quanto aos fins, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva e quanto aos meios, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e o estudo de caso, com a realização de entrevistas com os responsáveis de patrimônio e almoxarifado de 23 órgãos da Administração Direta do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos dados coletados revela que não há integração entre o setor contábil, o setor de patrimônio e o setor de almoxarifado nestes órgãos. Os setores possuem baixo quantitativo de funcionários e estes são pouco valorizados, não existindo padronização dos procedimentos sobre gestão patrimonial. O desafio de adotar esses procedimentos ultrapassa a competência do setor de contabilidade e exige a integração dos setores de patrimônio, almoxarifado e contábil. Assim, o estudo propõe a aquisição ou desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controle de bens, em que a contabilidade, o patrimônio e o almoxarifado acessem os mesmos dados e possuam uma ferramenta de comunicação confiável, que possibilite a elaboração de relatórios que gerem informações úteis ao gestor e aos demais interessados. Propõe também a regulamentação dos novos procedimentos, o fortalecimento da carreira dos funcionários que atuam no patrimônio e no almoxarifado e orienta sobre a adoção de procedimentos iniciais, para o período de transição. / The beginning of the convergence process to international accounting standards in the public sector in Brazil has been taking place since 2007, in the Federal Government, States and Municipalities. It is generating changes and many challenges in the adoption of new procedures. One of the new procedures involves the evaluation and depreciation of fixed assets. Recently, STN described that some institutions are finding it difficult to adopt the new rules. In this context, this study aims to answer the following question: how to overcome the challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures for assessment and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro? General aim is to identify the challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures for assessment and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The specific aim is to research and analyze the accounting and ownership structure purpose, and to propose solutions essential basic for application of accounting procedures. As for the purpose, the research method used is descriptive and as to the means, bibliographical, documentary research and case study was conducted, performing with interviews with those responsible for equity and warehouse of 23 agencies of the direct administration of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of data reveals that there is no integration between the accounting industry, the sector equity and storeroom these organs. The sectors, which have low quantity of employees and these employees, are undervalued, and that there are no standardized procedures for asset management. The challenge of adopting these procedures beyond the competence of the accounting industry and requires the integration of equity, warehouse and accounting sectors. Thus, the study proposes the acquisition or development of integrated control system assets, in which accounting, equity and access the same data warehouse and have a reliable communication tool that enables reporting that generate useful information to manager and other interested parties. Also proposes to regulate the new procedures, strengthening the careers of employees working in equity and in the warehouse and guides on the initial adoption of procedures for the transition period.

Avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro: desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis. / Valuation and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro: challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures

Stephanie Guimarães da Silva 26 February 2014 (has links)
No Brasil, o início do processo de convergência às normas internacionais de contabilidade no setor público ocorre desde 2007 na União, nos Estados e nos Municípios, o que acaba gerando muitas mudanças e também muitos desafios na adoção dos novos procedimentos. Um dos novos procedimentos envolve a avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado. Nota técnica divulgada recentemente pela STN descreve que os Entes estão encontrando dificuldades em adotar as novas regras. Nesse contexto, este estudo se propõe a responder a seguinte questão de pesquisa: como superar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro? Tem como objetivo geral identificar os desafios na implantação dos procedimentos contábeis sobre avaliação e depreciação do Ativo Imobilizado no Governo do Estado do Rio de Janeiro e como objetivo específico investigar e analisar a estrutura contábil e patrimonial, assim como propor soluções básicas e essenciais para a aplicação dos procedimentos contábeis. Quanto aos fins, foi realizada pesquisa descritiva e quanto aos meios, foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e o estudo de caso, com a realização de entrevistas com os responsáveis de patrimônio e almoxarifado de 23 órgãos da Administração Direta do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. A análise dos dados coletados revela que não há integração entre o setor contábil, o setor de patrimônio e o setor de almoxarifado nestes órgãos. Os setores possuem baixo quantitativo de funcionários e estes são pouco valorizados, não existindo padronização dos procedimentos sobre gestão patrimonial. O desafio de adotar esses procedimentos ultrapassa a competência do setor de contabilidade e exige a integração dos setores de patrimônio, almoxarifado e contábil. Assim, o estudo propõe a aquisição ou desenvolvimento de um sistema integrado de controle de bens, em que a contabilidade, o patrimônio e o almoxarifado acessem os mesmos dados e possuam uma ferramenta de comunicação confiável, que possibilite a elaboração de relatórios que gerem informações úteis ao gestor e aos demais interessados. Propõe também a regulamentação dos novos procedimentos, o fortalecimento da carreira dos funcionários que atuam no patrimônio e no almoxarifado e orienta sobre a adoção de procedimentos iniciais, para o período de transição. / The beginning of the convergence process to international accounting standards in the public sector in Brazil has been taking place since 2007, in the Federal Government, States and Municipalities. It is generating changes and many challenges in the adoption of new procedures. One of the new procedures involves the evaluation and depreciation of fixed assets. Recently, STN described that some institutions are finding it difficult to adopt the new rules. In this context, this study aims to answer the following question: how to overcome the challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures for assessment and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro? General aim is to identify the challenges in the implementation of accounting procedures for assessment and depreciation of fixed assets in the State of Rio de Janeiro. The specific aim is to research and analyze the accounting and ownership structure purpose, and to propose solutions essential basic for application of accounting procedures. As for the purpose, the research method used is descriptive and as to the means, bibliographical, documentary research and case study was conducted, performing with interviews with those responsible for equity and warehouse of 23 agencies of the direct administration of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis of data reveals that there is no integration between the accounting industry, the sector equity and storeroom these organs. The sectors, which have low quantity of employees and these employees, are undervalued, and that there are no standardized procedures for asset management. The challenge of adopting these procedures beyond the competence of the accounting industry and requires the integration of equity, warehouse and accounting sectors. Thus, the study proposes the acquisition or development of integrated control system assets, in which accounting, equity and access the same data warehouse and have a reliable communication tool that enables reporting that generate useful information to manager and other interested parties. Also proposes to regulate the new procedures, strengthening the careers of employees working in equity and in the warehouse and guides on the initial adoption of procedures for the transition period.

Fatores que influenciam a depreciaÃÃo de veÃculos / Factors that influence the depreciation of vehicles

Ana Paula Lucena Campos 19 February 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / O trabalho tem como objetivo analisar o comportamento dos principais fatores que influenciam na depreciaÃÃo de veÃculos atravÃs da avaliaÃÃo do perfil dos automÃveis no cenÃrio atual, estimando o seu percentual de perda financeira e relacionando com as variÃveis existentes a fim de determinar as caracterÃsticas do comportamento depreciativo. A pesquisa utilizada à quantitativa e atravÃs dela busca-se aprofundar o tema abordado tornando-o mais claro e construindo questÃes importantes para a conduÃÃo da pesquisa. Deste modo, atravÃs do mÃtodo economÃtrico, foram levantados valores de veÃculos no intervalo de trÃs anos, identificadas as relaÃÃes entre as variÃveis existentes, ou seja, as caracterÃsticas dos automÃveis e identificadas os principais fatores que influenciam a depreciaÃÃo para definir o tipo veÃculo que possui maior perda. Por fim, apÃs anÃlise dos dados serÃo apresentadas as consideraÃÃes finais sobre as caracterÃsticas de comportamento depreciativo e se este obteve resultados satisfatÃrios. / The study aims to analyze the behavior of the main factors that influence the depreciation of vehicles by assessing the profile of the car in the current scenario, estimating their percentage of financial loss and linking with existing variables in order to determine the characteristics of derogatory behavior. The research used a quantitative approach and through it seeks to deepen the topic addressed making it clearer and building issues important to the conduct of research. Thus, through the econometric method, values rose vehicles within three years, we identified the relationships between variables exist, ie, the characteristics of the car and identified the main factors that influence the depreciation to define type vehicle that has a higher loss. Finally, after analyzing the data will be presented findings on the characteristics of derogatory behavior and if it achieved satisfactory results.

Účetní a daňová specifika pohledávek / Accounting and tax specifics of receivables

Gyüreová, Kamila January 2017 (has links)
The thesis deals with the accounting and tax specifics receivables, in particular by ensuring receivables and the management of overdue debts. In the case of overdue debts focuses on allowances and depreciation with different impact on accounting profit and tax base. The main objective is to identify differences in accounting and tax receivable, ways of securing and their display in accounting. Conclusion The work consists Interpretation of the National Accounting Council dealing with receivables, receivables management research in eight selected companies and the aggregate accounting an example of a real company.

Poválečná hospodářská krize ve výmarské republice a Dawesův plán / After-war economic crisis in the Weimar republic and the Dawes plan

Sodomka, Jaroslav January 2008 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is purposed to characterize both economic and political progress in Weimar republic since the end of World War I till the middle twenties. In this respect, it is a period when Germany, after several years of war struggle ending up as a defeated country, was raving in economic and internal political crisis and also had to face up a diplomatic isolation connected with tough peace conditions from Versailles. The main focus of this study is to analyze German economic depression contextualized with crucial historic events against background of then international diplomacy. Economic analysis is connected especially with explanation of huge hyperinflation, synchronous theoretic hypothesis that formed economic policy of German governments and their comparison with modern monetary economics. Being analyzed are not only causes of depression based in long-term debt funding of war, uncovered money emission and necessity of high reparation payments, but also the process and the way of its termination and overall consequences both political and socioeconomic. After abandonment of inflation episode follows solution of reparation payments adjustment which was necessary for future stabilization of Weimar Republic and final termination of German crisis. The way to stability was provided by London Conference and Dawes plan which are both analyzed in the last part of this thesis.

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