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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Detection and characterisation of quantitative trait loci affecting muscle and growth phenotypes in sheep

Hadjipavlou, Georgia January 2010 (has links)
This thesis addresses the dissection and characterisation of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting production traits in sheep. Firstly, the association between specific genetic polymorphisms and complex variation in weight, muscle and fat depositions was investigated. Research concentrated on assessing the presence, correspondence and significance of two single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the GDF8 region of ovine chromosome 2, reportedly affecting muscle production. Commercial populations of British Texel, Suffolk and Charollais sheep were studied. The SNPs were absent in Suffolk and almost fixed in Texel breeds. In the Charollais population, the SNPs segregated at intermediate frequencies and a significant association was found between these polymorphisms and muscle depth. The previously proposed causative allele at one of the loci resulted in increased muscle depth and, at allele frequency of 0.5, this locus would explain one third of the additive genetic variance for the trait. Partial recessive allelic expression is proposed by genotypic value predictions and is consistent with the previously postulated molecular mechanism by which it gives rise to muscle changes. Secondly, the thesis focused on detection of QTL associated with growth. Live weight is a composite of growth rates over time, with inter-age genetic correlations for live weight decreasing as time between weight measurements increases. To explore whether observed genetic correlation patterns translate into distinct loci acting on weight at different growth stages, a novel method was developed and the applicability of a second proposed method was explored. Both methods allowed simultaneous analysis of multiple live weights per animal, while accounting differently for the correlation among measurements ordered in time. In the first approach, a growth curve technique was developed and employed to map growth QTL for curve parameters and predicted growth descriptors. A study of actual live weights identified significant QTL at different ages on distinct chromosomes, with QTL significance and variance changing over time. Further application of this technique on a simulated dataset validated its effectiveness in detecting age-dependent QTL. An extension of the procedure resulted in a novel technique for genomic evaluation of longitudinal traits. In the second method examined, random regression (RR) models were applied for dissection of growth QTL. Systematic model selection and inclusion of relevant random effects resulted in apparently significant QTL, but the method was computationally demanding, model choice proved challenging and the results were questioned. To further explore the method, RR models were applied to various simulated growth phenotypes composed of time-dependent QTL trajectories, polygenic and environmental effects. Statistically optimal RR models succeeded in identifying significant QTL and predicting the simulated time-dependence for most scenarios. However, the issue of model choice was again prominent, as suboptimal models resulted in unreliable QTL variance trajectories and pronounced confounding between different time-dependent effects. Thus, the growth curve approach appeared to be the more flexible and robust process for analysing longitudinal data to map agedependent QTL.

Managing Cattail (Typha latifolia) Growth in Wetland Systems

Sharp, Jessica Little 08 1900 (has links)
Nutrient availability, water depth, competition, and soil management effects on cattail (Typha latifolia) growth in wetland systems were examined. Soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), and ammonia-nitrogen (NH3-N) removals were tested at a constructed wetland receiving municipal wastewater effluent. Over all, no significant differences in nutrients occurred between diverse planted and cattail areas. T. latifolia seeds, under the canopy of Eleochoris macrostachya, had low seed germination. Established stands of emergent vegetation can prevent cattail colonization and spread. Germination of T. latifolia at various water depths was tested, and depth impacts on cattail seedling growth and survival were ascertained using various moist soil management techniques in three ponds. Water levels at 0cm and >40cm can adversely impact cattail establishment.

Augmented Reality for Spatial Perception in the Computer Assisted Surgical Trainer

Wagner, Adam, Wagner, Adam January 2017 (has links)
Traditional laparoscopic surgery continues to require significant training on the part of the surgeon before entering the operating room. Augmented Reality (AR) has been investigated for use in visual guidance in training and during surgery, but little work is available investigating the effectiveness of AR techniques in providing the user better awareness of depth and space. In this work we propose several 2D AR overlays for visual guidance in training for laparoscopic surgery, with the goal of aiding the user's perception of depth and space in that limiting environment. A pilot study of 30 subjects (22 male and 8 female) was performed with results showing the effect of the various overlays on subject performance of a path following task in the Computer Assisted Surgical Trainer (CAST-III) system developed in the Model Based Design Lab. Deviation, economy of movement, and completion time are considered as metrics. Providing a reference indicator for the nearest point on the optimal path is found to result in significant reduction (p < 0.05) in subject deviation from the path. The data also indicates a reduction in subject deviation along the depth axis and total path length with overlays designed to provide depth information. Avenues for further investigation are presented.

Interaktive Initialisierung eines Echtzeit 3D-Trackings für Augmented Reality auf Smart Devices mit Tiefensensoren

Neges, Matthias, Siewert, Jan Luca 10 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Zusammenfassung Heutige Ansätze des 3D-Trackings für die Registrierung in der realen Welt zum Einsatz von Augmented Reality lassen sich in modellbasierte und umgebungsbasierte Verfahren unterteilen. Umgebungsbasierte Verfahren nutzen den SLAM-Algorithmus zur Erzeugung dreidimensionaler Punktwolken der Umgebung in Echtzeit. Modellbasierte Verfahren finden Ihren Ursprung im Canny edge detector und nutzen aus den CAD-Modellen abgeleitete Kantenmodelle. Wird das modellbasierte Verfahren über Kantendetektion und das umgebungsbasierte Verfahren über 3DPunktewolken kombiniert, ergibt sich ein robustes, hybrides 3D-Tracking. Die entsprechenden Algorithmen der verschiedenen Verfahren sind in heute verfügbaren AR-Frameworks bereits implementiert. Der vorliegende Betrag zeigt zwar, welche Effizienz das hybride 3D-Tracking aufweist, jedoch auch die Problematik der erforderlichen geometrischen Ähnlichkeit von idealem CAD-Modell, bzw. Kantenmodell, und realem Objekt. Bei unterschiedlichen Montagestufen an verschiedenen Montagestationen und mit wechselnden Anwendern ist beispielsweise eine erneute Initialisierung erforderlich. Somit bedingt das hybride 3D-Tracking zahlreiche Kantenmodell, die zuvor aus der jeweiligen Montagestufe abgeleitet werden müssen. Hinzu kommen geometrische Abweichungen durch die Fertigung, die je nach Größe der branchenspezifischen Toleranzen keine hinreichend hohe Übereinstimmung mit den abgeleiteten Kantenmodellen aus den idealen CAD-Modellen aufweisen. Die Autoren schlagen daher den Einsatz parametrisch aufgebauter Mastermodelle vor, welche durch eine interaktive Initialisierung geometrisch Instanziiert werden. Zum Einsatz kommt hier ein mobiler Tiefensensor für Smart Devices, welcher mit Hilfe des Anwenders eine Relation der realen geometrischen Merkmale mit den Idealen des CAD-Modells ermöglicht. Des Weiteren wird in dem dargestellten Konzept die Nutzung von speziellen Suchalgorithmen basierend auf geometrischen Ähnlichkeiten vorgeschlagen, sodass eine Registrierung und Instanziierung auch ohne hinterlegtes Mastermodell ermöglicht wird. Der Beitrag fokussiert sich bei der Validierung auf die interaktive Initialisierung anhand eines konkreten anwendungsnahen Beispiels, da die Initialisierung die Grundlage für die weitere Entwicklung des Gesamtkonzeptes darstellt.

Hybrid cattail (Typha x glauca) growth and nutrient content along a water depth gradient in two prairie marshes

Peterson, Heidi Marliese 21 September 2015 (has links)
Emergent macrophytes are an integral part of prairie marshes and involved in many of the services that make these ecosystems valuable. Water depth and hydroperiod are two environmental variables that can influence the growth and nutrient content of emergent macrophytes. This study looked at the growth and nutrient content response of hybrid cattail (Typha x glauca) to water depth and hydroperiod in two prairie marshes in southern Manitoba, Canada. Above- and belowground samples of hybrid cattails were collected along a water depth gradient at Oak Hammock Marsh, Canada, and analyzed for biomass, total phosphorus, total nitrogen, total Kjeldahl nitrogen content, shoot height, and density. A second dataset was obtained from the Marsh Ecology Research Program (MERP) experiment, and used to determine the biomass and nutrient content response of the hybrid cattail following one or two years of drawdown. / October 2015

Can effects from global warming be seen in Swedish snow statistics? / - Syns den globala uppvärmningen i den svenska snöstatistiken?

Larsson, Mattias January 2004 (has links)
This study is a result from a major investigation about the snow conditions in Sweden since the beginning of the twentieth century. For this purpose, data were analysed with respect to the maximum snow depth and the number of days with snow cover every year from some more than forty selected stations. These stations were then divided into different regions and means were calculated for each series. The data are presented in the shape of different histograms in the four following categories; the whole period in request (1900-2003), the latest 43 years (1961-2003), consecutive mean values for every decade and time series with the highest frequented fluctuations equalized. To be able to detect any trends in the plotted time series two statistical methods, simple linear regression and Mann-Kendall’s test, were applied. The calculations belonging to these tests are showed in tables. To be able to answer the question if the global warming can be related to the latest 3-4 decades predominantly warm winters in the southern part of Sweden I have been studying correlations in snow data with respect to the northern hemispheres mean temperature for the winter season. Corresponding estimates of the correlation coefficients have also been made with respect to the Swedish winter mean temperature. The response of the tests shows that it has not been such dramatic change in the snow conditions in the long run. The magnitude of the slope for the adjusted regression lines implies that the maximum snow depth and the number of days with snow cover in average have been on a fairly constant level during the latest hundred years. When it comes to the maximum snow depth one can distinguish a tendency for a small rise in Götaland and northern Norrland. This is also the only cases which are statistical significant for the period in request (1905-2003). For the shorter period 1961-2003 however, the number of days with snow cover has decreased quite substantially in the southern part of Sweden corresponding to a decrease about 40% in Götaland and 20% in Svealand. The test based on simple linear regression gives significant results in both cases while Mann-Kendall only establishes the trend for Götaland. A closer view of the maximum snow depth for the shorter period (1961-2003) does not give the same response but there is at least evidence for a significant decrease in Svealand in the test with simple linear regression. It corresponds to a decrease of about 30% since 1960. One cannot immediately relate the changes in the Swedish snow climate to the global warming. Estimated values of the correlation coefficient do not even give significant results for the period 1961-2003 despite of the fact that the global mean temperature has raised quite considerably since 1970. The corresponding calculations for the Swedish winter mean temperature show that it plays a very important roll if the precipitation in Götaland and Svealand is coming as rain or snow while it does not matter at all in northern Norrland. / Denna studie är ett resultat av en omfattande undersökning av snöförhållandena i Sverige sedan början av 1900-talet. Jag har för detta ändamål analyserat data av maximala snödjup och antalet dagar med snötäcke per kalenderår från ett 40-tal utvalda stationer. Dessa stationer har sedan delats upp på olika regioner varefter medelvärden har räknats fram i resp. fall. Datamaterialet illustreras här i form av olika stapeldiagram uppdelat på fyra följande kategorier; hela tidsserien, perioden 1961-2003, konsekutiva 10-årsmedelvärden samt en tidsserie med de mest högfrekventa svängningarna bortdämpade. För att kunna bedöma eventuella trender i de uppritade tidsserierna så har jag använt mig av de båda statistiska metoderna enkel linjär regression resp. Mann-Kendall's test. Tillhörande beräkningar redovisas på tabellform. För att svara på frågan om den globala uppvärmningen kan sättas i samband med de senaste 30-40 årens övervägande snöfattiga vintrar i södra Sverige så har jag studerat korrelationen av snödata gentemot det norra halvklotets vintermedeltemperatur. Motsvarande beräkningar av korrelationskoefficienter har också genomförts för den svenska vintermedeltemperaturen Utslaget på testerna visar att det inte har skett så dramatiska förändringar i snöförhållandena på lång sikt. Magnituden på lutningskoefficienten för de anpassade regressionslinjerna tyder på att det maximala snödjupet och antalet dagar med snötäcke i medeltal har legat på en ganska konstant nivå under de senaste hundra åren. När det gäller maximala snödjup så kan man paradoxalt nog se en tendens till en svag uppgång för Götaland och norra Norrland. Det är också de enda fallen som är statistiskt säkerställda för tidsserien som helhet. För den kortare perioden 1961-2003 så kan man däremot se att antalet dagar med snötäcke har minskat relativt kraftigt i södra Sverige motsvarande en nedgång på cirka 40% i Götaland och 20% i Svealand. Test med enkel linjär regression ger signifikanta resultat i båda fallen medan Mann-Kendall endast fastställer trenden för Götaland. En närmare undersökning av det maximala snödjupet för den kortare tidsserien ger dock inte lika tydligt utslag i statistiken men man kan trots allt urskilja en signifikant minskning för Svealand i testet med enkel linjär regression. Det rör sig här om en nedgång på cirka 30% efter 1960. Det går inte att omedelbart relatera förändringarna i det svenska snöklimatet till den globala uppvärmningen. Beräknade värden på korrelationskoefficienten ger inte ens signifikant utslag för perioden 1961-2003 trots att den globala medeltemperaturen har ökat ganska markant sedan 1970. Motsvarande beräkningar för den svenska vintermedeltemperaturen visar att den har väldigt stor betydelse för om nederbörden i Götaland och Svealand faller som regn eller snö medan det för norra Norrland inte har någon nämnvärd påverkan.

The Effectiveness of Two Approaches to the Teaching of High School American History

Williamson, James Lonnie, 1934- 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of studies in depth utilizing selected materials which had been developed for teaching high school American history.


Jenkins, Amy 01 December 2010 (has links)
Soils, and the microbial communities contained within them, are vital for most chemical, physical, and biological processes. This study investigated how microbial community structure responded to environmental changes, such as hydrology, across vertical space (depth) and time in an emergent fresh water wetland. Research was conducted in a non-tidal freshwater wetland along the James River (Charles City County, Virginia) by establishing plots in two areas that experienced different hydrologic regimes and plant communities. Soil cores (30 cm) were collected monthly from January 2008 to February 2009, and then every two to three months thereafter until October 2009, for a total of 17 sampling events. The soil cores were divided by depth (Top: 0 – 10 cm, Bottom: 20 – 30 cm) and analyzed for a variety of soil properties including: pH, organic matter (OM), water content (WC), C:N, redox, and root biomass. Additionally, above-ground plant communities were monitored during the growing seasons. Based on preliminary analysis, one date from each season (Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall) from both sampling years were selected for in depth analysis of the microbial community structure via Terminal Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (T-RFLP) of 16S-rRNA. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) found significant differences were found between the environmental parameters in regards to site, depth, and season. Three physical-chemical variables (WC, OM, and redox) were different between sites, but the majority of environmental parameters were significantly different between depths and seasons. The dominant environmental effect on microbial communities was soil depth and, overall, no seasonal patterns were observed in the microbial communities. Further, archaeal communities were most strongly correlated to changes in water content, while redox was strongly correlated to changes across depth in the bacterial communities. Collectively, these results demonstrate that wetland microbial communities are not a product of one separate variable or spatial scale, but result from various factors interlinked to shape microbial communities. More long-term studies are needed to investigate interactions between microbial community structure and environmental variables in these dynamic ecosystems.

Vital Pulp Therapy Survivability Based on Radiographic Depth of Caries

Schmick, Aaron T 01 January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this retrospective chart review was to determine if the survival of two methods of vital pulp therapy (VPT) were influenced by the pre-operative radiographic depth and location of caries. Methods: Electronic patient records (axiUm®) that contained the procedure codes D3120, Indirect Pulp Therapy (IPT), or D3220, Therapeutic Pulpotomy (TP), were queried. Qualifying charts’ pre-operative and post-operative radiographs were viewed in MiPACS® by two raters. Visit records were queried again to identify any other treatment failures. Results: A total of 568 primary molars met the eligibility criteria. There was a difference in survival depending upon the treatment procedure (P < .0001), with D3220 having a significantly higher failure rate than D3120. In the 182 total cases with caries 2/3 to encroaching the pulp, therapy success was greater with IPT (P < .0001). Conclusion: IPT results in longer overall clinical success even at the deepest level of caries.

Single-image full-focus reconstruction using depth-based deconvolution

Salahieh, Basel, Rodriguez, Jeffrey J., Stetson, Sean, Liang, Rongguang 30 September 2016 (has links)
In contrast with traditional extended depth-of-field approaches, we propose a depth-based deconvolution technique that realizes the depth-variant nature of the point spread function of an ordinary fixed-focus camera. The developed technique brings a single blurred image to focus at different depth planes which can be stitched together based on a depth map to output a full-focus image. Strategies to suppress the deconvolution's ringing artifacts are implemented on three levels: block tiling to eliminate boundary artifacts, reference maps to reduce ringing initiated by sharp edges, and depth-based masking to mitigate artifacts raised by neighboring depth-transition surfaces. The performance is validated numerically for planar and multidepth objects. (C) 2016 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)

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