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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Value Through Design Control

Fendl, Monika 28 July 2001 (has links) (PDF)
Framework: The paper as an component of an extensive research project on design methods focuses on the question how architects could develop systematically goal-oriented architectural solutions (including innovative solutions) in the complex field of social and healthcare buildings. Questions: Within this framework, the paper, a component of the whole research project, is looking at two fundamental questions in terms of the indispensability of the contribution of architects during the planning and design process for such complicated design tasks: 1. Are there any techniques for measuring the added value contributed by architects? 2. How can architects demonstrate / communicate the added value of their contribution? Hypotheses: 1. The added value of the architects' contribution can be measured either through evaluation of the architectural solution or of the planning / design process. 2. Architects can demonstrate / communicate the added value of their contribution either through the quality of the architectural solution or the successful procedure that is therefore satisfying that architects, engineers, clients, users, etc. are included.

Tillit och design : En kvalitativ studie om hur design påverkar tillit vid implementation av kostnader i ett gränssnitt

Nielsen, Martin, Kewenter, Hanna January 2016 (has links)
Mobiltelefonen är idag inte endast ett redskap för vardaglig kommunikation mellan människor. I takt med att mobiltelefonen blir smartare och mer uppkopplad till olika system, växer även användningsområdet. Ett användningsområde som under senare tid blivit mer och mer accepterat och använt är att utföra sina ekonomiska sysslor via mobiltelefonen. Det kan exempelvis handla om att skicka pengar eller handla på Internet. Mycket av det som sker i den digitala världen är ett samspel mellan en sändare och mottagare. Två parter som tillsammans bildar en koppling till varandra. För att detta ska fungera krävs en viktig beståndsdel, tillit. Tillit är något som för oss människor är avgörande i både den fysiska likväl som den digitala världen. På den digitala marknaden är känslan av tillit viktig för både aktörer bakom tjänster och deras användare. Hur är det då möjligt att införliva tillit till en tjänst? Tidigare forskning vi studerat om tillit till mobila betalningssystem visar att det finns olika sätt att skapa tillit i den digitala världen. En av de mer väsentliga delarna för att skapa tillit i den digitala världen är det estetiska uttrycket som en tjänst ger sin användare. Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur design är ett verktyg för att påverka tillit till en tjänst som innehåller kostnader för sina användare. Estetik är dock ett relativt och subjektivt begrepp. Denna studie ämnar således undersöka om det är några specifika beståndsdelar som är av större vikt. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om det som kommit fram vid utvald tidigare forskning om tillit är tillräckligt att utgå ifrån vid designande för att åstadkomma känslan tillit. Är denna sammanslagning tillräcklig för att skapa tillit, eller behövs ytterligare aspekter tas i beaktning? För att undersöka detta ställdes frågan: Hur påverkas upplevd tillit av design när kostnader implementeras i en tjänst? För att besvara studiens frågeställning studerades till en början utvald tidigare forskning för att börja ringa in områden som är av vikt för att åstadkomma känslan tillit. Tillsammans med detta genomfördes sedan en framtidsverkstad med målsättningen att undersöka tillit och design i den digitala världen. Syftet med framtidsverkstaden var att tillsammans med det som gått att se vid den tidigare utvalda forskningen ligga till grund för en designprocess. Designprocessen bestod av en brainstorm tillsammans med skissning som sedan över gick i wireframes, mockuper och slutligen transformerades detta till en interaktiv prototyp. I den interaktiva prototypen hade slutligen kostnader implementerats i ett redan befintligt gränssnitt. Prototypen som utvecklats kom slutligen att utvärderas genom att användartestas. Resultatet av studien visade att hur design påverkar upplevd tillit är beroende av flera faktorer. I ett initialt skede visade det sig att design ur en estetisk synvinkel är det som är avgörande. Design ur ett estetiskt perspektiv påverkar även användbarheten, vilket slutsatser från denna studie visar har en koppling till användares förväntade upplevelse. Besvaras användares förväntade upplevelse leder detta till att de känner sig ha kontroll över systemet, vilket i sin tur är främjande för tilliten. Studiens slutsats är att design som är estetiskt tilltalande, igenkännbar och införlivar en känsla av kontroll är de primära faktorer som setts påverka användarens känsla av tillit. / The mobile phone today is not just a tool for everyday communication between people. As mobile phones become smarter and more connected to various systems, the area for usage of these applications is growing. One type of application that has recently become more and more accepted is to use applications to perform their financial tasks via a mobile phone. It can be for example to send money or shop on the Internet. Much of what is happening in the digital world is an interaction between a transmitter and receiver. Two parties which together form a connection to one another. For this to work, there is an important component, trust. Trust is something that for us humans is crucial in both the physical as well as the digital world. The digital market is the feeling of trust important for both actors behind the services and their users. How is it possible to incorporate trust in a service? Previous research we studied about trust in mobile payment systems shows that there are different ways to create trust in the digital world. One of the more important elements to create trust in the digital world is the aesthetic expression as a service gives its users. This study aims to examine how design is a tool for influencing trust in a service that includes costs for its users. Aesthetics, however, is a relative and subjective concept. This study intends therefore examine whether there are any specific elements that are of major importance. The purpose of this study is to examine whether the findings from previous research on trust is enough to start designing and to achieve the feeling of trust. Is this fusion of previous research to create trust sufficient or needed additional aspects taken into consideration? To investigate this question was asked: How does design effect trust, when costs is implemented in a service? To answer the research question earlier research was studied to begin to identify areas that are important to achieve the feeling of trust. Along with this was then carried out a future workshop with the objective to investigate trust and design in the digital world. The purpose of the future workshop was that along with former selected research form the basis of a design process. The design process consisted of a brainstorm with sketching that where turned into wireframes, mockups and finally transformed it into an interactive prototype. In the interactive prototype costs had finally been implemented in an existing interface. The prototype developed eventually came to be evaluated by user-tested. The results of the study showed how design affects the perceived trust are dependent on several factors. In an initial stage, it was found that the design from an aesthetic point of view, what is decisive. Design from an aesthetic perspective also affects the usability, which the conclusions of this study show a link to the user's expected experience. Answered user's expected experience, this means that they feel in control of the system, which in turn is the promotion of trust. The study's conclusion is that the design is aesthetically pleasing, recognizable and incorporates a sense of control are the primary factors seen to affect the user's sense of trust.

Value Through Design Control: A Theoretical Approach Towards a Strategy for a Controlled Planning and Design Process. Paper prepared for the Conference Value Through Design held on The University of Reading Campus on September 14-15 2001. Organised by CIB W96 Architectural Management & The Design Research Society & Department of Construction Management & Engineering, The University of Reading, England, UK.

Fendl, Monika 28 July 2001 (has links)
Framework: The paper as an component of an extensive research project on design methods focuses on the question how architects could develop systematically goal-oriented architectural solutions (including innovative solutions) in the complex field of social and healthcare buildings. Questions: Within this framework, the paper, a component of the whole research project, is looking at two fundamental questions in terms of the indispensability of the contribution of architects during the planning and design process for such complicated design tasks: 1. Are there any techniques for measuring the added value contributed by architects? 2. How can architects demonstrate / communicate the added value of their contribution? Hypotheses: 1. The added value of the architects' contribution can be measured either through evaluation of the architectural solution or of the planning / design process. 2. Architects can demonstrate / communicate the added value of their contribution either through the quality of the architectural solution or the successful procedure that is therefore satisfying that architects, engineers, clients, users, etc. are included.

Coordination des acteurs d'un processus de conception complexe et incertain : vers un pilotage de la création de valeur intégrant des arbitrages risques/opportunités / Coordination of actors in a complex and uncertain design process : towards a controlling value creation integrating risks/opportunities arbitration

Lallou, Imane 13 December 2016 (has links)
La conception automobile est un processus complexe, soumis à de fortes incertitudes et mettant en jeu une création de valeur multidimensionnelle. De plus, la coordination dans ce processus, impliquant une multitude d’acteurs de domaines variés et travaillant sur un produit lui-même complexe et incertain, s’avère difficile.Une analyse des méthodes de pilotage existantes dans la littérature nous a permis d’identifier des limites ne permettant pas de répondre simultanément à l’ensemble des caractéristiques de ce processus. Nous avons donc proposé une méthode de pilotage novatrice articulant Valeur Risques Opportunités. Celle-ci s’inscrit dans le cadre des travaux théoriques intégrant les deux champs de contrôle : le Management de la Performance (MP) et le Management des Risques (MR). Notre méthode de pilotage permettrait de dépasser les limites des méthodes existantes à travers l’adoption d’une approche holistique (prise en compte de l’ensemble des dimensions de valeur), systémique (prise en compte des interactions complexes entre les différents constituants du processus) et dynamique (intégration systématique des risques et des opportunités au pilotage de la création valeur).Pour mettre en œuvre notre méthode de pilotage dans le processus de conception du Groupe PSA, nous avons construit un prototype générique permettant la mobilisation des acteurs sur une trajectoire d’amélioration et la co-construction d’une manière dynamique d’une version applicable chez PSA. Nous nous sommes appuyée, dans notre démarche d’ingénierie de mise en œuvre, sur les travaux d’appropriation des outils de gestion et d’implémentation des innovations managériales complexes. Les résultats de la mise en œuvre nous ont permis : i) d’un côté, de confirmer l’intérêt de notre méthode de pilotage articulant Valeur Risques Opportunités ayant suscité l’intérêt de plusieurs acteurs clés, attesté par des améliorations effectives du pilotage des projets véhicule et de la coordination des acteurs et ; ii) d’un autre côté, de révéler des difficultés liées au décalage entre certaines de nos propositions, cherchant à construire des outils représentatifs de la complexité des mécanismes en jeu dans le processus de conception, et la volonté des acteurs de simplifier davantage la méthode et de se focaliser, dans un contexte de crise, sur la dimension économique et sur la gestion des risques. Dans notre thèse, nous proposons également quelques perspectives d’évolution de la fonction Contrôle de gestion, à travers l’intégration de notre méthode de pilotage, pour une meilleure adéquation avec les particularités du processus de conception automobile. / Automotive design is a complex and uncertain process creating a multidimensional value. This process is also characterized by a difficult coordination of the multitude of actors from different areas involved in the design a complex and uncertain product.An analysis of existing control methods in the literature allows us to identify some limits which hamper the simultaneously response to all the characteristics of this process. We propose an innovative control method articulating Value, Opportunities and Risks. Our method contributes to the theoretical works proposing the integration of two major control fields: Performance Management (PM) and Risk Management (RM). Our method allows overcoming the limitations of existing control methods through the adoption of a holistic (taking into account all the dimensions of value), a systemic (taking into account the complex interactions between the various components of this process) and a dynamic approach (by a systematic integration of risks and opportunities to the control of value creation process).To implement this control method in PSA group design process we built a generic prototype. This allowed the mobilization of actors by fixing an improvement trajectory and a dynamic co-conception of an applicable version for PSA.The results of the implementation allowed us to : i) confirm the benefits of our control method articulating Value, Opportunities and Risks which interested several key actors and lead to some effective improvements in vehicle projects management and actors coordination and; ii) reveal difficulties dues to the gap between some of our proposals, seeking to build tools reflecting the design process complexity, and willingness of stakeholders to simplify the method and to focus, in a context of crisis, on the economic dimension and risk management.In our thesis, we also propose some perspectives to improve Management Control function, through the integration of our control method, for a better match with the characteristics of the automotive design process.

Heat Exchanger Design in Mobile Machines

Magdanz, Alex, Schiefer, Michael January 2016 (has links)
This paper examines the model-based design of thermal systems in mobile machines with a focus on heat exchanger design. An industry project is described in which the vapor compression cycle for the air-conditioning system was modeled using the software SimulationX. By modeling heat exchanger sections separately, multiple flow arrangements could be tested without the need for physical prototypes. The paper presents this work in the context of the full model-based design process including extensions for hardware in the loop (HiL) testing of control units and operator training using virtual machines.

Stavebně technologický projekt přípravy a realizace polyfunkčního objektu v Brně / Construction Project for Implementation of Multifunctional Building in Brno

Čačaný, Lukáš January 2022 (has links)
The main subject of this diploma thesis is a construction technological project of preparation and realization multifunctional building in Brno on Trugeněvova street. It is a new construction of the main building. It provides a technical report on the construction technology project, transport relations for the transport of materials and machinery to the construction site, following technical report of construction site equipment, construction technology study, design of machinery and last but not least elaboration of technological regulation for the execution of monolithic structures. Furthermore, the chapters on health and safety protection at work on the construction site, as well as the LEED certification system and the financial and time plan of the selected stage are elaborated.

Entwicklung und Modellierung einer vollaktuierten Drohne

Schuster, Micha 26 April 2018 (has links)
Diese Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich mit der geometrischen Auslegung und Regelung einer vollaktuierten Drohne, die als fliegende Arbeitsplattform für einen Manipulator dienen soll. Dabei werden ausgehend von der geometrischen Beschreibung einer allgemeinen, symmetrischen Drohne mit sechs Rotoren Methoden entwickelt, die den anforderungsbezogenen Entwurf der Geometrie einer vollaktuierten Drohne ermöglichen. Darüber hinaus werden prinzipielle Einflussmechanismen einzelner Geometrieparameter auf die durch die Drohne erzeugbaren Kräfte und Momente aufgezeigt. Zur Charakterisierung des Raums aller erzeugbaren Lasten wird dieser auf sogenannte Stützvektoren reduziert. Als Stützvektoren dienen dabei die für den Schwebeflug nötige Schubkraft, die garantierte Mindestkraft in horizontaler Richtung und das garantierte Mindestmoment um eine beliebige Achse, zu deren Berechnung zusätzlich analytische Formeln hergeleitet werden. Aufbauend auf die Beschreibung durch Stützvektoren wird die Formuliernung von Metriken vorgestellt, die die Bewertung einer Drohnengeometrie durch eine einzige skalare Maßzahl ermöglichen, wodurch die je nach Anwendung optimale Drohnengeometrie ermittelt werden kann. Zur Regelung des Systems aus Drohne und Manipulator wurde ein Regelungskonzept entwickelt, welches durch eine Entkopplung der Bewegungsgleichungen eine virtuelle Verschiebung des Schwerpunkts in das Drohnenzentrum realisiert und so eine präzise Regelung unabhängig von der tatsächlichen Schwerpunktlage ermöglicht. / This thesis’ subject is the geometrical design and control of a fully actuated drone, intended to be used as a flying operating-platform for a manipulator. Starting with the general geometrical description of a symmetric drone with six rotors, methods for the application specific design of a fully actuated drone are developed. Furthermore general influencing principles of geometric parameters on the forces and torques that can be generated by the drone, are pointed out. To characterize the drone's wrench-space, it is reduced to so called support vectors, which are given by the hovering thrust, the minimum guaranteed force in a horizontal direction and the minimum guaranteed torque in any direction. Additionally, analytic formulas are derived for the mentioned support vectors. Based on the description by the support vectors, a formulation of metrics is introduced, to enable the assessment of a specific drone geometry by a single scalar measure, to determine the ideal drone geometry for a specific application. Targeting the issue of controlling the flight system, consisting of the drone and the manipulator, a concept is developed that realizes a virtual dissplacement of the center of mass by decoupling the equations of motion and therby facilitates a precise control, independent of the actual location of the system's center of mass.

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