Spelling suggestions: "subject:"designs off experiments"" "subject:"designs oof experiments""
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Etude du vieillissement des membranes dans le domaine de l’agroalimentaire : production d’eau potable et filtration du laitRegula, Camille 25 June 2013 (has links)
Quel que soit le domaine d'application, les membranes doivent fréquemment subir des procédures de nettoyage et/ou de désinfection afin d'éliminer le colmatage qui découle de la filtration. Ces nettoyages sont responsables d'une accélération du vieillissement des matériaux qui impacte directement les performances techniques et économiques des procédés membranaires. La pérennité de ces derniers passe par l'identification des principaux facteurs responsables du vieillissement et par la compréhension des mécanismes qui le régissent. Le vieillissement statique de membranes d'ultrafiltration spiralée en polyethersulfone et fibres creuses en polysulfone respectivement utilisées pour la filtration du lait et pour la production d'eau potable a été étudié. Ce vieillissement a été mis en place selon la méthodologie des plans d'expériences qui a permis l'étude simultanée de la concentration, de la température et du temps de contact membrane/détergents et ce, pour différents détergents formulés couramment utilisés sur les sites de production (alcalin, acide, enzymatiques, oxydant chloré et oxydant non chloré). Les résultats ont permis de modéliser statistiquement les modifications membranaires induites par chaque détergent. Ces modifications ont été suivies aussi bien à l'échelle microscopique que macroscopique afin d'appréhender le phénomène de vieillissement dans sa globalité : propriétés de transport, propriétés mécaniques, propriétés de surface, ainsi que les modifications de la composition chimique du polymère constitutif de la membrane. Des préconisations d'utilisation des différents produits sont proposées : véritable carnet de bord les industriels. / In Food Industries, using membrane processes, contact with cleaning chemicals is believed to play an important role in membrane ageing. In this thesis, polysulfone hollow fibers and polyethersulfone spiral wound membranes were used to simulate the industrial cleaning in static conditions. Ageing of the membrane was mimicked by immersing samples in solutions containing commercial detergents with various concentrations, temperatures and soaking times defined by experimental designs. In an innovative way in the chemical membranes ageing research, an approach based on methodological tools has been realized for different formulated detergents (alkaline, acidic, enzymatic, oxidant and biocide). The main interest is to achieve a relevant ageing pattern without using an accelerated ageing protocol which has been proved to be not relevant. Results allow modeling macroscopic ageing involved by each detergent. Those modifications have been studied as well at the macroscopic scale as at the microscopic scale in order to put membrane ageing in a global perspective: flux, mechanical properties, surface properties, polymer modifications. Specifications of using can be advised according to membranes and products which represent a real oversight handbook about membrane cleaning for industrial users.
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Analyse, mutualisation et optimisation par la commande de la consommation énergétique des héliostats autonomes des centrales à concentration solaire / Analysis, mutualization and optimization of the energy consumption of autonomous heliostats by the control for solar concentrated power plantsMontenon, Alaric 21 May 2013 (has links)
Les centrales à concentration utilisent la radiation solaire directe pour produire de la chaleur et, comme dans la plupart des cas, de l’électricité par transformation de cette chaleur. Les centrales dites « à tour » sont associées à un vaste champ héliostatique dont l’alimentation se fait généralement par de longs câbles à l’intérieur de tranchées qui peuvent mesurer plusieurs kilomètres. Pour pallier cette solution, la thèse s’inscrit donc dans l’évaluation de la mise en place d’héliostats autonomes énergétiquement via un générateur solaire et un stockage électrochimique (batteries). Le dimensionnement de ce système est optimisé par la commande des deux moteurs des héliostats (azimut et élévation) en vue de minimiser leur consommation globale. L’impact environnemental global est également comparé par rapport à la solution des tranchées grâce à une analyse de cycle de vie. Cette recherche est effectuée au sein du laboratoire LAPLACE de Toulouse en collaboration avec le laboratoire PROMES d’Odeillo. / Heliostats of solar thermodynamic plants can be numerous. Long cables cross the field to supply two motors per heliostat, which actually enable the double rotation to track the Sun on the azimuth side and elevation side. The main objective of this research is to evaluate the possibility of using autonomous heliostats with a photovoltaic generator, in order to avoid these kilometers of cables. In the first part of the research, a life cycle assessment is compared between the classical architecture and the autonomous heliostat. Then, an optimization of the consumption per heliostat by the control on a single rotation is tracked. The most significant change is the use of one chopper for the two motors instead of two. At least, the research focuses on the impact on the size of the photovoltaic generator and storage capacity on a whole year according the optimization on a single rotation.
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Apprentissage Statistique en Domaine Circulaire Pour la Planification de Contrôles en Microélectronique / Statistical Learning on Circular Domains For Advanced Process Control in MicroelectronicsPadonou, Esperan 13 May 2016 (has links)
Motivés par des besoins en industrie microélectronique, ces travaux apportent des contributions en modélisation probabiliste de données spatiales, et en maîtrise statistique de procédés.Le problème spatial a pour spécificité d’être posé sur un domaine circulaire. Il se représente par un modèle de krigeage dont la partie déterministe est constituée de polynômes orthogonaux et la partie stochastique de processus gaussiens. Traditionnellement définis avec la norme euclidienne et la mesure uniforme sur le disque, ces choix n’exploitent pas les informations a priori sur les procédés d’usinage.Pour tenir compte des mécanismes de rotation ou de diffusion à partir du centre, nous formalisons les processus gaussiens polaires sur le disque. Ces processus intègrent les corrélations radiales et angulaires dans le modèle de krigeage, et en améliorent les performances dans les situations considérées. Ils sont ensuite interprétés par décomposition de Sobol et généralisés en dimension supérieure. Des plans d’expériences sont proposés dans le cadre de leur utilisation. Au premier rang figurent les cylindres latins qui reproduisent en coordonnées polaires les caractéristiques des hypercubes latins.Pour intégrer à la fois les aspects spatiaux et temporels du problème industriel, la maîtrise statistique de procédé est abordée en termes d’application de cartes de contrôle aux paramètres des modèles spatiaux. Les séries temporelles suivies ont aussi la particularité de comporter des données atypiques et des changements structurels, sources de biais en prévision, et de fausses alarmes en suivi de risque. Ce problème est traité par lissage robuste et adaptatif. / Driven by industrial needs in microelectronics, this thesis is focused on probabilistic models for spatial data and Statistical Process Control. The spatial problem has the specificity of being defined on circular domains. It is addressed through a Kriging model where the deterministic part is made of orthogonal polynomials and the stochastic term represented by a Gaussian process. Defined with the Euclidean distance and the uniform measure over the disk, traditional Kriging models do not exploit knowledge on manufacturing processes. To take rotations or diffusions from the center into account, we introduce polar Gaussian processes over the disk. They embed radial and angular correlations in Kriging predictions, leading to significant improvements in the considered situations. Polar Gaussian processes are then interpreted via Sobol decomposition and generalized in higher dimensions. Different designs of experiments are developed for the proposed models. Among them, Latin cylinders reproduce in the space of polar coordinates the properties of Latin hypercubes. To model spatial and temporal data, Statistical Process Control is addressed by monitoring Kriging parameters, based on standard control charts. Furthermore, the monitored time – series contain outliers and structural changes, which cause bias in prediction and false alarms in risk management. These issues are simultaneously tackled with a robust and adaptive smoothing.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo estatístico para aplicação no estudo de fadiga em emendas dentadas de madeira / not availableEspinosa, Mariano Martinez 27 November 2001 (has links)
Madeira laminada colada (MLC) é um material de construção muito empregado em estruturas. Este produto é composto de lâminas classificadas de madeira, coladas horizontalmente, para formar peças estruturais de madeira grandes dimensões. A união das lâminas é realizada através de distintos tipos de emendas longitudinais, sendo as emendas dentadas as mais utilizadas. Considerando que os componentes estruturais de MLC, em geral, são solicitadas a carregamentos cíclicos, este trabalho tem por finalidade a proposta de um modelo estatístico para a determinação da vida à fadiga em menos dentadas de madeira. O trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Madeiras e de Estruturas de madeira (LaMEM), com o estudo teórico e experimental da fadiga em corpos-de-prova tracionados de ligações com emendas dentadas, baseado em um planejamento estatístico de experimentos e na NBR 7190/97. Os resultados contidos mostram que o modelo Polinomial Ortogonal Múltiplo da distribuição de Birnbaum-Saunders é de grande precisão e o mais adequado ao estudo da fadiga. O uso deste modelo pode ser de grande benefício, já que com ele se poderá estimar e caracterizar com maior confiabilidade e precisão a um menor custo a vida à fadiga em emendas dentadas de madeira, considerando as variáveis independentes de tensão e freqüência. / In the production of structural elements of Glued Laminated Timber (GLULAM), the horizontal union of lumbers are made with finger joints. Considering that the structural components of GLULAM need a great number of finger joints, and some of these structures are subject to cyclic loading, the objective of this work is to present a statistical model to estimate the fatigue life in lumber tension finger joints. The theoretical and experimental work was made in the Laboratory of Wood and Timber Structures (LaMEM), based on a statistical experiment design using tension tests and in agreement with the NBR 7190/97 code. The estimation procedure was based on the multiple orthogonal polynomial Birnbaum-Saunders model and the results show that the parameter estimates of the multiple orthogonal polynomial Birnbaum-Saunders model are obtained with at good accuracy and the most appropriate for the wood fatigue study. The use of the model can be of great benefit, since with it can be fit and characterize with greater reliability and precision at a smaller cost the fatigue life in finger joints of wood, considering the independent variables stress and frequency.
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Planejamento de experimentos no ensino da estatística e probabilidade nas séries finais do ensino fundamental II / Designs of experiments in the teaching of statistics and probability for the last years of elementary schoolPassos, Homailson Lopes 04 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para o ensino da Estatística e Probabilidade nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental II. Seu objetivo é mostrar que a metodologia aqui adotada possibilita a aquisição de conceitos estatísticos e probabilísticos, assim como o desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais e interpessoais. Trata de um projeto fundamentado em Planejamento de Experimentos com respaldo na aprendizagem ativa. Na sequência didática do projeto os alunos realizaram um experimento com aviões de papel no qual tiveram que responder, na prática, a seguinte questão \"Quais alterações podem ser feitas em um modelo de avião de papel para que ele permaneça mais tempo no ar?\". Para atestar a efetividade da sequência didática, foi construído e validado um Teste de Proficiência em Estatística e Probabilidade (TEPEP) com base nos fundamentos da Psicometria. A análise das características do teste foi feita por meio da Teoria Clássica dos Testes e da Teoria de Resposta ao Item. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 391 alunos de escolas públicas e particulares da região do Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo. Desse total, 374 auxiliaram na validação do instrumento e os 17 alunos restantes participaram do projeto. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que o uso de Planejamento de Experimentos favoreceu a aprendizagem da Estatística e Probabilidade, desenvolvendo também outras competências. Em relação à validação do TEPEP, concluiu-se que os métodos psicométricos empregados têm grande potencial e devem ser mais explorados. Esta pesquisa apresenta, como produtos finais, a metodologia desenvolvida e o teste de proficiência construído, oferecendo ambos a professores e pesquisadores. / This work presents a proposal for teaching of Statistics and Probability, for the last years of Elementary School. Its objective is to show that the methodology adopted here allows the acquisition of statistical and probabilistic concepts, as well as the development of personal and interpersonal skills. It\'s a project with a didactic sequence grounded in Designs of Experiments, supported in active learning. In the didactic sequence of the project the students carried out an experiment with paper airplanes in which they had to answer, in practice, the following question \"What changes can be made to a paper airplane model so that it stays longer in the air?\". To attest the effectiveness of the didactic sequence, it was developed and validated a Proficiency Test in Statistics and Probability (PTSP), this using Psychometry. The analysis of the characteristics of the test was made through the Classical Test Theory and the Item Response Theory. The research subjects were a total of 391 students from public and private schools in the Vale do Paraíba region, State of São Paulo. Of this total, 17 students participated in the project. The other students (374) assisted in the test validation. The results of this research showed that the use of Design of Experiments favored the learning of Statistic and Probability, also to develop others competences. Regarding the validation of PTSP, it could be concluded that the psychometric methods used have potential and they should be more explored. This research acclaims, as final products, the developed methodology and the Proficiency test validated, both offered to teachers and researchers.
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Desenvolvimento de um modelo estatístico para aplicação no estudo de fadiga em emendas dentadas de madeira / not availableMariano Martinez Espinosa 27 November 2001 (has links)
Madeira laminada colada (MLC) é um material de construção muito empregado em estruturas. Este produto é composto de lâminas classificadas de madeira, coladas horizontalmente, para formar peças estruturais de madeira grandes dimensões. A união das lâminas é realizada através de distintos tipos de emendas longitudinais, sendo as emendas dentadas as mais utilizadas. Considerando que os componentes estruturais de MLC, em geral, são solicitadas a carregamentos cíclicos, este trabalho tem por finalidade a proposta de um modelo estatístico para a determinação da vida à fadiga em menos dentadas de madeira. O trabalho foi realizado no Laboratório de Madeiras e de Estruturas de madeira (LaMEM), com o estudo teórico e experimental da fadiga em corpos-de-prova tracionados de ligações com emendas dentadas, baseado em um planejamento estatístico de experimentos e na NBR 7190/97. Os resultados contidos mostram que o modelo Polinomial Ortogonal Múltiplo da distribuição de Birnbaum-Saunders é de grande precisão e o mais adequado ao estudo da fadiga. O uso deste modelo pode ser de grande benefício, já que com ele se poderá estimar e caracterizar com maior confiabilidade e precisão a um menor custo a vida à fadiga em emendas dentadas de madeira, considerando as variáveis independentes de tensão e freqüência. / In the production of structural elements of Glued Laminated Timber (GLULAM), the horizontal union of lumbers are made with finger joints. Considering that the structural components of GLULAM need a great number of finger joints, and some of these structures are subject to cyclic loading, the objective of this work is to present a statistical model to estimate the fatigue life in lumber tension finger joints. The theoretical and experimental work was made in the Laboratory of Wood and Timber Structures (LaMEM), based on a statistical experiment design using tension tests and in agreement with the NBR 7190/97 code. The estimation procedure was based on the multiple orthogonal polynomial Birnbaum-Saunders model and the results show that the parameter estimates of the multiple orthogonal polynomial Birnbaum-Saunders model are obtained with at good accuracy and the most appropriate for the wood fatigue study. The use of the model can be of great benefit, since with it can be fit and characterize with greater reliability and precision at a smaller cost the fatigue life in finger joints of wood, considering the independent variables stress and frequency.
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Planejamento de experimentos no ensino da estatística e probabilidade nas séries finais do ensino fundamental II / Designs of experiments in the teaching of statistics and probability for the last years of elementary schoolHomailson Lopes Passos 04 April 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para o ensino da Estatística e Probabilidade nas séries finais do Ensino Fundamental II. Seu objetivo é mostrar que a metodologia aqui adotada possibilita a aquisição de conceitos estatísticos e probabilísticos, assim como o desenvolvimento de habilidades pessoais e interpessoais. Trata de um projeto fundamentado em Planejamento de Experimentos com respaldo na aprendizagem ativa. Na sequência didática do projeto os alunos realizaram um experimento com aviões de papel no qual tiveram que responder, na prática, a seguinte questão \"Quais alterações podem ser feitas em um modelo de avião de papel para que ele permaneça mais tempo no ar?\". Para atestar a efetividade da sequência didática, foi construído e validado um Teste de Proficiência em Estatística e Probabilidade (TEPEP) com base nos fundamentos da Psicometria. A análise das características do teste foi feita por meio da Teoria Clássica dos Testes e da Teoria de Resposta ao Item. Foram sujeitos da pesquisa 391 alunos de escolas públicas e particulares da região do Vale do Paraíba, Estado de São Paulo. Desse total, 374 auxiliaram na validação do instrumento e os 17 alunos restantes participaram do projeto. Os resultados deste trabalho mostraram que o uso de Planejamento de Experimentos favoreceu a aprendizagem da Estatística e Probabilidade, desenvolvendo também outras competências. Em relação à validação do TEPEP, concluiu-se que os métodos psicométricos empregados têm grande potencial e devem ser mais explorados. Esta pesquisa apresenta, como produtos finais, a metodologia desenvolvida e o teste de proficiência construído, oferecendo ambos a professores e pesquisadores. / This work presents a proposal for teaching of Statistics and Probability, for the last years of Elementary School. Its objective is to show that the methodology adopted here allows the acquisition of statistical and probabilistic concepts, as well as the development of personal and interpersonal skills. It\'s a project with a didactic sequence grounded in Designs of Experiments, supported in active learning. In the didactic sequence of the project the students carried out an experiment with paper airplanes in which they had to answer, in practice, the following question \"What changes can be made to a paper airplane model so that it stays longer in the air?\". To attest the effectiveness of the didactic sequence, it was developed and validated a Proficiency Test in Statistics and Probability (PTSP), this using Psychometry. The analysis of the characteristics of the test was made through the Classical Test Theory and the Item Response Theory. The research subjects were a total of 391 students from public and private schools in the Vale do Paraíba region, State of São Paulo. Of this total, 17 students participated in the project. The other students (374) assisted in the test validation. The results of this research showed that the use of Design of Experiments favored the learning of Statistic and Probability, also to develop others competences. Regarding the validation of PTSP, it could be concluded that the psychometric methods used have potential and they should be more explored. This research acclaims, as final products, the developed methodology and the Proficiency test validated, both offered to teachers and researchers.
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Etude de la production de bio-huile par liquéfaction hydrothermale de résidus agroalimentaires et de leurs molécules modèles / Study of bio-oil production by hydrothermal liquefaction of food processing residues and their model compoundsDéniel, Maxime 07 November 2016 (has links)
Ce travail porte sur la production de bio-huile par liquéfaction hydrothermale de résidus agroalimentaires, réalisée en réacteur batch. L’objectif est d’étudier l’influence des paramètres opératoires sur la production de bio-huile, et de contribuer à la compréhension des mécanismes de conversion hydrothermale de la biomasse. La liquéfaction hydrothermale des résidus agroalimentaires a été étudiée à partir de l’exemple des drêches de cassis, résidus de pressage des baies. Une étude paramétrique a évalué l’influence de la température, du temps de réaction, de la concentration de biomasse et de l’ajout d’hydroxyde de sodium sur le rendement des produits. Cette étude a permis d’identifier des conditions opératoires favorables à la production de bio-huile, dont le rendement peut notamment bénéficier du recyclage de la phase aqueuse en tant que solvant réactionnel (rendement maximal de bio-huile : 31 %). La caractérisation physico-chimique de la bio-huile montre que celle-ci possède certaines propriétés proches du pétrole brut et de certains fiouls lourds, notamment grâce à sa faible teneur en oxygène en comparaison des huiles de pyrolyse. La bio-huile peut être considérée comme un bio-pétrole brut, mais nécessite toutefois un raffinage conséquent avant de potentielles applications. La conversion hydrothermale de molécules modèles, sélectionnées à partir de l’analyse de la composition des drêches de cassis, a été étudiée à une température de 300 °C et un temps de réaction de 60 min. Cinq monomères modèles (glucose, xylose, acide glutamique, guaiacol et acide linoléique) et deux polymères modèles (cellulose microcristalline et lignine alkali) ont été choisis pour cette étude. Une méthodologie basée sur les plans d’expérience de mélange a été mise en œuvre, afin d’aboutir à la construction de schémas réactionnels, et à l’élaboration de corrélations modélisant les rendements des produits en fonction de la composition initiale des mélanges. L’analyse des produits montre que la conversion hydrothermale des résidus agroalimentaires résulte principalement de dégradations primaires et d’interactions binaires entre les composants de la biomasse. Les corrélations obtenues à partir des composés modèles permettent de décrire avec un bon accord les rendements des produits de conversion hydrothermale de mélanges modèles et de plusieurs résidus agroalimentaires : drêches de brasserie, marc de raisin et akènes de framboise. / This work presents a study of hydrothermal liquefaction of food processing residues using a batch reactor, to produce bio-oil. The objective is to study the influence of operating conditions on bio-oil production, and to contribute to the understanding of the reaction mechanisms occurring during hydrothermal conversion of biomass. Hydrothermal liquefaction of food processing residues was studied using blackcurrant pomace, a berry pressing residue, as an example. A parametric study evaluated the influence of temperature, holding time, biomass concentration and the use of sodium hydroxide as additive on the yields of products. This study allowed the identification of favorable operating conditions to produce bio-oil. The bio-oil yield can in particular benefit from recycling the aqueous phase as reaction solvent (maximum bio-oil yield: 31%). Physicochemical characterization of the bio-oil showed that it has some similarities with heavy crude oil and heavy oils, especially thanks to a lower oxygen content than pyrolysis oils. The bio-oil can be considered as a bio-heavy crude oil, but it still requires significant upgrading before any potential applications. Hydrothermal conversion of model molecules, selected from the characterization of blackcurrant pomace, was studied at a temperature of 300 °C and a holding time of 60 min. Five model monomers (glucose, xylose, glutamic acid, guaiacol and linoleic acid) and two model polymers (microcrystalline cellulose and alkali lignin) were chosen for this study. A mixture design of experiments methodology was followed, to combine reactivity studies with the elaboration of correlations describing the mass yields of products as a function of the initial mixture composition. Analysis of the products shows that hydrothermal conversion of food processing residues is mainly due to degradations of individual compounds and binary interactions between components of biomass. The correlations obtained from the model compounds describe with good accuracy the mass yields of the products from hydrothermal conversion of a model mixture and several food processing residues: brewer’s spent grains, grape marc and raspberry achenes.
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