Spelling suggestions: "subject:"destroyed"" "subject:"destroyerd""
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Desempenho termodinâmico do corpo humano e seus subsistemas: aplicações à medicina, desempenho esportivo e conforto térmico. / Thermodynamic performance of the human body: applications to medicine, sports and thermal comfort.Mady, Carlos Eduardo Keutenedjian 09 December 2013 (has links)
A análise exergética é aplicada ao ser humano para avaliar a qualidade dos processos de conversão de energia no corpo e seus sistemas, assim como nos processos bioquímicos do metabolismo. Sabe-se que a vida tem um início, um desenvolvimento e um fim, ou seja, um típico exemplo de processo irreversível. Como tanto a idade cronológica como a entropia gerada são grandezas positivas (caminham no mesmo sentido), esta última passa a ser denominada de flecha do tempo (arrow of time). Assim, a partir da aplicação da Segunda Lei da Termodinâmica, torna-se possível desenvolver e aplicar índices baseados no conceito de exergia destruída/entropia gerada e rendimento exergético para diferentes áreas do conhecimento como medicina (comparação de técnicas de hipotermia), esportes (teste ergoespirométrico) e engenharia (conforto térmico). Para tal, propõe-se um modelo do corpo humano que leva em conta a transferência de exergia para o ambiente, a qual é causada pela radiação, convecção, vaporização e respiração. O metabolismo exergético é calculado com base na variação da exergia de três reações de oxidação: carboidratos, lipídeos e aminoácidos. Para condições ambientais transientes, calcula-se a variação temporal da exergia do corpo, e ainda, o máximo trabalho que o corpo pode executar a partir da hidrólise do ATP (adenosina trifosfato). O corpo humano aproveita aproximadamente 60% da exergia dos macronutrientes ingeridos na forma de ATP, 5% é dissipada na forma de calor e o restante destruída. Se o indivíduo estiver em repouso, toda a exergia da molécula de ATP é destruída ou dissipada na forma de calor. A exergia destruída tende a diminuir em função da idade tanto para condição basal como também para atividades físicas. Calculou-se que a exergia destruída durante uma vida equivale a 3091MJ/kg (ou entropia gerada de 10,2MJ/kgK). O rendimento exergético, no entanto, diminui em decorrência da idade para condição basal, porém aumenta durante atividades físicas. Pode-se ainda afirmar que o corpo destrói menos exergia e é mais eficiente quando submetido a condições de alta temperatura operativa e baixa umidade relativa. A análise exergética acarretou em interpretações complementares ao balanço de energia, pois, a partir de sua aplicação, foi possível distinguir corredores de acordo com o nível de atividade física, ou seja, corredores mais bem treinados podem realizar mais trabalho para o mesmo valor de exergia destruída. Finalmente, foi possível identificar diferentes técnicas de hipotermia tomando por base a comparação das eficiências exergéticas. / Exergy analysis is applied to the human being aiming to assess the quality of the energy conversion processes that take place in the body, its several of systems and in biochemical reactions involved in these processes. It is known that life has a beginning, a development and an end, therefore, it is a typical example if irreversible process. As the chronological age and entropic generation are positive quantities (increases in the same direction), this last one is named arrow of time. Hence, it becomes possible to obtain indices based on the concept of destroyed exergy and exergy efficiency for different areas of knowledge such as: medicine (different techniques of hypothermia), sports (ergoespirometric test) and mechanical engineer (thermal comfort). To this end, it is proposed a model of the human body which takes into account the exergy transfer rates to the environment associated with radiation, convection, vaporization and respiration. The metabolism exergy basis is calculated based on the exergy variation of the reactions of oxidation of three reference substances: carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids. For transient environmental conditions it is calculated the exergy variation of the body over time. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from the hydrolysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This procedure was applied to a thermodynamic model of human body for basal conditions and to experimental results of runners during different level of physical activities. The human body uses about 60% of the exergy of nutrients to obtain ATP, the rest is destroyed or dissipated as heat. Destroyed exergy rate tends to decrease as a function of lifespan (for basal conditions and during physical activities). The destroyed exergy during lifespan was calculated as 3091MJ/kg (or entropy production of 10.2MJ/kgK). The exergy efficiency decreases as a function of age in basal condition, but it increases during physical activities. The destroyed exergy rate is smaller and the exergy efficiency is greater for high operative temperatures and low relative humidities. The exergy analysis led to additional information regarding the First Law of Thermodynamics, because from its application it was possible to differentiate runners according to their training level, for the same destroyed exergy better trained subjects could perform more work. Finally it was possible to distinguish different techniques of hypothermia from the concept of exergy efficiency.
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Desempenho termodinâmico do corpo humano e seus subsistemas: aplicações à medicina, desempenho esportivo e conforto térmico. / Thermodynamic performance of the human body: applications to medicine, sports and thermal comfort.Carlos Eduardo Keutenedjian Mady 09 December 2013 (has links)
A análise exergética é aplicada ao ser humano para avaliar a qualidade dos processos de conversão de energia no corpo e seus sistemas, assim como nos processos bioquímicos do metabolismo. Sabe-se que a vida tem um início, um desenvolvimento e um fim, ou seja, um típico exemplo de processo irreversível. Como tanto a idade cronológica como a entropia gerada são grandezas positivas (caminham no mesmo sentido), esta última passa a ser denominada de flecha do tempo (arrow of time). Assim, a partir da aplicação da Segunda Lei da Termodinâmica, torna-se possível desenvolver e aplicar índices baseados no conceito de exergia destruída/entropia gerada e rendimento exergético para diferentes áreas do conhecimento como medicina (comparação de técnicas de hipotermia), esportes (teste ergoespirométrico) e engenharia (conforto térmico). Para tal, propõe-se um modelo do corpo humano que leva em conta a transferência de exergia para o ambiente, a qual é causada pela radiação, convecção, vaporização e respiração. O metabolismo exergético é calculado com base na variação da exergia de três reações de oxidação: carboidratos, lipídeos e aminoácidos. Para condições ambientais transientes, calcula-se a variação temporal da exergia do corpo, e ainda, o máximo trabalho que o corpo pode executar a partir da hidrólise do ATP (adenosina trifosfato). O corpo humano aproveita aproximadamente 60% da exergia dos macronutrientes ingeridos na forma de ATP, 5% é dissipada na forma de calor e o restante destruída. Se o indivíduo estiver em repouso, toda a exergia da molécula de ATP é destruída ou dissipada na forma de calor. A exergia destruída tende a diminuir em função da idade tanto para condição basal como também para atividades físicas. Calculou-se que a exergia destruída durante uma vida equivale a 3091MJ/kg (ou entropia gerada de 10,2MJ/kgK). O rendimento exergético, no entanto, diminui em decorrência da idade para condição basal, porém aumenta durante atividades físicas. Pode-se ainda afirmar que o corpo destrói menos exergia e é mais eficiente quando submetido a condições de alta temperatura operativa e baixa umidade relativa. A análise exergética acarretou em interpretações complementares ao balanço de energia, pois, a partir de sua aplicação, foi possível distinguir corredores de acordo com o nível de atividade física, ou seja, corredores mais bem treinados podem realizar mais trabalho para o mesmo valor de exergia destruída. Finalmente, foi possível identificar diferentes técnicas de hipotermia tomando por base a comparação das eficiências exergéticas. / Exergy analysis is applied to the human being aiming to assess the quality of the energy conversion processes that take place in the body, its several of systems and in biochemical reactions involved in these processes. It is known that life has a beginning, a development and an end, therefore, it is a typical example if irreversible process. As the chronological age and entropic generation are positive quantities (increases in the same direction), this last one is named arrow of time. Hence, it becomes possible to obtain indices based on the concept of destroyed exergy and exergy efficiency for different areas of knowledge such as: medicine (different techniques of hypothermia), sports (ergoespirometric test) and mechanical engineer (thermal comfort). To this end, it is proposed a model of the human body which takes into account the exergy transfer rates to the environment associated with radiation, convection, vaporization and respiration. The metabolism exergy basis is calculated based on the exergy variation of the reactions of oxidation of three reference substances: carbohydrates, lipids and amino acids. For transient environmental conditions it is calculated the exergy variation of the body over time. Moreover, it is possible to calculate the maximum work that can be obtained from the hydrolysis of ATP (adenosine triphosphate). This procedure was applied to a thermodynamic model of human body for basal conditions and to experimental results of runners during different level of physical activities. The human body uses about 60% of the exergy of nutrients to obtain ATP, the rest is destroyed or dissipated as heat. Destroyed exergy rate tends to decrease as a function of lifespan (for basal conditions and during physical activities). The destroyed exergy during lifespan was calculated as 3091MJ/kg (or entropy production of 10.2MJ/kgK). The exergy efficiency decreases as a function of age in basal condition, but it increases during physical activities. The destroyed exergy rate is smaller and the exergy efficiency is greater for high operative temperatures and low relative humidities. The exergy analysis led to additional information regarding the First Law of Thermodynamics, because from its application it was possible to differentiate runners according to their training level, for the same destroyed exergy better trained subjects could perform more work. Finally it was possible to distinguish different techniques of hypothermia from the concept of exergy efficiency.
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Bitcoin: Pyramid-scheme Wildfire, New Online Payment Medium, or Future Alternative Currency?Vozak, Hugo January 2015 (has links)
This thesis explores the price determinants of Bitcoin using a macroeconomic model based on the economic equation of exchange presented by Joseph Wang (2014). The thesis provides a concise and structured introduction to Bitcoin and a comprehensive literature review on Bitcoin. The analysis begins with the application of the functions of money to Bitcoin, arguing that while Bitcoin does fulfill the three classical functions of money to a certain extent, its use remains mainly as a speculative instrument. Wang's model is criticized and amended to reflect the realities of empirically analyzing the Bitcoin market. Using the daily number of transactions and Bitcoin days destroyed as proxies for economic activity and inactivity - to measure Bitcoin's velocity on the block chain - vector autoregression modelling is used to determine if there is Granger causality between the price of bitcoin and the two proxies. The results demonstrate that there is a bidirectional Granger-causal relationship between Bitcoin days destroyed and the price of bitcoin and that there is none between the daily number of transactions and the price of bitcoin; proving Wang's two main assumptions. Impulse- response functions are provided to illustrate and discuss this bidirectional relationship. The results are in line with the...
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Restauration du bazar de Hamadan (Iran). / Restoration of Hamadan's Bazar (Iran)Piri, Saeid 16 December 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs grandes villes d'Iran sont riches de plusieurs millénaires de constructions desites historiques et de bâtiments anciens. Certaines de ces constructions, sont d'une partformées de matières vulnérables comme la brique cuite ou crue et le plâtre et d'autre partimpactées par la méthode de la distribution des usages urbains. Il en résulte d'importantschangements et des destructions. Le bazar comptait autrefois l’axe le plus important desespaces urbaines dans les villes iraniennes.D’après les documents existants dans les archives, on peut relever que l’anciennetéhistorique des bazars remonte au minimum à des milliers d’années avant J.-C.Jusqu’au début de 20e siècle, le bazar de chaque ville nourrissait un rapport organique etcohérent avec les autres espaces urbains, mais depuis le début de ce siècle et à la suite dudéveloppement des villes, de la construction des rues donnant accès aux voitures et de ladésignation des modèles d’habitation et d’urbanisme, le rapport entre le bazar et les autresétendues urbaines s'est amenuisé.De nos jours, le Bazar d’Hamadan est encore actif et utilisable mais il est actuellementvulnérable à cause de dégâts structuraux et de certains facteurs socio-économiques. C'est laraison pour laquelle, certaines parties du Bazar d’Hamadan seront graduellementabandonnées.L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est de connaître le bazar d’Hamadan du point devue des fonctions structurales ainsi que ses caractéristiques économiques et sociales, et deprésenter des solutions pour sa restauration, en visant les résultats suivants :- La prévision des possibilités spatiales afin de continuer de nouvelles activités,- la présentation de règlements et de prescriptions pour l’amélioration de laconstruction et l’épuration des activités incohérentes / Many big cities in Iran, have thousands years background and yet some parts of ancientsites and monuments that several centuries old are existing. Many of this textures andmonuments because of using vulnerable materials like brick and mud brick and also land usechanges in urban area are being changed and destroyed. Bazaar has been the most importantconnection way and Iranian urban spaces. According to the existing document, you can guessthat historical background of Bazars is related to thousand years B.C. until the first period ofcurrent century, Bazaars in each city had an organic and strong relation with other urbanspaces. But from the beginning of current age, after urban development and constructing ofroads and streets and establishing new methods of residency and urbanism, their relation withanother urban spaces has disjoined. Nowadays Hamadan bazaar is active, but due to the somesocioeconomic problems, some part of it is going to be deserted. The objective of study ofHamadan bazaar is determining the body and operation and some socioeconomiccharacteristics and finding solution for improvement as follow result. A) Predicting offacilities for further new activities. B) presenting standard and regulation for improvement ofconstruction and C) omitting misfit operation and activities.
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Judah and her neighbours in the seventh century BCEAsher, Adèle Hazel Esmè 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates the period in Judah which took place precisely a century
between the death ofHezekiah (687 BCE) and the final fall of Jerusalem (587 BCE)
Seldom has a nation experienced so many dramatically sudden reversals of fortune in
so relatively short a time. Throughout the first half of the seventh century BCE the
Assyrian empire reigned supreme. In the second half, in rapid succession, Judah, as a
vassal, experienced periods of independence and of subjection, first to Egypt, then to
Babylonia, before finally destroying herself in a futile rebellion against the latter.
The aim of the thesis was to set Judah in the global context and investigate the role she
played. To this end the Great Powers, namely Assyria, Egypt and Babylonia were
surveyed, as well as were the Small Powers, like Judah, Phoenicia and the
Transjordanian states, and the relationships probed.
The thesis traces the life of the wicked but extraordinarily successful King Manasseh,
and his equally reprobate son, Amon, who was brutally murdered by his servants, and
was avenged by 'the people of the land'. Josiah is the only monarch who fits the
Deuteronomistic requirements of a good king. Religious and national reform generally
go hand in hand with politics, and the cultic reform and centralization of the cult
characterise his reign. ·
With the fall of Assyria, the temporary surge into prominence by Egypt and the tragic
death of Josiah in 609 BCE, Judah experienced radical political fluctuations and with
them alternate subjugation by, and rebellion against, each of the major powers.
Inexperienced leadership and a situation of dual kings, followed Josiah's death. The
rapidly changing international scene demanded of the rulers of Judah skillful
manoeuvring and exceptional adaptability, and frequently confronted them with
ominous political situations. Judaean leaders and the puppet King Zedekiah, propped
up by false prophets, failed to grasp the shift in the balance of power, and clung to
questionable Egyptian aid against the new world power, Babylonia. Highly vulnerable
and left in the lurch, Jerusalem faced protracted siege and famine in Jerusalem,
destruction ofthe Temple, and deportation ofthe cream ofher people. / Classics and Modern European Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Judaica)
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Judah and her neighbours in the seventh century BCEAsher, Adèle Hazel Esmè 11 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates the period in Judah which took place precisely a century
between the death ofHezekiah (687 BCE) and the final fall of Jerusalem (587 BCE)
Seldom has a nation experienced so many dramatically sudden reversals of fortune in
so relatively short a time. Throughout the first half of the seventh century BCE the
Assyrian empire reigned supreme. In the second half, in rapid succession, Judah, as a
vassal, experienced periods of independence and of subjection, first to Egypt, then to
Babylonia, before finally destroying herself in a futile rebellion against the latter.
The aim of the thesis was to set Judah in the global context and investigate the role she
played. To this end the Great Powers, namely Assyria, Egypt and Babylonia were
surveyed, as well as were the Small Powers, like Judah, Phoenicia and the
Transjordanian states, and the relationships probed.
The thesis traces the life of the wicked but extraordinarily successful King Manasseh,
and his equally reprobate son, Amon, who was brutally murdered by his servants, and
was avenged by 'the people of the land'. Josiah is the only monarch who fits the
Deuteronomistic requirements of a good king. Religious and national reform generally
go hand in hand with politics, and the cultic reform and centralization of the cult
characterise his reign. ·
With the fall of Assyria, the temporary surge into prominence by Egypt and the tragic
death of Josiah in 609 BCE, Judah experienced radical political fluctuations and with
them alternate subjugation by, and rebellion against, each of the major powers.
Inexperienced leadership and a situation of dual kings, followed Josiah's death. The
rapidly changing international scene demanded of the rulers of Judah skillful
manoeuvring and exceptional adaptability, and frequently confronted them with
ominous political situations. Judaean leaders and the puppet King Zedekiah, propped
up by false prophets, failed to grasp the shift in the balance of power, and clung to
questionable Egyptian aid against the new world power, Babylonia. Highly vulnerable
and left in the lurch, Jerusalem faced protracted siege and famine in Jerusalem,
destruction ofthe Temple, and deportation ofthe cream ofher people. / Classics and Modern European Languages / D. Litt. et Phil. (Judaica)
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