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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grand Bazar, modes d'emploi

Beau, Anne-Sophie. Schweitzer, Sylvie January 2001 (has links)
Thèse de doctorat : Histoire : Lyon 2 : 2001. / Titre provenant de l'écran-titre. Bibliogr.

Projektové řízení brandu, v praxi aplikované na módní značku Bazar Bar / Brand project management in praxis – fashion brand Bazar Bar

Šlégrová, Olga January 2015 (has links)
The Master's Thesis is dedicated to a topic of project management which is explored through the fashion brand Bazar Bar. The theoretical part is focused on definition necessary terms for the whole Thesis and it is occupied with connected fields of study: project management and brand marketing. In the practical part are the theoretical knowledge presented on the real brand called Bazar Bar. The Master's Thesis has set a target to analyse the real fashion brand operating on the Czech Market from two points of view: project management and brand marketing.

Le Grand Bazar d’Istanbul et ses environs : formes, fonctions et transformations des han construits entre le début du XVIIIe s. et le milieu du XIXe s / The Grand Bazaar in Istanbul and its surroundings : forms, functions and changes in the han built between the beginning of the 18th and the middle of the 19th centuries

Demirçivi, Mathilde 04 December 2009 (has links)
Le han est un type architectural lié au commerce et au logement qui s’est développé dans l’ensemble du monde islamique. Le han traditionnel présente un plan à cour intérieure bordée d’un portique à l’arrière duquel sont disposées les cellules. A Istanbul, ce type d’édifice s’est surtout développé dans le quartier commerçant principal de la péninsule historique et dans le Grand Bazar. Son évolution a suivi celle de la ville. Cette étude se concentre sur les han construits entre le début du XVIIIe s. et le milieu du XIXe s. Durant cette période, les échanges entre l’Empire ottoman et l’Occident s’intensifient. En architecture, l’influence occidentale se manifeste d’abord dans le décor puis dans la typologie, tendance observée également dans les han. Par ailleurs, d’autres transformations, liées cette fois-ci à l’évolution interne de l’architecture ottomane, y sont perceptibles. Enfin, le modèle architectural du han traditionnel se transforme peu à peu et à partir du milieu du XIXe s. apparaît un type de han proche de modèles occidentaux. Les divers remaniements dans la ville d’Istanbul, notamment ceux qui ont suivi incendies et tremblements de terre, ont eu pour conséquence la disparition de nombreux han ou leur réfection. L’exploitation d’une documentation très variée (sources d’archives ottomanes, documents graphiques anciens, relevés, plans de restitutions, photographies et autres) et le croisement des différentes données permettent de combler certaines lacunes relatives à la commande, à la construction, aux réparations, aux diverses transformations ainsi qu’aux fonctions des han. / The han is an architectural structure related to trade and housing which developed throughout the Islamic world. The traditional han consisted of an inner courtyard surrounded by a portico that gave access to rooms. In Istanbul, this kind of buildings is mostly located in the main commercial area of the historical peninsula and in the Grand Bazaar. The evolution of the han is linked to the development of the city. This study focuses on the han built between the early 18th century and the mid 19th century. During this period, there was an increasing exchange between the Ottoman and Western worlds. In the field of architecture, the western influence was at first noticed in the decorative elements and later in the architectural typology, a trend that is also valid for the han. In addition, one can observe further changes linked to the evolution of the ottoman architecture itself. Consequently, the architectural model of the traditional han gradually changed through time and by the middle of the 19th century, a type of han very similar to western buildings could be seen. Various changes in the cityscape of Istanbul, particularly after great fires and earthquakes led to the disappearance or restructuring of many han. This work is based on research of a wide range of documents (Ottoman archival documents, historical graphics, plans, restoration projects, photographs etc.) and the cross examination of these data made it possible to find unedited informations concerning patrons, original constructions, repairs, various transformations as well as the uses of the han.

Sūq-s et funduq-s à Alger, Tlemcen et Constantine vers la fin de la période ottomane / Sūq-s and funduq-s in Algiers, Tlemcen and Constantine towards the end of the Ottoman period

Touarigt Belkhodja, Assia 14 January 2017 (has links)
Alger, Tlemcen et Constantine possédaient, vers la fin de la période ottomane, de nombreux sūq-s et funduq-s. Très peu d’études ont été consacrées à ces structures économiques qui ont pour la plupart disparu après la prise d’Alger, au début du XIXe siècle. En se basant principalement sur des sources d’archives aussi bien de la période ottomane que du début de l’époque coloniale française, cette étude propose l’établissement d’un inventaire des établissements commerciaux de ces trois villes. Leur localisation topographique, les spécificités de leur implantation urbaine, les aspects toponymiques et socio-économiques sont également abordés dans le cadre de cette recherche. La confrontation de ces données avec les réalités du terrain a confirmé la disparition des funduq-s d’Alger, mais a révélé l’existence de quelques rares exemples existant encore à Constantine et à Tlemcen. Par ailleurs, des sources inédites datant du début du XIXe siècle et émanant des archives militaires françaises ont permis la reconstitution architecturale de cinq funduq-s algérois et de deux funduq-s constantinois. / Algiers, Tlemcen and Constantine had, towards the end of the Ottoman period, many sūq-s and funduq-s. Very few studies have been dedicated to these economic structures that have mostly disappeared after the capture of Algiers, in the early nineteenth century. Based primarily on archival sources from the Ottoman period as well as the beginning of the French colonial era, this study proposes the establishment of an inventory of commercial establishments in the three cities. Their topographic location, the specifics of their urban settlement, geographical names and socioeconomic aspects are also covered under this research. The comparison of these data with the realities on the ground confirmed the disappearance of funduq-s of Algiers, but revealed the existence of a few surviving examples in Constantine and Tlemcen. In addition, unpublished sources from the early nineteenth century and from the French military archives have enabled the architectural reconstruction of five funduq-s in Algiers and two funduq-s in Constantine.

Restauration du bazar de Hamadan (Iran). / Restoration of Hamadan's Bazar (Iran)

Piri, Saeid 16 December 2013 (has links)
Plusieurs grandes villes d'Iran sont riches de plusieurs millénaires de constructions desites historiques et de bâtiments anciens. Certaines de ces constructions, sont d'une partformées de matières vulnérables comme la brique cuite ou crue et le plâtre et d'autre partimpactées par la méthode de la distribution des usages urbains. Il en résulte d'importantschangements et des destructions. Le bazar comptait autrefois l’axe le plus important desespaces urbaines dans les villes iraniennes.D’après les documents existants dans les archives, on peut relever que l’anciennetéhistorique des bazars remonte au minimum à des milliers d’années avant J.-C.Jusqu’au début de 20e siècle, le bazar de chaque ville nourrissait un rapport organique etcohérent avec les autres espaces urbains, mais depuis le début de ce siècle et à la suite dudéveloppement des villes, de la construction des rues donnant accès aux voitures et de ladésignation des modèles d’habitation et d’urbanisme, le rapport entre le bazar et les autresétendues urbaines s'est amenuisé.De nos jours, le Bazar d’Hamadan est encore actif et utilisable mais il est actuellementvulnérable à cause de dégâts structuraux et de certains facteurs socio-économiques. C'est laraison pour laquelle, certaines parties du Bazar d’Hamadan seront graduellementabandonnées.L'objectif de ce travail de recherche est de connaître le bazar d’Hamadan du point devue des fonctions structurales ainsi que ses caractéristiques économiques et sociales, et deprésenter des solutions pour sa restauration, en visant les résultats suivants :- La prévision des possibilités spatiales afin de continuer de nouvelles activités,- la présentation de règlements et de prescriptions pour l’amélioration de laconstruction et l’épuration des activités incohérentes / Many big cities in Iran, have thousands years background and yet some parts of ancientsites and monuments that several centuries old are existing. Many of this textures andmonuments because of using vulnerable materials like brick and mud brick and also land usechanges in urban area are being changed and destroyed. Bazaar has been the most importantconnection way and Iranian urban spaces. According to the existing document, you can guessthat historical background of Bazars is related to thousand years B.C. until the first period ofcurrent century, Bazaars in each city had an organic and strong relation with other urbanspaces. But from the beginning of current age, after urban development and constructing ofroads and streets and establishing new methods of residency and urbanism, their relation withanother urban spaces has disjoined. Nowadays Hamadan bazaar is active, but due to the somesocioeconomic problems, some part of it is going to be deserted. The objective of study ofHamadan bazaar is determining the body and operation and some socioeconomiccharacteristics and finding solution for improvement as follow result. A) Predicting offacilities for further new activities. B) presenting standard and regulation for improvement ofconstruction and C) omitting misfit operation and activities.

Urban Renewal in the Traditional Center of a Mega City: A Case Study of Shankhari Bazar, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Biswas, Sudipti 08 February 2019 (has links)
Inner city urban blight is a prevalent area of research in particularly in the industrialized Northern cities. There are also significant scientific discussions on characterizing inner city urban blight, which is usually associated with unemployment, poverty, depopulation and social exclusion, and empirical work to address this problem. But compared to the Northern cities, similar research in the Global South shows a low profile, and even much lower in the South Asian region that accommodates a substantial number of mega cities. City cores are the most densely populated area and very important business and industrial zone in case of South and also South East Asian cities, unlike North American or European inner cities. These City cores could be generally characterized with poor housing condition, buildings of heritage value, inadequate and poor quality of urban services, deteriorating physical environment and sometimes also social problems. Thus, urban renewal in this context requires a review of traditional approaches. This research concentrates on urban renewal to address urban blight in the historical city core of Dhaka, a South Asian mega city. This is a qualitative and exploratory research using a single case study in detail, which is a small street called Shankhari Bazar in old Dhaka. beside the literature, information is collected through semi structured interviews, group discussion and workshops with different stakeholders, participant observation and relevant legal documents. This research aims at improving the living condition of the traditional city center in the megacity of Dhaka, which is considered as a blighted area in the planning documents and also perceived as well as recognized to be blighted largely in the professional and academic field. To do that, it has taken the course of investigating a number of issues. Such as, understanding the urban blight features in Dhaka, driving forces that foster urban blight to set in neighborhoods, relevant examples of urban renewal in South and South-East Asian cities, hurdles that check improvement of blight situation, role of different actors in different perspectives such as fostering, addressing and fighting urban blight as well as their role, capacity and willingness in improving the situation. The results identify the intricate complexity of the local socio-cultural-political-administrative setup and indicates the difficulty of large scale intervention. Instead, the study identifies the scopes where interventions are required and possible to achieve meaningful improvement with minimal mediation. Although the research focuses on the inner city of Dhaka but it also considers the wider regional scale and includes similar conditions in a few historical cities in South Asia. Consequently, the results of this study are also relevant for the regional scale to varying extent if not exactly.

Droit de cité: représentations de Paris et expériences de l'altérité dans Le syndrome d'Ulysse de Santiago Gamboa et Black Bazar d'Alain Mabanckou

Lecompte, Maxime 08 1900 (has links)
No description available.

"Bazar a zastavárna: etnografie na rozhraní formální a neformální ekonomie" / "Bazaar and pawn shop: ethnography at the interface of formal and informal economy"

Rádl, Michael January 2014 (has links)
Bazaar and pawnshop: etnography at the interface of formal and informal economy Abstract: In this paper I deal with the issue, regarding what actually constitutes bazaar-pawnshop and what this facility means for different groups of customers. Basic research method is auto- ethnography, because best suits in the situation, where I am myself the owner of such shop and during field research I use my own memories and perform both as a direct participant-owner as well as an anthropologist, examining the environment of bazaar. In the empirical part, I offer a brief characterization of different types of customers, depending on the way how they use the bazaar-pawnshop. By describing and analyzing relationships and interactions occurring in the course of business negotiations in the bazaar-pawnshop, I try to show what this type of economy, often referred to as informal or marginal, means for different groups of customers. In particular, I focus on the question how marginalized groups perceive bazaar-pawnshop and how they incorporate it into their lifestyle. On the basis of collected data I infer that they regard the bazaar- pawnshop as a standard economic facility and as an almost necessary part of their everyday life. Keywords: bazaar-pawnshop, purchase, sale, pawn, loan, used goods, customers, marginalized groups

Från teori till praktik : En studie av utmaningar i det humanitära arbetet applicerade på arbetet med SRHR och unga kvinnor i Cox's Bazar. / From Theory to Practice. : A Study of Challenges in the Humanitarian Work Applied to the Work with SRHR and Young Women in Cox’s Bazar.

Leden, Ida January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to investigate the discrepancies between theory and practice when it comes to humanitarian interventions in refugee camps. In order to contextualize the result it will be applied onto the work with sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) and young women in the world’s biggest refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The research questions are as follow: What discrepancy does relief worker experience when it comes to theory and practice in humanitarian interventions in refugee camps?; what kind of difficulties and challenges do relief workers meet in their work in refugee camps and how do they prepare?; what is the best way to work with SRHR questions and young women in the refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh? The study is built on interviews with five relief workers from western relief organizations. In order to be able to answer the three research questions, the interviews focused on the following themes; discrepancies of theory and practice; use of theoretical guidelines like The Sphere Handbook; difficulties during humanitarian interventions in refugee camps; and lessons learned. Some of the respondents had experience from Cox’s Bazar and/or SRHR and were therefor asked questions due to that specific experience. Conclusions to be drawn from the results of the interviews are that it is possible to prepare one self to work in humanitarian conditions but only to a certain extent. Relief workers do need a great deal of experience but there will always be unexpected situations impossible to prepare for. It’s also clear that some basic methods, such as actually talking to the people in need and not only acting on previous experiences, still need to be highlighted. In the specific context of Cox’s Bazar and SRHR questions, relief workers need to understand the culture in order to pursue their work in a suitable way. SRHR questions are for example highly stigmatized and the women’s previous knowledge about their own body is in general very low.

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