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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Integration of a Complete Detect and Avoid System for Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems

Wikle, Jared Kevin 01 May 2017 (has links)
For unmanned aircraft systems to gain full access to the National Airspace System (NAS), they must have the capability to detect and avoid other aircraft. This research focuses on the development of a detect-and-avoid (DAA) system for small unmanned aircraft systems. To safely avoid another aircraft, an unmanned aircraft must detect the intruder aircraft with ample time and distance. Two analytical methods for finding the minimum detection range needed are described. The first method, time-based geometric velocity vectors (TGVV), includes the bank-angle dynamics of the ownship while the second, geometric velocity vectors (GVV), assumes an instantaneous bank-angle maneuver. The solution using the first method must be found numerically, while the second has a closed-form analytical solution. These methods are compared to two existing methods. Results show the time-based geometric velocity vectors approach is precise, and the geometric velocity vectors approach is a good approximation under many conditions. The DAA problem requires the use of a robust target detection and tracking algorithm for tracking multiple maneuvering aircraft in the presence of noisy, cluttered, and missed measurements. Additionally these algorithms needs to be able to detect overtaking intruders, which has been resolved by using multiple radar sensors around the aircraft. To achieve these goals the formulation of a nonlinear extension to R-RANSAC has been performed, known as extended recursive-RANSAC (ER-RANSAC). The primary modifications needed for this ER-RANSAC implementation include the use of an EKF, nonlinear inlier functions, and the Gauss-Newton method for model hypothesis and generation. A fully functional DAA system includes target detection and tracking, collision detection, and collision avoidance. In this research we demonstrate the integration of each of the DAA-system subcomponents into fully functional simulation and hardware implementations using a ground-based radar setup. This integration resulted in various modifications of the radar DSP, collision detection, and collision avoidance algorithms, to improve the performance of the fully integrated DAA system. Using these subcomponents we present flight results of a complete ground-based radar DAA system, using actual radar hardware.

團隊偵錯與創新之相關研究 / A study of team failure-detection and team innovation

林燊揚, Lin, Shen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
現今變化快速的環境下,科技團隊面對研發過程中日益增高的失敗率,失敗帶來打擊但也可能是創新的來源。然而,團隊創新的研究卻少有團隊失敗、錯誤與創新關係的研究。有鑑於此,本研究以國內485位研發工程師(某法人單位35個團隊共323位成員、科技產業38個團隊共162位成員)共計73個團隊為研究對象。本研究檢視錯誤管理實務(團隊偵錯能力與團隊錯誤溝通能力)與團隊創新績效之間的關係、錯誤管理實務與錯誤管理氛圍(錯誤學習信念與情緒)的關係、錯誤管理氛圍與前導因子(鼓勵實驗、教導型領導、目標清晰度、衝突處理方式)的關係。結果發現:(1)團隊偵錯能力越高時,團隊創新績效越高;(2)群體從錯誤中學習信念越高時,團隊偵錯能力越高;(3)團隊鼓勵小型實驗與主管進行教導型領導時,群體錯誤學習信念越高。顯示錯誤管理是團隊創新中不可忽視的一環。   另本研究發現教導型領導、鼓勵實驗對團隊形成錯誤學習信念有正向影響,與社會認知理論呼應。本研究也發現,團隊之年資多樣性與錯誤處理情緒與錯誤溝通能力皆呈負向影響。 / Extending previous research on team error management, this thesis is conducted to examine the antecedents, error management climate, error management practice and consequences of team innovation. Data is collected from 35 R&D teams (an anonymous government research institutions in Taiwan) and 38 R&D teams (Top 1000 Technology enterprises in Taiwan). We give the following three hypotheses. First, we hypothesize that detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills influence team innovation performance. Second, we hypothesize that error management climate (shared belief and emotion) influence detecting capability and misunderstanding communication skills. Third, we hypothesize that effective coaching, clear direction, conflict management and encouragement of experiment influence error management culture (belief and emotion). The results of structural equation model analysis revealed that detecting capability positively predicts team innovation performance. Shared belief positively predicts team detecting capability. The results also show effective coaching and encouragement of experiment positively predict shared belief which is extended from social cognitive theory. Results of the analysis also indicate that tenure diversity negatively predicts error management emotion and misunderstanding communication skills.

Investigation of the Catalytic Mechanism and Biosensing Potential of Phosphotriesterases

Langley, Christopher R. 25 August 2011 (has links)
This thesis describes the characterization of SsoPox, a lactonase with promiscuous phosphotriesterase activity from the hyperthermophilic archaeon, Sulfolobus solfataricus, and the potential of the phosphotriesterase from Brevundimonas diminuta (PTEBd) to function as an organophosphate sensor. Arg-223 and Tyr-99 of SsoPox are not essential for lactonase activity, however substitution of a phenylalanine in place of Tyr-97 abolished lactonase activity while reducing paraoxonase activity by 20-fold. Substrate specificity of SsoPox can be modulated through the partial blockage of the hydrophobic binding tunnel adjacent to the active site. The specificity constant for N-(3-oxo-decanoyl)-L-homoserine lactone decreased 37-fold when a phenylalanine was introduced in place of Leu-226. PTEBd was expressed and purified from Pseudomonas putida and, like SsoPox, can be immobilized to Disruptor paper. The immobilized enzyme can be used to detect five organophosphates at concentrations as low as 50 μM. Incubation of PTEBd-immobilized sensors at different temperatures proved that the enzyme is stable for at least 40 days at 23.5 degrees Celsius without any detectable change in activity.

C計畫融資風險之分析 / Risk Analysis for Supply Chain e-Financing

楊珮倫, Yang, Pei-lun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來政府大量開放銀行設立,使得銀行間過度競爭,造成存放利差大幅縮小,授信風險為之大增,而2006年本國銀行亦將適用新巴塞爾協定(Basel II)規範,這對銀行在授信管理上是衝擊亦是挑戰。2001年政府運用AB計畫建立之電子化訂單資訊,推動了資訊業金流電子化計畫(C計畫),C計畫係以中心廠與供應商間之交易資訊,作為供應商還款能力的擔保,且透過電子化之傳遞,加快供應商取得融資之腳步,C計畫嶄新之融資概念對銀行來說亦是一項新的衝擊,顛覆銀行以往傳統之授信、放款觀念。 本研究以供應鏈管理之角度,探討中心廠與供應商間之交易流程對於銀行融資風險之影響,以銀行關切之三件事情:中心廠支付金額是否大於融資金額與利息之合計數、中心廠是否在預期期間內付款以及中心廠是否有付款義務,分析其對銀行融資風險之影響,並試圖建立相關之風險監控機制,使銀行得以透過系統監控風險,以承做更多小額之融資。 在中心廠支付金額是否大於融資金額與利息合計數方面,本研究針對供應商延遲交貨、數量不足與品質檢驗不合格之情形,以數學推導方式建議銀行可透過對遲交天數、品質不合格比例與數量不足比例之管理以監控風險;在中心廠是否在預期期間內付款方面,建議透過管理延遲付款天數建議風險監控機制;最後在中心廠是否有付款義務,建議銀行以後單抵前單之作法收回融資金額與利息,節省催收作業之人力與資源。 / On the foundation of existing Project AB e-Supply Chain, Ministry of Economic Affairs has initiated Supply Chain e-Financing Project (Project C) in 2000. Project C encourages banks to employ the transaction information provided by the lead manufacturers as a proof of the suppliers' ability to repay. The concept of Project C is quite a big shock to banks. Project C has been fully executed at the end of 2003. The accumulated amount of e-Finance has reached 230 million at the first quarter of 2004. However, the banks have little understanding of the transactions between lead IT manufacturers and suppliers. The study is to discuss the influence of transaction process to credit risk of banks. In Project C design, the banks concern 3 points: whether the lead IT manufacturers will pay enough for suppliers’ loan, whether they pay on time, and whether they have obligation to pay. For 1st point, the study analyze the examination process when suppliers deliver goods, suggesting banks to control delay, unqualified percentage and insufficient amount to set up a detect mechanism. For 2nd point, the study suggests banks to take deferment payment into consideration. As for the last point, we suggest banks can use the following purchase orders to repay. The study researches on the transaction process and attempts to set up a risk detect mechanism for banks. With the efficient risk detect mechanism, banks can spare resources to do more small-amount loans and manage credit risk well.

Fault Detection, Isolation and Recovery : Analysis of two scheduling algorithms

Capitanu, Calin January 2021 (has links)
Unmanned, as well as manned space missions have seen a high failure rate in the early era of space technology. However, this decreased a lot since technology advanced and engineers learnt from previous experiences and improved critical real time systems with fault detection mechanisms. Fault detection, isolation and recovery, nowadays, is generally available in every flying device. However, the cost of hardware can bottleneck the process of creating such a system that is both robust and responsive. This thesis analyses the possibility of implementing a fault detection, isolation and recovery system inside of a single-threaded, cooperative scheduling operating system. The thesis suggests a cooperative implementation of such a system, where every task is responsible for parts of the fault detection. The analysis is done from both the integration layer, across the operating system and its tasks, as well as from the inside of the detection system, where two key components are implemented and analyzed: debug telemetry and operation modes. Results show that it is possible to implement a fault detection system that is spread across all the components of the satellite and acts cooperatively. Furthermore, the comparison with a traditional, dedicated fault detection system proves that errors can be caught faster with a cooperative mechanism. / Obemannade såväl som bemannade rymduppdrag har sett ett högt misslyckande i rymdteknikens tidiga era. Detta har dock förbättrats mycket sedan ingenjörer började lära sig av sina tidigare erfarenheter och utrustade kritiska realtidssystem med feldetekteringsmekanismer. Idag är alla flygande enheter utrustade med feldetekterings-, isolerings- och återställningsmekanismer. Däremot kan kostnaden för hårdvara vara ett problem för processen att skapa ett sådant system som är både robust och mottagligt. Denna uppsats analyserar möjligheten att implementera ett feldetekterings-, isolerings- och återställningssystem inuti ett enkelgängat samarbetsplaneringssystem. Denna uppsats föreslår ett samarbete för implementering av ett sådant system, där varje uppgift ansvarar för delar av feldetekteringen. Analysen görs från både integrationsskiktet, över operativsystemet och dess uppgifter, samt från insidan av detekteringssystemet, där två nyckelkomponenter implementeras och analyseras. Resultaten visar att det är möjligt att implementera ett feldetekteringssystem som täcker alla satellitkomponenter och som är mottaglig. Dessutom visar jämförelsen med ett traditionellt, dedikerat feldetekteringssystem att fel kan fångas snabbare med en mottagligmekanism. / Misiunile spat,iale cu oameni, atât cât s, i fara oameni, au avut o rata a es, ecurilor destul de ridicata în perioada init,iala a erei tehnologiei spat,iale. În schimb, aceasta a scazut semnificativ odata cu dezvoltarea tehnologiei, dar s, i datorita faptului ca inginerii au învat,at din experient,ele precendente s, i au îmbunatat, it sistemele critice în timp real cu mecanisme de detect,ie a erorilor. Sisteme de detect,ie, izolare s, i recuperare din erori sunt disponibile astazi în aproape toate sistemele spat,iale. Însa, costul echipamentelor poate împiedica crearea unor astfel de sisteme de detect,ie, care sa fie robuste s, i responsive. Aceasta teza analizeaza posibilitatea implementarii unui sistem de detect,ie, izolare s, i recuperare de la erori într-un satelit care este echipat cu un procesor cu un singur fir de execut,ie, care are un sistem de planificare cooperativ în sistemul de operare. Aceasta teza sugereaza o implementare cooperativa a unui astfel de sistem, unde fiecare proces este responsabil de câte o parte din detectarea erorilor. Analiza este realizata atât din perspectiva integrarii în sistemul de operare s, i procesele acestuia, cât s, i din interiorul acestui sistem de detect,ie, unde doua elemente importante sunt implementate s, i analizate: telemetria de depanare s, i modurile de operare. Rezultatele arata faptul ca este posibila implementarea unui sistem de detect,ie care este împart, it în toate componentele sistemului unui satelit s, i se comporta cooperativ. Mai departe, comparat,ia cu un sistem tradit,ional, dedicat, de detect,ie a erorilor arata ca erorile pot fi detectate mai rapid cu un sistem cooperativ.

An examination of the impact of residential security measures on the incidence of residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg: a security risk management approach

Olckers, Casparus 30 June 2007 (has links)
Motivation This project was of specific importance to the private security industry, victims of residential burglary, community policing forums and the South African Police Service in providing detailed information regarding recommendations of how to manage and combat residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg. Problem statement Residential burglary is categorised in the top three highest reported crimes according to the official South African Police Service statistics for the 2006/7 financial years. A series of victim interviews, docket analysis, case plotting and residential security audit surveys were conducted to determine the extent (or lack thereof) of security measures at a burgled residence in the selected area. Approach Field data was collected through docket analysis, plotting crime scenes (descriptive mapping), victim interviews and residential security audit surveys. Results The majority of victims of burglary interviewed did not have the minimum security system (integrated measures) in place. Those victims, who had security measures, appeared not to have made or implemented effective use of them. Conclusion Security at a residence extends beyond just the immediate house area and the focus (security risk assessment) should start with the immediate neighbourhood (community) area working inwards towards the property perimeter (boundary), inner perimeter (garden area) and then finally the immediate house area. / CRIMINOLOGY / MTECH: SECURITY RISK MAN

Εξωτερικά-εξαρτώμενα στοχαστικά συναρτησιακά μοντέλα : μέθοδοι εκτίμησης & εφαρμογή στη διάγνωση βλαβών / Externally dependent functional models: estimation methods & application to fault diagnosis

Σακελλαρίου, Ιωάννης 25 June 2007 (has links)
Ο στόχος της παρούσας διατριβής είναι η ανάπτυξη μιας νέας κλάσης εξωτερικά εξαρτώμενων στοχαστικών συναρτησιακών μοντέλων για την αναγνώριση (identification) δυναμικών συστημάτων που παρουσιάζουν πολλαπλά σημεία λειτουργίας, τα οποία καθορίζονται από μετρήσιμη εξωτερική μεταβλητή (όπως για παράδειγμα, η θερμοκρασία, η υγρασία, κ.λ.π.). Επιπλέον, στόχος είναι η ανάπτυξη καινοτόμου μεθοδολογίας διάγνωσης (ανίχνευσης, προσδιορισμού και εκτίμησης) βλαβών σε δυναμικά συστήματα βάσει των στοχαστικών συναρτησιακών μοντέλων. Η διατριβή αρχικά πραγματεύεται την ανάπτυξη κατάλληλης μεθοδολογίας που αντιμετωπίζει τα επιμέρους προβλήματα της ανίχνευσης, του προσδιορισμού και της εκτίμησης βλαβών στη σύνθετη περίπτωση όπου η κατασκευή διεγείρεται υπό σεισμική διέγερση. Η αποτίμηση της μεθόδου αποτέλεσε και το έναυσμα για τη διαμόρφωση καινοτόμου μεθοδολογίας, η οποία βασίζεται σε μια νέα κλάση εξωτερικά εξαρτώμενων στοχαστικών συναρτησιακών μοντέλων. Τα μοντέλα αυτά έχουν την ικανότητα να αναπαριστούν, με μεγάλη ακρίβεια, μια κατασκευή για συγκεκριμένο τύπο βλάβης και συνεχές εύρος μεγεθών, χρησιμοποιώντας μοναδική μαθηματική αναπαράσταση παραμετροποιημένη ως προς το μέγεθος της βλάβης. Επισημαίνεται ότι τέτοιου τύπου συναρτησιακά μοντέλα δεν αναφέρονται στην βιβλιογραφία. Οι πιο συγγενείς οικογένειες μοντέλων προέρχονται από τις επιστήμες της στατιστικής και της οικονομετρίας, οι οποίες όμως δεν παρουσιάζουν συναρτησιακή μορφή και δεν μπορούν να καλύψουν συνεχή εύρη τιμών. Εξαιτίας αυτού του γεγονότος στη συνέχεια της διατριβής ορίζεται η νέα κλάση εξωτερικά εξαρτώμενων στοχαστικών Συναρτησιακών (F) μοντέλων Αυτοπαλινδρόμησης (AR) με Εξωγενή (X) είσοδο, των οποίων οι παράμετροι και η διασπορά του θορύβου είναι συναρτήσεις μετρήσιμης εξωτερικής μεταβλητής. Αυτή η συναρτησιακή εξάρτηση δίνει τη σημαντική ικανότητα στη νέα κλάση μοντέλων να μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν: α) για τη δυναμική αναγνώριση συστημάτων με πολλαπλά σημεία λειτουργίας που καθορίζονται από μετρήσιμη εξωτερική μεταβλητή και, β) για την ανίχνευση, τον προσδιορισμό και την εκτίμηση βλαβών σε στοχαστικά δυναμικά συστήματα όπου η εξωτερική μεταβλητή είναι το μέγεθος της βλάβης. Επιπλέον, για τα μοντέλα αυτά αναπτύσσονται κατάλληλες μέθοδοι εκτίμησης των οποίων τα χαρακτηριστικά μελετώνται, και η αποτίμηση τους πραγματοποιείται μέσω προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo. Στη συνέχεια ορίζεται η νέα κλάση εξωτερικά εξαρτώμενων στοχαστικών Συναρτησιακών (F) μοντέλων Αυτοπαλινδρόμησης (AR) και Κινητού Μέσου Όρου (ΜΑ) με Εξωγενή (X) είσοδο των οποίων επίσης οι παράμετροι και η διασπορά του θορύβου εκφράζονται ως συναρτήσεις μετρήσιμης εξωτερικής μεταβλητής. Τα μοντέλα FARΜΑX προσφέρουν επιπλέον ευελιξία σε σχέση με τα μοντέλα FARX εξαιτίας της εισαγωγής του πολυωνύμου ΜΑ. Για τα μοντέλα αυτά αναπτύσσονται επίσης κατάλληλες μεθοδολογίες εκτίμησης που βασίζονται στη μέγιστη πιθανοφάνεια και στην αρχή του σφάλματος πρόβλεψης. Επιπλέον, διαμορφώνονται δύο ακόμη μέθοδοι εκτίμησης που βασίζονται στην ελαχιστοποίηση του σφάλματος πρόβλεψης μέσω διαδοχικών γραμμικών σταδίων, οι οποίες παρουσιάζουν κάποια πρακτικά πλεονεκτήματα σε σχέση με τις προηγούμενες, μπορούν να συνδυαστούν με αυτές, αλλά απαιτούν την ανάπτυξη κατάλληλης άλγεβρας για τα μοντέλα FARΜΑX. Επίσης, μελετώνται ζητήματα όπως η συνέπεια και η ασυμπτωτική κατανομή της εκτιμήτριας σφάλματος πρόβλεψης. Η αποτίμηση όλων των μεθόδων εκτίμησης πραγματοποιείται μέσω προσομοιώσεων Monte Carlo. Τέλος, στα πλαίσια της παρούσας διατριβής αναπτύσσεται καινοτόμος μεθοδολογία ανίχνευσης, προσδιορισμού και εκτίμησης βλαβών σε δυναμικά συστήματα, η οποία βασίζεται στις νέες κλάσεις στοχαστικών συναρτησιακών μοντέλων των προηγούμενων κεφαλαίων. Η αποτίμηση της μεθοδολογίας πραγματοποιείται μέσω πειραματικής εφαρμογής σε διεθνές πρότυπο σκελετού αεροσκάφους υπό κλίμακα, όπου επιτυγχάνει με μεγάλη ακρίβεια, ανίχνευση, προσδιορισμό και εκτίμηση όλων των τύπων και μεγεθών βλάβης και επιπλέον ξεπερνά δυσκολίες που αντιμετωπίζουν άλλες τεχνικές της βιβλιογραφίας. / The aim of the present dissertation is the development of a new class of externally dependent stochastic functional models for the identification of dynamical systems under multiple operating conditions, which are defined by an external measurable variable (i.e. temperature, humidity, etc). The development of a novel methodology for fault diagnosis (fault detection, identification and estimation) in dynamical systems based upon the stochastic functional models is also an additional aim. The development of a proper method for fault detection, identification and estimation in structures under earthquake excitation is initially achieved. The method’s assessment was the motivation for the development of a novel methodology, which is based upon a new class of externally dependent stochastic functional models. These models are capable of accurately representing a structure for a certain type of fault in a continuous range of magnitudes by using a single mathematical representation parameterized in terms of the fault magnitude. It is noticed that such models are not referred in the literature until now. The most related families of models are found in sciences of statistics and econometrics. These models are mathematical representations without functional form and they are incapable of covering continuous ranges of values. Due to this fact, the new class of externally dependent stochastic Functional (F) AutoRegressive (AR) with eXogenous (X) excitation models, with parameters and innovations variance expressed as functions of a measurable external variable, is defined in the sequel of the dissertation. This functional dependence offers to the new class of models the important advantage of being used for: a) the identification of dynamical systems under multiple operating conditions which are defined by an external measurable variable and, b) fault detection, identification and estimation in stochastic dynamical systems where the external variable is the fault magnitude. Proper methods for FARX estimation are also developed and studied and their assessment is achieved via Monte Carlo simulations. In the following, the new class of externally dependent stochastic Functional (F) AutoRegressive (AR) Moving Average (MA) with eXogenous (X) excitation models, with parameters and innovations variance expressed as functions of a measurable external variable, is defined. The FARMAX models offer extra flexibility due to the MA part. Proper methods for FARMAX estimation, which are based upon the Maximum Likelihood and the Prediction Error principles, are also developed. Two further estimation methods are also formulated which are based upon minimization of the prediction error via successive linear stages. These methods offer some practical advantages comparing with the previous methods, they can be combined with the latter but they require the development of a proper algebra for FARMAX models. Additionally, the consistency and the asymptotic distribution of the prediction error estimator are considered. The assessment of all estimation methods is achieved via Monte Carlo simulations. In the last part of the dissertation a novel methodology for fault detection, identification and estimation in dynamical systems, which is based upon the new class of stochastic functional models of the previous chapters, is developed. The methodology’s assessment is accomplished via an experimental application in a prototype scale aircraft skeleton structure, where it achieves accurate fault detection, identification and estimation of several kinds and magnitudes of faults and also overcomes difficulties that are referred by other methods.

An examination of the impact of residential security measures on the incidence of residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg: a security risk management approach

Olckers, Casparus 30 June 2007 (has links)
Motivation This project was of specific importance to the private security industry, victims of residential burglary, community policing forums and the South African Police Service in providing detailed information regarding recommendations of how to manage and combat residential burglary in two selected northern suburbs of Johannesburg. Problem statement Residential burglary is categorised in the top three highest reported crimes according to the official South African Police Service statistics for the 2006/7 financial years. A series of victim interviews, docket analysis, case plotting and residential security audit surveys were conducted to determine the extent (or lack thereof) of security measures at a burgled residence in the selected area. Approach Field data was collected through docket analysis, plotting crime scenes (descriptive mapping), victim interviews and residential security audit surveys. Results The majority of victims of burglary interviewed did not have the minimum security system (integrated measures) in place. Those victims, who had security measures, appeared not to have made or implemented effective use of them. Conclusion Security at a residence extends beyond just the immediate house area and the focus (security risk assessment) should start with the immediate neighbourhood (community) area working inwards towards the property perimeter (boundary), inner perimeter (garden area) and then finally the immediate house area. / CRIMINOLOGY / MTECH: SECURITY RISK MAN

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