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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Effet protecteur des polyphénols de la verveine odorante dans un modèle d'inflammation colique chez le rat / Protective effect of lemon verbena polyphenols in a model of colonic inflammation in rats

Lenoir, Loïc 11 July 2011 (has links)
La consommation de polyphénols, micronutriments largement répandus dans lesaliments d’origine végétale, a été associée à la diminution du risque de développement denombreuses pathologies telles que maladies cardiovasculaires, maladies neurodégénérativesou cancers. Cet effet des polyphénols s’explique en partie par leurs propriétés antioxydanteset anti-inflammatoires. Du fait de leur faible absorption au niveau de l’intestin grêle, lespolyphénols sont présents en grande quantité dans le côlon où ils peuvent exercer cespropriétés. L’inflammation intestinale fait interagir le système immunitaire intestinal avecde nombreux facteurs environnementaux et est fréquemment associée à une augmentationdu stress oxydant via la production d’espèces réactives de l’oxygène par les cellulesimmunitaires. De nombreuses études ont montré, sur des modèles animaux d’inflammationintestinale, les effets protecteurs de certains polyphénols. La verveine odorante (Aloysiatriphylla (L’Hérit.) Britton) est une plante médicinale connue pour ses vertus thérapeutiquesdigestives et anti-spasmodiques et couramment consommée en infusion. L’infusé deverveine odorante contient de grandes quantités de polyphénols (acides phénoliquescomplexes et dérivés de flavones) et ses propriétés antioxydantes ont été mises en évidenceaussi bien in vitro qu’in vivo.L’objectif de cette thèse a donc été d'évaluer l’effet d’une consommation préventived’un infusé de verveine odorante à dose nutritionnelle (40 g/l et 4 g/l) sur le développementd’une inflammation intestinale modérée chez le rat. Des rats Wistar ont consommé commeboisson l’infusé de verveine seul pendant deux semaines puis associé à un agentinflammatoire, le sulfate de dextran sodique (DSS), à 4% pendant 7 ou 9 jours. L’effet de laverveine a été évalué sur différents paramètres cliniques (diarrhée, saignements rectaux,poids corporel), marqueurs de l’inflammation (longueur du côlon, score histologique,activité myéloperoxydase, cytokines) et du stress oxydant (peroxydation lipidique,glutathion, défenses antioxydantes enzymatiques). Les cellules immunitaires ont étéidentifiées dans le sang ainsi que dans les structures lymphoïdes secondaires par cytométrieen flux. Enfin l’étude du métabolisme des polyphénols en situation inflammatoire ou non aété initiée par l’analyse de l’excrétion urinaire des dérivés polyphénoliques.Lors d’une inflammation de 7 jours, la consommation préventive d’infusé deverveine à 40 g/l et 4 g/l retarde l’apparition de diarrhée et de saignements rectaux, limite larétraction du côlon et la diminution de la prise de poids des rats. Malgré l’absence d’effetsur l’activité myéloperoxydase, l’infusé à 40 g/l atténue les altérations histologiques de lamuqueuse colique induites par l’inflammation. L’infusé à 4 g/l stimule l’activité de lasuperoxyde dismutase et réduit la peroxydation lipidique. Les deux infusés modulent lespopulations de cellules immunitaires dans les structures lymphoïdes secondaires (ganglionsmésentériques et plaques de Peyer), en particulier les lymphocytes B et les lymphocytes Tcytotoxiques. L’excrétion urinaire des polyphénols de la verveine est faible et n'est pasaffectée par l'inflammation. Lors d’une inflammation de 9 jours, les deux infusés limitentl’augmentation d’activité de la myéloperoxydase. Seul l’infusé à 40 g/l limite la rétractiondu côlon, stimule l’activité de la glutathion réductase et diminue les taux d’IL-6 et deTNF-α. Ainsi, nous avons montré qu’une consommation préventive d’un infusé de verveineodorante offre des effets protecteurs lors de l’inflammation intestinale en agissant àdifférents niveaux. L’exploration des voies de signalisation impliquées pourrait permettre demieux comprendre les effets protecteurs de cette boisson de consommation courante. / Polyphenols are micronutrients widely distributed in foods of plant origin and theirconsumption has been associated with a decreased risk of various pathologies such ascardiovascular diseases, neurodegenerative diseases and cancer. This effect of polyphenolsis sustained by their antioxidative and anti-inflammatory properties. Due to their poorabsorption in the small intestine, high amounts of polyphenols reach the colon where theycan exert such properties. Intestinal inflammation results from an interaction between gutimmunity and various environmental factors and is frequently associated with an increase ofoxidative stress. Numerous studies have shown protective effects of polyphenols in animalcolitis models. Lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla (L’Hérit.) Britton) is a medicinal herbknown for its digestive and antispasmodic properties and is widely consumed as an infusion.Lemon verbena infusion contains large amounts of polyphenols (complex phenolic acidsand flavone glycosides) and their antioxidative properties have been shown in vitro and invivo.The aim of the present thesis was to evaluate the effects of a preventive consumptionof lemon verbena infusion at nutritional doses (40 g/l and 4 g/l) on the development of amoderate colitis in the rat. Wistar rats ingested lemon verbena infusion alone as a drink fortwo weeks and then associated with the inflammatory agent dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) at4% for 7 or 9 days. Effects of lemon verbena were evaluated on several clinical parameters(diarrhoea, rectal bleeding, body weight), inflammatory markers (colon length, histologicalscore, myeloperoxidase activity, cytokines) and oxidative stress markers (lipid peroxidation,glutathione, antioxidative enzymatic defenses). Immune cells were identified in blood andgut associated lymphoid structures using flow cytometry. Moreover, the study of polyphenolmetabolism was initiated by the analysis of urinary polyphenol metabolites in healthy andcolitis rats.During a 7 days inflammation, the preventive consumption of lemon verbenainfusion at 40 g/l and 4 g/l delays apparition of diarrhoea and rectal bleeding, limits thecolon length reduction and the decrease of body weight gain. Despite no effect onmyeloperoxidase activity, the 40 g/l infusion attenuates colonic mucosa alterations due tothe colitis. The 4 g/l infusion increases superoxide dismutase activity and reduces lipidperoxidation. Both infusions modulate immune cell populations in gut associated lymphoidstructures (mesenteric lymph nodes and Peyer patches), especially B cells and cytotoxic Tcells. Urinary excretion of lemon verbena polyphenols is low and not modified byinflammation. During a 9 days inflammation, both lemon verbena infusions limitmyeloperoxidase increase. Only the 40 g/l infusion reduces colon retraction, increasesglutathione reductase activity and reduces colonic IL-6 and TNF-α levels.Thus, we have shown that the preventive consumption of a lemon verbena infusionprovided protection against intestinal inflammation at different levels. Exploration ofvarious signalling pathways could allow better insight into the protective effects of thiscommon beverage.

Participação do eixo hipotálamo-pituitária-adrenal na Doença Inflamatória Intestinal induzida experimentalmente / Participation of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in experimentally induced inflammatory bowel disease

Patrícia Reis de Souza 06 August 2015 (has links)
As doenças inflamatórias intestinais (DII) são causadas por desequilíbrio entre as respostas imunes efetoras e reguladoras na mucosa intestinal e podem ser moduladas pelo eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-adrenal (HPA) por meio de interações neuroimunoendócrinas e secreção de cortisol. Embora os glicocorticóides (GC) sejam utilizados para tratar a DII, o cortisol produzido pelas glândulas supra-renais também está envolvido na resposta ao estresse, que pode levar a doenças inflamatórias descontroladas. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar a participação do eixo HPA na modulação da resposta imune de mucosa intestinal. Para tal, camundongos C57BL/6 foram submetidos à remoção das glândulas adrenais seguida por indução de colite pela administração de água contendo 3% de dextran sulfato de sódio (DSS). Os resultados demonstraram que a ausência das adrenais levou à maior suscetibilidade à doença e mortalidade precoce, fenômeno que não foi prevenido pela reposição de GC. Os animais adrenalectomizados com colite apresentaram níveis significativamente menores de LPS, concomitantemente ao aumento de IL-6 no soro quando comparados aos camundongos não adrenalectomizados. Além disso, os animais adrenalectomizados apresentaram menor celularidade na lâmina própria (LP), menos áreas de erosão e menor escore histopatológico associado ao aumento de IFN-? e FasL, no intestino, sem produção local compensatória de corticosterona. Houve aumento na atividade das enzimas mieloperoxidase (MPO), N- acetilglicosaminidase (NAG) e eosinófilo-peroxidase (EPO) no intestino dos animais expostos ao DSS quando comparados ao grupo de camundongos controles saudáveis, independentemente da presença do eixo HPA intacto e o tratamento com GC nos animais adrenalectomizados levou à redução significativa da atividade de MPO. Também foi observado na LP dos camundongos adrenalectomizados aumento significativo na frequência de células dendríticas tolerogênicas CD11b+CD11c+CD103+, T auxiliares (CD3+CD4+), T citolíticas (CD3+CD8+) e NKT (CD3+CD49b+), além de redução significativa da população de células dendríticas pró-inflamatórias CD11b+CD11c+CD103-, leucócitos CD11b+ e linfócitos intra-epiteliais, de maneira dependente de GC. A ausência do eixo HPA intacto levou à diminuição de leucócitos totais no baço quando comparados ao grupo com colite, relacionada principalmente à redução significativa na frequência de células NKT (CD3+CD49b+), as quais foram restauradas nos camundongos tratados com GC exógenos. Durante a exposição ao DSS houve aumento de células Th2 e Th1 no baço dos camundongos não adrenalectomizados, enquanto que a remoção das adrenais levou a notável redução na população de células T CD4 produtoras de IL-4, IL-10, IFN-? ou IL-17, com aumento de células Th17 e diminuição significativa de células Th1 no baço dos camundongos adrenalectomizados e tratados com GC. De forma interessante, houve menor acúmulo de células T reguladoras juntamente à redução na intensidade média de fluorescência (MFI) de FOXP3 em células T CD4+CD25+ do baço dos camundongos adrenalectomizados expostos ao DSS, de maneira geral dependente de GC. Por fim, esta diminuição de mecanismos reguladores foi acompanhada de menor índice de proliferação e aumento de IL-10 no sobrenadante de cultura de esplenócitos de camundongos com o eixo HPA não ii funcional, indicando que a ausência de GC endógenos pode alterar significativamente a homeostase do sistema imunológico. Juntos, nossos resultados demonstram que o eixo HPA é importante na modulação da resposta imunológica durante a colite induzida experimentalmente / Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are caused by imbalance between regulatory and effector immune responses in the intestinal mucosa and can be modulated by the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis via neuroimmune endocrine interactions and secretion of cortisol. Although glucocorticoids (GC) are used to treat IBD, cortisol produced by the adrenals glands is also involved in the stress response, which can lead to uncontrolled inflammatory diseases. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the HPA axis in the modulation of the immune response of intestinal mucosa. C57BL/6 mice were subjected to removal of the adrenal glands followed by induction of colitis by administration of water containing 3% dextran sulfate sodium (DSS). The results showed that the absence of adrenals led to increased susceptibility to disease and early mortality, a phenomenon that was not prevented by GC replacement. Adrenalectomized animals exposed to DSS had significantly lower levels of LPS, concomitantly to increased IL-6 in the serum when compared to non-adrenalectomized mice. In addition, adrenalectomized animals had lower cellularity in the lamina propria (LP), less erosion areas and less histopathologic score associated with increased IFN-? and FasL in the intestine, without compensatory local production of corticosterone. There was an increase in the activity of the myeloperoxidase (MPO) enzyme, N- acetilglicosaminidase (NAG) and eosinophil-peroxidase (EPO) in the intestines of DSS-exposed animals when compared to the healthy control group of mice, regardless of the presence of intact HPA axis, while treatment with GC led to significantly reduced MPO activity. It was also observed in the LP of adrenalectomized mice significant increase in the frequency of tolerogenic dendritic cells CD11b+CD11c+CD103+, helper T (CD3+ CD4+), cytolytic T (CD3+ CD8+) and NKT (CD3+ CD49b+) besides significant reduction in the population of pro-inflammatory dendritic cells CD11c+ CD11b+ CD103-, leukocyte CD11b+ and intraepithelial lymphocytes, GC-dependent manner. The absence HPA intact carried decrease in total leukocytes in spleen when compared to the group with colitis, related mainly to significant reduction in the frequency of NKT cells (CD3+CD49b+), which were restored in the GC treated mice. During exposure to DSS there was increased Th2 and Th1 cells in the spleen of non-adrenalectomized mice, while the removal of the adrenals was associated to a marked reduction in the population of CD4 T cells producing IL-4, IL-10, IFN-? or IL-17 with increased Th17 cells and significant decrease in Th1 cells in the spleen of adrenalectomized mice treated with GC. Interestingly there was less accumulation of regulatory T cells together to a reduction in mean fluorescence intensity (MFI) of FOXP3 in CD4+CD25+ T cells in the spleen of mice exposed to DSS after adrenalectomy, most dependent on GC. Finally, the decline of regulatory mechanisms was accompanied by lower rates of proliferation and increased IL-10 in the supernatant culture of splenocytes of mice with disrupted HPA axis, indicating that the absence of endogenous GC altered significantly the homeostasis of the immune system. Together, our results demonstrate that the HPA axis is important in modulating the immune response during experimentally induced colitis

Structure et mécanisme d’élaboration de biomatériaux par complexation contrôlée de polysaccharides / Structure and elaboration mechanism of biomaterials by controlled complexation of polysaccharides

Costalat, Marie 03 December 2014 (has links)
Nos travaux ont porté sur le développement d'une méthode contrôlée de complexation de polyélectrolytes. La complexation est un processus spontané, sous contrôle cinétique et irréversible dans le cas de polysaccharides tels que le chitosane et les polysulfates, essentiellement le sulfate de dextrane ou l'héparine. Une conséquence de ce contrôle cinétique est que l'obtention d'objets de taille colloïdale requiert de travailler à fortes dilutions. De plus, les nanovecteurs obtenus ne sont pas toujours compatibles avec des conditions d'utilisation dans des milieux physiologiques. Le contrôle de l'association de polysaccharides se fait par écrantage des interactions électrostatiques attractives en présence de chlorure de sodium à la concentration au moins égale à 2 mol.L-1. L'élimination du sel par dialyse induit la formation d'hydrogels dont les caractéristiques et les propriétés dépendent principalement du rapport de charges n+/n- et de la cinétique d'élimination du sel. Ainsi, l'on peut former des hydrogels massifs ou des systèmes dispersés à des concentrations en polymères jusqu'à 30 fois plus élevées que par les méthodes sous contrôle cinétique. De plus, cette technologie permet l'encapsulation des principes actifs dans les particules qui peuvent aussi être fonctionnalisées par des biomolécules d'adressage. Le résultat majeur de ce travail réside en la maîtrise des associations entre polysaccharides de charges opposées, permettant d'obtenir des systèmes colloïdaux et massifs à fort potentiels d'applications biomédicales / Our work dealt with the development of a controlled method of polyelectrolyte complexation. The complexation is a spontaneous process, under kinetic control and irreversible in the case of polysaccharides such as the chitosan and polysulfates, essentially dextran sulfate or heparin. A consequence of this kinetic control is the requirement to work at high dilution to obtain objects of colloidal size. Moreover, the obtained nanovectors were not always adapted for use in physiological media. The control of the association of polysaccharides was achieved by screening the attractive electrostatic interactions in the presence of sodium chloride at concentration at least equal to 2 mol. L-1. Removal of salt by dialysis resulted in the formation of hydrogels, whose characteristics and properties depended mainly on the charge ratio n +/ n- and the kinetics of the salt elimination. Thus, massive or dispersed hydrogels were formed at polymer concentrations up to 30 times higher than by the methods under kinetic control. Furthermore, this technology allowed the encapsulation of active ingredients in the particles that could also be functionalized with biomolecules for targeting. The major result of this work was the control over the associations between oppositely charged polysaccharides which provided colloidal and massive systems of high potentialities in biomedical applications

Multifunctional Chitosan-based Complexes for Nanomedicine / Complexes multifonctionnel à base de chitosane pour la nanomédecine

Wu, Danjun 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail est consacré à l'élaboration de nano-complexes polyélectrolytes (CPEs) ayant une stabilité améliorée en milieux physiologiques et à l'exemplification de leur fort potentiel d'application comme système de délivrance de (macro) molécules bioactives. Le chitosane comme polycation a été compléxé avec quatre polyanions naturels ayant différents densités de charges et groupements fonctionnels(-COO- et SO3-) à savoir l'acide hyaluronique (HYA), le chondroïtine sulfate (ChonS), le sulfate de dextrane (DS) et l'héparine (HEP). Les facteurs qui influent sur la formation et les propriétés physico-chimiques des nano-complexes chitosane-HYA ont été étudiés. Ces nanovecteurs perdent leur caractère colloïdal en milieux physiologiques. Pour améliorer leur stabilité dans ces conditions, une stratégie innovante qui implique l'ajout de zinc a été conçue. Cette stratégie de stabilisation a été démontrée comme étant polyvalente et a été étendue aux complexes polyélectrolytes (CPEs) chitosane-ChonS. Même si de cette manière une stabilité à long terme a été observée, cette stratégie reste uniquement applicable aux CPEs cationiques. Pour cette raison, une approche alternative permettant l'amélioration de la stabilité des colloïdes à charges positives ou négatives a été mise en oeuvre en concevant des nano-complexes de type coeur-couronne ternaires composés de polyacides forts c'est-à-dire de DS ou d'HEP associés au chitosane en coeur et un complexe chitosane-HYA en couronne. Tous les nano-complexes stables obtenus peuvent encapsuler le ténofovir, une molécule antirétrovirale et être fonctionnalisés par des IgAs de ciblage. En in vitro, ces nanovecteurs montrent une inhibition de l'infection des PBMC par le virus VIH-1 supérieure à l'antirétrovirale seule / This work is devoted to the elaboration of nano-polyelectrolyte complexes (PECs) systems with improved stability in physiological media and to the establishment of their high potential of applications as bioactive (macro) molecule delivery systems. Chitosan as polycation were complexed with four natural polyanions of different charged groups and densities (-COO- and SO3 - as negative charges), namely hyaluronan (HYA), chondroitin sulfate (ChonS), dextran sulfate (DS) and heparin (HEP). The factors impacting the formation and physical-chemical properties of chitosan-HYA nanocomplexes were investigated. However, these nanovectors lost their colloidal character in physiological media. To improve their colloidal stability in physiological conditions, an innovative stabilization strategy was designed, involving zinc ion. This stabilization strategy proved versatile and was extended to chitosan-ChonS PECs. Though a long-term stability was achieved, this strategy was only applicable to cationic PECs. Therefore, an alternate approach enabled the improvement of the colloidal stability in physiological media of both positive and negative colloids by designing core-shell ternary polyelectrolyte nanocomplexes composed of strong polyacid (DS or HEP)-chitosan PECs as core and a chitosan-HYA complex as shell. Furthermore, all of the stabilized nanocomplexes allowed the encapsulation of active molecules anti-retroviral drug tenofovir and surface functionalization with targeting IgAs. In vitro, these nanovectors exhibited an inhibition of infection of PBMCs by HIV-1 virus which could be superior to the free drug

Microparticules polysaccharides aux propriétés antibactériennes dirigées contre S. Aureus / Polysaccharides microparticles with antibacterial properties against S. Aureus

Dammak, Ali 19 July 2017 (has links)
Staphylococcus aureus a été classé parmi les bactéries les plus pathogènes du genre Staphylococcus. Ce pathogène est responsable d'infections localisées (plaies chroniques, infections sur prothèses) voire de septicémies et d’infections nosocomiales. L’objectif principal de ce projet est d’élaborer des vecteurs colloïdaux biocompatibles à base de polysaccharides, chargés en principe actif antibactérien, et ciblant spécifiquement des biofilms de S. aureus. La méthode de complexation polyélectrolytes entre polysaccharides de charge opposée (chitosane/alginate et chitosane/dextrane sulfate) a été sélectionnée pour élaborer des particules de taille micrométrique. Ces microparticules n’étant pas stables, elles ont été stabilisées par réticulation chimique. Un antibiotique à large spectre d’activité de la famille des fluoroquinolones, la ciprofloxacine, a été séquestrée dans les microparticules. Des essais microbiologiques ont été réalisés en planctonique et sur biofilms, sur une souche de S. aureus et une souche de Pseudomonas aeruginosa. La ciprofloxacine encapsulée présente une activité antibactérienne (CMI, CMB et CMEB) plus importante que la ciprofloxacine libre. Par ailleurs, les MPs à base de chitosane/alginate sont plus actives que celles constituées de chitosane/dextrane sulfate. Enfin, un greffage d’un anticorps anti-protéine A a été réalisé sur les microparticules chitosane/alginate chargées en ciprofloxacine. Ces microparticules présentent une activité antibactérienne sur le biofilm de S. aureus légèrement améliorée par rapport aux microparticules dépourvues d’anticorps. / Staphylococcus aureus has been classified as one of the most pathogenic bacteria of the Staphylococcus genus. This bacterium is responsible for localized infections (chronic wounds, infections on artificial joints) or even septicemia and nosocomial infections. The main objective of this project is to develop biocompatible colloidal vectors based on polysaccharides, loaded with antibacterial active compound, and specifically targeting Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. The polyelectrolyte complexation between polysaccharide of opposite charge (chitosan / alginate and chitosan / dextran sulfate) has been selected to produce micrometric particles. By varying the total concentration of polysaccharide and the charge ratio between polyanion and polycation, it is possible to obtain variable sizes. As these microparticles were not stable, they were stabilized by chemical crosslinking. An antibiotic of the fluoroquinolone family, ciprofloxacin, with a large spectrum of activity, was entrapped in the micoparticles. Microbiological tests were carried out in planktonics and biofilms on different strains of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Loaded ciprofloxacin exhibits greater antibacterial activity (MIC, CMB and CMEB). Moreover, the chitosan / alginate-based MPs are more active than those consisting of chitosan / dextran sulfate. Finally, a grafting of an antiprotein A antibody was carried out on chitosan / alginate microparticles loaded with ciprofloxacin. These modified microparticles exhibit a slightly improved antibacterial activity compared to loaded ciprofloxaxin microparticles whitoutantibody.

Therapeutic Applications of Biodegradable Chitosan Based Polyelectrolyte Nanocapsules

Thomas, Midhun Ben January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The past few years have witnessed significant work being directed towards drug delivery systems with layer-by layer (LbL) technique prominently featured as one of the most sought after approach. However, majority of the studies were focused on the fabrication of microcapsules which produced numerous drawbacks resulting in reduced applicability. This has spurred research into nanocapsules which has proved to overcome most of the drawbacks that plagued microcapsules by being able to evade the reticulo-endothelial system, exhibit enhanced permeability and retention in tumours etc. The capsules fabricated by the LbL technique requires a suitable combination of cationic and anionic polyelectrolytes which ensures that it is able to effectively protect the cargo it encapsulates as well as enhance its bio-applications. With numerous advantages such as biocompatibility and biodegradability to name a few, chitosan has proved to be an ideal cationic polyelectrolyte. Thus, this thesis focuses on the various therapeutic applications of LbL fabricated chitosan based nanocapsules. The first work focuses on the targeted delivery of the somatostatin analogue, Octreotide conjugated nanocapsules to over expressed somatostatin receptors. These LbL fabricated nanocapsules composed of chitosan and dextran sulfate (CD) encapsulate the anti cancer drug, doxorubicin and are found to attain site specificity as well as enhanced anti-proliferative activity. The results indicated that the nanocapsules were biocompatible and when conjugated with octreotide was found to have an enhanced internalization into SSTR expressing cells, thereby making it a viable strategy for the treatment of tumors that has an over expression of somatostatin receptors such as pancreatic carcinoma, breast carcinoma etc. The objective of the second work was to develop an efficient drug delivery system such as CD nanocapsules for encapsulation of Ciprofloxacin in order to combat infection by Salmonella, an intracellular and intra-phagosomal pathogen. In vitro and in vivo experiments showed that this delivery system can be used effectively to clear Salmonella infection. The increased retention of ciprofloxacin in tissues delivered by CD nanocapsules as compared to the conventional delivery proved that the same therapeutic effect was obtained with reduced dosage and frequency of Ciprofloxacin administration. The third work deals with the probiotic, Saccharomyces boulardii which is found to be effective against several gastrointestinal diseases but had limited clinical application due to its sensitivity to acidic environment. However, encapsulation of S. boulardii with chitosan and dextran sulfate ensured enhanced viability and selective permeability on exposure to acidic and alkaline conditions experienced during gastro intestinal transit. The final work involves the fabrication of novel pH responsive nanocapsules composed of chitosan-heparin which facilitate the intracellular delivery of a model anti-cancer drug, doxorubicin.

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