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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur Nah-infrarot-Spektroskopie bei Hund und Katze - Experimentelle und klinische Untersuchungen zur perioperativen Überwachung sowie zu den Auswirkungen der Anästhesie auf den zerebralen Sauerstoffstatus

Alef, Michaele 04 December 2002 (has links)
Die Nah-infrarot-Spektroskopie (NIRS) bestimmt kontinuierlich und nicht-invasiv anhand der Absorptionsänderung von nah-infrarotem Licht den Oxy- und Desoxyhämoglobingehalt sowie den Redoxstatus von Cytochrom a/a3 im Gewebe. Veränderungen von zerebralem Oxy- und Desoxyhämoglobingehalt und der daraus abgeleiteten Parameter reflektieren vor allem den venösen Sauerstoffstatus des Gehirns. Sie können ein früher und sensitiver Indikator für eine zerebrale Hypoxie sein. Der Redoxzustandes von Cytochrom a/a3 gibt als Korrelat des zerebralen Energiezustandes Hinweise auf ein kritisches Sauerstoffdefizit. Ziel der Untersuchung. In der experimentellen und klinischen Studie sollten mit einem kommerziell erhältlichen Gerät die Eignung der NIRS zur Überwachung des zerebralen Sauerstoffstatus während Anästhesie und Intensivtherapie bei Hund und Katze, die Messqualität, die auftretenden technischen Probleme und die darstellbaren Ereignisse geprüft werden. In der experimentellen Studie sollten die Veränderungen der zerebralen Oxygenierung und des Redoxzustandes von Cytochrom a/a3 nach verschiedenen zur Narkoseeinleitung beim Hund etablierten Protokollen sowie nach deren Antagonisierung ebenso untersucht werden wie der Zusammenhang der mittels NIRS erfassten Parameter mit denen des pulmonalen Gaswechsels und der Herz-Kreislauf-Funktion. Material und Methoden. In der klinischen Studie wurden Daten von 33 Hunden und 4 Katzen während Anästhesie oder Intensivüberwachung aufgezeichnet. Die experimentelle Studie wurde an 84 Foxhounds und 32 Beagle mit einem mittleren Alter von 12,96 Monaten (STD 13,42; 6,33–94,43 Monate) und einer mittleren Körpermasse von 24,76 kg (STD 6,6; 12,7–43 kg) durchgeführt, die zufällig auf vier Versuchsgruppen verteilt wurden. Die Sensorapplikation erfolgte in beiden Studien in Höhe der Ohrbasis auf geschorener Haut. Versuchsgruppen und –ablauf der experimentellen Studie: Gruppe Acepromazin/l-Methadon(AM): Narkoseeinleitung 0,1 mg/kg KM Acepromazin und 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v., keine weitere Erhaltung Gruppe Diazepam/l-Methadon(DM): 0,5 mg/kg KM Diazepam und 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v., keine weitere Erhaltung Gruppe Medetomidin/l-Methadon(MM): 40 mikrog/kg KM Medetomidin und 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v., keine weitere Erhaltung Propofol(P): Einleitung 0,1 mg/kg KM Propofol i.v., Erhaltung in dieser Gruppe 0,3 mg/kg/min Propofol i.v. In den Gruppen AM, DM und MM Antagonisierung 8 mikrog/kg KM Naloxon i.v. 30 min nach Einleitung, in der Gruppe MM zusätzlich 200 mikrog/kg KM Atipamezol i.v. 5 min später Kontinuierliche Überwachung von Herzfrequenz, EKG, Temperatur, invasiver Blutdruck,Pulsoxymetrie, Nah-infrarot-Spektroskopie. Blutgasanalyse 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 min nach Einleitung, 0, 2, 7 min nach Antagonisierung/Propofol-Ende Ergebnisse. Die Nah-infrarot-Spektroskopie ist prinzipiell bei Hund und Katze anwendbar, nicht jedoch bei schwarzhaarigen Tieren. Hauptprobleme sind Sensorbefestigung, Bewegungsartefakte und mangelnde Signalqualität. In der experimentellen Studie besteht im Mittel zu 80 % der ausgewerteten Zeit eine gute Messqualität. 14 % der Messungen sind ohne Störung, bei 17 % tritt in mehr als 50 % der Messzeit eine Störmeldung auf. Vor Narkoseeinleitung beträgt die regionale zerebrale Sauerstoffsättigung etwa 65 % (n=109, STD 7 %). Schon 1 Minute nach Einleitung bestehen signifikante Gruppenunterschiede. In Gruppe P steigt die zerebrale regionale Sauerstoffsättigung um etwa 8 %, sie fällt in Gruppe AM um 5 %, in Gruppe DM um bis zu 10 %, in Gruppe MM um maximal 20 % auf etwa 48 %, im weiteren Verlauf verweilt sie annähernd auf diesem Niveau. Zerebraler Oxy- und Desoxyhämoglobingehalt verhalten sich entsprechend. Der zerebrale Gesamthämoglobingehalt zeigt keine Gruppenunterschiede. Nach Antagonisierung erfolgt eine Änderung auf die Ausgangswerte vor Narkose ebenso prompt. Narkoseeinleitung und Antagonisierung haben keinen Effekt auf den Redoxzustand von Cytochrom a/a3. Korrelationen der zerebralen Oxygenierung mit arteriellem Sauerstoffstatus und Kohlendioxidpartialdruck bestehen. Eine periodische Atmung und eine Erhöhung des intraabdominellen Drucks spiegeln sich in parallelen Schwankungen der NIRS-Parameter wider. Die Auswirkungen von wechselnder Narkosetiefe, Erwachen, Hypoxie, Hyperventilation, Adrenalin, Pentobarbital, Herz-Kreislauf-Stillstand auf die NIRS-Parameter können dargestellt werden. Bewegungsartefakte stören häufig die Überwachung von Intensivpatienten. Bei Hunden mit Schädel-Hirn-Trauma ist die Signalqualität der limitierende Faktor. Diskussion. Die Nutzung eines für die Anwendung am Menschen bestimmten Gerätes bedingt aufgrund des spezifischen Weglängenfaktors einen Fehler unbekannter Bedeutung. Die zerebrale Messung konnte gesichert werden, der mögliche extrazerebrale Signalanteil bleibt unbekannt. Die nicht mögliche Nutzung bei schwarzen Tieren und die Artefaktanfälligkeit schränken den Wert der NIRS ein. Die ermittelten Störindizes sind stark methodisch beeinflusst, so dass ihre Beurteilung kritisch erfolgen sollte. Die NIRS ist geeignet, die durch Narkoseeinleitung und Antagonisierung beim Hund verursachten Veränderungen der zerebralen Oxygenierung aufzuzeigen. Eine Abnahme der regionalen zerebralen Sauerstoffsättigung um etwa 20 % (Gruppe MM) über die gesamte Messdauer scheint von klinischer Relevanz. Werte in dieser Höhe werden als Indiz einer kritischen zerebralen Sauerstoffversorgung beurteilt. Parallele Verläufe, positive Zusammenhänge mit dem arteriellen Sauerstoffstatus und negative zum Kohlendioxidpartialdruck zeigen ebenso wie die Effekte der Antagonisierung den entscheidenden Einfluss der Anästhetikabedingten Atemdepression auf den vaskulären zerebralen Sauerstoffstatus. Die mangelnde Reduktion von Cytochrom a/a3 deutet auf das Fehlen einer Störung der intrazellulären Sauerstoffversorgung hin. Die Reaktion der NIRS-Parameter auf eine Narkosekomplikation erfolgt schnell, jedoch unspezifisch, eine Interpretation ist nur in Zusammenhang mit anderen Parametern möglich. Die Beurteilung des Redoxzustandes von Cytochrom a/a3 erscheint schwierig, messtechnische Probleme sind nicht ausgeschlossen. Trotz aller messtechnischen und anwendungsbedingten Probleme wird die NIRS als Bereicherung der Überwachungsmöglichkeiten bei Hund und, sehr eingeschränkt, auch bei der Katze beurteilt. Sie eröffnet erstmals die Möglichkeit, die Auswirkungen von in der klinischen Routine eingeführten Verfahren auf die zerebrale Oxygenierung darzustellen. / ON NEAR-INFRARED-SPECTROSCOPY IN DOG AND CAT - EXPERIMENTAL AND CLINICAL STUDY ON PERIOPERATIVE MONITORING AS WELL AS EFFECTS OF ANAESTHESIA ON CEREBRAL OXYGEN STATUS Alef, Michaele Department of Small Animal Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Leipzig Habilitation thesis, 4. Dezember 2002 Near-Infrared-spectroscopy (NIRS) is a method to determine continuously and non-invasively the content of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin as well as the redox status of cytochrome a/a3 in tissue via absorption changes of near-infrared light. Variations in cerebral content of oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin and parameters derived thereof reflect above all the venous oxygen status of the brain and may thus serve as an early and sensitive indicator of cerebral hypoxia. The redox status of cytochrome a/a3 correlates with the cerebral energy status and may thus serve as an indicator of a critical oxygen deficit. Aim of the study. The study was aimed at assessing in dogs and cats the suitability of NIRS and of an equipment used in human medicine for monitoring the cerebral oxygen status during anaesthesia and intensive therapy. The quality of the measurements, technical problems and the achievable results should be critically checked in experimental and clinical situations. Changes of cerebral oxygenation and of the redox status of cytochrome a/a3 with different established protocols of anaesthesia in dogs and after antagonising had to be investigated in the experimental study as well as well as relationships between parameters obtainable with NIRS and those of pulmonary gas exchange and cardiovascular function. Materials and methods. During the clinical study data from 33 dogs and 4 cats were recorded during anaesthesia and intensive supervision. The experimental investigations were performed with 84 foxhounds and 32 Beagles with a mean age of 12,96 months (STD 13,42; range 6,33–94,43) and a mean weight of 24.76 kg (STD 6.6, range 12.7–43), which were distributed at random into four experimental groups. Sensors were applied near the ear base on shaved skin. Experimental groups and design. Group Acepromazine/l-Methadone(AM): INduction 0.1 mg/kg BW Acepromazine and 0.5 mg/kg BW l-Methadonr i.v., no additional maintenance Group Diazepam/l-Methadone(DM): 0.5 mg/kg BW Diazepam and 0.5 mg/kg BW l-Methadone i.v., no additional maintenance Group Medetomidine/l-Methadone(MM): 40 mikrog/kg BW Medetomidine and 0.5 mg/kg BW l-Methadone i.v., no additional maintenance Group Propofol(P): Induction 0.1 mg/kg BW Propofol i.v., Maintenance 0.3 mg/kg/min Propofol i.v. In groups AM, DM und MM antagonization of the opioide with 8 mikrog/kg BW Naloxone i.v. 30 min after induction, in group MM 200 mikrog/kg BE Atipamezole i.v. 5 min later Continuos Monitoring of heart rate, ECG, temperature, invasive blood pressure,pulse oxymetry, near-infrared-spectroscopy. Blood gas analysis 0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 min post induction and 0, 2, 7 min post Naloxone/end of infusion. Results. NIRS is in principle applicable in dogs and cats but not, however, in black-haired animals. The main problems are the application of the sensor, movement artefacts and poor quality of the measurement signals. In the experimental study good measurement quality could be obtained in on average 80% of the investigation time, 14% of the recordings are without disturbance, in 17% disturbances are recorded in more than 50% of the investigation time. Before the start of anaesthesia the regional cerebral oxygen saturation amounts to about 65% (n=109, STD 7%). Already one minute after the beginning of anaesthesia significant differences between groups are found: In group P the regional cerebral oxygen saturation increases by about 8% while it decreases in group AM by 5%, in group DM by up to 10% and in group MM by maximally 20% to a value of about 48% where it remains roughly during the following time. Cerebral oxy- and deoxyhemoglobin content display an analogous behaviour. There are no inter-group differences in total cerebral hemoglobin content. After antagonising the initial values before the start of anaesthesia are rapidly attained again. Start of anaesthesia and antagonising do not show any influences on the redox status of cytochrome a/a3 while there are correlations between the cerebral oxygenation and the arterial oxygen status and the partial pressure of carbon dioxide. Periodic breathing and an increase of the intra-abdominal pressure are mirrored by variations of the NIRS-parameters, The effects of changing depth of anaesthesia, waking up, hypoxia, hyperventilation, adrenaline, pentobarbital and circulatory arrest can be demonstrated by the NIRS-parameters. Movement artefacts frequently interfere with the monitoring of intensive patients. The signal quality is frequently not sufficient in dogs with severe head trauma. Discussion. The direct application of factors established in humans leads to poorly defined errors. For cerebral measurements the applicability of the method could be confirmed, the possible contribution of extracerebral signals, however, remains unknown. The fact that black-haired animals cannot be investigated and proneness to artefacts limit the value of NIRS. Determined disturbance indices depend strongly on the methods used and should be seen critically. NIRS is suitable to give an indication of changes of cerebral oxygenation caused by the start of anaesthesia and antagonising. A decrease of about 20% in the regional cerebral oxygen saturation during the total measurement time (group MM) appears to be of clinical relevance. Values in this range are taken to be indicative of a critical cerebral oxygen supply. Parallelisms and positive correlations with the arterial oxygen status as well as negative correlations with carbon dioxide partial pressure and the effects of antagonising demonstrate the decisive influence of anaesthesia-related depression of breathing on the vascular cerebral oxygen status. The lack of cytochrome a/a3 reduction indicates that the intracellular oxygen supply is not disturbed. The reaction of NIRS-parameters on the start of anaesthesia is fast, but unspecific, and a meaningful interpretation is only possible in conjunction with other parameters. The evaluation of cytochrome a/a3 redox status appears to be difficult, and technical problems with the measurement cannot be excluded. In spite of these limitations in terms of measurements and applicability NIRS can be judged as a valuable addition for the clinical observation of dogs, less so with cats. The method opens for the first time the possibility to monitor the influence of clinical routines on cerebral oxygenation.

Post-Juvenile Brain Development Modulates Seizure Characteristics and Diazepam Efficacy in the Rat Pilocarpine-SE Model

Holbert, William H., II 01 January 2005 (has links)
These studies were completed to examine how status epilpeticus seizure characteristics are modulated during post-juvenile brain development. This may determine if postnatal age in rats is a better identifier of stages of post-juvenile brain development. The first study fully detailed the acute discrete seizure phase of the rat pilocarpine-SE model. Results for this study showed that Racine behavioral severity score, spike frequency, and seizure severity during the acute discrete seizure phase change in relation to post-juvenile brain developmental stages. The second study fully detailed early and late patterns of status epilepticus. Results for this study displayed modulation of time in pattern, spike frequency, and relative delta power for seizure pattern during post-juvenile ages. The third study displayed modulation of diazepam efficacy during post-juvenile ages. The data suggest characteristics in the acute discrete seizure pliase, chronic SE phase, and therapeutic window of SE change in relation to age during post-juvenile brain development. This establishes that age is a better estimator of developmental stage than animal bodyweight.

Contribution des co-transporteurs de chlore NKCC1 et KCC2 dans la genèse de crises épileptiformes et l'induction d'un foyer épileptique chez les nouveaux-nés : Recherche de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques

Nardou, Romain 12 December 2011 (has links)
Les études cliniques montrent que l’incidence des crises épileptiformes est la plus forte durant la période néonatale. Ces crises ont de nombreux facteurs étiologiques : un traumatisme crânien, des épisodes anoxo-ischémiques, des infections périnatales, des hémorragies intracrâniennes, des troubles métaboliques et de la fièvre... Ces crises per se peuvent entrainer des conséquences délétères à long terme. Notamment, l’hypothèse que la propagation des crises répétées vers des structures cérébrales naïves peut conduire à la formation d’un foyer épileptique secondaire qui génère des crises spontanées a été longtemps suggérée comme étant un mécanisme de base dans l’épilepsie humaine. Par conséquent, il est nécessaire de traiter efficacement les crises néonatales. Cependant, les traitements de premier choix comme le phénobarbital et le diazépam qui ont été développés pour traiter les crises chez l’adulte, sont souvent inefficaces chez les nouveau-nés et peuvent même aggraver les crises. Les mécanismes à l’origine de cette différence sont actuellement mal connus. Récemment, à l’aide d’une préparation développée dans le laboratoire composée des deux hippocampes néonataux interconnectés, il a été montré pour la première fois que des crises induites dans un hippocampe qui se propagent vers l’hippocampe controlatéral pouvaient conduire à la formation d’un foyer épileptique secondaire - foyer miroir (« seizure beget seizure »). Ce modèle a permis de montrer qu’un des mécanismes clés de la formation d’un foyer épileptique était l’augmentation permanente du chlore intracellulaire résultant en une action GABAergique excitatrice favorisant la genèse de crises spontanées. Déterminer les mécanismes à l’origine de l’épileptogenèse secondaire est d’une importance clinique majeure, et permettra de développer de nouvelles stratégies de prévention des effets pathologiques des crises.La première partie de ce travail a été de définir l’implication du co-transporteur de chlore NKCC1 dans la genèse de crises et l’épileptogenèse secondaire. Nous avons montré que le blocage de NKCC1, à l’aide d’outils pharmacologiques ou génétiques, ne prévient ni la formation d’un foyer miroir par des crises propagées ni l’augmentation permanente de chlore intracellulaire. Par conséquent, NKCC1 n’est ni nécessaire ni suffisant à induire ces modifications. Dans la deuxième partie, utilisant des outils électrophysiologiques et immunochimiques, nous apportons un faisceau d’évidences montrant que le co-transporteur de chlore KCC2 est internalisé et altéré fonctionnellement par des crises suggérant que l’accumulation de chlore résulte essentiellement de l’incapacité des neurones à évacuer le chlore. Dans la troisième partie nous avons étudié les effets du phénobarbital (PB) et du diazépam (DZP) sur la genèse de crises et l’épileptogenèse durant la période néonatale. En particulier, nous montrons que le PB, mais pas le DZP, bloque des crises initiales induites et prévient l’induction d’un foyer épileptique secondaire. Cette différence est due à un blocage partiel des récepteurs AMPA/KA par le PB. Cependant, une fois le foyer miroir établi, le PB comme le DZP aggravent les crises spontanées en exacerbant les effets excitateurs du GABA. Ces résultats montrent que l’histoire des crises détermine les effets du PB. En outre, le bumétanide, un antagoniste de NKCC1 qui réduit le chlore intracellulaire, améliore l’action du PB et bloque les crises spontanées. En conclusion, nos observations plaident fortement pour un traitement rapide des crises néonatales afin de protéger autant que faire les capacités du neurone à réguler le chlore intracellulaire. / Clinical studies show that children, especially neonates are in a much higher risk than adults to develop seizures. Such seizures in the brain may be provoked by different factors: tumor, infection, anoxia, fever, trauma, cysts, vascular malformations... Seizures in neonates are also often resistant to treatments and available antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are inefficient or even provoke and aggravate neonatal seizures. A fundamental concept in epilepsy is that the seizures generated in epileptogenic regions propagate to the other brain structures even to the contralateral side and may develop permanent epileptic focus in the naïve brain structures – secondary epileptic focus. Consequently, it is necessary to treat the neonatal seizures. Diazepam (DZP) and phenobarbital (PB) are extensively used as first and second line drugs to treat acute seizures in neonates and their actions are thought to be mediated by increasing the actions of GABAergic signals. Yet, their efficacy is different and variable with occasional failure or even aggravation of recurrent seizures questioning whether other mechanisms are not involved in their actions. We studied these issues in the intact interconnected hippocampal preparation from neonatal rats and mice. Using this preparation and three-compartment chamber we induced seizures in one hippocampus that propagated to the contralateral one. The propagation of recurrent seizures transformed the contralateral hippocampus into independent epileptogenic focus – mirror focus (MF) - that was capable of generating spontaneous seizures (« seizure beget seizure »). The formation of MF is associated with a permanent increase of the intracellular concentration of chloride and a shift of the actions of GABA from inhibitory to excitatory. Therefore determining how secondary epileptogenesis is induced will have major clinical impact as it will enable to develop tools that prevent selectively the pathogenic seizures.At first, we have determined the impact and the contribution of chloride co-transporter NKCC1 in seizure generation and secondary epileptigenesis. We have shown that the pharmacologically or genetically blockade of NKCC1 did not prevent neither the generation nor propagation of evoked seizures nor formation of MF. However, in the isolated MF, bumetanide effectively blocked spontaneous epileptiform activity. Bumetanide partially reduced DFGABA and therefore the excitatory action of GABA in epileptic neurons. Therefore, bumetanide is a potent anticonvulsive agent although it cannot prevent formation of the epileptogenic MF.Second using different electrophysiological and immunochemistry approaches we have demonstrated that the accumulation of chloride and the excitatory actions of GABA in mirror foci neurons are mediated by NKCC1 chloride importer and by a downregulation and internalisation of the chloride exporter KCC2.Finally using our MF model we have compared the actions of PB and DZP on neonatal seizures. We have revealed that PB but not DZP dramatically reduced initial propagating seizures and prevented formation of epileptogenic MF. We show that PB in contrast to DZP has a highly specific action on AMPA/kainate receptor mediated currents. This action underlies an important difference between the two AEDs as in contrast to PB, DZP aggravates early seizures reflecting the advantage of PB over DZP to prevent secondary epileptogenesis. Yet, after repeated seizures, once an epileptogenic MF has been formed, this difference is abolished because of the strong excitatory actions of GABA. Therefore, the history of seizures prior to GABA acting AED treatment determines its effects and rapid treatment of severe potentially epileptogenic neonatal seizures is recommended to prevent secondary epileptogenesis associated with KCC2 down regulation.

Drug Interaction Between Idelalisib and Diazepam Resulting in Altered Mental Status and Respiratory Failure

Bossaer, John B., Chakraborty, Kanishka 26 May 2016 (has links)
In recent years, several new oral anticancer drugs have been approved, many via an accelerated approval process. These new agents have the potential for drug interactions, but lack of familiarity with these drugs by clinicians may increase the risk for drug interactions. We describe an interaction between the new anticancer agent idelalisib (CYP 3A4 inhibitor) and diazepam (CYP 3A4 substrate) that resulted in altered mental status and type II respiratory failure resulting in hospitalization. After discontinuation of both agents, the patient recovered quickly. Idelalisib was reinitiated after discharge. Lorazepam was substituted for diazepam since it is not metabolized via CYP 3A4. Both agents were tolerated well thereafter. This interaction was only flagged by two of four commonly used drug interaction databases. Clinicians should exercise caution with initiating new oral anticancer agents and consider the potential for drug interactions without solely relying on drug interaction databases.


Kiefer, Ingmar 06 December 2004 (has links)
An 90 klinisch gesunden Hunden der Rassen Foxhound und Beagle wurden die Auswir-kungen verschiedener Narkoseregime auf sonographisch erfassbare Durch¬blutungs¬parameter der linken Niere untersucht. Bei den Untersuchungen am wachen Hund wur-den folgende Referenzbereiche und Mittelwerte bestimmt: Referenz-bereich Mittelwert Standard-abweichung Resistance-Index 0,526 0,636 0,585 0,03 Pulsatilitätsindex 0,81 1,190 0,9914 0,093 Das mittels PW-Doppler erfasste Flussmuster entspricht dem eines jungen erwachsenen Menschen. Weder zwischen den verschiedenen Rassen noch zwischen den Geschlech-tern konnte ein signifikanter Unterschied festgestellt werden. Ebenfalls konnte kein Ein-fluss der Körpermasse auf Resistance-Index oder Pulsatilitäts-Index festgestellt werden. Die Tiere wurden auf vier verschiedene Versuchsgruppen verteilt und mit folgenden Do-sierungen anästhesiert: Gruppe Acepromazin/ l-Methadon (Gruppe 1) Diazepam/ l-Methadon (Gruppe 2) Medetomidin/ l-Methadon (Gruppe 3) Propofol (Gruppe 4) Einleitung 0,1 mg/kg KM Acepromazin 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v. 0,5 mg/kg KM Diazepam 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v. 40 µg/kg KM Medetomidin 0,5 mg/kg KM l-Methadon i.v. 7 mg/kg KM Propofol i.v. Erhaltung Keine 0,3 mg/kg/min Propofol DTI i.v. Alle fünf Minuten wurde invasiver Blutdruck, Resistance-Index und Pulsatilitäts-Index be-stimmt und digital aufgezeichnet. In der Gruppe 1 (Acepromazin/l-Methadon) kommt es fünf Minuten nach Narkoseeinlei-tung zu einem kurzzeitigen Anstieg des mittleren arteriellen Blutdruckes, der aber bereits nach zehn Minuten wieder auf den Ausgangswert zurückfällt und sich nur noch unwe-sentlich verändert. RI und PI verhalten sich in dieser Gruppe identisch: nach einem ge-ringgradigen Abfall beider Parameter nach fünf Minuten steigen sie extrem an. Dieser Anstieg ist bis 15 Minuten nach Narkoseeinleitung sehr stark, wird dann bis zum Ende der Untersuchung nach 30 Minuten deutlich flacher. Die Werte entsprechen denen einer Gefäßstenose. In der Gruppe 2 (Diazepam/l-Methadon) und Gruppe 4 (Propofol) kommt es zu keinen signifikanten Änderungen von PI und RI. Die Werte entsprechen während der gesamten Untersuchungsdauer weitgehend den ermittelten Referenzberei-chen für den wachen Hund. Auch die Flussmuster sind kaum vom wachen Hund zu un-terscheiden. In Gruppe 3 (Medetomidin/l-Methadon) kommt es bereits nach fünf Minu-ten zu massiven Veränderungen bei allen erfassten Parametern. Der arterielle Mittel-druck steigt auf das Doppelte des Ursprungswertes an, fällt dann während der Untersu-chung (Dauer 30 Minuten) wieder langsam ab, ohne jedoch die Ausgangswerte zu er-reichen. Resistance-Index und Pulsatilitäts-Index fallen nach fünf Minuten dramatisch ab und steigen im Untersuchungszeitraum nur flach an, ohne jedoch auch nur annähe-rungsweise in den Bereich der am wachen Hund gemessenen Werte zu kommen. Dieser Abfall wird als indirektes Zeichen für eine vorgeschaltete Nierenarterienstenose bewertet. Die ermittelten Daten zeigen an, dass verschiedene Narkoseregimes einen Einfluss auf die dopplersonographisch erfassbaren Durch¬blutungsparameter haben. Während die Kombination l-Me¬tha¬don/¬Diazepam sowie Propofol diese nur unwesentlich beeinflussen, kommt es bei l-Methadon/Acepromazin und l-Metha¬don/Me¬de¬tomidin zu einer sehr deutlichen Beeinflussung. Obwohl mit Hilfe der Untersuchung die klinische Relevanz dieser Beeinflussungen aus methodischen Gründen nicht nachgewiesen werden kann, erscheint der Einsatz dieser Kombinationen beim renalen Risikopatienten nicht sinnvoll.

A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship study between GABA-ergic drugs and anxiety levels in an animal model of PTSD / Jacolene Myburgh

Myburgh, Jacolene January 2005 (has links)
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is classified as an anxiety disorder and the characteristic symptoms (re-experiencing, avoidance as well as numbing of general responsiveness and hyperarousal) of this disorder develop in response to a traumatic event. The disorder is characterised by hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis abnormalities linked with changes in cortisol moreover, the hippocampus and cortex also play a role in the neurobiology. With regard to the neurochemistry of this disorder it is known that gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) is involved however, the precise role of GABA in PTSD and how stress changes GABA concentrations in the brain are still not fully understood. Another aspect regarding PTSD that has not been clearly defined is the treatment of PTSD. Classic anxiolytics such as diazepam is expected to relieve the anxiety linked with PTSD. Studies with this group of drugs have however not produced the concrete evidence needed to establish it as a treatment of choice for PTSD and subsequently other classes of drugs have been investigated as possible treatment options for PTSD. Among these is lamotrigine, which in a clinical study was found to be effective in alleviating symptoms of PTSD. Moreover, a possible pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship for each of these drugs has also not been elucidated. In order to elude on some of these uncertainties, an animal model of PTSD, time dependent sensitisation (TDS), was used. GABA levels in the rat hippocampus and frontal cortex were determined at two different time intervals following the TDS procedure (1 day and 7 days post re-stress). High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with electrochemical (EC) detection was used to determine gamma amino butyric acid (GABA) concentrations. To investigate the possible anxiolytic effects of diazepam and lamotrigine in this model, as well as a possible pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship for each drug, pharmacokinetic profiles for both drugs were established in order to find the times of peak and trough levels of each drug. Blood samples were collected at different time intervals after drug administration either from the tail vein of rats (lamotrigine) or directly from the heart (diazepam). Subsequently, drug concentrations at each time interval were determined by means of HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection. The behaviour of rats was analysed using the elevated plus-maze (EPM) at peak or trough concentrations of the drugs and this was performed after either acute administration of the drug, or after a 14 day chronic treatment regime. GABA levels in the hippocampus were not found to change statistically significantly in response to stress at either 1 day or 7 days post re-stress. In the frontal cortex, however, GABA levels increased in response to stress at 1 day post re-stress, with a statistically insignificant, but strong trend towards an increase, at 7 days post re-stress. With regard to the pharmacokinetic profiles, the peak concentration of diazepam was found to occur at 60 minutes, with lamotrigine's peak at 120 minutes. The behavioural studies indicated that acute treatment with diazepam 3 mg/kg resulted in a statistically significant increase in both ratio open arm entries and ratio time spent in the open arms at peak level of the drug. After acute treatment with diazepam 3 mg/kg a statistically significant decrease in ratio time spent in open arms was also found when the ratio time spent in open arms at peak level of the drug and the ratio time spent in open arms at trough level of the drug was compared. In response to chronic treatment with diazepam 3 mg/kg for 14 days, test animals exhibited an increase in the ratio open arm entries at trough level of the drug, with a statistically insignificant yet definite trend towards an increase at peak level. Acute treatment with lamotrigine 10 mg/kg resulted in no statistically significant change in EPM parameters. In response to chronic treatment, however, a statistically significant increase was found in ratio time spent in open arms at peak level of the drug, with a statistically insignificant trend towards an increase at trough level. From the results of this study, we may therefore conclude that GABA-levels in the brain are definitely affected, but in different ways, following TDS-stress. A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship between the drugs' levels and aversive behaviour could also be established. Furthermore it appears that more sustained anxiolytic effects are evident following chronic treatment with both drugs than with acute administration of these drugs. / Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006

Voltametrické stanovení diazepamu a nordiazepamu na meniskem modifikované stříbrné pevné amalgámové elektrodě / Voltammetric determination of diazepam and nordiazepam on meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode

Samiec, Petr January 2012 (has links)
Voltammetric methods for the determination of diazepam (DZ) and nordiazepam (NDZ) were developed. Techniques differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and DC voltammetry for determination of both substances at meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE) were used. Effect of pHa in media of mixture of Britton-Robinson buffer and methanol (9:1) and 0,1 mol.l-1 NaOH was studied. Stability of the signal with repeated measurements in 0,1 mol.l-1 and methanol (9:1) was monitored. Optimal pHa 13,2 of 0,1 mol.l-1 NaOH was used for determination of DZ by DPV and DCV techniques. Optimal pHa 10,2 in media of mixture of Britton-Robinson buffer and methanol (9:1) was used for determination of NDZ by DPV and DCV techniques. Under these conditions were measured linear dependences in the calibration. Concentration range of DZ was measured with DCV in range of 1.10-4 - 6.10-6 mol.l-1 and DPV with DCV technique in range of 1.10-4 - 2.10-6 mol.l-1. Concentration range of NDZ was measured with DCV technique in range of 1.10-4 - 4.10-6 mol.l-1 and DPV technique in range of 1.10-4 - 2.10-6 mol.l-1. The limit of detection was calculated for DZ 6,6 .10-6 mol.l-1 with DCV and 1.10-6 mol.l-1 with DPV. The limit of detection was calculated for NDZ 5,5.10-6 mol.l-1 with DCV and 1,7.10-6 mol.l-1 with DPV. Developed method...

Voltametrické stanovení diazepamu a nordiazepamu na meniskem modifikované stříbrné pevné amalgámové elektrodě / Voltammetric determination of diazepam and nordiazepam on meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode

Samiec, Petr January 2013 (has links)
Voltammetric methods for the determination of diazepam (DZ) and nordiazepam (NDZ) were developed. Techniques differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) and DC voltammetry were used for determination of DZ and NDZ at meniscus modified silver solid amalgam electrode (m-AgSAE). The effect of pHa on the intensity of signal was observed in the mixture of Britton-Robinson buffer and methanol (9:1), and in the mixture of 0.1 mol.l−1 NaOH and methanol (9:1). The stability of the signal during repeated measurements in the mixture of 0.1 mol.l−1 NaOH and methanol (9:1), and in the mixture of BR buffer and methanol (9:1) was monitored. Optimal pHa 13.2 of medium of 0.1 mol.l−1 NaOH and methanol (9:1) was used for determination of DZ with DPV and DCV techniques. Optimal pHa 10.1 of medium of BR buffer and methanol (9:1) was used for determination of NDZ with DPV and DCV techniques. Under these conditions linear dependencies calibration were measured. Concentration range of DZ was measured with DCV in range of 10x10−5 - 6x10−6 mol.l−1 and with DPV technique in range of 10x10−5 - 2x10−6 mol.l−1 . Concentration range of NDZ was measured with DCV technique in range of 10x10−5 - 4x10−6 mol.l−1 and with DPV technique in range of 10x10−5 - 2x10−6 mol.l−1 . The limit of detection for DZ was calculated 6.6x10−6 mol.l−1 with DCV and...

Efeitos neuroprotetores do 4'-clorodiazepam em modelos experimentais de Doença de Alzheimer in vitro e sobre o desenvolvimento neuronal

Arbo, Bruno Dutra January 2016 (has links)
O aumento da expectativa de vida da população mundial tem se associado com uma maior prevalência de doenças neurodegenerativas. A Doença de Alzheimer (DA) é a doença neurodegenerativa mais comum e a principal causa de demência em indivíduos com mais de 60 anos, sendo caracterizada por um declínio progressivo na memória e função mental dos pacientes. Esses sintomas são acompanhados por alterações histopatológicas no cérebro desses indivíduos, incluindo a presença de uma grande quantidade de placas senis, formadas pela deposição do peptídeo beta-amiloide (Aβ), e de emaranhados neurofibrilares formados pela hiperfosforilação da proteína Tau. Estudos indicam que a deposição do Aβ é uma das principais responsáveis pelo desenvolvimento da DA, causando dano neuronal através da ativação de várias vias pró-apoptóticas e dando origem aos sintomas de demência típicos dessa doença. Até o momento, não existem tratamentos eficazes para o combate à DA, de forma que a maior parte das intervenções farmacológicas é destinada apenas ao tratamento de alguns de seus sintomas. A proteína translocadora (TSPO) se localiza em pontos de contato entre as membranas mitocondriais interna e externa e está relacionada com o transporte de colesterol para o interior da mitocôndria e com a regulação da esteroidogênese e da apoptose. Estudos mostram que ligantes da TSPO apresentam efeitos neuroprotetores em diferentes modelos experimentais de lesão cerebral e doenças neurodegenerativas. Especificamente em relação à DA, um estudo indicou que o 4’-clorodiazepam (4’-CD), um ligante da TSPO, apresenta efeitos neuroprotetores em um modelo animal dessa doença, sendo um possível candidato para o seu tratamento. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse estudo foi verificar o efeito neuroprotetor do 4’-CD em diferentes modelos in vitro de toxicidade induzida pelo Aβ, além de seus efeitos sobre o desenvolvimento de neurônios hipocampais. Inicialmente, demonstramos que o 4’-CD reduziu a morte celular de células SH-SY5Y expostas a um modelo de toxicidade induzida pela administração de Aβ. Esses efeitos estiveram associados com a redução da expressão da proteína pró-apoptótica Bax e com um aumento da expressão da survivina, uma proteína anti-apoptótica. A expressão das proteínas Bcl-xl e procaspase-3, por outro lado, não foi alterada pelos tratamentos. Posteriormente, estudamos os efeitos neuroprotetores do 4’-CD contra a toxicidade induzida pela administração do Aβ em culturas organotípicas de hipocampo. Nesses experimentos, foi demonstrado que o 4’-CD reduz a morte celular de culturas organotípicas de hipocampo expostas ao Aβ através de um aumento na expressão da enzima SOD, sem alterar, no entanto, a expressão das proteínas Akt e procaspase-3. Por fim, foi avaliado o efeito do 4’-CD sobre o desenvolvimento de culturas primárias de neurônios hipocampais de camundongos machos e fêmeas. Foi observado que as culturas de neurônios hipocampais das fêmeas apresentaram um desenvolvimento mais rápido do que as dos machos. O 4’-CD acelerou a maturação e aumentou a ramificação neurítica dos neurônios hipocampais dos machos, mas não exerceu qualquer efeito sobre os neurônios das fêmeas. Em suma, foi observado que o 4’-CD apresenta efeitos neuroprotetores contra o Aβ em células SH-SY5Y e em culturas organotípicas do hipocampo, apresentando-se como um fármaco em potencial para o tratamento da DA. Além disso, foi observado que o 4’-CD exerceu um efeito dependente do sexo sobre o desenvolvimento de culturas primárias de neurônios hipocampais, estimulando o desenvolvimento e a ramificação neurítica de neurônios hipocampais de machos, mas não de fêmeas. / The increase in life expectancy of the world population has been associated with a higher prevalence of neurodegenerative diseases. The Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) is the most common neurodegenerative disorder and the main cause of dementia among people over 60 years, being characterized by a progressive decline in the memory and mental function of the patients. These symptoms are associated with histopathological changes in the brain of these patients, including the presence of senile plaques, formed by the deposition of amyloid-beta (Aβ), and neurofibrillary tangles, which are related to the hyperphosphorylation of Tau protein. Studies indicate that Aβ deposition is a major contributor to AD progression, promoting neuronal damage through the activation of different pro-apoptotic pathways and giving rise to the typical dementia symptoms of this disease. To date, there are no effective treatments for AD, so that most of the pharmacological intervention is intended for the treatment of some of its symptoms. The translocator protein (TSPO) is located in contact sites between the outer and the inner mitochondrial membranes and is involved in the cholesterol transport into the mitochondria and in the regulation of steroidogenesis and apoptosis. Studies show that TSPO ligands present neuroprotective effects in different experimental models of brain injury and neurodegenerative diseases. Specifically regarding AD, a study indicated that 4’-chlorodiazepam (4’-CD), a TSPO ligand, is neuroprotective in an animal model of this disease, being a possible candidate for its treatment. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the neuroprotective effect of 4’-CD in different experimental models of Aβ- induced neurotoxicity in vitro, as well as its effects on the development of hipocampal neurons. First, it was demonstrated that 4’-CD decreased the cell death of SH-SY5Y cells exposed to the Aβ. This effect was associated with the inhibition of the Aβ-induced upregulation of Bax, a pro-apoptotic protein, and downregulation of survivin, a prosurvival protein. On the other hand, the expression of Bcl-xl and procaspase-3 was not change by the treatments. After, it was studied the neuroprotective effects of 4’-CD against Aβ in organotypic hipocampal cultures. In these experiments, it was shown that 4’-CD decreases the cell death of organotypic hippocampal slices exposed to the Aβ by increasing the protein expression of SOD, but without changing the expression of Akt and procaspase-3. Finally, due to the importance of the processes of neuronal development and maturation in the regeneration of CNS after injury, it was evaluated the effect of 4’-CD on the development of primary hippocampal neurons of male and female mice. It was observed that female primary hippocampal neurons presented an increased rate of development than male neurons. 4’-CD stimulated the development and increased the neuritic branching of male but not from female neurons. In summary, it was observed that 4’-CD presented a neuroprotective effect against Aβ in SH-SY5Y cells and in rat organotypical hippocampal slices, presenting itself as a promising agent for the treatment of AD. Also, it was observed that 4’-CD modulates the development of hippocampal neurons in a sex-dependent manner, stimulating the development of male but not from female cells.

A pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic relationship study between GABA-ergic drugs and anxiety levels in an animal model of PTSD / Jacolene Myburgh

Myburgh, Jacolene January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2006.

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