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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estrutura e diversidade das assembleias de peixes recifais na Ba?a da Ilha Grande: import?ncia de vari?veis f?sicas, da estrutura do habitat e varia??es temporais de curto prazo / Structure and diversity of rocky reef fish assemblages of the Ilha Grande bay: importance of physical variables, habitat structure and short term temporal changes.

Neves, Leonardo Mitrano 30 April 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2018-10-02T13:28:26Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Leonardo Mitrano Neves.pdf: 2710150 bytes, checksum: e76a622435676fcc3b2281358ce93865 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-02T13:28:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Leonardo Mitrano Neves.pdf: 2710150 bytes, checksum: e76a622435676fcc3b2281358ce93865 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-04-30 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico - CNPQ / Rocky reef fish assemblages change along extreme environmental conditions gradients; both spatial (across gradients of distance from the river mouths) and short term temporal (diel cycle of light intensity). Moreover, changes in connection to habitat heterogeneity can occur, even for tropical rocky reefs with a more homogenous habitat structure. Knowledge of the way that fish assemblages respond to these changes is fundamental to identify the variables that determine spatial patterns and to predict how impacts in great or low intensity can affect diversity. The main aims of this study were: (1) to determine influence of physical (distance from river mouth and wave exposure), biological (benthic cover) and structural (substratum height and number of shelters) variables in structuring fish assemblages, species richness, abundance, biomass and trophic groups diversity; (2) to assess diel changes in composition and structure of fish assemblages; (3) to relate changes in species composition (beta diversity) with habitat heterogeneity for a small scale (among transects in a given area), and the relationship between beta and alfa diversity (species richness, richness estimation and Shannon diversity). Subaquatic visual census were carried out in Ilha Grande coastal reefs, encompassing (1) islands distributed along a spatial gradient of distance from river mouth; (2) six different time periods, i.e., sunrise (06:00h), morning (08:30h), afternoon (14:00h), sunset (17:30h), early night (19:30h) and night (21:00h) in two shallow coastal reef; and (3) in transect in four areas to assess beta biodiversity. Habitat structure (benthic cover and topographic complexity) assessment was performed (objectives 1 and 3). The distance from river mouth explained from 12.4% to 38.2% of the estimated components of variation (ECV) of PERMANOVA for all analyzed response variables, playing a major role in determining spatial patterns of fish assemblages. Differences between reefs close and far from river mouth reached a maximum of 4.5x for richness, 11x for biomass and 10x for abundance. The substrate height was positively related to fish abundance, species richness and trophic groups diversity (ECV between 7.3 % and 17.4%), whereas the number of shelters was positively associated to small-sized species abundance such as Stegastes fuscus, Emblemariopsis signifer and Scartella cristata. Benthic cover had significant influence to determine spatial pattern in fish assemblage structure and diversity of trophic groups (ECV = 8% and 10%, respectively), but not in species richness, biomass and fish abundance. Wave exposure had significant influence on fish assemblage structure only (ECV = 10%). The fish assemblage changes drastically along diel cycle. Species richness and fish abundance were at the highest during the period of the day with intermediary values at twilight periods, and at the lowest during the night. The highest difference in assemblage structure was found between the periods of the day and the night. The families Sciaenidae, mainly represented by Pareques acuminatus, and Pempheridae represented by Pempheris schomburgkii were more abundant during the night, whereas Haemulidae Haemulon steindachneri, Pomacentridae Abudefduf saxatilis, Chaetodondidae Chaetodon striatus, and Labrisomidae Malacoctenus delalandii were more abundant during the day. The twilight periods were similar in assemblage structure, and had as characteristics species of the day (H. steindachneri, M. acutirostris) and the night (P. acuminatus), reflecting a transitional period. Significant positive relationship was detected between habitat heterogeneity and beta diversity. The area with more ix homogeneous habitat and low variation in fish assemblage was dominated by little threedimensionally complex organisms (zoanthids), while areas that had fleshy algae, turf and zoanthids with a more even percentage cover had higher heterogeneity and beta diversity. For all measures of examined alfa diversity, the area with more heterogeneous habitat and with the highest beta diversity had the highest alfa diversity compared with areas with more homogenous habitat e lowest beta diversity. However, positive relationship between alfa and beta diversity was significant for species richness, but not for estimate of richness and Shannon index. This study demonstrated that changes in assemblages in spatial and short term (from transects to 10 km, and diel cycle) scales may be attributed to changes in local habitat structure, both composition of dominant benthic organisms and habitat heterogeneity and can be associated to behavioral characteristics mainly related to strategies of food acquirement and protection against predation / As assembleias de peixes recifais variam atrav?s de gradientes de mudan?as extremas nas condi??es ambientais, tanto espaciais (ao longo de gradientes de dist?ncia da foz de rios) quanto em escalas temporais curtas (ao longo do ciclo di?rio de intensidade luminosa). Al?m disto, varia??es em resposta ao n?vel de heterogeneidade do habitat tamb?m podem ocorrer, mesmo entre recifes rochosos situados fora de intensos gradientes ambientais. Entender como as assembleias de peixes respondem a tais mudan?as ? fundamental para identificar vari?veis determinantes dos padr?es espaciais e predizer como impactos de grande e pequena intensidade podem afetar os padr?es de diversidade. Os principais objetivos deste estudo foram: (1) determinar a influ?ncia de vari?veis f?sicas (dist?ncia da foz do rio e exposi??o a ondas), biol?gicas (cobertura b?ntica) e estruturais (altura do substrato e n?mero de ref?gios) na estrutura??o das assembleias de peixes, riqueza de esp?cies, abund?ncia, biomassa e diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos; (2) avaliar as mudan?as ao longo do ciclo di?rio na composi??o e estrutura da assembleia de peixes recifais; (3) relacionar a varia??o na composi??o de esp?cies (beta diversidade) com a heterogeneidade do habitat, para uma pequena escala (entre transectos de uma mesma ?rea), e as rela??es entre a beta diversidade e medidas de diversidade alfa (riqueza de esp?cies, estimativa da riqueza e diversidade de Shannon). Para tal, censos visuais subaqu?ticos foram realizados (1) em cost?es rochosos da ba?a da Ilha Grande, em ilhas localizadas atrav?s de um gradiente de dist?ncia da foz de rios; (2) em seis diferentes hor?rios, compreendendo o amanhecer (06:00h), manh? (08:30h), tarde (14:00h), anoitecer (17:30h) e in?cio da noite (19:30h) e noite (21:00h) em dois recifes rochosos rasos; e (3) em transectos de quatro ?reas para avaliar diversidade beta. Avalia??es da estrutura do habitat (cobertura b?ntica e complexidade topogr?fica) foram realizadas (para objetivos 1 e 3). A dist?ncia da foz do rio explicou entre 12,4% a 38,2% da estimativa dos componentes de varia??o (ECV) da PERMANOVA de todas as vari?veis respostas analisadas, desempenhando um papel principal nos padr?es espaciais da assembleia de peixes. Diferen?as entre recifes pr?ximos e distantes da foz atingiram um m?ximo de at? 4,5x para a riqueza, 11x para a biomassa e 10x para a abund?ncia. A altura do substrato foi positivamente relacionada com a abund?ncia de peixes, riqueza de esp?cies e diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos (ECV entre 7,3% a 17,4%), enquanto o n?mero de ref?gios foi associado positivamente com a abund?ncia de esp?cies de pequeno porte, como Stegastes fuscus, Emblemariopsis signifer e Scartella cristata. O efeito da cobertura b?ntica foi significativo em determinar os padr?es espaciais da estrutura da assembleia de peixes e da diversidade dos grupos tr?ficos (ECV = 8% e 10%, respectivamente), por?m n?o foram observadas influ?ncias significativas da cobertura b?ntica na riqueza de esp?cies, biomassa e abund?ncia. A exposi??o ?s ondas teve um efeito significativo apenas para a estrutura da assembleia de peixes (ECV = 10%). As assembleias de peixes variaram drasticamente ao longo do ciclo di?rio. A riqueza de esp?cies e a abund?ncia de peixes foram maiores durante os hor?rios do dia, com valores intermedi?rios nos hor?rios crepusculares e atingiram os menores valores durante a noite. Maiores diferen?as na estrutura da assembleia foram observadas entre o per?odo diurno e noturno. Durante a noite, as fam?lias Sciaenidae, representado por Pareques acuminatus, e Pempheridae vii representado por Pempheris schomburgkii foram mais abundantes, enquanto Haemulidae Haemulon steindachneri, Pomacentridae Abudefduf saxatilis, Chaetodondidae Chaetodon striatus, e Labrisomidae Malacoctenus delalandii foram abundantes durante o dia. Os hor?rios crepusculares foram semelhantes entre si, sendo caracterizados por esp?cies tanto dos hor?rios do dia (H. steindachneri, M. acutirostris) quanto da noite (P. acuminatus), refletindo esse per?odo de transi??o. Rela??es positivas significativas foram detectadas entre a heterogeneidade do habitat e a beta diversidade. A ?rea com habitat mais homog?neo e de menor varia??o na composi??o da assembleia foi dominada por organismos tridimensionalmente pouco complexos (zoant?deos), enquanto a ?reas que apresentaram algas frondosas, matriz de algas epil?ticas (MAE) e zoant?deos com uma percentagem de cobertura mais equitativa, tiveram a maior heterogeneidade do habitat e beta diversidade. Para todas as medidas de diversidade alfa utilizadas, a ?rea com habitat mais heterog?neo e com maior beta diversidade, apresentou uma diversidade alfa maior do que a ?rea com habitat mais homog?neo e de menor beta diversidade. Entretanto, as rela??es positivas entre a beta diversidade e a diversidade alfa foram significativas apenas para a riqueza de esp?cies, e n?o para a estimativa da riqueza e a diversidade de Shannon. Este estudo demonstrou que varia??es nas assembleias em escalas espaciais e temporais curtas (desde entre transectos at? 10 km, e ao longo do ciclo di?rio) podem ser atribu?das a mudan?as na estrutura dos habitats locais, tanto na composi??o dos organismos bent?nicos dominantes quanto na heterogeneidade do habitat e podem ser associadas a caracter?sticas comportamentais principalmente associadas a estrat?gias de obten??o de alimento e prote??o contra preda??o

Temporal dynamics of the coastal water column

Verspecht, Florence January 2008 (has links)
Field measurements and numerical modelling of the shallow coastal waters offshore in south-western Australia were used to describe changes in the water column's vertical structure and the biological response on temporal scales of the order of hours and days. A cycle of chlorophyll a concentration, primary production, and photosystem II function on a diel timescale, which was related to changes in the solar irradiance and thermal structure, was identified. The diel cycle included (1) vertically well-mixed (or weakly linear) conditions in density and chlorophyll a early in the morning, resulting from vertical mixing through penetrative overnight convection; (2) depleted chlorophyll a concentration in the surface layer during the middle of the day due to photoinhibition; (3) an increased chlorophyll a concentration in the bottom layer by late afternoon due to optimum light conditions; and (4) the formation of a chlorophyll a break point (CBP) at the thermocline, which migrated downwards with the deepening surface mixed layer. On a longer timescale (days), moored acoustic instruments were used to derive echo level (EL), which approximated suspended particulate matter (SPM). Wind events ultimately controlled SPM, a conclusion based on (1) elevated EL during high windgenerated turbulence and bed shear stress, (2) positive time-lagged correlations between wind speed and EL at three field sites with different exposures to wave action, and (3) significant negative correlations between wind speed and depth-differentiated echo level (d(EL)/dz) at all sites. Sea breezes produced a similar response in EL through the water column to a small storm event, and wind-driven SPM resuspension resulted in a reduction in the sub-surface light climate (kd). Near-bed dissolved oxygen concentrations varied in accord with elevated wind speeds, EL and kd, highlighting a possible suppression of photosynthesis. One-dimensional modelling revealed that wind stirring was most often the dominant process in these waters. It was found that for a brief period during thermal stratification there was shear production of turbulent instabilities that migrated from the thermocline to the surface and the seabed. Convective cooling was not able to mix the water column entirely overnight without the addition of wind, and minimum wind speeds were determined for this complete vertical mixing. Bottom-generated turbulence was limited to a small region above the bed, and was deemed insignificant compared with mixing generated at the surface. Minimum wind speeds required for de-stratification and prevention of stratification were determined for summer, autumn and winter. A hypothetical desalination outfall was simulated for all seasons and it was concluded that positioning of the discharge at middepth was preferable compared to at the seabed. The results of this thesis advance the current knowledge of coastal biophysical oceanography and provide new insights into the temporal dynamics of the coastal water column of south-western Australia.

Studies on Baltic Sea mysids

Ogonowski, Martin January 2012 (has links)
Mysid shrimps (Mysidacea, Crustacea) are efficient zooplanktivores in both marine and freshwater systems as well as lipid rich prey for many species of fish.  Although some efforts have been made to study the role of mysids in the Baltic Sea, very few studies have been carried out in recent time and there are still knowledge gaps regarding various aspects of mysid ecology. This thesis aims to explore some of these gaps by covering a mixture of topics. Using multifrequency hydroacoustics we explored the possibility to separate mysids from fish echoes and successfully established a promising and effective method for obtaining mysid abundance/biomass estimates (paper I). An investigation of the current mysid community in a coastal area of the northern Baltic proper (paper II) demonstrated that the formerly dominant, pelagic mysid Mysis mixta had decreased substantially (~50%) in favor for phytoplanktivorous, juvenile Neomysis integer and Mysis relicta sp. By examining different aspects of mysid behavior, we studied the vertical size distribution of mysids in the field and found that size increased with depth/declining light, irrespective of temperature; indicating that their vertical size distribution primarily is a response to predation (paper II). In paper III, a combination of ecological and genetic markers was used to investigate intraspecific differences in migratory tendency. Both marker types indicated that some part of the Mysis salemaai population is sedentary on the bottom and that this strategy is a phenotypically plastic but persistent trait, analogous to the partial migrations seen in many birds and fishes. In paper IV a temperature and weight specific respiration model was developed for the littoral Praunus flexuosus. Routine respiration was moreover elevated by post-prandial effects (specific dynamic action) for longer times than previously suggested. Consequently, ignoring such effects could significantly bias respiration measurements. / At the time of doctoral defence the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper  2: Accepted; Paper 3: Submitted; Paper  4: Accepted

Living in a predation matrix : Studies on fish and their prey in a Baltic Sea coastal area

Ahlbeck, Ida January 2012 (has links)
This thesis was written within the framework of a biomanipulation project where young-of-the-year (YOY) pikeperch (Sander lucioperca) were stocked to a Baltic Sea bay to improve water quality through a top-down trophic cascade. The aim of my doctorial studies was however focused on a broader ecological question, namely predation (the main driving force in a biomanipulation). Hence, this thesis consists of four papers where we study the interactions between predator and prey using fish and zooplankton and how these interactions can be measured. In paper I we evaluated the performance of different diet analysis methods by individual based modelling and found that when having a nutritional gain perspective, mass based methods described diets best. Paper II investigated how the explorative, foraging and anti-predator behaviour of the YOY pikeperch used for stocking were affected by their rearing environment (pond vs. tank rearing). The more complex and varied environment in the semi-natural ponds seemed to promote a more flexible and active behaviour, better equipping young fish for survival in the wild. For paper III we studied the diel vertical migration in the six copepodite stages of the zooplankton Acartia spp. and Eurytemora affinis in relation to fish biomass, phytoplankton abundance and temperature. Both species migrated and in addition showed increased migration range with size within species, indicating evasion from visual predators. Paper IV addressed the movement of littoral Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) via stable isotope signatures (13C and 15N) and body condition. We found clear indications of sedentarity and intra-habitat dietary differences. Interactions between predators and prey are complex and affected by both physiological and environmental characteristics as well as behavioural traits. The results in this thesis suggest that different species and even different life stages pursue different strategies to survive. / At the time of doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 1: Submitted.  Paper 2: In press.  Paper 4: Submitted.

Temporal relationships between fish-eating birds and their prey in a north Swedish river

Sjöberg, Kjell January 1987 (has links)
The seasonal and diel feeding habits of the goosander, Mergus merganser, the red-breasted merganser, M. serrator, gulls (Larus canus, L. argentatus and L. fuscusj and terns, Sterna hirundo/paradisaea were studied at 64V05'N. Birds' activity patterns were influenced by the nocturnal spawning of the river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis). Food selection and food consumption by hand-raised mergansers together with aquarium studies of the diel activity patterns of their most important prey supplemented the field data. River lamprey dominated the diet of the goosander by weight and the sculpin Cottus gobio by number. The fish consumption of the goosanders was found to be about 12% of the available river lamprey biomass and about 17% of the sculpin biomass during the breeding season. In experimental situations the river lamprey was a low- pritority species compared with salmon , Salmo salar, brown trout, 53. trutta, and minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus, when presented to satiated birds of both Mergus species. When hungry, however, the birds caught the available prey irrespective of species, but they selected larger prey when two size classes were present. Experimental results were compared with field data on availability, consumption and the escape behaviour of the various fish species. The rivers emptying in the Bothnian Bay are regarded as important feeding areas for birds breeding along the coast. In early spring they get access to abundant and reliable food resources, e.g the river lamprey. Later on the three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus, supply both Mergus species with food in the river and also along the coast. From the middle of June potential food supply available to birds decreases in the rivers and becomes more abundant in the coastal area. / <p>S. 1-41: sammanfattning, s. 43-227: 7 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu

Obten??o de uma porcelana diel?trica a partir de mat?rias-primas do Rio Grande do Norte

Silva, Elialdo Chib?rio da 26 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:07:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ElialdoCS_TESE.pdf: 4625434 bytes, checksum: bec8d03e9004e11648c49c45f84ffe0f (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-26 / Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte / The dielectric porcelain is usually obtained by mixing various raw materials proportions and is used in the production of electronic equipment for various applications, from capacitors of high and low Power to insulators for low, medium, high and extra high voltage, which are used in distribution lines and transmission of electricity.This work was directed to the s tudy of technological properties of technic porcelain, made from raw materials extracted from pegmatites found in the regions of Serid? and the Alto Oeste of Rio Grande do Norte, which are made of kaolin, quartz and feldspar, abundant and high quality in these regions. The technic ceramics were obtained by mixing in appropriate levels, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and clay, the last item from a pottery in the city of Sao Gon?alo do Amarante, Rio Grande do Norte. During the development the following characterizations correlated to raw materials were made: laser particle sizing, x-ray diffraction, DTA and TG. The compositions studied were formed by uniaxial pressing at a pressure of 50 MPa and sintered at temperatures ranging from 1150 to 1350?C and levels (times) of sintering between 30, 60, 90 and 120 minutes. The characterization of the samples were taken from the analysis of weight loss, linear shrinkage, porosity, stoneware curve, bulk density, flexural strength of three points, SEM and X-ray diffraction, TMA, Dielectric and cross Resistivity. The studied materials can be employed in producing the objects used in electrical engineering such as: insulators for low, medium and high-voltage electrical systems, command devices, bushing insulation for transformers, power capacitors, spark plugs, receptacles for fluorescent and incandescent light bulbs and others / A porcelana diel?trica ? normalmente obtida atrav?s da mistura de diferentes mat?rias-primas, em propor??es adequadas, sendo utilizada na produ??o de equipamentos eletroeletr?nicos de diversas aplica??es, desde capacitores de alta e baixa pot?ncia, a isoladores para baixa, m?dia, alta e extra alta tens?o, que s?o utilizados em linhas de distribui??o e transmiss?o de energia el?trica. Neste trabalho, s?o estudadas as propriedades tecnol?gicas de uma porcelana diel?trica, formulada a partir de mat?rias-primas obtidas de pegmatitos encontrados nas regi?es do Serid? e do Alto Oeste do Rio Grande do Norte, sendo estas constitu?das de caulim, quartzo e feldspato, abundantes e de alta qualidade nestas regi?es, e de uma argila proveniente de uma cer?mica situada no munic?pio de S?o Gon?alo do Amarante, tamb?m no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. As mat?rias-primas foram caracterizadas atrav?s de: granulometria a laser, difra??o de raios X, an?lise t?rmica diferencial e an?lise termogravim?trica. As amostras foram conformadas por prensagem uniaxial a uma press?o de 50 MPa, e sinterizadas ?s temperaturas de 1150, 1200, 1250, 1300 e 1350 ?C, com patamares de sinteriza??o de 30, 60, 90 e 120 minutos. Os ensaios tecnol?gicos realizados foram: an?lise da perda de massa, retra??o linear, porosidade, curva de gressifica??o, microscopia eletr?nica de varredura, difra??o de raios X, dilatometria, rigidez diel?trica, resistividade transversal e permissividade diel?trica. Os melhores valores de propriedades foram obtidos na temperatura de 1250 ?C, para as composi??es estudadas, n?o sofrendo varia??es significativas em seu comportamento com o tempo de sinteriza??o. Os materiais estudados podem ser empregados na obten??o de objetos usados em eletrot?cnica como por exemplo: isoladores de baixa, m?dia e alta-tens?o para redes el?tricas, dispositivos de comando, bucha de isolamento de transformador, capacitores de pot?ncia, vela de igni??o, recept?culos de l?mpadas incandescentes e fluorescentes e outros

Etude de diélectriques ferroélectriques pour une application aux transistors organiques : influence sur les performances électriques / Study of ferroelectric material as gate dielectric for organic transistor applications : impact on electrical performances

Ramos, Benjamin 05 December 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude d'un diélectrique de type ferroélectrique pour une application aux transistors organiques. La configuration adoptée est de type bottom-gate top- contact. Le matériau semi-conducteur utilisé est un transporteur d'électrons. Dans la première partie de ce projet, nous avons réalisé des transistors organiques à effet de champ (OFETs) avec une couche de PMMA comme diélectrique de grille. Ce matériau, très étudié et connu, permet d'avoir un composant servant de référence. Nous avons également mené une étude sur la longueur de canal, la vitesse de dépôt du semi-conducteur organique et l'épaisseur du diélectrique, en vue d'en déduire l'influence de ces grandeurs sur les performances électriques des OFETs. Après l'optimisation de ces paramètres, nous avons démontré une amélioration de la mobilité des porteurs, une augmentation du rapport Ion/Ioff, une amélioration de la capacité et une diminution des tensions d'alimentation et de seuil. Ces résultats ont été interprétés à l'aide de caractérisations électriques. Dans un second temps, le diélectrique ferroélectrique poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) a été ajouté au composant, afin de réaliser un diélectrique hybride avec le PMMA. Ce dernier permet de combiner les avantages de la haute permittivité relative du P(VDF-TrFE), et de la faible rugosité du film de PMMA en contact avec le semiconducteur. Une étude comparative a été effectuée avec les transistors de référence. Il en ressort, pour une épaisseur identique de diélectrique, une diminution des tensions d'alimentation et de seuil, et une amélioration de la mobilité des charges avec l'OFET implémentant le matériau ferroélectrique. La discussion de ces résultats est appuyée par des caractérisations électriques et morphologiques. / This thesis deals with the study of a ferroelectric material as gate dielectric for organic transistor applications. The configuration adopted is bottom-gate top-contact. The semiconductor used is an electron transport material. In a first part, we made organic field effect transistors (OFETs) with a layer of PMMA as a gate dielectric. This material, very studied and well known, serves as reference. We also carried out a study on the channel length, the organic semiconductor deposition rate and the dielectric thickness, in order to deduce the impact of these parameters on OFETs performances. After optimization, we have demonstrated an improvement of the mobility, on/off current ratio, capacitance and a reduction of supply and threshold voltages. These results have been interpreted using electrical characterizations. In a second step, the poly (vinylidenefluoride-co- trifluoroethylene) (P(VDF-TrFE)) ferroelectric material was added to provide a hybrid dielectric with PMMA. This OFET combine the advantages of high permittivity of P(VDF-TrFE) and low roughness of PMMA. A comparative study was carried out with reference transistors. For same dielectric thickness, a reduction of the supply and threshold voltages and an improvement of the mobility is obtained for the OFET implementing ferroelectric material. The discussion of these results is supported by electrical and morphological characterizations.

Variaçãos sazonal e migração vertical da comunidade zooplanctônica (exceto Rotifera) do reservatório de Itupararanga, Votorantim, SP. / Seasonal variations and vertical migration of the zooplanktonic community (except Rotifera) in the Itupararanga Reservoir, Votorantim, São Paulo

Giron, Aline Karen Santana 24 July 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:26:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 GIRON_Aline_Karen_Santana_2013.pdf: 2858732 bytes, checksum: 4ad23866f7e01480263dd620fcc75074 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-24 / The present study aimed to analyse the Itupararanga reservoir zooplankton community in relation to diel and seasonal variation and vertical migration of the organisms in the water column and verify if there are patterns of variation. For this two samples were performed in the reservoir in 2011: in February, rainy period and in july, dry period. The collections were performed in diel cycle (every four hours), in three different layers of the water column (surface, middle and bottom) and in two environments of the reservoir (dam and central body). Stratification in the water column was observed for both environments and both periods. 25 species of the mesozooplankton were identified. Chaoborus larvae were more abundant in February in relation to july and the opposite was observed for cladocerans and copepods. Among the copepods, dominance of juvenile stages (nauplii and copepodites) was observed in both environments and periods. Among the adults of copepods the specie more abundant was Notodiaptomus deitersi (1.298 org.m3) and among the cladocerans was Bosmina freyi (32.282 org.m3). The peak of the total density of the zooplankton community occurred during the dry period in the dam environment with 81.211 org.m3. Chaoborus exercised predation pressure on microcrustaceans during the rainy period. During the dry period, in the absence of Chaoborus in the water column, cladocerans and copepods were more ecologically successful. For all of the groups was observed the usual pattern of vertical migration; reverse migration was not observed. Despite predation pressure, the microcrustaceans not altered their vertical distribution for decrease special overlap with Chaoborus. For all of the groups the migration pattern adopted seems a result of escape from predators and search for good food resources. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar a comunidade zooplanctônica do reservatório de Itupararanga com relação à variação nictemeral, sazonal e migração vertical dos organismos na coluna de água e verificar a existência de padrões de variação. Para isto foram realizadas duas coletas no reservatório no ano de 2011: em fevereiro, período chuvoso e em julho, período seco. As coletas foram realizadas no ciclo nictemeral (de 4 em 4 horas), em três diferentes estratos da coluna de água (superfície, meio e fundo) e em dois pontos do reservatório (barragem e corpo central). Foi observada estratificação na coluna de água para ambos os pontos e em ambos os meses. Foram identificadas 25 espécies do mesozooplâncton. Larvas de Chaoborus spp. foram mais abundantes em fevereiro com relação a julho sendo o contrário observado para Cladocera e Copepoda. Entre os Copepoda observou-se dominância dos estágios juvenis (náuplios e copepoditos) para ambos os pontos e em ambos os períodos. Entre os adultos a espécie de Copepoda mais abundante foi Notodiaptomus deitersi (1.298 org.m3) e entre os Cladocera a espécie mais abundante foi Bosmina freyi (32.282 org.m3). O pico de densidade total da comunidade zooplanctônica ocorreu durante o período seco no ponto da barragem com 81.211 org.m3. Chaoborus exerceu pressão de predação sobre os microcrustáceos durante o período chuvoso. Durante o seco, na ausência de Chaoborus na coluna de água, foi observado maior sucesso ecológico para Cladocera e Copepoda. Para todos os grupos foi observado o padrão comum de migração vertical; migração reversa não foi observada. Apesar da pressão de predação, os microcrustáceos não ajustaram sua distribuição vertical de forma a diminuir a sobreposição espacial com Chaoborus. Para todos os grupos considerados o padrão de migração adotado parece ter sido resultado da fuga de predadores e busca por boas condições alimentares.

Descarga em barreira diel?trica: constru??o de um reator DBD e caracteriza??o mediante an?lises ?pticas e el?tricas do plasma produzido

Souza, Ivan Alves de 21 June 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:58:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 IvanAS_DISSERT.pdf: 2705711 bytes, checksum: 6ce27c30f3560c2a25149045f4d7bb71 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-06-21 / The plasma produced by Dielectric Barrier Discharge (DBD) is a promising technique for producing plasma in atmospheric pressure and has been highlighted in several areas, especially in biomedical and textile industry, this is due to the fact that the plasma generated by DBD not reaches high temperatures, enabling use it for thermally sensitive materials. But still it is necessary the development of research related to understanding of the chemical, physical and biological interaction between the non-thermal plasma at atmospheric pressure with cells, tissues, organs and organisms. This work proposes to develop equipment DBD and characterize it in order to obtain a better understanding of the process parameters of plasma production and how it behaves under the parameters adopted in the process, such as distance, frequency and voltage applied between electrodes. For this purpose two techniques were used to characterize distinct from each other. The first was the method of Lissajous figures, this technique is quite effective and accurately for complete electrical characterization equipment DBD. The second technique used was Optical Emission Spectroscopy (EEO) very effective tool for the diagnosis of plasma with it being possible to identify the excited species present in the plasma produced. Finally comparing the data obtained by the two techniques was possible to identify a set of parameters that optimize the production when combined DBD plasma atmosphere in the equipment was built precisely in this condition 0.5mm-15kV 600Hz, giving way for further work / O plasma produzido por Descarga em Barreira Diel?trica (DBD) ? uma promissora t?cnica de produ??o de plasma em press?o atmosf?rica e vem se destacando em diversas ?reas, principalmente na biom?dica e ind?stria t?xtil, isso se deve ao fato de que o plasma gerado por DBD n?o atinge grandes temperaturas, possibilitando utiliz?-lo em materiais termicamente sens?veis. Por?m, ainda faz-se necess?rio o desenvolvimento de pesquisas relacionadas ao dom?nio e compreens?o dos mecanismos qu?micos, f?sicos e biol?gicos da intera??o entre o plasma n?o t?rmico ? press?o atmosf?rica com c?lulas, tecidos, ?rg?os e microrganismos. O presente trabalho se prop?s a desenvolver um equipamento DBD e caracteriz?-lo para assim obter um maior conhecimento dos par?metros do processo de produ??o de plasma e de como este se comporta mediante os par?metros adotados no processo, tais como dist?ncia, frequ?ncia e voltagem aplicada entre eletrodos. Para este fim foram utilizadas duas t?cnicas de caracteriza??o bem distintas entre si. A primeira foi o m?todo das figuras de Lissajous, essa t?cnica ? bastante eficaz e precisa para uma completa caracteriza??o el?trica de equipamentos DBD. A segunda t?cnica usada foi Espectroscopia de Emiss?o ?ptica (EEO) uma ferramenta bastante eficaz para o diagn?stico de plasma sendo poss?vel com ela identificar as esp?cies excitadas presentes no plasma produzido. Por fim confrontando os dados obtidos mediante as duas t?cnicas foi poss?vel identificar um conjunto de par?metros que quando associados aperfei?oam a produ??o do plasma DBD atmosf?rico no equipamento constru?do isso ocorreu mais precisamente na condi??o 0,5mm-600Hz-15kV, dando rumo para trabalhos futuros

Distribution, Abundance and Movement of Fish among Seagrass and Mangrove Habitats in Biscayne Bay

Goebel, Patrick C 17 March 2016 (has links)
Inshore tropical and subtropical estuaries harbor a relatively high abundance and diversity of organisms. Specifically within estuaries, mangrove and seagrass habitats provide shelter and food for a plethora of organisms, through some or all their life histories. Given the biological connection between offshore coral reefs and coastal estuaries, there is a critical need to understand the underlying processes that determine distribution and abundance patterns within mangrove-seagrass habitats. The predatory fish assemblage within the mangrove and seagrass beds of Biscayne Bay, Florida (USA), was examined over 24-hr. time periods along a distance and habitat gradient from the mangrove edge and nearshore environment (0–300 m) to farshore (301–700 m) seagrass beds. This thesis also investigated the occurrence, distribution and timing of reef fish movement between offshore coral reef habitat and inshore seagrass beds over 24-hr periods. Results indicate that fish predators differed over both the sampling period and with distance from mangrove edge. The results also demonstrated reef fishes move into Biscayne Bay at dusk and exit at dawn by utilizing Broad Creek Channel as a passageway. This work supports the idea of diel migration of selected reef fishes to inshore seagrass beds and highlights the importance of connective channels between habitats. The results suggest that the degradation or loss of seagrass habitat could differentially impact the life-history stages of reef fish species.

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