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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení vybraných ukazatelů společnosti pomocí časových řad / Assessing Selected Indicators of a Company Using Time Series

Všianský, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on company Authentica Ltd., which financial indicators have been adapted for time series analysis, over the last 9 years. The aim of this work is to evaluate financial health of the company by using statistical methods, and to offer suggestions for improvement of its economic status. My dissertation is divided into three parts. The first part is describing the theory of statistical analysis of time series. The second part is then the practical one, in which Authentica Ltd. is introduced, and subsequently the statistical methods - described in the first part - are applied using a form created in Visual Basic to the real annual reports data. In this part I have also made a two-year prediction for selected financial indicators. The third part of this thesis is aiming to provide proposals for solution of the challenges identified in the second part.

Zhodnocení trhu s bytovou výstavbou v České republice pomocí časových řad / Assessment of the Residential Construction Market in the Czech Republic Using Time Series

Konopáč, Jiří January 2014 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the analysis of the residential construction market in the Czech republic using the time series. The data of the Czech Statistical Office were used for the purposes of this thesis. The work includes the description of the theoretical basis and their consequential application in practical analysis of the chosen indicators.

Multikulturalismus v Indii: Selhání politiky diference / Multikulturalismus v Indii: Selhání politiky diference

Krejčík, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
For the 70 years since Independence, India has been facing a two-fold problem: on the one hand, there is a strong need of a just society on the basis of cultural and religious diversity. On the other hand, however, there is a strong urge to find an overarching unifying idea which could keep the polity together without any risk of further fragmentation. Taking the communitarian philosophy of Charles Taylor and his distinction between the politics of equal dignity and politics of difference as the basic conceptual framework, the thesis pursues three different objectives. First, to prove that affirmative approach towards recognition of minorities does not provide stability in the Indian case. Second, to rehabilitate the Nehruvian secularism as a viable state ideology of independent India. And third, to interpret the Indian political discourse on the level of political practice as a struggle for hegemony between the elites and bourgeoisie in the Gramscian sense. The rise of identity politics and Hindu nationalism is thus perceived not as an outcome of the failure of the Indian secularism as such, but rather of its ineffective application and subsequent crisis of legitimacy. Keywords: India; multiculturalism; politics of difference; secularism; anti-modernism; Hindu nationalism; hegemony; passive revolution

Intuice a vakuum filmového obrazu / Intuition and vacuum of film imaging

Krůček, Václav January 2020 (has links)
My PhD thesis explores impacts of the specific moments of film within the context of its ontological potential. It follows forms of intervention into stability and continuity of visual re-presentation, which may induce intuition of the new. The opening chapters are devoted to the image "in itself", presented as duration of a "self-modulating" shot, whose apparent stillness initiates (with participation of sound) the pressure of off-screen field. The relationship of visible and sensible is considered from this point as initiation of impulses and changes immanent to film recording, as examined in subsequent arguments. Presented shots in these cases not only fulfill its narrative function by means of pictorial representation, but act concurrently as movement of elementary structures in time, as Gilles Deleuze points out. Based on references to his reflections, the following chapters expand on topics that analyze factors, partaking in possible initiation of intuition: effects of sequential processes of difference and repetition in film images, their rhythm, duration, elementarization, refraction and disappearance. Sudden occurences and persistence of these processes are demonstrated in film examples, where intuition departs medium and unfolds reality beyond film.

Střet organizačních kultur ziskového a neziskového sektoru v rámci programu Rok jinak / The Collision Between the Profit and Non-profit Sector and their Organizational Culture Using the Example of the Programme "World of Difference"

Kadlecová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on the collision between the profit and non-profit sector and their organizational culture using the example of the unique programme known as "World of Difference" managed by the Vodafone Foundation. The main idea of this programme is to enable people to take time out and to be paid to work for a nonprofit organization of their choice, bringing their their own skills and experience. The aim of the thesis is to analyze and describe the collision between the profit and non-profit sector and their organizational culure during the year of their cooperation. This thesis consists of two parts: the theoretical part and the practical part. The theoretical part presents the topic of organizational culture as the context including context of social and psychological relationships and phenomenona. There is also summarized the basic characteristics of the non-profit sector and for-profit sector and the various possibilities of their cooperation. It is also discusses the issue of diverzity in the workforce of organizations. The practical part of the thesis contains qualitative research focused on the experiences of cooperation between both participants - the non-profit organizations and for-profit organization. There is also the description and analysis of four interview from the...

Spatiotemporal change detection of land use land cover (LULC) in Fashiakhali wildlife sanctuary (FKWS) impact area, Bangladesh, employing multispectral images and GIS

Hossain, Sazzad, Khan, Asif Haider, Oluwajuwon, Tomiwa Victor, Biswas, Jayanta, Abdullah, S. M. Rubaiot, Tanvir, Seikh Sadiul Islam, Munira, Sirajum, Chowdhury, Naif Ahmed 16 January 2025 (has links)
Land cover change has posed significant concerns to biodiversity and climate change in Bangladesh and globally. Despite the country’s designation of forest regions as protected areas to conserve their valuable resources, deforestation and forest conversion remained unabated. Fashiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary (FKWS), a protected area in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, and its surrounding forested impact area have experienced considerable changes over the years, yet are deficient in extensive assessment. This study evaluated the land use land cover (LULC) changes in the FKWS impact area over almost 3 decades (1994–2021) using multispectral remotely sensed data. The Landsat images of 1994, 2001, 2010, and 2021 were classified using a maximum likelihood algorithm and analyzed for change detection. The comparative potential of vegetation indices, including Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Soil Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), in forest cover assessment, and the relationship between Land Surface Temperature (LST) and NDVI was also assessed. A significant forest cover loss of around 1117.17 ha (16%) was recorded in the FKWS impact area between 1994 and 2021, with the hugest proportion of 867.78 ha (12.24%) deforested in the first period (1994–2001). Agricultural land also declined by 593.73 ha (8.37%) within the entire period, despite its initial increase of 392.04 ha (5.53%) between 2001 and 2010, being the primary driver of earlier deforestation. However, in the recent decade (2010–2021), settlement expansion of 963.90 ha (13.59%) due to massive human migration in the area contributed to the most remarkable overall land cover change of 1731.51 ha (24.42%). Furthermore, NDVI provided a better and more accurate forest cover assessment than SAVI and was recommended to aid in the quick evaluation and monitoring of the future impacts of agriculture, settlement, and other sorts of land use on the forest cover. In tandem with the widely acknowledged issue of increased temperature due to climate change, an absolute negative correlation was found between the NDVI and LST, confirming the negative impact of climate change on forest loss in the FKWS impact area.

Η διαπολιτισμική ικανότητα του εκπαιδευτή ενηλίκων : Μια έρευνα στο πεδίο της διδασκαλίας της Ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας

Σιμόπουλος, Γιώργος 19 August 2014 (has links)
Σκοπός της διατριβής ήταν να διερευνηθεί η συγκρότηση των παραδοχών, στάσεων και πρακτικών που συνδέονται με τη διαπολιτισμική ικανότητα των εκπαιδευτών ενηλίκων στο πεδίο της διδασκαλίας της ελληνικής ως δεύτερης γλώσσας σε μετανάστες εκπαιδευόμενους. Εξετάστηκε η σχέση του βαθμού διαπολιτισμικής ικανότητας των εκπαιδευτών ενηλίκων με τις παραδοχές τους σε σχέση με την επαγγελματική τους ταυτότητα, καθώς και με βασικές αρχές της εκπαίδευσης ενηλίκων. Διερευνήθηκε, επίσης, η συνάφεια της ανάπτυξης της διαπολιτισμικής ικανότητας με επιλογές επαγγελματικής ανάπτυξης που σχετίζονται με θεωρητικές αναφορές σχετιζόμενες με το πλαίσιο της μετασχηματίζουσας μάθησης. Η έρευνα βασίστηκε σε μεθοδολογική τριγωνοποίηση, αξιοποιώντας ερωτηματολόγιο που συμπληρώθηκε από 211 εκπαιδευτές που διδάσκουν την ελληνική γλώσσα ως δεύτερη ή ξένη, παρατήρηση 20 τμημάτων διδασκαλίας, συνεντεύξεις με τους εκπαιδευτές και δείγμα εκπαιδευομένων αυτών των τμημάτων (23 και 47 συνεντεύξεις αντίστοιχα) και συμμετοχική παρατήρηση των συναντήσεων και του εξ αποστάσεως διαλόγου μιας –σε εθελοντική βάση συγκροτημένης– ομάδας 18 εκπαιδευτών. Τα δεδομένα της έρευνας αποτυπώνουν την κυριαρχία, στο μεγαλύτερο μέρος των εκπαιδευτών, μονοπολιτισμικών οπτικών ως προς το στόχο διδασκαλίας της δεύτερης γλώσσας και τη διαχείριση πολιτισμικών πλαισίων αναφοράς. Οι εκπαιδευτές αυτοί υιοθετούν εκπαιδευτικές πρακτικές μετωπικής διδασκαλίας, ενώ, παράλληλα, η διάκριση ανάμεσα σε εκπαιδευόμενους «με» και «χωρίς» κουλτούρα, οδηγεί ένα μέρος τους σε έντονα αρνητικά συναισθήματα και πρακτικές υποτίμησης ορισμένων ομάδων εκπαιδευομένων. Μειοψηφική (της τάξης του 20-25%) εμφανίζεται η ομάδα των εκπαιδευτών που είναι ανοιχτοί στη διαπραγμάτευση των παραδοχών, δημιουργώντας χώρους διαλόγου, αποστασιοποίησης από τις «ασφαλείς παραδοχές» και κριτικού στοχασμού που ενδέχεται να λειτουργήσει μετασχηματιστικά. Οι εκπαιδευτές αυτοί αντιμετωπίζουν τους εκπαιδευόμενους ως ενεργούς συνδημιουργούς γνώσης, υιοθετούν σε μεγαλύτερο βαθμό συμμετοχικές εκπαιδευτικές τεχνικές, ενώ αναζητούν και αξιοποιούν την ανατροφοδότηση από εκπαιδευόμενους και κριτικούς φίλους, σε συνδυασμό με πρακτικές ενδοσκόπησης, ως στοιχεία της επαγγελματικής τους ανάπτυξης. Από τα δεδομένα της έρευνας αναδεικνύεται, τέλος, η συμβατότητα της μεθοδολογίας ανάπτυξης της διαπολιτισμικής ικανότητας με εκείνη που οδηγεί σε μετασχηματίζουσα μάθηση, ως προς χαρακτηριστικά όπως ο βιωματικός προσανατολισμός και η εστίαση στην επεξεργασία των παραδοχών αλλά και στην ανάδυση των συναισθημάτων που τις συνοδεύουν. / The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the formation of assumptions, attitudes and practices related to intercultural competence of adult educators in the field of teaching Greek as a second language to immigrant students. The thesis examined the relationship between the degree of intercultural competence of adult educators and their assumptions in relation to their professional identity and basic principles of adult learning. It also investigated the relevance between the development of intercultural competence and professional development options related to the context of transformative learning. The research was based on a methodological triangulation, utilizing questionnaire completed by 211 educators who teach Greek as a second or foreign language, observation of 20 teaching groups, interviews with trainers and trainees sample of the above mentioned groups (23 and 47 interviews respectively) and participatory observation of the meetings and the distance conversation of a voluntary structured group formed by 18 trainers . The research data illustrate that monocultural views in relation to the target of teaching a second language, as well as management of cultural frames of reference, are common for the majority of trainers. These educators adopt frontal teaching educational practices, while at the same time the distinction between learners 'with' and 'without ' culture leads a number of trainers into intense negative emotions and practices of devaluation of certain groups of learners. The group of educators that appear open to assumptions’ negotiation seems to be a minority (approximately 20-25 %). These educators keep a distance from "consolidated assumptions" and create spaces of dialogue and critical reflection, that may have a transformational effect. They treat students as active co-creators of knowledge and adopt a greater degree of participatory training techniques, while seeking and utilizing feedback from students and “critical friends”, combined with introspection practices, as elements of their professional development. From the research data emerges, finally, the compatibility of the methodology for the development of intercultural competence and the methodology that leads to transformative learning, in terms of characteristics such as experiential orientation and focus on treatment of the assumptions and the emergence of feelings that accompany assumptions.

Srovnání strategie EU a USA v boji s mezinárodním terorismem na počátku 21. století / Countering international terrorism at the beginning of the 21st century: a comparison of the European Union and the United States’ policy

Janatka, Květoslav January 2009 (has links)
The thesis deals with transnational islamist terrorism and with the policy of the European Union (EU) and the United States (U.S.) in countering the threat. It is assumed that it is the EU's policy that is more relevant given the recent evolution of the threat. The assumption is subsequently tested throughout the paper. In the opening part, the focus is on the international, or transnational, islamist terrorism, in particular its root causes, ideological background and organizational forms. Second chapter is devoted to the EU's counterterrorism policy, first from the institutional point of view, as that has obvious implications for the formulation and implementation of policy. Then, the prevailing perceptions of terrorism, basic tenets of strategy and some concrete measures are analyzed. The chapter dealing with the U.S. policy is structured analogously, even if the institutional aspects are omitted due to the obvious absence of EU-specific problems. Chapter four provides a comparison of both actors' policies, followed up by the fifth, final, chapter, with some concluding remarks. Most importantly, the initial assumption is assessed as valid, i.e., the European Union counterterrorism policy is found to be more relevant than that of the United States.


Szabová, Lucia January 2010 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the status of women in the labour market. The thesis outlines gender issues and focuses on the principle of equal opportunities for men and women, which has become largely a public issue. The thesis aims to explore two areas in the sphere of employment. The first aim is to detect differences in the status of women in the labour market regarding the level of employment equality and to identify factors that affect them. The second aim is focused on finding differences in the gender pay gap and to identify factors that determine them. The situation of women in the labour market and the wage differences is a statistical examination of data on the Czech Republic. The thesis presents a conclusive explanation of gender inequality in the labour market and the problem of harmonizing work and family life. The legislation is also presented, which represents the efforts of the state to eliminate unequal access to women. Results of the analysis made comprehensive findings of developments and current status of women in the labour market set in a European context.

Kalibrační postupy etalonu Datron 4920 / Calibration rutines of the standard Datron 4920

Schinneck, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This master’s deals with the calibration routines of the alternating voltage measurement standard Datron 4920. The first part introduces the basic terminology of metrology, its history and organizations specializing in metrology. The thesis describes the alternating voltage at the highest metrological level through AC/DC difference. The theoretical part also describes the alternating voltage measurement standard Datron 4920 and its measurement functions together with the calibration routines. The main aim of thesis is to create the calibration procedures AVMS Datron 4920. Based on the created calibration procedures, a flowchart of application for calibration routines is designed. The practical part then continues with programming application for calibrating AVMS Datron 4920 based on the created flowchart. In conclusion, the application is tested at selected points of measurement and an analysis of measurement uncertainties is carried out.

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