Spelling suggestions: "subject:"discount date"" "subject:"discount rate""
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[pt] O Prêmio de Risco do mercado acionário, infelizmente, não
possui uma definição universalmente aceita. O material já
publicado sobre o tema Prêmio de Risco do mercado acionário
é muito vasto e abrangente, abordando desde análises ex-
post sobre dados históricos (com diversos períodos
amostrais, intervalos de observação, fatores de ajuste e em
diversos países) até estimativas do prêmio ex-ante através
dos mais variados modelos baseados em variáveis tais como
aversão a risco, crescimento do consumo, dados contábeis e
dividend yield, entre outros. O objetivo desta dissertação
será analisarmos uma condensação das várias abordagens
utilizadas, seus resultados e contribuições. Frente as
significativas diferenças encontradas ao se computar o
prêmio de risco, é fundamental o usuário da estimativa do
prêmio de risco saber claramente qual a definição usada na
estimativa e por que tal definição seria apropriada para
seu propósito particular. No final dessa dissertação
realizaremos uma estimativa do prêmio de risco no Brasil
com base em um estudo de 1993 realizado pela
McKinsey e Company, Inc. / [en] Unfortunately, there is no universally accepted definition
of the Equity Risk Premium. Available material on the theme
are very broad and deep, ranging from ex-post analysis on
historical data -with distinct samples in different time
periods- to ex-ante estimates of the equity premium making
use of several models based in variables such as risk
aversion, consumption growth, accounting data and dividend
yield, among others. The objective of this paper will be to
analyze a compilation of several approaches taken, their
results and contributions. In face of the significant
differences presented when computing the equity premium, it
is key for the investor who will make use of the equity
premium estimate to know clearly which definition of the
premium he will be using and why is that definition
appropriate for his particular purpose. In the final
chapter we will estimate the equity risk premium in Brazil
based on a study developed in 1993 by McKinsey and Company, Inc.
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Decision and Reward in Intertemporal Choice: The Roles of Brain Development, Inter-individual Differences and Pharmacological InfluencesRipke, Stephan 18 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Human decision making is closely related to reward processing because many decisions rely to a certain degree on the evaluation of different outcome values. Reward-based decisions can be health-related, for example if someone has to compare the outcome value of the instant reward of smoking a cigarette to that of the long term goal of keeping well and fit. Such comparisons do not only rely on the nominal value of the alternatives but also on devaluation of rewards over time. The value of being healthy at older age might outweigh the value of smoking a cigarette but since the payoff of the health-outcome will be delayed, humans tend to decrease the value of this option. Therefore in this example one might choose the immediate reward of smoking a cigarette. The proclivity to devaluate the value of rewards over time has been widely investigated with experimental intertemporal choice tasks, in which subjects have to choose between smaller sooner rewards and larger later rewards. A stronger individual devaluation proclivity (i.e. discounting rate) has been reported to be related to addiction. Research in neuroeconomics has suggested the competing neurobehavioural decision systems (CNDS) theory, proposing that an imbalance between an executive (cortical prefrontal brain areas) and an impulsive (i.e. subcortical areas, such as ventral striatum (VS), amygdala) system in the brain leads to steeper discounting and a higher risk for addiction. Additionally, temporal discounting has been proposed as a transdisease process, i.e., “a process that occurs across a range of disorders, making findings from one disorder relevant to other disorders” (Bickel, Jarmolowicz, Mueller, Koffarnus, & Gatchalian, 2012, Abstract). Thus, the CNDS theory and temporal discounting might also have implications for other health-related behaviour than substance use.
So far many factors have been shown to be associated with higher discount rates: for instance, adolescent age, lower intelligence and nicotine dependence. Further, it has been shown that adolescents are at highest risk to start smoking. On the other hand a higher education level has been shown to be associated to lower rates of smoking. Thus, it seems likely that a higher discount rate might be one reason why adolescents experiment with smoking, why lower education is associated to nicotine addiction and why dependent smokers are not successful in smoking cessation. But relatively little is known about the neural processes behind these variables, which could be also seen as exemplary risk- and protective factors regarding addiction. The 3 studies of the thesis at hand were conducted to extend the knowledge about neural processes associated to age, intelligence and smoking in their relation to intertemporal choice. The task was chosen because of its relevance for addiction and a variety of health-related behaviour.
The first study was conducted to explore the neural correlates of age related differences between adolescents at age 14 and young adults during intertemporal choices. Additionally, the roles of discounting and choice consistency were investigated. Although adoles-cents discounted delayed rewards more steeply than adults, neural processing of reward value did not differ between groups, when controlling reward values for the individual discount rates. However, a higher discount rate was related to a lower responsivity in the ventral striatum to delayed rewards, independent of age. Concerning decision making, adolescents exhib-ited a lower consistency of choices and less brain activity in a parietal network than adults (i.e. posterior and inferior parietal regions). Thus, reward value processing might be more sensitive to the discount rate than to chronological age. Lower consistency of intertemporal choices might indicate ongoing maturation of parietal brain areas from adolescence to young adulthood.
The second study was conducted to reveal the associations between neural processes of decision making and intelligence in adolescents. The results of study 2 revealed networks in the adolescent brain where brain activity was related to crystallised intelligence as well as to intertemporal choice behaviour. Specifically, during decision processing higher crystallised intelligence as well as more consistent decisions were associated with higher brain activity in the posterior parietal cortex. Processing of delayed rewards was also related to crystallised intelligence, i.e. more intelligent adolescents showed higher brain activation in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the inferior frontal gyrus (IFG), which was in turn related to a lower discount rate. Additionally, associations between the parental education level and crys-tallised intelligence of the adolescent participants of the study and their discount rate were found, indicating that parental education as an environmental factor could be related to a low-er risk for addiction. This protective effect might be mediated by the offspring’s crystallised intelligence and discount rate which are both related to brain activity in parts of the same brain networks (i.e. the IFG).
The third study was done to investigate neural processes of intertemporal decisions in smokers and non-smokers. To test whether the effects of smoking on the discount rate are due to chronic or acute nicotine intake, non-smokers were additionally assessed under acute nico-tine administration. Study 3 revealed that the effects of nicotine on intertemporal choice behaviour were related to chronic intake of nicotine in smokers rather than to acute nicotine ad-ministration in non-smokers. Regarding the neural processes, smokers compared to non-smokers showed lower brain activity in the posterior parietal cortex. Comparable but weaker effects were found under acute nicotine in non-smokers. Although acute nicotine administra-tion altered neural processes, behavioural changes might only occur after repeated nicotine intake. However, the study did not preclude that the differences are predrug characteristics.
Altogether the studies revealed overlapping neural correlates of intertemporal choices which are related to the individual age, the discount rate, the choice consistency, the individual intelligence as well as acute and chronic nicotine intake. This might provide an integrative view on how inter-individual differences and behaviour during intertemporal choices are based on common neural correlates which in turn might have implications for the development and the maintenance of addiction. Specifically, hyposensitivity towards delayed rewards in the adolescent ventral striatum, which has also been found in smokers compared to non-smokers, is associated with higher discount rates and higher risk for smoking initiation. In contrast, higher activation in the IFG and the ACC in more intelligent individuals during reward value processing might enhance behavioural inhibition and control and, hence, might prevent nicotine addiction. In line with the CNDS theory responsivity in subcortical brain areas (i.e. impulsive system), such as the VS was related to the risk factor of adolescent age, whereas activity in cortical areas (IFG and ACC) was related to the protective factors of high-er crystallised intelligence.
Since there was only one study beside the studies of the current thesis reporting results regarding consistency, one can only speculate about implications for health-related behaviour, such as addiction. Consistency might play a role, especially for cessation success. Thus, the findings that adolescents as well as less intelligent individuals were less consistent might point to a higher risk for maintenance of nicotine addiction. The higher brain activity in a fronto-parietal network, which has been shown in studies 1 and 2 in adults as well as in more intelligent adolescents, was related to higher consistency of choices in both studies. Thus, the finding might be a possible neural correlate for the association between the risk factor of ado-lescent age, the protective factor of higher crystallised intelligence, and more consistent deci-sion making.
In conclusion the findings of the current thesis contribute to a better understanding of how inter-individual differences and environmental factors might be accompanied by neural processes which in turn might be related to individual development of addiction. Further the results might extend the CNDS theory regarding neural correlates of exemplary risk and pro-tective factors regarding adolescents’ health behaviour and smoking in adults.
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The aim of this thesis is to study through four essays the economics of migration from developing countries. The
rst chapter assesses the e¤ect of natural disasters (mainly due to climate change), in developing countries, on migration rates and looks at how this e¤ect varies according to the level of education of people. Our results show that natural disasters are positively associated with emigration rates and also involve the migration of highly skilled people. The second chapter presents the di¤erent channels explaining the intention to migrate illegally. One of the novelties of the analysis is that it uses a tailor-made survey among urban Senegalese individuals. We
nd that potential illegal migrants are willing to accept a substantial risk of death and tend to be young, single and with a low level of education. We also show that the price of illegal migration, migrant networks, high expectations, tight immigration policies and the preferred destination country all play a role in the willingness to migrate illegally. The third chapter completes the second one by studying the role of risk-aversion and discount rate in illegal migration from Senegal. Our results show that these individual preferences matter in the willingness to migrate illegally and to pay a smuggler. Finally in the fourth chapter, we are interested in the e¤ect of migrants on credit markets in a rural Senegalese context. According to our results, having a migrant in a household increases both the likelihood of having a loan and its size, whether the loan is formal or informal. We also
nd that this positive e¤ect remains signi
cant no matter if the loan is taken for professional activities or simply to buy food.
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Investicijų į naują ilgalaikį materialųjį turtą UAB „Langma“ vertinimas / Investments in a new long-term tangible assets of UAB” Langma” rating. Bachelor's thesisPocius, Ričardas 02 July 2012 (has links)
UAB „Langma“ gamina įvairią produkciją iš medienos, taip pat atlieka montavimo darbus. Darbe aprašoma įmonė dirba pelningai ir turi pakankamai klientų darbui be prastovų užtikrinti. Nuo 2012 metų įmonė planuoja padidinti gamybos apimtis, tačiau nėra atlikta jokia analizė kuri patvirtintų ar paneigtų įmonės vadovų optimistines prognozes. Gamyba įmonėje vykdoma naudojant senus įrengimus, tačiau manoma , kad turimų gamybinių pajėgumų užteks. Darbe apskaičiuoti įmonės ilgalaikio materialaus turto panaudojimo efektyvumo rodikliai. Apskaičiuota galima investicijų į naujus gamybinius įrengimus nauda. Apskaičiuoti investicinio projekto pinigų srautai. Įvertinta galima rizika ir jos padariniai projekto grynajai dabartinei vertei. / Bachelor's thesis examined the company's investment in a new long-term tangible assets reasonableness. The paper describes the company is operating profitably and has enough clients to work without downtime. Since 2012, the company plans to increase production. Analysis is required to confirm or deny the company executives optimistic forecasts. Production company based on the use of old equipment, but company managers think they have enough production capacity. The paper calculate the company long-term tangible assets using performance indicators. Estimated to be investment in new production equipment benefit. Paper describes the investment project cash flows. It is also possible to assess the risks and consequences of the project net present value.
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智慧資本資金成本之初探涂展源, Tu, Chen-Yuan Unknown Date (has links)
企業創造價值的來源由傳統的有形資產如土地、廠房和設備等,轉變為無形的智慧資本,然而一般公認會計原則將創造智慧資本的投入視為費用加以處理,使得企業之帳面價值與市場價值的差距日益增加,公司的管理當局及投資人在評價時面臨重大困難,因而有效的智慧資本評價方式變得十分重要。本研究目的即在探討,採用收益基礎的評價模式下,何種資金成本估計方式所估計之資金成本較能有效反應投資人在考慮企業智慧資本之特性和風險後,所要求的必要報酬率,而使得以該資金成本作為折現率,估計企業智慧資本價值,所估計之結果較能反映企業之市場價值。本研究以Fama and French之三因子模式、益本比法以及市場模式估計企業之資金成本,實證結果發現如下:
(2)三種估計企業資金成本的方式中,僅有Fama and French之三因子模式企業之Beta值呈正相關,而與公司規模呈負相關,為有效的資金成本估計方式。
(4)若將企業依研發支出密度加以區分,在低研發支出密度公司中,以益本比法所估計之折現率計算之智慧資本價值攸關性最高;而在高研發支出密度以及零研發支出密度公司中均以三因子模式所估計之折現率計算之結果價值攸關性較高。 / Intellectual capital has become the origin of value of a company. But traditional GAAP views investment that is helpful to the value of untellectual capital such as R&D and advertisement as expenses, the gap between the book value and the market value of a business has become larger. This study confer that if we value a business through income-based method, what kind of estimated method of cost of capital should we use to make the estimated value of intellectual capital reflect the value of a business more efficiently. In this study we estimated cost of capital using three estimated method: factor model of Fama and French, earning to price ratio(E/P ratio), and market model, and we find:
1.If we use different kind of estimated methods, the estimated cost of capital can be different from each other. And if we use different kinds of cost of capital as discount rate, the estimated value of intellectual capital can be different from each other too.
2.Only the cost of capital that estimated through three factor model can be a effective method to estimate cost of capital of a company.
3.The value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value of the company when we use the cost of capital estimated through factor model, E/P ratio, and marlet model as the discount rate, and the result of Wald test suggest that using the cost of capital estimated by factor model as the discount rate to calculate the value of intellectual capital can reflect the market value more effeciently than others.
4.If we divide our sample into three group using the density of their R&D expenditure, we find that the cost of capital estimated by factor model can be the most efficient if a company has a higher R&D orzero expenditure.
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Ocenění e-shopu / Valuation of an e-shopMácová, Romana January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is valuation of selected e-shop. The theorethical knowledge including the keyword definitions and details of valuation methods will be worked out and processed in this thesis. These findings will be stated in theoretical part of this thesis. The practical part will address the actual valuation of e-shop. The practical part will include several analyzes such as strategic and financial analysis. There will be created three variants of the financial plan – realistic, optimistic as well as pessimistic version. The aim is to determine the subjective value of e-shop on the date January 1st, 2013.
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Ocenění podniku / Valuation of EnterpriseMilerová, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is valuation of the Zentiva, k.s. enterprise. The value of this enterprise will be determined as of 1.1. 2014, using the discounted free cash flows valuation method. This thesis is divided into a theoretical and a practical section. The theoretical section acquaints readers with the key terms and methods used during valuation. The theoretical section includes a chapter about the pharmaceutical industry and will familiarise readers with current factors influencing this sector, such as price regulation in the field of medicaments, demographic development, life style and others, which have significant impact on determining the company's final value. The practical section consists of a description of Zentiva, k.s., a strategic analysis, financial analysis, execution of a financial plan and, finally, actual valuation. The result of this thesis is valuation of the enterprise, taking into account socio- economic factors to determine its final value.
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Odhad tržní hodnoty společnosti JIZERSKÉ PEKÁRNY spol. s r.o. / The Estimation of The Market Value Of The Company JIZERSKÉ PEKÁRNY spol. s r.o.Schwarz, Richard January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the estimation of the market value of the company, which has long been active in the bakery market. The aim of this diploma thesis is to find the market value of JIZERSKÉ PEKÁRNY spol. S.r.o., which would reflect the real situation on the bakery market. The conclusion of the thesis should be a range of values and justification. The diploma thesis is divided into financial analysis, strategic analysis, value generators, financial plan and final evaluation. The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the valued company and selected competitors. Financial analysis attempts to justify the amount and changes of values, including comparison with competitors and the value creation test. The strategic analysis focuses on the internal and external potential of the valued business. In terms of internal potential, especially in comparison with competitors, the external potential emphasizes the description of the position of the valued company in the Czech Republic market. The financial plan is based on the analysis and prognosis of the value generators. The final valuation method uses standard yield valuation methods and, in a simplified version, valuating in accounting value.
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Ocenění pojišťovny / Valuation of Insurance CompanyKapinosová, Martina January 2008 (has links)
The topic of the thesis is valuation of insurance companies. The thesis is separated into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part of the thesis describes characteristics of the insurance sector and its specific aspects that play significant role in the operation of insurance companies as well as economical and financial analysis necessary for valuations. Financial ratios used in financial analysis of insurance companies, their interpretation and methods used for valuation are also presented in this part. The practical part of the thesis then describes two methods of valuation, their application and comparison.
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Odhad diskontních měr pro potřeby oceňování / Estimate of dicount rates for purposes of evaluationHackl, Zbyněk January 2009 (has links)
The Diploma Thesis deals with the problems of an estimate of the discount rate and the single parameters used especially in the two basic methods for its determination: the surcharge (premium) method and the CAPM model. In the first part there are presented the effects which influence the discount rate and thus also the method of its estimate. The second part of the thesis describes the surcharge (premium) method which includes an estimate of the riskfree rate, the risk premiums and the liquidity premium. The third part of the work is devoted to the CAPM model, and it is divided into two chapters. Firstly, the CAPM model is derived in chapter 3. Then, in chapter 4, there are presented the possibilities of estimate of its single parameters and premiums which are most frequently added to the basic CAPM model.
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