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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Consequences of reduced bird densities for seed dispersal

Wyman, Tarryn Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
The decline in range and density of frugivorous birds worldwide could have consequences for the functioning of ecosystem processes such as seed dispersal. I endeavoured to determine the effects of bird declines on seed dispersal and assess the current status of dispersal in New Zealand. My first aim was to determine whether decreased bird density can reduce competitive interactions between birds, leading to birds concentrating on higher-reward fruit species. I measured fruit removal rates and fruit preferences of birds in Canterbury forest remnants with high (Hay and Prices) and low (Lords and Kaituna) bird densities. Removal rates of Melicytus ramiflorus and Coprosma spp. were lower at low-bird sites, and the size of this effect was greater for low-reward plant species. Coprosma areolata (a low-sugar fruit) had limited dispersal at Kaituna (59% fruit removed by end of 2012 season), compared with 92% removal at Hay, whereas 99-100% of M. ramiflorus and C. robusta (higher-sugar) fruits were removed at both sites. My second aim was to determine whether seed dispersal by introduced possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) can compensate for bird declines. I analysed seeds present in possum and bird faecal samples collected at Kowhai Bush, Kaikoura. Possums dispersed <3% of the total seeds, much less than bellbirds (21%), silvereyes (16%), song thrushes (33%) and blackbirds (28%). Possums also destroyed approximately 15% of seeds found in faeces, reduced the germination of gut-passed C. robusta seed to half of that from bird faeces (30% vs. 60-70%), and did not swallow fruits any larger than those moved by the much smaller birds (c. 7 mm diameter). My third aim was to determine the relationship between percentage of fruits dispersed and distance from parent tree for three large-seeded trees; Beilschmiedia tawa, Elaeocarpus dentatus, and Prumnopitys ferruginea. I fitted dispersal kernels to the observed dispersal distances out to 50 m for both undispersed whole fruits and seeds consumed by a bird, and found that dispersal quantity below the parent tree strongly underestimates total dispersal quantity. The average percentage dispersed overall was 81% for B. tawa, 75% for E. dentatus and 91% for P. ferruginea, and for all species finding only 11-18% clean seeds under the parent tree would correspond to an overall percent dispersed of at least 50% of the whole seed crop. My final aim was to determine the consequences of dispersal failure for recruitment in three plant species; Elaeocarpus hookerianus, Ripogonum scandens, and C. robusta. I compared the fate of dispersed and undispersed seeds in a manipulative field experiment. Exclusion of mammals plus removal of fruit pulp had the greatest effect on survival, while the combined effects of dispersal failure (under parent, high density, whole fruit) and inclusion of mammals decreased the number of live seedlings present at the final count by 75-92%. Overall, most native plants were receiving adequate dispersal and there was little evidence for strong risks to plant regeneration from dispersal failure, despite the reduced bird densities and ongoing negative effects of introduced mammals in New Zealand.

Plant responses after drainage and restoration in rich fens

Mälson, Kalle January 2008 (has links)
<p>Rich fens are an important, but threatened, habitat type in the boreal landscape. In this thesis I have examined responses of rich fen vascular plants and bryophytes after drainage and restoration. </p><p>The effects of drainage on the rich fen flora were observed in a long time study and the responses were rapid and drastic. During an initial stage a rapid loss of brown mosses was observed, followed by increases of sedges and early successional bryophytes, and later by an expansion of dominants. Initial effects of hydrological restoration showed that rewetting can promote re-establishment of an ecologically functional rich fen flora, but has to be combined with other treatments, such as mowing or surface disturbance. </p><p>After restoration, re-establishment of locally extinct species may be hampered by dispersal limitations. To test if reintroductions could help to overcome dispersal limitations I performed transplantation studies with four common rich fens bryophytes to a rewetted site. The results showed that the species were able to establish, and that survival and growth were promoted by desiccation protection and liming. </p><p>I further examined competition among three of the most common bryophytes in natural boreal rich fens that usually occur mixed in a mosaic pattern but show small but important microtopographical niche separation. The results indicate similar competitive abilities among the species, and no case of competitative exclusion occurred. The results help to explain the coexistence of these species under natural conditions with microtopographic variation and repeated small scale natural disturbances. </p><p>Restoring a functional flora in drained rich fens is a complex task, which requires understanding of underlying causes of substrate degradation in combination with suitable restoration measures. The thesis suggests how the results can be used in practical restoration work, and also stresses the need for monitoring of restoration experiments over longer time. </p>

Nearshore Dispersal and Reproductive Viability of Intertidal Fucoid Algae : how effective is drift in local to regional dispersal?

Hawes, Nicola Ann January 2008 (has links)
The ecological importance of drifting will depend on the abundance of drifting algae and whether it is reproductively viable. However, the ability of adult plants to successfully disperse long-distances by drifting is largely unknown, particularly for fucoids. The abundance, species composition, and reproductive status of drifting algae was examined by transect surveys around Kaikoura and Banks Peninsula. Abundance and species composition varied between sites, but all drifting algae that were in reproductive season, and had reproductive structures intact, were reproductively active. The reproductive longevity and viability of drifting and beach-cast Hormosira banksii, Durvillaea antarctica and Cytophora torulosa was compared with attached populations. Drifting algae remained reproductively viable, and fecundity did not differ from that of attached algae. Viable propagules were released from drifting algae for the duration of the experiments (H. banksii 57 days, D. antarctica 62 days, and C. torulosa 43 days). In contrast, beach-cast algae ceased to release propagules after 14 days. Dispersal by drifting relies on offshore transport after detachment. To determine the influence of wind and tidal currents on the nearshore transport of drifting algae, tagged H. banksii, D. antarctica, C. torulosa and GPS-tracked drifters were released from shore. Drifters generally moved in the direction of the prevailing wind, but some influence of tidal direction and bathymetry was detected. Offshore winds and outgoing tides were favourable for the offshore transport of surface drifting algae. Following dispersal and arrival at new locations, the distance between gametes may be important in determining the fertilisation success of dioecious species. Experiments testing the fertilisation success of H. banksii and D. antarctica, over increasing distances, showed that fertilisation success decreased with increasing distance between male and female gametes. Despite this, eggs were fertilised when male and female gametes were up to 2m apart, and sperm remained viable for 2 hours.

Demographics, movements, and predation rates of wolves in northwest Alaska.

Ballard, Warren Baxter, Jr. January 1993 (has links)
During 1987 through 1992, 85 wolves (Canis lupus) were captured, radio-collared, and relocated from aircraft 1,123 times in northwest Alaska. Wolf packs usually did not follow migratory caribou (Rangifer tarandus) but maintained year-round resident territories that averaged 3,652 km². During years when caribou were absent and moose densities were low, ≤ 25% of the wolf packs moved 64 to 272 km to the caribou wintering grounds. Wolves used different slopes, aspects, and habitats in summer versus winter. Twenty-five percent of the radio-collared wolves dispersed. Annual finite rates of increase ranged from 0.64 to 1.43. Annual wolf survival rates averaged 0.59. There were differences in survival rates among years. Sixty-one percent of the wolves died. Hunting was the main cause of death (69%) followed by rabies (21%). Rabies was a significant natural limiting factor. This wolf population could sustain mortality rates of about 53% annually. Caribou and moose composed 51 and 42%, respectively, of the observed wolf prey. Adjusted for prey size, each pack killed 1 adult moose equivalent per 6.7 days. Wolf pack sizes and adjusted kill rates and kgs of available prey per wolf per day were correlated from several areas across North America. When caribou were present they were the principal prey. However, when caribou densities were <100/1,000 km² wolves preyed upon moose. Wolves preyed upon relatively healthy caribou and moose that were in marginal condition. Wolves were killing about 6-7% of the caribou herd and from 11 to 14% of the moose population annually. Existing wolf predation may have serious impacts on resident, low-density moose populations. During spring 1990 I tested the line-intercept method of sampling tracks for estimating wolf densities for a known wolf population (i.e., 48 wolves). The population estimate based upon line-intercept sampling was 50.7 (80% CI = 33.4 to 67.9) suggesting that the survey method provided relatively accurate population estimates. I placed 23 satellite transmitters on wolves aged 10-months to 8 years with no apparent adverse effects on them. Accuracy of 1,855 relocations at 9 sites averaged 336 and 728 m for best and worst quality relocations, respectively. Satellite telemetry has potential for providing improved data sets for evaluation of wolf territory sizes and movements.

Population structuring and dispersal in the highly pelagic Leach's storm-petrel : implications for the EU population

Bicknell, Anthony William James January 2011 (has links)
Dispersal is a fundamental process that shapes many aspects of population ecology and evolution. Dramatic local population declines brought about by anthropogenic-driven changes to ecological processes are unfortunately becoming ubiquitous and increasing the urgency to understand dispersal behaviour in many species. For species where direct methods of tracking movement and dispersal are unsuitable, other indirect methods need to be employed to understand and characterise these behaviours. The steep population decline, due to predation, at the largest EU population of Leach’s storm-petrels Oceanodroma leucorhoa (St Kilda, Scotland), and the potential part immigrant birds have in buffering this threat, highlighted the need to understand dispersal and connectivity of widely spaced colonies in this species. The implications for the persistence of local colonies and the wider population of Leach’s storm-petrels could then be assessed. A population genetic analysis of 9 colonies across the North Pacific and Atlantic distribution, using two DNA markers (mtDNA control region and microsatellites), revealed ocean basin differentiation (Global ST = 0.32 P <0.0001, Global FST = 0.04, P <0.0001) but also identified a migrant individual in the Pacific population (STRUCTURE migrant assignment). The Atlantic population was found to be genetically homogenous, with patterns of historical and contemporary gene flow, indicating that long-distance effective dispersal is prevalent in Leach’s storm-petrels within the ocean basin. Bayesian stable isotope analysis of carbon and nitrogen (13C & 15N) provides evidence for natal dispersal as an important dispersal mechanism, and reveals movement of immature birds between colonies during the breeding season as a likely mechanism to promote inter-colony exchange and gene flow. Stable isotope comparison also identified mixing on wintering grounds as another possible influence on dispersal. The potential for immigrant birds to offset the loss caused by predation at the St Kilda colony is supported by these studies, and will likely help the persistence of the colony in the short-term. However, future viability is debateable considering the evidence for both avian and mammalian predation. This research provides a better understanding of the extent and mechanism of dispersal in the Leach’s storm-petrel, which is important to predict the potential impact of environmental change and, where possible, implement effective population management for this species.

Habitat use, dispersal and survivorship of juvenile Peregrine Falcons (Falco peregrinus) from Manitoba

Martinez-Welgan, Isabel Michelle 25 April 2017 (has links)
Satellite tracking technology was used to acquire previously unavailable data relating to habitat use, dispersal and survivorship of juvenile Peregrine Falcons, a species currently designated as “Endangered” in Manitoba. A partnership between Manitoba Conservation, Manitoba Hydro, the Sustainable Development Innovations Fund of the Province of Manitoba, Parkland Mews Falconry and Bird of Prey Education Centre, and the University of Manitoba facilitated the purchase and deployment of twenty solar-powered Global Positioning System-enabled Platform Transmitting Terminals (PTTs). Thirty Peregrine Falcons were equipped with PTTs between 2011 and 2013, including both wild and hacked falcons. Home range analysis based on kernel density estimation identified a space-filling pattern of landscape use as peregrines dispersed from the natal areas. Habitat associations determined for PTT-equipped peregrines confirm their association with open habitats, human developments and aquatic areas. Conversely, peregrines were generally not found in areas characterized by dense tree cover. Throughout the study area, juvenile falcons readily utilized human features including the support structures comprising the Manitoba Hydro Distribution and Sub-Transmission Line network. The period following fledging and dispersal from the natal area was characterized by expansive movement quantified using a Brownian Bridge Movement Model. The importance of the natal area was evident throughout the dispersal period. Fifteen falcons (50%) survived to initiate fall migration. Of these, ten (33%) successfully reached wintering grounds located in the United States, Mexico, and Belize. Four Peregrine Falcons were confirmed alive to project end (13%). Sixteen of 30 Peregrine Falcons were confirmed dead during the study period (53%); mortality was suspected for seven others (23%). Survivorship outcomes could not be determined for three falcons (10%). All of the observed mortality occurred during the first year of life. Although the annual production of peregrines in Manitoba currently shows an increasing trend, the population has not yet demonstrated the stability and growth to be considered secure. Ensuring a stable population will require continued active management. The provincial population may also benefit from supplementation based on delayed hack techniques. / May 2017

Proximate Cues and Ultimate Consequences for Natal Dispersal and Settlement in an Altered Forest Landscape: Influence of Experience, Behavior, and Habitat

Merrick, Melissa Jane, Merrick, Melissa Jane January 2016 (has links)
Natal dispersal is at the nexus of ecology, ethology, population genetics, and evolution. While abundant research exists on emigration and associated proximate and ultimate causes, less is known about exploration, settlement, and factors that influence settlement decisions. Further, the role of individual behavioral phenotypes in the domains of wildlife ecology and conservation, which include natal dispersal, is a recent and expanding area of inquiry. Understanding the relationships among individual phenotype, environmental conditions, and natal dispersal is increasingly important as landscapes become altered by disturbance, fragmentation, and climate change. I investigated natal dispersal in endangered Mt. Graham red squirrels (Tamiasciurus hudsonicus grahamensis), an isolated, peripheral subspecies of North American red squirrel persisting at the southern edge of the species' range. We tested hypotheses about the importance of proximate and ultimate drivers of emigration, dispersal distance, and settlement, and estimated perceived landscape connectivity within a mosaic of forest damage in the Pinaleño Mountains, Arizona. Compared to other red squirrel populations in North America, natal dispersal in Mt. Graham red squirrels is sex-biased and non-philopatric with mean dispersal distance over 8 times that observed in non-peripheral populations. Resources, indicated by mother's body mass in spring (a reflection of her intrinsic quality and territory quality) and individual body condition, contribute to individual behavioral tendencies for movement and exploration. Individuals with behavioral tendencies for movement and exploration dispersed the farthest, and for both males and females the longest observed dispersal distances and proportion of individuals dispersing occurred in a year of lowest food availability. Our research highlights the important role individual behavioral syndromes may play in observed heterogeneity in life history strategies with populations. Following emigration from the natal area, we provide evidence that individual dispersers rely upon forest structural cues similar to their natal area to select locations for settlement; the first test of natal habitat preference induction in a single vegetation community type. We used circuit theory to evaluate landscape connectivity and identify areas important for long-distance dispersal movements. Because single connectivity models may not adequately represent functional connectivity for an entire population, we summarized landscape connectivity across varying levels of landscape resistance to identify areas that promote movement and long-distance dispersal for individuals with different perceptions of landscape resistance. We show that composite connectivity models are a useful method to identify forest areas important for the promotion of long-distance movements as well as areas that constrain movement.

Trade-offs among immunity, hormones and alternative reproductive tactics of male Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris).

O'Brien, Kelsey A. 17 September 2015 (has links)
Immunity and reproduction are important and costly life-history traits and a large part of eco-immunology focuses on trade-offs between investing in reproduction versus immunity. Male Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) are a good organism to test these trade-offs as they invest heavily in sperm competition, evidenced by their large testes, and exhibit alternative reproductive tactics. My research objective was to determine 1) if testosterone suppresses immunity, or if immunity suppresses testosterone, and 2) if alternative reproductive tactics differ in their investments in immunity and reproduction. I found evidence that testosterone was suppressed after an immune challenge, and that manipulatively increased testosterone had no effect on immunity, body condition or parasites. The dispersing tactic males were in worse condition, had higher parasite abundances, but showed no difference in their innate immune ability to non-dispersing males. Males incur increased costs with dispersal and may focus their energy into reproduction instead of immunity. / October 2015

An Interactive Tool for the Computational Exploration of Integrodifference Population Models

Agwamba, Kennedy 01 January 2016 (has links)
Mathematical modeling of population dynamics can provide novel insight to the growth and dispersal patterns for a variety of species populations, and has become vital to the preservation of biodiversity on a global-scale. These growth and dispersal stages can be modeled using integrodifference equations that are discrete in time and continuous in space. Previous studies have identified metrics that can determine whether a given species will persist or go extinct under certain model parameters. However, a need for computational tools to compute these metrics has limited the scope and analysis within many of these studies. We aim to create computational tools that facilitate numerical explorations for a number of associated integrodifference equations, allowing modelers to explore results using a selection of models under a robust parameter set.

Assembly of Gut Microbial Communities in Freshwater Fish and Their Roles in Fish Condition

Zha, Yinghua January 2017 (has links)
Animal hosts provide associated microorganisms with suitable ecological niches in their intestines. Microbes help their hosts to digest food, protect against pathogens, and influence the host’s metabolisms. Compositional variation of gut microbial communities is common among hosts, and may affect the health status of hosts. Diet and genetic factors are well known to influence the assembly of gut microbial communities. This thesis focuses on disentangling the contributions of factors including host genetics (sex), diet, environment, and other ecological processes to the assembly of gut microbial communities in freshwater fish. The association between gut microbial communities and fish condition is also evaluated in this thesis. Applying metacommunity theory, we found environmental factors including fish habitat, fish species, their diet, dispersal factors including microbes from fish diet, and ecological drift contributed to the assembly of fish gut microbial communities. The proportion of their contribution varied between fish species, where ecological drift explained more in perch than in roach. Under natural conditions fish populations face the risk of predation, which can induce competition and impose predation stress within prey individuals. This can therefore lead to changes in their diet qualities and quantities. In this thesis, it was shown that fish diet in terms of qualities and quantities significantly influenced the overall gut microbial composition, and this influence was dependent on fish sex, a host genetic factor. Predation stress was also suggested to significantly decrease the species richness. Furthermore, when fish were experiencing a diet shift, we showed that different bacterial phyla from novel food had different colonization success in the intestine, and this colonization success was positively influenced by predation stress. Fish condition was suggested in this thesis to be affected by gut microbial composition, especially by the contributions of the bacterial phyla Tenericutes and Actinobacteria.

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