Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dissertation"" "subject:"issertation""
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Disentangling components of innovation capacity and innovation outcomes in economic growth and development in the United States states /Hall, Jeremy Lucas. January 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Ky, Univ. of Kentucky, Diss.--Lexington, 2005. / Kopie, ersch. im Verl. UMI, Ann Arbor, Mich.
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Ungesteuerte und gesteuerte Retention entlang von Fließgewässern : Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit möglicher Maßnahmen unter Verwendung hydrodynamisch-numerischer Modellierung /Fischer, Markus. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: München, Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2008.
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Electrical conductance and gating of porin channels in lipid bilayersJones, Cheryl Mary January 1994 (has links)
The trimeric protein known as porin, found in the outer membrane of Escherichia coli, forms ion channels which have been reported to be voltage-gated. The aim of this investigation is to increase the understanding of the function of such channels, particularly with respect to voltage-gating. To achieve this, porin was first extracted from whole cells of E. coli and then it was incorporated into lipid bilayers, made using the Montal-Mueller method, for subsequent investigation. The extraction of porin from E. coli exploited both its tight association with peptidoglycan and its high level of detergent resistance. Porin was extracted from two strains of E. coli, 0111 :B4 and K12 (a rough mutant), with the resulting samples being rich in OmpF and Ompe porins respectively. Measurement of ion flow through the porin channels was made with different transmembrane voltages and with a variety of salts and salt concentrations. Such measurements enabled the selectivity of the channels to specific ions to be determined and estimates of pore diameter to be made. Instantaneous IN characteristics were asymmetrical and non-linear for both porins and were influenced by the salt concentration, pH of the electrolyte and the number of channels in the bilayer. Based on electrostatic models of gramicidin-like channels, coupled with the available structural information on porin, it was concluded that the porinlLPS complex inserts unidirectionally into the bilayer and has a net negative charge at the LPS end. The influence of the number of channels in the bilayer on the IN characteristic, most marked for the 0111 :B4 porin, was interpreted as being due to 'clusters' of channels in close association an idea supported by the results of voltage-gating experiments. Voltage-gating in single channels was shown to occur in three well defined steps, consistent with the known trimeric structure of porin. Multi-channel membranes showed several different types of current relaxation in response to a sustained voltage application. The most common type was composed of two exponential decays, suggesting the presence of two populations of closing channels. The results from voltage-gating experiments were compared with the theoretical behaviour of a simple two-state channel. This model was also extended to include entropy changes and it was concluded that porin followed the general behaviour predicted by a simple twostate model.
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Responsabilidade tributária : o terceiro como sujeito passivo da obrigaçãoAlfredo Gomes Neto 05 May 2010 (has links)
Com este trabalho estuda-se a responsabilidade tributária, de início como impõe o Código Tributário Nacional - Lei 5.172, de 25 de outubro de 1966 -, mais, especialmente o inciso III do artigo 135 deste diploma legal e sua influência perante
o inciso V do artigo 4 da Lei de Execução Fiscal Lei 6.830, de 22 de setembro de 1980 que, de forma generalizada, não especifica e nem individualiza as situações em que cada sujeito passivo é visto como responsável pelo débito fiscal. O ponto de partida de todo o trabalho é o aprofundamento do estudo da matéria responsabilidade, com uma proposta de nova visão do seu estudo perante o direito e, assim, havendo necessidade estudando-se o tributo como forma legal de imposição de obrigação e como ele, a formação do crédito tributário e sua discussão dentro do processo administrativo tributário, para se chegar à formação do título
extrajudicial, com a responsabilidade pessoal do terceiro, sócio, administrador ou gerente pela prática de ação ou omissão contrária a lei, estatuto ou com excesso de
poder que tenha sido a causa da falta de cumprimento de obrigação tributária, plenamente determinada inscrição na dívida ativa do Ente Tributante -, e, assim, fazer a execução do débito de acordo com a Lei de Execução Fiscal. Por fim, a
conclusão de que: A responsabilidade pessoal dos mandatários, prepostos e empregados pelos créditos correspondentes a obrigações tributárias, resultantes de
atos praticados com excesso de poderes ou infração de lei, contrato social ou estatutos devem ser apuradas de forma subjetiva, através do processo administrativo fiscal, respeitando-se o direito constitucional do devido processo legal, seja judicial ou administrativo, da ampla defesa e do contraditório / With this work it will be looked to study the beginning tax liability, as it imposes the Internal revenue code - Law 5,172, of 25 of October of 1966 -, more, especially
interpolated proposition III of article 135 of this statute and its influence before interpolated proposition V of the article 4 of the Law of Tax foreclosure - Law 6,830,
of 22 of September of 1980 - that, of generalized form, does not specify and nor individualiza the situations where each passive citizen is seen as responsible by the
tax debit. The starting point of all the work is the deepening of the study of the substance responsibility, with a proposal of new vision and proposal of its study
before the right and, thus, it becomes necessary to study the tribute as legal form of obligation imposition and as, the formation of the credit tributary and its quarrel inside
of the administrative proceeding tributary, to arrive the formation of the extrajudicial heading, with the responsibility staff of the partner, administrator or controlling for practical of action or the contrary omission the law, statute or with power excess that
it has been the cause of lacks of obligation fulfilment tax, fully determined - registration in the active debt of the Tributante Being -, and, thus, to make the
execution of the debit in accordance with the Law of Tax foreclosure . Finally, the conclusion of that: The responsibility staff of the agent chief executives, chairmen
and used by the corresponding credits the obligations taxes, resultants of acts practised with excess of being able or infraction of law, social contract or subjective
statutes must be refined of form, through the fiscal administrative proceeding, respecting the constitucional law of due process of law, either judicial or
administrative, of legal defense and the contradictory
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A jurisdição constitucional e o Conselho Nacional de Justiça : a possibilidade do exercício do controle concentrado de constitucionalidade pelo CNJFernanda Adriano Fluhr 22 July 2011 (has links)
o trabalho versa sobre a atuação do Conselho Nacional de Justiça na Jurisdição Constitucional, seja no âmbito do controle concentrado de constitucionalidade, como um dos legitimados para a propositura da ação direta de inconstitucionalidade, seja no âmbito do controle difuso de constituclonalidade, apreciando, em suas decisões administrativas, a compatibilidade de leis e atos normativos com a Constituição Federal. O estudo se inicia pelo tema da Jurisdição Constitucional, sua evolução histórica e as especificidades apresentadas em relação ao controle de constitucional idade, este entendido como um dos instrumentos essenciais para o desenvolvimento prático e para a concretização das idéias que movimentam o constitucionalismo moderno. Busca-se um enfoque diferente, sob o ponto de vista da legitimidade democrática da jurisdição constitucional. Assim, parte-se da idéia central da jurisdição constitucional como verdadeiro instrumento de garantia dos direitos fundamentais e de defesa do procedimento democrático. Será analisada, também, a história dos Conselhos de Justiça, tecendo-se um comparativo entre tais Conselhos e a estrutura, a composição, o funcionamento e as atribuições do Conselho Nacional de Justiça. Por fim, avaliando as modalidades, o procedimento e as peculiaridades do controle de constitucionalidade brasileiro, propõe-se tanto a inclusão do Conselho Nacional de Justiça no rol de legitimados do art. 103, da Constituição Federal, para a propositura das ações diretas de controle de constitucionalidade, quanto o reconhecimento da possibilidade de fiscalização, no âmbito de suas decisões, de forma incidental, da constitucionalidade de leis e atos normativos. Estudo baseado em dados doutrinários e jurisprudenciais / The paper reports the performance of the National Council of Justice in the Constitutional Jurisdiction, as it is in the concentrated contrai of constitutionality as one of the legitimized to the proposition of the direct action of unconstitutionality, as it is in the diffuse contrai of constitutionality, judging, in their administrative decisions, the compatibility of laws and normative acts with the Constitution. The study began with the theme of the Constitutional Jurisdiction, its historical evolution and characteristics concerned to the contrai of constitutionality , this understood as one of the essential tools for the practical development and the attainment of the ideas that drive modern constitutionalism. Looking for a different approach, under the point of view of democratic legitimacy of constitutional jurisdiction. Thus, it starts with the central idea of the constitutional jurisdiction as valid means of to guarantee the fundamental rights and defense of the democratic procedure. It will be analyzed, as well, the history of the Councils, making a comparison between such councils and the structure, composition, functioning and powers of the National Council of Justice. Finally, evaluating the modalities, the procedure and the peculiarities of the Brazilian constitutional contrai, it is proposed to include both the National Council of Justice on the list of legitimate of the art. 103 of the Federal Constitution, for the commencement of direct actions of constitutional contrai, as the recognition of the
possibility of supervision within their decisions, indirectly, the constitutionality of laws and normative acts. Study based on doctrinal and jurisprudential data
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A concepção de Emmanuel Levinas sobre a morte: a crítica ao ser-para-morte da filosofia heideggerianaAnderson Fernando Rodrigues Mendes 17 July 2015 (has links)
O presente trabalho pretende investigar o tema da morte a partir da abordagem do filósofo franco-lituano Emmanuel Levinas, tendo como base suas obras Totalité et Infini (1961) com tradução para o português - e Dieu, la mort et le temps (1993) em sua tradução para a língua espanhola -, dialogando com a obra do filósofo alemão, Martín Heidegger, intitulada de Ser e Tempo (1927). Provavelmente, Levinas seja um dos filósofos do século XX mais debatidos e, por pertencer a uma família judaica, educado segundo sua tradição religiosa, a sua abordagem filosófica se mostra pertinente para nossa reflexão. Esta pesquisa se delimitará no estudo e reflexão sobre o tema da morte, pois essa questão não tem sua importância apenas para as reflexões religiosa e filosófica, mas para o homem enquanto ser que vive como um todo. A relevância desta pesquisa está na reflexão do sentido da morte para o ser humano, como um ser que vive, além das consequências emocionais envoltas no fenômeno da morte como angústia, medo e desconhecimento. Levinas entra em um intenso diálogo com a filosofia heideggeriana e sua abordagem sobre a morte e suas repercussões no homem. Esta pesquisa está dividida em três partes: a primeira etapa deste trabalho tratará da introdução sobre o autor, ou seja, sua pessoa, seu tempo e sua obra; na segunda parte deste estudo, trataremos da concepção da morte para o filósofo com quem Levinas mais dialoga na obra Dios, la muerte y el tiempo, Martín Heidegger e seu ser-para-a-morte. Aqui, trataremos da finitude do Dasein, do projeto ontológico heideggeriano, bem como a angústia, medo e as possiblidades existenciais mais autênticas do Ser; na terceira parte de nossa proposição de estudos, lançar-nos-emos à reflexão de temas referentes à morte na filosofia levinasiana. Nessa parte, refletiremos acerca da nossa morte, da morte do Outro e temas circundantes ao tema do morrer, como angústia, medo e o infinito. A metodologia que será aplicada a esta pesquisa está baseada nas análises da reflexão levinasiana a partir de Dios, la muerte y el tiempo, Totalidade e Infinito de Emmanuel Levinas e Ser e Tempo de Heidegger. Pretende-se com este trabalho contribuir para os estudos em ciências da religião, filosofia da religião e teologia, bem como em outras áreas afins.
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Across the Divide: The Working Lives of African American Teachers in the ClassroomLarsen, Kristen Marinus, III 01 January 2004 (has links)
This qualitative study examined how experienced African American teachers in predominantly African American schools perceived and conceptualized their worklives as classroom teachers, and, how they viewed their personal and professional identities in relationship to their lives as teachers. In depth interviews of 10 experienced African American teachers provided the data for the study, analyzed through the interpretative use of appropriate literature screens. The teachers understood their experience of teacher worklife and their lives as human beings through three distinct dimensions of personal and professional identity: the self, including perceptions of race and gender; the interactive dimension within the educational environment; and transcendent notions of calling and personal spirituality within the global dimension.
This study underscored how deeply the notion of race is woven into the societal fabric of America. These teachers described an educational environment beset with the same ills as the larger society in terms of cross-racial interaction and relationships among teachers and between teachers and students. In the end, the teachers' collective voice is fundamentally optimistic and resilient, as they looked towards the future with a sense of hope born of a shared and deeply-rooted personal spirituality.
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Undocumented migrants and the right to fair labour practicesNkuna, Phetheni Miehleketo January 2019 (has links)
The mini-dissertation focuses on the constitutional right to fair labour practices in relation to undocumented migrants within the South African workplace. Section 23 of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995, as amended, gives expression to this right together with other employment laws of the Republic.
The study undertakes a literary review of the domestic Immigration Act, Refugees Act and Labour Relations Act, being the primary legislation regulating the entry, presence and rights of foreigners within the Republic. Although undocumented migrants are recognised as employees for purposes of the Labour Relations Act, an employment relationship entered into in contravention of a statute is proscribed. Continuing such a relationship would attract criminal sanction and fines for the employer. The only aspect of the right to fair labour practices enjoyed by undocumented migrants is the right to procedural fairness when dismissed. This is probably a contributing factor to the very minimal data available on undocumented foreigners with the boarders of the Republic. They fear arrest detention and deportation, whilst their employers fear the consequences of contravening the law which may in certain circumstances include imprisonment.
This study further examines domestic, regional and international norms from the perspective of the International Labour Organisation, United Nations, African Union and Southern African Development Community. These organisations advocate for the protection of the human rights of all migrants, including undocumented migrants in the workplace. A close scrutiny of states such as South Africa, Kenya, United States of America and the Netherlands shows that protection, if any, if only afforded to documented migrants. The only fate that awaits undocumented migrants is arrest, detention and deportation. It is for this reason that they obtain employment in informal sectors, often leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse. Oftentimes they are susceptible to a violation of both their employment and human rights.
In conclusion, this study provides recommendations that can be made to address the plight of undocumented migrants in the South African workplace. / Mini Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2019. / Private Law / LLM / Unrestricted
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The perceptions of social workers on Venda-speaking children’s engagement in play-based interventionMulenga, Jessica Ruth Cuna January 2020 (has links)
The success of counselling depends in part on the engagement of the client during the counselling sessions and during the process of counselling. This is not different when conducting play-based intervention with children, which involves the use of play as an age-appropriate medium for communication and interaction with children. Gestalt play therapy allows children to express themselves and interact with the counsellor verbally and non-verbally with the use of play media. Due to the sensitivity to the unique characteristics of the child client, play therapy seems highly effective when implemented in different contexts. However, as the social work profession becomes more aware of cultural sensitivity, it also becomes essential to ensure that social workers who provide counselling to children are culturally competent. Culture is an essential dynamic of people’s lives and has an impact in every area of a person’s life, including how he or she engage in therapy.
The goal of the study was to explore and describe the influence that their culture might have on Venda-speaking children’s engagement during play-based intervention. A qualitative research approach was followed to obtain the perceptions of social workers who belonged to the Venda culture and had experience of working with children. Applied research as type of research and the intrinsic case study research design was applicable to obtain a better understanding of the phenomenon being studied that could contribute to social work practice, specifically to the counselling of Venda-speaking children. The participants were selected by means of purposive sampling, based on specific sampling criteria as well as snowball sampling. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with the use of an interview schedule to collect data from nine social workers, and the data were analysed by means of thematic analysis.
The findings of the study showed that the Venda culture has specific characteristics which should be taken into account and respected when providing counselling to Venda-speaking children. The child-rearing norms and practices of the Venda culture may influence aspects such as the child’s communication and interaction with the counsellor as well as the play materials that would be appropriate. Therefore, their culture could influence Venda-speaking children’s engagement during play-based intervention which, in this study, focused on Gestalt play therapy. While the Venda traditions and norms are affected by acculturation, the beliefs, norms and practices of the Venda culture are still followed in some geographical areas, and even Venda people who adopted a modernised lifestyle, still maintain some elements of their culture.
It is recommended that social workers who provide counselling to Venda-speaking children learn about the culture to become more culturally competent. However, the extent to which a family, and thus a child, follow the cultural prescriptions should be determined due to different levels of adherence to the Venda culture because of acculturation. The researcher further recommends that more extensive studies on African children’s engagement be conducted, including studies with greater sample sizes and studies with the children as the unit of analysis. / Mini Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2020. / Social Work and Criminology / MSW / Unrestricted
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A Multilevel Analysis to Examine Interdisciplinary Research Experience Among Doctoral Graduates and Its Effect on Career OutcomesLawrence, Kacy 23 April 2024 (has links)
This study was designed to explore the impact of interdisciplinary research on the likelihood of a doctoral student obtaining a faculty job upon degree completion. Additionally, this study examined the important individual and institutional components of socialization that contribute to differences in career outcomes. A socialization framework likely substantiates the extent to which doctoral training environments are consequential to careers. Results were obtained from a sample of 28,928 doctoral students who participated in the 2021 Survey of Earned Doctorates. Hierarchical Generalized Linear Modeling was used because it measures the effects of both student characteristics and institutional factors. The findings from this analysis suggest student demographics are an important predictor, but the significance of those characteristics' changes when doctoral field of study is considered. Additionally, there are institutional characteristics that impact the likelihood of obtaining a faculty job related to the proportion of various student backgrounds, faculty backgrounds, and broad field of study, and the prestige of the institution. The independent variable of interest, interdisciplinary dissertation, was not statistically significant at the student level, but the proportion of doctoral students completing an interdisciplinary dissertation at the institution level was statistically significant and negatively associated with obtaining a faculty position adjusting for other institutional factors. These findings show the importance of applying hierarchical models to research questions related to career outcomes for doctoral students. Without a hierarchical model, this important differential finding across levels would have been hidden. / Doctor of Philosophy / There is currently a surplus in doctoral degree production compared to a shrinking number of faculty jobs in academia. Interdisciplinary research experiences in doctoral education are becoming more popular and it is important to determine how participation in these programs influences a student's career prospects upon receiving their degree. This study was designed to explore the impact of completing an interdisciplinary dissertation on the likelihood of obtaining a faculty job upon degree completion. A model was used which considers characteristics of individual students as well as characteristics of the institutions they attend. Findings of the study show that for a student, completing an interdisciplinary dissertation does not have a statistically significant influence on their likelihood of obtaining a faculty job. However, the proportion of students completing an interdisciplinary dissertation at a particular institution has a statistically significant negative association on the likelihood of obtaining a faculty job. Additionally, student demographics were only significant until the broad field of study was considered in the model. Beyond student characteristics, there are institutional characteristics that impact the likelihood of obtaining a faculty job and these are related to the representation of various student backgrounds, faculty backgrounds, institution prestige, and the proportion of doctoral students in each broad field. These findings show the importance of considering both student and institutional characteristics.
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