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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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An investigation into the industry attractiveness of the management consulting industry in South Africa

Kirsten, Kim Maria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This Study Project is entitled: "An Investigation Into The Industry Attractiveness Of The. Management Consulting Industry In South Africa". The management consulting industry is by no means a new or fledgling industry, with its roots dating back to the early 1900's where it had a strong engineering orientation. The global consulting industry experienced a massive growth phase during the late 1980's and during the 1990's, and was not only enormously lucrative, but also a highly attractive industry. It now appears that the management consulting industry has been negatively affected by global economic factors (such as recession, globalisation, technology, terrorism) over the last few years, particularly in 2000 to 2002, where is has now reached a stage of maturity and is in a period of major consolidation. This global industry trend has been increasingly evident in South Africa (SA), and judging from the way consulting firms have been restructuring, consolidating and revising their recruitment policies (on a global scale) in the last few years, it appears that the industry could be becoming less attractive than it has been in the past. An important objective of this Study Project was to investigate the key issues and problems facing the consulting industry, largely from the perspective of the clients who ultimately make the decision to bring in a consultant. By conducting a strategic assessment of the management consulting industry in South Africa, the ultimate objective was to determine the fundamental attractiveness of the consulting industry at present. To achieve the above objectives, it was determined that qualitative, investigative research would be conducted, rather than a quantitative, numerative approach to data gathering. The research methodology used in this Study Project was a combination of secondary and primary - research. Firstly, secondary research, in the form of an in-depth, global literature review was conducted on the topic. Having established the key themes and issues facing the consulting industry, primary research could then be conducted. This was achieved by conducting indepth, personal interviews with key decision makers across client industries in South Africa, to determine the current industry attractiveness of the management consulting industry. The current down phase in both global and South African general economic business cycles, has dictated that cost and value-added issues are top of mind in organisations where clients are no longer content to pay high fees, and not see meaningful results. And so, whilst management consulting plays a definite role in a client organisation, a large gap has been created for the small to medium specialist firms to grow, particularly in the local marketplace. Clients feel that the small specialist firms are able to offer better value for money, more personalised service, lower fees (as a result of lower overheads) and build a more sustainable long-term relationship with them. Clients are also relying less on consultants to solve all their problems, and are realising the excellence of their own internal resources. Overall, the management consulting industry, both globally and particularly in South Africa, is only averagely attractive at this present moment. It has definite attractions and uses to clients, whilst simultaneously drawing serious concerns from the client firms who require their services. Being in a mature phase of its life cycle, and given the current down phase in the global economic cycle, the consulting industry is poised to either go into decline or experience a resurgence of growth. Thus, it is how the consulting firms respond to the new economic challenges placed upon them and how they respond to the criticisms which have been brought to light, that will dictate which firms survive and which will not. Finally, it is recommended that the relative attractiveness of the management consulting industry (as conducted in this Study Project) be re-evaluated on a fairly regular basis in order to understand the next stage in the life cycle of the industry, to provide clients and industry players with insight into the factors influencing the consulting industry. And to provide an independent resource to the consulting industry, to guide them in shaping their future strategies for survival. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie Studieprojek is getiteld: "'n Ondersoek Na Die Aantreklikheid Van Die Bestuurskonsultasie-industrie In Suid-Afrika". Die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie is geensins 'n jong, nuwe industrie nie. Sy wortels dateer terug na die vroeë 1900's waar dit 'n sterk ingenieurs-oriëntasie gehad het. Die internasionale konsultasie-industrie het in die laat 1980's en gedurende die 1990's 'n enorme groeifase beleef en was nie net geweldig winsgewend nie, maar ook uiters aantreklik. Dit blyk egter nou dat die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie oor die laaste paar jaar negatief beïnvloed word deur internasionale ekonomiese faktore (soos resessie, globalisering, tegnologie, terrorisme). Dit is veral die geval in die tydperk 2000- 2002, waar dit nou 'n fase van volwassenheid bereik het en 'n tyd van konsolidasie beleef. Hierdie internasionale industrie tendens word al meer in Suid-Afrika gemerk. Dit blyk, veral uit die wyse waarop konsultasie firmas die afgelope paar jaar herstruktureer, konsolideer en hul aanstellingsbeleid (op 'n internasionale skaal) in heroorweging neem, dat die industrie minder aantreklik is as in die verlede. 'n Belangrike doelwit van hierdie Studieprojek was om die sleutelfaktore en probleme wat die konsultasie-industrie in die gesig staar, te ondersoek - grootliks vanuit die perspektief van die klant wat uiteindelik die besluit neem om 'n konsultant te raadpleeg. Deur 'n strategiese ondersoek na die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie in Suid-Afrika te doen, was die hoofdoelwit om die huidige fundamentele aantreklikheid van die konsultasie-industrie te ondersoek. Om bogenoemde doelwitte te bereik, is kwalitatiewe, ondersoekende navorsing gedoen in plaas van 'n kwantitatiewe, numeriese benadering van dataversameling. Die navorsingsmetodologie wat in hierdie Studieprojek gevolg is, is 'n kombinasie van sekondêre en primêre navorsing. Eerstens is sekondêre navorsing in die vorm van 'n indiepte, internasionale literatuurstudie oor die onderwerp gedoen. Na bepaling van die sleuteltemas wat die industrie in die gesig staar kon primêre navorsing aangepak word. Dit is gedoen deur indiepte, persoonlike onderhoude met sleutelbesluitnemers in die Suid-Afrikaanse klantesektor om sodoende die huidige aantreklikheid van die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie te bepaal. Die huidige afwaartse neiging in beide die internasionale en Suid-Afrikaanse algemene ekonomie en sakesektor, het dikteer dat koste en waardetoevoeging prioriteit het in organisasies waar klante nie meer geneë is om hoë fooie te betaal terwyl hulle nie betekenisvolle resultate sien nie. En dus, terwyl bestuurskonsultasie 'n besliste rol speel in klante-organisasies, is daar 'n groot gaping vir klein tot medium spesialiste om te groei, veral in die plaaslike mark. Klante voel dat die klein spesialis-firmas beter waarde vir geld bied, 'n meer persoonlike diens lewer, laer fooie (weens laer lopende koste) het en 'n langtermyn-verhouding met hulle bou. Klante steun ook al minder op konsultante om al hul probleme op te los en besef die uitnemendheid van hulle eie interne bronne. In die algemeen kan gesê word dat die aantreklikheid van die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie, beide internasionaal en veral Suid-Afrika, net gemiddeld is. Dit het besliste waarde en gebruik vir klante, terwyl dit gelyktydig bekommernis bring vir die firmas wat die dienste benodig. Die konsultasie-industrie, gegewe die volwasse fase van sy lewensiklus en die huidige afwaartse fase van die internasionale ekonomiese siklus, kan óf 'n afname beleef óf 'n oplewing wat kan lei tot groei. Dus, dit is hoe konsultasie-firmas reageer op die nuwe ekonomiese uitdagings wat aan hulle gestel word en hoe hulle reageer op die kritiek wat tans uitgewys word, wat sal bepaal watter firmas sal oorleef en watter nie. Dit word aanbeveel dat die relatiewe aantreklikheid van die bestuurskonsultasie-industrie (soos in hierdie Studieprojek gemeet) gereeld herevalueer word om die volgende fase in die lewensiklus van die industrie te verstaan. Sodoende sal klante en rolspelers in die industrie se aandag gevestig kan word op faktore wat die konsultasie-industrie beïnvloed. Dit sal ook 'n onafhanklike bron bied om die industrie te lei in die bepaling van 'n toekomsstrategie om oorlewing te verseker.

Dimensions of successful matrix management

Jackson, Edna 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / Page 34 of digitised copy may appear cut off due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This report looks at what is important for Matrix Management to be successful in an organisation. After evaluating sixteen articles it was found that eleven elements are critical when implementing Matrix Management. These elements are: • Communication • Strong Leader • Culture • Rewards • Skills in Teams • Clear and Defined Goals • Senior Management Support • Defined Responsibility • Accountability • Procedures and Standards The model that was developed aims to indicate that there are certain fundamentals that an organisation needs to have in place before starting to work in a cross functional manner. These fundamentals are: to understand the goals of the organisation and the team, to develop procedures and standards (these should be communicated on a continuous basis), to define the responsibilities within the organisation and team, and to develop communication channels for internal and external communication. Next the model examines culture, where it differentiates between organisational culture and team culture. Organisation Culture includes innovation, respect for each other, rewarding and accountability. Team culture looks at commitment, cooperation and accountabilities. Then the model examines the three role players namely the senior management and their support, strong team leadership and the team members that are empowered and correctly skilled. All of these are interlinked through communication. It appears that little has changed over the past twenty years with regards to the fundamentals necessary to be successful. It is only the people and the organisations themselves that have changed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verslag kyk na wat nodig is vir Matriks Bestuur om suksesvol te wees in 'n organisasie. Na die ontleding van sestien artikels is gevind dat elf elemente baie belangrik is tydens die implementering van Matriks Bestuur. Hierdie elemente is: • Kommunikasie • Sterk Leier • Kultuur • Vergoeding • Vaardighede in Spanne • Duidelike Doelwitte • Bemagtigde Lede • Senior Bestuur Ondersteuning • Gedefinieerde Verantwoordelikheid • Toerekenbaarheid • Prosedures en Standaardes Die model wat ontwikkel is probeer om uit te wys dat daar sekere fundamentele elemente is wat 'n organisasie in plek moet he voordat daar kruis-funksioneel begin werk word. Die fundamentele elemente is: verstaan die doelwitte van die organisasie en span, om prosedures en standaarde te ontwikkel (moet op 'n gereelde basis gekommunikeer word), om die verantwoordelikhede binne die organisasie en span te definieer, en om kommunikasie kanale vir interne en eksterne kommunikasie te ontwikkel. Volgende kyk die model na kultuur waar dit onderskei tussen organisasiekuituur en span-kultuur. Innovasie, respek vir mekaar, vergoeding en toerekenbaarheid val onder Organisasie kultuur en verbondenheid, samewerking en toerekenbaarheid val onder Span kultuur. Volgende kyk die model na die drie rolspelers naamlik senior bestuur en hulondersteuning, sterk spanleierskap en spanlede wat vaardig en volmagtig is. AI hierdie word deur kommunikasie verbind. Dit blyk dat nie veel verander het gedurende die laaste twintig jaar ten opsigte van die fundamentele elemente wat nodig is omsuksesvol te wees nie. Dit is slegs die mense en organisasies wat verander het.

An evaluation of the suitability of guideline AC201 of the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants and of a new proposed method of inflation adjustment

Pieterse, D. J. L.(Dirk Johannes Louis) January 1987 (has links)
Technical report (MBA) -- University of Stellenbosch, 1987. / University of Stellenbosch Business School / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Two methods of inflation adjustments are explained and evaluated to determine which method gives better results for a company with a given capital structure. The objective was to lay down a method to predict, without detai l and difficult ca l culus , the preferred method to use for a company with a known financial structure . The resul ts of the two methods and for differen t companies notated on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange , are shown in the Appendices. / AFRIKAASE OPSOMMING: Twee metodes vir inflasie regstelling is verduidelik en geevalueer ten einde vas te stel watter metode beter resultate lewer vir 'n maatskappy met 'n gegewe kapitaalstruktuur. Die doelwit was om 'n metode daar te stel om te voorspel. sander detail berekeninge. watter metode verkieslik is vir 'n maatskappy met 'n bekende finansiele struktuur. Die resultate van die twee metodes en vir verskillende maatskappye genoteer op die Johannesburgse Effekte Beurs is getoon in bylaagvorm.

Inkomsteverdeling by genoteerde RSA industriele ondernemings

Greeff, Yolanda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 1989. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: see fulltext for abstract / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: sien volteks vir opsomming

A strategic marketing approach to Internet marketing implementation

Heckroodt, Steyn 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Internet encompasses a wide range of applications. Since its arrival in the computer technology industry, it has covered substantial grounds in the development as an tool/medium to enhance commerce. It has also brought along with it problems and new challenges to each level of managerial competence in the business world. The researcher shows through this study project the importance of business strategy and functional level strategy (marketing) as the basis for the implementation and utilisation of Internet marketing as a marketing tool. Conventional business and marketing practices are used in terms of strategic planning and formulation, to illustrate the importance of the strategic factor when incorporating the Internet into the daily business practices of companies. This study project relates specifically to Internet marketing and elaborates on various aspects of the marketing function to support the premise that the Internet is merely a tool, which can extend the company marketer's existing capabilities. The researcher aims to suggest that the Internet does change/extend numerous business practices, but the core principles in so far as strategic management is concerned, still needs to be adhered to. The researcher refers to numerous real life examples to highlight these points and make the practical application of its guidelines in terms of Internet marketing implementation and utilisation as easy as possible to understand and follow by the company marketer. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die Internet behels 'n wye reeks toepassings. Sedert die verskyning van die Internet in die rekenaar tegnologie bedryf, het dit aansienlike vordering gemaak ten opsigte van die aanwending as 'n "medium" om besigheid te verbeter. Dit het egter ook sy eie probleme en nuwe uitdagings saam gebring vir elke vlak van bestuursvernuf in die korporatiewe besigheidsarena. Die navorser toon by wyse van hierdie werkstuk die belangrikheid aan van 'n besigheidstrategie en 'n funksionele vlak strategie - spesifiek bemarking - as die basis vir die implimentering en aanwending van Internet bemarking. Konvensionele besigheids- en bemarkings praktyke word gebruik, in terme van strategiese beplanning en formulering, om die belangrikheid van die strategiese aspek aan te toon wanneer dit kom by die inkorporering van die Internet by die daaglikse besigheid van maatskappye. Aangesien die onderwerp van hierdie werkstuk spesifiek verband hou met Internet bemarking, brei die navorser uit oor die verskeie aspekte van die bemarkingsfunksie om sodoende sy siening te ondersteun. Dit is dat die Internet slegs as 'n medium gebruik moet word om die bestaande bevoegdhede van die bemarker uit te brei. Die navorser poog om aan te dui dat die Internet wel talle bestaande besigheidspraktyke verander, maar dat die kern-beginsels in so verre strategiese bestuur aan betref, steeds aandag moet geniet. Die navorser verwys na verskeie werklike voorbeelde om hierdie punte te beklemtoon en om die praktiese toepassing van die riglyne in terme van In Internet bemarkingstrategie so maklik moontlik te maak om te verstaan en toe te pas deur die maatskappybemarker.

Estimating the input parameters of real options

Schmähling, Tom 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The following study project was written by the author in the scope of his MBA Program at the University of Stellenbosch. While the number of articles and books that deal with the theory of real options is extremely large, the use of real options as a valuation tool is not widely accepted in practice. The reason for this obvious discrepancy is the fact that these papers and the models developed therein are highly mathematical and require a thorough knowledge of statistical methods. There are few papers or books that explain the fundamental ideas and basic techniques in such a way that general managers are likely to be convinced that real options valuation is an interesting and valuable tool. The purpose of this study project is to fill this gap, to bring the theory of real options closer to a wider range of people and to make it comprehensible for people who have not studied mathematics or finance. To achieve this aim the study project consists of four parts. Recalling the well-known concept of financial options, the first part explains in detail the basic idea of real options theory. The second part deals with the different existing models that are used to determine the value of real options. However, the focus lies on the comprehensibility of these models and not on the pure mathematical side. In the third and main part of this thesis the different variables that are needed for evaluating real options are discussed and methods to determine realistic values of these variables are explained. Some recommendations will be made as to what one ought to focus on in determining the variables. A valuation with "real" data is discussed in the fourth part. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werkstuk is in die loop van die outeur se MBA-kursus aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch voltooi. Die aantal bronne en artikels wat betrekking het op die teorie is eindeloos, terwyl die werklike opsies nog nie wyd aanvaar word in die praktyk nie. Die rede vir die ooglopende verskil is die feit dat die artikels wat betrekking het op die teorie en modelle hoogs wiskundig is en 'n deeglike kennis van statistiek vereis. Daar is tans 'n tekort aan artikels en boeke wat die fundamentele idees en basiese tegnieke van reële opsies verduidelik/oordra op so 'n manier dat dit deur algemene bestuurders gebruik kan word. Die doel van die werkstuk is om hierdie probleem te oorkom deur reële opsie valuasies aan 'n wyer gehoor bekend te stel wat nie 'n wiskundige of finansiele agtergrond beskik nie. Om bogenoemde doelwit te bereik, word die werkstuk in vier dele opgedeel. Die eerste deel verduidelik die basiese beginsel van reële opsie teorie in groot detail. Die tweede deeI dek die verskillende modelle wat tans gebruik word om reële opsies te waardeer. Die fokus Iê egter op die verstaanbaarheid van die modelle en nie noodwendig die wiskundige onder bou nie. In die derde en kerndeel van die verhandeling word die verskillende metodes om reële opsies te waardeer, bespreek, asook die maniere om realistiese waardes volgens verskillende metodes te vind. 'n Waardasie met werklike data word in die finale deel aangebied.

Splitting of investing activities between replacement and expansion of fixed assets

Mokoena, Khethang 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)-- Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The traditional cash flow statement consists of cash from operating activities, cash to investing activities and cash from/to financing activities. In essence, literature showed that, if cash from operating activities would be negative for two successive years, such listed industrial company may be classified as fmancially inflexible, resulting in a take-over by another company, a forced rights-issue or even a delisting/bankruptcy. The traditional cash from operating activities will be classified as EBIT - interest - taxation + depreciation and +/- non-cash items +/- changes in working capital. To enable capital-intensive companies to be classified as financially flexible or inflexible, it was found necessary to identify replacement investment activities as opposed to expansion investment activities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tradisionele kontantvloeistaat bestaan uit kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite, kontant aan investeringsaktiwiteite en kontant van/aan finansieringsaktiwiteite. In essensie het die literatuur aangedui dat, as kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite van twee agtereenvolgende jare negatief is, sodanige genoteerde industriële maatskappy as finansieel onbuigsaam geklassifiseer kan word en wat kan uitloop op 'n oorname deur 'n ander maatskappy, 'n geforseerde regte-uitgifte of selfs 'n denotering/bankrotskap. Die tradisionele kontant uit bedryfsaktiwiteite sal geklassifiseer word as bedryfswins - rente - belasting + depresiasie en +/- nie-kontantitems +/- veranderinge in bedryfskapitaal. Om kapitaal-intensiewe maatskappye in staat te stel om geklassifiseer te word as finansieel buigsaam of onbuigsaam, is daar bevind dat vervangende investeringsaktiwiteite onderskei moet word van uitbreidings investeringsaktiwiteite.

The dimensions of successful matrix management, as applied to project management

James, Celeste Claire 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over the last 20-30 years, the adoption of matrix management has become ever increasingly popular especially in organizations developing new products and product lines. As with any new organizational design or structure, problems are experienced. These problems must be managed constructively in order for the organization to realize the design/structure's full potential. When managing problems associated with the matrix design, simple solutions can be sought: • Know what the matrix can do, as well as know its limitations. • Communicate this to all levels of staff in the organization. • Ensure that conflict that arises from a dual command system is dealt with quickly. On the other hand, capitalize on the matrix structure's advantages such as retain more information, multi-skill staff and realize economies of scale. The above are "old" management principles, however very sound. The matrix in itself will not determine the success or the failings of the organization. The responsibility lies with the management team and the maturity level of the organization. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die implementering van matriks bestuur, het gedurende die afgelope 2-3 dekades toenemend gewild geraak, veral in ondernemings wat nuwe produkte- of produklyne ontwikkel. Dit is inherent aan nuwe organisatoriese ontwerp of struktuurwysiging dat probleme ondervind word. Hierdie probleme moet konstruktiefbestuur word, sodat die organisasie die volle potensiaal van die nuwe of veranderde ontwerp of struktuur kan benut. Wanneer probleeme aangaande die matriks ontwerp bestuur word, kan eenvoudige oplossings oorweeg word: • Bekom 'n grondige kennis van die vermoëns van die matriks, sowel as die beperkings daarvan. • Verseker dat alle vlakke van personeel in die organisasie ten volle ingelig is. • Pas konflik bestuur tydig toe indien probleme ontstaan ingeval van 'n tweeledige rapportering/opdragstelsel. Kapitaliseer egter op die voordele van matriks bestuur: • Versamel en bestuur verbeterde inligting en inligtingstelsels. • Opleiding van personeel vir meerdoelige take. • Meer ekonomiese aanwending van beskikbare bronne. Bogenoemde is "ou", maar tog bewese en gesonde bestuurspraktyke. Die matriks self, kan nie die sukses of mislukking van 'n organisasie bepaal nie. Hierdie verantwoordlikheid is die taak van die bestuurspan en die vermoënsvlak van die organisasie.

Towards a guide to successful matrix management in organisations : with specific reference to project management

Spofana, M. L. (Merriman Lungile) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Organisations are struggling to cope with the pace of change and the pressure is on for them either to adapt or die. Consequently, project management has become the sought after management process to deal with this unprecedented rate of change and for survival. Why is project management so attractive recently? Is it because of its emphasis on teamwork and multidisciplinary approach? Of course yes. Its holistic approach makes it very useful in unfamiliar and risky projects in which information is either scanty or overwhelming. As the business environment continues to become more chaotic, project management will continue to be the management tool of the 21st Century. The use of matrix organisation has been spreading in the last ten years in response to a number of new needs. It has usually been a compromise between contradictory requirements and particularly between pressures for a responsive and self-contained project or product organisation and the greater efficiency, expertise and the economies of scale of a functional or departmental structure. It has been seen as a way of dealing with greater environmental complexity and as a more democratic alternative to traditional hierarchical structures. This study project focuses on matrix management as a structuring tool for organisations in this century. The literature study is conducted within the field of project management although matrix management can fall in other fields of organisational development or strategic management. A guide to successful matrix management in organisations with specific reference to project management is examined by addressing questions like, why matrix management is important for project management? What are the obstacles in organisations to the application of matrix management? What are the rules and guidelines to make matrix management successful in organisations? These and other questions on this subject are answered. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Organisasies sukkel om tred te hou met die vinnige tempo van verandering. Daar is voortdurend meer druk op organisasies om aan te pas ten einde te oorleef. Om hierdie ongekende druk op verandering en oorlewing te verwerk, het projekbestuur 'n gesogte bestuursproses geword. Is dit omdat projekbestuur klem lê op spanwerk en multi-dissiplinêre benadering? Die antwoord is vanselfsprekend ja. Die holistiese benadering van projekbestuur maak dit toepaslik in ongewone en riskante projekte waar informasie kan wissel tussen uiters skaars of oorweldigend baie. Soos wat die sake-omgewing meer chaoties word, behoort projekbestuur sy status as die bestuurstegniek van die 21 ste eeu voort te sit. Die aanwending van die matriksorganisasie het in die laaste tien jaar, in antwoord of verskeie nuwe behoeftes, uitgebrei. Die organisasie-tipe is normaalweg 'n kompromis tussen teenstrydige vereistes, en in besonder tussen die druk vir 'n lewenskragtige en selfonderhoudende projek- of produkorganisasie, en die groter doeltreffendheid, kundigheid, en ekonomieë van skaal van 'n funksionele of departementele struktuur. Die word gesien as 'n manier om met meer komplekse omgewings oor die weg te kom, en ook as 'n meer demokratiese alternatief tot die klassieke hierargiese struktuur. Hierdie studie-projek fokus op matrikbestuur as 'n tegniek van die organisasie-ontwerp vir hierdie nuwe eeu. Die literatuurstudie word beperk tot die veld van projekbestuur, alhoewel daar ook in ander studievelde van organisasie-ontwikkeling of strategiese bestuur aandag aan matrikbestuur gegee word. 'n Riglyn vir suksesvolle matriksbestuur in organisasies, met spesifieke verwysing na projekbestuur, word ondersoek deur seker pertinente vrae te vra. Waarom is matriksbestuur belangrik vir projekbestuur? Watter struikelblokke is daar in organisasies met betrekking tot die toepassing van matriksbestuur? Wat is die reëls en riglyne vir die suksessvolle aanwending van matriksbestuur in organisasies? Antwoorde op hierdie, en ander soortgelyke vrae rondom die onderwerp, word met hierdie studie verskaf.

Towards an understanding of the authority gap in project management

Norris, Anthony (Anthony Deon) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to establish an understanding of the authority gap in current project management practices. The research took the form of a literature review on the topics related to authority relations in general, and authority relations in project management. The study begins by analysing authority and it becomes apparent that while most people intuitively understand what authority means, it is a complex subject that cannot be explored completely within the limitations of this study. However, an overview of authority, and the authority relations that exist between people are presented. Factors such as politics, power and influence determine authority relations between people, and these factors are explored to establish the connection between them and authority. It is seen from the literature review that people can use their influence over people to gain a power base where no formal power base existed. It is shown that it is possible for people to build up a number of power bases using various influence techniques. The study continues by discussing the evolution of project management and the concept of organisational culture respectively. Project management in the 1960's was vastly different from current project management practices. This is mainly due to modem organisations using project management as a strategic tool in order to decrease research and development time, and serve customers better. It is seen that matrix management is widely used in modem project management and that the culture of an organisation is an important factor to consider when organisations are implementing project management. The penultimate chapter describes the authority relations specific to project management, and how organisational politics have a pivotal role in project management. It is shown that politics is an inevitable part of project management, and that project managers need to be astute political players in order to bridge the authority gap. The final chapter gives the conclusion and recommendations of the study. The main conclusion reached is that the authority gap still exists in current project management practices, thus human relations and organisation politics are playing a major role in project management. Project managers need to be astute political players and develop various forms of authority in order to ensure project success. A series of recommendations is given to organizations and project managers, which will assist in closing the authority gap. It is also recommended that empirical research be carried out in order to practically define the authority gap. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om insig te kry in die gesagsgaping in huidige praktyke in projekbestuur. Die narvorsing is gegrond op 'n literatuuroorsig van die onderwerpe wat betrekking het op gesagsverhoudings oor die algemeen, en gesagsverhoudings in projekbestuur. Die studie begin met 'n ontleding van gesag, en dit blyk duidelik dat hoewel die meeste mense 'n intuïtiewe begrip het van wat gesag beteken, dit 'n komplekse onderwerp is wat nie volledig binne die beperkings van hierdie studie ondersoek kan word nie. 'n Oorsig oor gesag en die gesagsverhoudings wat tussen mense bestaan, word egter aangebied. Faktore soos politiek, mag en invloed bepaal gesagsverhoudings tussen mense en word hier ondersoek om die verband tussen hierdie faktore en gesag vas te stel. Die literatuuroorsig toon dat mense hulle invloed oor ander kan inspan om 'n magsbasis te bekom waar daar nie 'n formele magsbasis bestaan nie. Daar word getoon dat dit vir mense moontlik is om 'n hele aantal magsbasisse te bou deur die gebruik van verskeie beïnvloedingstegnieke. Die studie bespreek voorts die ewolusie van projekbestuur en die konsep van organisasie-kultuur, respektiewelik. Projekbestuur in die 1960's het geweldig verskil van die projekbestuurspraktyke van vandag. Die hoofrede hiervoor is dat moderne organisasies projekbestuur as 'n strategiese middel gebruik om navorsing-en-ontwikkelingstyd te verminder en beter diens aan kliënte te lewer. Daar word gesien dat matriksbestuur algemeen in moderne projekbestuur gebruik word en dat die kultuur van 'n organisasie 'n belangrike faktor is om in ag te neem wanneer organisasies projekbestuur implementeer. Die voorlaaste hoofstuk beskryf die gesagsverhoudings wat betrekking het op projekbestuur en hoe organisasie-politiek 'n sleutelrol in projekbestuur speel. Daar word getoon dat politiek 'n onvermydelik deel van projekbestuur is en dat projekbestuurders bedrewe politieke spelers moet wees om die gesagsgaping te oorbrug. Die finale hoofstuk bevat die gevolgtrekkings en voorstelle van die studie. Die belangrikste gevolgtrekking wat bereik is, is dat daar steeds 'n gesagsgaping in huidige projekbestuurspraktyke bestaan en dat menslike verhoudings en die politiek van 'n organisasie dus 'n hoofrol in projekbestuur speel. Projekbestuurders moet die politieke spel slim kan speel en verskeie vorms van gesag ontwikkel om die sukses van 'n projek te verseker. 'n Reeks aanbevelinge word gegee aan organisasies asook projekbestuurders wat sal help om die gesagsgaping te verminder. Daar word ook aanbeveel dat meer navorsing gedoen word om die gesagsgaping prakties te definieer.

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