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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategy for implementing business intelligence

Arndt, Reinhardt 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The management of information has become an important field in the current business world. It is therefore not only important for organisations to gather data and information, but to convert this data and information into usable intelligence to improve their business. Now, more than ever, it is true that in business knowledge is power, or more specifically. the application of knowledge in developing new skills, innovation, creativity and human capital. This leads to the concept of business intelligence, the conversion of data and information to intelligence. Business intelligence can assist organisations to reach their information goals, as well as to implement and execute the corporate strategy. Some of the main business categories business intelligence can help drive include: revenue increases; profit increases; customer satisfaction; decrease in cost and risk; and market share gain. Business intelligence can be described as the marriage of business analysis and technology. It is important to recognise that there is more than one dimension to business intelligence and that it not only comprises of technology. Business intelligence can provide insight into what happened (the past), what is happening (the present) and what is likely to happen (the future). It further supports corporate performance management, the latest thinking on performance management. This study illustrates not only the value business intelligence can bring to organisations, but also the challenges in implementing business intelligence solutions, and the path organisations could follow to achieve a successful business intelligence implementation. Organisations should first understand what value business intelligence can deliver to the organisation, before they begin their business intelligence initiative. The value to the organisation should be well articulated to ensure continuous support from the top management and alignment with the overall corporate direction and strategy. The overall maturity of the organisation, also viewed from a systems perspective, plays an important role and organisations should not try to do too much too soon. The evolution diagram and business intelligence maturity model can guide organisations to understand their current status to make the right decision on the amount of change the organisation can manage in the implementation of the business intelligence solution. Organisations should be cognisant of the challenges to overcome in implementing a business intelligence solution. These challenges are significant aspects of the initiative. The business intelligence transformation roadmap, including the business intelligence implementation approach, will guide organisations through these challenges to ensure a successful implementation for the organisation. This study proves that business intelligence can add value to organisations if it is implemented as proposed in this document. The main objective of the study has been achieved, namely the development of a complete strategy to implement business intelligence. The study includes a holistic approach to business intelligence in the form of a business intelligence transformation roadmap. The roadmap can be used to engage executives in business intelligence implementations to help sell new initiatives or improve current business intelligence initiatives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van inligting is vandag 'n belangrike studieveld in die sakewereld. Daarom het dit noodsaaklik geword dat organisasies nie net data en inligting inwin nie, maar ook hierdie data en inligting in bruikbare intelligensie omskep ten einde hul besighede te bestuur en te verbeter. Nou, meer as ooit tevore, is dit in die sakewereld waar dat kennis mag is, of meer spesifiek, die toepassing van kennis in die ontwikkeling van nuwe vaardighede, innovasie, kreatiwiteit en menslike kapitaal. Dit lei tot die konsep van besigheidsintelligensie - die verandering van data en inligting in intelligensie. Besigheidsintelligensie kan organisasies help om hul inligtingsdoelwitte te bereik, en ook bydra tot die implementering en uitvoering van die korporatiewe strategie. Die hoofbesigheidskategorieë wat besigheidsintelligensie kan verbeter, is onder meer: inkomsteverhoging; winsverhoging; klientediens; kostebesnoeiing; risikoverlaging; asook 'n verhoging van markaandeel. Besigheidsintelligensie kan beskryf word as die samevoeging van besigheidsanalise en tegnologie. Daar moet onthou word dat besigheidsintelligensie meer as een dimensie het. Tegnologie is nie al dimensie nie. Besigheidsintelligensie kan insig bied in wat gebeur het (die verlede), wat tans gebeur (die hede) en wat moontlik gaan gebeur (die toekoms). Verder ondersteun besigheidsintelligensie korporatiewe prestasiebestuur, die nuutste denke oor die prestasiebestuur van organisasies. Hierdie studie beklemtoon nie slegs die waarde wat besigheidsintelligensie kan toevoeg nie. maar ook die uitdagings in die toepassing van die tipe stelsels, asook hoe organisasies dit suksesvol kan toepas. Organisasies moet eers die waarde wat besigheidsintelligensie kan toevoeg, verstaan voordat met die besigheidsintelligensie inisiatief begin word. Die waarde wat dit vir die organisasie inhou, moet baie goed verduidelik word om seker te maak dat die topbestuurspan die besigheidsintelligensie inisiatief ondersteun en dit op koers hou met die oorkoepelende korporatiewe rigting en strategie. Die ontwikkelingsvlak van die organisasie speel 'n belangrike rol in die rigting wat die besigheidsintelligensie implementering moet volg en die organisasie moet nie te veel te vinnig probeer doen nie. Die evolusie diagram en die model vir die besigheidsintelligensie-vlakke van ontwikkeling kan as riglyn dien om die huidige status van die organisasie te bepaal om sodoende die regte besluite te neem oor die mate van verandering wat die organisasie kan hanteer. Organisasies moet bewus wees van die uitdagings wat oorkom moet word in die toepassing van 'n besigheidsintelligensie oplossing. Hierdie uitdagings vorm 'n baie belangrike aspek van die besigheidsintelligensie-initiatief. Die besigheidsintelligensie transformasiepadkaart insluitende die implementering benadering, sal die organisasie deur die uitdagings lei ten einde 'n suksesvolle besigheidsintelligensie-implementering vir die organisasie te verseker. Hierdie studie bewys dat besigheidsintelligensie vir organisasies waarde kan toevoeg indien dit geimplementeer word soos wat in die dokument voorgestel word. Die hoofdoel van die studie is bereik, naamlik die ontwikkeling van 'n volledige strategie oor die toepassing van besigheidsintelligensie in 'n organisasie. Die studie sluit in 'n holistiese benadering tot besigheidsintelligensie in die vorm van 'n besigheidsintelligensie transformasiepadkaart. Die padkaart, asook die model vir die vlakke van ontwikkeling kan die organisasie deur die implementering lei. Die padkaart kan gebruik word om uitvoerende hoofde by die besigheidsintelligensie-inisiatiewe te betrek om sodoende nuwighede te help vestig of die huidige inisiatiewe te verbeter.

Attracting foreign direct investment in Africa : South Africa and Nigeria : a comparative study

Kruger, L. S. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Foreign direct investment is generally welcomed and sought after by developing countries such as South Africa and seen as an important vehicle to raise capital and promote growth. This h as also been recognised by the South A frican government that indicated that foreign direct investment (FDI) has been identified as a requirement in their fight against poverty and to fuel development. South Africa, unfortunately has not been able to attract significant and sustainable amounts of FDI and has been identified by Unctad World Investment Report (2004: 14) as a country that is performing under its potential in attracting FDI. Other countries in Africa like Nigeria seem to be able to consistently attract more FDI while they are less competitive and politically less stable than South Africa. This study seeks to explore the reasons for this disparity in FDI flows with special reference toN igeria a nd South Africa, to assess t he difference inc ompetitiveness between the two countries, to asses the impact of this on FDI flows and to analyse and compare the reasons for FDI in South Africa and Nigeria utilising certain Unctad and WAIPA criteria. The conclusion is that multinational companies are profit seeking and that they will take on considerable risk (such as political instability for example) if the returns are high enough. Nigeria is attracting mostly resource-seeking FDI to its rich oil sector through multinational oil companies that have the technology and capability to extract the oil economically. This is happening regardless of the fact that the country's infrastructure and institutions are weak, widespread violence and political instability is at the order of the day, Nigeria has a small economy (and hence a small market) and is plagued by high levels of corruption. South Africa in contrast, while also having natural resources has attracted mainly market-seeking FDI. The South African markets however are not particularly big when compared to other first world countries and these FDI flows are not sustainable. South Africa would need to concentrate on becoming more efficient if it wants to attract more FDI but will be competing with other countries like Malaysia, India and Eastern Europe in the process that proves to be a challenge currently. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkelende lande soos Suid-Afrika verwelkom en soek oor die algemeen direkte buitelandse belegging en dit word beskou as 'n belangrike manier om kapitaal te bekom en groei te bevorder. Hierdie beskouing word ook gehandhaaf deur die Suid- Afrikaanse regering wat aangedui het dat direkte buitelandse belegging identifiseer is as 'n vereiste vir die stryd teen armoede en om ontwikkeling te bevorder. Ongelukkig het Suid-Afrika nog nie daarin geslaag om beduidende en standhoudende hoeveelhede direkte buitelandse belegging te lok nie en is deur die Unctad World Investment Report (2004:14) identifiseer as 'n land wat onderpresteer met betrekking tot sy vermoë om direkte buitelandse belegging te lok. Ander lande in Afrika, soos Nigerië, blyk in staat te wees om deurlopend meer direkte buitelandse belegging te lok, terwyl hulle minder kompeterend en polities minder stabiel is as Suid-Afrika. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die redes vir hierdie ongelykheid in die vloei van direkte buitelandse belegging te ondersoek met spesifieke verwysing na Nigerië en Suid-Afrika, om die verskille in kompeterendheid tussen die twee lande te oorweeg, om die impak hiervan op die vloei van direkte buitelandse belegging te ondersoek en om die redes vir direkte buitelandse belegging in Suid-Afrika en Nigerië te analiseer en te vergelyk met behulp van sekere van die Unctad en WAIPA kriteria. Die slotsom is dat multinasionale maatskappye winste najaag en dat hulle aansienlike risiko's sal neem (bv. politiese onstabiliteit), as die opbrengste hoog genoeg is. Nigerië lok meestal hulpbron-gedrewe direkte buitelandse belegging na sy ryk oliesektor deur internasionale oliemaatskappye wat beskik oor die tegnologie en kapasiteit om die olie ekonomies te ontgin. Dit gebeur ongeag die feit dat die land se infrastruktuur en organisasies swak is, wydverspreide geweld voorkom, politieke onstabiliteit aan die orde van die dag is, Nigerië 'n klein ekonomie (en dus 'n klein mark) het en geteister word deur hoë vlakke van korrupsie. In teenstelling hiermee het Suid-Afrika, wat ook oor natuurlike hulpbronne beskik, hoofsaaklik mark-gedrewe direkte buitelandse belegging gelok. Die Suid-Afrikaanse markte is egter nie eintlik groot nie as dit vergelyk word met ander eerstewêreldlande nie en hierdie vloei van direkte buitelandse belegging is nie volhoubaar nie. Suid-Afrika sal daarop moet konsentreer om meer effektief te word as hy meer direkte buitelandse belegging wil lok, maar sal moet meeding met ander lande soos Maleisië, Indië en Oos-Europa in 'n proses wat tans 'n uitdaging blyk te wees.

Is die vergoeding van die uitvoerende hoofde van die 120 top-maatskappye van die Johannesburgse Aandelebeurs in verhouding tot hul omset, inkomste of wins voor rente en belasting geregverdig?

Dommisse, Jacques 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Reeds vir dekades, maar spesifiek sedert vlaag op vlaag van groot korporatiewe skandale die laaste anderhalf dekade hoofnuus is, is die vergoeding van uitvoerende hoofde onder die vergrootglas. Die persepsie by baie aandeelhouers en die breë publiek is dat uitvoerende hoofde ruim vergoed word en dat hul vergoeding nie noodwendig verband hou met prestasie van die maatskappye wat hulle lei nie. Van die algemene kritiek wat voor die deur van maatskappye en uitvoerende hoofde gelê word, is dat salarisse en ander vorms van vergoeding, spesifiek aandeletoekennings en -opsies, nie deursigtig is nie. Daar is ook kritiek dat die vergoedingskomitees van maatskappye deur ’n botsing van belange geteister word, want juis die hoofde wat voordeel uit vergoedingsbeleide van die komitees kry, is verantwoordelik vir voorstelle rakende die vlakke van vergoeding wat betaal moet word. Daar word ook genoem dat hoewel Suid-Afrika een van die wêreldleiers is rakende gesonde korporatiewe bestuur, juis met die aanvaarding van die beginsels wat uiteengesit word in die King I-, II- en III-verslae, is daar steeds verskeie maatskappye wat nie aan die beginsels gehoor gee nie. In ‘n Amerikaanse studie rondom die eeuwisseling is bevind dat, in ‘n sakemodel waarin bestuursmag oorheers, lede van die direksie en die vergoedingskomitee geneig is om hul mededirekteure en bestuurshoofde te begunstig. (Crotty & Bonorchis, 2006). Die navorsingsverslag het ten doel om te bepaal of die totale vergoeding van uitvoerende hoofde van die 120 top-maatskappye van die Johannesburgse Aandelebeurs, wat bepaal is op grond van die 120 maatskappye wat aan die einde van 2009 die grootste markkapitalisasie gehad het, geregverdig kan word op grond van die individuele maatskappye se markvertoning. ’n Korrelasie tussen die totale vergoeding, wat alle kontant- en aandele-vergoeding insluit, is dus in verband gebring met die volgende drie veranderlikes: Omset, Totale Inkomste en EBIT-winssyfers. Dit is beduidend dat in meer as 80 persent van alle korrelasie-waarnemings van vergoeding teenoor al drie veranderlikes was daar ’n baie sterk positiewe korrelasie, wat beteken dat vergoeding van uitvoerende hoofde net toeneem indien daar ook ’n toename in die omset, inkomste en wins van individuele maatskappye is. Die navorsingsverslag het ook uitgewys watter vyf maatskappye onder die 120 topmaatskappye wat in Suid-Afrika genoteer is wel ’n negatiewe korrelasie wys, wat aandui dat daar nie ’n sterk korrelasie is tussen wat uitvoerende hoofde kan verdien en wat die vertoning van die maatskappy se omset-, inkomste- en winssyfers is nie. Wat insiggewend van die korrelasies is, is dat die minimum tydperk oor vyf jaar geskied het, wat dit statisties meer beduidend maak. Vergoeding word dus nie net eenmalig oor ’n kort tydperk ontleed nie, maar ’n langer termyn tendens van vergoeding by individuele maatskappy is waargeneem. Die gepubliseerde omset-, inkomste- en winssyfers vir die 120 maatskappye is uit die jaarverslae nagevors en die totale uitvoerende vergoeding, soos aangeteken op McGregor BFA (2009a) se databasis, is as data by die navorsingsverslag ingesluit. Die syfers van alle veranderlikes moes eers in Suid-Afrikaanse rand omgeskakel word, want verskeie maatskappye met dubbelnoterings op byvoorbeeld die Johannesburgse Aandelebeurs en die Londense of Australiese beurs se jaarverslae is in Amerikaanse dollar, Britse pond of Australiese dollar gekwoteer. Nadat die Spearman-korrelasie van elke individuele maatskappy bepaal is vir maatskappye wat syfers vir langer as vyf jaar beskikbaar het, is bepaal hoeveel waarnemings vir omset, inkomste en wins beduidende statistiese korrelasies toon, met ’n algehele waarnemingssyfer van meer as 80 persent van die maatskappye wat postiewe korrelasies gewys het vir die vlak van vergoeding in vergelyking met die drie ander veranderlikes. Daar is dus ’n statisties beduidende positiewe korrelasie tussen die vergoeding van uitvoerende hoofde van JSE-genoteerde maatskappye in vergelyking met die omset, inkomste en wins van die maatskappye. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For decades, but specifically since wave upon wave of corporate scandals made headline news in the past decade and a half, the remuneration of chief executives has been in the spotlight. The perception among many shareholders and the general public is that executives are very well paid and that their earnings do not necessarily relate to the performance of their companies. One of the most common criticisms against companies and their chief executives is that salaries and other forms of remuneration, especially share transfers and options, are not transparent. There is also wide criticism that remuneration committees of companies are plagued by a conflict of interests, as precisely the executives who stand to gain from the recommendations of these committees are responsible for the proposed levels of earnings. Furthermore, it is suggested that, although South Africa is regarded as a world leader in sound corporate governance, especially since the acceptance of the principles advanced in the King I, II and III reports, there are still a substantial number of companies that do not adhere tot these principles. This research project set out to establish whether the total remuneration of chief executives of the top 120 companies on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, determined as the 120 with the largest market capitalisation at the end of 2009, could be justified on the strength of the individual companies’ market performance. Thus a correlation between the total earnings, including all cash and share awards, was brought in relation with the following three variables: Turnover, Total Income and EBIT Profit Margins. It is significant that in more than 80 persent of all correlation observations of remuneration, measured against all three variables, a very strong positive correlation came to the fore. This means that remuneration of executives only increase when there is a concomitant increase in the turnover, income and profit of individual companies. The research also pointed out which five among the 120 top companies trading on the JSE demonstrated a negative correlation, which shows that there is a strong correlation between the earnings of chief executives and their companies’ turnover, income and profit figures. Especially instructive is that a minimum period of five years was analysed, which makes it statistically more significant. Thus earnings were not adjudged once-off over a short period, but observed as a long-term tendency of remuneration by individual companies. The turnover, income and profit figures of the 120 companies were researched in the published annual reports of the data base of McGregor BFA (2009b), and the total executive earnings, as recorded in McGregor BFA’s Directors’ Search data base, were included as data in the research report. The figures of all variables were converted to South African rands, as several companies who are quoted both on the JSE or the London or Australian stock exchanges publish their annual reports either in US dollars, pounds sterling or Australian dollars. After the statistical technique of Spearman’s correlation was established for each individual company with data available for five years or longer, it was concluded how many observations of companies’ turnover, income and profit figures showed significant correlations. In total more than 80 persent of all observations of all variables of the companies had positive correlations, which suggests that the executive earnings of the vast majority of companies on the JSE demonstrates a strong correlation with their financial achievements.

Assessment of organisational culture of a business unit

Khabeng, Kagiso Ivan 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research assesses the current organisational culture as well as the future preferred organisational culture of a business unit in a large information and communications technology company. In this study the researcher also assesses the management skills and competencies in comparison with the preferred future culture of the organisation. The research is based on the competing values framework of assessing organisational culture. The data was collected using the two instruments, namely the organisational culture assessment instrument and the management skills assessment instrument. These tools are questionnaires, which enabled the researcher to undertake a survey in a business unit. A sample of eight leaders and 72 associates was used to complete the questionnaires. The organisational culture assessment instrument was used to assess and profile the current culture of the organisation as well as the future preferred culture of the organisation. The management skills assessment instrument was used to evaluate the skills and competencies of the leaders in the business unit and the data was statistically analysed to compare the current skills of the leaders to that of the preferred future culture. The research revealed that the skills and competencies of the business unit strongly match the current culture of the organisation, and not the preferred culture. Through these findings, the research established which skills and competencies need to be developed in order to achieve the preferred culture. The research is significant in that it also proved the validity of the theory of competing values and this will contribute to the scholars in the culture and change management studies.

Opportunities for organisational training in the virtual world, Second Life

Cerf, Marlon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Development of a corporate strategy for the Quicksand Group

Botha, An-Marie 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010.

Focussed growth : the development of a system to rank and prioritise new capital projects of mining companies

Mouton, Daniel Marais 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / With limited financial and management resources companies cannot afford to spend resources on every growth opportunity that presents itself, and must therefore continuously rank potential opportunities in order to focus its resources and efforts on the most valuable opportunities. The aim of this study is to develop a system to rank and prioritise new capital projects of mining companies, and specifically Exxaro, which will allow the company to focus its growth efforts on the most valuable opportunities. The literature study firstly examines the use of portfolio management, and particularly the CFA Investment Management Process for ranking investment opportunities. Secondly, various methodologies utilised in the ranking of R&D projects are investigated, providing a guideline for terminology and steps to be used in a capital project ranking system. The project development cycle is also investigated in order to understand the impact of ranking projects that are in different stages of development. Lastly, the utilisation and merits of different financial measures and multi-criteria decision analysis techniques is examined. The literature study emphasised the following principles: Portfolio management is a very structured and formalised process for matching investments with the strategic objectives of an individual or company. The formalised nature of the process ensures that there are clear direction and rigorous criteria for decision making regarding investments, which in turn ensures that resources are spent only on robust investment opportunities. The ranking systems for Research and Development projects emphasised that a ranking system should contain multiple perspectives and criteria in order to comprehensively evaluate all aspects of investment opportunities, but that these perspectives and criteria should not duplicate or overlap in terms of measuring a certain aspect of an opportunity. When rigorous front end loading is applied in the project development process, there is sufficient information to compare and rank projects in different stages of the project development cycle. The financial criteria form a very important part of the ranking criteria and there are various financial criteria utilised to measure the merits of a project. While there are pros and cons to the use of certain criteria, companies should acknowledge and understand the shortcomings of each criteria, the financial aspect of a project measured by each criteria, and ensure that there is no duplication while it utilises the criteria that is well understood and accepted throughout the company. Multiple criteria decision analysis is a comprehensive and structured decision making process which requires the focussed participation of personnel involved in the decisions. The structured process provides a better understanding of the decision to be made, a means to clarify the decision and its implications and the stimulation of discussion and sharing of ideas about the decision and its context. A second part of the research entails qualitative research where interviews were held with four senior mining executives in order to utilise their experience with project ranking systems. The knowledge and understanding gained from the literature study was used to guide the interviews and adapt conversations to specific issues and different points of view. The focus of the interviews was not to obtain statistical data, but rather on having strategic conversations about how project ranking can and should be applied, and to extract inputs from the experience of the interviewees on the design of a ranking system. Findings from the interviews included an emphasis on the importance of guidance from the company strategy in determining perspectives and criteria for project ranking; a requirement to discard unworthy projects as soon as possible via a rigorous filter per commodity; guidance on perspectives and criteria that could be included in the ranking system; the need to firstly rank projects within a commodity before comparing the top projects across commodities; and the need to carefully manage the ranking process in order to ensure that it is included in the annual business process cycle of the company. The knowledge and practical inputs gained from the literature and the strategic conversations were finally applied to Exxaro’s processes and ranking system. Possible reasons for the failure of previous attempts at implementing a ranking system were found to be the lack of a clearly articulated strategy and insufficient involvement of the decision makers in the design of the project ranking system. With the design of a new ranking system, specific perspectives, criteria, filters and templates were designed and a process was suggested to ensure inclusion of the ranking system in the annual business process cycle of Exxaro. In conclusion, a number of suggestions were made for continuous improvement of the project ranking system and its outputs.

Die oorweging van die lewensvatbaarheid van 'n kleinsake-onderneming in die praktyk : 'n konsepsuele model

Nel, Bernardus Gerhardus 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 1994. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research attempts to give an alternative conceptual model according to which potential small business owners should construct market and financial viability studies for proposed new small enterprises. A study was made of the theoretical requirements prescribed for market and financial viability. This theoretical requirements were compared to the extent in which data is presented in practice to financial institutions to meet their own viability requirements. Primary data was collected from the subsidiary companies of ABSA Bank and small business owners in the Cape Peninsula. The final analysis suggests that very few small business owners conduct thorough market or financial viability studies during start up or during the different growth phases of their businesses. They rely mostly on banks and other financial institutions for guidance. A suggestion is made that financial institutions conduct their own research to determine whether their requirements for market and financial viability are still viewed as realistic by small business owners. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsing poog om 'n alternatiewe konsepsuele model weer te gee waarvolgens potensiele kleinsake-eienaars mark- en finansiele lewensvatbaarheidstudies vir voorgenome nuwe klein ondememings behoort uit te voer. 'n Studie is van die voorgeskrewe teoretiese vereistes vir mark- en finansiele lewensvatbaarheid gedoen. Hierdie teoretiese vereistes is vergelyk met die mate waartoe sulke data wel deur kleinsakelui aan finansiele instansies aangebied word om aan hulle eie lewensvatbaarheidvereistes te voldoen. Primere data is versamel by die filiale van ABSA Bank en kleinsake-eienaars in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Die gevolgtrekking word gemaak dat baie min kleinsake-eienaars wel deeglike mark- en finansiele lewensvatbaarheidstudies doen gedurende die aanvang van hul besighede of gedurende die onderskeie groeifases van hul ondernemings. Hulle steun meesal op banke en ander finansiele instellings om leiding te verskaf. Daar word voorgestel dat finansiele instellings ook navorsing doen of die vereistes wat hulle stel vir lewensvatbaarheid, nog steeds as realisties deur kleinsakelui beskou word.

The need for the beneficiation of Namibian diamond exports and its impact on economic performance

Gawanab, Alex Clive 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Since gaining independence in 1990, Namibia has enjoyed a fairly stable economic performance, but its heavy reliance on its natural resources, especially its mineral resources, is at times worrisome. Historically, the country has depended primarily on diamond exports as a major source of foreign exchange earnings and state revenue. The contribution of diamond mining to government revenue has over the years declined from a high of N$1493 million in 2002 to the levels of N$821 million in 2007. Similarly, the contribution of diamond mining to the Gross Domestic Product has decline marginally from N$4.59 billion (16.9 percent) in 2006 to N$3.56 billion (13.1 percent) in 2007 respectively. It is evident that there has been a steady, but progressive decline in the proportional contribution of diamonds to the national income in relation to the other sectors of the economy. This decline can however not be directly attributed to a corresponding decline in the diamond production output, but perhaps due to a decline in diamond demand and lower prices. Based on the fact that diamond production and expansion thereof to offshore operations in particular will continue for years to come and still make significant contribution to the Namibia economy, this study attempts to formulate value addition strategies that could lead to the optimisation of the Namibia diamond economy potential, especially local benefication, as well as increased international competitiveness within the established world diamond markets. To this end, it evaluates the intricate supply and demand patterns in the world diamond market to understand how Namibia could position itself. The study found that there is a clear case for local diamond benefication as an economic imperative and that it is a feasible proposition. However, it must be approached cautiously and within a clearly defined and structured framework. It is recommended that Namibia should pursue the benefication of her unique gem quality diamonds in conjunction with external manufacturing experts and marketers in order to secure a bigger stake in the global diamond pipeline. To this end the government needs to formulate clear incentive strategies and packages for investors and also open the playing field for local manufacturers, without compromising existing relations and revenue streams. Furthermore, it is suggested that Namibia strive to maintain an amicable balance between rough exports and local benefication, whilst expanding the regulatory and enabling environment. Other proposals that will support local benefication and competitiveness of the Namibian diamond economy are diamond branding and marketing through already existing diamond marketing pioneers such as DTC International. Finally, Namibia needs to embark upon strategies to urgently increase its skills base and improve the productivity of its labour force in order to achieve the vision of a flourishing diamond benefication sector.

Increasing revenue through the use of customer relationship management as a tool

Den Ouden, Vincent P. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2009.

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