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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The South African Government Purchasing Card : a foundation for B2G e-commerce

Derby, Vernon 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The objective of this study was determined and is stated in chapter 1. An overview of the traditional approach to procurement is given through the description of a traditional purchase-to-pay process. A detailed description of the Purchasing Card is given to use as background by readers. The Purchasing Card description includes benefits of the use of the card, and benefits to suppliers when a purchasing card is used. Controls that can be implemented by using the Purchasing Card are indicated. Available Management Information has been established and is indicated in chapter 2. A study of the Visa HM Government Procurement Card of the UK government was done. Established best practices from this card programme forms the foundation of the suggestions on the product offering and suggested implementation plan for the South African Government. It is also supported by experience gained at rollouts at corporate clients of Absa Bank. The South African Government's policy framework for e-Government was studied and is briefly outlined in this study. The link between Purchasing Cards and e- Government is indicated by a discussion on economies of scale that can be obtained. A product description of a South African Government Purchasing Card has been compiled. Certain key aspects to consider, has been discussed. A proposed implementation plan, indicating the short and long-term benefits for the South African Government, has been compiled. Finally, the study is concluded by making recommendations on implementing a South African Government Purchasing Card programme. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van die studie is bepaal en word aangedui in hoofstuk 1. 'n Oorsig van die tradisionele benadering tot aankope word weergegee deur die beskrywing van 'n tradisionele aankoop-tot-betaling proses. 'n Volledige beskrywing van die aankope kaart word voorsien vir gebruik as agtergrond deur lesers. Die aankope kaart beskrywing sluit voordele met die gebruik van die kaart, asook voordele aan verskaffers indien 'n aankope kaart gebruik word, in. Verder word beheer maatreëls wat geimplementeer kan word indien 'n Aankope kaart gebruik word, aangedui. Beskikbare bestuursinligting is bepaal en word aangedui in hoofstuk 2. 'n Studie is gedoen van die "Visa HM Government Procurement Card" van die regering van die Verenigde Koninkryk (VK). Gevestigde praktyke van hierdie kaart program vorm die grondslag vir die voorstelle van die produk en voorgestelde implemteringsplan vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering. Dit word verder ondersteun deur ondervinding opgedoen met die implemetering van aankoop kaart programme by Korporatiewe kliënte van Absa Bank. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering se beleidsraamwerk vir e-Regering is bestudeer en word kortliks aangespreek in hierdie studie. Die verband tussen aankope kaarte en e- Regering word aangedui deur 'n bespreking van die ekonomieë van skaal wat verkry kan word. 'n Produk beskrywing van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Regering aankope kaart is saamgestel. Sekere sleutelelemente wat oorweeg moet word by die implementering van so 'n produk, word bespreek. 'n Voorgestelde implementeringsplan is saamgestel, waar die kort- en langtermyn voordele vir die Suid-Afrikaanse Regering aangedui word. Laastens word die studie afgesluit met sekere aanbevelings vir die implemetering van 'n Suid-Afrikaanse Regerings aankope kaart program.

Why project management is not successfully applied in Investment Frontiers

Labuschagne, Hermann 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Investment Frontiers is a business unit of Old Mutual South Africa, which launches new products. These launches are carried out as projects. A major problem is that it is always difficult to launch new products in the scheduled time and the projects usually go over budget. Investment Frontiers thinks that project management is not being applied successfully in the business. The research was done to provide an answer as to why project management is not being applied successfully. A literature study was done on the different elements of project management. This study led to the construction of a questionnaire to test if employees applied the process correctly or at all. The questionnaire was sent to 23 people being all the employees directly involved in projects. The following three problems or shortcomings were identified from the response to the questionnaire: 1. Scope creep, where the scope of the project changes constantly 2. Lack of project scheduling 3. Lack of training in and knowledge of project management in the business The recommendations made were to pay more attention to the scope document, to develop simplified project scheduling techniques for in-house use, and to implement more project manager training programmes. Although there were some shortcomings in the research, the result of the research was positive in the sense that development areas were identified and constructive actions can be taken to address the problem areas. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Investment Frontiers is 'n afdeling van Ou Mutual Suid-Afrika wat nuwe produkte loods in die vorm van projekte. 'n Groot probleem wat ondervind word, is dat dit altyd moeilik is om nuwe produkte binne die geskeduleerde tyd geloods te kry, en dat die projekte gewoonlik die begroting oorskry. Investment Frontiers vermoed dat projekbestuur nie suksesvol toegepas word nie. Hierdie studie is gedoen om antwoorde te verskaf hoekom projekbestuur nie suksesvol toegepas word nie. 'n Literatuurstudie is gedoen met betrekking tot die hoofelemente van projekbestuur. Hierdie literatuurstudie het die basis gevorm vir die opstel van 'n vraelys om te toets tot hoe 'n mate die proses korrek of hoegenaamd toegepas word. Die vraelys is aan 23 persone gestuur. Dit verteenwoordig almal wat direk met projekte, binne die besigheidseenheid, betrokke is. Die volgende 3 probleme of tekortkominge is op grond van die vraelys geïdentiftseer: 1. "Scope creep", waar die werksomvang van die projek gereeld verander 2. Onvoldoende gebruik van projekskedulering 3. Onvoldoende opleiding met betrekking tot projekbestuur in die besigheidseenheid Die voorstelle wat gemaak is, is dat daar meer tyd aan die werkomvangsdokument spandeer moet word, eenvoudige projekskedule-tegnieke ontwikkel moet word vir binnenshuise gebruik en om verdere opleidingsprogramme vir projekbestuursders te implementeer. Alhoewel daar sommige tekortkominge in die navorsing is, is die uitkoms van die navorsing positief in die sin dat ontwikkelingsareas geïdentifiseer is en konstruktiewe aksies geneem kan word om die probleme te hanteer.

An investigation into the characteristics of a successful project manager

Stapelberg, F. D. J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The project manager plays a vital role in determining the success of any project. In multi-functional projects the project manager mostly has a technical background covering only one of the participant functional areas and functional specialists are more knowledgeable than the project leader in their area of technical expertise. Further more both human resources and time are often scarce on projects. The project manager thus needs very specific personal and managerial skills to enable him to operate effectively in such a high pressure environment. The study indicates a strong correlation between project manager characteristics deemed important by South African project functionaries and those deemed important by project functionaries on a global scale. The relative importance of a number of project manager characteristics are however rated exceptionally high or low by South African project functionaries. The most important "undervalued" characteristics (thus posing a threat to project management) are; administrative skills, dealing with people and vision/seeing the big picture. A clear distinction exists between the relative importance of project manager characteristics amongst different subgroups of project functionaries in South Africa. Subgroups are inter alia formed by functional sectors within the economy, the managerial level of the functionary within the organisation (project manager- project personnel/ senior manager), and the average project duration. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die projekbestuurder speel 'n baie belangrike rol in die bepaling van die sukses van enige projek. In multi-funksionele projekte dek die tegniese agtergrond van die projekbestuurder meestal slegs een van die deelnemende funksionele areas en beskik funksionele spesialiste oor meerdere kennis in hul areas van tegniese kundigheid as die projekbestuurder. Verder is menslike hulpbronne en tyd dikwels skaars op projekte. Die projekbestuurder benodig dus baie spesifieke persoonlike- en bestuursvaardighede om hom in staat te stel om effektief in so 'n hoë-druk omgewing te kan funksioneer. Die studie dui op 'n sterk korrelasie tussen projekbestuurder eienskappe wat as belangrik beskou word deur Suid-Afrikaanse projekfunsionarisse en dié wat as belangrik beskou word deur projekfunsionarisse op 'n globale skaal. Die relatiewe belangrikheid van 'n aantal projekbestuurdereienskappe word egter uitsonderlik hoog of laag beskou deur Suid-Afrikaanse projekfunsionarisse. Die mees belangrike "ondergewaardeerde" (wat dus 'n bedreiging vir projekbestuur inhou) eienskappe is: Administratiewe vaardighede, interteraksie met mense, en visie/'n geheelbeeld. 'n Duidelike onderskeid bestaan tussen die relatiewe belangrikheid van projekbestuurder eienskappe van verskillende subgroepe van projekfunksionarisse in Suid-Afrika. Subgroepe word onder andere gevorm deur: funksionele sektore in die ekonomie, die bestuursvlak van die funksionaris binne die organisasie (projekbestuurder- projekpersoneel/senior bestuurder) en gemiddelde projekduurtes.

Emotional intelligence : creating a sustainable competitive advantage for the future development of leaders

Lombard, Charles 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: During my studies for the degree of Master in Business Administration (MBA) at the University of Stellenbosch, my lecturer, Mr. Mario Denton, introduced me to the concept of emotional intelligence. A study of literature on this concept increased my awareness that leaders should have certain abilities that will make them perform better in the workplace. Ultimately, these abilities should lead to better departmental and organisational performance and could therefore be vital for the survival of an organisation. The concept itself is fairly new and not too many leaders in the workplace are familiar with it. The term emotional intelligence is based on people and organisational issues that have been around for many years, but it has only recently been established as a separate field of study. It has now also been incorporated in the MBA curriculum at the University of Stellenbosch. As a new concept in its development phase, extensive marketing is required to establish the term emotional intelligence among the leading organisations in South Africa. Emotional intelligence can only add value if leaders in the business world understand the concept and truly believe that it can create added value within an organisation and among its people. Especially managers and human resources departments within these organisations should have a good understanding of how emotional intelligence can be incorporated in their organisations. A lack of awareness and knowledge of emotional intelligence was the motivation behind this study project. It is hoped that this research will create awareness among business leaders in South Africa and result in emotional intelligence ultimately being incorporated in organisations in order for them to create a sustainable and competitive advantage. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Gedurende my studie (Meestersgraad in Besigheidsadministrasie) aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch het my dosent, mnr. Mario Denton, my blootgestel aan die konsep emosionele intelligensie. 'n Literatuurstudie oor die onderwerp het getoon dat leiers spesifieke eienskappe moet besit om hul sukses in die werkplek te verbeter. Hierdie eienskappe kan uiteindelik tot beter departementele en organisasieprestasie lei. Emosionele intelligensie is dus noodsaaklik vir die voortbestaan van organisasies in hierdie uiters mededingende korporatiewe omgewing. Die konsep as sodanig is redelik nuut en min leiers verstaan dit en die voordele daarvan. Emosionele intelligensie is gebaseer op mense- en organisasiekwessies wat reeds jare lank bestaan, maar dit is eers onlangs as 'n aparte studierigting aanvaar. Emosionele intelligensie is ook onlangs by die MBA-kurrikulum van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch ingesluit. Die konsep is tans in sy ontwikkelingsfase en aktiewe bemarking is nodig om dit in Suid-Afrika se sakewereld te vestig. Emosionele intelligense kan slegs waarde toevoeg indien sakeleiers die konsep verstaan en werklik glo dat dit op 'n individuele, departementele en organisasievlak waarde kan toevoeg. Veral bestuurders en menslikehulpbronafdelings moet verstaan hoe om die konsep in hul organisasies te inkorporeer. 'n Gebrek aan 'n bewustheid en kennis van emosionele intelligensie was die hoofrede vir hierdie werkstuk. Die doel van die werkstuk is om die konsep onder Suid-Afrika se sakeleiers te bemark, wat hopelik daartoe sal lei dat emosionele intelligensie in organisasies geïnkorporeer word ten einde 'n volhoubare en kompeterende voordeel te skep.

Is management a subset of leadership or is leadership a subset of management with regard to project management?

Beukman, Anita (Anna Jacoba) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / Traditionally project management has been found mainly in the construction industry and the project manager was a technical specialist. There was a tendency to select people solely for their technical expertise and to emphasize the hard skills (scheduling, statistical analysis, etc.) In general there was a failure to distinguish between project leadership and project management. Managing organisations through projects or through project portfolios (programmes) is gaining popularity since it is a management approach that integrates and co-ordinates current strategic business and operational dimensions. Organisations also become customer driven, which resulted in an increased demand for project managers with a new style of project management. The "new style" project managers have to cope with the traditional criteria of cost, time and specification to be met as well as more ambiguous goals in an environment of organisational politics, external environmental and marketing pressures together with the needs of the stakeholders inside and outside the organisation. Do these "new-style" projects require a project manager with leadership skills? Do we need a project manager or a project leader or both? Are both management and leadership skills essential for a project manager? What is the difference between project management and project leadership?

Mission statements and vision statements : why companies would want them

Schuyling van Doorn, Stefan E. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Mission and vision statements are concepts that are often discussed at meetings where companies discuss and debate whether or not to implement them to ensure sustained profitability or increase the motivation of employees. This, however, is a misconception in the business world since mission and vision statements do not lead to instantaneous success. Mission and vision statements are strategic tools to help organisations to focus on what they are good at and what they stand for. Mission statements help an organisation to identify which current direction the organisation should be taking, whereas a vision statement helps an organisation to identify where it wants to be in the future. A mission and vision statement provides a goal towards which the people of the company can work so that it can be profitable and endure lasting success. This goal binds the workers of an organisation, resulting in people that are happy since they know what the organisation's core purpose is. They key importance of these statements is that they provide guidance of strategic and day-ta-day operational decision-making. Companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that remain fixed, while their business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world. The dynamics of preserving the core while stimulating progress is the reason that companies such as Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony and Nordstrom became elite institutions able to renew themselves. It is important to realise is that there is no documented proof that organisations that do not have these mission and vision statements are less successful than those that do have them. The dynamic of the concepts developed in Built to Last, i.e. preserving the core/stimulate the progress should be kept in mind. Neither vision nor mission statements are the primary engines of enduring great companies, and bear in mind that visions simply provide the guiding context for bringing the this dynamic to life. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Missie en visie stellings word dikwels by maatskappy vergaderings bespreek. Die implementering hiervan word beredeneer ten einde voortgesette maatskappy winsgewendheid te verseker en verhoogde werknemer motivering te bewerkstellig. Die sakewêreld het egter 'n wanbegrip van missie en visie stellings aangesien dit nie opsigself lei tot onmiddellike sukses nie. Dit is bloot strategiese middele wat 'n organisasie help fokus op dit waarin hulle goed is en waarna hulle streef. Missie stellings help 'n organisasie om onmiddelik rigting te kry terwyl visie stellings help om toekomstige posisie te identifiseer. Die missie en visie stellings stel 'n doelwit waarna die mense in 'n maatskappy kan werk sodat winsgewendheid en volhoubare sukses behaal kan word. Werknemers in 'n maatskappy word verbind tot hierdie doelwit en dit het werkstevredenheid tot gevolg omdat die kern doel van die organisasie verstaan word. Die belangrikste aspek van hierdie stellings is dat dit 'n riglyn stel vir strategiese en daaglikse operasionele besluitneming. Maatskappye wat volhoubare sukses bewerkstellig, het 'n vaste doel en kern waardes terwyl hul sakestrategie en praktyk gedurig aanpas tot die veranderende wêreld. Die dinamiek van kernbehouding en die stimulasie van vooruitgang is die rede tot maatskappye soos Hewlett Packard, 3M, Merck, Sony en Nordstrom se posisie as elite instansies wat hulself kan hernu. Dit is belangrik om kennis te neem dat geen gedokumenteerde bewys bestaan dat maatskappye wat nie 'n missie en visie stelling het nie, minder suksesvol is as dié wat wel 'n missie en visie stelling het nie. Die dinamiek van die konsep ontwikkel in "Built to Last", naamlik behoud van die kern en stimulasie van vooruitgang, moet in gedagte gehou word. Visie en missie stellings is nie die primêre dryfkrag van blywende maatskappye nie, maar skep bloot die rigtinggewende konteks om hierdie dinamika lewe te gee.

N-shares versus ordinary shares

Van der Vyver, Anton Hendrik 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The mini study project attempted to answer questions relating to the relationship between N-ordinary shares (N-shares) and ordinary shares of the same company. Questions relating to the movement in share prices of the two types of shares were formulated. Various statistical data was used to compare the two types of shares. The study identified sixteen (16) N-share listed companies as at 12 July 2002. The results indicate that the N-shares, compared to the ordinary shares, trade at a considerable discount. Certain N- shares, on the other hand, trade at almost no discount. It was concluded that when control in a specific company is not an issue and the N-shares trade at a discount of more than three percent (3%) to the ordinary shares, the N-shares should be bought. The choice is between the two types of shares and not whether one should invest in the specific company or not. The discount should however be more than the cost of transferring from one share to another. The cost of the transfer was taken as three percent (3%) of cost. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die mini werkstuk probeer om die vrae rondom N-gewone aandele (N-aandele) en gewone aandele van dieselfde maatskappy te beantwoord. Vrae oor die beweging van aandeelpryse van die twee tipe aandele is saamgestel. Verskeie statistiese data is gebruik om die twee tipe aandele te vergelyk. Die werkstuk het sestien (16) N-aandeel genoteerde maatskappye soos op 12 Julie 2002 geïdentifiseer. Die resultate wys dat N-aandele in vergelyking met gewone aandele teen 'n aansienlike diskonto verhandel. Sekere N-aandele, aan die anderkant, verhandel teen feitlik geen diskonto nie. Daar is tot die slotsom gekom dat indien beheer van 'n spesifieke maatskappy nie 'n voorvereiste is nie en dat die N-aandele teen 'n diskonto van meer as drie persent (3%) verhandel, die N-aandele gekoop moet word. Die keuse is tussen twee tipe aandele en nie of daar in die spesifieke maatskappy belê moet word of nie. Die diskonto moet egter meer wees as die koste van die omskakeling van die een aandeel na die ander. Die omskakelingskoste is geraam teen drie persent (3%) van koste.

Privatisation in Africa : a case for Botswana

Mamelodi, Anastasia Nkhumo 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In many countries privatisation has been embraced as an economic policy that serves almost as a panacea for many economic problems. In general the rationale is assumed to be that of welfare improvement. It is also expected to improve governments' macroeconomic position because state enterprises are frequently loss making and hence receivers of government funds. Privatisation is also perceived to contribute to the development of weak or non-existent capital markets to enhance domestic savings mobilization. Africa's investment climate and potential for economic growth have improved remarkably and although Africa accounts for only a small fraction of worldwide privatisation activities, privatisation is on the increase as more governments realize that the old ways of state ownership have failed to deliver the goods. Hardly any African country does not have some sort of privatisation in the pipeline. Botswana, which is the main focus of this paper, launched its privatisation programme in 1998, when the Cabinet adopted the privatisation policy. Privatisation has also been triggered by the increasing globalization of the world economy. Rapid growth in international trade and investment has made competitiveness in international trade an essential factor in a nation's ability to create jobs, raise real wages and generate wealth. For many African countries, privatisation has become the only effective method of raising investment capital on favourable terms. High levels of past public sector borrowing have burdened many nations with large levels of debt. Although privatisation efforts differ substantially from country to country, there is a strong common economic rationale underlying the various decisions to privatise. African countries privatise for solutions to immediate financial, economic or political crises and due to the demands of International Donor Agencies, such as the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund. Privatisation in Botswana is different in the sense that it has come from the desire to improve efficiency in the delivery of services, promote competition and increase productivity of enterprises. Advocates of globalization promote the efficiencies of speed and technology and the benefits of privatisation as the best approach to economic development, based on an assumption that it is better for all nations to have a well-connected international network to achieve goals of economic development. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In baie lande word privatisering as 'n ekonomiese beleid aangegryp as 'n wondermiddel vir talle ekonomiese probleme. Oor die algemeen word aangeneem dat die grondrede hiervoor die verbetering van welsyn is. Daar word ook verwag dat dit die regering se makro-ekonomiese posisie sal verbeter, aangesien staatsondernemings dikwels verliese ly en dus ontvangers van staatsfondse is. Privatisering dra klaarblyklik ook by tot die ontwikkeling van swak of nie-bestaande kapitaalmarkte ten einde plaaslike spaarpogings aan te moedig. Afrika se beleggingsklimaat en potensiaal vir ekonomiese groei het merkwaardig verbeter en alhoewel Afrika vir slegs 'n geringe gedeelte van wêreldwye privatiseringsaktiwiteite verantwoordelik is, is privatisering aan die toeneem namate regerings besef dat die ou stelsel van staatseienaarskap nie suksesvol is nie. Byna alle Afrikalande het een of ander vorm van privatisering aan die kom. Botswana, wat die hooffokus van hierdie studieprojek is, het in 1998 sy privatiseringsprogramme van stapel gestuur toe die Kabinet die privatiseringsbeleid goedgekeur het. Privatisering word ook aangehelp deur die toenemende globalisering van die wêreldekonomie. Snelle groei in internasionale handel en investering maak mededingendheid in internasionale handel 'n noodsaaklike faktor in 'n land se vermoë om werk te skep, reële lone te verhoog en welvaart te genereer. Vir baie Afrikalande het privatisering die enigste doeltreffende manier geword om beleggingkapitaal op gunstige voorwaardes te verkry. As gevolg van hoë vlakke van openbaresektorlenings in die verlede sit talle nasies opgesaal met groot skuldvlakke. Alhoewel privatiseringspogings aansienlik van land tot land verskil, is daar 'n sterk onderliggende gemeenskaplike ekonomiese grondrede vir die onderskeie besluite om te privatiseer. Afrikalande privatiseer as 'n oplossing vir onmiddellike finansiële, ekonomiese of politieke krisisse en weens die eise van internasionale skenkerorganisasies soos die Wêreldbank en die Internasionale Monetêre Fonds. Privatisering in Botswana verskil in dié opsig dat dit spruit uit die behoefte om doeltreffendheid te verbeter in die lewering van dienste, mededinging aan te moedig en die produktiwiteit van ondernemings te verhoog. Voorstanders van globalisering ondersteun die doeltreffendheid van spoed en tegnologie en die voordele van privatisering as die beste benadering vir ekonomiese ontwikkeling, gegrond op die aanname dat dit vir alle nasies beter is om 'n effektiewe internasionale netwerk te hê om doelwitte van ekonomiese ontwikkeling te bereik.

The strategic impact of outsourcing as applied to a facilities management company

Arendse, Sedick 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study project focuses on the relevance of outsourcing in the facilities management industry, and will be conducted in the field of facilities management, for it is closely related to outsourcing and business process outsourcing. The primary aim of this study is to review and summarise some of the more important literature on outsourcing, published in various sources during the past decade. Similar literature related to facilities management will also be studied in order to relate the most generic articles on outsourcing to the field of facilities management. A number of general conclusions will be drawn on the basis of similarities encountered in the various published works. The research is divided into the following sections: • An introduction, explaining the various forms of outsourcing and the relationship between outsourcing and facilities management. • The definition of facilities management. This entails a description of facilities management, typical facilities services and the facilities management company structure. The international facilities management market is also discussed together with facilities management decisions. • The definition of outsourcing, to enable the reader to comprehend this research report. The different types of outsourcing, business processes outsourcing and the shared-services methodology is explained. Drivers of the outsourcing process are identified and supported with comments from top executives. • The strategic impact of outsourcing is outlined, identifying the market value of outsourcing, defining core competencies, establishing core and non-core activities and investigating the formulation and implementation of a successful outsourcing strategy. • Approaches to outsourcing are then investigated. This involves establishing an outsourcing context, selection of service providers, managing an outsourcing relationship, building strategic alliances and the South African legislation impacting on outsourcing, together with advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. • The Sanlam LTD (Pty) case study captures the outsourcing theory in the South African context, and identifies a local success story with international recognition. In conclusion, emphasis is placed on the fact that outsourcing trends throughout the world is booming through strategic alliances with facilities management companies, with greater emphasis and effort in establishing a successful relationship to sustain and enhance the enormous value-add that outsourcing offers to both parties. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studieprojek fokus op die relevansie van uitkontraktering in die fasiliteitebestuursbedryf en is op die gebied van fasiliteitebestuur gedoen, aangesien dit noue verband hou met uitkontraktering en besigheidsprosesuitkontrakterings-elemente. Die primêre doel van hierdie studieprojek is om sommige van die belangrikste literatuur oor uitkontrak-tering, wat gedurende die afgelope dekade in verskeie bronne gepubliseer is, na te gaan en op te som. Soortgelyke literatuur met betrekking tot fasiliteitebestuur is ook bestudeer ten einde die mees generiese artikels oor uitkontraktering in die gebied van fasiliteitebestuur in verband te bring. 'n Aantal algemene gevolgtrekkings sal gedoen word op grond van ooreenkomste wat in die onderskeie publikasies aangetref is. Die navorsing is in die volgende afdelings opgedeel: • 'n Inleiding wat die onderskeie vorms van uitkontraktering en die verband tussen uitkontraktering en fasiliteitebestuur verduidelik. • Die definisie van fasiliteitebestuur. Dit behels 'n beskrywing van fasiliteitebestuur, tipiese fasiliteitedienste en die fasiliteitebestuur-maatskappystruktuur. Die internasionale fasiliteitebestuursmark word ook bespreek en dit sluit af met fasiliteitebestuursbesluite en maatskappy-ondervinding. • Die definisie van uitkontraktering, om die leser in staat te stel om hierdie studieprojek te begryp. Die verskillende tipes uitkontraktering, besigheidsprosesuitkontrak-tering, en die gedeeldedienstemetodologie word verduidelik. Drywers van die uitkontrakteringsproses word geïdentifiseer en daar word afgesluit met kommentaar deur top uitvoerende amptenare. • Die strategiese impak van uitkontraktering word geskets om die markwaarde van uitkontraktering te identifiseer, kernbevoegdhede te definieer, kern- en nie-kernaktiwiteite vas te stel en die formulering en implementering van 'n suksesvolle uitkontrakteringstrategie te ondersoek. • Benaderings tot uitkontraktering word dan ondersoek. Dit behels die vasstelling van 'n uitkontrakteringskonteks, selektering van diensverskaffers, die bestuur van 'n uitkontrak- teringsverbintenis, die bou van strategiese alliansies, en Suid-Afrikaanse wetgewing wat 'n impak op uitkontraktering het, tesame met die voordele en nadele. • Die Sanlam Bpk. (Edms.)-gevallestudie ondervang die uitkontrakteringsteorie in die Suid- Afrikaanse konteks, en identifiseer 'n plaaslike suksesverhaal met internasionale erkenning. • Ten slotte word nadruk geplaas op die feit dat uitkontrakteringstendense wêreldwyd 'n bloeitydperk beleef as gevolg van strategiese alliansies met fasiliteitebestuursmaatskappye, met groter beklemtoning van en moeite om 'n suksesvolle verbintenis te skep om die enorme toevoeging van waarde, wat uitkontraktering aan beide partye bied, te handhaaf en te versterk.

What project managers do : where they succeed and where they fall short

Van Rensburg, J. L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Project management is about the art of converting vision into reality. Projects and project managers were traditionally evaluated on time, cost and quality aspects. This has evolved over time into nine project management knowledge areas. The nine knowledge areas are also the basis on which project A successful project manager has a positive attitude and can get the work done through his project team, to meet the project objectives. The main shortfalls as indicated in the literature are clarity of roles and responsibilities, planning and scheduling as well as cost and financial control. Other shortfalls include procurements and contract negotiations and the managing of time and budget constraints. The way to fix it is to put a lot of focus into that area and assign extra people if you have to. The project manager must still maintain the balance with the other areas. Proper up front planning is the best remedial measure to ensure success. Success breeds success and there are no shortcuts in project management. Project quality and project scope management is generally the two areas where project managers are successful all over the world according to literature. Constant evaluation is the key to being successful as a project manager. Project managers must benchmark themselves against other good project managers to measure themselves and to work on the areas, which needs more attention. It is imperative that project managers understand the expected outcome of the project and what is expected from him. Project management cannot run without good systems in place to monitor the whole project life cycle. The project manager should have the say in the selection of the project team as his ultimate success or failure is dependent on the people that he is going to work with. You must plan out the whole process before you start. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. managers are evaluated for being successful or failing. All people have the tendency to favor certain areas more than other areas and hence they excel in those areas. Literature indicates that project managers still focus largely on quality. It is important for the project manager to maintain a balance amongst the nine knowledge areas. Constant evaluation of the project manager throughout the life cycle of the project is important and must be used as early warning devices to indicate when things are going wrong. The nine areas include cost, time, and quality and scope management. It further involves risk management, human resou rces ma nagement, procu remen.t, com munications management and integration of all the areas into the project life cycle. Project managers must have exceptional human resource skills. Project management is not about managing the work, but about managing the people to deliver the results. The project manager must be a leader and is only as successful as the team he leads. All nine project management knowledge areas are important, and the integration process must be managed carefully to be successful as a project manager. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projek bestuur gaan oor die kuns om 'n idee in realiteit te omskep. Projekte en projek bestuurders is tradisioneel beoordeel ten opsigte van tyd, koste en kwaliteit. Dit het met tyd ontwikkel tot die huidige nege kennis areas van projek bestuur. Die nege kennis areas, is dan ook die areas waarop projek bestuurders beoordeeI word om te sien of hulle suksesvol is al dan nie. Alle mense het die geneigdheid om beter te doen in sekere areas as in ander, omdat hulle meer daarin belang stel. Die literatuur dui aan dat projek bestuurders steeds baie fokus op kwaliteit. Dit is egter belangrik vir die projek bestuurder om 'n balans te handhaaf tussen die nege kennis areas. Gereelde evaluering van die projek bestuurder gedurende die lewensiklus van die projek is belangrik. Dit kan ook dien as vroegtydige waarskuwings tekens dat dinge moontlik kan verkeerd loop. Die nege areas sluit in, koste, tyd, kwaliteit en bestuur van die omvang van die projek. Verder sluit dit risiko bestuur, personeel bestuur, aankope, kommunikasie bestuur en integrasie van al die areas in die lewensiklus in. Projek bestuurders het hoë vlakke van vaardigheid nodig in die bestuur van mense. Projek bestuur gaan nie oor die bestuur van die werk nie, maar oor die bestuur van die mense wat verantwoordelik is vir die werk. Die projek bestuurder moet 'n ware leier wees en kan slegs suksesvol wees as die span wat hy lei suksesvol is. AI nege kennis areas is belangrik en die sukses van die projek bestuurder hang af van die mate wat die integrasie proses suksesvol toegepas word. 'n Suksesvolle projek bestuurder moet 'n positiewe houding hê. Hy sal dan daarin slaag om die doelwitte suksesvol te behaal deur die gebruik van sy projek span se vaardighede. Die groot tekortkominge soos aangedui in die literatuur is die verstaan van rolle en die verantwoordelikheid van elke rolspeler, beplanning en skedulering, sowel as koste en finansiële bestuur. Ander tekortkominge sluit in aankope en kontrak bestuur, asook die bestuur van tyd en begrotings. Die manier om tekortkominge uit te sorteer is om ten volle aandag daaraan te gee, sonder om die balans te versteur tussen die nege kennis areas. Ken meer mense toe om die probleem aan te spreek. Die beste kuur is om seker te maak dat die vooruit beplanning reg is. Sukses skep meer sukses en daar is geen kortpaaie in projek bestuur nie. Volgens literatuur is daar twee areas waarin projek bestuurders uitblink. Die kwaliteit van die projek en die bestuur van die omvang van die projek word deur die wêreld heen as suksesvolle areas van projek bestuur gesien. Gereelde evaluasie is die sleutel tot sukses as projek bestuurder. Projek bestuurders moet hulle self vergelyk met ander goeie projek bestuurders en areas waarin hulle onderpresteer onder die knie kry. Dit is belangrik vir die projek bestuurder om voor die tyd seker te maak wat die verwagte uitkoms van die projek behels en wat presies van hom verwag word. Projek bestuur kan nie bedryf word en gemonitor word sonder om goeie sisteme in plek te hê nie. Dit is belangrik om die hele lewensiklus van die projek te monitor. Gegewe die belangrikheid van die projek bestuur span is dit van uiterste belang dat die projek bestuurder toegelaat word om sy eie span te kies. Die sukses van die projek bestuurder hang af van die sukses van sy span. Die hele proses moet vooruit beplan word voordat die projek eens 'n aanvang neem. As jy faal om te beplan, dan beplan jy om te faal.

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