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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Willingness to participate (WTP) in a future HIV vaccine trial in a high risk sample : perceived barriers and facilitators to participation

Parker, Fatima Bibi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / HIV vaccines are currently being developed and tested worldwide. This thesis reports on a qualitative study that was conducted to determine the concerns and problems regarding participation in future HIV vaccine trials. The sample for the study was selected from a peri-urban township, Masiphumelele, in Cape Town, Western Cape province, South Africa. The HIV-prevalence rate in Masiphumelele is 25%. A total of 10 participants between the ages of 19 and 30 were recruited for the present study. All participants’ first language was Xhosa and seven of them had English as a second language. Owing to a language barrier, an interpreter assisted the interviewer in conducting the interviews in the preferred language of the participants. Participants were recruited by convenience sampling and were asked to participate in two semi-structured interviews, under confidential conditions. The first interview addressed knowledge regarding HIV/AIDS, HIV vaccines and HIV clinical trials. The second interview identified the concerns and problems participants had regarding participation in future HIV vaccine trials. The interviews were recorded, transcribed and entered into Atlas ti., a computer program that assists in the analysis of textual data. The analysis of the data focused on the content of participants’ concerns about barriers to participation and their perspectives on facilitators to participation. The data collected on concerns and problems which, may influence participants’ willingness to participate in future HIV vaccine trials, was divided into two overarching themes, namely, barriers to participation and facilitators to participation. The barriers to participation included physical symptoms, stigma and discrimination, trypanophobia, distrust, psychological distress, sexual disinhibition and family responsibilities. The facilitators to participation included altruism, own protection from HIV infection, hopefulness, medical incentives, determining of HIV status, acquisition of knowledge, and equal treatment of participants in the experimental group and the placebo control group resulting from a double-blinded randomised trial. The question of participants’, recruited in the present study, willingness to participate in a future HIV vaccine trial are discussed in terms of Bronfenbrenner’s (1979) theoretical work on ecological systems, the social learning theory and the Health Belief Model (HBM). These theoretical frameworks deal with individuals, their behaviour and their environment, and how these influence one another. The significance and future direction of this line of research helps to overcome the barriers to participation and enhance the facilitators to participation. Thus, the intended result of such efforts is to maximise individuals’ participation in future HIV vaccine trials.

Adaptation in families with young children : identifying key processes and factors of resilience

Walters, Ilze 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / Family resiliency refers to the ability of families to withstand and rebound from crises and adversity, and entails adequate or more than adequate adaptation in the face of adversity. The aim of this study was to identify those qualities or resources that young families have employed in their adaptation to the addition of a child to the couple/family relationship and which have deemed them resilient during this normative crisis. Grounded within family systems theory (Carter & McGoldrick, 2003), both the Resiliency Model of Family Stress, Adjustment and Adaptation (McCubbin & McCubbin, 1996) and the Key Family Processes as outlined by Walsh (2002) served as the theoretical frameworks that guided the execution of the research. Eighty-nine families, in which the eldest child was no older than four years of age, took part in this study. Seven quantitative questionnaires were used in the assessment of family adaptation, whilst the participating parents also completed a demographic questionnaire and answered an open-ended question. The qualitative dimension of this study revealed that families regarded the resources of social support, effective and caring communication, flexibility in family roles, rules and relationships and, lastly, commitment to the family as important resources in the process of adapting to the presence of a young child in the family. The quantitative results indicate that resilience may be bolstered by spending time together and managing a routine, as well as valuing the family unit highly.

The development of a scale to assess structural barriers to adherence to antiretroviral therapy

Coetzee, Bronwyne Jo'sean 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: As the only effective treatment for HIV/AIDS, adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) is critical for successful treatment outcomes. Despite its open availability since the national rollout in 2004, adherence to ART has remained sub-optimal and the number of individuals shifted to the more expensive second-line therapy on steady increase. The literature reports more commonly on individual, psychological, and behavioural barriers to treatment. However, there has been a vast interest in the structural barriers that prohibit adherence to ART. In previous research, my colleagues and I identified the following structural barriers to treatment adherence: stigma-related barriers, the disincentives associated with disability grants, poor relationships with clinic staff, lack of privacy at clinics for counselling and treatment, transport difficulties in travelling to the clinic, long patient waiting times, food insecurity, substance abuse and the absence of substance abuse programmes, and migration. The data were arrived at by means of triangulated qualitative interviews obtained from patients, patient advocates, doctors, and nurses. Together, these qualitative data formed phase 1 of this study. The next step or phase 2, in this research was to develop a valid and reliable quantitative instrument based on these qualitative data. Therefore the primary aim of the study presented in this thesis was to identify the underlying factor structure of four scales aimed at measuring adherence at two levels namely, adherence to clinic attendance, and adherence to pill-taking. After sampling a group of almost 300 persons living with HIV (PLWH) four valid and reliable scales assessing structural barriers to adherence to ART were derived at with Cronbach alpha coefficients ranging from 0.87 to 0.91. For each scale, a general or higher order factor was determined by means of hierarchical transformation suggesting that the items on each of the scales were dominated by a single underlying factor. The findings of this research suggest that it is possible to assess the structural barriers to adherence that PLWH face on a daily basis. With a proper means, such as these scales, to assess structural barriers to adherence to ART clinicians may be able to identify patients who are likely to default and provide adequate attention to the most distressing barriers. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Antiretrovirale terapie (ART) is die enigste effektiewe behandeling teen MIV/Vigs. Behandeling met hierdie terapie kan slegs suksesvol voltooi word indien die medikasie ononderbroke en gereeld geneem word. Alhoewel medikasie vrylik beskikbaar was sedertdien die nasionale bekendstelling in 2004, het die aantal individue wat na duurder tweede lyn terapie oorgegaan het toegeneem. Die volhoubaarheid van ART was dus nie optimaal nie. Dit kan toegeskryf word aan individuele -, sielkundige - en gedragstruikelblokke tydens behandeling wat tans baie aandag geniet in die literatuur. Om by te voeg, strukturele hindernisse tot ART geniet ook tans baie aandag. Met hierdie as agtergrond, was die primêre doel van die studie om die onderliggende faktor struktuur van vier skale wat strukturele hindernisse tot ART op twee vlakke meet, naamlik getroue kliniek bywoning en neem van medikasie, te indentifiseer. Ons het met vorige navorsing die volgende strukturele hindernisse tot ART geidentifiseer: stigma-verwante hindernisse, hindernisse wat verband hou met ongeskiktheidstoelaes, swak verhoudings met kliniek personeel, die gebrek aan privaatheid by klinieke in terme van berading en behandeling, vervoerprobleme, lang wagtye vir pasiënte, voedselonsekerheid, dwelmmisbruik en die afwesigheid van middelmisbruik-programme, asook migrasie. Data aangaande bogenoemde strukturele hindernisse is ingesamel deur middel van kwalitatiewe onderhoude met pasiënte, pasiënt-advokate, dokters en verpleegsters (fase 1). Gedurende fase 2 van hierdie studie is 'n geldige en betroubare kwantitatiewe instrument op grond van hierdie kwalitatiewe data ontwikkel. 'n Steekproef van ongeveer 300 MIV-geinfekteerde individue het deelgeneem. Vier geldige en betroubare skale is ontwikkel ten opsigte van die assessering van strukturele hindernisse in terme van gereelde gebruik van antiretrivale middels, met Cronbach alpha koëffisiënte tussen 0.87 en 0.91. Vir elke skaal is 'n algemene of hoër-orde faktor bepaal deur middel van hiërargiese transformasie wat daarop dui dat die items op elk van die skale gekenmerk is deur 'n enkele onderliggende faktor. Ons bevindinge dui daarop dat dit moontlik is om die strukturele hindernisse wat MIV individue daagliks tot ART ondervind te meet. Met die gebruik van hierdie skale sal klinici dus in staat wees om pasiënte te identifiseer wat moontlik van ART sal afwyk of die terapie sal staak met die klem op mees onstellende hindernisse.

Aanvaarding van roetine MIV berading en toetsing in die konteks van die gesondheidsoortuigingsmodel

Nothling, Jani 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa is one of the countries with the highest HIV prevalence rates worldwide and younger age groups are often disproportionately affected. Knowledge of HIV status is regarded as an important prevention strategy for reducing HIV transmission and infection and it is viewed as a means to access antiretroviral therapy. Routine HIV Counseling and Testing (RCT) can significantly increase knowledge of HIV status, but it is unclear whether RCT will be accepted if offered. The aim of this study was to determine whether the main dimensions of the Health Belief Model (HBM) namely, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits and perceived barriers can predict acceptance of RCT. A second objective of the study was to determine if the variable of the HBM, namely cue’s to action could significantly contribute to predicting acceptability of RCT. A sample of 1113 students at the University of Stellenbosch in the Western Cape Province of South Africa completed a structured questionnaire, measuring the acceptability of RCT. Multiple regression analysis was used to analyze the data and it was found that the main dimensions of the HBM could explain 25.1% of the variance in acceptance of RCT. It was however found that the variable perceived severity did not make a significant individual contribution to predicting acceptability of RCT. The addition of the variable cues to action also did not make a significant individual contribution to the prediction of RCT. It was therefore found that the HBM could partially, but not in its entirety, predict acceptability of RCT among the student population. Interventions should therefore aim to increase perceived benefits of RCT, reduce perceived barriers to RCT and facilitate correct personal risk assessment in order to increase perceived susceptibility. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Suid-Afrika is een van die lande met die hoogste MIV voorkomsyfers wêreldwyd en jonger ouderdomsgroepe word dikwels disproporsioneel geaffekteer. Kennis van MIV status word beskou as ’n belangrike voorkomingstrategie vir die vermindering van MIV oordrag en infektering en dit baan verder ook die weg tot antiretrovirale terapie. Roetine MIV Berading en Toetsing (RBT) kan daarin slaag om kennis van MIV status aansienlik te verhoog, maar dit is egter onduidelik of RBT aanvaar sal word, indien dit aangebied word. Die hoofdoel van hierdie studie was om te bepaal of die hoofdimensies van die Gesondheidsoortuigingsmodel (GOM), naamlik waargenome vatbaarheid, waargenome erns, waargenome voordele en waargenome hindernisse, aanvaarding van RBT sal kan voorspel. ’n Verdere oogmerk van die studie was om te bepaal of die veranderlike van die GOM, naamlik aanwysings tot aksie, ’n beduidende bydrae tot die voorspelling van aanvaarding van RBT kon lewer. ’n Steekproef van 1113 studente aan die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in die Weskaap Provinsie van Suid-Afrika het ’n gestruktureerde vraelys, vir die meting van aanvaarding van RBT, voltooi. Veelvuldige regressie-analise was gebruik om die data te analiseer en daar was bevind dat die hoofdimensies van die GOM 25.1% van die variansie in aanvaarding van RBT kon voorspel. Die veranderlike waargenome erns het egter nie ’n beduidende individuele bydra tot die voorspelling van RBT gelewer nie. Die byvoeging van die veranderlike aanwysings tot aksie het verder ook nie ’n beduidende individuele bydrae tot die voorspelling van RBT gelewer nie. Daar is dus bevind dat die GOM gedeeltelik, maar nie as geheel nie, aanvaarding van RBT onder die studentepopulasie kan voorspel. Intervensies behoort daarom te fokus op die vermeerdering van waargenome voordele verbonde aan RBT, die vermindering van waargenome hindernisse tot RBT en korrekte persoonlike risiko-evaluering vir die verhoging van waargenome vatbaarheid vir MIV.

Gesinsgehardheid in gesinne waarin 'n kind oorlede is

Scheepers, Lucas Johannes 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A child’s death represents a traumatic loss, which can be understood as a crisis impacting on the family as a functioning unit. The purpose of the current study was to investigate grief and resilience in families in which a child has died, while specifically focusing on the internal resistance resource of family hardiness. A cross-sectional research design was implemented concurrently with intensive interviews conducted according to the principles of grounded theory. In total, 35 bereaved parents from the Western Cape participated in the study as representatives of 23 families. The participants each completed three questionnaires, a biographical questionnaire, the Family Hardiness Index and the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8. Pearson and Spearman correlational analyses indicated significant positive correlations between family hardiness scores (including scores on the subscales for commitment, challenge and control) and family adaptation (measured by use of the Family Attachment and Changeability Index 8). Significant associations were also found between certain biographical variables and family hardiness. Intensive interviews were, furthermore, conducted with participants representing 12 different families. The analysis of interviewtranscriptions resulted in the formulation of various thematic categories, such as grief-reactions, continuing bonds, external support, religion, as well as the core category of family hardiness. A grounded theory was thus developed concerning grief and resilience in families in which a child has died. The results of the study reveal the importance of qualitative methods to explore the unique experiences of bereaved parents and families with the purpose of constructing applied interventions on the family level. The family hardiness concept was also clarified and shown to be a possible resistance resource conducive to family adaptation following the loss of a child. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die dood van `n kind is `n traumatiese verlies, wat beskou kan word as `n krisis wat `n impak het op die gesin as `n funksionerende eenheid. Die doelwit van die huidige studie was om verdriet en veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is, te ondersoek, met `n spesifieke fokus op die interne weerstandsbron van gesinsgehardheid. `n Dwars-snit opname navorsingsontwerp is gebruik in oorleg met intensiewe onderhoude, wat volgens die beginsels van gegronde teorie gevoer is. In totaal is 35 ouers, woonagtig in die Wes-Kaap, betrek by die studie, wat opgetree het as verteenwoordigers van 23 gesinne. Die deelnemers het elk drie vraelyste voltooi, naamlik `n biografiese vraelys, die Gesinsgehardheid Indeks en die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8. Pearson en Spearman korrelasie-berekeninge het aangedui dat gesinsgehardheid-tellings (asook die tellings op die subskale vir toewyding, uitdaging en beheer) beduidend positief korreleer met gesinsaanpassing (gemeet met die Gesinsgehegtheid en Veranderlikheid Indeks 8). Beduidende verhoudings is ook gevind tussen sekere biografiese veranderlikes en gesinsgehardheid. Verder is intensiewe onderhoude gevoer met die verteenwoordigers van 12 gesinne. Die ontleding van onderhoud-transkripsies het gelei tot die formulering van verskeie tematiese kategorieë, naamlik verdriet-reaksies, die voortdurende verbintenis, eksterne ondersteuning en godsdiens, asook die kern-kategorie van gesinsgehardheid. `n Gegronde teorie is sodoende ontwikkel, wat betrekking het op verdriet en veerkragtigheid in gesinne waarin `n kind oorlede is. Die resultate van die studie wys op die belang van kwalitatiewe metodes om die uniekheid van bedroefde ouers en gesinne se ervarings te verken met die doel om gepaste intervensies op gesinsvlak te ontwikkel. Die konsep van gesinsgehardheid is ook verhelder en aangedui as `n moontlike weerstandsbron, wat bevorderlik is vir gesinne se aanpassing ná die verlies van `n kind.

Affirming communication and its association with family functioning

Jordaan, Cabriere 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Affirming or positive family communication is an important aspect in helping families and individuals protect themselves against various life challenges (Greeff & Du Toit, 2009; Greeff & Van der Merwe, 2004; Norman, 2000). According to Barnes and Olson (1985), affirming family communication plays an important role in an adolescent’s development. The present study aimed to determine the relationship between affirming family communication and family functioning. The relationships between family functioning and the quality of communication between the adolescent and the father and mother respectively were also investigated. Then, as the main focus of the present study, affirming family communication was explored qualitatively from the perspective of the adolescents. A quantitative survey research design was combined with an exploratory, qualitative design. The quantitative data was collected with self-report questionnaires, while the qualitative data was gathered by recording a discussion of affirming family communication in focus groups. The participants were first-year Psychology students of the University of Stellenbosch in South Africa. A total of 83 females and 17 males took part in the quantitative component of the present study (N = 100). Fourteen of these 100 students also took part in the focus group discussions. Pearson correlation coefficients revealed a significant positive correlation between affirming family communication and family functioning. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was found between family functioning and openness in communication between the adolescent and the mother and father respectively. The results of the multiple regression analysis revealed that openness in communication with the mother, affirming family communication and problems in communication with the father were important predictors of family functioning. Three core categories (with sub-categories) emerged from the content analysis of the focus group discussions on affirming family communication. These core categories were verbal affirming communication, non-verbal affirming communication and functional affirming communication. The findings of the present study highlight the importance of affirming family communication, especially in families with adolescent children, while also providing a description of affirming family communication from the adolescents’ perspectives. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bevestigende of positiewe gesinskommunikasie is ’n belangrike aspek wat gesinne en individue in staat stel om hulself teen verskeie lewensuitdagings te beskerm (Greeff & Du Toit, 2009; Greeff & Van der Merwe, 2004; Norman, 2000). Volgens Barnes and Olson (1985) speel bevestigende gesinskommunikasie ’n belangrike rol in die ontwikkeling van ’n adolessent. Hierdie studie het gepoog om die verhouding tussen bevestigende gesinskommunikasie en gesinsfunksionering te bepaal. Die verhoudings tussen gesinsfunksionering en die kwaliteit van kommunikasie tussen die adolessent en elk van die ouers is ook ondersoek. Laastens is bevestigende gesinskommunikasie, as die hoof fokus van hierdie ondersoek, op ’n kwalitatiewe wyse vanaf die adolessent se perspektief ondersoek. ’n Kwantitatiewe opname-navorsingsontwerp is gekombineer met ’n eksploratiewe, kwalitatiewe ontwerp. Die kwantitatiewe data is met behulp van selfrapporteringsvraelyste ingesamel en die kwalitatiewe data is ingesamel deur ’n opname te maak van ’n bespreking van bevestigende gesinskommunikasie in fokusgroepe. Die deelnemers was eerstejaar Sielkunde-studente van die Universiteit van Stellenbosch in Suid-Afrika. ’n Totaal van 83 vroue en 17 mans het aan die kwantitatiewe komponent van die ondersoek deelgeneem (N = 100). Veertien van hierdie 100 studente het ook aan die fokusgroepbesprekings deelgeneem. Pearson korrelasiekoëffisiënte toon hoogs beduidende korrelasies tussen bevestigende gesinskommunikasie en gesinsfunksionering. Verder is daar ook hoogs beduidende korrelasies gevind tussen gesinsfunksionering en openheid in kommunikasie tussen die adolessent en die ma en pa onderskeidelik. Die resultate van die meervoudige regressieontledings het getoon dat openheid in kommunikasie met die ma, bevestigende gesinskommunikasie en probleme in kommunikasie met die pa belangrike voorspellers was van gesinsfunksionering. Op grond van die fokusgroepbesprekings oor bevestigende gesinskommunikasie het drie kernkategorieë (met subtemas) deur ’n inhoudsanalise na vore gekom. Hierdie kernkategorieë is verbale bevestigende kommunikasie, nie-verbale bevestigende kommunikasie en funksionele bevestigende kommunikasie. Die bevindinge van hierdie ondersoek beklemtoon die belangrikheid van bevestigende gesinskommunikasie, veral in gesinne met adolessente kinders, terwyl dit ook ’n beskrywing bied van bevestigende gesinskommunikasie vanuit die perspektief van adolessente.

Impotence and vulnerability : exploring the relationship between rape and masculinity

Maggott, Clint 12 1900 (has links)
Assignment (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2007. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This is an explorative literature study of the theoretical relationship between rape and masculinity. It is aimed at understanding how rape can be used by men to construct their gender identity. Its focus is only on this relationship and not the two phenomena in themselves. It approaches the topic from a social constructionist theoretical perspective. I found through my research that men do tend to use rape as a resource to attain a desirable or hegemonic masculinity when other economic or social resources are not available. The picture of a rapist, which emerged, was that of a man who was disempowered either economically or socially. This impotence influences men to seek power through sexual means. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie is ‘n eksploratiewe literatuurstudie oor die verhouding tussen verkragting en manlikheid. Dit poog om te verstaan hoe verkragting deur mans gebruik kan word om hulle geslagsidentiteit te konstrueer. Die fokus van die studie is slegs op hierdie verhouding en nie op die twee fenomene in sigself nie. Dit benader die onderwerp van ‘n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese teoretiese perspektief. Ek het in my navorsing gevind dat mans geneig is om verkragting as ‘n manier te gebruik om ‘n begeerde of hegemoniese manlikheid te bewerkstellig wanneer ander ekonomiese of maatskaplike middele nie beskikbaar is nie. Die beeld van ‘n verkragter wat te voorskyn gekom het, was van ‘n man wat of ekonomies of maatskaplik ontmagtig is. Hierdie ontmagtiging beïnvloed mans om mag deur middel van die seksuele te probeer verkry.

Improving couple communication through the Imago Getting the Love You Want Workshop for Couples

Lawson, Wendy Anne 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Although couples are often aware of the importance of communication, they are unable to implement effective communication skills. Couples can be assisted to improve their communication and the quality of their relationship by attending a marriage enrichment programme. While research shows that enrichment programmes do help couples to learn and maintain relationship skills, longer-term effectiveness seems limited, with effects dissipating over time. Researchers concerned with the long-term sustainability of improvements have recognised the value of post-intervention booster programmes. The Imago Getting The Love You Want Workshop for Couples (GTLYW Workshop) is an enrichment programme for couples interested in improving the quality of their relationship. The workshop is based on the theory and principles of Imago Relationship Therapy. Imago theory provides a relational approach to and framework for understanding the dynamics and interaction of the couple dyad, as well as a dialogical process crucial for the deep communication and growth that are essential to achieve healing and wholeness. Couples learn crucial communication skills by means of a structured communication technique, the Couples Dialogue. The GTLYW Workshop is under-researched when compared to other enrichment programmes. This research attempted to answer the question of whether or not couples who have attended the GTLYW Workshop experienced improvements in aspects of their communication and the quality of their relationship, and whether improvements were sustained over time. Based on a philosophy of pragmatism, a mixed-methods research approach was adopted, including a dominant quantitative method and a nested qualitative method. A longitudinal design incorporated a pre-workshop, a three- to four-week post-workshop, and three-month follow-up measures. Repeated measures ANOVA procedures and Pearson product-moment correlations addressed quantitative objectives. Aspects of communication that were measured were perceptions of communication ability (Primary Communication Inventory), communication patterns (Communication Patterns Questionnaire), and relational awareness (Relational Awareness Scale). The quality of the relationship was assessed using the Dyadic Adjustment Scale. Thematic analysis, using a phenomenological approach, addressed qualitative objectives Within the limitations of this study, the findings provided: some evidence of short-term improvements in some aspects of communication and the relationship; some evidence for the dissipation of improvements three months later; some evidence for the need for follow-up or booster sessions after the workshop; and evidence of positive changes after the workshop. Although there is evidence of the short-term effectiveness of marriage enrichment programmes, it is the longer-term maintenance of improvements and skills that is paramount for the effectiveness and credibility of marriage enrichment programmes. Given what research has found with regard to the dissipating effects of marriage enrichment programmes, the need for booster programmes, difficulties in teaching communication skills, and the potential risk to couples (post-workshop) of deteriorating communication skills, it would be wise for practitioners and educators, as they plan and run enrichment programmes, to also place emphasis on “what happens after the workshop”. The results of this research offer an opportunity for Imago practitioners and educators to review ways of assisting couples to sustain improvements over the longer term after they have attended the GTLYW Workshop.

Perceptions of community psychology among Honours/BPsych students in the Western Cape

Johnson, Kim 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (Psychology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / In South Africa, a dire need exists for a psychological approach that would be appropriate and adequate for all South Africans while opposing remaining historical inequalities. Psychological services are saturated within the predominantly white private sector but scarce for the predominantly disadvantaged who are dependant on public services. The aim of the present study was therefore to investigate the perceptions of Community Psychology among psychology Honours/Bpsych students. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods were employed in this study. A self-constructed questionnaire was used for obtaining data. A convenience sample was obtained from the universities of Cape Town, Stellenbosch and the Western Cape. Qualitative data were analysed using thematic content analysis. The outcomes of this study are firstly, that there is no significant relationship was established between race and tendency to study community psychology with the exception of the first year. Secondly, the relationship between gender and tendency to study community psychology was also non-significant. The results of the qualitative findings did however suggest that negative perceptions of community psychology are evident among students thus suggesting that they are deterred from pursuing it as a career.

A group of semi-rural, low-income adolescents’ constructions of intimacy in romantic relationships

Furphy, Claire 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Intimate and satisfying relationships in adolescence are connected to mental health and well-being and have significant implications for adolescent psychosocial development. Despite the benefits of romantic involvement, research into adolescents’ experiences within their romantic relationships is limited. Few studies on adolescent intimacy experiences, especially those leading to conceptualizations of intimacy, have been undertaken. The majority of studies that have been conducted on adolescents’ intimacy experiences have been conducted in White, Euro-American, middle-class samples, using quantitative methodology and researchers’ definitions of the construct. In South Africa adolescent romantic relationships are often studied because of their links with pressing social issues, such as teenage pregnancy, intimate partner violence and risky sexual behaviour and HIV/AIDS, rather than for the value of understanding the relationships themselves. The resultant negative constructions of adolescent romance in research literature serve to continue the narrow scope of inquiry into adolescent intimate relationships and also limit the ability of professionals and care-givers to respond to the relationship challenges of South African youth. The present study was aimed at addressing some of the limitations of previous research on adolescent romantic relationship experiences, with a particular focus on intimacy. Coloured adolescents from a low-income, semi-rural community in the Western Cape were selected as participants for the inquiry due to the overwhelming lack of knowledge about the constructions of intimacy in this group. Social constructionism was used as a theoretical framework to ground and inform the study. The research objective was to develop an understanding of the constructions and experiences of intimacy of middle adolescents within the specific target community. A social constructionist grounded theory method was used. In-depth interviews were conducted with 20 young men and women. The social constructionist grounded theory analysis indicated that participants appeared to strive toward having ideal relationships as portrayed in the Western popular media. Participants’ constructions of intimacy centred on behaviour rather than on abstract, emotional experience, Their relationship experiences and behaviours reflected discourses of gendered romantic relationship interaction, with boys emphasizing commitment and girls focusing on “doing emotion work” as pathways to experiencing and expressing intimacy. The researcher raises the possibility that adolescent boy’s and girl’s striving toward ideal Western relationships, media and peer reinforcement of these ideal relationships and adolescents’ specific developmental cognitive limitations may limit their capacity for knowing themselves and their partners in their romantic relationships and contribute to inauthenticity in romantic relationships. As Western mainstream intimacy discourses stress the importance of self and partner knowledge, as well as authenticity in romantic relationships, these discourses therefore make it difficult to recognize and validate adolescents’ intimacy experiences. In fact these discourses imply that adolescents have a limited ability to experience intimacy. The researcher argues that by situating intimacy in the context of behaviours rather than emotional experience, understandings of intimacy can move beyond the essentialist depictions of what is and is not intimate, thus allowing for a range of behaviours to count as intimate, broadening the possibilities for conceptualizing and acknowledging intimacy. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Intieme en bevredigende verhoudings in adolessensie is verbind aan geestelike gesondheid en welsyn en het beduidende implikasies vir die adolessent se psigososiale ontwikkeling Ten spyte hiervan, is navorsingoor adolessentese ervaringsin hulromantiese verhoudingsbeperk. Minstudies ooradolessenteintimiteit, veral dié wat lei totbegrippevanintimiteit, isonderneem.Diemeerderheid van studiesooradolessente seintimiteitservaringsis uitgevoer inWit,Euro-Amerikaanse, middelklas steekproewe. In Suid-Afrika word adolessente se romantiese verhoudings dikwels bestudeervanweehul assosiasie met dreigende sosiale kwessies soos tienerswangerskappe, intieme maatgeweld, riskante seksuele gedrag en MIV/VIGS, eerder as vir die waarde van die begrip van die verhoudings self. Die gevolglike negatiewe konstruksies van adolessente se romantiese betrokkenheid dra by tot die beperkte fokus en omvang van ondersoekeoor adolessente se romantiese verhoudings, en ook die beperkte vermoë van professionele mense en versorgers om te reageer op die verhoudingsuitdagings van die Suid-Afrikaanse jeug te beperk. Die huidige studie was daarop gemik om van die beperkings van vorige navorsing oor adolessente se romantiese verhoudingservarings, met 'n besondere fokus op intimiteit, aan te spreek. Kleurling adolessente van 'n semi-landelike gemeenskap in die Wes Kaap is gekies as deelnemers as gevolg van die oorweldigende gebrek aan kennis oor die konstruksie van intimiteit in hierdie groep. ‘nSosiaal-konstruktionistiese raamwerk is gebruik om die studie te begrond en te rig. Die navorsingsdoelwit was om 'n begrip van die ervarings van intimiteit van middel-adolessente binne die spesifieke teikengemeenskap te ontwikkel. Hierdie doel is bereik deur gebruik te maak van 'n sosiaal-konstruksionistiese gegrondeteoriemetode.In-diepte onderhoude is gevoer met 20 adolessente mans en vrouens. Die sosiaal konstruktionistiese gegronde teorie analise het aangedui dat deelnemers se konstruksies van intimiteit gedrag eerder as emosionele ervaring in hul intimiteitsvertellings beklemtoon het. Hul verhouding ervarings en gedrag weerspieël diskoerse van geslagtelike romantiese verhoudinginteraksie met seuns wattoewyding en meisies wat die "doen van emosie werk" beklemtoon as roetes na intimiteit. Deelnemers blyk om te streef na ideale verhoudings soos uitgebeeld is in die Wes-populêre media, duer ‘n behoefte om in te pas en aanvaar te word deur hul eweknieë. Hierdie proses kan deelnemers lei om op te tree en hulle gedagtes oor romantiese verhoudings uit te spreek in ooreenstemming met wat algemeen aanvaar word binne hul portuurgroep, eerder as in die maniere wat hulle eie oortuigings, begrip en begeertes weerspieël. Hierdie proses lei tot 'n beperkte kennis en bewustheid van die self as' n romantiese vennoot sowel as 'n neiging tot onoutentieke grdrag in romantiese verhoudings. Hierdie beperkte self-bewustheid en onoutentieke gedrag inhibeer dan adolessente se vermoë om intimiteit te ervaar wanneer dit volgens die hoofstroom konstruksies daarvan beskou is. Die bevindinge dui op die behoefte aan die gebruik van breër definisies van intimiteit in die oorweging van adolessente romantiese verhoudings, die bou van alternatiewe diskoerse van intimiteit en‘n verhoging van leiding deur volwassenes ten opsigte vanadoloesente se romantiese verhoudings Sekere beperkings van die huidige navorsing het ook verwys na 'n behoefte aan meer navorsing oor die invloed van' n wyer kontekstuele faktore in adolessente se konstruksies van intimiteit.

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