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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Monitoring stress and recovery among u/20 rugby union players over a training season

Nel, Trudine 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Stress and recovery plays an important role in the performance of semi-professional rugby players. Physiological and psychological markers have been established as reliable indicators of the recovery-stress state in athletes. Monitoring changes in the recovery-stress state enables the coaching staff to adapt training sessions to enhance performance. The aim of this study was to monitor changes in stress and recovery states among U-20 rugby union players during a training year. Relationships regarding monitoring variables and differences in stress and recovery between playing positions were examined. 55 Players between the ages of 18 and 20 were monitored for 27 weeks, over a training year. The training year was divided into 5 training phases: Developing phase (week 1 – 7), Transitional phase (week 8 - 11), Early Competition phase (week 12 - 17), Performance phase (week 18 – 24), and High Performance phase (week 25 - 27). Ratings of Perceived Exertion (RPE) for sessions were reported on a daily basis. The Heart-rate Interval Monitoring System (HIMS) test was run every week. The Stellenbosch Mood Scale (STEMS) and Self-Report questionnaires were completed on a weekly basis, and the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire (RESTQ-76-Sport) was completed once a month. Backline players physically recovered better and faster than the forwards throughout the training year, while the forwards exhibited better psychological coping methods. The backline players had significant higher scores for the Depression (p = 0.03), Anger (p = 0.009), and Confusion (p = 0.01) scales of the STEMS. The Total Mood Disturbance scores were also significantly higher (p = 0.03) for the backline players than the forwards during the Performance phase. The backline players experienced increased stress and decreased feelings of well-being during the competitive phases when compared to the forwards. The backline players had better physical recovery than the forwards after the high intensity and high volume Developing phase. Correlations were evident between the HIMS test and the RESTQ-76-Sport questionnaire. Additional correlations were found between training load, as well as training monotony and training strain, and scales of the RESTQ-76-Sport and STEMS questionnaires. Lack of psychological skills-training might also have resulted in the players not knowing how to properly handle stressful situations and how to regulate their stress and recovery states. The lack of an educational system regarding recovery strategies, and the reinforcement thereof, especially during the Developing phases might play a role in the later increased fatigue and injury rates among the players. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Stres en herstel speel 'n groot rol in die prestasie van semi-professionele rugby spelers. Fisiologiese en sielkundige merkers is vasgestel as betroubare aanwysers ten opsigte van die stress-herstel toestand van atlete. Die monitoring van veranderinge in hierdie toestand kan die afrigtings-personeel help om die oefensessies aan te pas om optimale prestasie te verseker. Die doel van hierdie navorsingstudie was om veranderinge in stres en herstel toestande in O/20 rugby unie spelers, oor 'n oefenjaar, te moniteer. Verhoudinge in monitering veranderlikes en moontlike verskille in die stress en herstel toestand tussen die voorspelers en agterspelers is ondersoek. 55 Spelers tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 20 is vir 27 weke, oor 'n oefenjaar, gemonitor. Die oefenjaar was onderverdeel in vyf oefenfases nl. die Ontwikkelingsfase (week 1 – 7), die Oorskakelingsfase (week 8 – 11), die Vroeë Kompetisiefase (week 12 – 17), die Prestasiefase (week 18 – 25), en laastens die Hoë Prestasiefase (week 25 – 27). Spelers het daagliks hul “Rate of Perceived Exertion‟s” aangedui vir elke oefensessie. Die “Heart-rate Interval System” toets (HIMS) was een keer 'n week gehardloop. Die “Stellenbosch Mood States” (STEMS) en Selfrapporteringsvraelyste was op 'n weeklikse basis ingevul en die “Recovery-Stress Questionnaire-Sport” (RESTQ-76-Sport) was een keer 'n maand ingevul. Agterspelers het deur die jaar fisies beter en vinniger as die voorspeler herstel, terwyl die voorspelers beter sielkundige beheer getoon het. Die agterlyn se tellings vir die Depressie (p = 0.03), Woede (p = 0.009), en Vervanging (p = 0.01) skale van die STEMS was betekenisvol hoër as die telling van die voorspelers. Die Totale Gemoedsversteuringstellings was ook betekenisvol hoër vir die agterlyn as die voorspelers tydens die Prestasiefase (p = 0.03). Die agterspelers het toenemende stres tydens die kompetitisie fases ervaar, sowel as 'n afname in die gevoel van Welsyn. Die agterlyn het beter fisiese herstel na die hoë intensiteit en hoë volume Ontwikkelingsfase as die voorspelers getoon. Korrelasies is gevind tussen die HIMS en die RESTQ-76-Sport. Verdere korrelasies is ook tussen “training load”, sowel as “training monotony” en “training strain”, en sekere skale van die RESTQ-76-Sport en STEMS vraelyste gevind. Die tekort aan sielkundige tegniek-ontwikkeling kon bydrae tot die spelers se verwardheid rondom die hantering van stresvolle situasies en hoe om hul stres en herstel toestande te reguleer. Die afwesigheid van „n opvoedkundige sisteem rondom herstel strategieë, en die toepassing daarvan, veral tydens die Ontwikkelingsfases, mag moontlik 'n rol speel in latere toenames in vermoeienis en getal beserings onder die spelers.

A motor skills development programme for 10 to 12 year-old children

Breytenbach, Riana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Many children experience developmental problems without being aware thereof. In a school setting these developmental delays mostly remain unnoticed and are scarcely remediated sufficiently, if at all. Children with developmental deficits often experience movement difficulties and are labelled as clumsy, sloppy or having two left feet. The development of, and proficiency in specific motor skills have been found to play a critical role in the participation of physical activity in children, as well as the maintenance of health and well-being later in life, when entering adulthood. There are, however, countless other factors that affect the optimal development of motor skills and physical activity participation. One such factor is ascribed to instances where children experience problems associated with their environment or the circumstances in which they grow up. Poor socio-economic circumstances and a culturally poor environment, lacking sufficient developmental opportunities, may hinder a child‟s motor skills development and skill learning to such an extent that they cannot reach their full developmental potential. Research suggests that the school environment can provide ample opportunity for the development of motor skills and that all schools should consider implementing motor skills development programmes during the Physical Education (PE) time slots. The mastery of motor skills may influence and benefit the participation in various school sports and may also enhance the ability of children to learn and master new and more complex movement skills within and outside the classroom environment. Thus, due to the fact that children spend a great part of their day at school and in the classroom setting, teachers, especially those facilitating PE, have the opportunity to play a vital role in the acquisition and mastery of important motor skills and subsequently affect the physical activity and developmental future of children. The purpose of this study was to design and implement a motor skills development programme to improve the balance and bilateral coordination of children between the ages of 10 and 12 years in the Stellenbosch region. Two existing classes, from a previously disadvantaged school, were recruited and randomly selected as an experimental (n=35) and control group (n=32). The children completed the Short Form as well as all the Long Form activities for the balance and bilateral coordination subtests of the Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2). This was done to provide an overview of the overall motor proficiency and more specifically the level of balance and bilateral coordination. A 12-week motor skills development programme, with a specific focus on balance and bilateral coordination, was designed and implemented by the researcher. The effect of this programme was determined by statistically analysing and comparing the pre- and post-test results with the use of Statistica 2010. The main findings of this study indicated that the intervention programme had a positive, although not statistically significant, effect on the overall motor proficiency and balance and significantly improved bilateral coordination. This study suggests that some of the children, between the ages of 10 and 12, from a previously disadvantaged school in the Stellenbosch region and with access to an established school PE programme, experienced movement difficulties. Consequently, there is great room for improvement and motor skill development in these children. This study can, therefore, be a stepping stone into future research regarding further motor skills research in primary school children, the implementation of expanded motor skills intervention programmes and to improve all the motor skills as opposed to selected motor skills as in this study. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Ontwikkelingsprobleme word, sonder dat ʼn mens daarvan bewus is, deur vele kinders ervaar. In die skool-omgewing bly hierdie ontwikkelingsagterstande meestal ongesiens en word min kinders, indien enige, voldoende geremedieer. Kinders met ontwikkelingsagterstande ervaar gereeld bewegingsprobleme en word as lomp, slordig of as iemand met twee linkervoete beskryf. Daar word beweer dat die ontwikkeling van, en vaardigheid in, spesifieke motoriese vaardighede van kinders ʼn kritieke rol in hul deelname aan fisieke aktiwiteit, asook die onderhoud van gesondheid en welstand tydens volwassenheid, speel. Daar is egter talle ander faktore wat die optimale motoriese ontwikkeling en fisieke aktiwiteit deelname van kinders kan beïnvloed. ʼn Voorbeeld van so ʼn faktor word toegeskryf aan gevalle waar kinders probleme, wat met hulle omgewing of die omstandighede waarin hul grootword geassosieer word, ervaar. Swak sosio-ekonomiese omstandighede en ʼn kultureel-arme omgewing, wat tekort skiet aan voldoende ontwikkelingsgeleenthede, mag die motoriese ontwikkeling en die aanleer van nuwe vaardighede tot so ʼn mate inhibeer dat kinders nie in staat is om hulle volle ontwikkelingspotensiaal te bereik nie. Navorsing dui daarop dat die skoolomgewing vele geleenthede vir die ontwikkeling van motoriese vaardighede kan bied en dat daar onderneem moet word om motoriese vaardigheid-ontwikkelingsprogramme tydens Liggaamlike Opvoeding (LO) periodes te implementeer. Die bemeestering van motoriese vaardighede mag die deelname aan verskeie skoolsporte beïnvloed en bevoordeel, asook die vermoë om nuwe en meer komplekse bewegingsvaardighede binne en buite die klasomgewing aan te leer en te bemeester, bevorder. Dus, aangesien kinders ʼn groot gedeelte van hul dag by die skool en in ʼn klasomgewing deurbring, het onderwysers, veral die wat LO fasiliteer, die geleentheid om ʼn noodsaaklike rol in die aanleer en bemeestering van belangrike motoriese vaardighede, en vervolgens fisieke aktiwiteit, asook die toekomstige ontwikkeling van kinders te beïnvloed. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ʼn motoriese vaardigheid-ontwikkelingsprogram, wat balans en bilaterale koördinasie bevorder, vir 10 tot 12-jarige kinders in die Stellenbosch omgewing te ontwerp en implementeer. Twee bestaande klasse vanuit ʼn voorheenbenadeelde skool was gewerf en lukraak verkies as ʼn eksperimentele- (n=35) en kontrolegroep (n=32). Kinders het die kort vorm- asook al die lang vorm-aktiwiteite vir balans en bilaterale koördinasie sub-toetse van die Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2 (BOT-2) voltooi. Hierdie toetse is afgelê om ʼn oorsig van die algehele motoriese vaardigheidsvlak, en meer spesifiek die vlak van balans en bilaterale koördinasie, te bepaal. ʼn 12-week motoriese vaardigheid-ontwikkelingsprogram, met ʼn spesifieke fokus op balans en bilaterale koördinasie, is deur die navorser ontwerp en geïmplementeer. Die effek van hierdie program is bepaal deur die pre- en post-toets resultate met behulp van Statistica 2010 statisties te analiseer en vergelyk. Die primêre bevindinge van hierdie studie dui daarop dat die intervensieprogram ʼn positiewe, alhoewel nie statisties beduidende, effek op die bevordering van algehele motoriese vaardigheidsvlak en balans, asook ʼn statisties beduidende effek op bilaterale koördinasie gehad het. Hierdie studie dui daarop dat kinders, tussen die ouderdomme van 10 en 12, vanuit ʼn voorheenbenadeelde skool in die Stellenbosch omgewing en wat toegang tot ʼn gevestigde LO program het, steeds bewegingsprobleme ervaar. Dus, is daar groot ruimte vir die verbetering en ontwikkeling van motoriese vaardighede by hierdie kinders. Hierdie studie kan dus as ʼn beginpunt vir toekomstige navorsing in verdere motoriese vaardigheids-navorsing van laerskool kinders, die implementering van uitgebreide motoriese intervensieprogramme, asook die bevordering van alle motoriese vaardighede in vergelyking met geselekteerde motoriese vaardighede soos in die huidige studie dien.

The role of mental toughness, psychological skills and team cohesion in soccer performance

Asamoah, Benjamin 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)-- Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a relative lack of information in sport psychology research literature about the role of psychological dimensions in team sport – especially in soccer (Reilly et al., 2000). It is consequently not surprising that research on applied strategies in soccer has concentrated mainly on technical, tactical and physiological aspects. This defies anecdotal evidence and literature reports alluding to the importance of psychological and team factors in achieving sport excellence. This study examined the role of mental toughness, psychological skills and team cohesion in soccer performance. It also considered differences between individuals from different playing positions regarding these modalities. A total of 263 male soccer players aged between 17 and 32 years from 16 South African tertiary institutions participated in the study. A cross-sectional study design was used to determine the players’ mental toughness, psychological skills and team cohesion by means of the Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ); the Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-28); and the Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ). The final log standings at the 2012 University Sport South Africa (USSA) Soccer Championship were used as an indication of team performance. The results yielded differences between successful and less successful teams with regard to age, previous tournament experience, and the time players had been part of their respective teams. There were no significant differences between the teams for any of the mental toughness and psychological skills scores. However, group cohesion did play a role in team performance. The more successful teams scored better than their less successful counterparts in the following subscales of the GEQ: Individual attraction to group-social and individual attraction to group-task. However, the less successful teams scored better than their more successful counterparts regarding group integration-task, and group integration-social. Practical significant differences of moderate magnitude were observed for five of the 96 player positional comparisons. Midfielders scored higher than the defenders and forwards on the control subscale of the SMTQ. The forwards recorded higher scores than midfielders with regard to the GEQ subscale of group integration-task, whereas goalkeepers yielded higher scores than midfielders on the group integration-task subscale. There was a difference between the scores on the constancy subscale of the SMTQ where the defenders outscored the midfielders. No positional differences were recorded for any of the psychological skills. The overall results revealed that at the developmental level of the study sample, team cohesion and other moderating variables might be the key to enhanced performance of soccer teams. In addition, the results supported the general assumption that a relationship exists between playing positions in team sports and various psychological variables. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is ’n relatiewe gebrek aan navorsingsliteratuur in sportsielkunde oor die rol van sielkundige dimensies in spansoorte – veral in sokker (Reilly et al., 2000). Dit is gevolglik logies dat navorsing oor toegepaste strategieë in sokker hoofsaaklik fokus op tegniese, taktiese en fisiologiese aspekte. Dit druis in teen anekdotiese getuienis en opvattings wat dui op die belangrikheid van sielkundige en spanfaktore in die bereiking van sportuitnemendheid. Hierdie studie ondersoek die rol van geestelike taaiheid, sielkundige vaardighede en spankohesie in sokkerprestasie. Dit bestudeer ook die verskille tussen individue van verskillende speelposisies met betrekking tot hierdie modaliteite. ’n Totaal van 263 manlike sokkerspelers tussen die ouderdom van 17 en 32 jaar, van 16 Suid-Afrikaanse tersiêre inrigtings, het aan hierdie ondersoek deelgeneem. ’n Dwarsdeursnitstudie-ontwerp is gebruik om spelers se geestelike taaiheid, sielkundige vaardighede en spankohesie te bepaal deur middel van die Sports Mental Toughness Questionnaire (SMTQ); die Athletic Coping Skills Inventory-28 (ACSI-28); en die Group Environmental Questionnaire (GEQ). Die finale posisies van spanne op die punteleer na afloop van die 2012 Universiteit Sport Suid-Afrika (USSA) sokkertoernooi is gebruik as aanduiding van hul prestasie. Die resultate het verskille opgelewer tussen suksesvolle-en minder-suksesvolle spanne met betrekking tot ouderdom, vorige toernooi-ervaring, en die tydperk wat spelers lede van hul onderskeie spanne was. Daar was geen beduidende tellingverskille tussen spanne rakende enige van die geestelike taaiheid en sielkundige vaardighede nie. Groepkohesie het egter ’n rol in spanprestasie gespeel. Die meer-suksesvolle spanne het beter gevaar as die minder-suksesvolle spanne in die volgende subskale van die GEQ: Individuele aantreklikheid van die groep-sosiaal; Individuele aantreklikheid van die groep-taak. Die minder-suksevolle spanne het egter beter gevaar as die meer-suksesvolle spanne met betrekking tot: Groepintegrasie-taak, en Groepintegrasie-sosiaal. Prakties beduidende verskille is waargeneem vir vyf van die 96 speelposisie-vergelykings. Middelveldspelers het hoër tellings behaal as verdedigers en voorspelers op die beheer-subskaal van die SMTQ. Voorspelers het beter tellings aangeteken as middelveldspelers op die GEQ subskaal groepintegrasie-taak; terwyl doelwagters hoër tellings as middelveldspelers op die subskaal groepintegrasie-taak aangeteken het. Daar was ’n verskil in die konstantheid-subskaal van die SMTQ waar verdedigers beter as middelveldspelers gevaar het. Daar was geen beduidende verskille tussen speelposisies rakend enige van die sielkundige vaardighede nie. Die oorkoepelende bevindinge dui daarop dat op die ontwikkelingsvlak van die studiesteekproef, spankohesie, en ander prestasiedimensies moontlik die sleutel bevat vir verhoogde prestasie-uitkomste van sokkerspanne. Verder ondersteun die resultate die algemene aanname dat daar ’n verband bestaan tussen speelposisies in spansportsoorte en verskeie sielkundige veranderlikes.

Monitoring accumulative fatigue and recovery status in elite field hockey players during different phases of a competitive season

De Villiers, Louise Adriana 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: There is a lack of research in the sport of field hockey, specifically where monitoring of fatigue and recovery is concerned. The primary aim of the study was thus to monitor the accumulative fatigue and recovery state of elite field hockey players during the different phases of a competitive season. The specific objectives of the study were to determine the changes in heart rate recovery of elite hockey players; to determine the changes in perceptual fatigue; to determine the relationship between players’ perceptions of recovery and stress; and to determine the relationship between the objective and subjective measures of recovery and fatigue over different phases during a competitive season. Elite female hockey players (n = 15) from Stellenbosch University were monitored over 23 weeks. This group comprised of players from the first team (Maties) and second team (VICS) of the club. The following tests were administered: the Heart rate Interval Monitoring System (HIMS) test with the use of SUUNTO heart rate monitors and SUUNTO Team Manager, the Perceptual Fatigue questionnaire (on a weekly basis), and the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-Sport 76) (during each phase of their normal competition cycle). There were a number of significant findings (p<0.05) relating to the aim and objectives of the study. One of the main findings was that there were significant differences between the phases with regard to the measured variables. Players experienced significantly more Fatigue, Lack of Energy and Pressure during the first Competition phase. With regard to the HIMS, players performed the best during the second Competition phase, following the university holidays. Even though not all the differences were statistically significant, collectively the results indicate that these monitoring tools can be used for teams. An added advantage with all three monitoring tools is that each person can be used as their own baseline. In a team setting it gives the coach and support team the opportunity to individualise training programmes and recovery methods. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Daar is ‘n tekort aan navorsing in hokkie, en spesifiek in die monitering van vermoeienis en herstel by spelers. Die hoofdoel van die studie was dus om akkumulerende vermoeienis en die hersteltoestand van elite hokkiespelers gedurende verskillende fases van die kompetisie seisoen te monitor. Die spesifieke doelwitte van die studie was om die verandering in hartspoed herstel van die hoë vlak spelers te bepaal; om veranderinge in perseptuele vermoeienis te bepaal; om die verwantskap tussen die spelers se persepsies van herstel en stress te bepaal; om die verwantskap tussen die objektiewe en subjektiewe van herstel en vermoeienis oor die verskillende fases tydens die kompetisie seisoen te bepaal. Elite vroue hokkie spelers (n = 15) van Stellenbosch was oor 23 weke gemonitor. Hierdie groep het uit spelers van die eerste span (Maties) en die tweede span (VICS) van die klub bestaan. Die volgende toetse was uitgevoer: Die Hartspoed Interval Monitering Sisteem (HIMS) toets met behulp van die SUUNTO hartspoed monitors en die SUUNTO span administrasie sisteem; en die Perseptuele Vermoeienis vraelys was op ‘n weeklikse basis voltooi, terwyl die Herstel Stres vraelys vir Sportmense (RESTQ-Sport 76) gedurende elke fase van hul oefensiklus voltooi is. Daar was ‘n aantal betekenisvolle bevindings (p<0.05) wat verband hou met die doel en doelwitte van die studie. Een van die hoof bevindings was dat daar betekenisvolle verskille tussen die fases was met betrekking tot die veranderlikes. Spelers het beduidend meer Vermoeienis, Gebrek aan Energie en Druk gedurende die eerste Kompetisie fase ervaar. Met betrekking tot die HIMS het spelers die beste presteer gedurende die tweede Kompetisie fase, na afloop van ‘n rus periode gedurende die universiteitsvakansie. Hoewel al die verskille nie statisties beduidend was nie, is daar aangedui dat die moniterings instrumente geskik is vir gebruik by spanne. ‘n Verdere voordeel by al drie moniterings instrumente is dat elke persoon as sy eie basislyn kan dien. In ‘n spanopset bied dit aan die afrigter en ondersteuningspan die geleentheid om oefening en herstelmetodes te individualiseer.

A sensory-motor integration programme for boys with autism spectrum disorder : two case studies

Hagemann, Carla-Rae 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScSportSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) has been described as a neuro-developmental disorder influencing the social interaction and communication skills of individuals. Those with ASD have been observed to experience sensory input challenges, which could result in motor delays. Descriptive research was conducted with two case studies, who were boys aged 6- and 8-years, diagnosed with ASD. The purpose of the study was to design and implement a Sensory-Motor Integration (SMI) programme for each boy and to assess the effect it had on the sensory motor skills of the boys over time. At the start of the intervention, the boys were assessed with three neuro-developmental and diagnostic evaluations (Social Communication Questionnaire, Autism Diagnostic Interview Revised and Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-2nd Edition) conducted by a psychiatrist to re-affirm their previous ASD diagnoses. The two boys (Subject A and Subject G) participated in individualised sessions of 30 minutes each, twice a week for seven months. The SMI programme focused on vestibular and somato-sensory (proprioceptor) variables. The Quick Neurological Screening Test-3 (QNST III) and the Sensory Input Systems Screening Test (SISST) were used to evaluate the latter at baseline. These were repeated regularly, every 4 to 5 weeks, over the 7-month period and included a retention test of 5 weeks. Based on the results from the subtests of the motor skill tests, a self-designed SMI programme was integrated into the planning of the intervention programme for each boy according to their sensory-motor needs. Subject A showed improvement in the following vestibular subtests in the QNST-III: Stand on one leg (67%) and Tandem walk (83%) and retaining his standard from the Post-test to the Retention test. For muscle tone ability and proprioception, the Arm and leg extension subtest also demonstrated improvement (67%) from the Pre-to the Post-test. The results of the subtest were not retained over the retention period and increased only slightly being 33% from the baseline score. The proprioceptive function of Subject A showed great improvement in the following QNSTIII subtests: Finger to nose (67%), Rapidly reversing repetitive hand movements (88%) and Left and right discrimination (67%). The results of vestibular-related subtests for Subject G showed improvement in the following: Stand on one leg (33%) and the Arm and leg extension task (33%). Some of the scores of Subject G started in the functional category of “severe discrepancy”; however there was improvement in the following proprioceptionrelated subtests: Finger to nose (43%), Thumb and finger circles (20%), and Reversing repetitive hand movements (86%). Although Subject G showed gradual improvement over time, his two sensory systems struggled to integrate with the more complex tasks. The outcome of the individualised SMI programmes showed that the sensory-motor skills improved by enhancing the stimulation of their vestibular and somato-sensory (proprioception) function. Regarding the SISST, Subject A progressed from a ‘fail’ to ‘pass’, in the following test items: the Tonic Labyrinthine Supine (TLS), Tonic Labyrinthine Prone (TLP), Positive Support Reflex (PSR) and the Ocular Alignment test items. Results from the Vestibular test for both Subject A and Subject G appeared to be ‘hypo-vestibular’ (under-stimulated) according to the Post- Rotary Nystagmus test (PRN) score at baseline. These scores were inconsistent during the intervention. The only test item to show positive improvement for Subject G was the Equilibrium Reactions. Lastly, both Subject A and Subject G remained in the ‘fail’ category for Kinaesthesis, which may indicate their ongoing poor proprioception and spatial orientation. There is a need for further research in the area of sensory-motor individualised programmes for children with ASD. Suggestions for future research interventions are to conduct the individualised programmes either over a longer period of time and more frequently at three times a week. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Outisme Spektrum Versteuring (OSV) word beskryf as 'n neuro-ontwikkelingsversteuring wat die sosiale interaksie en kommunikasie van individue beïnvloed. Daar is waargeneem dat diegene met OSV, uitdagings met betrekking tot sensoriese insette ervaar, wat kan lei tot motoriese agterstande. Beskrywende navorsing is toegepas met twee gevalle-studies. Die ouderdom van die twee seuns wat met outisme gediagnoseer was, was 6- en 8-jaar oud. Die doel van die studie was om ʼn Sensories-Motoriese Integrasie (SMI) program te ontwikkel en te implementeer as intervensie wat op elk van die seuns spesifiek toegespits is. Die intervensie-program het voorsiening gemaak om aan die uitvoering van bepaalde motoriese vaardighede aandag te skenk en om die uitwerking daarvan oor die 7-maande tydperk te assesseer. Die twee seuns (Geval A en Geval G) het individuele sessies van 30 minute elk twee keer per week bygewoon. Die SMI program het op die vestibulêre en somato-sensoriese (proprioseptor) sisteme gefokus om hul vermoë en vordering waar te neem. Aan die begin van die studie is drie neuro-ontwikkelings- en diagnostiese meetinstrumente (SCQ, ADIR-R en ADOS) deur 'n psigiater gelei om die vorige OSV diagnose van die seuns te bevestig. Die “Quick Neurological Screening Test” (QNST III) en die “Sensory Input Systems Screening Test“ (SISST) is benut om hul aanvangsvermoë as basislyn te bepaal. Hierdie toetse was gereeld herhaal, elke 4 tot 5 weke oor ʼn tydperk van 7 maande en het ʼn retensie toets van 5 weke ingesluit. Op grond van die resultate van die sub-toetse van die vermelde motoriese vaardigheidstoetse, is die self-ontwerpte SMI intervensie-program vir elke seun, volgens sy persoonlike sensoriese-motoriese behoeftes, beplan. Geval A het verbetering getoon in die volgende QNST-III sub-toets: Staan op een been (67%) en Tandemloop (83%), en handhaaf sy standaard vanaf die na-toets tot en met die retensie toets. Vir spiertonus en propriosepsie, het die Arm- en been-ekstensie sub-toets ook ʼn verbetering (67%) van die voor-toets tot die na-toets getoon. Die resultaat van hierdie subtoets is nie oor die hele tydperk gehandhaaf nie, en het net effens verhoog (33%) van die basislyn telling. Die proprioseptiewe funksie van Geval A het 'n groot verbetering in die volgende QNST-III sub-toetse getoon: Vinger na neus (67%), Vinnige omkeer, herhalende hand bewegings (88%) en Links en regs diskriminasie (67%). Geval G se resultate vir die vestibulêre-verwante sub-toetse het verbetering in die volgende getoon: Een been staan (33%) en Arm- en Been-ekstensie (33%). Sommige van die resultate van Geval G het op 'n ernstige diskripansie begin, maar daar was verbetering in die volgende proprioseptiewe verwante sub-toetse: Vinger na neus (43%), Duim en vinger sirkels (20%) en Vinnige omkeer, herhalende hand bewegings (86%). Ten spyte daarvan dat Geval G ʼn geleidelike verbetering oor tyd getoon het, het sy twee sensoriese stelsels gesukkel om met die meer komplekse take met mekaar te integreer. Die uitkoms van die geïndividualiseerde SMI programme het getoon dat die sensoriesemotoriese vaardighede by beide seuns verbeter as gevolg van die verbeterde stimulering van hul vestibulêre en somato-sensoriese (proprioseptiewe) funksie. Die SSIST resultate toon dat Geval A van ‘druip’ na ‘slaag’ in die volgende toetsitems gevorder het: Tonic Labyrinthine Supine (TLS), Tonic Labyrinthine Prone (TLP), Positive Support Reflex (PSR) en die Ocular Alignment toetsitems. Resultate van die vestibulêre toets, blyk dit dat sowel Geval A as Geval G ‘hipo-vestibulêr’ (onder-gestimuleer) was volgens die “Post-Rotary Nystagmus toets” (PRN) meting wat by die basislyn toetsing behaal is. Hierdie tellings was veranderlik tydens die intervensie. Die enigste toetsitem wat ʼn positiewe verbetering by Geval G getoon het, was die Ekwilibriumsreaksie. Laastens, beide Geval A en Geval G het in die ‘druip’ kategorie vir Kinestese gebly wat daarop dui dat hul swak propriosepsie en ruimtelike oriëntasie steeds teenwoordig was. Daar is 'n behoefte aan verdere navorsing op die gebied van sensoriese-motoriese individuele programme vir kinders met OSV. Toekomstige navorsing wat individuele programme benut, moet oorweeg om die intervensie oor ʼn langer tydperk (bv. een jaar) te laat geskied met meer sessies per week (bv. drie sessies).

Physical education and physical culture in the Coloured community of the Western Cape, 1837-1966

Cleophas, Francois Johannes 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))—University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Physical Education is a human movement activity driven by syllabi and educational programmes. Physical culture refers to human movement programmes with an entertainment component, but that also uses physical education activity. This study serves as an account of Physical Education and physical culture in the Coloured community of the Western Cape in the period 1837 to 1966. It offers a historical exploration of these activities in the social and political context and cuts across narrow definitions of race and class. The research also pays attention to the untold and unpleasant side of the story of Physical Education. This necessitated tracing the origin of Physical Education and physical culture back to their European roots, because of the strong political and cultural links between South Africa and Europe. The Cape Coloured petty bourgeoisie urbanite minority of the 19th and early 20th century were eager but unable to infiltrate the ranks of middle class White society. They were acutely aware of the need to show respect towards the White middle classes and also to distance themselves from the “unruly behaviour” of the working class. For this reason Physical Education and physical culture programmes became suitable means for the Coloured petty bourgeoisie to educate the “less fortunate” Coloured working class masses.

New insights into respiratory muscle function in an athletic population

Kroff, Jacolene 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The aims of this study were (1) to determine the effect of concurrent respiratory muscle training (RMT) on respiratory muscle (RM) function and aerobic exercise performance in women competitive field hockey players, (2) to determine the effect and time duration of RM detraining on RM function in those who underwent RMT, and (3) to determine the predictors of RM strength and endurance in an athletic population. Twenty two women hockey players underwent a series of kinanthropometric and respiratory muscle function measurements, and were then randomly assigned to an experimental group (EXP, n = 15) who underwent concurrent RMT, and a control group (CON, n = 7) who underwent sham training. Twenty subjects took part in the RM detraining study. Significant improvements in pulmonary function and RM endurance (5 – 9%) were found in both groups after the HT-RMT and HT-ST interventions, while EXP also showed a significant improvement in RM strength variables (13% in MIP, 9% in MEP). MEF50% was the only variable that showed a significant difference in the changes over time after 20 weeks of DT between EXP and CON. RM strength in both groups remained relatively unchanged over the DT period. RM endurance in both groups remained unchanged after 9 weeks of DT, but decreased significantly after 20 weeks of DT in EXP. It was concluded that the intensity and duration of both the HT-RMT and HT-ST programmes were adequate to elicit training adaptations in the RM. In both groups there was a complete reversal in lung volumes after 9 weeks and a tendency of a reversal in RM endurance after 20 weeks of DT. It is suggested that a RMT programme should be incorporated every 9 weeks in the training schedule of field hockey players, to maintain improved RM function.

An adapted rehabilitation programme for a cross section of South African chronic obstructive pulmonary disease patients

De Klerk, Danelle Ria 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Sport Science))--Stellenbosch University, 2008. / The benefits of exercise training for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) are well-documented. In South Africa, exercise programmes for COPD patients are limited and often expensive and inaccessible to the broader community. The purpose of this study was to assess the responses of COPD patients to an exercise programme and to determine if the same results can be obtained through a less costly programme. In the primary programme of the study, 22 subjects were subjected to 12 weeks of exercise training. Each subject underwent comprehensive pre- and post-intervention assessments, which included the measurement of overall health status by a physician, level of dyspnoea, forced expiratory lung function, exercise capacity, body mass index and health-related quality of life. Exercise sessions included aerobic and strength training exercises and involved three, hour-long exercise sessions a week. In the modified programme, 18 subjects were randomly divided into an experimental and control group. Eleven subjects were included in the experimental group and seven subjects in the control group. Subjects had to complete 32, hour-long exercise sessions in a 10-week period. The experimental group’s exercise programme was adapted so that no specialised equipment was used, while the control group exercised in a well-equipped exercise- and rehabilitation centre.

The effect of a movement programme on selected psychological variables among adolescent girls from previously disadvantaged communities

Alexander, Leonieke Franziska 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD) -- University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study was to determine if the participation in a movement programme, utilising 21 life skill development strategies would make a significant contribution to adolescent girls' self-esteem. The adolescent girls participating in the programme were from a previously disadvantaged community in the Western Cape, South Africa, and considered to be at-risk youth. The movement divisions through which the life skill strategies of the five and one half month programme were presented to the experimental group, were designed by the investigator, and included: modern dance, swimming, self-defence and an individual session of team building. Harter's (1985) Self-perception Profile for Children was used to measure the six subscales of self-competence/esteem of a control group (n = 8) and an experimental group (n = 13) of girls between ages 13 - 16. The six dimensions of self-esteem measured, included: global self-worth; scholastic competence; social acceptance; athletic competence; physical appearance, and; behavioural conduct. On completion of the movement intervention programme by the experimental group, all the girls (N = 21) were post tested, using the same quantitative measurement instrument. The experimental group completed an additional open-ended Life Skill Questionnaire, designed by the investigator, to see if there had been a cognitive transferral of the life skills used in the movement programme from the movement experience to everyday life activities. Following the comparison between the pre- and post-test data of Harter's (1985) Se/fperception Profile for Children, it was concluded that participation in the movement programme had an overall positive and significant affect on the six sub-scales of the girls' self-esteem. On analysis of the girls' responses to the Life Skill Questionnaire it was found that they had been able to utilise all 21 life skills in the various movement components offered in the programme, and that cognitive transferral of the skills had taken place to their everyday environment. Conceming the movement division, the statements revolving around the utilisation of the skills predominantly revolved around ii Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za the swimming, followed by dance and lastly self-defence. The life skills that were most widely used in their everyday environment were highlighted by the themes of perseverance, commitment and academics. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie studie was om vas te stel of die deelname aan 'n bewegingsprogram, waartydens 21 lewensvaardigheid-ontwikkelingstrategiee gebruik word, beduidende bydrae tot die selfagting van die adolessente meisie sou lewer. Die adolessente meisies wat aan die program deelgeneem het, kom vanuit 'n voorheenbenadeelde gemeenskap in die Wes-Kaap, Suid-Afrika, en word as hoe-risiko jeug beskou. Die bewegingsverdelings waarmee die lewensvaardigheidstrategiee van die vyf en 'n half maandelange program vir die eksperimentele groep aangebied is, is deur die navorser ontwerp en sluit die volgende in: mode me dans, swem, selfverdediging en 'n individuele sessie van spanbou. Harter (1985) se "Sett-perception Profile for Children" is gebruik om die ses sub-skale van self-bevoegdheid/agting van 'n kontrolegroep (n = 8) en 'n eksperimentele groep (n = 13) van meisies tussen die ouderdomme van 13 - 16 te meet. Die ses dimensies van selfagting wat gemeet is, het die volgende ingesluit: globale selfwaardigheid, akademiese bevoegdheid, sosiale aanvaarding, atletiese bevoegdheid, fisieke voorkoms en gedragsbeheer. Na die afhandeling van die bewegings-intervensieprogram deur die eksperimentele groep is al die meisies (N = 21) getoets met behulp van dieselfde kwantitatiewe meetinstrument. Die eksperimentele groep het In addisionele Lewensvaardigheidsvraelys voltooi, wat deur die navorser ontwerp is om te sien of daar 'n kognitiewe oordrag van die lewensvaardighede was wat in die bewegingsprogram vanaf die bewegingservaring tot daaglikse aktiwiteite gebruik is. Na die vergelyking van die voor- en na-toetsdata van Harter (1985) se "Self-perception Profile for Children" is gevind dat deelname aan die bewegingsprogram 'n algehele positiewe en beduidende effek het op die ses sub-skate van die meisies se selfagting. Die analise van die meisies se terugvoer op die Lewensvaardigheidsvraelys het getoon dat hulle instaat was om al die 21 lewensvaardighede in die verskeie bewegingskomponente te gebruik wat in die program aangebied is en dat kognitiewe oordrag van die vaardighede plaasvind na hul daaglikse omgewing. Wat die bewegingsverdeling betref, het die stellings aangaande die gebruik van die vaardighede hoofsaaklik gehandel oor die swem, gevolg deur dans en laastens selfverdediging. Die lewensvaardighede wat die meeste gebruik is in hul daaglikse omgewing is sterk na vore gebring deur temas soos deursetlingsvermoe, verpligting en akademie.

The effects of a perceptual-motor development program on children with Developmental Coordination Disorder

Walters, Yolinda 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Sport Sc (Sport Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2005. / The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of a perceptual-motor development programme for children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), as identified on the Movement Assessment Battery for Children (M-ABC). A pre- and post-test design was employed in the study and data were reported as case studies. The programme included a cognitive approach to perceptual-motor activities, with special attention to visual perception. The intervention programme was implemented over six consecutive weeks, with two 45-minute sessions each week. The motor proficiency of nine of the 12 children who participated in this study improved to the point where they were no longer classified as having DCD. The reasons for this improvement could be attributed to the regular practise provided by the perceptual-motor activities that were the content of the program and to the method of presentation, i.e. the cognitive strategies that were child-centred, which could have helped develop self-confidence in the children. These results are in agreement with the research of Schoemaker and Kalverboer (1994) that many children with DCD may learn to overcome or cope with their movement problems. The three children who performed most poorly on the M-ABC pre-test did not improve over the course of the intervention programme. A thorough examination of their perceptual-motor system could provide more information about the various factors that may contribute to their movement problems. It is also possible that the programme simply was not long enough for these children (they did not get enough practise) and/or they were not able to respond to the child-centred cognitive approach in such a short period of time.

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