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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Rekommenderad framledningstemperatur i fjärrvärmenät baserat på rökgaskondensering : En beräkningsundersökning av rökgaskondensering och fjärrvärme i en medelstor svensk stad

Hwit, Emil January 2019 (has links)
Fjärrvärme är den vanligaste uppvärmningsformen i Sverige och mer än hälften av alla lokaler och bostäder får sin uppvärmning från gemensamma fjärrvärmeanläggningar. Rökgaskondensering producerar 11 % av all fjärrvärme vilket gör den till den tredje största fjärrvärmeproducenten i Sverige. Det är därför är det viktig att den är så effektiv som möjligt. För att öka effektiviteten i förbränningsanläggningar i fjärrvärmesystem kan rökgaskondensering installeras i sammanband med de flesta bränslen som avger fuktig ånga. Rökgaskondenseringen har en viktig roll i samhället då den tar vara på energi som annars skulle gå förlorad samtidigt som den kan rena avgaserna från förorenade utsläpp. Borlänge‑Energi äger ett rökgaskondenseringssystem på Stora Enso Kvarnsvedens Pappersbruk. De vill nu utreda om deras rökgaskondenseringssystem körs så effektivt som den skulle kunna göra. Den här rapporten undersöker därför hur driften påverkas av förändrade fram- och returledningstemperaturer samt vad produktionskostnadsförändringarna på den producerade värme blir. Beräkningar har genomförts med hjälp av fjärrvärmevattnets densitet, specifikvärmekapacitet, flödes- och temperaturskillnad i Excel. Alla beräkningar har utgått från medianvärdet för månaden och sedan jämförts med vad som händer vid förändrad fram‑ och returledningstemperatur. Som underlag för beräkningarna har data insamlad under perioden januari 2015 och december 2018 använts. Resultatet visar att öka framledningstemperaturen till 95 °C från medianframledningstemperaturerna för respektive månad, det vill säga från temperaturintervall på 79 – 88 °C till 95 °C, ökar energikostnaderna med cirka 2,5 miljoner SEK per år. Kostnaden kan minskas med 400 000 SEK/år genom att sänka returledningstemperaturen till 40 °C. Minskas istället framledningstemperaturen till 75 °C när utomhustemperaturen är varmare än ‑1 °C, minskar de nuvarande energikostnaderna. En minskad framledningstemperatur ger även minskade förluster i ledningarna, minskat slitage, minskad bränsleförbrukning och minskade utsläpp. Temperatursänkning till 75 °C från temperaturintervallet 79 – 88 °C kan minska kostnaderna med 620 000 SEK per år. Skulle returledningstemperaturen sänkas men framledningstemperaturen bibehållas som den är idag kan en kostnadsminskning på över 400 000 SEK nås. Genom att sänka både fram- och returledningstemperaturerna kan en kostnadssparning på över 1 miljon SEK per år ske. Den framledningstemperatur som rekommenderas att Borlänge‑Energi strävar efter är: 75 °C när utomhustemperaturen är varmare än -1 °C 80 °C mellan -2 och -4 °C 85 °C vid -5 °C 90 °C mellan -6 och ‑7 °C 95 °C mellan -8 och -11 °C / The most common way of heating buildings in Sweden is by district heating, more than half of all the locales and homes is heated this way. Flue gas condensation is the third largest contributor of energy in district heating at 11 %. The importance of its efficiency is thereby big. Flue gas condensation can be installed at combustion boilers to increase the efficiency, it can be used in combination with most fuels that exhaust steam. The flue gas condensation has an important role by harnessing the energy in flue gases and cleansing it from environmental hazards. The flue gas condensation unit on Stora Enso Kvarnsveden Mill is owned by Borlänge‑Energi. They want to know if the condenser is operating as effective as it could be. This report investigates how the condenser and external heater at Stora Enso Kvarnsveden Mill is affected by different supply and return temperatures as well as what the production costs of the energy is. The calculations have been accomplished by using the density, specific heat capacity, flow- and temperature differences in Excel. All the calculations have originated from the median value for each month and used in comparison. The basis of the calculations is data that has been collected in the period of January 2015 to December 2018. The results indicate that increasing the supply temperature to 95 °C increases the energy costs by about 2 500 000 SEK per year. These costs can be reduced by 400 000 SEK per year by decreasing the return temperature to 40 °C. If the supply temperature is instead decreased to 75 °C when the temperature outside is higher than -1 °C, the costs decreases. A low supply temperature leads to less wear on the pipes, less heat losses, less fuel consumption and less emissions. This temperature reduction can decrease the costs by 620 000 SEK per year. If the return temperature is reduced but the supply temperature retained as it is today the costs could decrease by over 400 000 SEK per year. And by reducing both the supply and return temperature a cost saving of over 1 000 000 SEK per year could be achieved. The recommendation is therefore a lowering of the supply temperature to 75 °C when the temperature outside is warmer than -1 °C. The recommended supply temperature is: 75 °C when the temperature outside is warmer than -1 °C 80 °C between -2 and -4 °C 85 °C at -5 °C, 90 °C between -6 and ‑7 °C 95 °C between -8 and -11 °C

Production optimization for district heating : Short-term planning of district heating grid in Gävle, Sweden

Lindgren, Nicolas, Brogren, Karl January 2019 (has links)
Energy systems with a high portion of renewable energy from wind and solar power can suffer from fluctuations in production due to weak winds or cloudy weather, which may affect the electricity price. When producing heat and power in a combined heat and power plant, an additional heat storage tank can be used to store the heat surplus which is obtained when the power production is high, and the heat demand is low. To optimize heat and power production economically, short-term planning can be applied. Short-term planning covers the production in the near future of 1-3 days. The optimization in this degree project is based on the district heating production, which means that the heating demand always needs to be fulfilled. The district heating production is based on the weather. Therefore a suitable period for simulation is three days due to the accuracy of the weather forecasts are reasonable. The optimization is performed on the district heat system in Gävle, Sweden. The system comprises several different production units, such as combined heat and power plants, backup plants, and industrial waste heat recovery. Two different models are made, one using linear programming and one using mixed integer non-linear programming. The model stated as a linear programming problem is not as accurate as of the one stated as a mixed integer non-linear programming problem which uses binary variables. Historical input data from Bomhus Energi AB, a company owned together by the local heat and power supplier Gävle Energi AB and the pulp and paper manufacturer BillerudKorsnäs AB, was given to simulate different scenarios. The different scenarios have various average temperatures and in some scenarios are there some issues with the pulp and paper industry affecting the waste heat recovery. In all scenarios is the heat storage tank charged when the demand is low and then discharged when the demand increases to avoid starting some of the more expensive backup plants if possible. The simulation time varies a lot between the two approaches, from a couple of seconds to several hours. Particularly when observing scenarios with a rather high demand since the backup generators use binary variables which take a lot of time to solve.

Optimering av last och produktion i Gävles fjärrvärmenät : Reducering av effekttoppar via värmelagring i byggnader

Elofsson, Fredrik January 2019 (has links)
District heating is today the most common way of providing a building with heat and hot water in Sweden. It is an environmentally friendly product mostly used with renewable fuel. However, at power peaks most companies use production units that are more expensive and worse for the environment and should therefore be avoided as much as possible. This can be done with a method called load management. When a power peak occurs, the heat supply to buildings connected to the district heating system can be temporarily reduced. The heat energy can later be returned when the heat demand is lower. Thanks to the heat inertia of the buildings, the indoor temperature will not fall within the time frame for the load management. Historical data has been analysed to identify when and why power peaks occur in the district heating network. Power peaks throughout the district heating network have proved difficult to identify. However, for individual consumers clear patterns of power peaks have emerged. These power peaks mainly occur because of large use of hot water but also because of the shifting outdoor temperature. In order to see how the production cost would differ from the actual outcome load management was applied for Gävle's district heating 2018. The load management was calculated manually by identifying the most expensive production unit on an hourly basis. If a cheaper production unit had the potential to deliver higher power the next hour, the production was moved to the cheaper production unit. The process was repeated for each hour during 2018. After carrying out load management for Gävle's district heating network, 1 457 MWh had been shifted to a cheaper production unit. This resulted in a financial saving of 1,0 % of the total production cost. The environmental savings showed a reduction from 6.1 to 5.9 g CO2eq /kWh a total of 197 tonne CO2eq. In the exact same way, a load management was performed for a scenario where Gävle and Sandviken's district heating network were connected. The gain for a load management with Sandviken will be considerably larger, a reduced production cost of 3.6 % is possible. The environmental savings showed a reduction from 8.4 to 7.8 CO2eq /kWh a total of 575 tonne CO2eq. For future efficient load management, buildings should be divided into different classes depending on the building's time constant. User patterns for the entire district heating network have proved difficult to detect. Artificial intelligence can be an option for short-term forecasting of the power output / Fjärrvärme är idag det vanligaste sättet att förse en bostad med värme och tappvarmvatten i Sverige. Fjärrvärmen är ofta en miljövänlig produkt som kan produceras av till exempel biobränsle- och avfallseldade kraftvärmeverk eller spillvärme från industrier. Vid tillfälligt högt effektbehov, effekttoppar, använder sig merparten av bolagen av dyrare produktionsenheter med större miljöpåverkan. Dyrare produktionsenheter bör undvikas i största möjliga mån och i detta syfte används metoden laststyrning. Vid en effekttopp kan värmetillförseln till byggnader sänkas temporärt för att återföras några timmar senare när effektbehovet är lägre. Tack vare värmetrögheten i byggnaderna bör inomhustemperaturen inte sjunka inom tidsramen för laststyrning. Statistik från Gävles fjärrvärmanvändning på timbasis under 2018 har analyserats för att identifiera när och varför effekttoppar sker. Effekttoppar i hela fjärrvärmenätet har visat sig svåra att identifiera. På lokal nivå har däremot tydliga mönster för effekttoppar framkommit. Dessa effekttoppar beror till största del av tappvarmvattenanvändning men även förändringar i utomhustemperaturen. För att se hur produktion och last kunde skiljt sig från det verkliga utfallet tillämpades laststyrning för Gävles fjärrvärmeproduktion 2018. Laststyrningen beräknades manuellt genom att den dyraste produktionsenheten identifierades på timbasis. Om en billigare produktionsenhet hade potential att leverera högre effekt nästkommande timmar försköts produktionen. Därefter upprepades processen för varje timme under 2018. Efter utförd laststyrning för Gävles fjärrvärmenät hade ca 1 457 MWh förskjutits till en billigare produktionsenhet. Det gav en ekonomisk besparing på 1,0 % av Gävles totala produktionskostnad. Den miljömässiga besparingen visade på en sänkning från 6,1 till 5,9 [g CO2ekv /kWh] sammanlagt 197 ton CO2ekv. På samma sätt utfördes en laststyrning för ett scenario där Gävle och Sandvikens fjärrvärmenät sammankopplats. Vinsten för en laststyrning med Sandviken blev betydligt större med en minskad produktionskostnaden på 3,6 %. Den miljömässiga påverkan sjönk från 8,4 till 7,8 g CO2ekv /kWh sammanlagt 575 ton CO2ekv. För en framtida effektiv laststyrning bör byggnader delas in i olika klasser beroende på byggnadens tidskonstant. Användarmönster för hela fjärrvärmenätet har visat sig svårt att identifiera. Artificiell intelligens kan vara ett alternativ i framtiden för att prognostisera effektuttaget

Advanced methods for sustainable energy systems in operation and design of district heating networks / Méthodes avancées pour les systèmes énergétiques durables dans l' opération et la conception de réseaux de chauffage urbain

Coss, Stefano 14 September 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux de chauffage urbain (DHN) sont un moyen efficace de fournir de l'énergie thermique aux consommateurs. L'état actuel de la technique montre que les DHN évoluent vers des réseaux thermiques intelligents dans des systèmes énergétiques intégrés alors que leur conception est basée sur les principes de durabilité. Sur cette base, cette thèse couvre deux domaines de recherche principaux : Fonctionnement et conception des systèmes de chauffage urbain. Dans la partie A de cette thèse, des méthodes avancées pour le fonctionnement de la DHN sont développées à l'aide d'analyses exergétiques et thermoéconomiques. Cela inclut la formulation de bilans de coûts exergétiques pour les modèles de réseau basés sur des graphiques. La partie intrinsèque est le déploiement d'une matrice algébrique, qui détermine les coûts exergétiques pour la modélisation dynamique du système. Une étude de cas d'un réseau réel prouve que la méthodologie proposée offre de nouvelles perspectives sur l'allocation individuelle des coûts, ce qui aide à évaluer la faisabilité de l'intégration par des tiers et l'intégration des sources d'énergie distribuées. Dans la partie B de cette thèse, un nouvel indicateur appelé «load deviation index (LDI)» est proposé pour lier les mesures de la demande (DSM) à la conception durable des systèmes DHN. Pour cela, un cadre de conception axé sur les affaires est proposé, qui prend en compte les influences critiques dans le DHN tout en évitant un trop grand détail. Le comportement du DSM est analysé du point de vue du système et son impact sur la conception du DHN est étudié dans deux études de cas. Alors que l'un se concentre sur les benchmarks pour différentes options de conception en utilisant une métrique de durabilité multicritères, un autre donne des indications détaillées sur l'utilité du cadre proposé pour la conception en évaluant l'impact de DSM sur les améliorations de conception possibles. / District heating networks (DHN) arean efficient way of providing thermal energy to consumers. Current state of the art shows that DHNs are developing towards smart thermal networks in integrated energy systems while their design is based upon the principles of sustainability. Based on that, this thesis covers two main research areas: Operation and design of district heating systems. In part A of this thesis, advanced methods for DHN operation are developed with the help of exergetic and thermoeconomic analysis. This includes the formulation of exergetic cost balances for graph-based network models. Intrinsic part is the deployment of an algebraic matrix, which determines the exergetic costs for dynamic system modeling. A case study of areal-existing network provides evidence that the proposed methodology offers new insights into individual allocation of costs which helps to assess the feasibility of third-party integration and the integration of distributed energy sources. In part B of this thesis, a new indicator called “load deviation index (LDI)” is proposed to link demand side measures (DSM) with the sustainable design of DHN systems. For that, abusiness-focused design frameworks proposed which takes the critical influences of DHN into account while avoiding a too high detail. DSM behavior is analyzed from a system perspective and its impact on DHN design is studied in two case studies. While one focuses on benchmarks for different design options using a multi-criteria sustainability metric, another gives detailed insights into the usefulness of the proposed framework for design purposes through assessing the impact of DSM on possible design improvements using a multi-objective optimization approach.

Combined Electricity Production and Thermally Driven Cooling from Municipal Solid Waste

Udomsri, Seksan January 2011 (has links)
Increasingly intensive efforts are being made to enhance energy systems via augmented introduction of renewable energy along with improved energy efficiency. Resource constraints and sustained high fossil fuel prices have created a new phenomenon in the world market. Enhanced energy security and renewable energy development are currently high on public agenda worldwide for achieving a high standard of welfare for future generations. Biomass and municipal solid waste (MSW) have widely been accepted as important locally-available renewable energy sources offering low carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Concerning solid waste management, it has become a critical issue in Southeast Asia since the most popular form for waste disposal still employs open dumping and landfilling. While the need for a complete sustainable energy solution is apparent, solid waste management is also an essential objective, so it makes sense to explore ways in which the two can be joined. Electricity production in combination with energy recovery from flue gases in thermal treatment plants is an integral part of MSW management for many industrialized nations. In Sweden, MSW is considered as an important fuel resource for partially meeting EU environmental targets within cogeneration. However it is normally difficult to justify traditional cogeneration in tropical locations since there is little need for the heat produced. Similarly, MSW-fired cogeneration usually operates with low capacity during non-heating season in Sweden. Therefore, it is very important to find new alternatives for energy applications from waste, such as the implementation of thermally driven cooling processes via absorption cooling in addition to electricity production. The work presented herein concentrates first on an investigation of electricity generation from MSW power plants and various energy applications from waste in tropical urban areas. The potential for various types of absorption chillers driven by MSW power plants for providing both electricity and cooling is of particular interest. Additionally a demonstration and analysis of decentralized thermally driven cooling in district heating network supplied by low temperature heat from a cogeneration of MSW have been conducted. This study aims at developing the best system configuration as well as finding improved system design and control for a combination of district heating and distributed thermally driven cooling. Results show that MSW incineration has the ability to lessen environmental impacts associated with waste disposal, and it can contribute positively towards expanding biomass-based energy production in Southeast Asia. For electricity production, the proposed hybrid dual-fuel (MSW/natural gas) cycles feature attractive electrical efficiency improvements, leading to greenhouse gas emissions reduction. Cogeneration coupled with thermally driven cooling is a solution that holds promise for uniting enhanced sustainability with economic advantages. The system offers great opportunity for primary energy saving, increasing electrical yield and can significantly reduce CO2 emissions per unit of cooling as compared to compression chiller. The demonstration and simulation have also revealed that there is a potential with some modifications and improvements to employ decentralized thermally driven cooling in district heating networks even in temperate regions like Sweden. Thus, expanding cogeneration towards trigeneration can augment the energy supply for summer months in Europe and for year-round cooling in tropical locations. / QC 20110408

Kogeneracijos diegimo galimybės mažuose Lietuvos šilumos ūkiuose / Cogeneration implementation possibilities in Lithuania's small-scale district heating companies

Žvingilaitė, Erika 25 June 2004 (has links)
After closure of Ignalina nuclear power plant its capacity is going to be replaced by large-scale Lithuania’s power plants burning imported fossil fuel. This can lead to high energy system dependency from foreign countries, supplying mostly gas, and to the increase of environmental pollution. Meanwhile, some of small Lithuanian district heating companies suffer from high heat prices and consumers debts. Heat prices for consumers in small districts are by approximately 30 % higher, than for consumers in large cities. Needed electricity capacity could be partially replaced and district heating prices could be reduced by introducing small-scale cogeneration. This report is dealing with cogeneration technologies, their advantages and drawbacks. The possibilities and obstacles for implementation of these technologies in Lithuania are examined. The benefits from introduction of these technologies versus condensing power plants are analyzed. These issues have been assessed by simulating combined heat and power production in selected district heating company. There is evaluated the impact of electricity prices on the economy of different scenarios and heat prices. Finally, the conclusions about the feasibility of cogeneration implementation and the sufficiency of support schemes are made.

LowEx-Fernwärme / LowEx District Heating - a comparative assesment of measures for a efficient, multifunctional district heating system

Robbi, Steffen 02 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Vor dem Hintergrund zunehmender Wärmedämmmaßnahmen im Wohnungsbau, das heißt sinkender Heizlasten, und gleichzeitigem Bestreben nach Netzausbau und –verdichtung steht die Fernwärmeversorgung neuen Problemstellungen gegenüber. Es gilt Lösungsansätze für das Spannungsfeld niedriger Liniendichten, steigender Brennstoffpreise und der Forderung nach erneuerbaren Energien in der Wärmeversorgung zu entwickeln. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht in einer vergleichenden Simulationsstudie diverse Fahrweisen der Fernwärmeversorgung auf unterschiedlichen Temperaturniveaus. Befindet sich die Fernwärmevorlauftemperatur unter der aus Gründen des Legionellenschutzes notwendigen Temperatur der Trinkwassererwärmung, erfolgt eine dezentrale Nacherwärmung. Diese geschieht innerhalb der sogenannten LowEx-Fahrweise mittels elektrischen Heizstabs oder einem Wärmepumpen-Speicherladesystem mit Wärmequelle Fernwärme. Als Referenzsysteme finden die als Konventionelle-Fahrweise mit Speicherladesystem und die als Niedertemperatur-Fahrweise mit Wohnungsanschlussstation im Durchflussprinzip bezeichneten Betriebsweisen Anwendung. Neben der Senkung der Netzwärmeverluste und ggf. einer Steigerung der Erzeugungswirkungsgrade ermöglicht die LowEx-Fahrweise die dezentrale Einspeisung von Abwärme oder erneuerbaren Energien bei effizientem Betrieb der Energiebereitstellungsanlagen. Das Fernwärmenetz dient damit der gekoppelten Wärmeversorgung und auch Wärmeentsorgung. Beispielhaft wird die Abwärmeeinspeisung von Klimakälteprozessen mit sowohl Kompressionskälteanlagen als auch Absorptionskältenlagen untersucht. Anhand Solarthermie wird das Für und Wider der Einspeisung erneuerbarer Energien hinsichtlich der Senkung des Primärenergiebedarfs und der Verdrängung von Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungsanlagen diskutiert. Die Analysen erfolgen mit Hilfe modifizierter und neu entwickelter Modelle in der Simulationsumgebung TRNSYS-TUD.

Untersuchung der Speicherfähigkeit von Fernwärmenetzen und deren Auswirkungen auf die Einsatzplanung von Wärmeerzeugern

Groß, Sebastian 13 March 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Fernwärme ist aufgrund der verstärkten Förderung der Bundesregierung in den letzten Jahren wieder stärker in den Fokus der Energiewirtschaft gerückt. In Hinblick auf einen wirtschaftlich und energetisch effizienten Betrieb von Fernwärmesystemen ist nicht nur der Einsatz der Wärmeerzeuger mittels einer Einsatzplanung sorgfältig zu organisieren, sondern auch das Betriebsverhalten des Wärmeverteilnetzes selbst zu berücksichtigen. So führen ständig auftretende Änderungen der thermischen Last, der Vorlauftemperatur am Einspeisepunkt oder der Rücklauftemperaturen der Abnehmer zu instationären Betriebszuständen im Fernwärmenetz. Die damit verbundene zeitliche Entkopplung der zentralen Wärmeeinspeisung von der dezentralen Wärmeentnahme induziert eine Speicherung thermischer Energie in dem in den Rohrleitungen befindlichen Wasser und in den Rohren selbst. In den seltensten Fällen wird dieser Vorgang der Wärmespeicherung aktiv genutzt, er tritt vielmehr als eher unerwünschter Nebeneffekt auf. Bei Kenntnis der thermodynamischen Zusammenhänge hingegen lässt sich das Fernwärmenetz durch zielgerichtete Steuerung der Vorlauftemperatur analog einem thermischen Heißwasserspeicher als Wärmespeicher nutzen. Dies ist wiederum für die Betriebs- und Gewinnoptimierung interessant, da so weitere Speicherkapazitäten nutzbar gemacht werden können, um Lastspitzen zu verschieben und KWK-Anlagen zu betreiben ohne zusätzliche Investitionen tätigen zu müssen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode vorgestellt, in der die Netzspeicherleistung mit Hilfe eines thermo-hydraulischen Simulationsprogrammes bestimmt wird, wobei dynamische Effekte wie die veränderliche Vorlauftemperaturen am Einspeisepunkt oder die stark schwankenden Lastanforderungen der Abnehmer in der Berechnungsmethodik realitätsnah abgebildet werden. Für eine aktive Nutzung des Fernwärmenetzes als Wärmespeicher muss der Verlauf der Vorlauftemperatur an die jeweilig gewünschte Netzspeicherleistung angepasst werden. Dazu wird in dieser Arbeit ein vereinfachter Funktionsansatz für die Netzspeicherleistung bestimmt, der zunächst mittels Regressionsanalyse aus den Ergebnissen gezielter thermo-hydraulischer Simulationen ermittelt und anschließend so in eine Einsatzplanung integriert wird, sodass die Vorlauftemperatur als zu optimierende Variable in die Gesamtoptimierung einfließt. Anhand eines realen Anwendungsfalls werden die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der aktiven Nutzung der Speicherfähigkeit von Fernwärmenetzen aufgezeigt. Insbesondere werden monetäre Gewinnpotentiale bei Anwendung der aktiv gesteuerten Netzspeicherung in durch KWK-Anlagen versorgten Fernwärmenetzen bei gleichzeitigem Stromhandel auf dem Spotmarkt abgeschätzt.

Modélisation dynamique et gestion avancée de réseaux de chaleur / Dynamic modeling and advanced control of district heating systems

Giraud, Loïc 27 October 2016 (has links)
Les Réseaux de Chaleur (RdC) connaissent un nouvel essor en France qui s’explique par leur capacité à valoriser, à un prix raisonnable, des énergies bas carbone dans les domaines du chauffage et de l’eau chaude sanitaire aujourd’hui fortement émetteurs de CO2. L’amélioration du contrôle de ces systèmes complexes est un enjeu clé pour accroître leur compétitivité et favoriser leur développement. Cette thèse s’intéresse à la gestion par commande optimale des RdC. Pour cette application, nous avons développé et évalué un algorithme qui, à partir d’une prévision de la demande, optimise l’utilisation des différents moyens de production ainsi que la température de départ et la pression différentielle. Par rapport aux systèmes existants, les originalités de notre solution sont de tirer pleinement partie des capacités de stockage thermique dans le réseau et de déterminer le meilleur compromis entre coûts liés au pompage et pertes thermiques. Cette thèse débute par un travail de modélisation dynamique réalisé à l’échelle composant. En nous appuyant sur une démarche de validation expérimentale, nous avons systématiquement recherché le meilleur compromis entre précision et efficacité numérique (Chapitre 1). Le cas d’étude, décrit dans le Chapitre 2, est un RdC virtuel à l’échelle d’un quartier, représentatif du cas Grenoble. Pour le développement du système de gestion avancée, nous présentons ensuite une version linéarisée du modèle de réseau de distribution que nous intégrons à un optimiseur en suivant le formalisme de la programmation linéaire mixte. L’algorithme de gestion proposé est ensuite décrit (Chapitre 3). Il associe un modèle dynamique non-linéaire et l’optimiseur précité. L’objet du quatrième chapitre est l’évaluation des performances de notre algorithme par la simulation et la comparaison à des méthodes de contrôle existantes. Enfin, un dernier chapitre étudie la robustesse de l’algorithme en condition de commande réelle, c’est-à-dire en tenant compte de différentes sources d’incertitude. / District Heating (DH) are currently fast-growing in France. This situation is explained by their ability to exploit and disseminate massively, at a reasonable price, energy sources with low CO2 contents in the sectors of space heating and domestic hot water production, nowadays strongly emitters of greenhouse gases. Improving the control of these complex energy systems is a key issue for increasing their competitiveness and promote their development.This thesis focuses on the optimal control of DH systems. For this application, we have developed and tested an algorithm that optimizes, given a load prediction, the use of the production means, the supply temperature and the differential pressure. Compared to existing methods, the original features of the developed solution are to fully exploit the thermal storage capacity of the network and to determine the best compromise between costs for pumping and heat losses.This thesis begins with a work on dynamic modeling carried out at the component scale. Based on an experimental validation approach, we systematically sought the best compromise between accuracy and computational efficiency (Chapter 1). The case study, described in Chapter 2, is a virtual DH at the district scale, representing the Grenoble case. For the development of the advanced control system, we then present a linearized version of the distribution network model that we integrate into an optimizer relying on Mixed Linear Programming. The proposed control algorithm is described in Chapter 3. It combines a nonlinear dynamic model and the aforementioned optimizer. The topic of the fourth chapter is the evaluation of the performance of our algorithm by simulation and comparison with existing methods of control. A final chapter examines the robustness of the algorithm in real control conditions considering various sources of uncertainty.

Kapacitetsutnyttjande för Power-to-Heat i svenska fjärrvärmesystem : En studie med befintliga anläggningar i framtida energisystem

Bolander, Dan-Axel January 2018 (has links)
The installation of variable renewable energy sources has rapidly increased during the last decade in several countries. It is likely that it will also increase in Sweden. Such a development could lead to periods of very high power production. In order to keep the stability of the electric grid, curtailment is the most common feed-in management method. This study examines how Power-to-Heat can utilize this surplus power in Swedish district heating systems instead of using curtailments and thereby facilitate the development of installed variable renewable energy sources. During this study a model was developed in MatLab where the capacity utilization was simulated for Power-to-Heat. The study indicates that the capacity utilization varies from 1,1–4,2 TWh electricity. In this scenario a share of the base load is substituted with new installed wind and solar power; 50 TWh respectively 10 TWh. The parameter that showed greatest sensitivity for the analysis were how the net power profile was simulated.

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