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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Equalization effects on selected Arizona school districts: A longitudinal study.

Lebrecht, Stephen Eric. January 1989 (has links)
The dissertation examines the effects of equalization on Arizona unified school districts. Data was collected from three time spans, 1979 to 1981, the period of time before the passage of equalization legislation; 1982 to 1986 the period of time that equalization took place; and 1987 and 1988 the period after equalization was to have been fully realized. The study uses six measurements of equalization. The Range of Revenue per student was found to indicate a slight in inequality. The Federal Restricted Range Ratio also indicated a slight trend toward inequity. Inequity has decreased from 1.79 in 1979 to 1.47 in 1988. The data became erratic during the period of time that equalization was taking place. Both the Range of revenue and the Federal Restricted Range Ratio are relatively invalid measurements of equity. The Coefficient of Variation, a much better measure, indicated on overall trend toward increased equity. The Coefficient of Variation was.35 in 1979 and.29 in 1988. The McLoone Index, a widely used measure of equity, indicated that the State of Arizona has had a high degree of equity throughout the study; it was.92 in 1979 and.91 in 1988. The Lorenz Curves that were produced and the Gini Coefficients gave further indication that the State has had substantial equity throughout the study. In 1979, the Gini Coefficient was.04 and.03 in 1989. The results of the data indicate that there was little effect on equalization of unified districts in Arizona from the passage of HB 2013 in 1980. Immediately after the passage of the law, the data became more erratic, but equity did not increase substantially. The reason there was little effect on equity is thought to be because the degree of equity as measured by the Coefficient of Variation, McLoone Index, and the Gini Coefficient was so great that any increase in equity would be very difficult. The McLoone Index indicated equity was within 12% of perfect equity and the Gini Coefficient indicated equity was within from 1% to 4% of perfect equity.

Strategies to improve water management in Mexican irrigation districts : a case study in Sonora

Palacios Vélez, Enrique,1933- January 1976 (has links)
Few studies have been made regarding the efficiency of water use in irrigation systems in operation. Therefore, in this work the search for methodologies to evaluate the actual efficiency of water use in a Mexican irrigation district as well as methods which may improve this efficiency is emphasized. The work has been divided into four parts. In the first part, the analysis of the economic activities in the irrigation district by means of linear programming has permitted finding the marginal productivity of water which is used as a shadow price for economic evaluation of the operating rules. In this part a relationship between the marginal productivity of water and the conveyance efficiency has also been found. In the second part, using hydrological historical data and a pattern of monthly water demand for crops obtained in the first part, control curves of the reservoir levels which permit knowledge of the probability of risk of spill and shortage were computed. Utilizing these curves and a simple linear programming model for finding the optimal economic annual average release, operating rules for the reservoir have been deduced. These rules were tested by means of a simulation model and their economic effectiveness was estimated using a benefit-cost analysis, showing a significant improvement in benefits for the farmers as a consequence of using these rules. In the third part, the conveyance losses in the canal network are analyzed using a linear regression between releases and deliveries. The proposed model permits an estimation of the conveyance efficiency and its division into two component factors, the intrinsic efficiency directly related to the physical characteristics of the canals, and the operational efficiency related to water management in the canal network. Knowing these components, it is possible to classify the conveyance losses as well as deduce operating rules for improving the operational efficiency. In making decisions about the methods to be used for improving the conveyance efficiency, benefits and costs must be taken into account. Therefore, a practical relationship for evaluating the economic feasibility of lining canals, considering those benefits and costs, is found as well as a method for economic evaluation of the operating rules. Finally, in the last part of this work, a practical methodology for estimating the application efficiency at the farm level in an irrigation district and small divisions as well is shown. This method is useful in finding where the problems in water use are more important within the district and which could be their principal causes. Utilizing data from experiments, which are available in most of the Mexican irrigation districts, production functions relating yields of crops to the amount of water applied and the percentage of moisture depletion in the soil before and during the flowering season of the crop, have been found. These functions can be used not only for obtaining the optimal economic depth of water to be applied and irrigation timing but also for deriving the optimal water use efficiency, whi6h, when related to actual values of this water efficiency in each subdivision of the district, permits the deduction of a practical water use efficiency index which is useful for detecting where the problems in water use are and what are the potential returns for the farmers in each of the considered subdivisions.

Form-based codes and historic preservation : three Nashville case studies

Bjorklund, Beth A. 07 July 2011 (has links)
Form-based codes are “A method of regulating development to achieve a specific urban form. Form-Based Codes create a predictable public realm primarily by controlling physical from, with a lesser focus on land use, through city or county regulations.”1 Based on their ability to regulate the form and design of the built environment while looking to historic patterns of development and existing architecture, it seems that formbased codes should go hand-in-hand with historic preservation. This thesis explores that possibility by analyzing three case studies in Nashville, Tennessee, and concludes that form-based codes do indeed have the potential for success in preserving the character of historic areas. / Introduction -- Evolution of land development regulations -- Form-based planning in Nashville -- Three Nashville case studies -- Form-based codes and historic preservation. / Department of Architecture

A Study of Community Power Structure in Certain School Districts in the State of Texas and its Influence on Bond Elections

Harper, Joe W., 1922- 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the community power structure and its influence on the outcome of bond elections in four selected school districts in the State of Texas. The investigation of the following subproblems was necessary: 1. To determine the involvement of power structure in the decision-making process of the school district. 2. To determine the community people who have exercised the greatest influence in school matters. 3. To determine the educator's need to become cognizant of the nature of power structure. 4. To determine to what extent leaders in school bond elections are also leaders in non-school issues.

Education in Ellis County, Texas

Parker, Wilna 08 1900 (has links)
This primary purpose of this thesis is to explore the progression of education within Ellis County. The first two chapters focus on how the county was founded, the first settlements, the formation of towns and economic developments. The rest of the paper gives the history and development of education, specifically the early schools of the county, the beginning of public schools, and the more recent trends of education.

A transferência de potencial construtivo: incentivo à conservação dos edifícios protegidos na área central de São Paulo (?) / The transfer of constructive potential: an incentive for the conservation of protected buildings of São Paulo\'s central area (?)

Cipriano, Dulcilei de Souza 21 May 2018 (has links)
O presente trabalho busca analisar a aplicação da Transferência de Potencial Construtivo (TPC), no âmbito da Operação Urbana Centro, na área central de São Paulo. Através de uma perspectiva histórica, onde se estuda a formulação da política de preservação brasileira, observando seu caráter distanciado das questões econômicas, de um pensamento prospectivo no que se refere a gestão dos bens protegidos e, ainda, se utilizando da história para embasar a concepção do Solo Criado; procuramos analisar o funcionamento de dois instrumentos internacionais cujos modelos serviram de base para a formatação do nosso objeto de estudo. Em funcionamento há vinte anos, o referido mecanismo é o único instrumento urbanístico que visa promover a conservação do patrimônio cultural edificado por intermédio da concessão de contrapartida financeira, paga pela iniciativa privada, em troca da permissão para exceder o coeficiente de aproveitamento do solo imposto pela legislação de zoneamento. Após a análise dos documentos e dados referentes a operacionalização da TPC iremos verificar a efetividade desta por meio do estudo de dois casos de transferência de potencial, escolhidos num rol de seis processos finalizados durante o período compreendido entre 1997, ano de instituição da Lei nº12.349/97 e 2016, quando a Norma Regulamentadora que rege a operacionalização dos trabalhos na Operação Urbana Centro, foi revisada. / This master thesis aims to investigate the operationalization of the land use regulation tool called Transferência de Potencial Construtivo (TPC), which has been implemented as part of the Operação Urbana Centro in the main area of São Paulo. By studying the formation of Brazil\'s preservation policy through a historical perspective, observing its character distanced from economic issues; and through a prospective inspection of the management of historic buildings, still using history as the basis of the Solo Criado its conception; we seek to analyse the functioning of two international mechanisms whose models served as the basis for drawing out the instrumental object of our study. In operation since 1997, this mechanism is the only urban instrument that sought to promote the conservation of historic buildings by granting a financial contribution, financed by private initiative, in exchange for the permission to exceed the right to build controlled by zoning. After the analysis of the documents and data pertaining the operation of the TPC we intend to observe the mechanism\'s effectiveness trough two case studies, selected from a list of six completed processes during the period from 1997, year of establishment of Law No. 12.349/97, and 2016, when the document responsible for the regulation of norms of the Operação Urbana Centro was revised.

Desenvolvimento local e avaliação de políticas públicas: análise de viabilidade para construção de um índice de desenvolvimento local para o município de São José do Rio Preto / Local Development and Public Politics Evaluation: Analysis of the viability of creation of un index of local development for the city of São José do Rio Preto.

Borges, Claudia Moreira 21 June 2007 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar os impactos gerados pelo Programa dos Minidistritos Industriais e de Serviços, implantado em São José do Rio Preto, com a construção de um ferramental quantitativo para verificar as influências no desenvolvimento local. Para realização deste estudo, foram delineadas etapas de pesquisa qualitativa e documental, orientadas por Gil (2002) entre outros autores, e uma etapa quantitativa de acordo com Hair et al (2005a). Na etapa qualitativa o programa dos minidistritos foi analisado a partir de uma visão histórica e identificados as principais repercussões, atores e incentivos dados para o município de Rio Preto. Por meio da análise, e outros modelos construídos, foi desenhado o modelo de desenvolvimento local baseado no Programa dos Minidistritos Industriais e de Serviços, intitulado Modelo de Desenvolvimento Integrado Local Industrial (DILI). Na etapa quantitativa foram aplicados testes de agrupamento e discriminante e utilizados dados por setores censitários disponibilizados pelo IBGE. Os setores foram classificados com o auxílio do teste de agrupamento e foi gerada uma função que possibilita verificar as diferenças de desenvolvimento entre as regiões que possuem minidistritos e as que não possuem. Os resultados obtidos demonstram que os setores onde estão localizados os minidistritos são os mais carentes de renda e educação e possuem maior aglomeração populacional, em conseqüência da quantidade de minidistritos. / This work has the objective of analyse the impacts generated by Industrial and Services Minidistricts, implanted in São José do Rio Preto, with the the construction of a quantitative toolto verify the influences in the local development. In order to reach this objective, there were delineated stages of research: qualitative and documental, both oriented by Gil (2002) among others, and quantitative, according to Hair et al. (2005). In the qualitative stage, the program of Mini-districts was analysed under a historical view and the main repercussions, actors and incentive data were identified for the city of São José do Rio Preto. Through the analysis and other built models, the local development model was created based on the Program of Industrial and Services Mini-districts, entitled Local-Industrial Integrated Development Model (LIID). In the quantitative stage there were applied grouping and discriminant tests and the sector census data disposable by the IBGE. The sectors were classified in clusters with the help of the grouping test. It was generated a function which enables to verify the developmental differences between the regions have and the ones that have not mini-districts. The results reveal that the sectors where the mini-districts are located are the ones that lack in high output and education, and are also the most populous ones, being this last encouraged by the Mini-districts.

Sertões de mar a mar: Goyazes em suas filigranas (c. 1726 - 1830) / Sea-to-sea backlands: Goyazes in their filigrees (c. 1726 - 1830)

Moura, Nádia Mendes de 21 May 2018 (has links)
Por muitos anos, a história que foi contada da Capitania de Goiás se resumia aos feitos heroicos dos bandeirantes, à riqueza do ouro e à decadência que arrasou toda aquela região com o fim do ciclo minerador. Nesta tese, ao abordarmos o processo de urbanização das Minas de Goyaz e das Minas do Tocantins na passagem do século XVIII para o XIX, detectamos que há muito a ser revelado a respeito do discurso da decadência. A diversidade era a tônica da Capitania de Goiás, expressa em sua paisagem, no seu povo e na forma como esses vastos sertões foram sendo apropriados. Sertões de mar a mar, que recebiam gente de todas as partes, atravessando o coração da colônia ou fincando novas raízes. A trama da filigrana, ao mesmo tempo fina, forte, delicada e rebuscada, é uma imagem possível desse emaranhado de vida que animava a capitania e sugere que nem tudo é o que parece ser. O gado coexistindo com as atividades mineradoras e comerciais, a mulher tomando frente pelas estradas dos ermos gerais e uma rede de julgados ditando o tom da urbanidade dos arraiais - essa é a Capitania de Goiás que se revelou para além da decadência. / For many years the official history of the Captaincy of Goiás was summed up by the heroic deeds of the bandeirantes, the gold wealth and the long process of decay that devastated the whole region after the mining cycle. In this thesis, as the process of urbanization of Goyaz and Tocantins mines in the 18th and 19th centuries is examined in detail, it becomes clear that there is more to be said about the discourse of decay. It seems that Captaincy of Goias was then much more diversified in its landscape, its people and in the way these vast backlands were appropriated. Sea-to-sea backlands, receiving people from all sides, who were just crossing the heart of the colony or in search of the golden dream of mining. The filigree technique, at the same time fine, strong, delicate and elaborate, could be a possible image for the lifestyle that animated the Captaincy and suggests that not everything is what it seems to be. Livestock, mining, commerce, the strong presence of women leading various activities and a network of judicial districts set the tone for growing urbanity in the hinterland - the Captaincy of Goias revealing itself beyond decadence.

Reestruturação econômica e território: expansão recente do terciário na marginal do rio Pinheiros. / Economic restructuring and territory: recent tertiary development on the margins of Pinheiros river.

Nobre, Eduardo Alberto Cusce 07 November 2000 (has links)
Este trabalho procurou demonstrar a tese de que a reestruturação econômica mundial dos últimos trinta anos ocasionou a expansão do mercado imobiliário de escritórios em São Paulo, entre outras regiões urbanas do mundo.Para tanto, analisou como a reorganização da divisão internacional e regional do trabalho privilegiou a concentração de atividades terciárias - administrativas,financeiras e de serviços especializados - nessas regiões, criando a demanda por edifícios de escritórios mais tecnologicamente adequados a essas atividades.A seguir, pesquisou como o capital imobiliário articulou-se com os capitais financeiro e corporativo no intuito de viabilizar esses empreendimentos, levando à consolidação do mercado imobiliário comercial como uma das formas típicas de investimento do atual estágio do capitalismo. A região da marginal do rio Pinheiros foi escolhida como estudo de caso por ser a que mais têm atraído investimentos nesse tipo de empreendimento desde a década de 70.Por fim, procurou compreender os efeitos desses megaprojetos, estudando os impactos do desenvolvimento terciário no uso do solo, na malha urbana, na infraestrutura viária e de transportes da região e na decadência dos outros centros de negócios da cidade. / This thesis tries to demonstrate that global economic restructuring has caused the expansion of commercial property market in São Paulo between certain urban regions of the world since the 1970s.It analyses how the reorganisation of the international and regional division of labour caused the concentration of tertiary activities administrative, finance and services related in these regions, creating demand for new technologically adapted office buildings.It has also assessed the way which finance, corporate and real estate capitals had been articulated in order to promote this development, causing the consolidation of commercial property market as a typical investment of present capitalist stage.The region of Marginal of Pinheiros River was chosen as a case-study as it is the area that has most attracted office development in São Paulo since the 1970s.Finally, it analyses the effects of these megaprojects, first analysing the impacts of tertiary development on land use, road layout, traffic and transport systems of neighbourhoods and then, relating it to the process of urban decay of consolidated business districts.

As redes sociais em aglomerações de empresas: o caso dos curtumes de Estância Velha

Reyes Junior, Edgar 2008 March 1927 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-03-05T18:40:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 27 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Esta dissertação procura analisar aglomerações geográficas de empresas a partir de uma abordagem relacional, partindo da hipótese de que as relações sociais, tanto internas, quanto externas a rede, impactam no desempenho individual das organizações em tais ambientes. A base destas relações é a confiança, que é ao mesmo tempo elemento formador e estruturador do conjunto de relações e que é analisada a partir de seus componentes baseados em características, processos e instituições. Foram estudados os 53 curtumes e indústrias químicas para curtumes de Estância velha, sendo citadas ao todo 250 empresas, em um estudo quantitativo em que utilizou-se como metodologia a análise de redes sociais por esta permitir a mensuração destas relações e criação de um índice relacional. Os principais resultados obtidos permitem afirmar que as relações baseadas em processo e em instituições têm impacto significativo sobre o índice relacional, que as relações extra-rede têm grande importância para estas empresas, sendo que em al / This dissertation seeks analyze geographic agglomerations of companies starting a relational approach, based on the hypothesis that social relations, both internal as external to the network, impacting on the performance of individual organizations in such environments. The basis of these relations is trust, which is both building and structuring element of the set of relationships and is considered as of its components based on characteristics, processes and institutions. We studied all 53 leather and chemical industries of Estancia Velha, and in all 250 companies are listed in a quantitative study in which it was used as methodology of social networks analysis that enable the measurement of these relationships and create a relational index. The main results show that the relations based on process and institutions have significant impact on the relational index, that relations extra-network have great importance for these companies, while some cases end up occupying the central position in the network, in p

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