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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Textilní štěrbinová anténa / Textile slot antenna

Špůrek, Jan January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on design of various antenna structures, based on slot antennas, created in the wider wall of a rectangular-shaped waveguide. As the substrate, it is used a 3D textile material, while its properties are examined. They were designed structures, that operate with linear and circular polarization, and other related structures, that are used for feeding and power division. Structures are designed to operate at central frequency of 8 GHz and its vicinity.

Entwicklung einer monolithisch integrierten 2,44 GHz Phasenregelschleife in der LFoundry 150nm-CMOS Technologie

Scheibe, Niko 30 August 2010 (has links)
Die Spezifikationen und Toleranzbereiche heutiger Hochgeschwindigkeitsdatenübertragungstechnologien nehmen immer weiter an Komplexität, aufgrund der steigenden Informationsmenge, zu. Zur Verarbeitung von Daten in Frequenzbereichen oberhalb von einem Gigahertz sind Referenzsignale notwendig, welche ein äußerst geringes Phasenrauschen aufweisen um benachbarte Kanäle nicht zu beeinflussen. Diese Referenzsignale werden in Mischerschaltungen zur Modulation oder Demodulation zwischen radio frequency (RF)- und intermediate frequency (IF)-Signalen verwendet. Die benötigte Signalform ist eine Sinusschwingung, die nicht durch digitale Schaltungsblöcke erzeugt werden kann. Daher ist die Notwendigkeit von analogen LC-Oszillatoren gegeben. Die Erzeugung von höchst stabilen und hochfrequenten Signalen war lange Zeit teuren Silizium-Germanium-Technologien vorbehalten. Jedoch erfordert der steigende Integrationsgrad und der hart umkämpfte Markt, die Entwicklung von RF-Schaltungen in günstigen CMOS-Technologien. In Zusammenarbeit mit der Landshut Silicon Foundry soll dazu eine monolithisch integrierte Phase-Locked Loop (PLL) mit einer mittleren Ausgangsfrequenz von 2,44 GHz und einem Phasenrauschen kleiner -115 dBc/Hz bei einem Abstand von 1 MHz vom Träger entwickelt werden. Dabei wird das Hauptaugenmerk auf den Kern der PLL gelegt, welcher einen spannungsgesteuerten Oszillator, einen Phasen-/Frequenzdetektor, eine Ladungspumpe, einen Schleifenfilter und einen Frequenzteiler beinhaltet. Außerdem sollen Testszenarien vorgestellt werden, um die Eigenschaften der gefertigten PLL zu bestimmen und zu vergleichen.


IGHOR SOUZA DOS SANTOS 30 April 2020 (has links)
[pt] O ensaio de impulso para perfuração de isoladores é um ensaio normalizado descrito na IEC 61211:2004 e é fundamental para verificar em laboratório a qualidade de isoladores de vidro ou porcelana utilizados no sistema elétrico de potência. A norma IEC 60060-2:2010 recomenda que a calibração dos Sistemas de Medição utilizados em ensaios para Perfuração de Isoladores (SMIP) deve ser realizada por comparação com um padrão. Contudo, embora o ensaio de perfuração seja normalizado, ainda não existem padrões para rastrear esse sistema de medição na maioria dos institutos de pesquisas em âmbito global. Quantificar a amplitude de um impulso de perfuração, com todas as garantias metrológicas, não é uma tarefa trivial, por se tratar de um sinal impulsivo com amplitude de centenas de kilovolts e durações da ordem de 200 ns. Além disso, divisores de tensão com alto desempenho dinâmico para essa aplicação especifica também não estão disponíveis comercialmente. Deste modo, o objetivo desta dissertação foi projetar e desenvolver um SMIP. O divisor de tensão, integrante do sistema de medição, foi construído a fim de garantir uma mínima indutância e um alto desempenho dinâmico. Também foi desenvolvido um filtro para a remoção de interferências eletromagnéticas baseado na transformada wavelet, integrado a um software que controla aquisição, condicionamento do sinal, determinação e análise dos parâmetros do impulso de perfuração. O desempenho do sistema de medição foi avaliado em baixa tensão e em alta tensão, bem como foi estimada sua incerteza de medição, sendo então capaz de atender às exigências normativas e metrológicas do Laboratório de Referência em medição do Cepel. / [en] Impulse testing for puncture insulator is a standardized test described in IEC 61211:2004 and is essential for laboratory testing of the quality of glass or porcelain insulators used in the electrical power system. IEC 60060-2:2010 recommends that calibration of Measurement Systems used in Impulse Puncture Test on insulators (IPMS) should be performed by comparison against a standard. However, although the impulse puncture testing is standardized, there are still no standards for traceability of this measurement system at most research institutes globally. Quantifying the amplitude of an impulse puncture test, with all metrological guarantees, is not a trivial task, since it is an impulsive signal with amplitude of hundreds of kilovolts and durations of the order of 200 ns. In addition, high dynamic performance voltage dividers for this specific application are not commercially available either. Thus, the objective of this dissertation was to design and develop an IPMS. The voltage divider, which is part of the measuring system, is designed to ensure minimum inductance and high dynamic performance. A filter for electromagnetic interference removal based on the wavelet transform was also developed, integrated with software that controls acquisition, signal conditioning, determination and analysis of the impulse puncture testing parameters. The performance of the measuring system was evaluated at low voltage and high voltage, as well as its measurement uncertainty was estimated, being able to meet the normative and metrological requirements of the Cepel s Measurement Reference Laboratory.

Modélisation et optimisation énergétique des organes d'un semoir pneumatique / Modeling and energy optimization of the operative parts of an air assisted drill

Yatskul, Andrii 04 May 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte du développement d’une agriculture durable, il est nécessaire d’optimiser le coût énergétique des opérations agricoles tout en garantissant des temps de travaux courts ainsi que la qualité des opérations réalisées. Cette question concerne en particulier l’opération du semis qui est déterminante pour la qualité de la future récolte. Les semoirs de grande capacité et à haute productivité conçus aujourd’hui se doivent d’être compatibles avec cet ensemble de contraintes. L’enjeu essentiel de cette thèse est donc d’élaborer une méthodologie innovante et utilisant des outils de modélisation dans le but de réduire la consommation énergétique des matériels de semis. En suivant cette logique, nous avons étudié quatre aspects clef de la conception des semoirs pneumatiques : la manœuvrabilité des semoirs poly-articulés, l’établissement des conditions du transport pneumatique des semences et des engrais, l’optimisation des systèmes de répartition des semences ou des engrais, et enfin les aspects énergétiques du mode d’introduction des semences dans le circuit pneumatique. Chaque modélisation a été précédée par une phase expérimentale de détermination des phénomènes majoritaires influençant le processus étudié. Ensuite une modélisation du processus étudié, basée sur la simulation des effets du phénomène majoritaire identifié a pu être mise en œuvre et des conclusions, appuyées par des essais expérimentaux, proposées quant à la conception des semoirs pneumatiques. L’étude de la manœuvrabilité des ensembles poly articulés a démontré qu’il était possible de proposer et de tester un modèle explicatif de prédiction de trajectoires adapté aux engins agricoles. Cette approche ouvre la voie à l’optimisation et à de nouvelles méthodes d’automatisation de manœuvres complexes, notamment des demi-tours en bout de champ. Il est par ailleurs possible de démontrer qu’une trémie en position arrière permet de réaligner plus rapidement la barre de semis après une manœuvre. L’étude des conditions du transport pneumatique a montré notamment que l’établissement de conditions de transport correctes au niveau des sorties de la tête de distribution conditionne l’ensemble de la conception du circuit de distribution de la matière. L’étude des systèmes de répartition des semences a permis d’expliquer l’origine des principaux défauts de répartition observés et notamment l’importance de l’adéquation entre le coude et la conduite verticale qui précède la tête de répartition des semences. Ces résultats ont ouvert la voie à l’étude de la mise en place de systèmes d’anticipation et de correction de ces défauts. Enfin l’étude comparée de deux systèmes d’introduction de la matière dans un circuit pneumatique a montré que du point de vue énergétique les systèmes pressurisés sont plus intéressants que les systèmes injecteurs. / In the context of sustainable farming, the optimization of the energy costs of agricultural operations allows shorter working times and high quality of the agricultural operations. This question relates particularly to the seeding. This operation one is decisive for the quality of the future harvest. The modern high capacity seed drills must be compatible with all the constraints. The main goal of this PhD thesis is thus to develop an innovative methodology, integrating the modeling tools, in order to reduce the energy consumption of the heavy seeding equipment. Thus, we explored four key aspects concerning air seed drill design: maneuverability of poly-articulated seed drills; establishment of the pneumatic conveying conditions of seeds and fertilizers; seed distribution accuracy optimization, and finally the energy aspects of the air stream loading systems. Each modeling was preceded by a preliminary experimental phase, defying the majority phenomena influencing the studied process. The modeling of the studied process and the conclusions (supported by experimental trials) have been proposed for the design of air seed drills. The study of maneuverability of poly-articulated agricultural machines showed that it was possible to get and test an explanatory model of trajectory prediction adapted for agricultural machines. This approach opens the way for optimization and automation of complex operations, including U-turns on headlands. We showed that a towed behind storage hopper (air-cart) allows faster realignment of the coulter bar after maneuvers. The study of pneumatic conveying conditions showed that the establishment of the correct conveying conditions in the outlets after the dispensing head defines the entire design of the distribution system. The study of seed distribution systems explains that the origin of the low distribution accuracy is caused in particular by the elbow and the vertical pipe before the dispensing head. These results open the way for the development of anticipation systems and correction of these defects. Finally the comparative study of two air-stream loading systems has showed that from the energy point of view the pressurized systems are more interesting than the injectors systems. / В рамках концепции устойчивого развития, необходимо учитывать энергетический аспект, сохраняя при этом эффективность использования рабочего времени и качества выполнения сельскохозяйственных операций. Особенно, это касается операции посева, определяющей в наибольшей степени будущий урожай. Современные широкозахватные зерновые сеялки и посевные комплексы вписываются в рамки устойчивого сельского хозяйства. Главной целью данной диссертации является разработка действенной методики проектирования пневматических сеялок, применяя методы моделирования и оптимизации, с целью уменьшения энергопотребления. Таким образом, мы использовали причинно-следственный подход для энергетической оптимизации четырех определяющих параметров: маневренность многозвеньевых посевных машин, обоснования необходимых условий пневмотранспорта, оптимизация распределения посевного материала, и ввода материала в магистральный трубопровод. В дополнение, снижение энергопотребления не должно сказываться на качестве выполнения технологического процесса посева. Моделирование каждого процесса, является следствием длительной экспериментальной фазы, посвященной определению наиболее значимых факторов, для каждого отдельного явления. В результате моделирований, симуляций и анализа, были составлены практические рекомендации, для конструкторов пневматических сеялок. Изучение маневренных характеристик многозвеньевых агрегатов позволило предложить и испытать физическую модель, позволяющую предопределить траекторию движение каждого звена машинно-тракторного агрегата. Такой подход позволяет автоматизировать выполнение наиболее сложных маневров (например, разворотов в конце гона). Кроме всего было показано, что заднеприцепные бункера позволяют более быстрое выравнивание агрегата после разворота. Изучение условий пневмотранспорта, позволило установить оптимальные, с точки зрения энергосбережения, параметры пневмотранспорта на выходе из распределительной головки, что послужило исходными данными для расчета характеристик пневмотранспорта в целом. Исследование процесса распределения семян в распределительной головке вертикального типа, позволило определить причины неравномерного распределения семян между выходными трубопроводами, в частности влияние отвода и вертикального трубопровода. На основании полученных данных, было предложена система устройств, позволяющих избежать возникновения завалов в системе, при минимальных энергопотерях. Сравнительные исследования двух систем ввода материала в магистральный трубопровод, позволили заключить, что питатели с наддувом являются менее энергоемкими по сравнению с питателями эжекторного типа.

Contribution au développement d'antennes intégrales aux vêtements. Application aux gilets militaires / Contribution to the development of integrated antennas to clothes. Application to military jackets

Andriamiharivolamena, Fanamperana Tsitoha 13 March 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, les fantassins de l'armée française sont équipés d'un système de radiocommunication quand ils sont en intervention sur le terrain. L'antenne utilisée pour émettre et recevoir les signaux radiofréquences (RF) est du type monopole appelée antenne fouet placée parallèlement au corps du fantassin au niveau de la clavicule gauche. Cependant, l'antenne fouet perturbe le champ de vision des fantassins surtout lorsqu'ils tournent leur tête vers la gauche. De plus, la position de l'antenne fouet gêne les fantassins gauchers lorsqu'ils sont en position de tir. Enfin, l'antenne fouet rajoute un poids supplémentaire. Il est évident alors que l'intégration de l'antenne dans les gilets militaires permet de mieux répondre aux besoins des fantassins notamment en termes d'ergonomie. Cependant une telle intégration doit aussi répondre aux besoins d'efficacité de rayonnement, de couverture spatiale et de protection du corps vis-à-vis du rayonnement de l'antenne. De plus les contraintes liées à la technologie de réalisation doivent être prises en compte. La thèse est focalisée sur la conception et la caractérisation d'antennes intégrées aux gilets militaires. Le travail de recherche s'est fait dans le cadre du projet collaboratif GIANTE, soutenu par le dispositif DGA-RAPID, associant les partenaires complémentaires : SAFRAN Sagem, le laboratoire LCIS et ARDEJE. Le travail inclue tous les développements relevant de la conception électromagnétique avec la prise en compte du corps humain et le suivi de la réalisation par impression numérique assurée par ARDEJE qui possède la technologique jet d'encre. Il concerne également la caractérisation RF (adaptation, bande passante, diagramme de rayonnement) des antennes avec un banc expérimental adapté et l'évaluation des performances globales des antennes en environnements fonctionnels (milieu dégagé, milieu urbain, forêt). / Nowadays, the infantrymen of French army are equipped with a radio communication system when they are in field action. The antenna used to transmit and receive Radiofrequency (RF) signals is a monopole antenna called as whip antenna. It is placed parallel to the infantryman's body at the left clavicle. However, the whip antenna disrupts the field of view of infantrymen particularly when they turn their head to the left. Moreover, the position of the whip antenna bothers the left-handed infantrymen when they are in fire position. Finally, the whip antenna adds an additional weight to the infantrymen. Thus, it is obvious that the integration of the antenna into the military jackets allows to better meet the needs of infantrymen particularly in terms of ergonomy. However such an integration must also meet the needs in terms of radiation efficiency, spatial coverage and protection of the body against the antenna radiation. Moreover, the constraints of realization technology must be taken into account. The thesis is focused on the design and characterization of integrated antennas into military jackets. The research work is performed within the collaborative project GIANTE, supported by the DGA-RAPID frameproject, associating complementary partners: SAFRAN Sagem, laboratory LCIS, and ARDEJE. The work includes all the electromagnetic studies required by the environmental constraints by taking account the human body. It also includes the follow-up of the realizations made by ARDEJE that masters inkjet printing technologies. The RF characterization (impedance matching, bandwidth, radiation pattern) of antennas with a suitable bench test and the evaluation of global performances of antennas in functional environments (environment free from obstructions, urban areas, forest) are also part of the thesis work.

Contribution au développement d'antennes intégrables aux vêtements : application aux gilets militaires / Contribution to the development of integrated antennas to clothes : application to military jackets

Andriamiharivolamena, Fanamperana Tsitoha 13 March 2015 (has links)
Actuellement, les fantassins de l'armée française sont équipés d'un système de radiocommunication quand ils sont en intervention sur le terrain. L'antenne utilisée pour émettre et recevoir les signaux radiofréquences (RF) est du type monopole appelée antenne fouet placée parallèlement au corps du fantassin au niveau de la clavicule gauche. Cependant, l'antenne fouet perturbe le champ de vision des fantassins surtout lorsqu'ils tournent leur tête vers la gauche. De plus, la position de l'antenne fouet gêne les fantassins gauchers lorsqu'ils sont en position de tir. Enfin, l'antenne fouet rajoute un poids supplémentaire. Il est évident alors que l'intégration de l'antenne dans les gilets militaires permet de mieux répondre aux besoins des fantassins notamment en termes d'ergonomie. Cependant une telle intégration doit aussi répondre aux besoins d'efficacité de rayonnement, de couverture spatiale et de protection du corps vis-à-vis du rayonnement de l'antenne. De plus les contraintes liées à la technologie de réalisation doivent être prises en compte. La thèse est focalisée sur la conception et la caractérisation d'antennes intégrées aux gilets militaires. Le travail de recherche s'est fait dans le cadre du projet collaboratif GIANTE, soutenu par le dispositif DGA-RAPID, associant les partenaires complémentaires : SAFRAN Sagem, le laboratoire LCIS et ARDEJE. Le travail inclue tous les développements relevant de la conception électromagnétique avec la prise en compte du corps humain et le suivi de la réalisation par impression numérique assurée par ARDEJE qui possède la technologique jet d'encre. Il concerne également la caractérisation RF (adaptation, bande passante, diagramme de rayonnement) des antennes avec un banc expérimental adapté et l'évaluation des performances globales des antennes en environnements fonctionnels (milieu dégagé, milieu urbain, forêt). / Nowadays, the infantrymen of French army are equipped with a radio communication system when they are in field action. The antenna used to transmit and receive Radiofrequency (RF) signals is a monopole antenna called as whip antenna. It is placed parallel to the infantryman's body at the left clavicle. However, the whip antenna disrupts the field of view of infantrymen particularly when they turn their head to the left. Moreover, the position of the whip antenna bothers the left-handed infantrymen when they are in fire position. Finally, the whip antenna adds an additional weight to the infantrymen. Thus, it is obvious that the integration of the antenna into the military jackets allows to better meet the needs of infantrymen particularly in terms of ergonomy. However such an integration must also meet the needs in terms of radiation efficiency, spatial coverage and protection of the body against the antenna radiation. Moreover, the constraints of realization technology must be taken into account. The thesis is focused on the design and characterization of integrated antennas into military jackets. The research work is performed within the collaborative project GIANTE, supported by the DGA-RAPID frameproject, associating complementary partners: SAFRAN Sagem, laboratory LCIS, and ARDEJE. The work includes all the electromagnetic studies required by the environmental constraints by taking account the human body. It also includes the follow-up of the realizations made by ARDEJE that masters inkjet printing technologies. The RF characterization (impedance matching, bandwidth, radiation pattern) of antennas with a suitable bench test and the evaluation of global performances of antennas in functional environments (environment free from obstructions, urban areas, forest) are also part of the thesis work.

Frekvenční syntezátor pro mikrovlnné komunikační systémy / Frequency synthesizer for microwave communication systems

Klapil, Filip January 2020 (has links)
The main aim of the thesis is to develop a solution of a frequency synthesizer for a microwave communication systems. Specifically, it suggests a design for frequency synthesizer with phase-locked loop. At beginning of the thesis the principle and basic properties of this method of signal generation are explained. Then it is followed by a brief discussion of the parameters of synthesizers and their influence on design. Another part of the work is the analysis of circuit the frequency synthesizer with the phase-locked loop MAX2871, which is followed by a proposal for the design of the frequency synthesizer module hardware. The last part of the work deals with practical implementation, verification of function and measurement of achieved parameters and their evaluation.

Hydrostatický pohon pojezdu multifunkčního nakladače DAPPER / Hydrostatic drive of multi-purpose loader DAPPER

Vydra, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of hydrostatic drive for multipurpose loader and tool carrier DAPPER. At the beginning is research of different basic concepts and modern solutions to the problem, aided by a detailed description of competitive machine in the same performance category. Extensive comparison with other producers is included in the annexes to this thesis. Furthermore, a theoretical driving characteristic and its appropriateness is examined further on the basis of two model situations. The calculations of the individual components of the hydraulic circuit precedes drive kinematics analysis of articulated machine frame, on it final conception of hydrostatic drive is chosen. Firstly hydromotors and hydogenerator are chosen on the grounds of calculations then hydraulic hoses, filters and flow divider. Next chapters are aimed to calculations of hydraulic losses and thermal calculation of hydraulic circuit. Final part deals with introduction the final characteristics of drive. The practical parts of the work are assembly drawings with main power components and hydraulic schematic of drive.

Temperature Compensation in CMOS Ring Oscillator

Wei, Xiaohua, Zhang, Dingyufei January 2022 (has links)
A digital system is often required to operate under a specific frequency. A ring oscillator can be helpful in this circumstance because it can generate a signal with a specific frequency. However, a ring oscillator is also sensitive to the environment temperature. With the increasing requirement of accuracy and stability, many approaches appear worldwide to make a temperature-insensitive ring oscillator. This thesis project presents an approach to compensate the temperature effect on a Current Starved Ring Oscillator(CSRO). More concretely, we researched how to achieve temperature compensation for CSRO in a digitally-controlled configuration. A Phase Frequency Detector (PFD) block is adapted to sense the frequency difference between the reference frequency and CSRO frequency. Two Charge Pumps (CP)are used to quantify the difference in voltage signal. A Dynamic Comparator block compares the signals from CPs. A following Bidirectional Counter block can count up or down to change the current in CSRO by a four-bit signal. In the end, the CSRO can generate an oscillating signal at the appropriate frequency after some adaptation time. This proposed circuit was realized with AMS 0.35 um CMOS technology and simulated using the Cadence tools. Power consumption, temperature compensation analysis and voltage supply compensation analysis under different temperatures are also performed in the project.

Adungované soustavy diferenciálních rovnic / Adjoint Differential Equations

Kmenta, Karel January 2007 (has links)
This project deals with solving differential equations. The aim is find the correct algorithm transforming differential equations of higher order with time variable coefficients to equivalent systems of differential equations of first order. Subsequently verify its functionality for equations containing the involutioin goniometrical functions and finally implement this algorithm. The reason for this transformation is requirement to solve these differential equations by programme TKSL (Taylor Kunovský simulation language).

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