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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skyrybų šeimoje įtaka vaiko asmenybės raidai / The influence of family divorces on the development of child individuality

Novikė, Ernesta 28 February 2012 (has links)
Šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje vykstančios permainos, psichinė įtampa kaupiasi ir atsispindi šeimose, keičiasi jų gyvenimas, buitis. Šeimos susiduria su naujais, iki šiol nepatirtais ir sunkiai suvokiamais procesais bei problemomis. Keičiantis sąlygoms, vyksta pokyčiai ir šeimų vertybinėse orientacijose. Sparčiai nyksta būdingi tradiciniai šeimos bruožai. Šeima yra pirmoji socialinė grupė, su kuria vaikas labai glaudžiai susijęs. Pirmiausia šeima nuo pat kūdikystės yra pagrindinis tarpininkas tarp visuomenės bei jos kultūros ir vaiko. Čia vaikas girdi, kas vyksta aplink jį, čia vertinami ir jautriai išgyvenami gyvenimo įvykiai, o tam nelieka abejingas ir pats vaikas. Skyrybos vaikams - ne vienadienis įvykis, o ilgas procesas, kuris prasideda dar prieš oficialią ištuoką ir tęsiasi ilgą laiką. Vaikai kenčia dėl tėvų konfliktų, žeidžiama jų psichika, kuri nespėja prisitaikyti prie nervinės įtampos šeimoje. Tėvams išsiskyrus, vaiko psichikoje prasideda negrįžtamas procesas - savo vertės sumažėjimas. Vaikui reikalinga abiejų tėvų meilė, todėl jis savo elgesiu protestuoja prieš savavališkus tėvų jausmus ir santykius. Skyrybos keičia ne tik įprastas socialines sąlygas, bet dažnai iki pat gelmių sukrečia vaiko psichiką. 3-10 metų vaikų pagrindiniai raidos principai yra tokie, kad jie pradeda kurti santykius su bendraamžiais ir kitais bendruomenės nariais, vystosi moralinė raida, formuojasi empatija, vaikai turi didesnes galimybes, valdant vidinius impulsus, formuojasi savęs suvokimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Changes and psychical stress happening in the modern society concentrate and reflect in families. Families are confronted with new, till now inexperienced and hardly realized processes and problems. Also changes happen in families’ value orientation by changing conditions. Traditional family features disappear expeditiously. Family is the first social group, which child is closely connected with. Firstly, family from the infancy is the main intermediate between society and its culture, and a child. Here a child hears what is happening around him/her. Here life events are judged and experienced sensitively. So and a child is not apathetic to all this. Divorce for children is not a one day event but a long process, which starts before the official divorce and lasts for a long time. Children suffer parents’ conflicts when their mind which is not in time to adjust to nervous strain in a family is injured. When parents brake up, an irreversible process starts in a child’s mind that is called his /her value reduction. A child needs the love from both parents; therefore, he/she protests by his/her behavior against high-handed parents’ feelings and rapport. Divorce changes not only everyday social conditions but also shocks deeply a child’s mind. The main development principles of children from 3 to 10 years are such that children start creating relations with other children of the same age; moral development, empathy and self perception as a self capable and competent individual... [to full text]

Sutuoktinių skyrybų sprendimai 1992-2007 m. Lietuvoje ir Ispanijoje. Lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analisis of the divorce in Spain and Lithuanian from 1992 to 2007 / Análisis comparativo de los divorcios en España y Lituania desde 1992 a 2007

De Potestad Tellechea, Maria Inmaculada 06 February 2009 (has links)
Lietuvai atgavus nepriklausomybę, prasidėjo įvairūs pokyčiai tiek ekonominėje, tiek socialinėje srityje. Vienas iš daugelio naujų reiškinių yra skyrybų skaičių augimas, kuris pradėjo gerokai didėti paskutiniame XX a. ketvirtyje. Lietuva yra priskirtina prie tų Europos šalių, kuriose ištuokų lygis yra aukštas.Ispanijoje skyrybos ėmė dažnėti nuo 1981 m. įsigaliojus 1981 liepos 7 d. įstatymui, kai pakeitus civilinį kodeksą, sutuoktiniams buvo leidžiama santuoką nutraukti skyrybomis. Tačiau įstatyme buvo numatyta sutuoktinių gyvenimo skyrium iki skyrybų sąlyga, kaip privalomas apmąstymų laikotarpis prieš priimant galutinį sprendimą. Tačiau 2005 m. liepos 8 d. įsigaliojęs įstatymas šią sąlygą panaikino, keliais naujais pakeitimais papildydamas skyrybų eigą. Tai turėjo didelę įtaką sparčiam skyrybų augimui Ispanijoje. / When Lithuania recovered its independence many changes took place both on the economic and social fronts. One of these changes was the increase in the number of divorces which grew rapidly in he last quarter of the twentieth century. Currently, Lithuania is regarded as one of the EU countries with the largest number of divorces. In Spain divorces started in 1981 after the Law from July 7th 1981 came into force. This law reformed the existing civil code and allowed for the possibility of ending a marriage by means of a divorce. Notwithstanding this, the very same law also included the possibility of using the legal figure of marital separation. This legal figure was actually considered a compulsory step prior to applying for divorce giving the spouses some time for careful thinking. However, on July 8th 2005 with the approval of the new law reforming the civil code this prerequisite was eliminated. This had a great impact in the growth of divorces in Spain. / Cuando Lituania recuperó su independencia,tuvieron lugar diversos cambios en el terreno económico y social. Uno de de esos nuevos fenómenos fue el crecimienro de divorcios, que experimentaron una importante subida en el último cuarto del siglo veinte. Lituania es uno de los países europeos con nivel alto de divorcios. En España los divorcios comenzarón a crecer desde 1981, cuando entró en vigor la ley de 7 de julio de 1981, reformadora del código civil. Desde entonces, se permitió el divorcio. Sin embargo, en la ley también se contemplaba la figura de la separación matrimonial, como requisito indispensable, antes de acudir al divorcio. De este modo, se estableció un periodo de reflexión necesario. Sin embargo, cuando entró en vigor la ley de 8 de julio del 2005, se eliminó el periodo de reflexión, introduciéndose cambios en la regulación del proceso de divorcio.Esto tuvo una gran influencia en el repentino crecimiento de divorcios en España.

Budoucnost české rodiny / The future of a Czech family

SOCHOROVÁ, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
My work deals with contemporary Czech family and its development. Young people enter to a lesser extent to marry, less and less children are born, the population is aging, alarming is the high number of divorces. Does the impact the amount of education on divorce? Evident is also a large increase in children born to single mothers. Even though it is still the most children born of marriage, unmarried parents are increasing. Many couples can not conceive a child naturally and uses the opportunity to assisted reproduction. Increasing the proportion of women who for some reason a child can not or do not want. i also deal with the division of roles in the family and in the work area. What has changed in contemporary family compared to traditional family? The aim is to map the current situation of Czech families and their future from the perspective of domestic and foreign authors. i can see the importance of the ethical and social aspects that may to impact the influence of development of families in the future.Conclusion contains my assessment on this issue.


HOLKUP, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The work deals with philosophical and theological consideration of marriage as the natural institution. It comes out of the implied hypothesis of inherent ideals of love, failthfullness and inseparability, whose fulfillment man often searches in marriage. The theoretical part describes marriage and family from the point of view of the Christian ethics. It characterizes the sacramental and the non-sacramental marriages, looks for common ideas and points out their differences. It touches also the problems of contemporary families e.g. abortion, fertility and divorce rate. The practical part includes the results of the survey among the present-day young people about their ideals of Christian marriage. Then it analyses the birth registry entries for the period of 1993{--}1998 in Pelhřimov and its surroundings and compares the church marriages to the civil ones from the point of view of their divorce rate and the number of the children born in these marriages. The conclusion of the work evaluates the results of the practical part, compares it with the countrywide surveys and answers the introductory question of this work: if is possible to live the ideal of Nasareth family.

Indické manželství nazírané z ženské perspektivy v románech Chitry Banerjee Divakaruni a Arundhati Roy / Indian Marriage as Seen from the Female Perspective in the Novels by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni and Arundhati Roy

Dusová, Jana January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to analyse the conception of marriage in the works of two Indian female authors, namely Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni's novels Sister of My Heart and its sequel The Vine of Desire and Arundhati Roy's The God of Small Things. The thesis consists of two parts. The objective of the theoretical part is to portray the position of marriage within Indian society and to introduce two female authors and their novels where the theme of Indian marriage plays a significant role. The practical part of the work focuses on a thorough analysis of three chosen female characters. Their roles within the marriage and the influence of marriage on their lives will be further discussed. The result of this part will be an overall comparison of how the chosen authors approach the theme of traditional Indian marriage in their works. . KEY WORDS Indian society, arranged marriage, marriage of one's own will, Indian vs. American marriage, social roles related to marriage, transgressions of marital laws, divorces

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