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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Docentes universitarios: Una mirada desde la autoeficacia general y engagement laboral

Lozano-Paz, Carmen Rosa, Reyes Bossio, Mario 16 May 2017 (has links)
<p>La presente investigación busca comprender cómo se presenta la autoeficacia general y el <em>engagement </em>laboral en docentes de la carrera de psicología en una universidad particular de Lima Metropolitana. Para alcanzar dicho objetivo se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad a siete docentes: tres mujeres y cuatro varones.  A partir de ellas se comprende qué factores personales les han servido a estos docentes en el ejercicio de su profesión y también con qué se encuentran ellos <em>engaged</em>. Finalmente, las conclusiones a las cuales se llegó es que los docentes son autoeficaces, pues evalúan sus capacidades como su entorno para poder alcanzar el objetivo. Y también se halló que se encuentran <em>engaged </em>con su labor de docencia, esto debido a la interacción que tienen con sus estudiantes pues investigan más y se mantienen actualizados en su campo profesional.</p> / This research aims at understanding general self-efficacy and work engagement of professors of the Psychology Program of a private university in metropolitan Lima. To reach this objective, in-depth interviews with seven professors were conducted: three of them were women and four were men. Based on those interviews, it was possible to understand what personal factors have helped said professors to carry out their work as well as with what they are engaged. Finally, it was concluded that professors have self-efficacy, as they assess their skills and their environment to achieve their goals. Another finding was that they are engaged with their teaching work, and this is based on their interaction with their students, since they do more research and are up-to-date with current practices in their field.


LUCIANA MELLO RIBEIRO 08 January 2018 (has links)
[pt] A Educação Ambiental (EA), um novo paradigma educacional, vem enfrentando uma série de desafios em seu processo de institucionalização no Brasil e no mundo, nestes seus pouco mais de 30 anos de trajetória. Desde 1999, a Lei Nacional de EA garante a obrigatoriedade de sua difusão em todas as instâncias sociais, seja nos meios de comunicação, nas empresas, no campo, ou em cada nível do ensino formal. Sua natureza interdisciplinar fez com que se propusesse incorporá-la de modo transversal nos processos educativos. Considerando as dificuldades de ordem cultural, burocrática, política, e mesmo psicológicas e sociais, tal proposição, com todos os avanços que se fez, segue ainda distante do horizonte desejado. A universidade, idealmente, deveria ser um dos locus transformadores da realidade, já que se propõe ser um espaço para formação educacional em diversos sentidos. Entretanto, sendo tradicionalmente conservadora em termos de práticas, não manifesta situação melhor quanto à EA. Ainda assim, existem docentes universitários que arrostam as dificuldades e desenvolvem práticas educativo-ambientais de fato engajadas e transformadoras. O que os motiva e mobiliza nesse sentido é a questão que orientou esta pesquisa. Tomou-se por hipótese serem os valores pessoais o fator decisivo nesta opção. Neste caso, que meios e experiências morais teriam produzido tais valores? De que forma? Como se expressam? Em busca de entender esta motivação lançou-se mão da história oral, através de sua modalidade conhecida por depoimentos pessoais, colhidos estes por meio de entrevistas. Mesclando memórias, práticas cotidianas e escolhas, a entrevista percorreu a trajetória pessoal e profissional destes docentes, procurando ir além da mera teorização em torno de valores desejados. Assim, foram confrontadas a prática e os ideais de cada docente, sendo tomados por indicadores de alinhamento entre discurso e valores a coerência e a vergonha. A riqueza dos relatos indica forte relação entre os valores principais de cada professor e sua prática social. Em comum, tais professores têm um perfil idealista e gosto pela vida, valorizando a justiça, a solidariedade, a gratidão, a relação humana e a responsabilidade, elementos aos quais conseguem dar corpo através de grande engajamento e dedicação ao trabalho, entendido e buscado enquanto meio de realização de seu projeto de vida. Idéias inatas, experiências familiares, sócio-culturais e educativas parecem ter contribuído para as escolhas existenciais dos docentes estudados. Espera-se que a identificação destes perfis e experiências formadoras possa inspirar a criação de processos educativos, iniciais ou continuados - tendo em vista a generalização do saber ambiental e do sujeito ecológico. Pretende-se, por fim, que a presente tese venha a contribuir para o debate acerca do processo pedagógico formador de valores no âmbito da Educação Ambiental. / [en] Environmental Education (EE), a new educational paradigm, has been facing several challenges during its institutionalization process in Brazil and in the world over its thirty years trajectory. Since 1999, the Brazilian EE National Law made mandatory its diffusion in every social instance, such as the media, enterprises, countryside municipalities, and within each formal education level. The EE interdisciplinary nature has indicated its inclusion through a transversal approach within educational processes. Considering the difficulties within cultural, bureaucratic, politic and even psychological and social instances, such proposition continues - besides many developments achieved -, far from its goal. The institution of higher education, ideally, should be a social changing locus, as it has the purpose of being a place for educational development in many ways. However, being traditionally conservative within its practices, it is not doing well concerning EE. Even so, there are professors whom, despite difficulties, develop educative-environmental practices truly committed with social change. The reasons which motivate and mobilize them in this direction are the key matter that guided this research. By hypothesis, this work proposes that personal values are decisive factors leading these university teachers into this option. In this case, what means and moral experiences have produced such values? How was it? How are they regularly expressed? In order to understand their motivation it was applied the oral history research approach through personal depositions, obtained through interviews. Mixing memories, daily practices, and choices, the interviews explore university teacher s personal and professional trajectory, trying to proceed beyond simple theorizations about required values. Furthermore, their practice and educational ideals were compared, being taken the coherence and the shame as alignment indicators between their speeches and values. A large quantity of stories indicates a strong relation between the main values of each teacher and their social practice. Yet, as a common characteristic, such professors share an idealistic profile and taste for life, valuing justice, solidarity, gratitude, human relationship and responsibility, elements which they develop by great commitment and dedication to work, understood and pursued as life project accomplishments. Innate ideas, family background, educational and social-cultural experiences also seem to have contributed to the life choices of our research s participants. It is expected the investigation of these personal profiles and experiences may inspire the development of learning processes, within initial or further education levels, in order to disseminate the Environmental Knowledge and the Ecological Subject matter. It is intended, ultimately, this thesis can contribute to the discussion about value-maker pedagogical processes within the Environmental Education field.

Propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Recursos Experiencias/Emociones y Demandas-Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (RED-TIC) en docentes de educación superior en Lima Metropolitana / Psychometric properties of the scale of Resource Experiences/Emotions and Demands-Information and Communication Technologies (RED-ICT) in higher education teachers in metropolitan Lima

Ricaurte Cogorno, Davide Eugenio, De La Cruz Yonguri, Smith Gregory 09 September 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo determinar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala Recursos experiencias/emociones y demandas tecnológicas de información y comunicación (RED-TIC) en una muestra de 204 docentes de educación superior de Lima con una edad promedio de 45.75(DE=10.45). Se utilizó la escala de RED-TIC y la Prueba de Estrés Laboral de la OIT/OMS. Se realizo una validez de contenido con 10 jueces y se realizó un AFE con el método de ejes principales y una rotación promax dando como resultado que la estructura de cuatro factores de la RED-TIC cuenta con cargas factoriales entre .319 y .902 y una alta consistencia interna con valores mayores a .70 según el coeficiente omega. Por otro lado, los factores del RED-TIC mostraron correlaciones con los factores Superiores y Recursos y Organización y Equipo de Trabajo. Se concluye que el RED-TIC es un instrumento con suficiente evidencia de validez y confiabilidad para medir el tecnoestrés en docentes de educación superior en Lima. / The present investigation has as an objective to determine the psychometric properties of the Resource’s experiences/emotions and demands of information and communication technologies (RED-ICT) scale in a sample of 204 college teachers of higher education in Lima with an average age of 45.75 (DE=10.45). To this end, the RED-ICT and The Labor Stress scale by the WHO/ILO was administered to the participants. A content validity with 10 judges and a EFA with a principal axis method and a promax rotation gave as a result that the structure of the four factors present in the RED-ICT had factorial charges between 3.19 and 9.02 and a high internal consistency with Omega values higher than .70. On the other hand, the investigation showed correlations with the factor “Superior” and “Resources and Organizing in Group Work”. It is concluded that the RED-ICT is an instrument with the sufficient evidence for validity and reliability to measure the technostress of college teachers in higher education in Lima. / Tesis

Satisfacción laboral y su relación con el compromiso organizacional en docentes de universidades privadas de Lima, Perú, 2020

Geldres Ayala, Paul César, San Miguel Ferrer, Milagros Marysol 08 February 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como objetivo principal determinar la relación entre la satisfacción laboral y el compromiso organizacional en docentes de universidades privadas Lima, Perú, 2020. La muestra estuvo conformada por 365 docentes de las siguientes universidades: Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, Universidad del Pacífico y Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas. Para ello se alinearon y aplicaron de manera virtual los instrumentos de Satisfacción laboral propuestos por Peter Warr, John Cook y Tobby Wall en el año 1979 y para el Compromiso organizacional se tomó como referencia la encuesta propuesta por Allen y Meyer en 1990. Asimismo, se realizó el análisis estadístico tanto descriptivo como inferencial sobre la data recolectada, en donde usamos el coeficiente de correlación de Pearson para determinar si las hipótesis planteadas son aceptadas o rechazadas para la presente investigación. Los resultados obtenidos en la investigación evidencian una relación significativa, positiva y alta entre las variables de satisfacción laboral y compromiso organizacional. Esto permite señalar que a niveles altos de satisfacción laboral podrían estar relacionados con niveles altos de compromiso organizacional. / The main objective of this research was to determine the relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment in teachers from Peruvian private universities located in Lima in the year of 2020. The studied sample consisted of 365 teachers from the following universities: Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, Pacific University, and the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences. To accomplish our objectives set, first, the Job Satisfaction instruments proposed by Peter Warr, John Cook and Tobby Wall in 1979 were aligned and virtually applied. Second, as for the Organizational Commitment, the survey proposed by Allen and Meyer in 1990 was taken as reference. In addition, both descriptive and inferential statistical analysis was performed on the collected data using Pearson's Correlation Coefficient to determine whether the hypotheses raised are accepted or rejected for the present investigation. The results obtained in the investigation show a significant, positive and high relationship between the variables of job satisfaction and organizational commitment. This allows pointing out that high levels of job satisfaction could be related to high levels of organizational commitment. / Tesis

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