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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An in vitro study of the mechanisms that underlie changes in neuronal sensitivity and neurite morphology following treatment with microtubule targeting agents

Pittman, Sherry Kathleen 11 1900 (has links)
Microtubule targeting agents (MTAs) are chemotherapeutics commonly used in the treatment of breast, ovarian, lung, and lymphoma cancers. There are two main classes of MTAs based upon their effects on microtubule stability. The two classes are the destabilizing agents, which include the drug vincristine, and the stabilizing agents, which include paclitaxel and epothilone B. These drugs are highly effective antineoplastics, but their use is often accompanied by several side effects, one of which is peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can be characterized by burning pain, tingling, loss of proprioception, or numbness in the hands and feet. In some patients, the MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy is debilitating and dose-limiting; however, there are no effective prevention strategies or treatment options for peripheral neuropathy as the mechanisms mediating this side effect are unknown. The goal of this work was to investigate MTA-induced effects on neuronal activity and morphology in order to elucidate the underlying mechanisms involved in the development of MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy. As an indicator of sensory neuronal activity, the basal and stimulated release of the putative nociceptive peptide, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), was measured from sensory neurons in culture after exposure to the MTAs paclitaxel, epothilone B, and vincristine. Neurite length and branching were also measured in sensory neuronal cultures after treatment with these MTAs. The results described in this thesis demonstrate that MTAs alter the stimulated release of CGRP from sensory neurons in differential ways depending on the MTA agent employed, the CGRP evoking-stimulus used, the concentration of the MTA agent, the duration of exposure to the MTA agent, and the presence of NGF. It was also observed that MTA agents decrease neurite length and branching, independent of the concentration of NGF in the culture media. Thus, this thesis describes MTA-induced alterations of sensory neuronal sensitivity and neurite morphology and begins to elucidate the underlying mechanisms involved in MTA-induced alterations of sensory neurons. These findings will undoubtedly be used to help elucidate the mechanisms underlying MTA-induced peripheral neuropathy.

Sensitivity of airway nociceptor neurons to immune signals in Type 2 inflammation. Sensibilité des neurones nocicepteurs aux signaux immunitaires dans l’inflammation de type 2

Crosson, Théo 02 1900 (has links)
Les neurones nocicepteurs jouent un rôle clé dans la défense de l’organisme. Dans le cas des réactions inflammatoires, ils initient des réflexes protecteurs tels que la toux, les vomissements, où les démangeaisons, et participent à la régulation de plusieurs mécanismes physiologiques, notamment la réponse immunitaire. Ils jouent ainsi un rôle prépondérant dans l’inflammation de type 2, souvent associée aux allergies. Mais les mécanismes qui permettent l’activation de ces neurones dans ce contexte sont encore mal connus. Au cours de ce projet de recherche, nous avons exploré la capacité des neurones nocicepteurs à détecter les signaux immunitaires spécifiquement associés à l’asthme. Nous avons ainsi identifié les caractéristiques des nocicepteurs des voies aériennes. Nous avons également démontré leur sensibilité aux allergènes grâce à l’expression du récepteur aux immunoglobulines de type E, FcεR1, ainsi que leur capacité à modifier leur transcriptome en réponse aux cytokines IL-4 et IL-13. Ces travaux soutiennent l’importance de la communication entre systèmes nerveux et immunitaires, et mettent en évidence de nouvelles cibles pour limiter la contribution neuronale aux réactions allergiques. / Nociceptor neurons play a major role in organism defense. In the context of inflammation, they initiate protective reflexes such as cough, vomiting, or itch, and participate in the regulation of various physiological mechanisms, including the immune response. They notably participate in type 2 inflammation, often associated with allergies. But the mechanisms driving the activation of nociceptor neurons in this context are still elusive. During this research project, we investigated the ability of nociceptor neurons to sense immune signals specifically associated with asthma. We identified the characteristics of airway innervating nociceptors. We also demonstrated their sensitivity to allergens through the expression of the Immunoglobulin E receptor FcεR1, as well as their ability to change their transcriptome in response to IL-4 and IL-13. This work supports the importance of bidirectional communication between the nervous and immune systems and unravels new targets to regulate neuronal contribution to inflammation.

Genetically modified peripheral neurons transplant aided activity maintenance and secretome modulation: a novel strategy for spinal cord injury treatment

Hingorani Jai Prakash, Sonia 29 July 2024 (has links)
[ES] El sistema nervioso forma una red de circuitos neuronales esenciales para la locomoción. El sistema nervioso central (cerebro y médula espinal) transmite información a los músculos. Mientras el sistema nervioso periférico puede regenerarse, el central tiene una capacidad regenerativa limitada. Por ello, las lesiones en el sistema nervioso central son críticas y a menudo carecen de cura. Una de ellas es la lesión de la médula espinal, una condición devastadora sin tratamiento eficaz. Una lesión interrumpe la entrada supraespinal en la médula espinal, conduciendo a disfunción locomotora debajo de la lesión. La relación alterada entre excitación e inhibición, con un aumento en la inhibición y la limitada regeneración de los tractos neuronales afectados, limitan la función locomotora. Como resultado, puede ocurrir parálisis completa incluso en pacientes con lesiones incompletas. Esta tesis doctoral define una terapia combinada para tratar la lesión de la médula espinal. Hipotetizamos que, para ayudar a la regeneración de los tractos, un trasplante neuronal periférico (ganglios de la raíz dorsal, DRG) que retiene la capacidad de regeneración puede ser efectivo. Para alterar la inhibición y mejorar la supervivencia del trasplante, se empleó la sobreexpresión del canal de sodio bacteriano, NaChBac. Finalmente, para mejorar la regeneración axonal, utilizamos medicamentos que modulan el citoesqueleto. En el Capítulo 1, validamos nuestra hipótesis con estudios in vitro. Observamos el efecto de Epothilone B y Blebbistatin en la longitud de las neuritas in vitro. Mientras Blebbistatin aumenta la longitud de las neuritas, la combinación con Epothilone la disminuye. Luego, describimos el efecto de NaChBac en los DRG y las células Neuro-2A. En las DRG, NaChBac aumenta la actividad y secreción de factores neurotróficos, promoviendo la señalización pro-supervivencia y anti-apoptótica en las Neuro-2A. Finalmente, describimos cómo la expresión de NaChBac y Blebbistatin mejora la longitud de las neuritas in vitro. En el Capítulo 2, evaluamos la supervivencia y eficacia del trasplante de DRG con el tracto corticoespinal, el más importante en la locomoción, en un estudio in vivo. Encontramos una adecuada integración del trasplante en el tejido huésped. La expresión de NaChBac aumenta la supervivencia de las células trasplantadas y mejora la preservación del tracto corticoespinal. En el Capítulo 3, evaluamos el tratamiento combinado en un escenario de lesión crónica y severa. La combinación del trasplante que expresa NaChBac y Blebbistatin limita la recuperación funcional, mientras que el trasplante que expresa NaChBac mejora significativamente la función locomotora en ratones. Los animales trasplantados con DRGs que expresan NaChBac tenían un aumento de fibras neuronales positivas para tubulina, con mayor preservación de mielina, aunque las fibras descendentes serotonérgicas y corticoespinales no mostraron cambios significativos entre los grupos. El trasplante de DRGs que expresan NaChBac aumentó significativamente el input excitatorio neto, determinado por el aumento de contactos de VGLUT2 y la disminución de VGAT en los somas de las neuronas inmediatamente caudales a las lesiones. Esta tesis sugiere que el trasplante de DRGs que expresan NaChBac rescata parte de la función motora perdida, manteniendo la actividad neuronal excitatoria caudal a la zona lesionada, destacando la relevancia del mantenimiento de la actividad neuronal como estrategia terapéutica para el rescate funcional de lesiones medulares severas. / [CA] El sistema nerviós forma una xarxa organitzada de circuits neuronals que són essencials per la locomoció. El sistema nerviós central (cervell i la medul·la espinal) rep i transmet informació de manera eficaç que és transmesa pel sistema nerviós perifèric als músculs, que comporta a moviment. El sistema nerviós perifèric té capacitat de regeneració, però el central té limitacions. Per això, les lesions en el sistema nerviós central sovint manquen de cura. Una d'elles és la lesió de la medul·la espinal, una condició debilitant que manca d'una cura eficaç. Una lesió resulta en una interrupció de l'entrada supraespinal en la medul·la espinal i conduïx a una disfunció locomotora. La relació alterada entre excitació i inhibició, un augment en la inhibició, juntament amb la capacitat limitada de regeneració endògena, limiten encara més la funció locomotora. Com a resultat, la paràlisi completa pot ocórrer fins i tot en pacients amb lesions anatòmicament incompletes. En esta tesi, ens centrem en estes idees principals per a definir una teràpia combinada. Hipotetizamos que, per a ajudar a la capacitat limitada de regeneració dels tractes, un trasplantament neuronal perifèric (ganglis de l'arrel dorsal, DRG) que reté la capacitat intrínseca de regeneració pot ser efectiva. Per a alterar la inhibició, millorar la supervivència i integració del trasplantament en els circuits, es va a emprar la sobreexpresió del canal de sodi, NaChBac. Finalment, per a dirigir i millorar la regeneració axonal, utilitzem medicaments que modulen el citoesquelet per a millorar la longitud axonal. Esta tesi estudia els efectes d'esta estratègia combinada. En el Capítol 1, estudiem l'efecte sinèrgic dels medicaments que modulen el citoesquelet Epothilone B i Blebbistatin en la longitud de les neurites in vitro i observem que el tractament individual amb Blebbistatin augmenta la longitud dels neurites, la combinació amb Epothilone conduïx a una morfologia del con de creixement alterada que resulta en disminució de la longitud dels neurites. Després, descrivim l'efecte de l'expressió de NaChBac en els DRG i les cèl·lules Neuro-2A. En les DRG, l'expressió de NaChBac conduïx a un augment en l'activitat intrínseca i la secreció de factors neurotrófics, promovent la senyalització pro-supervivència i la senyalització anti-apoptótic en les cèl·lules Neuro-2A. Finalment, descrivim com l'efecte combinat de l'expressió de NaChBac i Blebbistatin millora la longitud dels neurites. En el Capítol 2, avaluem la supervivència i interacció del trasplantament de DRG amb el tracte corticoespinal. Trobem una integració i supervivència adequada del trasplantament. A més, vam mostrar que l'expressió de NaChBac augmenta la supervivència del nombre total de cèl·lules trasplantades, així com millora la preservació del tracte corticoespinal després de la lesió. En el Capítol 3, avaluem l'efecte del tractament combinat en una lesió crònica i severa. Vam demostrar que la combinació del trasplantament que expressa NaChBac i Blebbistatin limita la recuperació funcional, mentres que el trasplantament que expressa NaChBac millora significativament la funció locomotora en ratolins. Per tant, descrivim que els animals trasplantats amb DRGs que expressen NaChBac tenien un augment en la fibra neuronal positiva per a tubulina i la preservació de la mielina, mentres que les fibres descendents serotonérgics i corticoespinales van romandre sense alteració. Trobem que el trasplantament de DRGs que expressen NaChBac va augmentar l'entrada neuronal excitatoria, com es va observar per l'augment en el nombre de contactes de VGLUT2 i la disminució en els contactes de VGAT cabals a les lesions. Així, la tesi suggereix que el trasplantament de DRGs amb NaChBac rescata la funció motora en lesions de la medul·la espinal en retindre una activitat de relé neuronal excitatoria cabal a les lesions en un model sever de lesió i destaca la importància del manteniment de l'activitat com a teràpia efectiva. / [EN] The nervous system forms specialized neuronal circuitry and organization that are essential for locomotion. The central nervous system (brain, spinal cord) receives and relays information, delivered by the peripheral nervous system to muscles to achieve locomotion. It is known that the peripheral nervous system retains its ability to regenerate, the central nervous system has little to no regenerative capacity in adult stages. Therefore, injuries to the central nervous system are critical and lack cure. One such is spinal cord injury; a debilitating condition that lacks an effective treatment. An injury results in severing of supraspinal input into the spinal cord, leading to locomotor dysfunction beneath the injury. Altered excitation inhibition ratio after an injury, increase in inhibition and limited endogenous regeneration capacity of the affected neuronal tracts limit locomotor function. As a result, complete paralysis may occur in patients with anatomically incomplete injuries. In this thesis, we focus on these points to devise a combinatory approach as an effective treatment strategy. We hypothesized that to aid the limited regeneration capacity of the tracts, a peripheral neuronal transplant (dorsal root ganglia, DRG) which retains the intrinsic ability to regenerate can be effective. To overcome inhibition, improve survival and integration of the transplant into circuits, the overexpression of NaChBac sodium channel was employed. Finally, to target and improve the axonal regeneration of endogenous and transplanted cells, we use cytoskeleton modulating drugs to enhance axonal length. This thesis studies the effects of this combinatory approach to treat spinal cord injury. In Chapter 1, we study the synergistic effect of cytoskeleton modulating drugs Epothilone B and Blebbistatin on neurite length and find that individual treatment with Blebbistatin increases neurite length, combination with Epothilone leads to an altered splayed morphology of the growth cone and decreased neurite length. Next, we describe the effect of NaChBac expression in DRGs and Neuro-2A cells. In DRGs, NaChBac expression leads to an increase in intrinsic activity and secretion of neurotrophic factors, promoting pro-survival signaling and anti-apoptotic signaling in Neuro-2A cells. Finally, we describe the combinatory effect of NaChBac expression and Blebbistatin further improves neurite length in vitro. In Chapter 2, we evaluate the survival, efficacy, and interaction of the DRG transplant with the corticospinal tract, the most important tract involved in locomotion in a short-term in vivo study. We report a satisfactory integration and survival of the transplant. We also show that NaChBac expression increases the survival of the total number of transplanted cells, as well as improves preservation of the corticospinal tract after the injury. In Chapter 3, we study the effect of the combinatory treatment in a chronic, severe injury scenario. We find that the combination of the transplant expressing NaChBac and Blebbistatin limits functional recovery, while that of transplant expressing NaChBac significantly improved locomotor function in mice. Therefore, focusing on this, we report that animals transplanted with NaChBac-expressing DRGs had increased tubulin-positive neuronal fiber and myelin preservation, while serotonergic and corticospinal descending fibers remained unaffected. We found that transplantation of NaChBac-expressing DRGs increased the neuronal excitatory input, seen by increased number of VGLUT2 contacts and decrease in VGAT contacts immediately caudal to the injuries. Together, the work in this thesis suggests that the transplantation of NaChBac-expressing dissociated DRGs rescues significant motor function by retaining an excitatory neuronal relay activity immediately caudal to injuries in a severe injury model and highlights the importance of maintenance of activity as an effective therapy for spinal cord injury. / Hingorani Jai Prakash, S. (2024). Genetically modified peripheral neurons transplant aided activity maintenance and secretome modulation: a novel strategy for spinal cord injury treatment [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/206738

Mechanisms of the downregulation of prostaglandin E₂-activated protein kinase A after chronic exposure to nerve growth factor or prostaglandin E₂

Malty, Ramy Refaat Habashy 07 October 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Chronic inflammatory disorders are characterized by an increase in excitability of small diameter sensory neurons located in dorsal root ganglia (DRGs). This sensitization of neurons is a mechanism for chronic inflammatory pain and available therapies have poor efficacy and severe adverse effects when used chronically. Prostaglandin E₂ (PGE₂) is an inflammatory mediator that plays an important role in sensitization by activating G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) known as E-series prostaglandin receptors (EPs) coupled to the protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. EPs are known to downregulate upon prolonged exposure to PGE₂ or in chronic inflammation, however, sensitization persists and the mechanism for this is unknown. I hypothesized that persistence of PGE₂-induced hypersensitivity is associated with a switch in signaling caused by prolonged exposure to PGE₂ or the neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF), also a crucial inflammatory mediator. DRG cultures grown in the presence or absence of either PGE₂ or NGF were used to study whether re-exposure to the eicosanoid is able to cause sensitization and activate PKA. When cultures were grown in the presence of NGF, PGE₂-induced sensitization was not attenuated by inhibitors of PKA. Activation of PKA by PGE₂ was similar in DRG cultures grown in the presence or absence of NGF when phosphatase inhibitors were added to the lysis and assay buffers, but significantly less in cultures grown in the presence of NGF when phosphatase inhibitors were not added. In DRG cultures exposed to PGE₂ for 12 hours-5 days, sensitization after re-exposure to PGE₂ is maintained and resistant to PKA inhibition. Prolonged exposure to the eicosanoid caused complete loss of PKA activation after PGE₂ re-exposure. This desensitization was homologous, time dependent, reversible, and insurmountable by a higher concentration of PGE₂. Desensitization was attenuated by reduction of expression of G-protein receptor kinase 2 and was not mediated by PKA or protein kinase C. The presented work provides evidence for persistence of sensitization by PGE₂ as well as switch from the signaling pathway mediating this sensitization after long-term exposure to NFG or PGE₂.

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