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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Exploration d’un modèle d’étude simplifié de la spermiogenèse par l’utilisation de la levure à fission

Brazeau, Marc-André January 2016 (has links)
Résumé: Les cellules germinales mâles remodèlent leur chromatine pour compacter leur noyau afin de protéger leur matériel génétique et assurer un transit optimal vers le gamète femelle. Il a été démontré que tous les spermatides de plusieurs mammifères, incluant l’homme et la souris, présentaient ce mécanisme de remodelage de la chromatine. Celui-ci est caractérisé par une augmentation transitoire de cassures d’ADN dont une quantité importante sont bicaténaires. Ce remodelage chromatinien a été étudié et semble être conservé chez plusieurs espèces, allant de l’algue à l’humain. Dans le contexte de la recherche fondamentale sur le phénomène de la spermiogenèse, il devient parfois très difficile d’investiguer certains aspects importants en vertu de l’impossibilité de réaliser des manipulations génétiques simples. Il est donc impératif de développer un nouveau modèle d’étude plus permissif afin de palier à ces difficultés encourues. Comme le processus de maturation des spores chez la levure à fission présente de grandes similitudes avec la spermiogenèse des mammifères, l’utilisation d’un modèle d’étude basé sur la sporulation de la levure à fission Schizosaccharomyces pombe a été proposée comme modèle comparatif de la spermatogenèse murine. À la suite de la synchronisation de la méiose de la souche S. pombe pat1-114, des analyses d’électrophorèse en champ pulsé (PFGE) et de qTUNEL ont permis de déterminer la présence de cassures bicaténaires transitoires de l’ADN lors de la maturation post-méiotique des ascospores nouvellement formés (t>7h). Des analyses par immunobuvardages dirigés contre le variant d’histones H2AS129p suggère la présence d’un remodelage chromatinien postméiotique dix heures suivant l’induction de la méiose, corroborant le modèle murin. Enfin, des analyses protéomiques couplées à l’analyse par spectrométrie de masse ont permis de proposer l’endonucléase Pnu1 comme candidat potentiellement responsable des cassures bicaténaires transitoires dans l’ADN des ascospores en maturation. En somme, bien que le processus de maturation des spores soit encore bien méconnu, quelques parallèles peuvent être tracés entre la maturation des ascospores de la levure à fission et la spermiogenèse des eucaryotes supérieurs. En identifiant un modèle simple du remodelage chromatinien au niveau de la spermiogenèse animale, on s’assurerait ainsi d’un outil beaucoup plus malléable et versatile pour l’étude fondamentale des événements survenant lors de la spermiogenèse humaine. / Abstract : The male germ cells undergo a major chromatin remodeling process in order to protect their genetic material and ensure optimal transit to the female gamete. It has been demonstrated that all spermatids from several mammals, including humans and mice, require this structural transition in order to reach their full maturity and fertilizing potential. This mechanism is characterized by a transient surge in DNA breaks, including a significant number of double-stranded breaks. This feature has been studied and seems conserved in many species, ranging from algae to humans. In the context of basic research on the phenomenon of spermiogenesis, it is sometimes very difficult to investigate important aspects due to the impossibility of carrying out simple genetic manipulations. A more flexible model to overcome the incurred difficulties is therefore needed. Since the process of ascospore maturation of the fission yeast presents great similarities with mammal spermiogenesis, the use of a model based on the sporulation of the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe has been proposed as a comparative model to the murine spermatogenesis. Following synchronization of meiosis in the S. pombe diploid strain pat1-114, pulsed field gel electrophoresis and qTUNEL assay were used to determine the presence of transient double-stranded breaks in DNA during the post-meiotic maturation of newly formed ascospores (t> 7h). Analyses by immunoblotting directed against the histone variant H2AS129p suggests the presence of a post-meiotic chromatin remodeling to t=10h, that may share similarities with higher eu karyotes. Finally, proteomic analyzes coupled with mass spectrometry allowed us to propose the Pnu1 endonuclease as a potential candidate responsible for the transient DNA double-stranded breaks during ascospore morphogenesis. In sum mary, although the spore maturation process is still under investigation, some parallels can be drawn between the maturation of ascospores of fission yeast s and higher eukaryotic spermio genesis. Thus, identifying a simple eukaryotic model for chromatin remodeling in animal spermiogenesis would ensure a flexible genetic tool to decipher the molecular events occurring during human spermiogenesis.

Influência do gene PTEN na expressão de RAD51 e suas parálogas, RAD51C e RAD51B, em linhagens de glioblastoma multiforme tratadas com etoposídeo / PTEN gene Influence in expression of RAD51 and its Paralogs RAD51C and RAD51B, in Glioblastoma strains treated with Etoposide

Oliveira, Ana Clara 12 May 2016 (has links)
O Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) é o tipo de tumor cerebral maligno com maior incidência na população. A perda do gene PTEN (fosfatase e tensina homóloga) é uma alteração comum associada ao GBM (até 60%) e esse gene codifica uma enzima que antagoniza a ação de PI3K, inibindo a fosforilação de AKT e, desse modo, regulando vias de sinalização relativas à sobrevivência celular e proliferação. Mutações em PTEN têm sido associadas à instabilidade genômica e ao aumento no número de quebras de fita dupla, além de serem relacionadas também à redução da expressão de RAD51, a qual é uma proteína-chave da via de reparo por recombinação homóloga (HR). Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se o status de PTEN interfere na expressão de RAD51 e proteínas parálogas (RAD51C e RAD51B) e, consequentemente, se PTEN é capaz de influenciar a eficiência de HR. Com o objetivo de induzir a formação de quebras de fita duplas (DSBs) no DNA, as células foram tratadas com a droga antitumoral etoposídeo, que produz quebras no DNA, principalmente duplas (DSBs). Duas linhagens de GBM com status diferentes de PTEN foram utilizadas: T98G (PTEN mutado) e LN18 (PTEN tipo selvagem). As células de GBM foram tratadas com etoposídeo em diferentes experimentos ou ensaios: proliferação celular, quantificação da necrose e apoptose, cinética do ciclo celular, imunofluorescência da proteína ?- H2AX, quantificação dos níveis de expressão de RAD51 e parálogas e o silenciamento de PTEN na linhagem LN18. Os resultados mostraram que a linhagem LN18 foi mais sensível à droga nos tempos iniciais (24 e 72 h) (até 61,2% de redução), em comparação com a T98G (até 12,3% de redução); no tempo mais tardio de análise (120 h), ambas as linhagens sofreram redução acentuadana proliferação. Adicionalmente, a LN18 exibiu maior porcentagem de células apoptóticas e necróticas, em comparação com a linhagem T98G, nos tempos de24, 72 e 120 horas após o tratamento. O ensaio de imunofluorescência revelou maior indução de células positivas para ?-H2AX na linhagem LN18 em relação à T98G (p =<0,001), após tratamento com etoposídeo (50 e 75 ?M). Nessas concentrações, a análise da cinética do ciclo celular mostrou um bloqueio na fase G2 em ambas as linhagens (p<0,01) nos tempos analisados (24, 48 e 72h), mas apenas a linhagem LN18 revelou bloqueio na fase S. A expressão de RAD51, RAD51B e C foi mais elevada em LN18 em comparação com a T98G e U87MG, nas células tratados (75?M) e controles. PTEN foi silenciado (siRNA-PTEN) na linhagem LN18 para verificar se a redução da expressão desse gene reduziria também a expressão de RAD51 e parálogas. Após 72 horas de silenciamento, com 69,9% de inibição de PTEN, a expressão de RAD51 e RAD51C também se mostrou reduzida em relação ao grupo controle. Em conjunto, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo indicam que o status de PTEN é crucial para as vias de sobrevivência, controle do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose nas células de GBM, indicando a relação entre PTEN e RAD51 e parálogas nas células de GBM tratadas com um indutor de quebras no DNA. Adicionalmente, outras ferramentas de estudo são requeridas para investigar as vias moleculares e possíveis interações e complexos proteicos envolvendo a participação de PTEN e RAD51 e suas proteínas parálogas / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor. Loss of PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) gene is the most frequent alteration associated with GBM and encodes a phosphatase enzyme that antagonizes the PI3K, by inhibiting AKT phosphorylation thereby regulating signaling pathways related to cell survival and proliferation. PTEN deficiency has been associated with genomic instability and increased endogenous DSBs, as well as reduced expression of RAD51, which is a key gene with crucial role in HR. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether the PTEN status in GBM cell lines can affect RAD51 expression and HR efficiency under conditions of treatment with the antineoplastic drug etoposide, which targets the DNA topoisomerase II enzyme, thus leading to the production of DNA breaks. T98G (PTEN mutated) and LN18 (PTEN wild-type) cells were treated with etoposide, and several assays were carried out: cell proliferation, detection and quantification of necrosis and apoptosis, cell cycle kinetics, immunofluorescence staining, RAD51 (and paralogs) protein expression, and PTEN silencing in LN18 cell line, by using the siRNA method. LN18 cells showed a greater reduction in cell proliferation, compared to T98G after treatments (25, 50, 75 e 100 µM) at 24, 72 and 120h. Both cell lines showed a significant increase (p=<0.001) in cell death induction, but LN18 presented a greater percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells than T98G (24, 72 and 120h). The induction of DSB was analyzed by immunostaining (with ?-H2AX antibody), and for the concentrations (50 and 75 µM) tested, LN18 showed higher levels of ?-H2AX positive cells than that observed for T98G (p=<0.001). The analysis of cell cycle kinetics performed for cells treated with etoposide (50 and 75 µM) and collected at 24, 48 and 72h, LN18 presented a greater G2-blockage, as compared to T98G; only LN18 showed a blockage at the S-phase. The expression of RAD51, RAD51B and C was higher in LN18 compared to T98G and U87MG cells treated with etoposide (75 µM) and controls. When we silenced PTEN in LN18 linage, to check if PTEN silencing may reduce the expression of RAD51 and its paralogs, we found a 69.9% reduction in PTEN protein expressions, and the expression of RAD51 and RAD51C was also found reduced, compared to the control group. Taken together, the results obtained in this study indicate that the status of PTEN is critical for survival pathways, cell cycle control and induction of apoptosis in GBM cells, confirming the relationship between PTEN and RAD51 and its paralogs in GBM cells treated with an inducer of DNA breaks. These results contribute with relevant information for further studies on molecular pathways underlying the interaction between PTEN and RAD51 and its paralogs

Etude structurale et fonctionnelle des complexes multi-protéiques de la voie de réparation NHEJ chez l’homme / Structural and fonctional analysis of humain nhej pathway multiprotein complexes

Amram, Jérémy 02 July 2015 (has links)
La voie de réparation NHEJ (Non-Homologous End-Joining) est une voie majeure de réparation des cassures double-brin chez l’homme. Les protéines de cette voie interagissent et forment des complexes dynamiques dont les mécanismes moléculaires sont encore largement méconnus. Nous avons dans un premier temps mis au point des protocoles de production à l’échelle de plusieurs milligrammes des protéines cœur de la voie NHEJ en cellules d’insecte à l’aide du système MultiBac. Nous avons ainsi purifié les complexes Ku70/Ku80 et Ligase4/XRCC4 et les protéines Cernunnos et Artemis à homogénéité. Des essais de cristallisation, des études par SAXS et des analyses par microscopie électronique ont été réalisés sur différents complexes formés par ces protéines cœur du NHEJ. Nous avons également caractérisé par chromatographie d’exclusion de taille et calorimétrie, les interactions effectuées entre les protéines de la voie NHEJ. L’ensemble de ces travaux a permis d’établir des bases biochimiques solides en vue des études structurales et fonctionnelles de la voie NHEJ chez l’homme. / Human DNA repair pathway NHEJ (Non-Homologous End-Joining) is a major pathway of double-strand breaks repair. The proteins involved in this pathway interact and form dynamic complexes whose molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Firstly, we established protocols to be able to purify milligrams of those NHEJ pathway core proteins using MultiBac insect cells system. We then purified Ku70/Ku80 and Ligase4/XRCC4 complexes, Artemis and Cernunnos to homogeneity. Crystallogenesis assays, SAXS experiments and Transmission Electronic Microscopy experiments have been performed on several complexes formed by these core NHEJ proteins. We also characterized the interactions between these proteins by Size Exclusion Chromatography and Isothermal Calorimetry. These experiments have led to biochemical results sufficient to establish a solid basis to initiate the structural and functional study of the Human NHEJ Pathway.

Réparation des cassures double brin de l'adn chez les mammifères : rôle des protéines MRE11 et BLM dans l’initiation de la ligature d’extrémités non homologues (NHEJ ) / « DNA double strand break repair in mammalian cells : role of MRE11 and BLM proteins at the initiation of Non Homologous End Joining (NHEJ)

Grabarz, Anastazja 23 September 2011 (has links)
Les cassures double brin de l’ADN (CDB) sont des lésions qui peuvent conduire à des réarrangements génétiques. Deux voies sont impliquées dans la réparation de ces dommages: la recombinaison homologue (HR) et la ligature d’extrémités nonhomologues (NHEJ).Au laboratoire un substrat intrachromosomique permettant de mesurer l’efficacité et la fidélité du NHEJ à été mis en place (Guirouilh-Barbat 2004). Cette approche a permis de démontrer l’existence d’une voie alternative à KU qui utilise des microhomologies présentes de part et d’autre de la cassure - le NHEJ alternatif (Guirouilh-Barbat 2004, Guirouilh-Barbat et Rass 2007). Les travaux de ma thèse consistent à caractériser les principaux acteurs de cette voie. En absence de KU, cette voie alternative du NHEJ, s'initierait tout d’abord parla résection d'extrémités d’ADN non protégées. Nous avons montré que l’activité nucléasique de MRE11 est nécessaire à ce mécanisme. La surexpression de MRE11 conduit à une stimulation du NHEJ, contrairement à l’extinction de la protéine par siRNA, résultant en une baisse de son efficacité de deux fois. Nos résultats montrent également que les protéines RAD50 et CtIP agissent dans la même voie que MRE11. De plus, dans les cellules déficientes pour XRCC4, la MIRIN – un inhibiteur du complexe MRN - conduit à une chute de l'efficacité de la réparation, démontrant le rôle de MRE11 dans la voie alternative du NHEJ. Nous avons aussi montré que MRE11 peut agir de manière dépendante et indépendante de la kinase ATM (Rass et Grabarz, Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009). L'initiation de la résection de la cassure doit être ensuite poursuivie par une dégradation plus importante de l'ADN qui est assuré par les protéines Exo1 et Sgs1/Dna2 chez la levure. Chez les mammifères, des études in vitro suggèrent un modèle similaire à deux étapes. Nous avons choisi de nous intéresser au rôle de la protéine BLM, qui est l’un des homologues humains de la RecQ hélicase Sgs1, dans la résection. Nos expériences montrent que l’absence de BLM diminue l’efficacité du NHEJ. De plus, l’extinction de BLM conduit à une augmentation d’évènements infidèles lors de la réparation par NHEJ et l’apparition d’évènements de résection de grande taille (>200nt). Ceci suggère que BLM protège contre de longues résections lors de la mise en place du NHEJ alternatif. De manière cohérente, BLM est impliquée dans la protection contre la résection dépendante de CtIP lors des étapes précoces de la recombinaison homologue. En conclusion, nos résultats montrent un rôle prédominant de BLM dans la protection contre un excès de résection médiée par CtIP. BLM interagit avec 53BP1 aux sites de dommages de manière dépendante d’ATM afin de réguler le processus de résection, en contrecarrant l’action de BRCA1. Ceci souligne à nouveau le rôle essentiel de BLM dans la protection contre la résection et la favorisation de la conversion génique sans crossing-over, ce qui est primordial pour le maintien de la stabilité du génome. / DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) are highly cytotoxic lesions, which can lead to genetic rearrangements. Two pathways are responsible for repairing these lesions : homologous recombination (HR) and non homologous end joining (NHEJ). In our laboratory, an intrachromosomal substrate has been established in order to measure the efficiency and the fidelity of NHEJ in living cells (Guirouilh-Barbat 2004). This approach led us to identify a KU-independent alternative pathway, which uses microhomologies in the proximity of the junction to accomplish repair – the alternative NHEJ (Guirouilh-Barbat 2004, Guirouilh-Barbat et Rass 2007). The goal of my thesis consisted in identifying and characterising major actors of this pathway. In the absence of KU, alternative NHEJ would be initiated by ssDNA resection of damaged ends. We showed that the nuclease activity of MRE11 is necessary for this mechanism. MRE11 overexpression leads to a two fold stimulation of NHEJ efficiency, while the extinction of MRE11 by siRNA results in a two fold decrease. Our results demonstrate that the proteins RAD50 and CtIP act in the same pathway as MRE11. Moreover, in cells deficient for XRCC4, MIRIN – an inhibitor of the MRN complex – leads to a decrease in repair efficiency, implicating MRE11 in alternative NHEJ. We also showed that MRE11 can act in an ATM-dependent and independent manner (Rass et Grabarz Nat Struct Mol Biol 2009). The initiation of break resection needs to be pursued by a more extensive degradation of DNA, which is accomplished in yeast by the proteins Exo1 and Sgs1/Dna2. In human cells, in vitro studies have recently proposed a similar model of a two-step break resection. We chose to elucidate the role of one of the human homologs of Sgs1 – the RecQ helicase BLM – in the resection process. Our experiments show, that he absence of BLM decreases the efficiency of end joining by NHEJ, accompanied by an increase in error-prone events, especially long-range deletions (>200nt). This suggests that BLM protects against extensive resection during alternative NHEJ. Furthermore, BLM is implicated in the protection against CtIP-dependent resection at the initiation of HR. In conclusion, our results show a major role of BLM in protecting against an excess of resection, mediated by the MRN cofactor – CtIP. BLM interacts with 53BP1 at sites of damage, in an ATM-dependent manner, in order to regulate the resection process and counteract BRCA1 activity. This underlines the novel role of BLM in the protection against resection and favouring gene conversion events without crossing-over, which is substantial for maintaining genomic integrity.

Do BHA and BHT Induce Morphological Changes and DNA Double-Strand Breaks in Schizosaccharomyces pombe?

Tran, Amy V 01 January 2013 (has links)
Butylated Hydroxyanisole, BHA, and Butylated Hydroxytoluene, BHT, are commonly used as preservatives for our food as well as additives in many products such as cosmetics, petroleum, and medicine. Although their use has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), there have been controversies and debates on whether these phenol derivatives or antioxidants are safe to use. Their accumulative toxicology and side effects need to be thoroughly investigated as we continue to consume them on a daily basis. Data obtained by genomic analysis in Tang lab suggested the involvement of DNA damage checkpoint/repair pathways in the response network to these phenol stress factors. The aims of this thesis are to examine the morphological changes and potential DNA damage induced by exposing cells to BHA and BHT using fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe as a model organism. Fluorescence microscopy was used to assess DNA double-strain breaks (DSBs) by monitoring the nuclear foci formation of Rad22, a DNA repair protein, in the presence of BHA and BHT. Changes in cell morphology were also studied under microscope. Preliminary data showed that cells treated with BHA and BHT exhibited morphological changes. In addition, for the first time in S. pombe cells, Rad22 foci in the nucleus of BHA and BHT treated cells were observed. Further investigation is needed to optimal the experimental condition to continue the study. These results will not only help us to better understand the effect of these phenol derivatives in the cells, but can also establish an experimental system for future studies on the interaction of the cells with stress factors and therapeutic drugs for human-related diseases such as cancer.

DNA double-strand break formation and signalling in response to transcription-blocking topoisomerase I complexes / Formation et signalisation des cassures double-brin de l'ADN lors d'un blocage de la transcription

Cristini, Agnese 13 November 2015 (has links)
La topoisomérase I (Top1) élimine les surenroulements de l'ADN générés lors de la transcription en produisant transitoirement des complexes de clivage Top1-ADN (Top1cc). Ces Top1cc transitoires peuvent être stabilisés par les camptothécines, dont sont dérivés des agents anticancéreux, et par les fréquentes altérations de l'ADN. Bien que les Top1cc stabilisés soient des lésions qui bloquent efficacement la transcription, la compréhension des processus moléculaires qui résultent du blocage des complexes transcriptionnels par les Top1cc est encore limitée. Des travaux précédents ont montré que les Top1cc stabilisés produisent des cassures double-brin (DSBs) de l'ADN dépendantes de la transcription qui activent ATM. Dans ce projet, nous avons utilisé des cellules quiescentes traitées avec la camptothécine pour induire des Top1cc bloquant la transcription et nous avons étudié les mécanismes de la production et de la signalisation des DSBs. Nous montrons que les DSBs sont produites préférentiellement dans les régions sub-télomériques lors de la réparation des Top1cc bloquant la transcription par les cassures simple-brin de l'ADN générées après la protéolyse de la Top1 et avant l'action de Tdp1. L'analyse de la signalisation de ces DSBs révèle une nouvelle fonction de DNA-PK dans la promotion de l'ubiquitinylation conduisant (i) à l'activité complète d'ATM aux sites des DSBs en favorisant l'ubiquitination d'H2AX et H2A, et (ii) à l'augmentation de la réparation des Top1cc en favorisant la protéolyse de la Top1. Enfin, nous montrons que les DSBs co-transcriptionnelles induisent la mort des cellules quiescentes. L'ensemble de ces résultats apportent un nouvel aperçu des réponses cellulaires aux camptothécines, et suggèrent que les DSBs qui résultent des Top1cc bloquant la transcription puissent contribuer à la pathogénèse du syndrome neurodégénératif SCAN1, qui est causé par une déficience en Tdp1. / Topoisomerase I (Top1) removes DNA supercoiling generated during transcription by producing Top1-DNA cleavage complexes (Top1cc). These transient Top1cc can be stabilized by camptothecins, from which anticancer drugs are derived, and by common DNA alterations. Although stabilized Top1cc are potent transcription-blocking lesions, our understanding regarding the molecular processes resulting from the stalling of transcription complexes by Top1cc is currently limited. Previous work showed that stabilized Top1cc produce transcription-dependent DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) that activate ATM signalling. In this project, we used camptothecin-treated quiescent cells to induce transcription-blocking Top1cc and study the mechanisms of DSB production and signalling. We show that DSBs form preferentially at subtelomeric regions during the repair of transcription-blocking Top1cc from DNA single-strand breaks generated after Top1 proteolysis and before Tdp1 action. Analysis of DSB signalling reveals a novel function of DNA-PK in promoting protein ubiquitination leading (i) to full ATM activity at DSB sites by promoting H2AX and H2A ubiquitination, and (ii) to enhancement of Top1cc repair by promoting Top1 proteolysis. Finally, we show that co-transcriptional DSBs kill quiescent cells. Together, these findings provide new insights into the cellular responses to camptothecins and further suggest that DSBs arising from transcription-blocking Top1cc may contribute to the pathogenesis of the neurodegenerative SCAN1 syndrome, which is caused by Tdp1 deficiency.

A single molecule perspective on DNA double-strand break repair mechanisms / Réparation des cassures double-brin de l'Adn : une perspective en molécule unique

Zhang, Hongshan 24 July 2017 (has links)
Les cassures double brin de l'ADN altèrent l'intégrité physique du chromosome et constituent l'un des types les plus sévères de dommages à l'ADN. Pour préserver l'intégrité du génome contre les effets potentiellement néfastes des cassures double brin de l'ADN, les cellules humaines ont développé plusieurs mécanismes de réparation, dont la réparation par recombinaison de l'ADN et la jonction d'extrémités non-homologues (NHEJ), catalysés par des enzymes spécifiques. Pendant ma thèse, nous avons caractérisé la dynamique de certaines des interactions protéines/ADN impliquées dans ces mécanismes au niveau de la molécule unique. Dans ce but, nous avons combiné des pinces optiques et de la micro-fluidique avec de la microscopie de fluorescence à champ large afin de manipuler une ou deux molécules d'ADN individuelles et d'observer directement les protéines de la réparation marquées par fluorescence agissant sur l'ADN. Nous avons concentré notre analyse sur trois protéines/complexes essentiels impliqués dans la réparation de l'ADN: (i) la protéine humaine d’appariement de brin RAD52, (ii) les protéines humaines XRCC4, XLF et le complexe XRCC4/Ligase IV de la NHEJ et (iii) le complexe humain MRE11/RAD50/NBS1. / DNA double-strand breaks disrupt the physical continuity of the chromosome and are one of the most severe types of DNA damage. To preserve genome integrity against the potentially deleterious effects of DNA double-strand breaks, human cells have evolved several repair mechanisms including DNA recombinational repair and Non-Homologous End Joining (NHEJ), each catalyzed by specific enzymes. In this thesis we aimed at unraveling the dynamics of protein/DNA transactions involved in DNA double-strand break repair mechanisms at single molecule level. To do this, we combined optical tweezers and microfluidics with wide-field fluorescence microscopy, which allowed us to manipulate individual DNA molecules while directly visualize fluorescently-labeled DNA repair proteins acting on them. We focused the study on three crucial proteins/complexes involved in DNA repair: (i) the human DNA annealing protein RAD52, (ii) the non-homologous end joining human proteins XRCC4 and XLF and the complex XRCC4/Ligase IV, and (iii) the human MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 complex.

Influência do gene PTEN na expressão de RAD51 e suas parálogas, RAD51C e RAD51B, em linhagens de glioblastoma multiforme tratadas com etoposídeo / PTEN gene Influence in expression of RAD51 and its Paralogs RAD51C and RAD51B, in Glioblastoma strains treated with Etoposide

Ana Clara Oliveira 12 May 2016 (has links)
O Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) é o tipo de tumor cerebral maligno com maior incidência na população. A perda do gene PTEN (fosfatase e tensina homóloga) é uma alteração comum associada ao GBM (até 60%) e esse gene codifica uma enzima que antagoniza a ação de PI3K, inibindo a fosforilação de AKT e, desse modo, regulando vias de sinalização relativas à sobrevivência celular e proliferação. Mutações em PTEN têm sido associadas à instabilidade genômica e ao aumento no número de quebras de fita dupla, além de serem relacionadas também à redução da expressão de RAD51, a qual é uma proteína-chave da via de reparo por recombinação homóloga (HR). Diante disso, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar se o status de PTEN interfere na expressão de RAD51 e proteínas parálogas (RAD51C e RAD51B) e, consequentemente, se PTEN é capaz de influenciar a eficiência de HR. Com o objetivo de induzir a formação de quebras de fita duplas (DSBs) no DNA, as células foram tratadas com a droga antitumoral etoposídeo, que produz quebras no DNA, principalmente duplas (DSBs). Duas linhagens de GBM com status diferentes de PTEN foram utilizadas: T98G (PTEN mutado) e LN18 (PTEN tipo selvagem). As células de GBM foram tratadas com etoposídeo em diferentes experimentos ou ensaios: proliferação celular, quantificação da necrose e apoptose, cinética do ciclo celular, imunofluorescência da proteína ?- H2AX, quantificação dos níveis de expressão de RAD51 e parálogas e o silenciamento de PTEN na linhagem LN18. Os resultados mostraram que a linhagem LN18 foi mais sensível à droga nos tempos iniciais (24 e 72 h) (até 61,2% de redução), em comparação com a T98G (até 12,3% de redução); no tempo mais tardio de análise (120 h), ambas as linhagens sofreram redução acentuadana proliferação. Adicionalmente, a LN18 exibiu maior porcentagem de células apoptóticas e necróticas, em comparação com a linhagem T98G, nos tempos de24, 72 e 120 horas após o tratamento. O ensaio de imunofluorescência revelou maior indução de células positivas para ?-H2AX na linhagem LN18 em relação à T98G (p =<0,001), após tratamento com etoposídeo (50 e 75 ?M). Nessas concentrações, a análise da cinética do ciclo celular mostrou um bloqueio na fase G2 em ambas as linhagens (p<0,01) nos tempos analisados (24, 48 e 72h), mas apenas a linhagem LN18 revelou bloqueio na fase S. A expressão de RAD51, RAD51B e C foi mais elevada em LN18 em comparação com a T98G e U87MG, nas células tratados (75?M) e controles. PTEN foi silenciado (siRNA-PTEN) na linhagem LN18 para verificar se a redução da expressão desse gene reduziria também a expressão de RAD51 e parálogas. Após 72 horas de silenciamento, com 69,9% de inibição de PTEN, a expressão de RAD51 e RAD51C também se mostrou reduzida em relação ao grupo controle. Em conjunto, os resultados obtidos no presente estudo indicam que o status de PTEN é crucial para as vias de sobrevivência, controle do ciclo celular e indução de apoptose nas células de GBM, indicando a relação entre PTEN e RAD51 e parálogas nas células de GBM tratadas com um indutor de quebras no DNA. Adicionalmente, outras ferramentas de estudo são requeridas para investigar as vias moleculares e possíveis interações e complexos proteicos envolvendo a participação de PTEN e RAD51 e suas proteínas parálogas / Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor. Loss of PTEN (Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10) gene is the most frequent alteration associated with GBM and encodes a phosphatase enzyme that antagonizes the PI3K, by inhibiting AKT phosphorylation thereby regulating signaling pathways related to cell survival and proliferation. PTEN deficiency has been associated with genomic instability and increased endogenous DSBs, as well as reduced expression of RAD51, which is a key gene with crucial role in HR. In this study, we aimed to evaluate whether the PTEN status in GBM cell lines can affect RAD51 expression and HR efficiency under conditions of treatment with the antineoplastic drug etoposide, which targets the DNA topoisomerase II enzyme, thus leading to the production of DNA breaks. T98G (PTEN mutated) and LN18 (PTEN wild-type) cells were treated with etoposide, and several assays were carried out: cell proliferation, detection and quantification of necrosis and apoptosis, cell cycle kinetics, immunofluorescence staining, RAD51 (and paralogs) protein expression, and PTEN silencing in LN18 cell line, by using the siRNA method. LN18 cells showed a greater reduction in cell proliferation, compared to T98G after treatments (25, 50, 75 e 100 µM) at 24, 72 and 120h. Both cell lines showed a significant increase (p=<0.001) in cell death induction, but LN18 presented a greater percentage of apoptotic and necrotic cells than T98G (24, 72 and 120h). The induction of DSB was analyzed by immunostaining (with ?-H2AX antibody), and for the concentrations (50 and 75 µM) tested, LN18 showed higher levels of ?-H2AX positive cells than that observed for T98G (p=<0.001). The analysis of cell cycle kinetics performed for cells treated with etoposide (50 and 75 µM) and collected at 24, 48 and 72h, LN18 presented a greater G2-blockage, as compared to T98G; only LN18 showed a blockage at the S-phase. The expression of RAD51, RAD51B and C was higher in LN18 compared to T98G and U87MG cells treated with etoposide (75 µM) and controls. When we silenced PTEN in LN18 linage, to check if PTEN silencing may reduce the expression of RAD51 and its paralogs, we found a 69.9% reduction in PTEN protein expressions, and the expression of RAD51 and RAD51C was also found reduced, compared to the control group. Taken together, the results obtained in this study indicate that the status of PTEN is critical for survival pathways, cell cycle control and induction of apoptosis in GBM cells, confirming the relationship between PTEN and RAD51 and its paralogs in GBM cells treated with an inducer of DNA breaks. These results contribute with relevant information for further studies on molecular pathways underlying the interaction between PTEN and RAD51 and its paralogs

Mechanismy reparace DNA v mechu Physcomitrella patens / Mechanisms of DNA repair in the moss Physcomitrella patens

Holá, Marcela January 2015 (has links)
Over the course of an organism's life, its genome is exposed to endogenous and exogenous chemical, physical and biological agents - genotoxins. These genotoxins alter its basic structural components - sugar residues, phosphodiester bonds, and nitrogenous bases. Organisms have therefore evolved a plethora of different strategies to both repair DNA lesions and maintain genomic stability. These DNA repair pathways are linked with several other cell pathways, including chromatin remodelling, DNA replication, transcription, cell cycle control, apoptosis - programmed cell death (PCD), thereby providing a coordinated cellular response to DNA damage. Biochemical mechanisms of DNA repair are relatively well understood in yeast and mammals, however, far less so in plants. While these repair mechanisms are evolutionary conserved, significant differences still remain. Therefore, further investigation is required. This thesis summarises the introduction of a novel plant model - the moss, Physcomitrella patens (Physcomitrella). As a haploid gametophyte with unique characteristics of high frequency of homologous recombination (HR), and apical growth of filaments, it is an ideal organism to study DNA repair in plants. Previous research on Physcomitrella regarding mechanisms of DNA lesion repair induced by...

Impact du transit cytonucléaire de la protéine ATM en réponse aux radiations ionisantes : notions de pro- et anti-episkévie / Impact of the ATM nucleoshuttling after ionising radiation exposure : concept of pro-and anti-episkevia

Ferlazzo, Mélanie 18 April 2017 (has links)
Plus d'un siècle après la découverte des rayons X, les effets biologiques des radiations ionisantes restent encore méconnus. En particulier, une meilleure connaissance des phénomènes liés à la radiosensibilité individuelle permettrait une meilleure prédiction du risque radioinduit tant en ce qui concerne les réactions tissulaires que la formation de cancers.Dans le cadre des recherches menées par le Groupe de Radiobiologie de l'UMR 1052 Inserm (Centre de Recherche en Cancérologie de Lyon), l'accumulation de données radiobiologiques issues de patients radiosensibles a permis d'initier une théorie basée sur le transit cytonucléaire de la protéine ATM. Acteur majeur de la réponse aux radiations ionisantes ATM est muté dans l'Ataxie Telangiectasie, syndrome génétique rare associé à la plus forte radiosensibilité. Plus précisément, les chercheurs du Groupe ont proposé le modèle suivant : l'irradiation produit une monomérisation des formes cytoplasmiques de la protéine ATM. Les monomères d'ATM diffusent dans le noyau pour assurer la reconnaissance et la réparation des cassures double-brin de l'ADN (CDB), dommages-clés de la réponse aux radiations. Tout retard dans ce transit conduirait à une certaine radiosensibilité.Le but de cette thèse est d'identifier d'une part, les protéines (appelées X) qui freinerait ce transit en s'associant à ATM dans le cytoplasme ; d'autre part, les agents chimiques (métaux, pesticides) qui influeraient sur ce processus.Les protéines X identifiées dans le cadre de cette thèse sont notamment la huntingtine, la neurofibromine, la tubérine qui, lorsqu'elles sont mutées, causent respectivement la maladie de Huntington, la Neurofibromatose de type 1 et la Tubéreuse de Bourneville. Les métaux étudiés sont les chlorures d'aluminium, de cuivre, de zinc, de fer, de nickel, de palladium, de cadmium ainsi que le nitrate de plomb, le selenium et le chrome. Les pesticides sont l'atrazine, le glyphosate, la permetrine, le thiabendazole et le pentachlorophénol.Cette thèse introduit la notion de pro-, dys- ou anti-épiskévie, c'est-à-dire la capacité de certains agents, protéines ou drogues à accélérer, ralentir ou interdire le transit cytonucléaire de la protéine ATM / More than a century after the discovery of X rays, the effects of ionising radiation are still misunderstood. In particular, a better knowledge of individual radiosensitivity could lead to a better prediction of radio induced risk of cancer and acute reactions after radiotherapy. As part of the research conducted by the Radiobiology Group of UMR Inserm 1052 (Cancer Research Center of Lyon), the accumulation of radiobiological data from radiosensitive patients allowed to initiate a theory based on the ATM protein transit from cytoplasm to nucleus. ATM a the major actor in the response to ionising radiation and is mutated in Ataxia Telangiectasia, a rare genetic syndrome associated with the highest radiosensitivity. Specifically, the researchers of the Group proposed the following model: irradiation produces monomerization of cytoplasmic forms of ATM protein. ATM monomers diffuse into the nucleus to ensure the recognition and repair of DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs), the key damage response to radiation. Any delay in this transit would lead to radiosensitivity.The aim of this thesis is to identify in one hand, the proteins (called X proteins), which would slow the transit by interracting with ATM in the cytoplasm; on the other hand, chemical agents (metals, pesticides) that would affect this process.X proteins identified in this thesis include huntingtin, neurofibromin, tuberin which, when mutated, cause, respectively, Huntington's disease, Neurofibromatosis type 1 and Tuberous Sclerosis. Studied metals are aluminum, copper, zinc, iron, nickel, palladium and cadmium chlorides, lead nitrate, selenium and chromium. Pesticides are atrazine, glyphosate, permethrin, thiabendazole and pentachlorophenol.This thesis introduces the concept of pro-, dys or anti- episkévia, that is to say the ability of some agents, proteins or drugs to speed up, slow down or inhibit the the ATM nucleoshuttling

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