Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dropout."" "subject:"cropout.""
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Examining the Relationship Between Persistence in Attendance in an Afterschool Program and an Early Warning Index for DropoutKing, Teresa C. 05 1900 (has links)
School districts constantly struggle to find solutions to address the high school dropout problem. Literature supports the need to identify and intervene with these students earlier and in more systemic ways. The purpose of this study was to conduct a longitudinal examination of the relationship between sustained afterschool participation and the host district’s early warning index (EWI) associated with school dropout. Data included 65,341 students participating in an urban school district’s after school program from school years 2000-2001 through 2011-2012. The district serves more than 80,000 students annually. Data represented students in Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12, and length of participation ranged from 1 through 12 years. Results indicated that student risk increased over time and that persistent participation in afterschool programming had a significant relationship with student individual growth trajectories. Slower growth rates, as evidenced through successive models, supported students being positively impacted by program participation. Additionally, participation was more meaningful if students persisted, as noted in the lower EWI rates, as compared to students who attended less consistently.
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A study on Taiwan Legal System Regarding Dropout Counseling Management for Junior-High StadentsTsai, Yi-miao 16 August 2012 (has links)
Education is a long-term effort. The children and teenagers are the pillar-to-be in our nation. Moreover, the popularization of national education can contribute to the enhancement of national competitiveness. Thus, the Article 21 of the Constitution of Taiwan regulates that the people shall have the right and duty to receive national education, which means anyone shall have the right to receive national education and the duty to receive national education as long as he or she is a citizen of Taiwan. Furthermore, to practice education drastically, the nation promulgates the Compulsory School Attendance Act. It allows local governments to establish ¡§committee of compulsory school attendance¡¨ to manage the dropouts from elementary and junior high schools, targeting ¡§zero dropout.¡¨
However, the good faith of the regulations can not be implemented well for every citizen in terms of ¡§the right and duty to receive education,¡¨ especially for the students who drop out of school. It is affected by complicated factors, such as personal value, society, economy, peers, indigenous people and new immigrants. Dropping out has concerned the field of education the most, and it has also brought related problems to the society and public order. Therefore, it is necessary to research and to discuss how to organize an effective legal system of dropout counseling management.
Based on the 5 major frameworks of administration law, including administrative principles, administrative organization, administrative authority, administrative remedy and administrative supervision, this study aims at examining the legal system of junior high dropout counseling management to redress the deficiency of current law with researching by reference, historical analysis, comparative analysis and induction analysis in different aspects. Meanwhile, by learning from advanced countries, such as the U.S., Japan and Korea, some specific manners and suggestions, such as establishing dedicated organizations or offices, paying attention to secondary education and reinforcing the function of halfway schools, are expected to be provided for the government, schools, private organizations and future researchers. Through the above-mentioned manners, the situation of dropouts can be redressed and corrected. Moreover, the spirit of the Constitution, namely, the right and duty to receive national education for all citizens, can be fulfilled.
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High School Dropout: Perceptions and Voices of African American and Hispanic StudentsBaker, Wanda 2011 May 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the perceptions of African American and Hispanic students who dropped out of school while exploring their schooling experiences and the factors they believe contributed to their decision to drop out. The case study approach was used in an effort to capture the informants’ voices and the meanings they hold as students of color about the experience of dropping out. The findings from this study will contribute to the existing body of literature by contextualizing a student of color’s choice to dropout of school. The informants in this study were members of a large, diverse suburban high school, in a large school district in Southeast Texas.
The 12 informants were purposefully selected resulting in seven Hispanic, five African American, seven female, and five male dropout students. A one-on-one interview with the informants generated data for this study. Additional data consisted of observations made by the researcher as a school administrator at the last school the informants attended and by prior knowledge about some of the informants from school records. The interpretational analysis process selected was based on Glaser and Strauss’ constant comparative approach to analysis. The constant comparative data analysis generated three major themes of the factors that informants attributed to dropping out of school: (1) challenging home situations, (2) personal realities, and (3) school related factors that reflected a lack of support systems.
The theoretical framework that grounded this study was based on Mehan’s Contextual Factors Surrounding Hispanic Dropouts. His construct suggested that for students of color dropping out was a function of social reproduction and deficit thinking. He further asserted that such outcomes were a result of school factors controlled and institutionalized by schools. However, contrary to Mahen’s theory, my informants noted challenging home situations as the primary consideration in their decision to drop out. My findings, based on the context of the Horizon High School, suggest that while the school as an institution is not responsible or accountable for the family factors that contribute to students’ decision to drop out, it can provide systems of support for students to assist them in overcoming the causes outside of the school walls that contribute to their decision to leave.
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Das Dropout-Phänomen - Eine Untersuchung an Eliteschulen des Sports in SachsenBaron-Thiene, Anna 14 July 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Auffällig viele Athletinnen und Athleten beenden vorzeitig, d. h. vor Erreichen des individuellen Leistungshöhepunktes, ihre leistungssportliche Karriere (Dropout). Oftmals werden von den Dropouts neben gestiegenen Anforderungen im schulischen und sportlichen Bereich, auch Motivationsverlust sowie eine Verschiebung der Prioritäten als Gründe für ihre Entscheidung gegen eine Fortsetzung der leistungssportlichen Karriere angegeben. Ver- schiedene sportwissenschaftliche Untersuchungen beschäftigten sich bereits mit diesem komplexen Phänomen, eine zufriedenstellende Erklärung gelang indes nicht. Ein Großteil der bereits vorhandenen Studien betrachtet meist nur die retrospektive und damit eine oftmals verzerrte Sichtweise. Das Hauptanliegen dieser Untersuchung ist es daher gewesen, den Einfluss ausgewählter psychologischer Merkmale auf die Aufrechterhaltung des Leistungssports für Nachwuchsathletinnen und –athleten bereits prospektiv zu erfassen und damit eine Möglichkeit zu schaffen, dem frühzeitigen Ausscheiden entgegenzuwirken. Ein großes wissenschaftliches Interesse besteht hinsichtlich der Prävention von Dropout gerade im Nachwuchsleistungssport. Mittels eines Modelles, welches den Einfluss der erfassten psychologischen Merkmale auf den Verbleib bzw. Abbruch einer sportlichen Karriere abbildet, können Maßnahmen zur Verhinderung von Dropouts ergriffen werden.
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Studieavhopp sjökaptensprogrammet / Master mariner dropoutAndersson, Alexandra, Henwood, Erica January 2018 (has links)
Detta arbete har haft som syfte att undersöka vilka orsaker som ligger bakom valet att avbryta sina studier i förtid vid sjökaptensprogrammet, samt att kartlägga problemområden som upplevs av de studenter som valt att avsluta sina studier i förtid. Arbetet har även syftat till att undersöka huruvida anledningarna skiljer sig från tidigare forskning av ämnet. Av särskilt intresse var praktikperioden och dess inverkan för studieavhopp. För att undersöka fenomenet närmare har en kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerade intervjuer använts. Respondenterna valdes ut från en och samma klass av sjökaptensprogrammet med ingångsår 2012 för att få undersökningen så tidsmässigt relevant som möjligt. Intervjuerna har fokuserats runt förbestämda teman, vilka tidigare forskning har identifierat som avgörande faktorer som leder till avhopp. Resultatet visar att beslut om studieavhopp uppstår som en kombination av flera faktorer, och är mycket sällan resultatet av en enskild faktor. Stickprovet som undersöktes var homogen med yrkesgruppen fartygsbefäl i resten av landet och även med sina före detta klasskamrater. Utbildningen beskrevs med positiva ordalag och det sociala nätverket ansågs verka skyddande. Praktiken har visat sig vara betydelsefull i beslutet, särskilt då verkligheten ombord kolliderar med studentens förskönade bild om livet till sjöss, och var ofta den utlösande faktorn i beslutet om avhopp samband med en negativ framtidstro och ett bristande intresse för yrket. / This study aims to examine underlying causes in cases of dropout from the Master mariner programme, as well as mapping out problem areas for those students who choose to drop out. The study also aims to examine whether these causes differ from previous research in the area. Of particular interest is the role work experience plays in the decision to drop out. In order to examine the subject further a qualitative method has been used and semi structured interviews have been held with respondents from a single year commencing their studies in 2012 in order for the study to be as relevant as possible. Interviews have focused around pre-determined themes, which previous research has concluded to be of importance. Results show dropout as a result of a combination of factors, and very rarely is a single factor significant enough to describe the phenomena. The sample group was homogenous to the larger population of Officers in the Swedish merchant navy, as well as to their previous class mates. The course was described in positive terms and the social network around a student was often a protective factor. Work experience is shown to be of vital importance when a student considers dropping out, especially when reality collide with the students´own glorified expectations of life at sea. This together with a negative view on future work prospects and a general lack of interest in shipping was commonly reason for dropping out.
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Variables that impact high school dropoutOwens, Mario Antonio 02 May 2009 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine which variables contribute to high school dropout in a north central Mississippi school district’s only high school. The study population consisted of 301 students who enrolled as freshman in a north central Mississippi school district’s only high school during the 2002-2003 academic year and could have graduated from high school in 2006. Student data were obtained from the Mississippi Student Information System (MSIS) database, which contained all relevant information to this study. Data were collected on the following variables: gender, ethnicity, age, disciplinary infractions, whether or not a student was socially promoted, number of grades retained, number of absences, subject area testing scores, ninth grade retention, and special education enrollment. The findings of this study indicated there were relationships between the criterion variable, high school dropout, and the following predictor variables: age, ethnicity, whether or not a student was socially promoted, number of absences, number of grades retained, ninth grade. retention, and disciplinary infractions. The findings from this investigation also suggested that both socially promoted and students with high numbers of absences were more likely to drop out of high school than those who were not socially promoted, or had fewer absences.
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Online Credit Recovery as an Effective Intervention for American Students at Risk of Dropping Out of High SchoolBoyd, Jesse Travis 09 March 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to determine the extent to which online credit recovery is effective at allowing students to regain lost credits and to determine any differences that may exist in credit recovery based on a student's gender, socio-economic status, race/ethnicity, and course taken. This study analyzed these differences in respect to core and elective online credit recovery courses. Every school year, over 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States (National Center for Educational Statistics, 2001). One in four African American students and nearly one in five Hispanic students attend high schools where graduating is not the norm (United States Department of Education, 2013). Poor students (bottom 20 percent of all family incomes) are five times more likely to drop out of high school than high-income students (top 20 percent of all family incomes) (Chapman, Laird, Ifill, and KewalRamani, 2011). On average, 72 percent of male students earn a diploma compared with 78 percent of female students, a gender gap of 6 percentage points that has remained virtually unchanged for years (Education Week, 2013). Research has shown that students who miss or fail academic courses are at greater risk of dropping out of school than their peers. To re-engage these students researchers recommend that schools provide extra academic support (Dynarski, Clarke, Cobb, Finn, Rumberger, and Smink, 2008). Extra academic support has most recently come in the form of online credit recovery. The results of this study showed that online credit recovery is an effective instructional method for students in need of recovering lost core and elective credits. The results showed that females outperformed male students, and more affluent students recorded a higher pass rate than less fortunate students. Hispanic and Black students received a passing grade at a rate comparable to White students. Results varied depending on the course a student took. Instructional leaders, who are dedicated to the promotion of student learning and the quality of instruction, should consider it a priority to recognize the emerging trends in dropout prevention and to assess the effectiveness of online credit recovery programs. / Ed. D.
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Idrottsliga avhopp: Anledningar och konsekvenser hos ungdomar / Athletic dropouts: Reasons and consequences for adolescentsFarias, Marcelo, Petersson, Rasmus January 2016 (has links)
Syftet med föreliggande studie är att undersöka anledningar till varför ungdomar mellan 16 19 år slutar att idrotta och vilka konsekvenser detta kan medföra. De två modellerna som studien utgår ifrån är Push/pull/anti-push/ anti-pull modellen (Fernandez, Stephan och Forqereau, 2005) och Holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, Reints & De Knop, 2013). Kvalitativa intervjuer med retrospektiva frågor användes på elva ungdomar från ett idrottsgymnasium i sydvästra Sverige. Resultaten visade på att de vanligaste anledningarna till varför ungdomar valde att avsluta sina idrotter var på grund av skador, tidsbrist, sociala problem utanför idrotten, sociala problem inom idrotten och idrottskulturen. Resultatet visade även på att de mest förekommande konsekvenserna av det idrottsliga avhoppet rörde de psykosociala- och idrottsliga sfärerna. Nästintill alla uppgav att de tappat kompisar från idrotten i och med avhoppet, många angav dessutom att de hade förändrat sitt motionerande. Ytterligare en konsekvens var att eleverna uppgav att de efter avhoppet hade mer tid åt skolan och att de var mer fokuserade när de väl var i skolan, vissa påpekade även att detta givit de bättre betyg. / The purpose of present study was to investigate the reasons why adolescents in the age between 16-19 years dropout from sport and what consequences this may entail. Retrospective interviews were made on eleven adolescents from a sportgymnasium in Southwest Sweden. The two models used in the study were Push/pull/anti-push/anti-pull framework (Fernandez, Stephan & Fouquereau, 2006) and the holistic athletic career model (Wylleman, Reints & De Knop, 2013). The results showed that the most common dropout reasons were injuries, lack of time, social problems outside the sport, social problems inside the sport and the sport culture. The results also showed that the most frequent consequences for dropping out from sport were mainly concerning psychosocial- and sports factors. Almost all participants described that they lost friends from the sport as a result of the dropout, many also indicated that they had changed their type of exercise after the dropout. The participants reported that after the dropout they had more time for school and they were more focused once they were in school, some even pointed out that they got better grades.
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Travail, heures travaillées et revenus: détermination de leur relation avec le décrochage scolaire des jeunes du secondaire.Laplante, Maryse January 2015 (has links)
Au Canada, les dépenses que fait chaque province en éducation sont
considérées comme un investissement. L’éducation de base, c’est-à-dire le niveau
primaire et secondaire, est gratuite pour tous les canadiens. L’éducation est financée
par les impôts des contribuables. Les outils dont un adulte a généralement besoin au
cours de sa vie y sont enseignés. L’acquisition de ces outils est le premier échelon à
passer pour se tourner ensuite soit vers un travail à la suite de l’obtention du diplôme
d’études secondaires, qui est obligatoire, soit vers l’obtention de diplômes d’études
supérieures. Cependant, plusieurs élèves boudent les études de niveau secondaire et
se retrouvent en dehors de l’école, avec ou sans emploi, avant d’avoir obtenu le
diplôme d’études secondaires. Ces jeunes se retrouvent ainsi dans une situation
handicapante. S’ils ne reviennent pas sur leur décision de quitter l’école, il sera plus
difficile ensuite pour eux de trouver un emploi, puisque presque toutes les entreprises
et tous les paliers de gouvernement exigent au minimum le diplôme d’études
secondaires pour engager un individu. S’ils trouvent un emploi, ils seront quand
même dans une situation difficile vue la précarité d’emploi pour les « sans diplôme »,
étant donné que sa situation d’emploi est soumise entre autres, aux aléas des
difficultés macroéconomiques qui peuvent arriver.
Plusieurs chercheurs ont tenté de trouver ce qui faisait en sorte que des jeunes
décident de décrocher. Le travail que font les jeunes durant l’année scolaire a souvent
été pointé du doigt comme étant un facteur aggravant. Depuis plusieurs années, de
plus en plus de jeunes travaillent. Cet « aspect travail » a été analysé de différentes
façons par les chercheurs, et surtout chez des jeunes qui en sont à leurs dernières
années de leurs études secondaires. Notre approche consiste plutôt à vérifier
l’importance du travail pour les jeunes de 14 et 15 ans. Comme ils sont de plus en
plus jeunes à travailler durant l’année scolaire, nous voulons analyser s’il existe un
lien entre le décrochage et le travail. À l’image des résultats obtenus des autres
chercheurs, nous ne pouvons arriver à établir une relation directe avec le décrochage.
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The meanings of "at-risk": Reform rhetoric and policy responses in U.S. education.Placier, Peggy Lou. January 1989 (has links)
Description of students as at-risk became a trend in educational policy and programming in the late 1980s. The term at risk was originally part of the specialized discourse of medicine and psychology, and related subfields of education such as special education and educational psychology. Due to the influence of national reform reports, the term at risk became more common in the discourse of policymakers and practitioners. It was used as a descriptor of students, often low-income and/or minority students, likely to fail or drop out of school. This study employed methods from sociolinguistics, discourse analysis and policy analysis to trace the uses and meanings of at risk through national reports, state education policies in Arizona, and district policies in a medium-sized Arizona school district with both rural and suburban schools. Analysis of reports and recorded interviews with state policymakers, district administrators, principals, and teachers identified differences in the meanings of at risk at different levels of the educational system. Groups at each level had particular interests in students, as reflected in their definitions of the problems of at-risk students and their policy recommendations. The most common consequences for students of being labelled at-risk were to be removed from the mainstream for special treatment, despite arguments of some researchers and theorists that educators need to rethink such approaches.
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