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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O feijão do Zé Américo: terra, trabalho e deslocamentos nas políticas contra as secas, o caso de Coremas / Zé Américo\'s beans: earth, labour and uprooting in anti drought policies, the Coremas case

Fernanda Lucchesi 14 June 2017 (has links)
O objetivo dessa tese é analisar a política de açudagem pública empreendida pelo Departamento Nacional de Obras Contra as Secas (Dnocs), a partir da reestruturação fundiária derivada dessa política e da utilização da população mais afetada pelas secas como de mão de obra nas construções de açudes. As ações de combate às secas foram acessadas através das publicações oficiais e da ação do Dnocs em Coremas. A partir do marco de 1877, as secas tornaram-se um problema nacional, mobilizando esforços e recursos para a mitigação de seus efeitos deletérios, como a alta mortalidade da população afetada e, sobretudo, as famosas retiradas que punham em marcha um exército de famintos a procura dos centros menos atingidos. A formulação de uma política contra as secas se deu em um momento de grande discussão tanto sobre o caráter nacional e a criação do Estado Nação, como sobre a constituição do Nordeste enquanto região específica. Na década de 1930, a Inspetoria Federal de Obras Contra as Secas (Ifocs), órgão que havia sido criado em 1909, foi reformulada pelo então Ministro da Viação e Obras Públicas, o paraibano José Américo de Almeida, dando início a um período de grande prestígio em termos de recursos e realizações. Entre as políticas de combate aos efeitos das secas, ganhou destaque a chamada solução hidráulica que consistia em construir grandes reservatórios públicos para acumular água, que seria utilizada nos períodos de estiagem e também em projetos de irrigação. Para José Américo de Almeida, os grandes reservatórios públicos cumpririam a dupla função de armazenar água e fornecer trabalho à população afetada, impedindo sua dizimação e fixando-a em sua região. Entre os açudes iniciados nessa época, está o Sistema Coremas-Mãe D\'água, localizado no Vale do Piancó, no alto sertão paraibano. Classificada inicialmente como uma espécie de vazio demográfico, a área desapropriada para a instalação dos açudes era povoada por pequenos sítios cuja produção dependia principalmente da mão de obra de trabalhadores-moradores. Deslocados sem qualquer compensação por parte do Estado, muitos desses moradores tornaram-se operários nas obras do Dnocs ou rendeiros do órgão. Embora justificadas pela promessa de melhoria da vida da população do sertão, muitas das obras de combate às secas terminaram por expropriar camponeses e pequenos proprietários, tornando mais precárias as condições de trabalho a que estavam submetidos, como foi o caso em Coremas. / The aim of this thesis is to analyze the dam building policy carried out by the National Anti Drought Department (Dnocs), from the point of view of its impacts on the distribution of land and the use of the impoverished population to build this dams. The anti drought policies were accessed by official publications and trough the actions of the Department in the city of Coremas. From the benchmark of 1877, droughts became a national problem, mobilizing efforts and resources to mitigate its effects, such as the high mortality rate and, most of all, the famous withdraws that put on march a famine army in the search of less affected centers. The formulation of an anti drought policy took place during a period of great discussion not only about the national character and the building of the National State, but also about the constitution of the Northeast as a specific region. In the 1930\'s, the Federal Anti Drought Institute (Ifocs), created in 1909, was reformulated by the then Minister of Transport and Public Works, José Américo de Almeida from the state of Paraíba, giving birth to a prestigious period in terms of resources and realizations. Among the anti drought policies, there was an emphasis in the so called hydraulic solution, that consisted of building big public reservoirs to store water to be used in drought periods and irrigation projects. According to José Américo de Almeida\'s opinion, such public reservoirs had the double function of storing water and providing jobs for the affected population, what would prevent the massive deaths and fix this population in its own region. Among the dams initiated during this period is the Coremas-Mãe D\'água System, located in the Piancó Valley, in Paraíba hinterland. At first classified as if it were a demographic void, the area expropriated to install the dam were filled with small farms producing with the work of resident tenants. Uprooted without any compensation form the State, a great deal of them became workers on Dnocs enterprises or tenants of the Department. Although the anti drought policies were justified by the promise of improving the life of the population located in the semi-arid, many of the enterprises ended up expropriating peasants, tenants and small land owners, making the conditions of work under which they were submitted worse.

Attribution of the 2015-2016 hydrological drought in KwaZulu-Natal to anthropogenic climate change

Karlie, Makeya January 2020 (has links)
In 2015-2016 Kwa-Zulu Natal (KZN) and other provinces in South Africa suffered from drought conditions. Drought can have negative impacts on the environment, society and the economy. Climate change is predicted to exacerbate extreme events such as droughts that would adversely affect already vulnerable regions such as KZN. The main aim of this study is to implement the attribution procedure, to determine if climate change has contributed to the 2015-2016 hydrological drought in selected KZN catchments. Methodology of the study followed a general framework of implementation of hydrological attribution experiments with climate data obtained from attribution simulations with HadAM3p global climate model. Prior to simulations in attribution mode, QSWAT model was set up for the study area and calibrated using SWAT-CUP and SUFI-2. Calibration results were poor but the model could be applied in the context of this study, under certain constraints. Results of attribution experiments revealed that for all 3 subbasins studied no increase of risk was observed and hence no influence of climate change on the 2015-2016 magnitude of drought for selected catchments was concluded by this study. These results are limited, as they are based on climate attribution experiments with only one climate model, rather than with a multi-model ensemble. Also, QSWAT model, in its implementation with generic climate data is of limited use in attribution (or hydrological) simulations as even after calibration the model performs poorly.

Suitable areas for cultivation of protein-rich crops in Sweden : An GIS-based study on 7 protein-rich crops

Cardegård, Fanny January 2020 (has links)
Conditions are predicted to become more favorable for protein-rich crops in Northern Europe, which bring opportunities for cultivation of protein-rich crops in Sweden. This study assessed the current suitability for cultivation of protein-rich crops in Sweden based on biophysical conditions. This study defined suitability indicators with suitability conditions for each crop regarding (i) soil texture, (ii) soil pH value, (iii) vegetation period length, (iv) and soil temperatures were created, and overlayed to create suitable areas for protein-rich crops. Suitable areas and distributions were found for: common bean, faba bean, field pea, lentil, narrow-leafed lupin, quinoa, and soybean. A present and future risk analysis with wet and dry periods was carried out to find suitable areas for the crops under the risk of wet and dry periods. The study found that Sweden have the possibility to cultivate protein-rich crops to a greater extent which is shown by the distribution of suitable areas for protein-rich crop. Quinoa was found suitable to be cultivated in nearly all arable land in Sweden. In the future, there is an increase in suitable areas for protein-rich crops that are not exposed to drought. A decrease was seen in suitable areas for protein-rich crops that are not exposed to flooding.

Environmental Influences on the Disease Resistance of American, Chinese, and Advance Generation Hybrid Chestnuts

Fredericksen, Brett W., Jr. 10 September 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Response to Drought of a Stream Fish Assemblage in a High Elevation Stream in the Intermountain West

Simkins, Richard M. 01 July 2017 (has links)
One of the most influential disturbances for stream fish assemblages is large-scale declines in flow caused by periods of drought. Although stream characteristics are known to influence the response of stream fishes to drought, we asked if ecological traits of stream fishes determine, in part, their population level response to drought. To test for ecological trait-based responses to drought in a stream fish assemblage, we quantified species abundances over a period of 5 years that represented a wet to dry period. We sampled stream fishes in Yellow Creek, Wyoming, USA, a high elevation stream dependent on snow-storage for most of its flow. There were five regularly occurring species in the study site: redside shiner (Richardsonius balteatus), northern leatherside chub (Lepidomeda copei), mottled sculpin (Cottus bairdi), speckled dace (Rhinichthys osculus), and mountain sucker (Catostomus platyrhynchus). We used size class, species, and drought measures as predictors of abundance. Mean Palmer drought severity index over the growing season from the previous year (one year lag) provided the best predictor of stream fish abundances. Four of five species showed strong declines in abundance in response to drought conditions (mountain sucker abundance was not affected), but ecological traits of species were not good predictors of the magnitude of response to drought. Northern leatherside chub are most vulnerable to local extirpation during times of severe drought. Overall, juveniles showed a greater decline in abundance than adults in response to drought. Climate models predict that mountain streams will experience changes in flow regime, which may exacerbate effects of drought. Low flow refuge habitat may need to be incorporated into stream restoration designs to help increase recolonization in streams, especially for stream fishes that are most vulnerable to local extirpation and that have low recolonization rates.

Změny v obsahu proteinů gliadinové frakce u čtyř odrůd pšenice při různých teplotách a stresu suchem. / Changes in gliadin content in four varieties of wheat at different temperatures and drought stress.

Cigánková, Michaela January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with an influence of increasing temperature and water shortage on the content of gliadin proteins in four varieties of wheat: Bohemia, Pannonia, Tobak and RGT Reform. Samples were cultivated at 26, 29, 32, 35, 39 and 41 ° C. Due to the lack of culture samples at 41 ° C, these samples were not used for our experiment. Cultivation took place during flowering with sufficient moisture (with soil moisture higher than 70%) or under drought stress (with humidity below 30%). The A-PAGE method was used to separate gliadin fractions. Quantification was performed by computer densitometry. Significant influence of water availability on gluten protein content was found. The lack of moisture in the stress environment caused a relative increase in gliadin fractions compared to conventional conditions, especially in the Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties. The Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties responded most to the temperature, while Bohemia. The Tobak variety responded to the temperature in interaction with water scarcity. Due to the rising temperature, virtually all gliadin fractions in the Pannonia and RGT Reform varieties increased. The effect of drought often manifests itself in interaction with the influence of temperature. The most dramatic effect was the drought in interaction with temperature in the Tobak variety, where the gliadin content increased. In general, the temperature and drought were most affected by -gliadin fractions of all four varieties of wheat.

Změny v obsahu gliadinových frakcí bílkovin u dvou genotypů ozimé pšenice s rozdílnou délkou vegetační doby v závislosti na dusíkatém hnojení v interakci se suchem. / Changes in the content of gliadin protein fractions in two genotypes of winter wheat with different lengths of vegetation time depending on nitrogen fertilization with drought interaction.

Francová, Marie January 2019 (has links)
In this diploma thesis the influence of the nitrogen fertilization and drought on the change in the content of gliadin protein fractions in two genotypes of winter wheat Avenue and Tobac was studied. These two genotypes differ in vegetation time length. Half of the plants were fertilized using nitrogen fertilizer at 200 kg N/ha. One third of the plants were cultured under the conditions of early drought (in bloom season), other one third was grown under the conditions of of late drought (grain filling season), and last third was grown under the conditions of natural irrigation. Individual gliadin fractions were separated by using A-PAGE method and their content quantified by computer densitometry. Our results have shown increase in gliadin fractions content after nitrogen fertilization. Early drought itself caused significant increase in the levels of -gliadin fractions in Tobac genotype. Early and late drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization increased levels of gliadin fractions in Tobac genotype. Early drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization had no effect on Avenue genotype, except of -gliadin fractions which decreased significantly. Late drought in combination with nitrogen fertilization caused significant increase in gliadin content in Avenue genotype. The highest increase in gliadin content was observed in fraction -5 of the Tobac variety during interaction nitrogen fertilization with late drought.

The effect of neighborhood identity on seasonal tree growth responses and ecophysiological characteristics of European beech (Fagus sylvatica L.) / Zum Einfluss unterschiedlicher Nachbarschaftsverhältnisse von Einzelbäumen auf das saisonale Baumwachstum und ökophysiologische Merkmale der Rotbuche (Fagus sylvatica L.)

Metz, Jérôme 27 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Water into nectar: the effects of seasonal drought on bumble bee and flowering plant communities

Simon, Andrew D. F. 16 June 2020 (has links)
Habitat loss and climate change are major factors implicated in the decline of bumble bees worldwide. These factors may be particularly acute in regions subject to climatic extremes such as seasonal drought. Combining methods from pollinator research and phylogenetic community ecology, I investigated the impacts of seasonal drought on plant phenology and bumble bee community ecology across gradients of disturbance and soil moisture in a semi-arid ecosystem. Seasonal fluctuations in floral resources coincided with significant phylogenetic clustering in plant communities, with decreasing plant diversity observed under conditions of increasing drought stress. In the late season, modified wet areas supported higher floral resource availability and greater bumble bee abundances as compared to dry woodlands, though wetlands were also an important source of late season floral resources. Despite these local effects, however, the areal extent of natural vs modified matrix habitat accounted for the majority of variation in models explaining bumble bee abundances. Modified matrix habitat was negatively associated, and natural matrix habitat positively associated, with the occurrence of bumble bee workers in June and late-flying queens in July and August. Results provide insight into the temporal niche dynamics of entomophilous flowering plants in this system, and emphasize the importance of conserving natural habitat diversity in efforts to promote resilient plant-pollinator communities. This study also provides evidence for the local extinction of Bombus occidentalis Greene, 1858 and Bombus suckleyi Greene, 1860 from Galiano Island, BC, Canada, as well as the island’s recent colonization by Bombus vosnesenskii Radoszkowski, 1862. / Graduate

Memória fisiológica induz respostas fotoquímicas e bioquímicas em plantas de sorgo sob défice hídrico recorrente

Leite, Lívia Carvalho January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Fernando Rolim de Almeida / Resumo: O desenvolvimento das plantas é controlado por vários fatores ambientais dentre os quais a água, cujo papel vital determina o sucesso no estabelecimento vegetal. Embora as intervenções abióticas as quais estão sujeitas ao longo de seu desenvolvimento possam prejudicá-las, os eventos de estresse anteriores podem induzir seu metabolismo contra posteriores, influenciando respostas. Memória de estresse envolve múltiplas modificações em níveis fisiológicos, proteômicos, transcricionais e mecanismos epigenéticos em plantas em resposta às essas mudanças no ambiente. Neste estudo, sugeriu-se a hipótese de que as plantas de sorgo previamente expostas a ciclos de défice hídrico terão melhor desempenho fisiológico do que as que nunca enfrentaram esta condição, quando ambos grupos estão sujeitos à baixa disponibilidade de água. Este trabalho propôs identificar algumas das possíveis contribuições fisiológicas para com o desempenho fotoquímico de indivíduos da espécie Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench submetidos a dois eventos de défice hídrico, em comparação com indivíduos expostos a apenas um evento, além do grupo controle mantido sob irrigação. As respostas fisiológicas observadas em plantas submetidas a défice hídrico recorrente indicam ajustes fisiológicos distintos das plantas do grupo submetido a esta condição apenas uma vez. Os resultados de relações hídricas, taxas fotossintéticas e conservação do aparato fotoquímico sugerem que experiência de estresse anterior pode desenvolver memória ... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The development of plants is controlled by several environmental factors including water, whose vital role determines success in plant establishment. Notwithstanding the abiotic stresses that are subject throughout their development can harm them, stress events earlier tend to induce metabolism against further tensions in order to improve responses. Stress memory involves multiple changes in physiological, proteomic, transcriptional levels and epigenetic mechanisms in plants in response to these changes in the environment. In this study, the hypothesis was suggested that sorghum plants previously exposed to water deficit cycles will have a better physiological performance than those that never faced this condition, when both groups are subject to low water availability. This work proposed to identify some of the possible physiological contributions to the photochemical performance of individuals of the species Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench submitted to two water deficit events, in comparison with individuals exposed to only one event, in addition to the control group kept under irrigation. The physiological responses observed in plants submitted to recurrent water deficit indicate physiological adjustments different from plants in the group submitted to this condition only once. The parameters of water relations, photosynthetic rates and conservation of the photochemical apparatus suggest that previous stress experience may develop physiological memory. The data suggest that th... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

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