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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

MHD simulations of the Reversed Field Pinch

Chahine, Robert 30 November 2017 (has links)
La dynamique des plasmas de fusion par confinement magnétique dans la configuration Reversed Field Pinch (RFP) est ´étudiée en utilisant la description magnétohydrodynamique (MHD) incompressible. Une méthode pseudo-spectrale et une technique de pénalisation en volume sont utilisées pour résoudre le système d’équations dans un cylindre. Les simulations numériques montrent que la pression joue un rôle important dans la dynamique des RFP et ne peut pas être négligée. Ainsi, ß n’est plus le paramètre principal pour décrire la dynamique des RFPs mais plutôt ß’ ∇, un nouveau paramètre qui équivaut le rapport du module de gradient de pression et le module de la force de Lorentz. A un autre niveau, l’effet du changement de la section poloïdale du RFP sur la dynamique est étudié. Les simulations des écoulements RFP ayant le même nombre de Lundquist et des sections différentes (circulaire et elliptique), montrent une grande différence dans les spectres et la diffusion turbulente radiale. Finalement, les écoulements RFP sont utilisés pour étudier l’effet dynamo. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les écoulements RFP sont capables d’amplifier un champ magnétique passif qui aura une tendance à être plus non-linéaire que le champ magnétique du RFP dans les régimes turbulents. / The dynamics of magnetic fusion plasmas in the Reversed Field Pinch (RFP) configuration are studied using an incompressible magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) description. A pseudospectral method combined with a volume penalization method are used to resolve the governing equations in a straight cylinder. Numerical simulations show that the pressure effects on the RFP dynamics cannot be neglected, and thus the _ parameter is not adequate to characterize the importance of pressure in the dynamics. A new parameter, _0r , which is the ratio of the pressure gradient’s magnitude to the Lorentz force’s magnitude, is proposed to be the proper parameter to describe the RFP dynamics. Another investigated influence on the RFP dynamics is the shaping of the poloidal cross-section. Simulations of flows with the same Lundquist number and different cross-sections (circular and elliptic) show a clear change in the spectral behaviour, as well as in the radial turbulent diffusion. Finally, the RFP flows are used to study the dynamo effect. Numerical results show that RFP flows are capable of amplifying a seed magnetic field, which will have tendency to be more nonlinear than the RFP magnetic field in the turbulent regime.

3D modeling of built heritage : from geometric models to HBIM / Modélisation 3D du patrimoine bâti ancien : intégration de modèles géométriques dans un BIM patrimonial

Yang, Xiucheng 17 December 2018 (has links)
La maquette numérique de bâtiments historiques (Heritage-BIM) est devenue un enjeu majeur dans la modélisation. Le modèle HBIM ainsi obtenu comprend une description paramétrique et sémantique des éléments constitutifs du patrimoine. La thèse présente des méthodes de constructions HBIM à partir de la documentation historique, de nuages de points, de maillage de surfaces et de géométrie solide. Un concept de mesh-to-HBIM est proposé à l'aide de la programmation visuelle, qui permet de transformer les « familles » paramétriques et les structures géométriques en modèles paramétriques et sémantiques HBIM. La modélisation paramétrique HBIM consiste à créer manuellement des Familles Revit paramétriques et une reconstruction de bâtiment semi-automatisée par l'application de scripts Dynamo. Le processus de modélisation sémantique HBIM transforme directement des géométries segmentées de maillages ou de solides vers l'environnement BIM. Les éléments segmentés et individualisés peuvent être stockés et gérés dans cet environnement avec des compléments d'informations d'association entre éléments. / Heritage Building Information Modelling (HBIM) is a major issue in heritage documentation and conservation. The obtained HBIM model provides a parametric and semantic description of the heritage elements. This thesis presents methods for the generation of HBIM models from point clouds (obtained by photogrammetry or laser scanning), surface mesh and solid geometry. A concept of solid/mesh-to-HBIM is proposed using Autodesk Dynamo visual programming, which transfers the parametric “Family” and geometric structures to parametric and semantic HBIM models. The parametric HBIM modelling process involves conventional manual parametric “Family” creation and semi-automated building reconstruction by Dynamo. The semantic HBIM modelling process directly transfers the segmented solid geometry and closed mesh-to-BIM environment. The segmented elements can be stored and managed in the BIM environment with attached attributes information and relationships established among the elements.

Modélisation dynamo des cycles d’activité stellaire

Dubé, Caroline 04 1900 (has links)
Des décennies d’observation ont permis d’obtenir différentes relations liées à l’activité stellaire. Cependant, il est difficile de reproduire numériquement celles-ci à partir de modèles dynamo, puisqu’il n’y a pas de consensus sur le processus réellement présent dans les étoiles. Nous tentons de reproduire certaines de ces relations avec un modèle global 3D hydrodynamique qui nous fournit le profil de rotation différentielle et le tenseur-α utilisés en entrée dans un modèle de dynamo αΩ. Nous reproduisons ainsi efficacement la corrélation positive entre le rapport P_cyc⁄P_rot et P_rot^(-1). Par contre, nous échouons à reproduire les relations liant ω_cyc⁄Ω et l’énergie magnétique au nombre de Rossby. Cela laisse croire que la variation de P_cyc⁄P_rot avec la période de rotation est une caractéristique robuste du modèle αΩ, mais que l’effet-α ne serait pas le processus principal limitant l’amplitude du cycle. Cette saturation découlerait plutôt de la réaction magnétique sur l’écoulement à grande échelle. / Decades of stellar observations established various relationships related to stellar activity cycles. However, these are difficult to numerically reproduce using dynamo models, since flows important for dynamo action cannot be measured in stars other than the Sun. We model these relationships by extracting the differential rotation profile and the α-tensor from a global 3D hydrodynamical simulation and use them as an input into a αΩ dynamo model. We succeed in reproducing the observed positive correlation between the ratio P_cyc⁄P_rot and P_rot^(-1). On the other hand, we fail to do so for the relationship linking ω_cyc⁄Ω and the magnetic energy to the Rossby number. This indicates that the variation of P_cyc⁄P_rot with the rotation period is a robust feature of the αΩ model, but that the α-effect is probably not the main process limiting cycle amplitude. This saturation is most likely related to the magnetic backreaction on large-scale flows.

Approche du mouvement du rythme musical par le mouvement graphique de l’auditeur. Représentations graphiques enactives de patterns rythmiques percussifs par des enfants de cinq ans / Approach of Rhythmic Musical Motion by Listener’s Graphic Movement. Enactive graphical representations of rhythmic percussive patterns traced by five-year-old children

Ométak, Valérie 06 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le rythme musical considéré sous l’angle particulier de son mouvement et entreprend une approche empirique de cette notion abstraite, en l’absence de consensus sur la définition du rythme et d’une théorie scientifique sur le mouvement en musique. Différentes conceptions théoriques du mouvement sont exposées suivant que le rythme musical est considéré comme un objet, un phénomène ou une forme dynamique. Ces points de vue sont enrichis de données empiriques sur la description du rythme par les mouvements de l’auditeur. A l’appui de ce cadre de référence, la forme dynamique est saisie comme outil conceptuel et méthodologique qui permet de cerner les qualités dynamiques du rythme suivant l’évolution temporelle de ses éléments dynamo-agogiques, supposés porteurs d’informations de vitesse du mouvement, et d’analyser cette forme dynamique musicale par les formes dynamiques graphiques tracées par l’auditeur lors de l’écoute du rythme. Cet outil est testé dans une expérience exploratoire durant laquelle on enregistre les traçages effectués avec un stylo numérique par 33 enfants de 5 ans, sujets enactifs, lors de la représentation graphique de 24 brefs patterns percussifs. Les 792 traçages avec l’environnement sonore sont étudiés avec deux méthodes de comparaison de l’évolution temporelle du graphisme et du rythme. L’analyse de l’appariement de ces formes dynamiques rythmiques et graphiques met en évidence des liens solides entre des propriétés d’intensité et de durées des rythmes et des propriétés formelles et dynamiques des graphismes des auditeurs. / Given the lack of a consensual definition of rhythm and of a scientific theory of musical motion, this dissertation approaches empirically the abstract notion of the motion conveyed by musical rhythm. We present several theoretical conceptions of motion, musical rhythm being alternatively considered as an object, a phenomenon or a dynamic form. These points of view are completed with empirical data describing rhythms through listener’s movements. Within this framework, we use the dynamic form as a conceptual and methodological tool giving insights into the rhythm dynamics according the way their dynamo-agogic elements, assumed to convey information regarding motions' speed, change over time. It also allows the analysis of this musical dynamic form through the graphical dynamic form drawn by the listeners as they listen to a rhythm. This tool was tested in an exploratory experiment on 33 five-year-old enactive subjects, during which the movements of an electronic pen were recorded as the children were asked to draw an enactive graphical representation of 24 brief percussive patterns. The 792 tracing samples thus generated as rhythms unfold are studied with two methods comparing the respective temporal changes of tracing movements vs rhythms. Pairing these graphical and rhythmic dynamic forms for analysis exhibited strong links between the properties of intensity and duration of rhythms on one hand, and dynamic and formal properties of the graphical patterns generated by the listeners on the other hand.

Effektivisering av byggprojektering med hjälp av grafisk programmering / Improving the efficiency of building design using graphic programming

Dahl, Gunnar, Ahlner, Nils January 2018 (has links)
BIM (Building Information Modeling) är idag ett vedertaget begrepp inom byggprojektering.En viktig styrka med BIM är möjligheten till koordinering mellan samtligaaktörer i projektet. BIM-verktygen bygger på parametrisering vilket innebär att modellensobjekt har en stor uppsättning data kopplad till sig. Objektens egenskaperkan ändras genom att justera parameterdatan. Parametriseringen medför också attdata relativt enkelt kan nås, extraheras och styras av externa program. Det är i dettasyfte som implementeringen av grafisk programmering fyller en viktig funktion. Medhjälp av grafisk programmering kan flera operationer i BIM-arbetet automatiseras.Därmed finns potentialen att spara värdefull tid för byggprojektören. Autodesk Revit är ett av de verktyg som dominerar BIM-marknaden. I Revit kananvändaren designa och dokumentera ett byggprojekt i alla dess faser. Sedan någraår tillbaka finns det ett tillägg till programmet som heter Dynamo. Dynamo tillåteranvändaren att styra Revit med hjälp av skript i en användarvänlig grafisk miljö.I denna uppsats redogörs för Dynamos möjligheter och begränsningar applicerat påväletablerade arbetsmoment inom byggprojektering. Här redogörs för optimeringspotentialenoch lämpliga användningsområden. Slutsatser som dragits grundar sig ihög grad på en empirisk undersökning där ett antal grafiska skript har skapats ochutvärderats. Resultatet visar på att fl era vitala moment i byggprojektörens vardagliga arbetsflödekan effektiviseras med hjälp av införandet av grafisk programmering. Med effektiviseringavses i detta fall primärt tidsbesparingar som bidrar till ökad ekonomiskhållbarhet för byggprojekteringsföretaget. / BIM (Building Information Modeling) is today a proven concept in construction design.An important strength with BIM is the possibility of coordination between allactors in the project. The BIM tools are based on parameterization, which meansthat the model's object has a large set of data attached to it. The properties ofthe objects can be changed by adjusting the parameter data. Parameterization alsomeans that data can be easily accessed, extracted and controlled by external applications.It is for this purpose that the implementation of graphic programming playsan important role. With the help of graphical programming, several operations inthe BIM work can be automated. Thus, there is the potential to save valuable timefor the construction projector. Autodesk Revit is one of the tools that dominates the BIM market. In Revit, theuser can design and document a construction project in all its phases. For a fewyears back, there is an addition to the program called Dynamo. Dynamo allows theuser to control Revit using scripts in a user-friendly graphical environment.This essay explains Dynamo's possibilities and limitations applied to work processesin building design. It describes the optimization potential and appropriate applications.Conclusions are mainly drawn based upon the generation and evaluation ofgraphical scripts. The result shows that several vital moments in the construction projector's dailywork ow can be rationalized through the introduction of graphic programming. Rationalizationmeans time savings that contribute to increased economic sustainabilityfor the construction company.

Разработка алгоритма подсчета объемов материалов для железобетонного каркаса здания с использованием Dynamo (на примере жилого дома района "Солнечный") : магистерская диссертация / Development of an algorithm for calculating the volume of materials for the reinforced concrete frame of a building using Dynamo (on the example of a residential building in the "Solnechn" district)

Акуленко, А. А., Akulenko, A. A. January 2022 (has links)
Идея разработки алгоритма подсчета объемов материалов для железобетонного каркаса дополняет и соответствует принципам BIM-автоматизации. При разработке документации инженеры используют скрипты. Скрипты используют для ускорения рабочего процесса и расширения функционала Revit. Revit не способен объединить различные свойства элементом разных категорий. Для реализации алгоритма разработан ряд скриптов. Для каждой категории несущих элементов требуется обособленный скрипт. Скрипт вводит необходимый функционал Revit по средствам Dynamo. Dynamo это платформа графического программирования. В магистерской работе описано создание шаблона спецификации, параметров проекта и расчетных параметров. Новые параметры необходимы для работы спецификации. Шаблон спецификации является ведомостью объемов материалов. Шаблон спецификации работает с элементами категории «Несущая арматура». Шаблон можно настроить для получения различных элементов каркаса. Верификация алгоритма проведена на примере информационной модели жилого дома района "Солнечный" в г. Екатеринбург. Алгоритм введён в эксплуатацию в проектном бюро "R1". / The idea of developing an algorithm for calculating the volume of materials for a reinforced concrete frame complements and complies with the principles of BIM automation. When developing documentation, engineers use scripts. Scripts are used to speed up the workflow and expand the functionality of Revit. Revit cannot combine different properties of an element from different categories. A number of scenarios have been developed to implement this algorithm. A separate script is required for each category of load-bearing elements. The script introduces the necessary Revit functionality using Dynamo. Dynamo is a graphical programming platform. The Master's thesis describes the creation of a specification template, project parameters and design parameters. New parameters are required for the specification to work. The specification template is a list of volumes of materials. The specification template works with elements of the "Load-bearing reinforcement" category. The template can be customized to obtain various elements of the supporting frame. Verification of the algorithm was carried out on the example of an information model of a residential building in the residential district "Sunny" in Yekaterinburg. The algorithm was put into operation in the design bureau "R1".

Автоматизация валидации информационной модели в программном комплексе Autodesk Revit на примере компании ООО «Альтек Проектирование» : магистерская диссертация / Automation of information model validation in the Autodesk Revit software package on the example of LLC «Altek Proectirovanie»

Логвинова, М. В., Logvinova, M. V. January 2022 (has links)
В данной работе поднимается решение проблемы проектной компании, заключающейся в трудоемкой и некачественной проверке Revit-моделей, с использованием технологии информационного моделирования. Данное исследование разработано с целью нахождения оптимального способа валидации информационной модели и практического применения результатов. Методом автоматизации валидации выступила разработка Dynamo-скриптов и плагина, выполняющих проверку информационной модели на несколько пунктов BIM-стандарта Компании. Результатом работы является серия Dynamo-скриптов и плагин для Revit, позволяющие сократить трудозатраты BIM-специалистов компании при проверке BIM-моделей на соответствие внутреннему BIM-стандарту, а также снизить влияние человеческого фактора на осуществление процесса валидации. / This paper raises the solution to the problem of the design company, which consists in time-consuming and low-quality verification of Revit models using information modeling technology. This study is designed to find the best way to validate the information model and practical application of the results. The validation automation method was the development of Dynamo scripts and an app that checks the information model for several points of the Company's BIM standard. The result of the work is a series of Dynamo scripts and a app for Revit, which reduce the labor costs of the company's BIM specialists when checking BIM models for compliance with the internal BIM standard, as well as reduce the impact of the human factor on the validation process.

Автоматизация процессов проектирования систем отопления на примере программного модуля построения контура теплого пола : магистерская диссертация / Automation of heating systems design processes on the example of warm floor contour building software module

Шабанова, И. Ю., Shabanova, I. Yu. January 2022 (has links)
Процесс проектирования систем отопления сопровождается большим количеством временных затрат, вызванных как расчетами, так и построением большого количества элементов в пространстве модели. Создание дополнительных программных модулей позволяет проектировщиком больше внимания уделять принятию принципиальных решений и тратить меньше времени на выполнение циклически повторяющихся однотипных действий, тем самым ускоряя процесс создания проекта. В ходе данной диссертационной работы был выполнен аналитический обзор методов создания программных модулей, а также был разработан и реализован скрипт по построению теплого пола для компании «Строительное проектирование «КУБ». / The process of heating systems designis accompanied by a large amount of time caused by both calculations and the construction of a large number of elements in model space. Creating additional software modules allows the designer to pay more attention to making fundamental decisions and spend less time performing cyclically repeated actions of the same type, thereby speeding up the process of creating a project. In the course of this dissertation work, an analytical review of methods for creating software modules was carried out, and a script for building a warm floor for the Construction Design KUB company was developed and implemented.

Автоматизация процесса контроля качества цифровой информационной модели объекта строительства в ООО "Строительное проектирование "КУБ": формирование логических групп проверок : магистерская диссертация / Automation of the quality control process of the digital information model of the construction object in "KUB Construction Engineering LLC": formation of logical groups of inspections

Новиков, И. В., Novikov, I. V. January 2023 (has links)
В диссертационной работе рассматривается подход к решению проблемы автоматизации процесса контроля качества цифровых информационных моделей объектов строительства. Рассмотрена реализация логических групп проверок в рамках контроля качества для ООО "Строительное проектирование "КУБ" с помощью визуальной средой программирования Dynamo. / The dissertation work considers an approach to solving the problem of automating the process of quality control of digital information models of construction objects. The implementation of logical groups of checks within the framework of quality control for "KUB Construction Design LLC" with the visual programming environment Dynamo is considered.

Utilization of BIM platform for automatized energy certification scheme / Utilization of BIM platform for automatized energy certification scheme

Doifode, Udayan January 2020 (has links)
Building information modelling (BIM) has been discussed as the most prominent tool for bringing advancement in the construction industry. BIM provides a platform to integrate multiple disciplinary such as structural design, architectural design, MEP details and many more into one model, known as the BIM model. During the course of this work it was noticed that there is a spike in developing new methodologies for efficient energy calculation of buildings, but these methodologies are still based on the manual procedure. Example of such methodology is the upcoming EU parameter known as Smart readiness indicator (SRI). Therefore, an aim has been made by the author to propose automation of such energy calculation methodology aided by BIM technology.For this thesis work, a pre-existing Revit based BIM model was selected and structurally modified as per the requirements. Then, the smart services from the SRI calculation method were assigned to the Revit model. Later with the help of Dynamo (i.e. Revit plugin), a script was created to extract smart services information from the Revit model and forward it into MS-Excel file to obtain final SRI score. It was found that results obtain through manual calculation and method proposed by the author were the same. Hence, it is concluded that the automation of new energy certification scheme SRI is possible. / Building information modelling (BIM) har diskuterats som det mest framstående verktyget för att få framsteg inom byggbranschen. BIM tillhandahåller en plattform för att integrera flera discipliner som strukturell design, arkitektonisk design, MEP-detaljer och många fler i en modell, känd som BIM-modellen. Under detta arbete märktes det att det utvecklas nya metoder för effektiv energiberäkning av byggnader, men dessa metoder bygger fortfarande på den manuella proceduren. Exempel på en sådan metod är den kommande EU-parametern som kallas Smart readiness indicator (SRI). Därför har ett syfte gjorts av författaren att föreslå automatisering av sådan energiberäkningsmetod med hjälp av BIM-teknik.För detta uppsatsarbete valdes en redan existerande Revit-baserad BIM-modell och strukturellt modifierad enligt kraven. Sedan tilldelades smarta tjänster från SRI-beräkningsmetoden Revit-modellen. Senare med hjälp av Dynamo (dvs. Revit-plugin) skapades ett manus för att extrahera information om smarta tjänster från Revit-modellen och vidarebefordra den till MS-Excel-filen för att få slutlig SRI-poäng. Det visade sig att resultaten som erhölls genom manuell beräkning och metod som föreslås av författaren var desamma. Därför dras slutsatsen att automatisering av det nya energicertifieringssystemet SRI är möjligt.

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