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Optimal market timing strategies under transaction costsLi, Wei 01 January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Analýza projektu mýtného v Praze z pohledu internalizace externalit / Analysis of congestin toll project in Prague from internalization of externalities perspectiveRychetský, David January 2010 (has links)
This paper is about introduction of congestion toll in centre of Prague. I look at the toll as an internalization of externalities instrument. Car transport causes high externalities in centres of cities, so there exists a tendency to solve this problem by different arrangements. Altough particular congestion toll project in Prague brings internalization of automobile externalities, this project is not profitable for the society because of high costs.
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Analýza nákladů v podniku Jihočeská zelenina, a.s. / Analysis of costs in the company called Jihočeská zelenina, a.s.Čadková, Hana January 2011 (has links)
The Master's thesis with the title the analysis of costs in the company called Jihočeská zelenina a.s. The work is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part prepared the basis for the subsequent practical part. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate financial and managerial accounting system in controlling costs in Jihočeská zelenina a.s. and propose solutions for their effectiveness. First was described the organizational structure of the company and its range of products and was mapped his previous work with information at all levels of management. The way of preparing calculations and their current form was solved then. A new possibility how to prepare the calculation was proposed after it. At the conclusion was written about the technical aspect of the topic. They were designed different software solutions in the existing enterprise accounting software, in application MS Excel or the possibility of purchasing a new software programme.
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Diabetes mellitus a její dopad na státní rozpočet ČR / Diabetes mellitus and its impact to state budget of the Czech RepublicMetelková, Kateřina January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with quantifying the costs of treatment of disease, which is by experts described as pandemic of the 21st century, diabetes. In the Czech Republic, the costs of treatment represents more than 6 % of total health expenditures and its quantity is growing, as well as the number of patients. The main goal is to determine costs of treatment for the 1st and the 2nd type of diabetes and the post-treatment complications associated with this disease using up-to-date statistical data and methodology called Pilot analysis of pharmacoeconomic aspects of diabetes mellitus treatment. This thesis also evaluates the change in regulation announcement in the CR and the Czech Republic's approach to diabetes as an incurable disease.
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Náklady a výnosy procesu privatizace období transformace ekonomiky v ČR od roku 1990 / Costs and benefits of the privatization process in a period of transition economy in the Czech Republic since 1990Lhoták, Zdeněk January 2011 (has links)
A key part of the transformation process of the Czechoslovak economy in the post-revolution period was privatization. It was an extraordinary and unique process of transfer of state property to private purchasers, which in terms of its scope and level of difficulty, not only historically unprecedented in the CR. Evaluation of the privatization process is still today the subject of the current discourse of ideas. The aim of this study is to evaluate the success of the privatization process of the Czechoslovak economy in the transition period and comparing this process with similar processes in other transition economies. Evaluated are individual partial privatization methods, as well as the privatization process as a whole. Attention is given to voucher privatization, its importance and status. Evaluated is the financial sector privatization, especially privatization of major banks. At the end is made final conclusion which is accompanied by a self-evaluation.
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Estudo da formulação de custos, através do sistema ABC, em empresas que utilizam armazenagem paletizada / Study of formulation of cost, across of sistem ABC, in firm to use warehouse paletAdriano Marcelo Litcanov 31 January 2003 (has links)
Atualmente, na atividade de armazenagem, os custos possuem grande importância no que se refere a custos, devido ao alto giro de mercadorias nos armazéns, que resulta em grandes quantidades de pedidos, e por terem os pedidos uma característica, que vem crescendo com grande ênfase nos últimos anos, devido a estabilização econômica brasileira, de serem pedidos com baixa quantidade de produtos, ou seja, uma pulverização dos pedidos, que há alguns anos atrás se mostrava de maneira completamente diferente, com pequenas quantidades de pedidos, mas com grandes quantidades de produtos. Este trabalho apresenta um estudo do uso da formulação de custeio de armazaenagem, substituindo o sistema tradicional chamado de \"custeio por absorção\", pela utilização do sistema ABC demonstrando maneiras eficazes em suas alocações de custos, a produtos e clientes, demonstrando sua superioridade em informações do processo, onde os custos são apurados de acordo com atividades consumidas por produtos ou clientes. Foi realizado um estudo comparativo em duas empresas, de pequeno e médio porte, onde foi possível analisar aspectos entre os dois sistemas de custeio, assim possibilitando uma melhor visão dos sistemas e uma tomada de custeio, assim o sistema ABC demostra superioridade em relação ao sistema de custeio por absorção, em aspectos como informações das atividades e dos custos. Deste modo, o sistema ABC aplicado em armazenagem mostra-se importante, ao demonstrar todas as posições de custo do sistema, proporcionado assim um ganho no posicionamento em relação a tomada de decisão, pelo fato de o sistema de absorção ser prejudicado pela falta de informações, tornando a administração lenta e com posicionamentos incorretos, prejudicando o bom desenvolvimento empresarial em um ambiente totalmente globalizado e competitivo, deixando a organização a margem de erros em suas tomadas de decisões. / Nowadays, in the activity of warehousing, the costs have great importance refering to the matter-costs due to the high turn of products in the warehouses, which results in great quantities of orders, and because the orders have a characteristic that is growing with emphasis in the last years due to an economical stabilization in Brazil, the one of being orders of few products, in other words, a pulverization orders, that some years ago showed a completeey different situation, a small quantity of orders, brit with a great quantity of products. This work presents a study use to a formulation of a warehouse cost, substituting the traditional system called \"Absorption cost\", by using the ABC system, demonstrating efficient ways in its cost directions, to products and costumers, demonstrating its superiority in the information about the process, where the costs are checked according to the activities consumed by products or costumers. In a comparative study accomplished between two companies-one large and the other small, it was possible to analize the aspects between the two cost systems, facilitating a better view the systems, and an accurate decision-making, where the ABC system shows superiority in relation to the \"Absorption cost\" system in some aspects as information about the activities and costs. Thus, the ABC system applied in warehousing shows great importance when demonstrates all the cost positions of the system, providing, then, a profit in the positioning in relation to the decision-making, because of the fact of the Absorption System being damaged by the lack of information, making the administration slow and with incorrect positioning, damaging the good enterprising development in totally globalized and competitive environment, leaving the organization exposed to errors in its decision-making.
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Estratégias para tratamento farmacológico da obesidade no Brasil: Revisão sistemática de literatura para análise econômica sob perspectiva privada / Strategies for pharmacological treatment of obesity in Brazil: Systematic review of literature for economic analysis using private perspective.Mariana Vidolin de Lima 08 December 2017 (has links)
Atualmente, a obesidade constitui significativo problema de saúde pública em vários países, associando-se positivamente ao incremento na prevalência de doenças crônicas não transmissíveis. Isso impõe encargos substanciais à população, resultando em redução da qualidade de vida e produtividade, além de elevação dos custos dos sistemas de saúde. Assim, o presente estudo propôs avaliação econômica das estratégias terapêuticas medicamentosas para tratamento da obesidade disponíveis no Brasil, a partir de revisão sistemática de literatura direcionada para identificação de desfechos em saúde associada à estimativa de custos diretos de tratamento das alternativas disponíveis no país. A revisão sistemática de literatura identificou 17 estudos sobre perda de peso para tratamento medicamentoso baseado em sibutramina, orlistat e liraglutida. Em termos de avaliação econômica, verificou-se razão custo-efetividade (RCE) de R$506,75; R$3.116,08 e R$2.176,45 por ponto percentual de peso reduzido para sibutramina, orlistat e liraglutida, respectivamente; indicando melhor efetividade por custo para tratamento medicamentoso com sibutramina. Destaca-se que tratamento medicamentoso da obesidade requer avaliação individual da terapia recomendável, assim como acompanhamento da aderência do paciente. Adicionalmente, ressalta-se necessidade de condução de estudos sobre tratamentos com base em outros medicamentos isolados ou combinações de medicamentos, além de análise da manutenção ou reganho de peso em médio e longo prazo após término do tratamento. / Nowadays, obesity represents a significant public health problem in diverse countries, being positively associated to increased prevalence of chronic noncommunicable diseases. It imposes substantial burden to the population, resulting in losses regarding quality of life and productivity, in addition to increases in health system costs. Thus, the presente study proposed economic assessment of therapeutic strategies based on medication available in Brazilian market for treatment of obesity, using systematic literature review to identify health outcomes associated with direct costs estimation of the treatment alternatives. Systematic review of literature identified 17 studies on weight loss during obesity treatment with sibutramine, orlistat and liraglutide. Regarding economic assessment, cost-effectiveness ratios (RCE) of R$506.75; R$3,116.08 e R$2,176.45 per percentage point of weight loss for treatments with sibutramine, orlistat and liraglutide, respectively; indicating better effectiveness per cost for adoption of treatment with sibutramine. It is important highlight that medication for treatment of obesity requires individual assessment of the recommended therapy and monitoring of the patient\'s adherence to treatment. Additionally, it is advisable to perform further research on other medication available, including monotherapy or combination therapy, along with analysis of maintenance of weight or weight regain after finishing treatment in the long run.
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Linings for canalsYaragatti, Shivaling Lingappa January 2010 (has links)
Typescript (photocopy). / Digitized by Kansas Correctional Industries
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The Cost of the Benefit: How Wilbur Mills's Expansion of Medicare Led to Escalating Medical CostsChaudhary, Sirmad 01 May 2014 (has links)
For much of the early 1960s, House Ways and Means chairman Wilbur Mills represented the “One-Man Veto” on Medicare before eventually offering his reluctant support to the measure in 1964 and 1965. Ironically, this longtime opponent would be the one to suggest an expansion in the scope of the bill. Early proposals for Medicare only offered to cover hospital costs; Mills would call for physician costs to be covered, as well. The aim of this thesis is to show how Mills’s expansion of Medicare benefits in 1965 caused health care costs to skyrocket in the late 1960s, causing the fiscally conservative Mills to co-sponsor legislation for a single-payer national health insurance program along with Senator Edward Kennedy almost a decade later.
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The distribution of the trade effects of the Arab Common MarketKhalaf, Rami 01 January 1983 (has links)
How much of the Arab Common Market provisions are actually implemented? And which member country benefits relatively more than the others from the Common Market arrangement? These are the two major questions that this research attempts to provide answers for. At present, the Arab Common Market is comprised of six member countries: Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Libya, Mauritania, and Democratic Yemen. Egypt was also a member until 1979 when its membership was suspended because of the Camp David Agreements. The first three are considered to be more advanced and were among the first to ratify the Common Market resolution as soon as it was passed in 1965. Accordingly, they are supposed to form a free trade area and are also supposed to be working on establishing a common external tariff against the outside world. Libya joined the Common Market in 1977. Mauritania and Democratic Yemen joined in 1980 and 1981 respectively. However, both were considered to be less advanced and were allowed to exclude a list of products from trade liberalization either to protect domestic industry or for revenue purposes. Goods not included in their exceptions lists were to be liberalized in a gradual process that will extend until 1988 for Mauritania and 1990 for Democratic Yemen. Currently, a free trade area is in operation for Jordan, Syria, and Iraq, at least as far as the removal of tariffs is concerned. However, some other non-tariff barriers are still practiced, such as licensing and foreign exchange allocations. Libya still excludes a number of items from trade liberalization with the objective of protecting domestic industry. Mauritania and Democratic Yemen joined the Common Market in 1980 and 1981; because they are considered to be less advanced, they still have until 1988 and 1990 respectively to implement the trade liberalization program. At present, both Iraq and Syria practice state trading and foreign trade planning. State trading could have a significant, positive or negative, impact on directing trade towards partner countries. It definitely weakens the causal relationship between market forces and trade flows, and subjects trade more to political factors. Because of the extensive use of state trading by Iraq and Syria, trade among member countries of the Arab Common Market fluctuates considerably, dropping when political relationships are tense to negligible amounts and increasing when friendly relationships dominate to an amount not justifiable by market forces alone. This was achieved without resorting to any of the traditional commercial policy tools. The second question regarding who benefits relatively more from the Arab Common Market was answered by looking at trade creation and trade diversion for each country and by looking at the volume of exports of each country to the other Common Market members and the degree of protection that those exports enjoy in their respective markets. Jordan experienced a high degree of trade creation; it has the largest volume of exports, and its exports enjoy the highest degree of protection in the Syrian and Iraqi markets. Based on these criteria, Jordan is assumed to benefit more from the Common Market arrangement. The research also identified other areas of research. Such areas include ex ante measurements of benefits for countries which are still reluctant to join the Common Market and an analysis of the impact of joint projects on the economies of the countries in which they are located and on other members. This is supposed to lead to a formula for allocating industries among member countries. One conclusion of this research is that a pure rational approach will be insufficient for analyzing the impacts of economic integration, and that a multiple perspectives approach is a must for such an analysis.
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