Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cofactor"" "subject:"cafactor""
1161 |
The Effects of Repetitive Thought and Construal Level on Alcohol ConsumptionKiselica, Andrew Mark 13 January 2015 (has links)
Repetitive thought, or the recurrent, often cyclical, focus on self-relevant concerns and experiences, is one liability that may be common across internalizing (INT) and externalizing (EXT) disorders. One particular area of interest for examining repetitive thought as a transdiagnostic process is in relation to alcohol use because alcohol abuse and dependence are the most common, and possibly most costly, EXT disorders. This study experimentally induced abstract repetitive thought, concrete repetitive thought, or distraction to test if repetitive thought and construal level have an effect on drinking behavior. It was hypothesized that individuals in both repetitive thought conditions would drink more than those in the distraction condition. Second, it was expected that individuals in the abstract condition would drink more than those in the concrete condition. Neither of these hypotheses was supported. Additionally, to assess for evidence of repetitive thought as a transdiagnostic process, the interaction between repetitive thought and INT was examined. If repetitive thought is truly transdiagnostic, then the relationship between repetitive thought and drinking should be stronger for individuals with more internalizing symptoms. Results did not indicate a significant interaction effect. The lack of findings in this study may be due to an ineffective experimental manipulation. Alternatively, they may suggest that repetitive thought does not have an effect on drinking.
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Evaluation and Application of Instruments Measuring Spatial Ability and Attitude for College Chemistry StudentsXu, Xiaoying 20 November 2014 (has links)
Student performance in college chemistry courses remains a concern for educators seeking to help improve the future STEM workforce. Besides math ability and prior chemistry knowledge, spatial ability and attitude toward chemistry have been considered as important factors influencing college chemistry performance. This work includes five studies and uses data collected from instruments to examine the relationships of these two factors - spatial ability and attitude - with student chemistry performance, and provides psychometric evidence for using the Purdue Visualization of Rotations test (ROT) and Attitude toward the Subject of Chemistry Inventory (ASCIv2) to measure these two factors, respectively, in college chemistry classrooms.
The first two studies are about the evaluation and application of the ROT to measure the spatial ability of college chemistry students. Study 1, Sex difference in spatial ability for college students and exploration of measurement invariance, examines whether ROT items function in the same way between sexes. This study provides evidence that the ROT is an appropriate tool to measure the mental rotation component of spatial ability for college students. Results indicate the bi-factorial structure of ROT items, with each of the five items sharing the same rotation pattern. Thus, the item score is influenced by the general construct of mental rotation ability and the item rotation pattern. In addition, ROT items function in the same way across sexes; therefore, they can support the use of ROT for examining sex difference with less concern about test bias. A sex gap favoring males persists in the data.
The second study, The role of spatial ability in students' progression through organic chemistry, examines whether students who scored low on the ROT in general chemistry are less likely to advance through organic chemistry, and the relationship of spatial ability to organic chemistry course grades for students who completed organic chemistry courses. The findings indicate that the ability to perform mental rotations, as measured by the ROT, does not present a barrier for students seeking to advance and succeed in the organic chemistry course sequence in the current setting after other factors, such as math ability, are held constant. For students who were at the low end of ROT, alternate approaches can be used to compensate for the lack of mental rotation ability to solve spatial-related chemistry problems, as suggested by the literature.
The next three studies are about the evaluation and application of the ASCIv2 to measure student attitude toward chemistry. The ASCIv2 is based upon a previous publication, Refinement of a chemistry attitude measure for college students. Study 3, Attitude toward the subject of chemistry in Australia: An ALIUS and POGIL collaboration to promote cross-national comparisons, and Study 4, Gathering psychometric evidence for ASCIv2 to support cross-cultural attitudinal studies for college chemistry programs, gather psychometric evidence for the use of ASCIv2 internationally. The purpose for these two pilot studies is to investigate how ASCIv2 functions at multiple sites where the Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is implemented with one of the objectives being to foster a positive attitude toward the subject in general. One student cohort is from a university in Australia, and the other is from a Saudi Arabian institution. The findings suggest ASCIv2 can be an appropriate tool to measure attitude in an Australian context; however, Saudi Arabian student cohorts responded differently to the item (chemistry is challenging vs. unchallenging), which raises concern about using these items to measure the attitude subscale for students in Saudi Arabia. As compared to Australian and Saudi Arabian students, US students at SE exhibited a negative attitude towards chemistry. Special attention should be paid to ways of getting students more interested in Chemistry.
The last study, College students' attitudes toward chemistry, conceptual knowledge and achievement: structural equation model analysis, examines the contribution of attitude to chemistry performance when math ability and prior chemistry conceptual knowledge are controlled. Results reveal that a full SEM model using three predictors at the beginning of the semester can explain a very high percentage (69%) of the variance in chemistry achievement at the end of course. Both prior conceptual knowledge and attitude toward chemistry contribute a significant unique portion to the prediction of chemistry achievement when controlling for math ability. Therefore, we should not ignore the importance of student conceptual understanding and attitude.
Additional analysis was performed using both ROT and ASCIv2. Results from multiple regression analysis indicate that the unique contribution of the ROT score to the ACS general chemistry exam score is not significant when other variables, such as attitude and math ability, are controlled.
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Pussel- och reaktionsbaserade utmaningar i skräckspel : Hur påverkar olika typer av hinder den upplevda rädslan? / Puzzle and reaction-based challenges in horror games : How do different types of obstacles affect the perceived fear?Rova, Regina January 2019 (has links)
Inspirerat från ett blogginlägg om funktionen av Two-Factor Theory of Emotion i skräckspel, författat av Chris Pruett (2009), ämnade denna studie undersöka på vilket sätt, om något, kan olika ludiska utmaningar påverka den affektiva tonen i skräckspel. Undersökningen hade 12 deltagare. Baserat på en förundersökning delades deltagarna in i två grupper. Deltagarna fick sedan spela igenom en artefakt som hade två utmaningar, ett logiskt pussel och ett spatialt/reaktionsbaserat plattformshinder. Alla deltagare spelade igenom samma innehåll – men beroende på vilken grupp de tillhörde bytte utmaningarna plats i nivåerna. Under spelningen bar deltagarna ett pulsband och blev observerade, efter sessionen svarade deltagarna på ett formulär. Datan sammanställdes och grupperna jämfördes mot varandra. Framtida forskning kan med fördel utföras med större deltagarantal.
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Periphere Expression von Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen / Altered peripheral expression of brain derived neurotrophic factor in blood of children and adolescents with autism spectrum disordersAlbantakis, Laura Irena Teresa January 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Neurotrophine beeinflussen durch die Modulation von Prozessen wie Zellproliferation, -migration, Apoptose und Synapsenbildung entscheidend die neuronale Plastizität. Sie gelten deshalb als Kandidatengene neuronaler Entwicklungsstörungen wie Autismus-Spektrum-Störungen (ASS). Die vorgelegte Arbeit zielt auf die weitere Klärung der Rolle von Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) bei der Ätiopathophysiologie der ASS durch Expressionsanalysen im Blut als potenziellem Surrogat zentralnervöser Prozesse.
In gut charakterisierten ASS-Stichproben und - neben gesunden Kontrollprobanden - einer klinischen Kontrollgruppe von Patienten mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/ Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) wurde die BDNF-mRNA-Expression in Vollblut sowie BDNF-Proteinserumkonzentrationen untersucht. Zusätzlich wurden mögliche Einflussfaktoren auf die BDNF-Werte wie Alter, IQ, autismusspezifische Symptomatik, Komorbidität und Medikation analysiert.
In einer ersten Stichprobe (ASS-Patienten versus gesunde Kontrollen) wurden
signifikant erniedrigte BDNF-Serumkonzentrationen in der Patientengruppe mittels
Enzyme-Linked-Immunosorbent-Assay gemessen (p = 0,040). In einer zweiten unabhängigen Stichprobe (Patienten mit ASS, Patienten mit ADHS und gesunde Kontrollen) wurde auf mRNA-Ebene mittels quantitativer Real-Time-Polymerasekettenreaktion ebenfalls ein signifikanter Gruppenunterschied ermittelt mit erniedrigter BDNF-Expression in der ASS-Gruppe im Vergleich zu gesunder Kontrollgruppe (p = 0,011), sowie einem Trend zu erniedrigten BDNF-Werten bei ADHS-Patienten im Vergleich zu gesunden Probanden (p = 0,097). Des Weiteren wurde eine signifikante negative Korrelation zwischen Alter und BDNF-mRNA-Expression bei Patienten mit ASS sowie eine positive Korrelation von Alter und BDNF-Serumkonzentrationen bei gesunden Kontrollen gemessen. Auch korrelierten die BDNF-Werte im Serum mit der Ausprägung des autistischen Phänotyps. In einer Subgruppe der ADHS-Patienten wurde kein Einfluss von Psychostimulanzien auf die BDNF-mRNA-Expression gemessen.
Der Einbezug größerer Stichproben sowie die systematische Erfassung weiterer potenzieller Einflussfaktoren auf die BDNF-Expression (wie pubertärer Entwicklungsstand bzw. Geschlechtshormonkonzentrationen) könnten in zukünftigen Studien zu einer weiteren Klärung der pathophysiologischen Rolle von BDNF bei Kindern und Jugendlichen mit ASS beitragen. / Neurotrophins impact on neuronal plasticity by modulating processes such as cell proliferation, cell migration, apoptosis and synaptic plasticity. Therefore, they are regarded as candidate genes for neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASD). The following work aims at further clarifying the role of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the pathophysiology of ASD by expression analyses in blood as a potential surrogate for BDNF effects observed in the central nervous system.
BDNF mRNA expression in whole blood and BDNF serum concentrations were analyzed in well characterized samples of ASD patients, healthy controls, and a clinical control group of patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). In addition, potential modulating factors such as age, IQ, autistic phenotype, comorbidity and medication were further investigated.
In a first project (ASD patients vs. healthy controls) significantly lower BDNF serum concentrations in the ASD group were observed via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (p = 0.040). In a second independent sample and project (patients with ASS, patients with ADHD, and healthy controls), BDNF mRNA expression was analyzed using quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction. Also in this sample, a significant group difference was found with lower BDNF expression in the ASD group compared to the health controls (p = 0.011). Moreover, a trend of decreased BDNF mRNA levels was observed for patients with ADHD in comparison to the normally developing controls (p = 0.097). Furthermore, with regard to potential influencing factors, we found a significant negative correlation between age and BDNF mRNA expression in patients with ASD, as well as a positive correlation between age and BDNF serum concentrations in healthy controls. A positive correlation was moreover detected between the serum BDNF concentrations and autistic phenotype. Testing a sub-group of ADHD patients, no significant influence of stimulants was observed on BDNF mRNA expression.
In future studies, bigger sample sizes as well as a systematic assessment of other factors that potentially influence BDNF expression (like pubertal developmental status or concentration of sex hormones) could further clarify the pathophysiological role of BDNF in children and adolescents with ASD.
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Langzeitergebnisse der Ranibizumabtherapie der altersabhängigen feuchten Makuladegeneration / Long-term results of ranibizumab treatment for wet age-related macular degenerationWeindl, Katharina January 2019 (has links) (PDF)
In einer retrospektiven Studie in der Augenklinik Würzburg wurde die Ranibizumabtherapie bei Patienten mit altersabhängiger Makuladegeneration (AMD) im klinischen Alltag ausgewertet.
Patientenakten von Patienten mit AMD, die im Jahr 2007 mit der Ranibizumabtherapie begannen, wurden untersucht. Daten wurden bis zum Ende der Behandlung und/oder Nachbeobachtung bis 2009 gesammelt. Der primäre Endpunkt war das Verhältnis der Patienten, die weniger als 15 Buchstaben (bzw. 0,3 logMAR Einheiten) an Visus verloren zwischen Beginn und nach 12 Monaten.
375 Patienten wurden einbezogen, nur 298 Patienten beendeten die Untersuchung nach einem Jahr. Nach 12 Monaten verloren 72% der Patienten weniger als 15 Buchstaben. Die Sehschärfe verbesserte sich bis 12 Wochen nach der ersten Injektion und verschlechterte sich danach wieder. Patienten mit mehr als 3 Injektionen profitierten mehr als Patienten mit weniger Injektionen. Durchschnittlich wurden 4,25 Injektionen innerhalb eines Jahres gegeben. Der durchschnittliche Rückgang der Netzhautdicke betrug 50 µm.
Intravitreale Injektionen von Ranibizumab in der Augenklinik Würzburg führten zu einer Visusverbesserung. Der Visusgewinn konnte nach 3 Monaten nicht gehalten werden. Bessere Reinjektionskriterien, mehr OCT Untersuchungen und besseres Nachsorgemanagement sollten entwickelt werden. / Background
Real-life ranibizumab therapy used in patients with wet age related macular degeneration (AMD) was assessed in a retrospective study in Augenklinik Würzburg
Medical records of patients with AMD, who started ranibizumab treatment in 2007, were evaluated. Data were collected until the end of treatment and/or monitoring until 2009. The primary end point was the proportion of patients losing fewer than 15 letters (0,3 logMAR units) from baseline visual acuity at 12 months.
375 patients were included, only 298 patients finished one-year examination. At 12 months 72% of the patients lost fewer than 15 letters. Visual acuity improved until 12 weeks after first injection and was not maintained afterwards. Patients with more than 3 Injections profited more than patients with less injections. In average, there were 4,25 injections given in one year. The average decrease in retinal thickness was 50µm.
Intravitreal administration of ranibizumab in Augenklinik Würzburg improved vision acuity. The vision gain was not maintained after 3 months. Criteria for reinjection, more oct examinations and better control management must be developed.
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The Growth Factor PDGF and its Signaling Pathways in Colorectal Cancer / Der Wachstumsfaktor PDGF und seine Signalwege im KolorektalkarzinomMönch, Romana January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
A successful therapy for colorectal cancer (CRC), one of the most common malignancies worldwide, requires the greatest possible research effort. Of critical importance is an understanding of the relevant intracellular networks of signaling cascades, their activation, and the resulting cellular changes that are a prerequisite for a more successful CRC therapy. Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and the appropriate VEGF receptors represent molecular targets that have already been successfully implemented in the clinic (i.e. using monoclonal antibodies, tyrosine kinase inhibitors). However, for platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and the relevant PDGF receptors, there are currently no clinically approved molecular therapeutics available. However, there are preliminary data to show that PDGF and its associated signaling pathways play an important role in CRC progression. In particular, the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is emerging as an important intracellular partner of PDGF with which to control proliferation, migration, and angiogenesis in tumor cells.
Therefore it was the objective of this work to investigate the multifactorial influence of PDGF on proliferation and metabolism, depending on CRC mutation status. The intention was to identify new therapeutic targets for future cancer therapy through analyses of PDGF-induced intracellular changes.
For this purpose two human colorectal cancer cell lines were analyzed at gene and/or protein level for components of the PI3K/Akt/mTOR and MAPK signaling pathway, c-Myc, p53, and HIF1α (hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α). Changes in proliferation and metabolism, either during stimulation with PDGF and/or PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibition, were also investigated. Experiments conducted at protein level during PDGF stimulation and/or PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibition revealed changes in signaling pathways and crosstalk. The influence of the tumor suppressors (retinoblastoma, Rb), oncogenes (c-Myc, p53mut), and HIF1α during stimulation with PDGF, and their interactions in the tumor cell with respect to proliferation and glycolysis warrant further examination in terms of clinical treatment options. Investigations at the gene level of ex vivo samples (UICC I-IV) complete the study with regards to the clinical relevance of PDGF.
PDGF stimulation increases tumor cell proliferation in HT29 cells via the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway rather than the MAPK pathway. However, if the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway is pharmacologically blocked, PDGF stimulation is mediated by inhibitory crosstalk through the MAPK pathway. Further analyses revealed that specific Akt inhibition impedes tumor cell growth, while PI3K inhibition had little effect on proliferation. Inhibitory crosstalk was found to be responsible for these different effects. Careful intervention strategies are therefore required if future therapies intend to make use of these specific signaling pathways. One aim of future research should be to gain a better understanding of the crosstalk between these signaling pathways. In this fashion, “over-inhibition” of the signal pathways, which would result in additional clinical side effects for patients, could be prevented.
In late stage UICC, more mutation events occur, with tumorigenicity promoted by an increased mutation rate. Given that PDGF is increasingly expressed in the late UICC stages, our data would indicate that PDGF's effects are amplified with increasing malignancy. The activating effect of PDGF on the PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and subsequent changes in the activity of p53mut, Rb, c-Myc, and HIF1α, lead to an unfavorable prognosis for colon cancer patients. PDGF acts on colon cancer cells in an Akt-activating, glycolysis-dependent manner. PDGF increases glycolysis and the ability of CRC cells to adjust their energy metabolism. These activities should be taken as possible starting points with which to design therapeutic interventions for CRC therapy.
PDGF, as another representative of the growth factor family, seems to play a similar role to VEGF in CRC. The data from this study underline the importance of the PDGF - PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway-axis and its potential as a possible target in colorectal cancer. Thus PDGF represents an attractive therapeutic target, besides the VEGF/EGFR-based therapies already used in CRC. / Die erfolgreiche Therapie von Darmkrebs, eine der häufigsten malignen Erkrankungen weltweit, erfordert den größtmöglichen Forschungsaufwand. Von entscheidender Bedeutung ist das Verständnis der maßgeblichen intrazellulären Vernetzungen der Signalkaskaden, deren Aktivierung und die daraus resultierenden zellulären Veränderungen als Vorrausetzung einer erfolgreicheren Darmkrebstherapie. Der Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) und die entsprechenden VEGF Rezeptoren stellen molekulare Ziele dar, die im Kolorektalkarzinom bereits erfolgreich in die Klinik implementiert wurden (wie zum Beispiel monoklonale Antikörper oder Tyrosinkinaseinhibitoren). Für den Wachstumsfaktor Platelet Derived Growth Factor (PDGF) und den entsprechenden PDGF Rezeptoren stehen jedoch noch keine klinisch zugelassenen molekularen Therapeutika zu Verfügung. Allerdings zeigen erste Daten, dass PDGF und seine zugehörigen Signalwege auch eine wichtige Rolle in der Tumorprogression spielen. Insbesondere der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg kristallisiert sich als wichtiger intrazellulärer Partner von PDGF heraus, um die Proliferation, Migration und Angiogenese in Tumorzellen zu steuern.
Deshalb war es Ziel dieser Arbeit, den multifaktoriellen Einfluss von PDGF auf die Proliferation und den Metabolismus, abhängig vom Mutationsstatus, im CRC näher zu untersuchen. Neue therapeutische Angriffsziele für eine zukünftige Tumortherapie sollen durch Analyse der PDGF-bedingten intrazellulären Veränderungen gefunden werden.
Hierfür wurden zwei humane Kolorektalkarzinom Zelllinien auf Gen- und/oder Proteinebene auf Komponenten des PI3K/Akt/mTOR- und des MAPK-Signalwegs, auf c-Myc, p53 und HIF1α (Hypoxia-inducible-factor 1α) analysiert. Ferner wurden Änderungen der Proliferation und des Metabolismus jeweils unter Stimulation mit PDGF bzw. PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibition untersucht. Durchgeführte Proteinuntersuchungen unter PDGF Stimulation bzw. PI3K/Akt/mTOR Inhibition offenbarten Veränderungen in den Signalwegen und des Crosstalks. Auch die Beeinflussung der Tumor Suppressoren (Retinoblastoma, Rb), Onkogenen (c-Myc, p53mut) und HIF1α unter PDGF Stimulation und deren Zusammenspiel in der Tumorzelle hinsichtlich Proliferation und Glykolyse rechtfertigen im Hinblick auf klinische Therapiemöglichkeiten weitere Untersuchungen. Die Genuntersuchung von ex vivo Gewebeproben (UICC I-IV) komplettieren die Untersuchung unter Beachtung der klinischen Relevanz von PDGF.
Die PDGF Stimulation steigert die Tumorzellproliferation in den HT29 Kolonkarzinom Zellen über den PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg anstatt über den MAPK Signalweg. Allerdings wird die Stimulation mit PDGF durch den inhibitorischen Crosstalk über den MAPK Signalweg vermittelt, sollte der PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg durch pharmakologische Inhibition blockiert sein. Die weitergehende Analyse hat gezeigt, dass eine spezifische Akt Inhibition das Tumorzellwachstum hemmt, während eine PI3K Inhibition kaum Einfluss auf die Proliferation besitzt. Der inhibitorische Crosstalk ist für diese unterschiedlichen Effekte verantwortlich. Sorgfältige Interventionsstrategien sind daher erforderlich, wenn man diese spezifischen Signalwege zukünftig therapeutisch ausnutzen möchte. Daher sollte ein besseres Verständnis der Crosstalks zwischen diesen Signalwegen Ziel zukünftiger Forschung sein. Auf diese Weise könnte auch eine „Über-Inhibition“ der Signalwege verhindert werden, die zusätzliche klinische Nebenwirkungen für die Patienten zur Folge hätte.
In den späten UICC Stadien treten vermehrt Mutationen auf, die die Kanzerogenität mit steigender Mutationsrate fördert. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass PDGF in den späten UICC Stadien verstärkt exprimiert wird, deuten unsere Daten darauf hin, dass die Effekte von PDGF die erhöhte Malignität verstärken. Der aktivierende Effekt von PDGF auf den PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalweg und nachfolgende Aktivitätsänderungen von p53mut, Rb, c-Myc und HIF1α führen zu einem ungünstigen Verlauf bei Patienten mit Kolorektalkarzinom. PDGF wirkt auf Darmkrebszellen in einer Akt- aktivierenden, Glykolyse-abhängigen Art und Weise. PDGF steigert die Glykolyse und die Fähigkeit der kolorektalen Karzinomzellen, ihren Energiemetabolismus unter PDGF Stimulation anzupassen. Diese Aktivitäten sollten als mögliche therapeutisch nutzbare Ausgangspunkte verwendet werden, um Therapieansätze für das kolorektale Karzinom zu entwerfen.
PDGF, als weiterer Vertreter aus der Familie der Wachstumsfaktoren, scheint eine vergleichbare Rolle wie VEGF im kolorektalen Karzinom zu spielen. Die Daten dieser Studie unterstreichen die Wichtigkeit der PDGF - PI3K/Akt/mTOR Signalwegsachse und deren Potential für ein mögliches Angriffsziel im kolorektalen Karzinom. PDGF stellt somit ein interessantes therapeutisches Ziel neben der bereits genutzten VEGF/EGFR – basierten Therapie im kolorektalen Karzinom dar.
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Youth Character Strengths, Peer Victimization, and Well-Being: Understanding Associations between Positive Traits, Social Experiences, and Positive Psychological OutcomesFrank, Michael James 31 December 2014 (has links)
The advent of positive psychology has increased awareness of factors that lead individuals to thrive in life, allowing for a more comprehensive model of mental health service delivery. However, while measurement and understanding of character strengths and well-being have improved over the last decade, the interaction of these factors with social risk factors is not entirely understood. The current study analyzed an archival dataset consisting of self-report data from 425 high school students, to examine the extent to which high school students' specific character strengths (i.e., social competence, self-regulation, responsibility, and empathy) are associated with positive psychological outcomes (i.e., gratitude, life satisfaction, and hope), and moderate the relationships between positive psychological outcomes and relational and overt peer victimization. All measured character strengths were positively associated with life satisfaction and hope except for empathy, which was negatively associated with both in multivariate analyses. Social competence and self-regulation were positively associated with gratitude. Relational victimization (but not overt victimization) was inversely associated with life satisfaction and gratitude, and indirectly predicted hope as mediated by gratitude. Gratitude and hope predicted life satisfaction in both models, and served as partial mediators of character strengths and relational victimization. For overt victimization, social competence served as a protective factor and self-regulation served as a risk factor to gratitude. For relational victimization, self-regulation served as a protective factor to gratitude. Implications for research and practice are discussed.
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Effects of nerve growth factor on TGF-Beta,Smad signal transduction in PC12 cells / Einfluß von NGF auf die TGF-ß/Smad Signaltransduktion in PC12 ZellenLutz, Marion January 2002 (has links) (PDF)
Transforming growth factor-ß (TGF-ß) is a multifunctional cytokine that is engaged in regulating versatile cellular processes that are pivotal for development and homeostasis of most tissues in multicellular organisms. TGF-ß signal transduction is initially propagated by binding of TGF-ß to transmembrane serine/threonine kinase receptors, designated TßRI and TßRII. Upon activation, the receptors phosphorylate Smad proteins which serve as downstream mediators that enter the nucleus and finally trigger transcriptional responses of specific genes. During the past years, it became evident that signaling cascades do not proceed in a linear fashion but rather represent a complex network of numerous pathways that mutually influence each other. Along these lines, members of the TGF-ß superfamily are attributed to synergize with neurotrophins. Together, they mediate neurotrophic effects in different populations of the nervous system, suggesting that an interdependence exists between TGF-ßs on the one hand and neurotrophins on the other. In the present work, the crosstalk of NGF and TGF-ß/Smad signaling pathways is characterized in rat pheochromocytoma cells (PC12) which are frequently used as a model system for neuronal differentiation. PC12 cells were found to be unresponsive to TGF-ß due to limiting levels of TßRII. However, stimulation with NGF results in initiation of Smad-mediated transcription independent of TGF-ß. Binding of NGF to functional TrkA receptors triggers activation of Smad3. This NGF-dependent Smad activation occurs by a mechanism which is different from being induced by TGF-ß receptors in that it provokes a different phosphorylation pattern of R-Smads. Together with an inferior role of TßRI, Smad3 is proposed to serve as a substrate for cellular kinases other than TßRI. Based on the presented involvement of components of both, the MAPK/Erk and the TAK1/MKK6 cascade, signal mediators of these pathways rank as candidates to mediate direct activation of Smad3. Smad3 is subsequently translocated to the nucleus and activates transcription in a Smad4-dependent manner. Negative regulation is provided by Smad7 which was found to act as a potent inhibitor of Smad signaling not only in TGF-ß- but also in NGF-mediated cascades. The potential of NGF to activate the Smad pathway independent of TGF-ß might be of special importance in regulating expression of genes that are essential for the development and function of neuronal cells or of other NGF-sensitive cells, in particular those which are TGF-ß-resistant. / Das multifunktionelle Zytokin TGF-ß ist an der Regulation vielfältiger zellulärer Prozesse beteiligt. Diese sind für die Entwicklung und die Homöostase der meisten Gewebe vielzelliger Organismen essenziell. Die TGF-ß Signaltransduktionskaskade wird durch die Bindung des Zytokins an spezifische transmembrane Serin/Threonin-Kinase Rezeptoren (TßRI und TßRII) initiiert. Eine solche Rezeptoraktivierung führt zur Phosphorylierung von Smad Proteinen. Diese dienen der Signalweiterleitung, indem sie anschließend in den Zellkern translozieren und dort die Transkription spezifischer Zielgene modulieren. In den letzten Jahren wurde deutlich, dass Signalkaskaden nicht nur linear weitergeleitet werden, sondern dass vielmehr ein komplexes Netzwerk aus zahlreichen, sich gegenseitig regulierenden, Signalwegen existiert. In diesem Zusammenhang wird auch den Mitgliedern der TGF-ß Superfamilie zugeschrieben, dass sie mit Neurotrophinen kooperieren und somit deren Effekte in unterschiedlichen neuronalen Zellpopulationen unterstützen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der "crosstalk" von NGF- und TGF-ß/Smad-Signalwegen charakterisiert. Als Zellsystem dienten dazu Ratten Pheochromocytoma Zellen (PC12), die weithin als Modellsystem für neuronale Differenzierung verwendet werden. Basierend auf der Expression limitierender Mengen an TßRII, zeigen PC12 Zellen keine Responsivität gegenüber TGF-ß. Stimulation mit NGF hingegen resultiert - unabhängig von TGF-ß - in der Initiation von Smad-vermittelter Transkription. Die initiale Bindung von NGF an TrkA Rezeptoren führt zur Aktivierung von Smad3. Diese NGF-induzierte Smad-Aktivierung unterscheidet sich von der durch TGF-ß-Rezeptoren initiierten Aktivierung hinsichtlich des Phosphorylierungsmusters der R-Smads. Da weiterhin gezeigt werden konnte, dass die TGF-ß Rezeptoren für NGF-induzierte Ereignisse eine untergeordnete Rolle spielen, wird angenommen, dass Smad3 ein Substrat für andere zelluläre Kinasen als TßRI ist. Die hier nachgewiesene Beteiligung der MAPK/Erk Kaskade sowie des TAK1/MKK6 Signalwegs an der Weiterleitung des NGF-Signals machen deren Signalmoleküle zu potenziellen Kinasen für die direkte Aktivierung von Smad3. Im Anschluß daran erfolgt die nukleäre Translokation des Smad3 und spezifische Promotoraktivierungen unter Beteiligung von Smad4. Abschließend konnte gezeigt werden, dass das Smad7 Protein, nicht nur nach TGF-ß- sondern auch nach NGF-Stimulation als effektiver Inhibitor der Smad Signalkaskade wirkt. Die bislang unbekannte Fähigkeit, den Smad-Signaltransduktionsweg unabhängig von TGF-ß zu aktivieren, schreibt NGF eine besondere Bedeutung für die Genregulation in neuronalen Zellpopulationen oder anderen NGF-sensitiven - insbesondere TGF-ß-resistenten - Zellen zu.
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Talin : a novel inducible antagonist of transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-[beta]1) signal transductionRafiei, Shahrzad. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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Blood vessel growth in primate retinal development: Relationship of retinal maturation with choriocapillaris growth and a role for TGF-β in the retina.Allende, Marie Alexandra January 2008 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Background: The development of the blood supply in the primate retina has been extensively studied; however the relationship of the differentiating retina to the choroidal blood supply is less well known. The interaction of astrocytes and vascular endothelial cells promotes the development of the retinal vasculature from 14 weeks’ gestation (WG). Initially, astrocytes lead the developing capillaries from the optic nerve towards the macular area. However, neither astrocytes nor endothelial cells enter a prescribed avascular area, within which the fovea later forms. This may be attributed to expression of a factor that inhibits astrocyte and endothelial cell proliferation in the fovea. A factor found in the CNS that is already known to have these effects is transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β). Aims: This thesis investigated the relationship between retinal maturation and choroidal blood vessel supply and the possible role for TGF-β as an antiangiogenic factor in maintaining an avascular fovea during primate retinal development. Methods: Human eyes between 11 WG and 40 years were obtained with ethical approval from Prince of Wales Hospital and the NSW Lions Eye Bank and fixed and sectioned for histological procedures or prepared for polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Macaque eyes from foetal day (fd) 64 to postnatal 11years (p11y) were obtained from Bogor Agriculture University, Indonesia with the approval of the Ethics Committee of the University of Washington, Seattle, USA. Macaque eyes were also fixed and sectioned for immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation. RNA was extracted from human foetal retinas and used for RTPCR (Reverse Transcriptase PCR), QPCR (Quantitative PCR) and preparation of riboprobes. PCR products were analysed using both restriction digest and sequencing. RTPCR was used to identify TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 in the developing human and in the developing and adult macaque retinas whilst QPCR was used to quantify the TGF-β isoforms in central compared to peripheral retina and in foetal compared to adult retina. In situ hybridisation was performed according to a standard protocol and visualised using Roche HNPP Fast Red detection set with designed riboprobes for TGF-β1, TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 (DIG RNA labelling kit). Some sections were counterstained with vimentin antibody. Immunohistochemistry was performed on human retina and choroid sections using antibodies to CD34 and Ki67 and on human and macaque retina using antibodies to synaptophysin, vimentin, GFAP, calbindin, S-opsin, RG-opsin, rhodopsin, TGF-β1, TGF-β2, TGF-β3 and their receptors TβRI and TβRII. Sections of the retina were imaged and analysed using either a Leica Confocal microscope and TCSNT software or Zeiss Confocal microscope and LSM 5 Pascal software. Data from the human retina and choroid sections corresponding to different regions (foveal, parafoveal nasal, parafoveal temporal, nasal and temporal) was collected to measure the number of Ki-67 immunolabelled mitotic endothelial cells and the area of CD34 immunolabelled choriocapillaris using Adobe Photoshop version 5.0.2, NIH software version 1.62 (measurement macros) and Excel. In the human and macaque sections the intensity of TGF-β protein and mRNA expression was captured from different regions of the retina (foveal, parafoveal nasal, parafoveal temporal, nasal, temporal, nasal to disc) to compile montages. Montages were then re-imported into LSM 5 Pascal software to measure the optical density across each montage along the ganglion cell layer, outer neuroblastic zone and photoreceptor layer collecting data in Excel for graphical representation. In addition to the montages, individual sections were assessed for co-localisation of TGF-β and TβR to various retinal cell types. Results: Analyses of choriocapillaris area and endothelial cell (EC) proliferation were able to demonstrate that the area of choriocapillaris endothelium is greater in the foveal region at all ages (14-18.5WG), that the rate of choriocapillaris EC proliferation declines dramatically over this same period and that the lowest rates of EC proliferation are at the incipient fovea. Most importantly these findings indicate that EC proliferation in the choriocapillaris does not appear to be promoted by increased metabolic activity in central retinal neurons which are more developed with higher oxygen and nutrient demands, which is the mechanism widely thought to regulate development of the retinal vasculature. PCR showed all TGF-β isoforms to be present in the human developing and adult retina. QPCR revealed that TGF-β2 was the most predominant isoform, followed by TGF-β3 with very small amounts of TGF-β1 seen. The isoforms were more abundant in developing rather than adult retina and in central rather than peripheral retina. Studies of the distribution of TGF-β protein and mRNA using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridisation confirmed the low levels of TGF-β1 protein and mRNA observed in QPCR and demonstrated distinct centroperipheral gradients in the photoreceptor layer for TGF-β2 and TGF-β3. Relative high amounts of TGF-β in the fovea could affect vascular patterning due to TβRI seen in astrocytes which lead the blood vessels at the foveal rim at the level of the ganglion cell plexus. TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 expression is detected before formation of the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) at fd64 (~15WG) - fd73 (~17WG) with levels peaking in the foveal region at fd105 (~25WG) by the time the FAZ forms. Conclusions: This thesis has shown that EC proliferation in the choriocapillaris does not appear to be promoted by increased metabolic activity in central retinal neurons as reduced rates of EC proliferation in the ‘foveal’ chorioretinal location were observed at all ages studied between 14 and 18.5WG. The findings suggest that mechanisms regulating proliferation and growth of the choroidal vasculature are independent of differentiation in the neural retina and are therefore different to those governing the formation of the retinal vasculature. All TGF-β isoforms are expressed in developing and adult human and macaque retina with TGF-β2 being the predominant isoform. TGF-β isoforms are more abundant in central compared to peripheral retina and in developing compared to adult retina. Centro-peripheral gradients of TGF-β2 and TGF-β3 across the photoreceptor layer and TβRI on astrocytes support the presence of TGF-β in the fovea as an antiproliferative and antiangiogenic factor by helping to define the FAZ early in development, well before 23-25 WG in humans and before fd100 in macaques.
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