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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Výdej léčivých přípravků podle zákona o léčivech / Dispensing of medicinal products under the Act on Pharmaceuticals

Krchňáková, Klára January 2020 (has links)
Dispensing of medicinal products under the Act on Pharmaceuticals Medicinal products are an important part of almost everyone's life due to their ability to minimize, prevent or eliminate undesirable external influences. Given the need to ensure the safety of the use of medicinal products and the protection of public health, the dispensing of medicinal products needs to be highly regulated. The aim of this thesis is to analyze and describe the legal regulation of the process of dispensing medicinal products in pharmacies, with emphasis on the mail-order dispensing of medicinal products, to point out to legislative shortcomings and to propose changes de lege ferenda. In order to fulfil these objectives, the thesis is divided into five parts. The first part of this thesis deals with basic legislative concepts in the field of dispensing of medicinal products and sources of legislation at the Czech and European level, including a detailed analysis of the guidelines of the State Institute for Drug Control and their ability to regulate the rights and obligations of their recipients in a binding manner. Finally, the first part covers the public authorities regulating the dispensing of medicinal products. The second part of the thesis provides an analysis of the current regulation of dispensing of...

Text Classification: Exploiting the Social Network

Alkhereyf, Sakhar Badr M January 2021 (has links)
Within the context of social networks, existing methods for document classification tasks typically only capture textual semantics while ignoring the text’s metadata, e.g., the users who exchange emails and the communication networks they form. However, some work has shown that incorporating the social network information in addition to information from language is useful for various NLP applications, including sentiment analysis, inferring user attributes, and predicting interpersonal relations. In this thesis, we present empirical studies of incorporating social network information from the underlying communication graphs for various text classification tasks. We show different graph representations for different problems. Also, we introduce social network features extracted from these graphs. We use and extend graph embedding models for text classification. Our contributions are as follows. First, we have annotated large datasets of emails with fine-grained business and personal labels. Second, we propose graph representations for the social networks induced from documents and users and apply them on different text classification tasks. Third, we propose social network features extracted from these structures for documents and users. Fourth, we exploit different methods for modeling the social network of communication for four tasks: email classification into business and personal, overt display of power detection in emails, hierarchical power detection in emails, and Reddit post classification. Our main findings are: incorporating the social network information using our proposed methods improves the classification performance for all of the four tasks, and we beat the state-of-the-art graph embedding based model on the three tasks on email; additionally, for the fourth task (Reddit post classification), we argue that simple methods with the proper representation for the task can outperform a state-of-the-art generic model.

”Tjenixen boss!” En kritisk diskursanalys av interna mail i en säljorganisation / "Tjenixen boss!" A critical discourse analysis of internal emails in a sales organization

Håkansson, Emma January 2021 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka relationer mellan sändare och mottagare i interna mail i en hierarkiskt uppbyggd säljorganisation. Studien ska besvara vilka språkhandlingar och sociala strategier som används och hur användandet av dessa påverkar relationen mellan sändaren och mottagaren. Analysmetoderna som studien använder sig av är hämtade från den funktionella grammatiken, en konstruktivistisk språkmodell. Språkhandlingarna som ingår i materialet beskrivs som utbyten och kategoriseras som språkhandlingar och speciella språkhandlingar. Språkhandlingsanalysen är gjord på fria satser. Analysen fördjupas med stöd i analyserna av språkhandlingar i respektive mail, genom att jag drar slutsatser om vilken/vilka sociala strategier som används av avsändaren för varje mail.   Studien visar att tonen i samtliga mail är informell och uppvisar förtrolighet till mottagarna. Sändaren i respektive mail är övervägande eller uteslutande givande i sitt utbyte. Flera av språkhandlingarna som förkommer kan tolkas som speciella språkhandlingar och ha dubbla budskap. Slutsatsen av analyserna är att tonen i de analyserade mailen är informell och påvisar en förtrolighetsstrategi. I två av de fyra mail som analyserats framträder dessutom en dominansstrategi. Dock är dominansstrategin inbakad i en informell ton och kan därför också tolkas som en försiktighetsstrategi. Sammanfattningsvis visar studien att sändarnas användning av språkhandlingar och sociala strategier kan säga något om relationen till mottagarna och att tolkningarna kräver kontextuella ledtrådar.

VD-bedrägeri : Hur arbetar svenska kommuner för att minska risken för VD- bedrägeri? / CEO-fraud : How do swedish municipalities work to reduce the risk of CEO-fraud?

Osman Ali, Abdiasis January 2020 (has links)
The use of digital equipment and services is increasing both in organizations and private individuals. This means that more and more people are connecting to the Internet to communicate and share data that may include sensitive information. Due to security developments, unauthorized access to data has become increasingly sophisticated and therefore it has become difficult for cybercriminals to access it. Therefore, cybercriminals have begun to exploit human psychology. There are several different ways cybercriminals use to exploit the social aspect of people. One of these is CEO-fraud which targets specific individuals, often high-profile individuals such as executives and financial controllers. This study has investigated how Swedish municipalities work to reduce the risk of CEO-frauds. Also, the study has mapped out the methods and guidelines used by municipalities to ensure that their employees are not exposed to that type of attack. The study was conducted using a qualitative and quantitative survey that was sent to all 290 municipalities, which resulted in 71 responses. The results show that these municipalities use various technical defences and educate employees. Also, the study shows that these municipalities have policies and guidelines on how phishing and CEO fraud e-mails should be handled. / Användningen av digital utrustning och tjänster ökar både hos organisationer och privatpersoner. Detta innebär att det blir alltfler som kopplar upp sig mot Internet för att kommunicera och dela data som kan innehålla känslig information. Obehörigas åtkomst av data har på grund av säkerhetsutvecklingen blivit allt mer sofistikerad och därför har det blivit svårare för cyberbrottslingar att komma åt den. Därför började cyberbrottslingar utnyttja den mänskliga psykologin. Det finns ett antal olika sätt som cyberbrottslingar använder för att utnyttja den sociala aspekten hos människor. En av dessa är VD-bedrägerier som riktar sig mot bestämda individer, ofta högprofilerade individer såsom chefer och ekonomiansvariga. Denna studie har undersökt hur svenska kommuner arbetar för att minska risken för VD- bedrägeri. Dessutom har studien kartlagt vilka metoder och riktlinjer som kommunerna använder för att säkerställa att deras anställda inte utsätts för den typen av attack. Studien har utförts med hjälp av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ enkätundersökning som skickades ut till samtliga 290 kommuner vilket resulterade i 71 svar. Resultaten visar att de 71 kommuner använder ett antal tekniska skydd samt utbildar anställda. Dessutom visar studien att kommunerna har policy och riktlinjer om hur nätfiske och VD-bedrägerimail skall hanteras.

Některá specifika komunikace ve stavebnictví / Some specifics of communication in construction engineering

Hrtáň, Zbyněk January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the thesis called Some specifics of communication in civil engineering has been to carry out research in construction companies and to find out to what extent they pay attention to corporate image in various respects – if (and eventually how) they make use of the Internet and how they present themselves to the public. On the other hand, part of the research focused on what emphasis do these companies put on internal communication with their employees. To prove or displace the initial hypotheses, several analyses have been made and research in 14 companies of different size carried out. The results have shown that construction companies pay attention to internal communication, however, they do not place much emphasis on presenting themselves to public. This way they underestimate the importance of positive corporate image, particularly in the media of the Internet.

Cultural reporting and the production of cultural reviews in selected South African newspapers : A case study of jazz music and musicians

Rule, Darryl 10 December 2008 (has links)
Arts reporting in the contemporary South African press seems to be in somewhat of a crisis. Although on the surface the “entertainment” and “lifestyle” supplements of the major newspapers seem to be thriving, on closer inspection, it will be found that the journalism is severely lacking in critical analysis, creativity and useful information. This research report will use the reporting of jazz found in the arts supplements of two major newspapers - THISDAY and Mail&Guardian - to investigate the production of cultural reporting, and to question the kind of messages and representations the print media is sending out to the public concerning arts and culture. The research will show that economic pressures from both media owners and advertisers for profit maximisation are having a detrimental effect, and that the print media is taking a passive role in the production of arts reporting, leading to a media that is formulaic, gossip- and celebrity-news driven, and essentially uncritical.

Willingness of Mississippi's Nonindustrial Private Forest Landowners to Manage Forests for Ecosystem Services

Mutandwa, Edward 11 December 2015 (has links)
Private forest land in Mississippi provides a wide range of ecosystem services. This study examined nonindustrial private forest (NIPF) landowner familiarity with ecosystem services and conservation programs and quantified the proportion of forest land they were interested in managing for ecosystem services as well as determined compensation levels required for implementing forest management strategies featuring management restriction to facilitate production of multiple ecosystem services. The data collection process was based on a structured questionnaire administered to 2,025 NIPF landowners in Mississippi. Findings indicated that landowner familiarity with conservation programs was low. However, they were familiar with ecosystem services found in Mississippi. Familiarity with conservation programs was positively associated with gender, household income, possession of a forest management plan, and membership in conservation organizations. The study also determined whether landowners were interested in managing their forests for ecosystem services and the quantified proportion of forest land they would manage for such services. Findings revealed that landowners were interested in managing for multiple ecosystem services and 62% of the forest land could be available for production of such activities in the form of pine and bottomland hardwoods. The proportion of forest land that landowners were interested in managing for ecosystem services was positively associated with the percentage proportion of natural pine and bottomland hardwoods as well as personal recreation goals while negatively related to a possession of a written forest management plan. The research also used a contingent valuation to quantify monetary compensation levels that landowners were willing to accept to adopt forest management restrictions to facilitate ecosystem services. The willingness to accept (WTA) compensation levels ranged from $190.22 to $595.23/ha/year. Higher compensation was required with a higher level of management restrictions. WTA compensation to implement forest management activities was positively associated with bid level and long-term investment goal. Findings will be useful in facilitating outreach activities in terms of identifying groups of interested landowners, forest land available for multiple ecosystem service production, and quantifying the total cost of implementing forest management facilitating an increased production of ecosystem services.

"I Think They're Poisoning my Mind": Understanding the Motivations of People Who Have Voluntarily Adopted Secure Email

Usman, Warda 30 May 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Secure email systems that use end-to-end encryption are the best method we have for ensuring user privacy and security in email communication. However, the adoption of secure email remains low, with previous studies suggesting mainly that secure email is too complex or inconvenient to use. However, the perspectives of those who have, in fact, chosen to use an encrypted email system are largely overlooked. To understand these perspectives, we conducted a semi-structured interview study that aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the mindsets underlying adoption and use of secure email services. Our participants come from a variety of countries and vary in the amount of time they have been using secure email, how often they use it, and whether they use it as their primary account. Our results uncover that a defining reason for adopting a secure email system is to avoid surveillance from big tech companies. However, regardless of the complexity and accuracy of a person's mental model, our participants rarely send and receive encrypted emails, thus not making full use of the privacy they could obtain. These findings indicate that secure email systems could potentially find greater adoption by appealing to their privacy advantages, but privacy gains will be limited until a critical mass are able to join these systems and easily send encrypted emails to each other.

Improving the Asynchronous Video Learning Model

Griffiths, Michael E. 18 March 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Online education is popular from a consumer perspective, but there are elements of face-to-face instruction and assessment that are difficult to reproduce online (Bassoppo-Moyo 2006). The difficulty of reproducing valued elements of a face-to-face setting leads to concerns regarding the overall quality of the online learning experience. Videoconferencing is one technology that has been used to incorporate elements of a face-to-face environment. However, videoconferencing over the Internet is fraught with technical difficulties and live discussions remove one of the main benefits of distance education: time flexibility. A more recent development has been to use asynchronous video as a communications method in online courses. Griffiths and Graham (2009) described several pilots using asynchronous video in online courses at Brigham Young University. Asynchronous video conveys the verbal and nonverbal signals necessary for immediacy and social presence and retains the time flexibility benefit of distance education. Following the pilot studies, a prototype design theory titled the Asynchronous Video Learning Model (AVLM) was created for the use of asynchronous video in online courses. A study was designed to study a practical implementation of AVLM. The major purpose of the study was to observe and analyze the practical experiences of participants and improve the AVLM model. A class named IPT286 (Using Instructional Technology in Teaching) taught by the department of IP&T at BYU was redesigned to be an online class using AVLM. Data were gathered during the semester and then analyzed according to the methods described in this study. Results showed that many of the principles of the AVLM model were successfully implemented and led to positive experiences. Some elements of the model were not adequately implemented which led to some negative experiences. In addition, experiences led to new elements being added to the model. The study also revealed some interesting principles related to general learning theory. The data consistently revealed the importance of relationships in the learning process. Relationships between students and the instructor were shown to influence the student learning experience, and therefore the personality and style of the instructor impacted overall student learning to some degree.

Catch-related attitudes of anglers and implications for fisheries management

Baker, Susan F 08 August 2009 (has links)
A catch-related attitude measurement scale is used for discerning an angler’s evaluation of catching fish in four constructs (catching something, catching numbers, catching large fish, and retaining fish) in two studies. The first study was of resident (in-state) and nonresident (out-of-state) anglers at Sardis and Grenada reservoirs and the second was of hand grabblers and rod and reel catfish anglers. In the first study at Sardis Reservoir, there were no differences in catch-related attitudes between groups. At Grenada Reservoir, there were differences between groups toward catching large fish and retaining fish. In the second study, hand grabblers had stronger attitudes toward catching large fish than rod and reel catfish anglers but rod and reel catfish anglers had stronger attitudes toward catching numbers. Knowledge of catch-related attitudes can lead to more palatable regulations that enhance angler satisfaction and ultimately retain and recruit new and lapsed anglers.

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