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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Filöverföring i modern tid : En jämförelse av SMTP, SFTP och HTTP

Gilis, Matteus, Hörnsten, David, Larsson, David January 2015 (has links)
Överföring eller mottagande av datorfiler är en syssla som de flesta av oss ägnar ossåt regelbundet i ett eller annat sammanhang, oavsett om det sker privat eller om detär arbetsrelaterat. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) är ett protokoll för just detta ändamålsom lanserades under tiden då persondatorer hade blivit allt vanligare i hemmetoch på arbetsplatsen. Sedan dess har flera andra protokoll introducerats och i dagslägetfinns det flertalet valmöjligheter tillgängliga, alla med sina unika såväl som gemensammaegenskaper. Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) kompletterad medMIME-standarden är ett populärt alternativ till de renodlade filöverföringsprotokollenpå grund av användarnas bekantskap och tidigare erfarenheter med e-posttjänster.Att skicka och ta emot filer via e-post innebär dock vissa begränsningar samt att vissasäkerhetsaspekter måste tas i beaktande, i synnerhet för företagsanvändare som dagin och dag ut måste hantera känslig data. I denna uppsats har tre olika filöverföringsprotokoll(SFTP, SMTP och HTTP) utvärderats ur ett användarvänlighetsperspektivsåväl som ett säkerhetsperspektiv. Resultatet indikerar att HTTP(S) tillsammans meduttökningen WebDAV kan anses vara ett lämpligt alternativ för organisationer somsamtidigt är enkelt att använda. De övriga protokollen, SMTP och SFTP, har ocksåsina användningsområden där SFTP verkar vara mer tilltalande för avanceradeanvändare och där SMTP förblir ett gångbart alternativ för privat bruk av mindreavancerade användare under vissa förutsättningar. / Transferring and receiving computer files are something most of us do on a regularbasis whether it is for private purposes or if it is work related. FTP is a protocolused for this very purpose which was launched during a time when personal computerswere growing increasingly popular in both home and workplace environments.Since then, more protocols have been introduced and today there are a number ofoptions available bringing new and common features alike to the market. The SMTPprotocol, extended with the MIME standard, is currently a widely used alternative tothe pure file transfer protocols due to the user familiarity and past experiences withthese mail services. Sending and receiving files through e-mail does however implysome limitations together with the fact that some security aspects need to be takeninto consideration, particularly for company users handling sensitive data. In thisthesis, three different file transfer protocols (SMTP, SFTP and HTTP) have all beenevaluated in account of their user friendliness as well as their security features. Theresults indicate that HTTP(S) combined with the WebDAV extension can be considereda viable alternative for organizations due to its user friendliness and security.The remaining protocols, SMTP and SFTP, also have their uses where SFTP wouldseem to be an appealing option for advanced users and where SMTP remains a passablealternative for private usage by regular users under the right conditions.

En undersökning och implementering för att hitta lämpligast teknik vid e-postläsning : En jämförelse mellan Outlook Mail REST API, Gmail API och IMAP4 baserat på prestanda och säkerhet

Arvidsson, Isac January 2020 (has links)
Tekniker för att hämta e-post har sedan länge varit svåra att hantera på grund av brist på en tydlig standard. E-post kan variera i vilka headers som följer med och vilken storlek som är tillåten. De kan även vara skillnader på hur mailet är kodat vilket kan bidra till att mailet inte lyckas parsas på rätt sätt. Äldre tekniker som IMAP4 och POP3 förlitar sig på en bristande autentiseringsprocess som inte är önskvärd. Projektet kommer därför studera de nyare teknikerna Outlook Mail REST API och Gmail API för att jämföra dem mot IMAP4. Syftet är att på ett säkrare och effektivare sätt kunna läsa epost och integrera dem med ett ärendehanteringssystem. e-postöverföringar ska kunna schemaläggas med specifikationer som sparas i en konfigurationsfil. För att uppnå syftet implementerades tre prototyper som använde varsin teknik för att läsa e-post. För att jämföra teknikerna på prestanda gjordes tidsmätningar. En jämförelse på säkerhet genomfördes genom att sätta upp den information som måste sparas i konfigurationsfilen. En jämförelse på funktionalitet genomfördes genom att jämföra en lista på funktioner som bestämdes genom en intervju och därefter se om dem finns på de tre olika teknikerna. Resultatet blev att Outlook Mail API var överlägset bäst när det kommer till prestanda. Den stora anledningen varför var att Outlook API hämtar e-post i plain-text vilket leder till en betydligt kortare tid för att parsa e-post. Gmail API var snabbare än IMAP4 mest troligt för att den använder protokollet http för att hämta epost. Både IMAP4 och Gmail API hämtar e-post i form av MIME-meddelanden vilket ledde till en ungefärligt lika lång tid för parsning. Funktionaliteten för teknikerna var densamma förutom några få skillnader. Outlook API har funktionalitet för att hämta epost i plain-text medan de andra inte har det. Gmail API har inte möjlighet att sortera inkommande e-post. Slutligen kom projektet fram till att Gmail API och Outlook Mail REST API var säkrare än IMAP4 på grund av den modernare autentiseringsprocessen som inte hanterar några lösenord. Både Outlook och Gmail använder Oauth2 som autentiseringsprotokoll. Utifrån resultatet dras slutsatsen att Outlook Mail REST API är den lämpligaste lösningen baserat på dess säkerhet och prestanda. / The process to fetch email has for a long time been a difficult task because of the amount of different standards in email formats. Email can vary in different headers, format, max size and more based on which email supplier sends the mail. Older methods for fetching email as IMAP4 and POP3 still relies upon weak authentication processes. This project will therefore study the new technologies Gmail API and Outlook Mail REST API and compare these to IMAP4. The purpose of this study is to find a more effective and secure way of transferring emails from an email server to the system named Easit GO. Email transfers should be able to be scheduled in such a way that it is specified in a configuration file. To accomplish this three prototypes was implemented. Every prototype used on of the technologies to read email. To compare these prototypes there was a performance test through time measurements. To compare functionality there was a list setup of fixed functions showing which technologies that had support for that specific function. Security was based on the sensitive information that was stored in the configuration file. The result was that Outlook Mail REST API clearly beat the others on performance. This was because of outlooks ability of reading email in plain-text which leads to a substantially shorter parsing time. All of the technologies had similar functionality except for a few things. Outlook API had the possibility of reading email in plain-text which resulted in better performance. Gmail API did not have functionality to sort incoming email on oldest first. The study concluded that Outlook API and Gmail API were more secure than IMAP4 because of no passwords were saved or even used in the prototype. Both Outlook and Gmail used the authentication protocol Oauth2 which is more secure than IMAP4s Basic Authentication. The conclusion points to Outlook Mail REST API being the most suitable solution based on its performance and more modern authentication.

Upplevelse av kundservice : En komparativ studie om skärmbaserad- och telefonbaserad kundservice / Experience of customer service : A comparative study about screen-based and telephone-based customer service

Asllani, Blerina, Hazko, Hovsep Louis January 2020 (has links)
Due to the increasing online commerce in Sweden there are more and more companies who are focusing on their online business and more and more customer are buying clothes online. This means that there has been a transition from the physical store form to the online commerce. Based on this development in the market it aroused an interest in studying customer service, online. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to study customers experience of customer service from clothing companies within the online industry in Sweden. This carries out by studying if customers experience that they are being encouraged to customer service, what kind of customer service they prefer and the reasons for it. Therefore, we initially make an introductory study of some of the websites belonging to the following clothing companies: H&M, Gina Tricot, Nelly, Boozt, Ellos and Bubbleroom. The main empirical study consists of 15 participants who are divided into three focus groups. To be able to analyse the collected material, three theories are applied: The Customer Contact Theory, Customer Service Life Cycle theory and Social Presence Theory. In terms of the results we alltogether, observe that the participants experience that companies are encouraging customers to use customer service, mainly through different options available on their website, instead of direct contact over the phone. It is also generally shown that the participants prefer screen-based customer service rather than telephone-based customer service. This study is written in the Swedish language. / På grund av den ökande näthandeln i Sverige fokuserar allt fler företag på sin online verksamhet och allt fler kunder handlar kläder online där det har skett en övergång från den fysiska butiksformen till online handeln. Utifrån denna utveckling på marknaden väckte det ett intresse att studera kundservice online. Syftet med denna undersökning är att undersöka konsumenters upplevelse av kundservice som erbjuds av företag som bedriver online handel inom klädbranschen i Sverige. Detta sker genom att studera om konsumenter upplever att de uppmuntras till kundservice, vilken form av kundservice de föredrar och vad som står bakom detta. Därmed görs det först en inledande studie av en del webbsidor som tillhör klädföretag inom online handeln, närmare bestämt: H&M, Gina Tricot, Nelly, Boozt, Ellos och Bubbleroom. Den huvudsakliga empiriska studien består av 15 deltagare fördelat på tre fokusgrupper. För att analysera det insamlade materialet tillämpas tre teorier: The Customer Contact Theory, Customer Service Life Cycle Theory och Social Presence Theory. När det gäller resultatet observerar vi sammantaget att deltagarna upplever att företag uppmuntrar kunder att använda kundservice, främst genom olika alternativ som finns tillgängliga på deras webbsida istället fördirekt kontakt via telefon. Det visar sig även generellt sett att kunder föredrar skärmbaseradkundservice framför telefonbaserad kundservice.

An evaluation of the Financial Mail's company results recommendations from 2 May 1997 to 31 October 1997

Maul, Holger 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Every investor that invests in JSE Securities Exchange listed shares wants to achieve optimum profits. Numerous tools are used to help investors and analysts to analyse buy signals, standard deviations, risk-adjusted returns and every possible piece of information that may lead to perfect recommendations. Despite all the problems and issues involved to make perfect recommendations, it seems as if some individuals achieve well above average results. There are no obvious reasons for the success they achieve. Often it may be ascribed to a combination of detailed technical analysis, market intelligence as well as gut-feel. This study evaluates the recommendations made by the analysts and quantifies the accuracy. Different scoring systems are used to evaluate the accuracy of the recommendations and a ranking of the analysts is compiled. Risk-adjusted returns are investigated in detail and are used in the calculations. The results of this study show that some analysts outperformed the rest by substantial margins. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Elke belegger wat in aandele op die JSE Sekuriteitebeurs belê, wil die maksimum moontlike wins maak. Verskeie modelle word gebruik om beleggers te help om koopseine, standaardafwykings, risiko-aangepaste winste en enige andere moontlike inligting te ontleed om sodoende betroubare aanbevelings te maak. Ten spyte van al die probleme wat dit moeilik maak om akkurate vooruitskatlings te maak, wil dit voorkom asof sekere individue heelwat beter vaar as die gemiddeld. Die sukses kan nie aan ooglopende aspekte toegeskryf word nie en dit berus meestal by 'n kombinasie van gedetaileerde tegniese analise, markintelligensie en "gut-feel". Hierdie studie is daarop toegespits om vooruitskattings van analiste te evalueer en die akkuraatheid van die aanbevelings te kwantifiseer. Verskeie punte stelsels word gebruik om die akkuraatheid van die aanbevelings te evalueer en 'n ranglys word opgestel na aanleiding van die resullate. Risiko aangepaste resultate word in detail ondersoek en word gebruik in die berekeninge. Die resultate van die navorsing dui daarop dat sekere ontleders aansienlik beter vaar as ander.

An investigation into mainland Chinese students' experience of a cross-cutural e-mail exchange project

Wei-Tzou, Hsiou-Chi January 2009 (has links)
The effectiveness of e-mail writing has been exhaustively studied and reported on, especially in Taiwan. However, there has not been any research carried out on the topics that mainland Chinese university students enjoy writing about when corresponding with their Western epals, nor does the literature report research on writing e-mails to two groups of epals simultaneously. This study explores what issues concerned the participants when they exchanged e-mails with their Western epals and how they viewed their cross-cultural learning experience. The participants were 28 mainland Chinese second-year English majors who voluntarily corresponded with 28 American high school pupils and 28 Western adult epals for about two months in Autumn 2006. The data of this exploratory interpretative research was mainly collected from their e-mails, ‘final reports’, the mid-project questionnaire, and semi-structured interviews. The study found that the topics the participants enjoyed writing about actually depended on with whom they were corresponding. With the younger school pupils, they tended to look for friendship by talking about pastimes, their own high school experience, etc. To the more sophisticated adult epals though, they wrote largely about personal matters, on which they seemed to be covertly seeking advice. However, some topics were common to both groups and were equally popular – for example, school and daily life. The data also reveals that the majority of the participants enjoyed the experience and overall had positive views about it. These fall into three broad categories of learning: language, cultural, and communication. However, some experienced minor difficulties and problems in these areas, particularly regarding the communication aspect. Meanwhile, in the process of the participants multiediting their ‘final reports’, learning seems to have occurred between their first and final drafts – perhaps as a result of responding to the researcher’s written feedback, which seemed to make a significant difference. The implications arising from the study suggest that the students’ interest in it stimulated their engagement with learning - though the findings are tentative. Some recommendations for further research are also given.

US store detectives : the relationship between individual characteristics and job performance

Hayes, Read January 2001 (has links)
US retailers lose over $30 billion in merchandise annually. Merchants also suffer billions more in losses of cash, supplies, time, equipment, and growing civil liability costs. In order to control these losses, retail companies use a combination of people, programs, and systems. A review of the literature indicates specialised loss prevention employees are an important part of many asset protection programs.;A major interest of managers is improving the efficiency of their crime and loss control processes, including loss prevention store detective programs. Retail managers commonly use job performance reviews to gauge the individual efficacy of store detectives. In addition to job training, and job output supervision, research has indicated certain stable characteristics of individuals helps explain actual job performance, making pre-employment selection a critical part of process improvement. However, relatively little attention has been devoted to the selection of in-store detectives in the literature.;Qualitative research was used to identify critical job tasks in order to develop and validate a specialised job performance instrument. The preliminary research with subject matter experts indicated four distinct job roles of store detectives. This job analysis also resulted in a new job performance rating instrument later tested in the quantitative phase of the project.;Subsequently, a quantitative study of 201 US store detectives (using the performance instrument in a concurrent validity design) developed four distinct selection models designed to help explain role-specific job performance variance. Four hypothesis regarding the relationship between biographical data, personality traits, cognitive ability and the four measures of job performance were tested using multiple and logistic regression. The four resulting models explained between 13% and 23% of the variance in detective job performance measures.;Implications of the project's findings, and suggestions are also discussed in context t the current sample, as well as prior work in pre-employment selection research.

Využití informačních a komunikačních technologií ve výuce anglického jazyka / Use of information and communication technologies in English language teaching

Klán, Martin January 2016 (has links)
TITLE: Use of information and communication technologies in English language teaching AUTHOR: Bc. Martin Klán DEPARTMENT: Department of School & Social Education SUPERVISOR: PhDr. RNDr. Hana Voňková, PhD., PhD. ABSTRACT: Both foreign and Czech literature point out that information and communication technologies are becoming more and more integral part of education. This presented diploma thesis provides basic outline of information and communication technologies and possibilities of their use with respect to English language teaching. This thesis tries to outline effective use of ICT in English language teaching and focuses mainly on electronic communication, the Internet calling and features of blogging. The aim of the thesis is to find out pupils'attitudes towards English language teaching at Secondary Vocational School in Hořovice, their previous experience with electronic communication, their preferred and dispreferred activities during English language teaching and finally their opinion on using the Internet calling and e-mail by means of a questionnaire and data analysis. Possibility of using electronic communication and calling via the Internet in English language teaching is realized as a project.

Mediální obraz ČR v v anglicky hovořícím světě / The nedia image of the Czech republic in the english-speaking world

Svoboda, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The title of the presented thesis is The Media Image of the Czech Republic in the English-speaking World. The media image of the Czech Republic is analyzed in three different English-written newspapers. The chosen newspapers are USA Today, The Daily Mail and The Australian. The overall goal of the thesis is to compare media images which are constructed by defined periodicals and it is reached by checking of the hypotheses which are defined in the introduction and thanks to the comparison of data gathered during the research. The theoretical part of the thesis anchors the work itself within contemporary theories and academic approaches. The news production with international news flows included are described in the theoretical chapter along with stereotypes and their relation to media images. The whole chapter is ended by subchapter about hard and soft news and subchapter about evaluation in media. The analytical part of the thesis begins with a description of a used research method and a definition of used data. Subsequently, there is a detailed description of used variables. The very last part of the whole paper presents complex results of the research, the hypotheses are proved or falsified and the differences among the media image of the analyzed newspapers are described.

Rétablir la confiance dans les messages électroniques : Le traitement des causes du "spam" / Restoring confidence in electronic mails

Laurent-Ricard, Eric 09 December 2011 (has links)
L'utilisation grandissante de la messagerie électronique dans les échanges dématérialisés, aussi bien pour les entreprises que pour les personnes physiques, et l'augmentation du nombre de courriers indésirables, nommés « spams » (pourriels) génèrent une perte de temps importante de traitement manuel, et un manque de confiance à la fois dans les informations transmises et dans les émetteurs de ces messages. Quels sont les solutions pour rétablir ou établir la confiance dans ces échanges ? Comment traiter et faire diminuer le nombre grandissant de « spams » ? Les solutions existantes sont parfois lourdes à mettre en oeuvre ou relativement peu efficaces et s’occupent essentiellement de traiter les effets du « spam », en oubliant d’analyser et de traiter les causes. L'identification, si ce n'est l'authentification de l'émetteur et des destinataires, est un des points clés permettant de valider l'origine d'un message et d’en garantir le contenu, aussi bien qu’un niveau important de traçabilité, mais ce n’est pas le seul, et les mécanismes de base mêmes de la messagerie électronique, plus précisément au niveau des protocoles de communication sont également en jeu. Le contenu de cette thèse portera plus spécifiquement sur les possibilités liées aux modifications de certains protocoles de l'Internet, en particulier le protocole SMTP, la mise en oeuvre de spécifications peu utilisées, et les outils et méthodes envisageables pour garantir l’identification des parties de façon simple et transparente pour les utilisateurs. L’objectif est de définir, d'une part une méthodologie d'utilisation de la messagerie pouvant assurer fiabilité et confiance, et d'autre part de rédiger les bases logiques de programmes clients et serveurs pour la mise en application de cette méthodologie. / The growing use of email in dematerialized exchanges, for both businesses and individuals, and the increase of undesirable mails, called "spam" (junk emails) generate a significant loss of time of manual processing And a lack of confidence both in the information transmitted and the issuers of such messages. What are the solutions to restore or build confidence in these exchanges? How to treat and reduce the growing number of «spam»?Existing solutions are often cumbersome to implement or relatively ineffective and are primarily concerned with treating the effects of "«spam»", forgetting to analyze and address the causes.The identification, if not the authentication, of the sender and recipients, is a key point to validate the origin of a message and ensure the content, as well as a significant level of traceability, but it is not the only one, and the basic mechanisms, themselves, of the email system, more precisely in terms of communication protocols are also at stake.The content of this thesis will focus primarily on opportunities related to changes in some Internet protocols, in particular SMTP, implementation specifications rarely used, and the tools and possible methods to ensure the identification of parties in a simple and transparent way for users.The objective is to define, firstly a methodology for using the mail with reliability and confidence, and secondly to draw the logical foundations of client and server programs for the implementation of this methodology.

Combating the corporate paper war: optimising electronic mail and electronic filing

Bothma, Marchelle Marelize 11 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Tech. (Office management & Technology)) -- Vaal University of Technology / The primary objective of this research project was primarily to investigate filing methods and mailing practices in the computer support or administrative environment with specific focus on the abuse of paper. The research design consisted of an exploratory investigation in selected Higher Education Institutions in the Province of Gauteng whereby a structured questionnaire was used as a measuring instrument. The investigation was sub-divided into two categories, namely, paper-based filing systems and mailing systems as opposed to electronic filing and mailing systems. In the empirical findings, analysis and interpretations, correlation and cross-tabulation were done on all sets of variables in order to determine whether any meaningful associations could be found. With reference to the title of this study "Combating the corporate paper war: optimising electronic mail and electronic filing", it has been proven that the war against paper abuse is far from over. Perceptions regarding a future paperless office and assumptions that technology such as the electronic mail facility and electronic filing could assist organisations to combat paper abuse were unfounded, due to a lack of guidance and control measures in the corporate environment. Consequently, it is recommended that an e-filing and e-mailing model be created and followed in conjunction with specified computer software features in order to counteract the abuse of paper. Follow-up research could focus on electronic filing methods versus scanning of documents for filing purposes.

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