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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

O monitoramento do correio eletrônico nas relações de trabalho à luz do direito de propriedade versus o direito à intimidade

Schneider, Elisabete Gornicki 29 September 2006 (has links)
O estudo trata das normas - princípios e regras - da questão do monitoramento do correio eletrônico corporativo, fornecido pelo empregador ao empregado, como ferramenta de trabalho. Após breve exposição sobre o desenvolvimento e avanço tecnológico na área da informática, é abordado o impacto da era virtual nas relações de trabalho. Na segunda parte se faz referência aos direitos e princípios constitucionais que tutelam empregados e empregadores e as colisões desses princípios. No terceiro capítulo examinam-se os direitos fundamentais no contrato de trabalho, os problemas de compatibilização dos direitos de empregados e empregadores, o princípio da proporcionalidade e a solução do conflito desses princípios. No quarto capítulo se examina, perfunctoriamente, a questão do monitoramento dos equipamentos eletrônicos em outros países, algumas decisões judiciais de nossos Tribunais que fizeram alusão direta ou indireta às questões ligadas ao monitoramento dos equipamentos eletrônicos dos empregados e se apontam as soluções pesquisadas na doutrina com vistas a minimizar possíveis violação de direitos fundamentais dos empregados. / Submitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-05-12T19:38:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elisabete Schneider.pdf: 1197621 bytes, checksum: 903edf1a54087d217fc0484314220394 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-12T19:38:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Elisabete Schneider.pdf: 1197621 bytes, checksum: 903edf1a54087d217fc0484314220394 (MD5) / This study treats the electronic mail norms monitoring - principles and rules, supplied by the employer to the employee as a tool work. After a brief exposition about the development and technological advance in the informatics area, the impact of the virtual age on the working relationships is approached. In the second part, a reference on the rights and constitutional principles which manage employers and employees is done. On the third chapter, the fundamental rights on the working contract, the compatibility problems between the rights of the employers and employees, the proportionality principle and the solution of the conflict of such principles are approached. The fourth chapter brings the monitoring on the electronic equipments in other countries issue, some judicial decisions of our tribunals which have done direct or indirect allusion to the issues related to the employees electronic equipments monitoring. This chapter also points out the solutions researched in the doctrine with the objective of minimizing possible fundamental rights violations in the working relationships.

Blogging, journalism and the public sphere: assessing the value of the 'blogosphere' as a new form of the public sphere : a case study of the Mail & Guardian Online's Blogmark

Sibanda, Fortune January 2006 (has links)
The study seeks to investigate whether weblogs can act as virtual public spheres, where people can meet to discuss issues of interest to them. It uses the Mail & Guardian Online’s Blogmark as a case study. Weblogs – highly interactive online journals comprised of links and postings in reverse chronological order – are fast becoming an avenue of choice for many internet users wanting to share opinions and news with others online. Because of their unique read-and-write characteristics, some have equated them to the 18th century coffeehouses, around which the early forms of citizen involvement in public affairs began in early capitalist Europe. Despite their growing popularity, however, not much scholarly work has been dedicated to the practice of blogging in Africa, and particularly in South Africa. The study’s theoretical framework is drawn from Jürgen Habermas’s concept of the public sphere. While noting some of the criticisms of the Habermasian model, it is argued that the concept is instrumental in our understanding of the relationship between the media and democracy. The study, however, adopted a re-worked model of the concept of the public sphere. This model argues for the need to have a multiplicity of public sphericules (instead of one single public sphere as advocated by Habermas), around which individuals can congregate to discuss issues of common concern to them. Using a combination of qualitative content analysis, self-completion questionnaires and a semi-structured interview, the study found Blogmark to be an example of how emerging internet genres such as weblogs can be vehicles of citizen involvement in public life. A range of issues were discussed in the blog, from politics, race and ii i gender issues, to personal anecdotes, relationships, and sex. However, while some posts exhibited high levels of interactivity, with many bloggers joining in to offer their opinions, some read like online monologues. The study argues that although blogging is a practice that is still limited to a few privileged individuals, with the everrising size of the ‘blogosphere’, weblogs such as Blogmark are making a small but not insignificant contribution to the number of voices that can be heard in the public realm.

Electronic Communication for Professionals—Challenges and Opportunities

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: The 21st-century professional or knowledge worker spends much of the working day engaging others through electronic communication. The modes of communication available to knowledge workers have rapidly increased due to computerized technology advances: conference and video calls, instant messaging, e-mail, social media, podcasts, audio books, webinars, and much more. Professionals who think for a living express feelings of stress about their ability to respond and fear missing critical tasks or information as they attempt to wade through all the electronic communication that floods their inboxes. Although many electronic communication tools compete for the attention of the contemporary knowledge worker, most professionals use an electronic personal information management (PIM) system, more commonly known as an e-mail application and often the ubiquitous Microsoft Outlook program. The aim of this research was to provide knowledge workers with solutions to manage the influx of electronic communication that arrives daily by studying the workers in their working environment. This dissertation represents a quest to understand the current strategies knowledge workers use to manage their e-mail, and if modification of e-mail management strategies can have an impact on productivity and stress levels for these professionals. Today’s knowledge workers rarely work entirely alone, justifying the importance of also exploring methods to improve electronic communications within teams. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Civil, Environmental and Sustainable Engineering 2018

Telemarketing: tecnologia e precarização do trabalho

Ruiz Diaz, Pablo Sergio Mereles 16 September 2009 (has links)
Esta dissertação procurou investigar as condições de trabalho em uma central de atendimento telefônico ligada a um banco público. A unidade em foco é terceirizada e seus empregados exercem mesmas tarefas que funcionários concursados. A unidade de teleatendimento possui alto grau de informatização e combina características de organização tayloristafordista com gerenciamento toyotista, apresentando especificidades decorrentes da utilização de mão-de-obra num contexto marcado pela flexibilização nas formas contratação e conseqüente redução de direitos laborais de terceirizados em relação aos funcionários efetivos do banco. O objetivo geral foi o de questionar suposta neutralidade da tecnologia quando mediadora da relação capital x trabalho. Por ser uma pesquisa qualitativa, partimos de bibliografia que nos auxiliasse na comprovação dessa hipótese, a de que a tecnologia foi apropriada pelo capital e a este serve na medida em que permite a intensificação do ritmo de trabalho, aumento no controle dos resultados e a conseqüente aceleração no ritmo de acumulação. Os argumentos de que a ciência pouparia o ser humano do esforço físico desnecessário e o libertaria para desenvolver atividades ligadas ao intelecto se verificou em parte, sem, no entanto, diminuir o grau de exploração sobre o trabalhador, verificado pela precarização crescente nas formas de contratação, gerando um novo mundo do trabalho. Questionários mistos foram utilizados junto a trabalhadoras da empresa terceirizada, no intuito de identificar o perfil socioeconômico, o histórico profissional, as condições de trabalho e qual a percepção como classe trabalhadora. Identificamos que o grau de controle e o ritmo de trabalho se constituem em formas de intensificação na exploração, propiciada pela combinação de técnicas gerenciais da era fordista e pela utilização de sistemas de controle baseados na informática, constituindo o aparato tecnológico, uma dimensão do capital. / This thesis sought to investigate the working conditions in a call center subordinated to a public bank. The telemarketing unit under study is outsourced, and their employees perform the same tasks as direct permanent employees. The telemarketing unit has a high degree of computerization and combines features of Taylorist-Fordist organization with Toyotist management. Labor force use characterized by flexibility and a reduction of labor rights of the outsourced employees compared to the permanent employees of the bank. The hypotheses that guided this research is that technology, far from being neutral, serves the interests of capital as far as it contributes to intensification of labor, increased labor control and, as a result, to the acceleration of capital accumulation. The arguments that science would save human beings from unnecessary physical effort to liberat and develop activities related to the intellect occurred in part, without,however, reduce the degree of exploitation of the employee, revealed by the growing labor insecurity. Questionnaires to the outsourced company workers were used to obtain data aiming to identify the socioeconomic, occupational history, working conditions and the self-perception as working class. We found that the degree of control and intensified labor pace provided by the combination of Fordist management techniques era and control systems based on computer, are increasing labor exploration. In this regard, the technological apparatus can be seen as a dimension of capital.

Analýza vybraného distribučního řetězce pro produkty nabízené formou zásilkového obchodu / Analyse of choiced distribution chain for products quoted by form of mail-order trade

BENEDIKTOVÁ, Jana January 2007 (has links)
The main purpose of this diploma thesis is the analisis of the choice distribution chain for products quoted by form of the mail-order trade. It was selected the company TV Products and it was made the description of her suppliers, transport mode of goods, technique of stock-keeping and manner of sale. The part of the focus is found out an optimal supply and an optimum order amount by using predictive methods.

O monitoramento do correio eletrônico nas relações de trabalho à luz do direito de propriedade versus o direito à intimidade

Schneider, Elisabete Gornicki 29 September 2006 (has links)
O estudo trata das normas - princípios e regras - da questão do monitoramento do correio eletrônico corporativo, fornecido pelo empregador ao empregado, como ferramenta de trabalho. Após breve exposição sobre o desenvolvimento e avanço tecnológico na área da informática, é abordado o impacto da era virtual nas relações de trabalho. Na segunda parte se faz referência aos direitos e princípios constitucionais que tutelam empregados e empregadores e as colisões desses princípios. No terceiro capítulo examinam-se os direitos fundamentais no contrato de trabalho, os problemas de compatibilização dos direitos de empregados e empregadores, o princípio da proporcionalidade e a solução do conflito desses princípios. No quarto capítulo se examina, perfunctoriamente, a questão do monitoramento dos equipamentos eletrônicos em outros países, algumas decisões judiciais de nossos Tribunais que fizeram alusão direta ou indireta às questões ligadas ao monitoramento dos equipamentos eletrônicos dos empregados e se apontam as soluções pesquisadas na doutrina com vistas a minimizar possíveis violação de direitos fundamentais dos empregados. / This study treats the electronic mail norms monitoring - principles and rules, supplied by the employer to the employee as a tool work. After a brief exposition about the development and technological advance in the informatics area, the impact of the virtual age on the working relationships is approached. In the second part, a reference on the rights and constitutional principles which manage employers and employees is done. On the third chapter, the fundamental rights on the working contract, the compatibility problems between the rights of the employers and employees, the proportionality principle and the solution of the conflict of such principles are approached. The fourth chapter brings the monitoring on the electronic equipments in other countries issue, some judicial decisions of our tribunals which have done direct or indirect allusion to the issues related to the employees electronic equipments monitoring. This chapter also points out the solutions researched in the doctrine with the objective of minimizing possible fundamental rights violations in the working relationships.

SPAM = do surgimento à extinção / SPAM : from the rise to the extinction

Almeida, Tiago Agostinho de 09 October 2010 (has links)
Orientador: Akedo Yamakami / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Elétrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-16T13:44:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Almeida_TiagoAgostinhode_D.pdf: 1582584 bytes, checksum: 8a444adaf46219a5200a75deb26be781 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Nos últimos anos, spams têm se tornado um importante problema com enorme impacto na sociedade. A filtragem automática de tais mensagens impõem um desafio especial em categorização de textos, no qual a característica mais marcante é que os filtros enfrentam um adversário ativo, que constantemente procura evadir as técnicas de filtragem. Esta tese apresenta um estudo abrangente sobre o problema do spamming. Dentre as contribuições oferecidas, destacam-se: o levantamento histórico e estatístico do fenômeno do spamming e as suas consequências, o estudo sobre a legalidade do spam e os recursos jurídicos adotados por alguns países, a análise de medidas de desempenho utilizadas na avaliação dos filtros de spams, o estudo dos métodos mais empregados para realizar a filtragem de spams, a proposta de melhorias dos filtros Bayesianos através da adoção de técnicas de redução de dimensionalidade e, principalmente, a proposta de um novo método de classificação baseado no princípio da descrição mais simples auxiliado por fatores de confidência. Vários experimentos são apresentados e os resultados indicam que a técnica proposta 'e superior aos melhores filtros anti-spams presentes tanto comercialmente quanto na literatura. / Abstract: Spam has become an increasingly important problem with a big economic impact in society. Spam filtering poses a special problem in text categorization, in which the defining characteristic is that filters face an active adversary, which constantly attempts to evade filtering. In this thesis, we present a comprehensive study of the spamming problem. Among many offered contributions we present: the statistical and historical survey of spamming and its consequences, a study regarding the legality of spams and the main juridic methods adopted by some countries, the study and proposal of new performance measures used for the evaluation of the spam classifiers, the proposals for improving the accuracy of Naive Bayes filters by using dimensionality reduction techniques and a novel approach to spam filtering based on the minimum description length principle and confidence factors. Furthermore, we have conducted an empirical experiments which indicate that the proposed classifier outperforms the state-of-the-art spam filters. / Doutorado / Automação / Doutor em Engenharia Elétrica

As relações de emprego na era da internet: violação à intimidade do empregado x poder diretivo do empregador / Labor relations on internet times: employee´s privacy right versus employer prerogative

Maria Lúcia Avelar Ferreira Paulino 30 July 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho aborda os impactos da revolução tecnológica, sobretudo os causados pela rede mundial de computadores (mais precisamente a internet) que trouxeram alterações em antigos padrões, em especial no âmbito das relações de emprego. Nesse cenário, analisa-se não só a evolução histórica do direito do trabalho e da internet, mas também as fontes, as garantias geradoras da controvérsia (o poder diretivo e de propriedade X o direito à privacidade, intimidade e a inviolabilidade de correspondência), as ferramentas utilizadas, as formas e limites do monitoramento e por fim sua repercussão no âmbito juslaboral no Brasil e no mundo, com o escopo de apresentar medidas preventivas, pacificadoras e que harmonizem as garantias sociais outrora conquistadas. Trata-se, sem dúvida, de assunto polêmico, controvertido, ainda tratado de forma superficial pela doutrina, pouco enfrentado, da mesma forma, pelos Tribunais, ressalvando a relevância e o próprio caráter de novidade exigidos em pesquisas de pós-graduação como a presente. / This work approaches the impacts of the technological revolution, mainly the impacts caused by the worldwide computers network (here, the internet) that brought alterations in old patterns, especially in the employee-employer relationship. In this scenario, this work analyzes the historic evolution of the labor law and the internet, the sources and some principles which creates controversy (such as the employer\'s directive power and property right versus the rights to privacy, intimacy, and the non-violation of mail), the tools, the forms and limits of the control and, finally, its repercussion in the labor law in Brazil and in the world with the scope to present certain preventive and conciliatory procedures, that harmonize those social principles achieved a long time ago. This subject is certainly controversial and is still treated in a superficial way by the law thinkers, as well as, by the Courts. Thus, this work highlights the relevance and the innovative character required in a graduation research.

Mitteilungen des URZ 3/4 1998

Clauß,, Fischer,, Grunewald,, Heide,, Riedel, U., Riedel, W., Wegener, 25 January 1999 (has links)
Linux auf dem Vormarsch KDE unter Linux in den PC-Pools Womit schreibt man denn nun Studien- oder Diplomarbeiten? (Textsatz-Software im Campusnetz) Windows 98 - Umstieg erforderlich? Neues vom WWW-Server Serveranbindung via Level-4 Switch Webzugriffe ermitteln Maximale Größe und Zustellzeit einer E-Mail

Mitteilungen des URZ 2/2007

Clauß, Matthias, Müller, Thomas, Richter, Frank, Riedel, Wolfgang 10 May 2007 (has links)
Informationen des Universitätsrechenzentrums

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