Spelling suggestions: "subject:"femail"" "subject:"émail""
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En överfull brevlåda : En undersökning om direktreklamens utvecklingsmöjligheterAlsamaraie, Dureid, Lejonqvist, Emil January 2011 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med uppsatsen är att vi ska identifiera nya potentiella utvecklingsmöjligheter med direktreklam. Vilken betydelse har DR för företagen? Metod Den här uppsatsen har vi valt att genomföra utifrån en deduktiv ansats med en kvalitativ karaktär. Det här valet gjorde vi därför att vår strävan har varit att kunna besvara vårt forskningsproblem. Vi har genomfört sex intervjuer, för att ha kunnat samla in våra empiriska data, med personer i ledande positioner på företag som arbetar eller är i kontakt med direktreklam. Tre av dessa har varit personliga intervjuer, två telefonintervjuer och en via e-post. Slutsatser Vi har kommit fram till att direktreklam är en mycket stark och fortfarande mycket aktuell marknadsföringskanal. Trots den stämpel som direktreklamen har fått, av att vara skräppost och junkmail, så har kanalen ändå något alldeles extra att tillföra konsumenterna tycker vi. Direktreklamens fysiska attribut skapar en speciell känsla bland mottagarna av den. Direktreklamen har flera positivt utmärkande egenskaper då vi anser att den både kan driva försäljning och bygga varumärken så länge som dess budskap är relevant för konsumenten. För att relevansen skall finnas med i meddelandet måste företag hantera konsumenternas integritet med respekt. Den integriteten kan företagen respektera genom att ha en tillräckligt nära kommunikation med kunden, vilket på sikt även stärker relationen. Kommunikationen mellan företagen och kunderna sker genom den adresserade direktreklamen som därför har kommit att bli aktuell för oss att utveckla. Utvecklingsmöjligheterna ligger därför i att konsumenterna ska kunna, via internet, välja vilken reklam som de själva vill ha i brevlådan. Det här samtycket bidrar till att kunderna blir sedda, vilket på sikt kan leda till att deras lojalitet inför både företaget och dess varumärke kan stärkas. När kunderna blir lojala så kommer också företagens träffsäkerhet med utskicken att bli bättre. Konsekvensen av det kan bli att den totala volymen av direktreklam minskar, vilket i sin tur leder till en bättre miljö, samtidigt som företagens distributionskostnader reduceras. När andelen av nöjda kunder växer så ökar också lönsamheten för företagen. Därför anser vi att det här förslaget är något som både företagen och kunderna tjänar på i längden, då modellen bidrar till en win - win situation där båda parterna till slut blir vinnare. / Purpose The purpose of this essay is to identify new development opportunities for direct mail. What impact has direct mail on the companies? Method This essay we have chosen to implement is based on a deductive approach with a qualitative nature. We made this choice to be able to answer our research problem. We have conducted six interviews, to collect our empirical data, with managers in companies that are working or in contact with direct mail. Three of these were personal interviews, two telephone interviews and one was made by e-mail. Conclusions We have found that direct mail is still a very strong and very current marketing channel. Despite the stigma that direct mail has been received to be spam and junk mail it has something special to bring to the customers. Direct mail´s physical attributes creates a special feeling among consumers. Direct mail has several positive features, since we believe that it can both drive sales and build brands as long as its message is relevant to the consumer. For the relevance to be included in the message, companies have to deal with consumer privacy with respect. Companies can conform to consumer´s integrity by having a sufficiently close communication with the customer, which in time also strengthens the relationship. Companies communicate with customers through the addressed direct mail, which therefore has to be defined for us to develop. The potential is therefore in that the consumer can by using an internet based technology choose the advertising that they want in their mailbox. This permission marketing based solution helps companies to have a better look on their clients, which also could ultimately lead to strength consumer´s loyalty. As customers become more loyal so will the companies' success rates by mailing to be better. The total volume of direct mail will be reduced which leads to a better environment conditions, while companies distribution costs will be also decreased. When the percentage of satisfied customers grows, the profitability of companies will increase. Therefore, we believe that this proposal is something that both businesses and customers benefit from in the long run as the model contributes to a win - win situation where both parties end up being winners.
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Workshop Intranet 1997Ehrig, Matthias 02 December 1997 (has links) (PDF)
Karsten Priemer: Integration heterogener Applikationsumgebungen in Intranets mit Web - Technologien
Swen Gerber: Netzcomputer-Konzepte
Sven Graupner: JavaOS - Ein Betriebssystem für Intranets?
Patrick Voigt: Netscape Internet Foundation Classes (IFC)
Christoph Ziegler: MONARCH - Stand und künftige Aufgaben
Holger Trinks: WWW-Robots
Frank Richter: ¨Das richtige Mailprogramm¨
Bert Auerbach: Internet-Suchsysteme
Frank Richter: Directories - Technologien und Datenadministration
Ralph Sontag: Aufbau einer Certification Authority
Jörg Hüttmann: Digitales Geld
Mario Küchler: Internet-Telefonie
Torsten Naumann: Ressourcensteuerung für Internet-Zugänge
Michael Hasenstein: Eine zentrale Faxserverlösung auf Basis Hylafax+Web-Frontend
Ronald Wahl: Intranet-Nutzermanagement
Wolfgang Riedel: Konzepte der Software-Refinanzierung
Marco Günther: Linux kontra NT - ¨strategische Plattformen¨? - Teil I
Thomas Riedel: Linux kontra NT - ¨strategische Plattformen¨? - Teil II
Dietmar Grunewald: WINDOWS-NT im öffentlichen PC-Pool Teil I: Servereinsatz und Nutzerverwaltung
Jens Wagner: WINDOWS-NT im öffentlichen PC-Pool Teil II: Anwendungssoftware
Matthias Ehrig: Diskless Linux - Möglichkeiten der SysAdmin
Matthias Clauß: Skalierbare Systemadministration von LINUX-Rechnern
Christian Bobber: WWW-Sicherheitsaspekte
Thomas Müller: Authentisierung und Verteilung von Konfigurationsfiles
Thomas Förster: Verzeichnissysteme für neue Anwendungen
Jürgen Winkler: MathLink - der Kommunikations-Standard von Mathematica
Ludwig Wolf: Ethernet - neue Normen, neue Perspektiven
Thomas Schier: ATM - Standards und deren praktischer Einsatz
Günther Fischer: IP-Routing in unserem (ATM-)Netz
Prof. Uwe Hübner: Intranet - Erwartungen und Entwicklungen
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Überwachung der privaten E-Mail-Kommunikation von Schülerinnen und Schülern durch Schulen und ihre Aufsichtspflicht über diese PersonenGramlich, Ludwig, Mai, Frank 20 November 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Verbundprojekt "Entwicklung einer Systemlösung für die Schulen der Stadt
Chemnitz zur Unterstützung des fachübergreifenden Einsatzes neuer
Medien" (SyS-C)
Förderkennzeichen: 01NM254B
Laufzeit des Vorhabens: 01.06.2004 bis 31.05.2007
Durch das Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung und den
Europäischen Sozialfonds gefördertes Projekt
Mit dem Projekt SyS-C hat die Stadt Chemnitz eine zentrale Systemlösung
für alle Chemnitzer Schulen geschaffen, die diesen eine zeitgemäße
IT-Lösung zu bezahlbaren Kosten zur Verfügung stellt. Die Lösung
entlastet die Lehrenden von administrativen Aufgaben, ist einfach zu
bedienen und macht so für die Lehrkräfte die Nutzung der neuen Medien
dauerhaft und mit hoher Verlässlichkeit möglich.
Die Lösung besteht aus einer Schulserver-Software, die speziell die
Anforderungen des schulischen Alltags berücksichtigt, für alle
Schulformen geeignet ist, plattformunabhängig Client-Systeme unterstützt
und zentral administriert werden kann. Auf dieser Basis werden alle
Schulen über VPN-Verbindungen mit dem in Chemnitz aufgebauten
Schulrechenzentrum verbunden. Dieses Intranet ist die Basis der
zentralen Administration.
Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit den unterschiedlichen Formen der Nutzung
von E-Mail im Unterricht und den Möglichkeiten der Überwachung vor dem
Hintergrund des Fernmeldegeheimnisses und der Aufsichtspflichten der
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Rechtliche Grenzen der Kontrolle der E-Mail- und Internetnutzung am Arbeitsplatz : Deutschland, Großbritannien und USA im Vergleich /Koeppen, Thomas. January 2007 (has links)
Humboldt-Universiẗat, Diss.--Berlin, 2006. / Literaturverz. S. XI - XXXV.
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A Matter of Decision: Experimental Art in Hungary and Yugoslavia, 1968-1989Tumbas, Jasmina January 2013 (has links)
<p>This dissertation analyzes experimental art movements in Hungary and the former Yugoslavia from 1968 to 1989, examining the variety of ways that artists responded to the ideological and practical failures of communism. I also deliberate on how artists, living in the specter of Marxist ideology, negotiated socio-political and cultural systems dominated by the state; how they undermined the moral consciousness that state socialism imposed from above; and how they created alternative ways of being in an era that had promised the opening of society and art but that failed that pledge. I suggest that some artists increasingly questioned the state's hegemony in everyday relationships, language, and symbols, and attempted to neutralize self-censorship and gain sovereignty over their own bodies and minds through "decision as art." The dissertation approaches authoritarian domination within the context of the artists' aesthetic choices, especially the development of conceptual and performance art as a mode of opposition. Deliberating on the notion of decision as central to the conceptualization and execution of resistance to the state, I focus on the alternative ways in which Yugoslavian and Hungarian artists made art in variegated forms and modes of ethical commitment. I argue that such art must be understood as an active decision to live in and through art while enduring political circumstance.</p> / Dissertation
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Dixie Progress: Sears, Roebuck & Co. and How it became an Icon in Southern CultureHancock, Jr., Jerry R. 21 November 2008 (has links)
This study will investigate Sears, Roebuck & Co. and the special relationship it established with the South during the first half of the twentieth-century. The study will examine oral interviews with former employees, southern literature and customer letters from the region in an effort to better understand how Sears became more than just a friend to the poor dirt farmers of the South; it became a uniquely southern institution.
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Smarta telefoner -ett digitalt koppel? : En fallstudie om Information Overload i organisationer / Smartphones and Information Overload in organizationsHammarskjöld, Madeleine, Jakobsson, Maria January 2015 (has links)
In the digitized world many organizations experience a large flow of information. To sort and manage all the information can be difficult. Individuals may experience a phenomenon called ”Information Overload”, due to the fact that the information flow is too extensive. There are various reasons why individuals are affected by this phenomenon. One reason may be due to the individual´s personality, another reason could also be the increased use of smartphones. The use of smartphones has had the effect that individuals are online and available even during therir leisure time. The extended use of smartphones has led to that it is possible that individuals are experiencing an increasing stress. In this study, we will investigate individuals experience of ”Information Overload” that may be associated with organizations use of smartphones. / Informationsmängden har i och med internet ökat drastiskt. Tidigare kunde det vara ett problem med att hitta användbar och relevant information. Numera är problemet det motsatta. Det kan leda till att individer utsätts för mer information än vad de kan hantera. Denna kraftiga expansion av information skulle kunna resultera i ett så kallat informationsöverflöd för individen. Det råder dock delade meningar hos forskarna om vad detta fenomen innebär och vilka orsakerna kan vara till uppkomsten av informationsöverflöd (Information Overload). För att undersöka om detta är ett utbrett problem inom organisationer inleddes undersökningen med en intervju med en chef och en informationsansvarig inom en utvald organisation. Intervjun genomfördes för att utreda organisationens policys och regler gällande informationsflödet och användandet av den smarta telefonen. Därefter utfördes en enkätundersökning med en grupp utvalda mellanchefer inom organisationen. Undersökningens syfte var att undersöka hur individer uppfattar och hanterar informationsflöden. Samt om den smarta telefonen påverkar individer genom att den bidrar till ett utökat informationsöverflöde. Enkätfrågorna utgick från Eppler och Mengis (2004) konceptuella ramverk om orsaker och symptom. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om individer upplever någon form av In-formation Overload på grund av det utökade användandet av smarta telefoner, samt hur individer påverkas av den tillgänglighet som den smarta telefonen bidrar till. Studien har utgått från Eppler och Mengis (2004) konceptuella ramverk för att studera fenomenet Information Overload. Detta ramverk utgår från fem orsaker, personliga faktorer, informationens beskaffenhet, IT, organisationens design och arbetsuppgiftens karaktär. Dessa orsaker kan var för sig eller tillsammans bidra till att Information Overload uppstår, vilket vidare leder till att individerna drabbas av olika symptom. Resultatet i undersökningen visade att majoriteten av individerna upplevde ett flertal symptom i samband med det utökade användandet av smarta telefoner, symptom som kan härledas till Information Overload. De symptom som tydligast framkom var stress, trötthet samt koncentrationssvårigheter. Det framkom även att den smarta telefonen via sin storlek och funktioner är en bidragande faktor till en utökad tillgänglighet. En tillgänglighet som bidrar till att gränsen mellan arbetstid och ledig tid allt mer suddats ut. Detta kan ses som en bidragande orsak till att individer känner symptom som är kopplade till Information Overload.
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異文化理解教育 : インターネットを利用した「ライティング」教授法(英語科)(教科研究)仲田, 恵子 15 October 1996 (has links)
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Socioeconomic position and utilisation of preventive health services among adults in the general populationZhang, Jianzhen (Jenny) January 2007 (has links)
Background: International research has shown that socioeconomically disadvantaged groups experience significantly higher mortality and morbidity rates than other groups. Both cardiovascular disease (CVD) and diabetes are major contributors to Australia's burden of disease, and individuals from lower socioeconomic groups are more likely to be affected by both, and to have worse prognoses and outcomes. There is substantial research evidence that a range of preventive activities can reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with these conditions. Research in countries with good access to primary health care services has demonstrated that socioeconomically disadvantaged groups tend to have higher levels of medical consultations, but make less use of preventive care and screening services. This fact contributes to their poorer health outcomes, as diagnosis will typically occur later than for more advantaged individuals, thus leading to a poorer prognosis. However, to date, there has been little research on the differential utilisation of preventive health services for CVD and diabetes by different socioeconomic groups in Australia. To understand socioeconomic influences on the use of preventive health services, a comprehensive review of the literature of determinants of health service utilisation was conducted and a number of explanations for this relationship considered. It was proposed that the following factors are likely to be important in this relationship: differences in the perception of the availability of, and accessibility to health care, attitudes and beliefs toward preventive health care, having a regular source of care, perception of interpersonal care from general practitioners, and social support. A number of theoretical models were also reviewed; in particular, the Andersen Behavioural Model of Health Service Research Utilisation. Aims: This doctoral research program has described the relationship between socioeconomic position (SEP) and utilisation of preventive health services in relation to CVD and diabetes. It aims to improve the understanding of the determinants of uptake and utilisation of preventive health services in general practice by different socioeconomic groups in Australia. Methods: The study was conducted in Brisbane Australia, in 2004, using a cross-sectional design and a self-administered mailed survey for data collection. A sample of adults aged 25-64 years was selected randomly from the Brisbane Electoral Roll. A conceptual model incorporating a range of relevant socio-demographic, risk-factor and behavioural variables in the relationship between SEP and GP-based use of preventive health services was used to develop a self-administered questionnaire. The questionnaire was pilot-tested and then reviewed by a panel of international experts. A new self-administered questionnaire, the Health Service Utilisation Questionnaire (HSUQ), was developed. It included 79 items: 12 socio-demographic items; 10 items assessing health status, disease conditions and smoking status; 20 items assessing use of health services; and 37 items assessing the factors that might affect use of health services utilisation. The HSUQ was then mailed to 800 randomly selected survey participants. The survey response rate was 65.6 per cent. After exclusion of those patients with cardiovascular diseases and diabetes, the final sample size was 381, consisting of 155 males and 226 females. Socioeconomic indicators were individual education level and family income. Blood pressure, blood cholesterol and blood glucose check-ups by general practitioners (GPs) were used as the major outcome variables. Nine scales and two dichotomous variables that measure those potential factors were derived following Principal Component Analysis and reliability testing. The data were analysed separately by gender, and adjusted for age and each of the socioeconomic indicators. Statistical description, bivariate analysis and multivariable modelling in SPSS were applied for the data analysis. Results: The survey results were suggestive of socioeconomically disadvantaged people being less likely than more advantaged people to utilise preventive health services for CVD and diabetes. For males, the low socioeconomic groups recorded the least use of preventive health services among the three education and income groups, including blood cholesterol and blood glucose check-ups, while the high socioeconomic group recorded the greatest use of preventive health services. There was no apparent relationship between education level and blood pressure check-up, while individuals from low-income families were less likely to go for a blood pressure check-up. For females, most of the results suggested that the low socioeconomic groups were less likely than the high socioeconomic groups to have blood cholesterol and blood glucose check-ups. However, this was not the case for blood pressure check-ups. The results showed that the low and middle socioeconomic groups were more likely than the high socioeconomic groups to have BP check-ups. However, the low socioeconomic groups were still less likely than the middle socioeconomic groups to have a blood pressure check-up. Overall, there was a similar pattern between education and income and the use of GP-based preventive health services among both males and females. The findings from the examination of the mediating factors between SEP and the GP-based use of preventive health services suggested that socioeconomically disadvantaged adults (both low level of education and low income) are more concerned about transport and travel time to health care, and accessibility to health care in terms of finding a GP who bulk bills, the cost of seeing a GP and having a choice of GP. They are also less likely to have a regular place of care and social support. These potential factors are likely to result in a lesser use of preventive health services than their high-SEP counterparts. In addition, the findings also suggested that respondents with a low level of education have less-positive attitudes towards health care, and that those from low-income families do not have a regular care provider and are less likely to visit their GP for a preventive check-up in relation to CVD and diabetes in Australia. Conclusions: Strategies for reducing socioeconomic health inequalities are partly associated with changing social and economic policies, empowering individuals, strengthening social and family networks, and improving the equity of the health care system. Strategies have been recommended for implementation in general practice that are directed at targeting the needs of disadvantaged groups; for example, providing longer consultation time and actively offering information on preventive care. Implementation of health promotion programs is needed in disadvantaged areas to keep the community informed about the availability of health services and to make health services more accessible. The health care system needs to be geographically accessible through improvements to the transport system. In addition, improving access to a regular source of primary health care is likely to be an important step in encouraging low-SEP individuals to use preventive health services.
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How do experienced Information Lens users use rules?January 1988 (has links)
Wendy E. Mackay ... [et. al.]. / "October 1988." / Includes bibliographical references (p. 12).
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