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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Architecture de communication générique pour un système de bus du commerce électronique

Tagmouti, Siham January 2003 (has links)
Mémoire numérisé par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Hur stärker man ett varumärke? : En studie om hur digital reklamannonsering påverkar konsumentbaserat varumärkeskapital hos klädföretag.

Liljefors, Michelle, Östlin, Oscar January 2019 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker digital-marknadsförings inverkan i skapandet av konsumentbaserat varumärkeskapital (KBVK) hos klädföretag. I synnerhet fokuserar studien på att undersöka hur konsumenters attityder till reklam, dess frekvens och grad av personalisering påverkar KBVK och dess dimensioner. Studien prövar även hur konsumenters attityd till att motta reklam via SMS, E-mail och internet påverkar dimensionerna. Baserat på en enkätundersökning på 99 konsumenter, som samtliga var Uppsalastudenter, visade studien att konsumenters attityder till reklam har en stark påverkan på varumärkeskapitalets dimensioner. Slutsatserna var således att konsumenters attityder till reklam liksom frekvent och personaliserad reklam bidrog till att stärka KBVK. Vidare visade resultatet att användning av E-mail som reklamkanal bidrog till att positivt öka varumärkeskapitalets dimensioner, och därmed i förlängningen varumärkeskapital. Ingen slutsats kunde dras om huruvida SMS och internet som reklamkanal kan bidra till att öka varumärkeskapitalet. Studien ger implikationer för hur företag kan optimera byggandet av varumärkeskapital och generera ett ökat värde för konsument och företag genom att ta hänsyn till de marknadsföringsåtgärder som påverkar varumärkeskapitalets dimensioner.

The role of the media in transition to democracy: An analysis of the coverage of the alleged arms deal corruption by the Sowetan and the Mail&Guardian

Radebe, Jemina Lydia 28 February 2007 (has links)
Student Number : 9400560N - MA research report - School of Social Sciences - Faculty of Humanities / This research report critically analyses – through qualitative content analysis – how the Sowetan and the Mail&Guardian newspapers reported the alleged corruption in the arms deal in November 2001. The analysis includes a contextual discussion of factors shaping or influencing media coverage of important political topics in a transition to democracy. Theories of the role of the media in democratic transition inform the analysis of media coverage of the arms deal. ‘Transition’ in the context of this research report is used to refer to the process of South Africa’s ‘conversion’ from an undemocratic apartheid system based on unfair prejudices and practices grounded on class, race and gender to a ‘fair discrimination’ and application of remedial measures (political, social and economic) to correct the imbalances caused by apartheid policies. The research applies liberal pluralism, gatekeeping, public sphere, as well as Marxist-related media theories, including the critical political economy of the media approach and notes that it is not possible for a single approach to offer an absolute analysis of the role of the media in a transition to democracy. In addition, the research employs theories of news, language and society to show how social relations affect language used in news and ultimately affect notions of ‘bias’ and ‘objectivity’. The study observes that complete ‘objectivity’ as an ideal is unattainable, especially when one considers that news making processes are complex and influenced by diverse factors, some of which allow for anticipated processes of selection and inevitably, bias. This applies to the two publications under study. The report observes that through their reportage of alleged corruption in the arms deal during the month of November 2001, these newspapers attempted to open up, create and democratize the space for free inquiry. At the same time, however, it is noted that this space was dominated by certain voices and not representative of all civil society organizations and interests that had a stake in the arms deal. The report concludes that media should be encouraged to promote genuine diversity of voices. Diversity, within such a scheme, should be measured by equal and participatory dialogue from all the voices of all civil society institutions.

Remixando Teixeirinha : uma ánalise antropológica sobre a construção da imagem pública do "gaúcho coração do Rio Grande"

Reis, Nicole Isabel dos January 2010 (has links)
Esta pesquisa trata das maneiras pelas quais a imagem pública do artista popular gaúcho Vitor Mateus Teixeira, conhecido como Teixeirinha – que morreu em 1985, depois de uma longa carreira de sucesso no Brasil e no exterior na música e no cinema – é construída, percebida e colocada em circulação. Através de uma etnografia das manifestações de seus fãs no cemitério da Santa Casa, das correspondências dos fãs, dos discursos da imprensa escrita e televisiva sobre o artista, e dos projetos de vários agentes dedicados à gestão de sua imagem pública, especialmente aqueles conduzidos por sua família, representada pela Fundação Vítor Mateus Teixeira, eu tento mostrar como a imagem de um ídolo popular pode se tornar um objeto de disputas. Além disso, argumento que a trajetória de um “herói” do povo pode, através de um viés antropológico, ser tomada como uma espécie de lente através da qual se pode colocar em evidência muitas dimensões do imaginário e da memória coletiva da sociedade brasileira. / This research is about the ways through which the public image of gaucho popular artist Vitor Mateus Teixeira, known as Teixeirinha – who passed away in 1985, after a long successful career in Brazil and abroad in the music and cinema business – is built, acknowledged and placed into circulation nowadays. Through an ethnography of his fans’ manifestations at the Santa Casa cemetery, of fan mail, of the discourse from the press about the artist, and the projects of the various agents dedicated to the management of his current image, especially the ones conducted by his family, represented by the Vitor Mateus Teixeira Foundation, and the press from Rio Grande do Sul, I try to show how this image of a popular idol can become a disputed object. Besides that, I argument that the trajectory of a popular "hero" can, through an anthropological bias, be taken as a type of lens, which is able to place in evidence many dimensions of the imaginary and of the collective memory of the Brazilian society.


Gorton, Kathryn 01 January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of e-mail specific performance feedback (ESPF) on increasing the quantity and quality of pre-school teacher behavior specific praise (BSP) using a multiple probe design across 4 general education pre-school classrooms which included students with and without disabilities. Researchers also wanted to examine the effects of the teacher’s BSP on student’s task engagement during class activities. Results indicated a functional relation between ESPF and increasing the quantity and quality of BSP statements. Results also indicated that increased quantity and quality of BSP statements increased average task engagement across all student participants.

Representing sexualised otherness : Asian woman as sign in the discourse of the Australian press

Ransom, Miriam Anna, 1972- January 2001 (has links)
Abstract not available

Electronic mail in a working context

Bälter, Olle January 1998 (has links)
Electronic mail, email, is one of the most widespread computer applications today.While email in general is very popular among its users, there are also drawbacks withemail usage: an increasing amount of messages that overwhelm users, systems that aretoo complex for naive users and at the same time do not support the needs of experiencedusers.In order to answer the main research question “Which design solutions couldimprove the situation of individual email users in a working context when it comes tocommunication and handling large numbers of incoming and stored email messages?”three studies conducted in email users’ working environment are described. The studiedorganisations are one academic research laboratory, one technical company, andone primary medical service organisation. The studies are focused on email usage,organisation of email messages, novice versus experienced users’ needs, managers’email usage, and information and communication overflow.The results indicate that the different strategies used to handle email are a matter ofa balance between advantages and disadvantages of these strategies. The choicebetween them is depending on the users’ total work situation and cannot be understoodby investigating the email communication alone.One advantage of email is the cognitive comfort it brings to its users by liberatingthem from thinking about tasks that can be solved by sending an email message, butthis advantage disappears when the sender cannot trust that the receiver will act uponthe message.Users develop their handling of email with experience and work position. Themedia that managers use to handle the increased communication that follows with ahigher position are email and meetings. One habit that do not change with position isto allow incoming messages to interrupt other work tasks, despite the asynchronousnature of email. This is particularly remarkable for managers who often complain thatthey need more uninterrupted time. The interruptions may partly be attributed to thelack of functionality in email systems to adapt the interfaces to the users’ work habits.In this case incoming messages result in a signal regardless the importance of them.Email is a part of an information and communication flow. Some users have problemshandling this flow. Overflow problems could be diminished by making senders ofmessages more aware of the receivers’ communicative situation. Email systems couldprovide feedback to senders of messages based on the receivers’ perception of his/hersituation.One of the studies indicates that it may be even more complicated to replace an oldemail system than introducing an email system for the first time in an organisation.The investment experienced users have made in the old system may be substantial.A model of time usage for organisation of email messages is also presented in orderto compare different strategies.Several design solutions are suggested with respect to folder usage, sorting emailmessages into folders, reducing the number of stored messages, and tailoring the emailsystem to the user’s work habits. / QC 20100524

Le retard de Montréal sur Toronto en matière de journalisme économique

Desjardins, Stéphane 06 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Le présent mémoire porte sur le retard de Montréal sur Toronto en matière de journalisme économique. Dans un contexte démographique où les Québécois sont plus endettés que jamais, ont un niveau insuffisant d'épargne et de littératie financière, ne contrôlent pas les leviers importants de leur économie, alors que l'économie planétaire est en mutation, avec la montée en puissance des pays émergents, l'information économique et financière joue plus que jamais un rôle stratégique. Malheureusement, le Québec, et plus particulièrement la région de Montréal, où se concentre l'essentiel de la richesse, des emplois de haut niveau, du pouvoir économique, de l'économie du savoir, de la recherche scientifique et des sièges sociaux des grandes entreprises, des médias, des universités et de la culture, accuse un retard important dans la qualité, la pertinence, la profondeur et même l'influence de l'information économique. Pendant qu'à Toronto, on dispose d'une presse de classe mondiale, Montréal est desservie par une presse provinciale. Le retard s'explique par un décalage sociohistorique du Québec par rapport aux questions d'argent, qui remonte à la Conquête. Malgré un rattrapage certain depuis la Révolution tranquille, ce décalage persiste et se répercute aussi sur la culture des salles de rédaction. Les médias québécois se constituent depuis peu une culture journalistique économique, qui existe depuis plusieurs générations dans des journaux comme le Globe and Mail et le National Post. L'encadrement du travail journalistique, au sein de ces quotidiens, est plus rigoureux et davantage tourné vers une notion de qualité qui est basée sur des standards plus élevés qu'au Québec, dans une volonté manifeste d'influencer les cercles du pouvoir. L'information pratiquée au Québec, qui dessert avant tout un lectorat de classe moyenne, est basée principalement sur un journalisme de vulgarisation et de couverture primaire de l'actualité. Les médias québécois, moins riches que ceux de Toronto, où se concentre le pouvoir financier et économique du pays, doivent avant tout couvrir l'actualité locale, pour plaire à des lecteurs a priori ethnocentriques et portés avant tout sur l'actualité dite "triviale". Mais un rattrapage est commencé et il est possible de concurrencer les plus grands médias de la planète avec des moyens moins imposants, pourvu que les entreprises de presse québécoises prennent un virage qualité. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Journalisme, économie, littératie financière, histoire, Québec (Province), Montréal, Toronto, médias, La Presse, Radio-Canada, Globe and Mail, National Post, qualité du journalisme, Conquête, Révolution tranquille, The Economist.

Personlig integritet i arbetslivet : Arbetsgivarens möjlighet till kontroll av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning

Bengtsson, Sofi January 2008 (has links)
Sammanfattning Skyddet för arbetstagarens personliga integritet är ett aktuellt ämne där teknikutvecklingen ger arbetsgivaren ökade möjligheter att kontrollera arbetstagaren. Därmed äventyras skyddet för arbetstagarens personliga integritet. Det finns i dagsläget inte någon direkt specialanpassad lagstiftning till skydd för den personliga integriteten i arbetslivet och svensk lagstiftning saknar en enhetlig definition på begreppet personlig integritet. Det är oklart vilka möjligheter arbetsgivaren har att vidta kontrollåtgärder av arbetstagarens Internet- och epostanvändning samt vilket skydd arbetstagaren har för sin personliga integritet. Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut vilket rättsligt skydd arbetstagaren på den svenska arbetsmarknaden har för sin personliga integritet, vilka möjligheter arbetsgivaren har att vidta kontrollåtgärder av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning, samt vad begreppet god sed på arbetsmarknaden i detta fall innebär. För att uppnå syftet används en rättsdogmatisk metod, som innebär att aktuella rättskällor det vill säga lagtext, förarbeten, praxis från Arbetsdomstolen och doktrin kommer att studeras. Arbetsgivaren ges möjlighet att vidta integritetskänsliga åtgärder såsom kontroll av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning med stöd av den allmänna arbetsledningsrätten, avtal, kollektivavtal eller lagstiftning. Dock begränsas möjligheterna till att åtgärden inte får stå i strid med god sed på arbetsmarknaden. För att avgöra vad nämnda begränsning innebär gör Arbetsdomstolen en intresseavvägning. Arbetstagarens intresse av skydd för sin personliga integritet jämförs med arbetsgivarens intresse av kontroll av arbetstagarens Internet- och e-postanvändning. Dessutom måste det finnas en rimlig proportion mellan mål och medel för kontrollåtgärden, alltså måste intrånget i arbetstagarens privatliv som åtgärden vållar stå i rimlig proportion till arbetsgivarens syfte med kontrollen. Avslutningsvis kan sägas att vilka kontrollåtgärder arbetsgivaren får vidta och vilket skydd arbetstagaren har för sin personliga integritet är en fråga som får avgöras efter bedömning av det enskilda fallet. / Abstract The protection for the employee’s personal integrity is a current subject where the technology development gives the employer increased possibilities to check upon the employee. Thereby the protection for the employee’s personal integrity is jeopardized. At present there is no special legislation of protection for the personal working life integrity and the Swedish legislation lacks a uniform definition of the concept personal integrity. It is unclear which possibilities the employer has to take control measures of the employee’s Internet- and e-mail use and which protection the employee has for its personal integrity. The purpose with the essay is to find out which legal protections the employee on the Swedish labour market has for its personal integrity, which possibilities the employer has to take control measures of the employee’s Internet- and e-mail use, and what the concept of good labour market practice means. In order to achieve the purpose a law dogmatic method is used, which means that current sources of law i.e. law text, preparation of law text, good practice from labour court and doctrine will be studied. The employer is given the possibility to take integrity sensitive actions, like control of the employee’s Internet- and e-mail use by virtue of the right to direct work, agreement, collective agreement or legislation. However, the possibilities are limited as the action must not go against good labour market practice. In order to decide what stands against good labour market practice the labour court does a weighing of interest. The employee’s interests of protection for its personal integrity are compared with the employer’s interests of control of the employee’s Internet- and e-mail use. Moreover, there must be a reasonable proportion between the objective and means for the control measure, therefore the trespass in the employee’s private life that the measure causes must stand in reasonable proportion to the employer’s aim with the control. In conclusion can be said that which control measures the employer can take and which protection the employee has for its personal integrity is a question that must be decided after assessment of every individual case.

A Research of the Intra-organizational Media Usage of Kaohsiung's Journalist: by Media Richness and Social Influence Model

Huang, Hui-Wen 28 July 2000 (has links)
¡mAbstract¡n This research examines six presses of Kaohsiung journalists', China Times, Liberty Times, United Daily News, Taiwan Times, Taiwan Shin Wen Daily News, and Public Daily News, the intra-organization media usage for Media Richness and Social Influence Model. It tests four media which are face to face, telephone, e-mail, and written document, and tests which one is suitable for Kaohsiung journalists use in formal communication and informal communication. The result is that the most journalist use face to face as their intra-organization media. Not only testing media usage, this research is also examining the prediction of media usage by Media Richness and Social Influence Model. The result is except downward communication media usage which lacks sufficient samples, the other communication flows' media usage prediction are Media Richness explanation of predicting media usage is better than Social Influence Model. For each press, face to face is the main choice for six presses' journalists in upward communication, horizontal communication and downward communication flow. However, United Daily News' journalists use written document as the main media in informal communication, but the other presses' still use face to face The finding in formal and upward communication, the prediction of media usage by Media Richness and Social Influence Model in Liberty Times doesn¡¦t have significant level. Meanwhile, Liberty Times and Taiwan Shin Wen News' prediction of media usage in horizontal communication don¡¦t have significant level. At last, there are only Liberty Times and Public Daily News's media usage prediction have significant level in informal communication. Keywords:intra-organization, media usage, face to face, telephone, e-mail, written document, formal communication, informal communication, upward communication, horizontal communication, downward communication, Media Richness, Social Influence Model.

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