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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Governança e gestão em aquisições : a proposição de um modelo para uma universidade pública brasileira

Hennigen, Maria Rita Jardim January 2018 (has links)
A governança de aquisições é a aplicação dos princípios e práticas de governança com enfoque na função aquisição das organizações. A gestão das aquisições, por sua vez, compreende a gestão do processo de aquisições. Elas são complementares e interdependentes, porém ambas atuam no manejo dos riscos implicados nos processos de aquisição para que esses agreguem efetivamente valor ao negócio da organização. O modelo resultante deste estudo é a estrutura de governança e gestão de aquisições. Ela é composta por mecanismos de liderança (Comitê de Governança, Riscos e Controle; Comitê Gestor e Grupo de Processo Suprimentos), estratégia (políticas e diretrizes, gestão do processo, gestão de risco e gestão por competências) e controle (indicadores relativos a gestão do processo, de risco e por competências) para o processo de aquisições. A estrutura proposta, que foi desenvolvida tendo em vista uma universidade pública brasileira, busca: padronizar os procedimentos; melhorar o tempo de execução das aquisições; evitar diversas aquisições de mesmo objeto ao longo do ano; minimizar o retrabalho; mitigar o fracionamento da despesa; e implantar a cultura do planejamento de aquisições ao alterar o processo decisório pessoal sobre a modalidade de aquisição para uma decisão colegiada do Comitê Gestor, unificando as compras de natureza similar realizada pelos diferentes setores da universidade. / Procurement governance is the application of governance principles and practices with a focus on organizations acquisition function. Procurement management, in turn, comprises the procurement process management. They are complementary and interdependent and aim to add value through acquisitions for organization's business with acceptable risks. The resulted model of this study is the governance and procurement management structure. It is composed of leadership mechanisms (GRC Committee, Management Committee and GP Procurement), strategy (policies and guidelines, process management, risk management and management by competencies) and controls (indicators related to process, risk and competence management) for the procurement process. The structure proposed by the study is being applied in a Brazilian public university. It looks for: standardize procedures, improve the execution time of acquisitions, avoid several acquisitions of the same object throughout the year, minimize rework, mitigate expenditure fractionation, implement the culture of procurement planning and change the personal decision-making process on the procurement modality to a Management Committee´s collegiate decision unifying purchases of the same objects from different sectors of the university.

Veřejné zakázky na municipální úrovni / Public procurement at the local government level

ŠTEMBEROVÁ, Štěpánka January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate public procurement practices and elaborate recommended procurement procedures. The resulting part of the work is devoted to a research of selected municipal contracts in terms of volume and structure. It also shows the development of these contracts in the last five years. The research method for achieving the main aim of the work is a case study. Using two real public contracts is demonstrated a possible procurement process. The research via case studies does not serve to produce a generally valid conclusions. However, it is possible to draw several findings from the examples of public contracts. These findings are applicable to other municipal public procurement.

Governança e gestão em aquisições : a proposição de um modelo para uma universidade pública brasileira

Hennigen, Maria Rita Jardim January 2018 (has links)
A governança de aquisições é a aplicação dos princípios e práticas de governança com enfoque na função aquisição das organizações. A gestão das aquisições, por sua vez, compreende a gestão do processo de aquisições. Elas são complementares e interdependentes, porém ambas atuam no manejo dos riscos implicados nos processos de aquisição para que esses agreguem efetivamente valor ao negócio da organização. O modelo resultante deste estudo é a estrutura de governança e gestão de aquisições. Ela é composta por mecanismos de liderança (Comitê de Governança, Riscos e Controle; Comitê Gestor e Grupo de Processo Suprimentos), estratégia (políticas e diretrizes, gestão do processo, gestão de risco e gestão por competências) e controle (indicadores relativos a gestão do processo, de risco e por competências) para o processo de aquisições. A estrutura proposta, que foi desenvolvida tendo em vista uma universidade pública brasileira, busca: padronizar os procedimentos; melhorar o tempo de execução das aquisições; evitar diversas aquisições de mesmo objeto ao longo do ano; minimizar o retrabalho; mitigar o fracionamento da despesa; e implantar a cultura do planejamento de aquisições ao alterar o processo decisório pessoal sobre a modalidade de aquisição para uma decisão colegiada do Comitê Gestor, unificando as compras de natureza similar realizada pelos diferentes setores da universidade. / Procurement governance is the application of governance principles and practices with a focus on organizations acquisition function. Procurement management, in turn, comprises the procurement process management. They are complementary and interdependent and aim to add value through acquisitions for organization's business with acceptable risks. The resulted model of this study is the governance and procurement management structure. It is composed of leadership mechanisms (GRC Committee, Management Committee and GP Procurement), strategy (policies and guidelines, process management, risk management and management by competencies) and controls (indicators related to process, risk and competence management) for the procurement process. The structure proposed by the study is being applied in a Brazilian public university. It looks for: standardize procedures, improve the execution time of acquisitions, avoid several acquisitions of the same object throughout the year, minimize rework, mitigate expenditure fractionation, implement the culture of procurement planning and change the personal decision-making process on the procurement modality to a Management Committee´s collegiate decision unifying purchases of the same objects from different sectors of the university.

Procedimento de planejamento de compras governamentais: estudo de caso numa instituição federal de ensino superior brasileira

SILVA, Waldemir Cordeiro 24 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Fabio Sobreira Campos da Costa (fabio.sobreira@ufpe.br) on 2017-03-07T15:34:52Z No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) dissertação formatada - versão DIGITAL.pdf: 1379319 bytes, checksum: a71b89ea4a2e92f71e212a64f1c9023b (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-07T15:34:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 license_rdf: 1232 bytes, checksum: 66e71c371cc565284e70f40736c94386 (MD5) dissertação formatada - versão DIGITAL.pdf: 1379319 bytes, checksum: a71b89ea4a2e92f71e212a64f1c9023b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-24 / Este trabalho analisou os procedimentos de compras e contratações de serviços da UFPE, sobre a Dispensa de Licitação nos contratos realizados pelas Unidades Gestoras - UGs, enfatizando o gasto orçamentário e financeiro da referida dispensa acima do limite de 10% (dez por cento) em compras e serviços, como também, observou as normas e diretrizes internas que regem este processo na UFPE. Um outro aspecto foi a Adesão em Atas de Registro de Preços de outras Instituições, conhecida como ‘carona’, interpretando a legalidade desta adesão. O referencial teórico do trabalho é a Lei nº. 8.666, de 21 de junho de 1993, da Presidência da República, bem como o embasamento de ideias disponíveis na literatura, além de noções gerais sobre compras e contratações de serviços. Realizou-se um estudo de caso na UFPE, coletando-se dados, mediante entrevistas estruturadas com os servidores responsáveis pelas compras das UG’s, além de observação direta dos processos de compras e, pesquisa em documentos dos processos de licitação indeferidos. Adicionalmente, realizou-se uma visita ao Comando Militar do Nordeste, para conhecer os seus procedimentos de compras e contratações, já que suas Atas de Registro de Preços são utilizadas pela UFPE. Como resultado tem-se o diagnóstico dos problemas enfrentados de um lado, em relação aos processos internos e, de outro, pela constatação de que as despesas são realizadas através da ‘carona’, pregão e dispensa de licitação e, neste caso ultrapassando o limite legal. Por fim é apresentada uma proposta de procedimento para as atividades de compras, cada UG faz seu planejamento anual, usando uma cartilha (a ser elaborada) de forma padronizada e centralizar as demandas. / This study analyzed the procurement procedures and service contracts from Federal University of Pernambuco - UFPE, about the Bid Waiver contracts made by Management Units – MU´s, emphasizing the budget and financial costs of that exemption above the limit of 10% (ten percent) of purchases and services, but also noted the rules and internal guidelines governing this process at university. Another aspect was the Accession on Prices Registration Minutes of other institutions, known as 'lift', interpreting the legality of accession. The theoretical work of reference is the Law no. 8666 of 21 June 1993, the Presidency, as well as the basis of available ideas in the literature, and general notions on procurement and contracting services also. We conducted a case study at UFPE, by collecting data through structured interviews with the officers responsible for the MU's purchases, and direct observation of procurement processes and research documents of rejected bidding processes. Additionally, there was a visit to the Military Command of the Northeast, to know their procurement procedures and contracts, because their prices Registration Minutes are used by UFPE. As a result there is the diagnosis of the problems faced on one side with respect to internal processes and on the other, by the fact that expenditure is carried out through the 'ride', trading and bidding process and in this case exceeding the limit cool. Finally, is the suggested procedure for purchasing activities, each MU makes its annual planning, using a primer (to be developed) in a standardized manner and centralize demands.

The South African military aerospace industry: An overview of the special defence account more commmonly known as 'The South African Arms Deal'

Collison, Kurt Ryan January 2007 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / The paper focuses specifically on the South African Military Aerospace Industry as most of the weapons procured under the arms deal were military aircraft. Taking into account the numerous social needs of South Africa, the purpose of this paper is to inter alia try to establish the rationale behind the South African government's decision to to purchase an array of military weapons from foreign suppliers at an initial cost of almost thirty billion rand. In order to gain a better undrstanding of the topic, the author gives a brief overview and history of the South African Aerospace industry.Furthermore, an examination of the politics of the transition from apartheid to democracy and how this affected the aeropace industry is given. / South Africa

Nákup ve společnosti ČEPRO, a.s. / Procurement at ČEPRO, a.s.

Ihring, David January 2014 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with identification and analysis of the risks in procurement at ČEPRO, a.s. with usage of FMEA method. Companys business activities are transportation, storage and distribution of the oil products, storage of the state oil product funds and managing of the fueling station net called EuroOil. The aim of the thesis is the identify and analyze potential risks in ČEPRO, a.s. procurement process with usage of the FMEA method and propose measures that could lead to improve the procurement process. Thesis is divided into four chapters. First chapter deals with the procurement theory, second chapter deals with Czech public procurement act, because ČEPRO, a.s. use the procurement processes that are inspired by this act. Third chapter presents the company, companys procurement organization and procurement processes. Fourth chapter identifies and analyze the potential risks in the procurement processes and propose the measures that could to lead procurement processes improvement.

Analýza systému zadávání, hodnocení a výběru podlimitních veřejných zakázek / Analysis of procurement, evaluation and selection of public procurement below the threshold

Cikrytová, Iveta January 2014 (has links)
The theme of this diploma thesis are public procurement below - threshold to delivery. The aim of the work is to evaluate the relation between openess of competition and savings of public sources. The openess of competition is measured in quantity of tenders, savings is established at the price differention, which is defined as ratio of final to original price of order. A data file containt 882 orders was good base for regress analysis, which proved the negative relation between quantity of tenders and the price differention. With every additional tender is savings of public sources higher. In the end of the thesis is assessed the analysis and according to that is there a suggestion.

Možnosti nápravy nesprávného postupu zadavatele v zadávacím řízení / Possible remedies for incorrect procedure used by contracting authority in public procurement

Randýsková, Hana January 2020 (has links)
Possible remedies for incorrect procedure used by contracting authority in public procurement Abstract The aim of the diploma thesis is to provide analysis of incorrect procedures of contracting authority in public procurement and possible remedies. Particularly from the position of the contracting authority itself and partially from the position of the economic operator, who is able to initiate corrective measures through the institutes of protection against irregular practices of contracting authority. The submitted thesis also deals with certain interpretative problems of the contemporary legislation of public procurement, which may be directly related to the mistakes of the contracting authorities. The first chapter discusses basic concepts of public procurement law and delineates exemplary conduct of one of the typical types of procurement procedure, namely open procedure. The second chapter deals with frequent mistakes and possible remedies of those mistakes by the contracting authority within the time limit for the submission of tenders. The focus of this chapter is on the procurement documents, its explanation and alteration or supplementation. The third chapter follows the second chapter, because it deals with incorrect procedure used by contracting authorities and possibilities of their remedies...

Nachhaltige Beschaffung der öffentlichen Hand: Stand Frühjahr 2017

Welina, Jochen 13 June 2019 (has links)
Mit Wirkung zum 18. April 2016 ist das Vergaberecht in Deutschland neu geregelt worden. Anlass für die Neuregelung war die Umsetzung dreier EU-Richtlinien in nationales Recht. Die neuen Regelungen finden sich im Wesentlichen im geänderten Gesetz gegen Wettbewerbsbeschränkungen (GWB) und der geänderten Vergabe- und Vertragsordnung für Bauleistungen Teil A (VOB/A) sowie der neuen Vergabeverordnung (VgV), der neuen Sektorenverordnung (SektVO) und der neuen Vergabeverordnung Verteidigung und Sicherheit (VSVgV).

Vybrané problémy veřejných zakázek v České republice / The selected issues of public procurement in the Czech Republic

Podroužková, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
The selected issues of public procurement in the Czech Republic Abstract The aim of this diploma thesis is to identify selected issues occurring in the public procurement in the Czech Republic. The submitted diploma thesis presents some reasons for the wrongful procedure of the contracting entities which cause difficulties to the subjects of Act No. 134/2016 Sb., the Public Procurement Act. Problematic aspects are judged by the 3E principles, which define the cause of the adoption of this Act. The purpose of the public procurement legislation in force is to specify sufficient rules to ensure proper spending of public funds. Definitions of the selected problems are followed by an outline of possible solutions. The introductory chapter summarizes the milestones in the development of public procurement legislation which began in the time of Austria-Hungary. It includes the essence and reasons for the adoption of legislation and points out certain problematic sections of the rules that led to their change later. The chapter also includes the basic characteristics of the Act currently in force which was adopted in 2016 in order to reflect the valid European Union directives and the determined problems of the previous Act. The second chapter describes the status of public procurement in the system of law. Public...

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