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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A waste minimisation framework for the procurement of design and build construction projects

Withana-Gamage, Inoka S. January 2011 (has links)
Both construction Waste Minimisation (WM) and construction procurement activities play an effective role in attaining sustainability by giving due consideration to the environment, community and social conditions in delivering built assets. The construction industry has a major impact on the environment, both in terms of resource consumption and increasing waste production. Recent figures published by the UK government reveal that construction and demolition activities produce approximately 32% of total waste generated: three times the waste produced by all households combined. However, the current and on-going research in the field of construction WM and management focuses mainly on onsite waste quantification and management; and stakeholders‟ source identification. Little research has been undertaken to evaluate the relationship between Construction Procurement Systems (CPS) and construction waste generation. However, literature emphasises the need for research in this context. This research aims to develop a Procurement Waste Minimisation Framework (PWMF) to enhance WM practices by evaluating the relationship between CPS and construction waste generation. Objectives of the research include: examine construction WM drivers, WM approaches, waste origins and causes; critically review and evaluate current CPS and sustainable procurement practices in the UK; assess the relationship between CPS and construction waste generation; investigate and synthesis Procurement Waste Origins (PWO); examine the most suitable CPS that could potentially embed and sustain WM; develop and validate the PWMF. This research has adopted a survey research design and mixed methods sequential procedure. Data has been gathered through a cross sectional, self-administered postal questionnaire survey (N=258 distributed, n=65 received) and semi-structured interviews (N=17) with procurement managers and sustainability managers from the top 100 UK contracting organisations and quantity surveyors from the top 100 UK quantity surveying organisations. Data analysis techniques include: descriptive statistics; non-parametric tests; and constant comparative method. The PWMF has developed based on the findings of literature review, questionnaire survey and semi-structured interviews and adopting key concepts of problem solving methodology. The PWMF validation method includes: validation questionnaire (N=8) and follow-up semi-structured interviews (N=6) with procurement managers, sustainability managers and quantity surveyors. Key findings which emerged from the study include: CPS do have an impact on waste generation in construction; integrated CPS have major potential to integrate WM strategies; four PWO identified (i.e. uncoordinated early involvement of project stakeholders; ineffective communication and coordination; unclear allocation of WM responsibilities; and inconsistent procurement documentation) and associated sub-waste causes; and the developed PWMF enables to diagnose potential waste origins and causes, and WM improvement measures for design and build projects. The study has made recommendations which, if adopted, will lead to significant improvements in WM practices and sustainable procurement practices in construction. The content should be of interest to contractors, clients, and organisations dealing with procurement, waste and sustainability.

Critical analysis of preferential procurement in the mining industry

Gunter, Natalie Claire 09 April 2009 (has links)
Graduate School of Business Leadership / MBL

Uzavření smlouvy na veřejnou zakázku / Concluding a procurement contract

Svoboda, David January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the issue of the concluding of public procurement contracts. The thesis provides both an analysis on the conclusion of public procurement contract by itself, so the comprehensive overview and analysis of the acts required to the conclusion of public procurement contract. The thesis is divided into chapters. The first chapter provides the general definition of the public contracts. Next chapters chronologically describe the different phases of procurement procedure as follows: the phase before start of procurement procedure, the phase of procurement procedure, the phase of conclusion of public contract in the strict sense and the phase after the conclusion of contract. Separate chapter concerns the means of defense against the conclusion of public contract in breach of the applicable law.

Industrial buying behaviour in Hong Kong.

January 1986 (has links)
by Leung Yiu-kwan, Siu Kwok-keung, William. / Bibliography: leaf [72] / Thesis (M.B.A.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1986

Governança e gestão em aquisições : a proposição de um modelo para uma universidade pública brasileira

Hennigen, Maria Rita Jardim January 2018 (has links)
A governança de aquisições é a aplicação dos princípios e práticas de governança com enfoque na função aquisição das organizações. A gestão das aquisições, por sua vez, compreende a gestão do processo de aquisições. Elas são complementares e interdependentes, porém ambas atuam no manejo dos riscos implicados nos processos de aquisição para que esses agreguem efetivamente valor ao negócio da organização. O modelo resultante deste estudo é a estrutura de governança e gestão de aquisições. Ela é composta por mecanismos de liderança (Comitê de Governança, Riscos e Controle; Comitê Gestor e Grupo de Processo Suprimentos), estratégia (políticas e diretrizes, gestão do processo, gestão de risco e gestão por competências) e controle (indicadores relativos a gestão do processo, de risco e por competências) para o processo de aquisições. A estrutura proposta, que foi desenvolvida tendo em vista uma universidade pública brasileira, busca: padronizar os procedimentos; melhorar o tempo de execução das aquisições; evitar diversas aquisições de mesmo objeto ao longo do ano; minimizar o retrabalho; mitigar o fracionamento da despesa; e implantar a cultura do planejamento de aquisições ao alterar o processo decisório pessoal sobre a modalidade de aquisição para uma decisão colegiada do Comitê Gestor, unificando as compras de natureza similar realizada pelos diferentes setores da universidade. / Procurement governance is the application of governance principles and practices with a focus on organizations acquisition function. Procurement management, in turn, comprises the procurement process management. They are complementary and interdependent and aim to add value through acquisitions for organization's business with acceptable risks. The resulted model of this study is the governance and procurement management structure. It is composed of leadership mechanisms (GRC Committee, Management Committee and GP Procurement), strategy (policies and guidelines, process management, risk management and management by competencies) and controls (indicators related to process, risk and competence management) for the procurement process. The structure proposed by the study is being applied in a Brazilian public university. It looks for: standardize procedures, improve the execution time of acquisitions, avoid several acquisitions of the same object throughout the year, minimize rework, mitigate expenditure fractionation, implement the culture of procurement planning and change the personal decision-making process on the procurement modality to a Management Committee´s collegiate decision unifying purchases of the same objects from different sectors of the university.

Problematika in-house zadávání (vertikální spolupráce a sektorový in-house model) / The issues of in-house procurement (vertical cooperation and utilities in-house model)

Besplakhotnaya, Liliya January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is a detailed analysis of the whole process of in-house public procurement in general and also an in-depth analysis of both its forms - vertical cooperation and utilities in-house model. Information used for the topic of this diploma thesis was obtained mainly from the legal regulation of the Czech Republic and also the EU regulation, the expert publications and articles dealing with the legal regulation of public procurement and the in-house procurement itself, internet sources and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union and of the Office for the Protection of Competition. To complete this diploma thesis descriptive analytic approach was used as well as a linguistic, comparative and teleological methods of interpretation. This diploma thesis is divided into four main chapters, while the short opening chapter contains a description of the general meaning and definition of both forms of in- house procurement. The first main chapter examines the beginnings and development of the in-house procurement in European Union law and in relevant case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. The second chapter is focused on the conditions of the in-house procurement regulated in the legislation of the Czech Republic, while analyzing the quality...

Postavení sektorového zadavatele veřejné zakázky / The status of persons placing public contracts in specific sectors

Kolář, Filip January 2019 (has links)
The status of persons placing public contracts in specific sectors Abstract The topic of the thesis is the position of the utilities contracting authority. Although the new regulation, ie Act No. 134/2016 Coll., On Public Procurement, as amended (the "Act") does not explicitly include the term "utilities contracting authority", the concept of public procurement regarding utilities has remained de facto preserved. To emphasize not only this but also some other vital facts, the thesis compares the contemporary legislation with the previous legal regulation of the matter. At the same time, the thesis attempts to take a comprehensive approach to the area of public sector (utilities) procurement and its specifics, in particular through comparisons of legislation affecting the award of utilities public procurement and oteher public procurement in general. In the first part of the thesis I define concepts that are fundamental to the subject of this thesis, ie terms such as "contracting authority", "public contract", "dominant influence", "special or exclusive rights"or "relevant activity. Other parts of the thesis are devoted mainly to utilitis specifics and "reliefs". Gradually, I first draw attention to the obligation of the contracting authority to award only an above the treshold utilities public procurement...

Public Procurement and the Development of the Swedish Telecommunications Market

Lindskog, Helena January 2008 (has links)
This thesis describes and analyses public procurement and its processes in general against the framework of industrial marketing and purchasing. In particular, it focuses on the public procurement of telecommunications (“telecom”) and its effects on the de-monopolization and development of the Swedish telecom market based on empirical material from three case studies, interviews and publicly available written sources. Public procurement is a significant part of any country’s economy. There is a plenitude of publicly available data due to Sweden’s and other public administrations’ transparency policies. Despite this fact, public procurement has been poorly covered in business administration literature when compared with the private sector’s purchasing and selling activities. This thesis tries to bridge the theoretical gap between knowledge of purchasing in business-to-business (“B2B”) and public procurement. Public procurement can be considered as a special type of B2B transaction and, particularly in the case of bigger procurements, of project purchasing. The important difference is that public procurement must follow specific and stricter legislation compared with the private sector’s purchasing activities. Among other things, public procurement law restricts contact between the procuring organisation and tenderers in some phases of the procurement process, allows no changes after the publishing of the Request for Proposal and opens the possibility to appeal to the court if any party considers that the procuring organisation has not acted in accordance with the public procurement rules. The telecom market has, over a period of thirty years, been transformed from a monopoly with practically no choice to a fully competitive market with several service and equipment providers as well as different pricing schemes and competing technical solutions. The development of the Swedish telecom market can be divided into four stages: Full monopoly, partial de-monopolization, full competition and system integration. The main driving forces behind this development have been the political decision to liberate the telecom market and achieve full competition as well as rapid and diverse technical development, which includes the introduction of mobile communication, broadband and Internet. At the same time, the dependency on well functioning telecom in the public sector is constantly increasing due to political agendas such as agencies availability 24 hours 365 days (“24/7 agency”), use of telecom as a means of rationalization and increased internal efficiency as well as new usages in areas that previously were not using telecom in their daily routines. The public procurement of telecom has changed from being a relatively simple administrative issue through being of technical concern to becoming more and more of strategic importance, especially in case of outsourcing and/or procuring system integration from a prime contractor.

Empirical analyses of online procurement auctions - business value, bidding behavior, learning and incumbent effect

Zhong, Fang 24 August 2007 (has links)
While there is an ever increasing adoption of e-sourcing, where a buyer auctions off procurement contracts to a small group of pre-qualified suppliers, there is a lack of understanding of the impact of dynamic bidding process on procurement outcomes and bidding behavior. To extend the knowledge of this important issue, in this thesis, we explore empirically the value of online procurement auction on cost reduction, quality management, and winner selection from the buyer's perspective. We also explore how incumbent status affects the procurement outcomes. From suppliers' perspective, we characterize their bidding behavior and examine the effect of incumbent status on bidding. First, we collect detailed auction and contract awarding data for manufacturing goods during 2002-2004 from a large buyer in the high-tech industry. The rich data set enables us to apply statistical model based cluster technique to uncover heterogeneous bidding behavior of industry participants. The distribution of the bidding patterns varies between incumbent and non-incumbent suppliers. We also find that the buyer bias towards the incumbent suppliers by awarding them procurement contracts more often and with a price premium. Next, focusing on recurring auctions, we find that suppliers bid adaptively. The adaptive bidding is affected by the rank of suppliers' final bids. Finally, with field data of procurement auction for legal services, we demonstrate that service prices are on average reduced after dynamic bidding events. Most interestingly, the cost savings are achieved without the sacrifice of quality. Incumbent winners' quality is higher, on average, than the quality of buyer's supplier base before the auctions, while non-incumbent winner's quality is lower. These findings imply that the main value of online procurement auctions for business services comes from incumbents in the form of reduced price and enhanced quality. We find that after adjusting for incumbents' higher quality, incumbent bias disappears. Our results also imply that the buyer might possess important information about the incumbents, through past experiences, that cannot be easily included in the buyer's scoring function due to uncodifiability.

Study of the Implementation of Government Procurement Act in Schools

Jheng, Shu-Fei 08 August 2011 (has links)
Since Taiwan's inroad into the WTO and the drafting and actual implementation of the Government Procurement Act, the whole epoch and context including politics, social situation, economy and culture, etc. have changed dramatically. As the 21st century is a time for the prosperity of e-businesses, procurement cases processed by government agencies within a country may be promptly and easily communicated anywhere in the global village. True as it is, the establishment of a comprehensive set of procurement regulations is deemed more important, so that the government procurement work can be carried out in an even more open, just and impartial manner. School procurement, in particular, plays an important role in the whole segment of government procurement. The study started off with an eye on the traditional procurement system¡DThe old procurement regulations prior to May 27th¡A1999 were discussed to shed light on the predicament of ambiguous delineation of rights and responsibilities in regulations, undefined competent authority in charge of procurement, and scattered and unconsolidated procurement regulations and rules, etc. As Taiwan went with the global economic trend and joined the WTO, and out of political consideration, as well as the hope of showcasing her administrative success in the international arena, the Government Procurement Act was then drafted and implemented to overcome the aforesaid problems, and professionalize the procurement work.The procurement regulations and system of the Hou Jia Junior High School werediscussed with reference to the five frameworks of administrative law ¡V basic principle, administrative organization, administrative competence, administrative remedy and administrative supervision. At the same time, literature review, historical statement, comparative analysis and inductive analysis were adopted as the research methods. This is to find out whether there is room for improvement in the ¡§procurement regulations and system of the national junior high schools¡¨ in light of the five frameworks of administrative law. Hence, the research results were concluded on the future provisions and actions relating to the procurement regulations and system of national junior high schools. Specific recommendations were then proposed as a reference for the competent authority, schools, procurement staff and future studies.

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