Spelling suggestions: "subject:"recruiting"" "subject:"erecruiting""
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African American Teacher Recruitment: a Case Study in OregonAllen, Deborah Miller 05 June 2017 (has links)
The public school teacher population of the United States is predominantly White, while the demographics of P-12 student population continue to grow increasingly diverse. Across the nation, there has been a call for the recruitment and retention of culturally and linguistically diverse teachers. The state of Oregon passed the Oregon Educator Equity Act, originally called the Oregon Minority Teacher Act, in 1991, and with recent renewed attention, the preparation of more culturally and linguistically diverse teachers in the state has gained prominence. Refocused consideration to the lack of diversity in the teaching workforce is overdue, as evidenced by the low numbers of African Americans found in Oregon's teacher workforce. Moreover, the experiences of African American teachers are underexplored. The purpose of this dissertation was to examine the factors that contributed to the successful recruitment of African American teachers, specifically graduates of a teacher pipeline program. Employing an assets-based framework, a qualitative multiple-case design was used; data analyses included open coding of interview data, a constant comparison analysis of individual cases, and cross-case analysis. The predominant themes that contributed to the success of participants in this study included, belonging, accountability, and commitment to equity. While these findings, consistent with much of the literature on achievement of students of color, are not new, this study adds African American teacher voices to the existing research on the diversification of the teacher workforce. Additionally, this dissertation highlights successful efforts made toward recruitment of teachers of color with an Oregon lens.
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An evaluation of the recruitment and selection system in Radio Television Hong KongWong, Yuk-king, Daisy., 黃玉琼. January 1986 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Public Administration / Master / Master of Social Sciences
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Effects of moral conduct waivers on first-term attrition of U.S. Army soldiersDistifeno, Christopher January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (M.S. in Management)--Naval Postgraduate School, 2008. / Title from title page of PDF document (viewed on: Dec 18, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.
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An evaluation of the recruitment and selection policy and practice in the Department of Water Affairs and ForestryMettler, Heinrich January 2004 (has links)
The objective of this study was to evaluate the current recruitment and selection policy of the Department of Water Affairs and Forestry (DWAF) and to determine whether the recruitment and selection practices comply therewith. To establish whether the policy enhances DWAF’s objective to improve its service delivery, a content analysis of the recruitment and selection policy was executed. To determine whether the recruitment and selection practices comply with the written and accepted policy a questionnaire was designed based on the provisions of the policy and best practices. The questionnaire was personally delivered to 50 potential respondents, of which 35 completed it. The completed questionnaires were processed and analysed using Microsoft Excel 2000. The policy was found to be well researched, comprehensive and efficient to DWAF’s missions and objectives. It however showed signs that indicate the danger of being applied inconsistently. Clarity in terms of procedural sequence and conditions for use eluded some policy provisions, making it acceptable to assume and base decisions on the users discretion. Trained human resource managers guide recruitment and selection practices. The study concluded that the policy was being implemented: the recruitment and selection practices within DWAF complied with its accepted policy. There are standardisation on advertising as recruitment method, and interviewing as selection method. The recruitment and selection activities that are not mentioned within the recruitment and selection policy are done at the line manager and human resource manager’s discretion - this is found to be inconsistent and potentially dangerous to the process. DWAF employs recruitment and selection as tool to enhance performance management and effective service delivery. Recommendations are made to assist DWAF in its quest to achieve maximum return on investment from its human capital.
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The influence of a female high school art educator on the careers of her students.McKnight, Pamela 08 1900 (has links)
Through the use of a feminist methodology, this qualitative case study examines the influence a high school art teacher, Pauline Gawlik, had on the career path of a group of her students, a high percentage of whom are Mexican American and/or of low socioeconomic status. Interviews of the teacher and seven of her former students revealed five themes related to the teacher's practice that affected her students' choice to become art teachers themselves: a positive classroom climate, confidence and focus, mutual respect and admiration, care, and mentoring. The results of this study hold implications for the current teacher shortage and the recruitment of Mexican American students into careers in art education.
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An evaluation of the recruitment and retention strategy of professional nurses in the Mpumalanga Department of Health : a case of Ehlanzeni District, South AfricaChiloane, Goodman Richard January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (MPA.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / Recruitment and retention of nurses remain one of the challenges globally and locally as the system is unable to attract new staff and failing to retain existing ones. This study was undertaken to investigate the number of nurses leaving the Mpumalanga Department of Health and whether the available recruitment and retention strategy puts the province into the competitive advantage. The qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection were utilised during the investigations. Both the qualitative and quantitative analysis proved that a number of nurses were leaving the public service influenced by factors such as salary, workload, accommodation for nurses, working conditions and lack of resources. The findings further revealed that the recruitment and retention strategy of the Department was poorly implemented and therefore leaving the province at a risk of losing more professional nurses. The main recommendation in this study was that the Department of Health in Mpumalanga needs to ensure that adequate funds are available for the proper implementation of the recruitment and retention strategy. The proper implementation of the strategy will help in addressing the factors that were discussed and agreed to by other studies to be contributing immensely in nurses’ turnover in the province.
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Referrals, : The Holy Grail of RecruitingStenvinkel, Fredrik January 2020 (has links)
A critical aspect for organizational performance is recruiting “the right” people. Great talent serves as a foundation for great companies and a strong pool of candidates is a prerequisite for success. It is furthermore necessary to have an effective recruitment process in order to attract high quality candidates. Slow-paced recruiting processes may serve as a bottleneck to growth meanwhile an effective recruitment process within an organization speaks volumes about the company. It is a direct reflection of the professionalism and validity of the business while leaving its mark on both current and prospective employees. Referral-based recruiting is often referred to as the “holy grail” of recruiting strategies and is an industry term for when a someone, such as a current employee, supplies a candidate from their own network to the recruiter. The strategy capitalizes on the social and professional networks of people in order to generate candidates and is often combined with rewards to incentivize recommendations. Many claims that the recruitment method yields advantages such as increased candidate quality, retention rate and reduced time to hire etc. However, often, these claims are not peer reviewed and lack the empirical evidence to support these claims. This research aims to contribute with knowledge to what role referral-based recruiting plays within Stockholm and to learn more about how the social processes and human elements affects the outcome. Furthermore, how the recruitment method impacts the assessed quality of the candidate pool and recruitment process. A total of six managers active within recruiting in Stockholm has been interviewed for this research. The managers were each asked to describe and evaluate the hiring of five candidates and their respective recruitment process. The empirical results were analyzed in combination to the theoretical framework. Through the analysis, the conclusion was drawn that referral-based recruiting in fact appears to offer unique advantages in comparison to traditional recruiting strategies, such as job-adverts, headhunting and hiring the services of recruitment firms.
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Work readiness and graduate recruitment in the fasset sectorRaftopoulos, Melandi 30 June 2006 (has links)
It is unfortunate that many graduates have difficulty in finding employment after completing their studies. Although graduates typically have academic and technical skills, they often lack some basic skills, also referred to as employability, or work readiness skills. Work Readiness Programmes, such as the Fasset Work Readiness Programme, have been introduced to bridge the gap between studies and work and aim at equipping graduates with the skills required in order to secure employment. The question was raised whether the skills that are advanced by means of the Fasset Work Readiness Programme, are in accordance with the skills that employers require from graduates for entry level positions.
The objective of the research is to conceptualise the skills and competencies required from graduates for entry level positions and to determine if the skills and competencies that are advanced by means of the Fasset Work Readiness Programme and deemed important by graduates, are in accordance with the skills and competencies sought by employers in the Fasset sector. The specific aims of the study are as follows: (a) to conceptualize work readiness and the skills and competencies required from graduates for entry level positions; (b) to determine if the skills and competencies that are required from graduates for entry level positions in the Fasset sector are in accordance with the skills advanced by means of the Fasset Work Readiness Programme and (c) to determine which skills graduates regard as important for the world of work.
Two quantitative research questionnaires (one for graduates and one for organisations) were developed for the purpose of the research. Both questionnaires consisted of two sections - a section containing biographical information that was used to compare differences between the groups and a section referring to the research aims.
Descriptive statistics was one of the methods employed to analyze the data. The questionnaires proved to be reliable (Cronbach alpha coefficients and inter-item correlations were calculated). A preliminary investigation into the validity of the questionnaire was done.
The research was successful in achieving the research aims. The skills and competencies required from graduates for entry level positions were conceptualized by means of an extensive literature review (including South African as well as international research). The research indicated that although Fasset registered employers regard some of the skills/competencies that are advanced by means of the Fasset Work Readiness Programme (i.e. oral communication, interpersonal skills and teamwork) as important, they value other work readiness skills that are not directly addressed by the Fasset Work Readiness Programme (i.e. mature attitude, innovation, positive work ethic) just as much. Graduates regard the skills/competencies that are included in the Fasset Work Readiness Programme (such as oral communication, written communication, interpersonal skills and teamwork and occupation skills) as more important than other work readiness skills that are not addressed by the programme (i.e. self-discipline, confidence, self-reliance, leadership, mature attitude and motivation). Graduates in general agreed that self-discipline, career development, the effective use of physical resources, independent time management, understanding an organisation's functioning in relation to its competitors and effective team work are important skills/competencies in the world of work.
Recommendations are made for work readiness programmes in general, and for the Fasset Work Readiness Programme, as well as for future research.
Dit is ongelukkig die geval dat talle graduandi (mense wie grade of diplomas voltooi het) sukkel om werk te kry nadat hulle hulle studies voltooi het. Alhoewel graduandi gewoonlik die akademiese en tegniese vaardighede het wat verwag word, het hulle dikwels nie die basiese werkgereedheidsvaardighede nie. Werkgereedheidsprogramme, soos die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram, is ingestel om die gaping tussen studies en werk te oorbrug. Die doel van die program is om leerders bloot te stel aan die vaardighede wat vereis word om sodoende werk te kry. Die vraag het ontstaan of die vaardighede wat deur die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram aangespreek word ooreenstem met die vaardighede wat werkgewers in die Fasset sektor van graduandi verwag vir intreevlak posisies.
Die doel van die navorsing is om die vaardighede wat van graduandi verwag word vir intreevlak posisies te konseptualiseer en om te bepaal of die vaardighede wat deur die Fasset Werkgereedsheidsprogram aangespreek word en deur graduandi as belangrik geag word, ooreenstem met die vaardighede wat werkgewers in die Fasset sektor van graduandi verwag vir intreevlak poste. Die spesifieke doelstellings van die navorsing is om (a) die werkgereedsheid en die vaardighede wat van graduandi verwag word vir intreevlak posisies te konseptualiseer; (b) om te bepaal of die vaardighede wat van graduandi verwag word vir intreevlak posisies in die Fasset sektor ooreenstem met die vaardighede wat deur die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram aangespreek word en (c) om te bepaal watter vaardighede graduandi as belangrik ag in die werkswêreld.
Twee kwantitatiewe navorsingsvraelyste (een vir graduandi en een vir organsiasies) was ontwikkel vir navorsingsdoeleindes. Beide vraelyste het uit twee afdelings bestaan - `n afdeling vir biografiese besonderhede wat gebruik is om verskille tussen sub-groepe te bepaal, en `n afdeling wat verwys het na die navorsingsdoelwitte.
Beskrywende statistiek is een van die metodes wat gebruik was om die die data te analiseer. Volgens die Cronbach alpha koëffisiënte en inter-item korrelasies wat bereken was, is die vraelyste betroubaar. `n Voorlopige ondersoek m.b.t die geldigheid van die vraelys is ook gedoen.
Die navorsingsdoelwitte was suksesvol deur die navorsing aangespreek. Die vaardighede wat van graduandi verwag word vir intreevlak posisies is gekonseptualiseer d.m.v. `n intensiewe literatuurstudie, wat Suid-Afrikaanse sowel as internasionale navorsing insluit. Die navorsingresultate het aangedui dat alhoewel werkgewers in die Fasset sektor sommige van die vaardighede wat deur die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram aangespreek word (bv. verbale kommunikasie, interpersoonlike vaardighede en spanwerk) as belangrik ag, daar ander werkgereedheidsvaardighede is wat nie deur die program aangespreek word nie (bv. volwasse houding, innovering, en positiewe werksetiek) wat ook as belangrik geag word.
Graduandi het die vaardighede wat deur die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram aangespreek word as meer belangrik geag as ander werkgereedheidsvaardighede wat nie direk deur die program aangespreek word nie. Verder het graduandi in die algemeen aangedui dat self-dissipline, loopbaanbestuur, effektiewe gebruik van fisiese hulpbronne, spanwerk en `n begrip van die organisasie se werking met betrekking tot kompeteerders, belangrikke werkgereedsheidsvaardighede is.
Aanbevelings vir werkgereedheidsprogramme in die algemeen, vir die Fasset Werkgereedheidsprogram en vir verdere navorsing is gemaak. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.A. (Industrial Psychology)
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The role of talent management in the recruitment and retention of a high performance workforceJoubert, Carolien 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2003. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The purpose of this research is firstly to theoretically describe the concept of talent
management and determine the role thereof in the recruitment and retention of a high
performance workforce. Secondly the experience of organisations and Recruitment
Practitioners in the Cape Peninsula towards talent management is described through
the utilisation of phenomenological research principles. The theoretical concepts
determined are compared to the actual status quo that presently exists in the
marketplace to determine the gaps that resides.
The literature investigation concentrated on the central aspects pertaining to this
study namely a clear definition of talent management principals, recruitment trends
that currently influences the world of work. talent retention practises and the
development of an integrated talent management system.
The phenomenological investigation was conducted through interviews with selected
Human Resource professionals and Recruitment Practitioners in the Cape Peninsula.
Carefully constructed open-ended questionnaires were utilised in the interviews.
Four themes emerged from the investigation centring on the general principles of
talent management, the understanding versus application of talent management,
organisational recruitment, retentions practises and the role of the Recruitment
From the study it is clear that talent management principles are still not entrenched in
organisation especially regarding the retention of their workforce as well as the
establishment of an integrated approach towards talent management. An emerging
realisation of the importance of talent management existed among the respondents
interviewed, however true application is still within a development phase. The role of
Recruitment Practitioners and their relationship towards organisations in the
recruitment and selection of talent is also scrutinised. It becomes evident that
Recruitment Practitioners operate within a highly competitive and volatile market
necessitating certain survival techniques that is in contrast to the principals pertaining
to proper talent management practises. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om eerstens die aspekte random talent bestuur
teoreties te beskryf en sodoende die rol daarvan in terme van die werwing en behoud
van 'n uitstaande arbeidsmag te bepaal. Die tweede aspek van die studie wentel
rondom 'n fenomenologiese ondersoek wat die ervaring van organisasies en
werwings agente in die Kaapse Skiereiland in terme van talent bestuur beskryf. Die
teoretiese beginsels wat bepaal is word dan vergelyk met die werklike stand van
sake en die gapings word ge"identifiseer.
Die literatuurondersoek fokus op die sentrale aspekte van die studie naamlik 'n
duidelike definisie van talent bestuur, werwings tendense wat huidig in die mark
voorkom, talent behoud in organisasies en die ontwikkeling van 'n geintegreerde
talent bestuur sisteem.
In die fenomenologiese ondersoek is gebruik gemaak van onderhoude met gekose
personeel beamptes as ook werwings agente in die Kaapse Skiereiland. Spesiaal
ontwikkelde vraelyste is gebruik vir die onderhoude.
Uit die ondersoek ontvou vier temas wat sentreer om, 'n vergelyking van die begrip
en die werklike toepassing van talent bestuur, werwings beginsels in organisasies,
talent behoud praktyke en die rol van werwings agente.
Dit blyk duidelik dat talent bestuur praktyke nog steeds nie geintegreer is in
organisasies nie spesifiek in terme van talent behoud en die ontwikkeling van 'n
geintegreerde talent bestuur benadering. Respondente het wel die belangrikheid van
talent bestuur besef, maar die toepassing hiervan is steeds in 'n ontwikkelings fase.
Die studie het ook 'n noukeurige ondersoek gedoen in terme van die rol wat
werwings agente speel in terme van die werwing van hoë kwaliteit werknemers in
organisasies. Dit blyk duidelik dat werwings agente onder baie wispelturige
toestande in 'n hoogs kompeterende mark werk. Dit het sekere faktore tot gevolg wat
kontrasteer met die praktyke van talent bestuur.
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A review of South African and international practices for the procurement and remuneration of consulting engineering servicesDavies, Bram 03 1900 (has links)
Stellenbosch University. Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences. Graduate School of Business / Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This mini-study project is a review of South African and International practices for the
procurement and remuneration of consulting engineering services. The manner in which
engineering services have been procured from professionals in the built environment over the
last decade in South Africa has varied considerably within the public sector. Historically
government and professional associations published time based and percentage fee based
In 1997 the government published a Green Paper on Procurement Reform. This paper called
for the uniformity of procurement policies throughout all industries. In 2000, a statutory body,
the Construction Industry Development Board (CIDB) was established. The CIDB has
developed procurement regulations based on the government guidelines for the construction
industry. Compliance with these regulations became mandatory as of 14 November 2005 for
organs of state who solicit tender offers such as national, provincial and local government
Within the private sector, services have been procured on an ever increasing basis based on a
negotiated fee with an agreed scope of works and involvement.
The importance of this study is that no single procurement system has been proven worldwide
to be optimal. The CIDB have set the rules and now it is up to the construction industry
to develop a framework of practice that is sustainable and competitive.
The study is a systematic investigation to establish the facts about the new government
procurement policies and regulations for the South African construction industry. The
guidelines and proposals of associations such as the South African Association of Consulting
Engineers SAACE), the International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC) and The
World Bank are reviewed. Personal interviews are conducted with South African consulting
engineers to investigate opinions on the latest reforms and practices. Procurement and
remuneration practices in various other developed and developing countries are also
From the review it was found that the pertinent measures for the procurement and
remuneration of consultants were project categorisation, consultant selection criteria.,
procurement processes, procurement procedures, cost based procurement approaches, the use
of professional fee scales and the cost weighting of consultant remuneration.
Trends that emerged from the study were the move in international practices away from the
use of professional fee scales. Although the Quality Cost Based Selection (QCBS) approach is
still used widely internationally, there is an increase in emphasis and move towards a Quality
Based Selection (QBS) approach. Internationally there has been a trend to simplify the
process and criteria for the selection of consultants. An important debate identified was
whether the use of professional fee scales in South Africa should be eliminated and the
determination of professional fees be left to market forces.
The review found that although the CIDB had done immense work in the formulation of the
new regulations to meet government reform policies, there were certain short comings that
needed to be addressed. These included implementation, education of public officials in
consultant evaluation, dealing with the tremendous shortage of public officials to do
consultant evaluation and the simplification of processes.
The study produces a comprehensive comparative table of institutional and practitioners
inputs with respect to the identified consultant procurement and remuneration measures. The
significance of this table is that it can be used to formulate or adjust existing frameworks. It is
proposed that such revised frameworks be monitored and studied to optimise the objective of
sustainability and competitiveness in the procurement and remuneration of consulting services
in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie mini navorsingsprojek bied 'n oorsig van die Suid-Afrikaanse en lntemasionale
praktyke vir die werwing en vergoeding van raadgewende ingenieurs. Die manier waarop
ingenieursdienste gewerf word van professionele persone in die konstruksiebedryf oor die
laaste dekade in Suid-Afrika het aansienlik verskil binne die openbare sektor. In die verlede
het die staatsdiens en professionele instansies tydgebasseerde en persentasievergoedingskale
In 1997 het die Regering 'n "Groenpapier" oor werwing en hervorming gepubliseer. In
hierdie dokument word 'n oproep tot uniformiteit van werwingsbeleid deur alle deelnemers
gedoen. In 2000 is 'n statutere liggaam, die "Construction Industry Development Board
(CIDB)", gestig. Die CIDB het werwingsregulasies ontwikkel wat gebasseer is op die regering
se riglyne vir die konstruksiebedryf. Hierdie regulasies het sedert 14 November 2005 vir
tenders aan staatsliggame soos nasionale, provinsiale en plaaslike regerings verpligtend
Binne die privaatsektor word dienste op 'n toenemende basis op 'n onderhandelde basis
Daar is gevind dat daar geen enkel werwingsisteem wereldwyd is wat as optimaal bewys is
nie. Die CIDB het die reels neergele en dit is nou die verantwoordelikheid van die
konstruksiebedryf am 'n praktykgerigte raamwerk te ontwikkel wat beide volhoubaar en
kompeterend is.
Die navorsing is 'n stelselmatige ondersoek om vas te stel wat die regering se werwingsbeleid
en regulasies vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konstruksiebedryf is. Die riglyne en voorstellings van
instansies soos die van die Suid-Afrikaanse Assosiasie vir Raadgewende Ingenieurs
(SAACE), die "International Federation of Consulting Engineers (FIDIC)" en Die Wereldbank
is ondersoek en vergelyk. Persoonlike onderhoude is gevoer met Suid-Afrikaanse
raadgewende ingenieurs om 'n ondersoek na opinies te doen oor die onlangse hervorming
van praktyke. Werwings- en vergoedingspraktyke in verskeie ander lande is ook ondersoek.
Hierdie ondersoek het uitgewys dat die pertinente metings vir die werwing en vergoeding van
raadgewende ingenieurs projek kategorie, wenvingsprosesse, werwingsprosedures, koste
gebaseerde benaderings, die gebruik van professionele vergoedingskale en die koste van
vergoeding, is.
Tendense wat na vore kom vanuit die navorsing, is die intemasionale praktyk om weg te
beweeg van professionele vergoedingskale. Alhoewel die Kwaliteit Koste Gebasseerde
Seleksie benadering nog steeds wyd gebruik word intemasionaal, is daar 'n toename in die
beklemtoning en beweging na die Kwaliteit Gebasseerde Seleksie benadering. Daar is die
neiging intemasionaal om die proses en kriteria vir die seleksie van konsultante te
vereenvoudig. 'n Belangrike debat wat geidentifiseer is, is of die gebruik van professionele
vergoedingskale in Suid-Afrika geelimineer moet word en of die vasstelling van professionele
vergoeding deur markkragte bepaal moet word.
Die navorsing het bevind dat alhoewel die CIDB heelwat werk gedoen het in die formulering
van nuwe regulasies om te voldoen aan regerings hervormingsbeleid, dat daar sekere
tekortkominge is wat aangespreek moet word. Hierdie sluit in: implementering, die opleiding
van openbare amptenare in konsultant evaluering. die hantering van die geweldige tekort aan
openbare amptenare om die konsultant evaluerings te doen en die vereenvoudiging van
Die navorsing produseer 'n omvattende vergelykende tabel van institutionele en die
praktykvoerder se insette ten opsigte van die geidentifiseerde konsultant werwings - en
vergoedingsmeetmiddels. Die belangrikheid van hierdie tabel is dat dit gebruik kan word om
te formuleer of om aanpassings te maak aan bestaande raamwerke. Dit word voorgestel dat
sulke hersiende raamwerke gemonitor en bestudeer word om sodoende die doelwit van
onderhoudbaarheid en kompeterendheid in die werwing en vergoeding van konsulterende dienste in Suid-Afrika te optimaliseer.
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