Spelling suggestions: "subject:"desite"" "subject:"17site""
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A construÃÃo de um site educacional por alunos de um curso do ensino mÃdio profissionalizante: contribuiÃÃes para o ensino de biologia / Construction of a site for education students of a course of vocational high school: contributions to the biology of educationClÃudia Joelma Guerreiro 09 July 2015 (has links)
A identificaÃÃo de uma estratÃgia de aprendizagem ativa, caracteriza os processos de participaÃÃo do aluno nas atividades do grupo, especialmente na integraÃÃo no grupo e no seu envolvimento na realizaÃÃo das tarefas. Para promover um ambiente propÃcio à aprendizagem colaborativa, temos que, inicialmente e no mÃnimo, fornecer um meio de comunicaÃÃo que possibilite a interaÃÃo, como os muitos espaÃos e ambientes apresentados a seguir. Partindo desse pressuposto, foi analisado que quando utilizadas em favor da educaÃÃo, as Tecnologias da InformaÃÃo e ComunicaÃÃo (TIC) utilizam o computador e a internet como ferramentas pedagÃgicas, que sendo um meio auxiliar, intervÃm favoravelmente no processo de aprendizagem, permitindo ao aluno construir e reconstruir o seu conhecimento. Para a realizaÃÃo deste trabalho, buscou-se verificar indÃcios de aprendizagem colaborativa em alunos de uma escola do Ensino MÃdio Profissionalizante, enquanto construÃam um site educativo, utilizando como principal ferramenta, o trabalho em grupos. Foi avaliado ainda o nÃvel de envolvimento dos participantes durante o processo de elaboraÃÃo do aparato. Como metodologia de pesquisa optou-se pelo estudo de caso do tipo Ãnico, atravÃs do qual mediante uma pesquisa profunda em um objeto delimitado, à possÃvel adentrar em uma realidade que nÃo conseguida plenamente por um levantamento amostral e avaliaÃÃo exclusivamente quantitativa. Como tÃcnica de pesquisa, escolheu-se a observaÃÃo participante visto que observar ajuda muito o pesquisador. Sua grande vantagem està relacionada com o fato de o pesquisador obter a informaÃÃo na ocorrÃncia espontÃnea do fato. Em nosso acompanhamento, foi possÃvel constatar que o trabalho em grupos, permitiu que se estabelecesse um clima de aprendizagem colaborativa visto que estes processos integram uma proposta educacional na qual os alunos sÃo estimulados a trabalhar em conjunto no desenvolvimento e construÃÃo do conhecimento. Durante a construÃÃo do site, os alunos foram solicitados a escrever relatÃrios periÃdicos a respeito de suas dificuldades e dos meios utilizados para resolver os problemas que ocorreram ao longo do processo, onde nos foi permitido notar a importÃncia da equipe como fonte de socializaÃÃo de saberes, de discussÃes construtivas e de respeito mÃtuo. Ao concluir a pesquisa, acredita-se ter confirmado ao longo dos resultados, os objetivos que tÃnhamos em mente: a verificaÃÃo de indÃcios de aprendizagem colaborativa, fortemente marcados ao longo do processo, bem como um grande envolvimento dos educandos participantes desta anÃlise, que puderam ser observados durante os muitos momentos de reuniÃes para a elaboraÃÃo da ferramenta. / The identification of a strategy of active learning, characterizes the processes of participation of the pupil in the activities of the group, especially in the integration in the group and its involvement in the accomplishment of the tasks. To promote a propitious environment to the collaborative learning, we have that, initially and at least, to supply a media that makes possible the interaction, as the many presented spaces and environments to follow. Leaving of this estimated, was analyzed that when used for the education, the Technologies of the Information and Communication (TIC) use the computer and the Internet as pedagogical tools, that being a means intervene favorably in the learning process, allowing to the pupil to construct and to reconstruct their knowledge. For the accomplishment of this work, we searched to verify indications of collaborative learning in pupils of a school of Professionalizing Average Education, while they were building an educative site, using as main tool, the work in groups. The level of involvement of the participants during the process of elaboration of the apparatus was still evaluated. As research methodology it was opted to the study of case of the only type, through which by means of a deep research in a delimited object, it is possible to enter in a reality that not obtained fully for a sampling survey and exclusively quantitative evaluation. As research technique, it was chosen participant comment since to observe very aid the researcher. Their great advantage is related with the fact of the researcher to get the information in the spontaneous occurrence of the fact. In our accompaniment, it was possible to evidence that the work in groups, allowed that we established a climate of collaborative learning since these processes integrate a proposal educational in which the pupils are stimulated to work jointly in the development and construction of the knowledge. During the construction of the site, the pupils had been requested to write periodic reports regarding their difficulties and of the used means to decide the problems that had occurred throughout the process, where us were allowed to notice the importance of the team as source of socialization to know, of constructive quarrels and mutual respect. When concluding the research, we believe to have confirmed throughout the results, the objectives that we had in mind: the verification of the knowledge indications of collaborative learning, strongly marked throughout the process, as well as a great involvement of the participant students of this analysis, that could have been observed during many moments of meetings for the elaboration of the tool.
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Visto de dentro, visto de fora / Visto de dentro, visto de foraRenata de Almeida Lucas 04 September 2008 (has links)
O núcleo desta tese é o conjunto da minha produção artística entre os anos de 2004 e 2008, período em que se deu este doutorado. O texto que acompanha as imagens dos trabalhos descreve cronologicamente cada experiência, desde sua elaboração até a execução, como um evento concatenado a experiências anteriores e posteriores, desdobradas no tempo. Esses trabalhos não apenas partem de indagações a respeito do lugar em que estão inseridos, o que poderia identificá-los com a prática do site-specific, mas têm uma vontade de confundir-se com o próprio lugar, têm a intenção de sê-lo. Nesse sentido, talvez o ânimo da obra aqui relatada não venha de um intrincamento com um lugar específico, mas de intrincamento específico com qualquer lugar. A questão oscila entre dois lados no conjunto do trabalho, e mantém-se em suspenso um julgamento conclusivo sobre a dualidade que nomeia esta tese, que a rigor parece não existir: visto de dentro, visto de fora. / The core of this thesis is the ensemble of my artistic production between the years 2004 and 2008, which was the period when I was undertaking my PhD course. The text accompanying the images chronologically describes each experience, from its inception to its execution, as an event connected to previous and subsequent experiences, unfolded in time. These point of departure of these works go beyond issues apropos of the place in which they are inserted and that might have identified them with the practice of site-specific. The works aim at integrating themselves with each place, they aim at being that very place. In this sense, the moving force behind the works here presented may stem not so much from a relationship of entanglement with a specific place, but with a specific relation of entanglement with any place. Within the ensemble of the work, this issue oscillates between two sides and keeps a conclusive judgement about the duality that names this thesis in suspension. Rigorously speaking, this duality may even seem not to exist: viewed from the inside, viewed from the outside.
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À curta distância : relações entre imagem fotográfica e seu espaço de apresentaçãoGadelha, Denise January 2007 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo estabelecer uma reflexão a respeito de parte de minha produção poética intitulada À Curta Distância. A fim de discernir critérios para tal análise parti de uma contextualização desta produção em relação às vivências artísticas que marcaram o início deste projeto, para, a seguir, estabelecer uma articulação com obras de outros artistas – tanto de antecedentes históricos como praticantes contemporâneos. O fio condutor desta investigação será dividido em dois vetores; o primeiro consiste na busca por situar o surgimento de propostas que abordam o contexto de apresentação como conteúdo da obra. A partir de uma breve descrição das conexões históricas deste tema será possível discernir como este é articulado em minha produção artística. O segundo vetor desta pesquisa é referente ao estudo da relação entre a fotografia e as artes visuais, extraindo daí argumentos para proceder uma análise do uso contemporâneo deste meio, hoje em dia tão difundido nas exposições ao redor do planeta. A relação entre o espaço físico de exposição e a fotografia se faz presente em meu trabalho por meio da criação de um paralelismo entre realidade e representação. A fotografia apresentada ao público representa o próprio ambiente em que o espectador se encontra quando está diante da imagem. Assim, com a criação deste artifício, estimula-se a passagem de uma atenção dirigida somente às propriedades formais do objeto artístico para uma apreensão fenomenológica do espaço ao qual a imagem se refere. / The present research has as objective to establish a reflection regarding part of my poetical production titled In a Short Distance. In order to discern criteria for such analysis I started off a contextualization of this production in relation to the artistic experiences that had marked the beginning of this project, then, in the sequence, establishing relation with works of other artists - as much of historical antecedents as contemporaries practitioners. The conducting wire of this inquiry will be divided in two vectors; the first one consists of the search for pointing out the sprouting of proposals that approach the presentation context as content of the work of art. From one soon description of the historical connections of this subject will be possible to discern how it is articulated in my artistic production. The second vector of this research is referring to the study of the relation between photograph and the visual arts, extracting from there arguments to proceed an analysis about the contemporary use of this medium, nowadays so spread out in the exhibitions around the world. The relation between the photograph and the physical space of exhibition is present in my work by means of the creation of a parallelism between reality and representation. The photograph presented to the public represents the proper environment where the spectator is when he sees the image. Thus, with the creation of this artifice, is possible to turn an attention only directed to the formal properties of the artistic object into a phenomenological apprehension of the real space.
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Crise e vanguarda: Koellreutter entre o moderno e o contemporâneo / Crisis and vanguard: Koellreutter between the modern and the contemporaryFerreira Junior, Antonio Herci 21 March 2018 (has links)
Aborda-se aqui a trajetória do compositor Hans-Joachim Koellreutter (1915-2005) e as relações com o debate teórico e prático da arte e estética do século XX, a partir de seus textos e obras. Uma estética que se desenvolve em íntima colaboração com a formulação de uma filosofia da história da arte que o compositor, paralelamente à sua prática composicional, expressa em artigos, palestras e cursos. A filosofia da história que vai construindo apresenta-se como a articulação entre duas temporalidades: grandes e pequenos períodos (Introdução), cujos marcos são transições, caracterizadas por crises entre sistemas que se esgotam ou que emergem para sua superação. Entre uma modernidade e uma contemporaneidade anacrônicas, a trajetória do compositor acaba nos proporcionando um modelo paradigmático dessa caracterização de crise estética apresentando alguns sintomas dessa dupla temporalidade: (i) a ressonância anacrônica dos vanguardismos do século XX aproximação arte vida comum; dessacralização dos valores da arte; quebra de protocolos ou preconceitos; subversão do meio; denúncia ou reflexão sobre os modos de produção; arte contra o consumo (Caps. I e II) , ocorrendo junto com (ii) tópicos que se tornariam marcas na contemporaneidade: arte funcional; autoria em rede colaborativa; arte voltada para a circulação; campo expandido e site específico (Cap. III). Por serem momentos de crise, transformações e hibridismo entre o velho e o novo carregam forças opostas: o primeiro resistindo e constituindo oposição através das formalizações e regulações; o segundo subjetivando-se através de novos paradigmas de forma e performance, momentos onde pode constituir-se uma vanguarda (Caps. II e III): um grupo que, em sintonia com sua época, consegue ligar as aspirações estéticas e formais com os conteúdos relevantes para interferir diretamente nessas transformações. Koellreutter compôs três peças na década de 1980 aqui escolhidas como material básico para exemplos e modelos: Ácronon, Nova-mente e Rôdô, músicas que novamente anunciavam o novo, cinquenta anos depois que aportou no Brasil, já como fenômeno de novidade (Cap. III). Tenta-se mostrar (Considerações Finais) como o compositor, ao lidar com essas duas forças a tradição e a modernidade tenta constituir uma relação que ele denomina de alfa privativaseu conceito de contrário sem contradição onde ele pode integrar tradição e a ruptura assim como o ruído e informação, estabelecendo íntima relação entre a ética e a estética. / We analyze here the trajectory of the German composer emigrated to Brazil in 1937, Hans- Joachim Koellreutter (1915-2005), and his relations with the theoretical and practical debate about art and the aesthetics of the 20th century, based on his original texts and works. An aesthetic that was developed in close collaboration with the formulation of philosophical ideas and art history which the composer, in parallel with his compositional practice, expresses in many articles, lectures and courses. The philosophy of history that he proposes presents itself as an articulation between two temporalities: large and small time intervals, whose marks are transitions, characterized by crises among systems that are exhausted or that emerge one day only to be overcome the nexto day. Inside an modernity and contemporaneity, both considered anacronic, the trajectory of the composer ends up providing us with a paradigmatic model of the characterization of an aesthetic crisis presenting some symptoms of a double temporality: (i) the anachronistic echos of the avantgardes of the twentieth century - common life as art approach; desacralization of art values; breach of protocols and prejudices; subversion of the means of productions ; denunciation or reflection on modes of production; (Caps I and II) -, occurring along with (ii) topics that would become brands in the contemporary world: functional art; collaborative authoring network; art oriented to difusion; expanded field and site specific (Chapter III). Thanks to these moments of crisis, transformations and hybridity between the old and the new carry opposing forces: the first resisting and constituting opposition through formalizations and regulations; the second subjectivizing itself through new paradigms of form and performance, moments in which a vanguard can be constituted (Caps II and III): a group that, in tune with its time, manages to connect the aesthetic and formal aspirations with the contents to interfere directly in these transformations. Koellreutter composed three especial pieces in the 1980s here chosen as the basic material for examples and models: Ácronon, Nova-mente and Rôdo, works that once again announced the new, which fifty years after he introduced in Brazil again as a phenomenon of novelty (Chapter III). Attempts to show (Final Remarks) how the composer, in dealing with these two forces - tradition and modernity. Finally we build a relationship that he calls a retritive alpha. His concept of the opposite without contradiction where he can integrate tradition and rupture as well as noise and information, establishing an intimate relationships between ethics and aesthetics.
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Phi Beta Delta: Implementation of a self-maintaining web sitePillutla, Pallavi 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this project was to develop an easy-to-maintain web site for the Gamma Lambda Chapter of Phi Beta Delta International Honor Society here at California State University, San Bernardino, which will manage complete and up-to-date information about the mission, members, officers and all the activities of the honor society.
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Gesellschaftliche Verantwortung der Wirtschaft im Internet : quantifizierende Inhaltsanalyse von Websites unter dem Aspekt der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung bei Unternehmen aus der Wirtschaftsregion Nürnberg und Deutschland /Keck, Stefan. January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Erlangen, Nürnberg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2007.
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Investigation of the interactions between the bacterial homologue to actin, and the chaperone GroEL/ES through a combination of protein engineering and spectroscopy / Undersökning av interaktionerna mellan MreB, den bakteriella homologen till aktin, och chaperonet GroEL/ES genom en kombination av protein engineering och spektroskopiBlom, Lillemor January 2008 (has links)
<p>Molecular chaperones help many proteins in the cell reach their native conformation. The mechanism with which they do this has been studied extensively, but has not been entirely elucidated. This work is a continuation of the study done by Laila Villebeck et al. (2007) on the conformational rearrangements in the eukaryotic protein actin in interaction with the eukaryotic chaperone TRiC. In this study the intentions were to analyze the protein MreB, a prokaryotic homologue to actin, when interacting with the prokaryotic chaperone GroEL. The purpose was to investigate if the mechanisms of GroEL and TRiC are similar. The analysis of the conformation of MreB was to be made through calculations of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) between two positions in MreB labeled with fluorescein. A MreB mutant was made through site-specific mutagenesis to enable labeling at a specific position. Another single mutant and a corresponding double mutant needed for these measurements were avaliable from earlier studies. The results from fluorescence measurements on these mutants indicated that the degree of labeling was insufficient for accurate determination of FRET. Suggestions are made on improvements of the experimental approach for future studies.</p>
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Nest-site Selection and Hatching Success of Three Tern Species Breeding in Baisha Islet, Penghu Island, TaiwanLin, Yu-kai 03 September 2007 (has links)
Three tern species, Roseate Tern (Sterna dougalli), Bridled Tern (Sterna anaethetus) and Crested Tern (Sterna bergii) co-bred at Baisha islet, east-north of Penghu, in the summer of 2006. Each species favored different kind of environment for nesting. All Crested Terns nested in the flat plane with vegetation; Roseate Terns in the cliff near the vegetation, and Bridled Tern primarily nested near the vertical rock or under a rocky roof. The Crested Tern had the highest nesting density, and Bridled Tern nested loosely. The hatching success of Roseate (75%) and Crested Tern (73%) were significantly higher than that of Bridled Tern (30%). Roseate and Crested Tern laid eggs synchronously and had apparently two wave of egg laying and the breeding performances between early- and late-laying period were quite different. The relationship between hatching success and nest-site characteristics of the three species was investigated. The results revealed that hatching success of Roseate Tern increased with the number of walls and neighbors. Early-laying nests (79%) and central nests (72%) were more successful than late (11%) and edge nests (45%) of Roseate Terns. The laying-period was also important factors affecting hatching success of Crested Tern. Overall, the low hatching success of the late-laying nests may be due to the change of environmental conditions and the losing advantage of group breeding in the late season. The low hatching success of Bridled Tern was considered owing to the asynchronous laying pattern, loosely built nesting and weak parental behaviors.
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Structural Driving Factors for the Coupled Electron and Proton Transfer Reactions in Mitochondrial Cytochrome BC1 Complex: Binding Geometries of Substrates and Protonation States of Ionizable Amino Acid Side Chains Near Qi and Qo SitesNguyen, Bao Linh Tran 16 April 2014 (has links)
Coupled electron and proton transfer (CEPT) events are fundamental for many bioenergetic conversions that involve redox reactions. Understanding the details underlying CEPT processes will advance our knowledge of (1) how nature regulates energy conversion; (2) our strategies for achieving renewable energy sources; (3) how to cope with CEPT dysfunction diseases. Studies of the detailed mechanism(s) of CEPT in biological systems is challenging due to their complex nature. Consequently, controversies between the concerted and sequential mechanism of CEPT for many systems remain. This dissertation focuses on the bovine mitochondrial cytochrome bc1 complex. CEPT in the bc1 complex operates by a modified "Q-cycle"(1) and catalyzes electron transfer from ubiquinol (QH2), to cyt c via an iron sulfur cluster (ISC) and to the low potential hemes of cyt b, where it reduces ubiquinone (UQ). The electron transfer is coupled to the translocation of protons across the mitochondrial inner membrane, generating a proton gradient that drives ATP synthesis. Although the Q-cycle is widely accepted as the model that best describes how electrons and protons flow in bc1, detailed binding geometries at the Qo site (QH2 oxidation site) and Qi site (UQ reduction site) remain controversial. The binding geometries play critical roles in the thermodynamic and/or kinetic control of the reaction and protonatable amino acid side chains can participate in the proton transfer. The central focuses of this dissertation are molecular dynamics simulations of cofactor binding geometries near the Qo and Qi sites, calculations of the pKa values of ionizable amino acid side chains implicated in cofactor binding, especially the ISC-coordinated histidines, and implications for the proposed mechanism(s) of CEPT. For the first time, pKa values of the ISC-coordinated histidines are differentiated. The computed pKa values of 7.8±0.5 for His141 and 9.1±0.6 for His161 agree well with experiment (7.63±0.15 and 9.16±0.28). Thus, His161 should be protonated at physiological pH and cannot be the first proton acceptor in the QH2 oxidation. Water mediated hydrogen bonds between substrate models and the protein and water accessibility to the Qo and Qi sites were maintained in simulations, implying that water molecules are likely the proton donors and acceptors. / Bayer School of Natural and Environmental Sciences; / Chemistry and Biochemistry / PhD; / Dissertation;
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Development of a riverbank asset management system for the city of WinnipegJames, Alena 07 April 2009 (has links)
The City of Winnipeg, located at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers, has over 240 km of natural riverbank property. The increased frequency and magnitude of flooding along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers over the past decade appears to have influenced the number of slope failures along riverbank property, resulting in the loss of both public green space and privately owned land. The loss of private and public property adjacent to the river has led to the loss of valuable real estate and public parkland amenities. To ensure that riverbank property is preserved for future generations, the City of Winnipeg wants to increase the stability of certain reaches of publicly owned riverbank property along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers that are prone to slope movements.
Extensive research has been conducted on slope stability problems in the Winnipeg area, but a transparent prioritization procedure for the remediation of riverbank stability problems has not existed. Therefore, a Riverbank Asset Management System (RAMS) was developed for publicly owned riverbank property to prioritize riverbank slope stability problems along the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The RAMS provides the City of Winnipeg with a rational approach for determining risk levels for specific reaches of the Red and Assiniboine Rivers. The calculated risk levels allow the City to develop recommended response levels for slope stability remediation projects in a fiscally responsible manner with minimal personal and political influences. This system permits the City to facilitate timely and periodic reviews of priority sites as riverbank conditions and input parameters change. / May 2009
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