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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information technology investment evaluation and measurement (ITIEM) methodology: A case study and action research of the dimensions and measures of IT - business -value in financial institutions.

Nel, Johan Floris January 2004 (has links)
This study was motivated by the researcher's, as well as his superior's, concern that a fundamental area of business, information technology investment and evaluation, continues to be problematic for many organisations. The lack of an integrated and methodical approach to the problem, as well as the fragmented research done to date on the effective measurement of IT-business-value, amplified the need for this study. The main objective of this study was to propose a new, more comprehensive model of the dimensions constituting IT-business-value, as well as related measures. The resultant ITIEM model dimensions were designed into a practical and holistic ITIEM methodology, intended to aid practice with: * Demonstrating how IT investments can enable measurable IT business-value * Determining which IT investments will yield the most IT-business-value for the organisation; and * Ensuring that IT investments and business initiatives support each The study has also endeavoured to contribute to the growth of knowledge by raising new problems, mapping out a program for future research on ITIEM, and putting 1 "Dimensions" refers to "groupings" of IT-business-value measures. forward a benefits framework that is verifiable by empirical observation, with the use of both case studies as well as action research. The study design includes: 1) A literature survey to identify the dimensions of IT-business-value, to identify the measures of IT-business-value, and to identify a candidate starting ITIEM methodology that is most comprehensive, addressing the most relevant measures of IT-business-value. This information is used to produce a draft case study protocol. 2) A single, exploratory pilot case study of a South African bank and a resultant revised case study protocol. 3) A cross-case analysis of a multiple case study of five South African banks (including the pilot) yielding a draft ITIEM model. 4) A cross-case analysis of three Australian banks, further enhancing the draft ITIEM model; and a cross-country comparison of the South African and Australian banks. The multiple case studies within South Africa and within Australia represent literal replications, while the cross-country comparison represents theoretical replication. 5) The existing ITIEM methodology selected in (1) is revised to reflect the draft ITIEM model and a new hybrid ITIEM methodology is proposed. 6) This hybrid ITIEM methodology is implemented and revised with action research resulting in the final ITIEM methodology and final ITIEM model.

A Study of Information Technology Investment Evaluation with Business Value Index

Lee, Chun-Hui 06 July 2010 (has links)
Evaluating the value of an information technology (IT) investment is a complex exercise in technology innovation and change management. Research has indicated that about two-thirds of companies hadn¡¦t been able to evaluate the value of IT correctly. Several perspectives have been proposed to help in evaluating IT investment before implementation, such as financial and socio-technical perspectives. Among them, Intel offered an integrated evaluation method and tool, the Intel's Business Value Index (BVI), which takes into account of financial and socio-technical perspectives. This study develops an IT investment evaluation methodology grounded on Intel¡¦s BVI method for the chemical industry. The research methodology is articulated using the design science research methodology. A usability evaluation is performed using a chemical industry case to demonstrate its applicability. With this methodology, CIO or adopting organizations can more easily and systematically determine the value and the priority of each IT investment in an ex-ante evaluation.

Enterprise wikis as a means of creating business value: The impact of the CIO

Benjamin, Gideon, Zhou, Chenfan January 2012 (has links)
Mass collaboration has been made possible through social networking tools likewikis. With features that support the principles wikinomics, wikis are enabling largenumber of people to participate in the production process without necessarily beingat the same physical location. Organizations and IT managers are beginning to har-ness this new technology in a way that will create business value for their companies,helping them to produce goods and services that are valuable for their customers.This research sets out to explore the business values of using wikis in enterprises, andhow the CIOs and other IT managers who are responsible for handling the IT/IS re-sources of their firms leverage wikis to create business value. This was accomplishedby examining collaborations on wikis from two different perspectives: Firstly, fromthe CIO or IT manager’s perspective where we gathered their own views about thebusiness values of wikis and also assess their own impact on creating those businessvalues. Secondly, we examined the business values of wikis from the user’s perspec-tive by gathering the views of different wiki users.The main contribution of this research is to identify if any, the business values thatare obtained from using wikis in enterprises and to ascertain the impact of the CIOon the business values that are being created. / The report we did is research report which aims to investigate the impact of CIO and enterprise wikis for companies. / Master Thesis in Informatics

Analysis of U-Commerce Business Value using a Value Shop Model

Chen, Ying-tsuen 01 July 2007 (has links)
With the improvement of information technology, the environment of electronic commerce is shifting gradually from M-Commerce to U-Commerce. However, U-Commerce is still in its infancy for most enterprises although it extended from M-Commerce. The knowledge about how the business model and the enabling technology together create the business for inter and intra customers is till vague, while it is important for the success of U-Commerce. Therefore, in this study, we conduct the secondary data analysis and use a value shop model to analyze what determinates the value creation for the customers and what the enabling core components are. The findings of this study provide a great insight for better understanding the value configuration of U-commerce and a leading index for the enterprise to constructing business model and developing IT core components when implementing the U-commerce.

The impact of big data analytics on firms’ high value business performance

Popovic, A., Hackney, R., Tassabehji, Rana, Castelli, M. 2016 October 1928 (has links)
Yes / Big Data Analytics (BDA) is an emerging phenomenon with the reported potential to transform how firms manage and enhance high value businesses performance. The purpose of our study is to investigate the impact of BDA on operations management in the manufacturing sector, which is an acknowledged infrequently researched context. Using an interpretive qualitative approach, this empirical study leverages a comparative case study of three manufacturing companies with varying levels of BDA usage (experimental, moderate and heavy). The information technology (IT) business value literature and a resource based view informed the development of our research propositions and the conceptual framework that illuminated the relationships between BDA capability and organizational readiness and design. Our findings indicate that BDA capability (in terms of data sourcing, access, integration, and delivery, analytical capabilities, and people’s expertise) along with organizational readiness and design factors (such as BDA strategy, top management support, financial resources, and employee engagement) facilitated better utilization of BDA in manufacturing decision making, and thus enhanced high value business performance. Our results also highlight important managerial implications related to the impact of BDA on empowerment of employees, and how BDA can be integrated into organizations to augment rather than replace management capabilities. Our research will be of benefit to academics and practitioners in further aiding our understanding of BDA utilization in transforming operations and production management. It adds to the body of limited empirically based knowledge by highlighting the real business value resulting from applying BDA in manufacturing firms and thus encouraging beneficial economic societal changes.

How to capture that business value everyone talks about? : An exploratory case study on business value in agile big data analytics organizations

Svenningsson, Philip, Drubba, Maximilian January 2020 (has links)
Background: Big data analytics has been referred to as a hype the past decade, making manyorganizations adopt data-driven processes to stay competitive in their industries. Many of theorganizations adopting big data analytics use agile methodologies where the most importantoutcome is to maximize business value. Multiple scholars argue that big data analytics lead toincreased business value, however, there is a theoretical gap within the literature about how agileorganizations can capture this business value in a practically relevant way. Purpose: Building on a combined definition that capturing business value means being able todefine-, communicate- and measure it, the purpose of this thesis is to explore how agileorganizations capture business value from big data analytics, as well as find out what aspects ofvalue are relevant when defining it. Method: This study follows an abductive research approach by having a foundation in theorythrough the use of a qualitative research design. A single case study of Nike Inc. was conducted togenerate the primary data for this thesis where nine participants from different domains within theorganization were interviewed and the results were analysed with a thematic content analysis. Findings: The findings indicate that, in order for agile organizations to capture business valuegenerated from big data analytics, they need to (1) define the value through a synthezised valuemap, (2) establish a common language with the help of a business translator and agile methods,and (3), measure the business value before-, during- and after the development by usingindividually idenified KPIs derived from the business value definition.

企業價值評估--以Google為例 / Evaluation of business value--A case study of Google

林家壕 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,Google 成為全球最夯的企業。Google 何以迅速開始獲利並保持獲 利,幾乎從未面臨困境?在全球競爭者眾多的情況下,Google 憑靠什麼而快速崛起,穩坐全球搜尋引擎的龍頭,遙遙領先第二名的對手?Google 是否是真的無懈可擊呢?Google 的成長模式以及策略行為,成為一個相當值得探討的議題。 企業的策略行為,往往會因為公司所擁有的資源以及能力而有所差異。Google 在短短的數年之間,從一小型公司,變成全球最有價值,研發能力最強大,全球工作者最嚮往之跨國企業。在不同的階段,經營策略也會有所不同,因此,對於Google 成立至今經營策略的變化,也是值得探討的。 過去在衡量企業的績效,往往著重於各種財務性指標,或是企業的產品研發 能力。但是單從這兩方面,很難清晰地描繪出企業的實際營運績效以及其真正的價值。非財務性的指標往往才能衡量企業的競爭力及真正的價值所在。 本文以Google 為個案研究對象,透過仔細探討Google 的發展歷程,分析其 總體策略,人才管理措施以及產品創新,配合其績效、成本以及獲利的分析,以期完整評估Google 的企業價值。此外,本文也探討Google 的各項併購行為,發現Google 於不同時期之發展方向與被併購之目標公司有非常大的相關性。最後,本文亦解析Google 在知識資本以及人力資源等重要層面之經營策略,以評估Google 之經營優勢及劣勢。本文旨在透過對個案公司經營模式演進過程之整理,從中尋找出網路服務平台之演進概念,以提供處於不同發展時期之網路公司一個參考樣本。 / In recent years, Google had become the hottest company around the world. How could Google maintain profitability and nearly never faces any difficulty? The key purpose of the research is to discuss the key factors of Google when he faces the critical environment of multi-competitors. Is Google a perfect model of the search engine company? The growth model and strategy are worth discussing. The strategic behavior of a company depends on its own resource and capability.Google, the most valuable company and the most innovative business, has been attracting the first-rate talent in the world during these years. It is interesting to discover the change of the business strategy in a rapid development company like Google. The related research in the past years, scholars try to measure the performance of the company from the financial indicators, or the innovation degree. But these indicators may not fully describe real value and the performance of a company. Non-financial indicators are the key factors to create the competitiveness and theirreplaceable value. The major axis of the research focuses on the development history of Google. By analyzing the overall strategy, the human resource management, the innovation of the products, and the verification of the performance, costs and the profits, this research try to draw a full-range analysis of Google’s Value. Besides, we also discuss the mergers and acquisitions of Google. From these activities, Google gain lots of knowledge capabilities and talents. Through the analysis of the evolution process of Google’s business model, the research shows some implication that could be used as guidelines for other internet platform companies when they need a reference for their business model.

IT-styrning med fokus på affärsnytta : Fyra företags syn på IT och dess strategiska värde för lönsamheten, bedömning av affärsnyttan och styrning av IT-verksamheten

Burman, Johan January 2006 (has links)
<p>IT ses idag som ett strategiskt verktyg med krav på uppnådd lönsamhet i alla IT-relaterade investeringar och projekt. Lönsamhet och kostnadseffektivitet är tillsammans med nya lagar och förordningar för bolagsstyrning viktiga faktorer som fordrar bättre IT-styrning. Att bedöma och värdera affärsnytta och nyttoeffekter av IT innebär att se vad IT’s egentliga värde är för verksamheten och dess affärsprocesser. Genom att använda någon av de nyare metoderna för nyttobedömning som också har fokus på oväntade och dolda kostnader men framför allt inkluderar skattning av snabba/långsamma nyttor och direkta/indirekta nyttor, så uppnår man bättre kontroll över verksamheten och att man fokuserar på rätt saker och gör dem på rätt sätt. Alla dessa delar inkluderas i fenomenet IT-styrning med vilket man har som övergripande mål att på olika sätt få ett bättre stöd till affärsverksamheten av IT. IT-styrning kan idag avsevärt underlättas genom användning av standardiserade ramverk som t ex ITIL och/eller COBIT. Dessa ramverk inkluderar metodik, anvisningar och processer baserade på ”best practices”. Undersökningen har visat att de medverkande företagen, åtminstone på IT-verksamhetsnivå, oftast anser att IT är en strategisk lönsamhetsfaktor. Som ett bevis för detta använder man sig också av ovan beskrivna ramverk för IT-styrning. Dock kan inget av företagen egentligen peka på någon reell användning av de nyare metoderna för nyttobedömning. Undersökningen kan inte bevisa påståendet att företagsledningen inte i tillräckligt omfattande grad inser IT’s vikt för affärerna, men det finns indikationer som talar för ett visst ointresse för IT på ledningsnivå. IT-styrningen kan genom sitt affärsfokus dock komma att ändra på det.</p>

A Study on the Relationship between KSFs of High-tech Start-ups and Counseling Resources of Incubation Centers - A Case Study of EPED Company

Liang, Yu-Ming 16 February 2011 (has links)
In order to relieve small and medium enterprises (SMEs) from the predicament of inadequate capital and immature technology in the beginning of new ventures as well as to realize sustainable business development, Taiwan gevernment has been heavily investing in many universities to set up incubation centers in the hope to provide start-ups abundant resources with the help of academic institution¡¦s counseling expertise; therefore, the cost and risk for start-ups in the beginning of new venture and R&D phase can be reduced and more sound and competitive SMEs could be incubated under the tutelage of incubation centers. The study mainly discusses the relationship between key success factors (KSFs) of high-tech start-ups and the counseling resources from incubation centers. Firstly, the study establishes the structure of empirical study based on the collection and discussion of domestic and foreign literatures. Since the counselling clients of incubation centers majorly consist of start-ups, the study adopts in-depth interviews to investigate these start-ups via case study. By organizing and analyzing the in-depth interviews with start-ups, the study tries to investigate the relationship between two fundimental dimentions of resources from incubation centers and enterprise characteristics, as well as the performance and competitiveness in start-ups. The objectives of this sudy are to: 1.Understand how incubation centers utilize the relevant resources from government to nurture start-ups. 2.Investigate how the resource platform of incubation center guides the KSFs of high-tech start-ups. 3.Evaluate what the three dimensional roles of resources, innovation, and values play in the competitive strategy of high-tech start-ups, and find out the KSFs therein and their future prospects. 4.Understand how start-ups and entrepreneurship influence the success of the business.

Strategic Discussion for the direction of Customer service ¡VTaiwan Original Equipment Manufacturers in the field of Semiconductors as an object of studies

Wei, Hsu-Jung 05 August 2008 (has links)
­^¤åºK­n At the beginning of the 1990s, our government has invested aggressively into the field of Semiconductors and at the same time provided many opportunities and trainings for the professionals. This has enabled for the top professionals to excel in their respective field of work thus cultivating many outstanding manufacturers for the industry. Today, majority source of the automation equipments in the field of Semiconductors remains largely imported. These preferences lead to a higher cost ratio and cost effectiveness and has provided an uneven playing ground for our native corporations ready to take the overseas player head-on. Hereby, this report will focus on the nature of the product life cycle of the field to provide an insight to a suitable business and service model for our native corporations specializing in the mid and backend of Semiconductors to conform to the rigorous demand of the industry. The report also looks into individual corporations¡¦ competitiveness and their current roles in the supply chain for the industry. Their strategy and business model will be discussed and recommendations provided to improve their current practices to fulfill the evolving markets. The proposals and recommended business model can also be applied to other industries where the electro-optical industry and the next highly anticipated environmental friendly products industries could be adopt in the near future.

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